Ms Trisha Matthias Prep Music Master
here is something about the Howard Smith Cup that ignites passion in the Prep boys. This is the ultimate goal in our Interhouse competition which embraces sport and culture. House Music is one of the highlights of this and includes all boys from Years 3 to 6 working together to present two songs in front of our adjudicators and audience. In 2020, we welcomed Ms Jo Inglis and Mrs Rachael Fennell to judge this highlight in our school calendar. The competition was presented with a difference in this COVID-19 year. As there were strict guidelines with regards to singing, the competition was held across two venues with a live feed for the Houses to be able to hear the performing choir which was in the tiered Pearce Theatre, appropriately distanced. With careful planning, the excitement of the event was not lost. There was colour, House spirit, fabulous singing and the outstanding effort of each of the Housemasters to bring together a performance that embraced the hard work that their boys had put in for this day.
Band of Brothers