In reflection upon the very busy and short year that was 2015, we would like to congratulate all the Year 1 boys on their achievements and hard work. It is hard to believe it has been a year since we saw their little faces walk through our doors on the first day looking so worried, yet excited, quiet, but full of questions and anxious about getting started. TERM TWO
Year Level Coordinator TERM ONE
The boys hit the ground running as they took on the extra responsibilities and formalities of Year 1, with no-one to help them remember to do their jobs, unpack their bag and change their readers. They were straight into learning about Science and exploring ‘change’ through cooking pasta and melting ice-blocks. The boys were surprised to see how different products changed during the heating or cooking process. Homework, spelling and high-frequency words were also introduced. THRASS played an important role and the boys thrived on learning all the tricky terms such as Phoneme, Grapheme, Digraph, trigraph, syllable, GCA (Grapheme Catch All). The boys loved the handson approach and challenge of THRASS and loved teaching their parents a thing or two, who were quite confused about the words and statements the boys were bringing home. The boys were also very excited to travel across to the ‘Big School’ for swimming.
During Term Two the boys continued investigating and researching the past and present lives of their families, looking at how family roles, traditions and objects such as phones, toys and cars had changed. The boys posed many questions about the past and discussed them with grandparents and parents. Another highlight for the boys was learning all about Geography. Many discussions about natural, managed and constructed features were had and how to best look after these places. Boys graphed, discussed and explored how and why people use different places for different reasons.