CHILDHOOD SETE508N Behavior Management Strategies for the Classroom Teacher (Grades Pre-K–8) Good classroom management is at the heart of effective teaching. This course is aimed at teachers in regular and special education settings who want to learn how to organize their classrooms to help students realize their maximum potential while also keeping their classes on track. It includes a step-by-step approach for setting up and carrying out a behavior modification strategy. This course is intended for educators with less than five years experience, but more experienced professionals will also come away with new techniques to add to their repertoire. Instructor: Debbie Zlotowitz August 2 and 3 | On Campus at MMFS* Tuesday and Wednesday, 9:30 AM–4:30 PM ET 12 CTLE or 1.2 CEU $425 / 1 credit $1,710 Registration Deadline: 7/26 *This course meets at Mary McDowell Friends School, 23 Sidney Place, Brooklyn, NY 11201 TEED346N Building Computational Fluency: Multiplication and Division (Grades 3–6) When teachers understand how children make sense of multiplication and division, they are better able to create strategies that support students in developing computational fluency. Using student work samples and video clips, we’ll explore how children develop meaningful, efficient, and accurate computational strategies for multiplication and division. We’ll examine mathematical ideas central to multiplication and division, thereby deepening mathematical content knowledge. Additionally, we’ll analyze the role of the traditional algorithm in a standards-based elementary mathematics classroom. Instructor: Julie Broderick July 26 and 28 | On Campus* Tuesday and Thursday, 9:30 AM–4:30 PM ET 12 CTLE or 1.2 CEU $425 / 1 credit $1,710 Materials Fee: $30 (includes required text) Registration Deadline: 7/19 *This course meets at Bank Street College, 610 West 112th Street, New York, NY 10025 TEED650N Early Numbers, Addition, and Subtraction (Grades K–4) How do children develop computational strategies to help them add and subtract? This course explores how children make sense of these operations. Through video clips and student work samples, we’ll examine effective, efficient, and accurate problem-solving strategies that children can use to master addition and subtraction. We’ll discuss the role of the standard algorithm in a standardsbased mathematics classroom and consider the teacher’s role in helping children develop computational fluency. In addition, you will examine mathematical ideas central to addition and subtraction, thereby deepening our own mathematical content knowledge. Instructor: Eliza Chung July 11 and 13 | Online Monday and Wednesday, 10:30 AM–3:30 PM ET* 12 CTLE or 1.2 CEU $425 / 1 credit $1,710 Materials Fee: $45 (includes required text) Registration Deadline: 7/5 *2.5 hours of asynchronous work required 6 I
TEED656N Constructing a Democratic Classroom: Focus on Routines, Rules, and Transitions (Ages 3–9 Years) Routines, rules, and transitions may be thought of as providing the framework for the daily life of the classroom. The way in which they are constructed and carried out strongly affects the social, moral, and academic atmosphere in the setting. What does democracy mean in relation to routines, rules, and transitions? How can children have a voice in determining them? The ultimate goal is not simply to create order, but also to encourage the development of both autonomy and a caring community. Topics to be considered are views of the nature of the child, developmental appropriateness, flexibility, the needs of English language learners and children with developmental variations, issues around power and control, the meaning of resistance, and how routines and transitions relate to academic learning and the various curriculum areas, particularly social studies. You will examine and analyze the structures in your own and each others’ classrooms. Instructor: Candace Barriteau Phaire July 11 and 13 | Online Monday and Wednesday, 10:30 AM–3:30 PM ET* 12 CTLE or 1.2 CEU $425 / 1 credit $1,710 Registration Deadline: 7/3 *2.5 hours of asynchronous work required TEWS850N Creating Classrooms That Embrace Difference (Grades Pre-K–2) We will explore how power and knowledge can be shared with students by allowing them to weave their own stories into the curriculum. Starting from this place, we will be better positioned to understand how classrooms can become educational spaces where students’ identities, interests, skills, and expertise are honored. We will examine how storytelling, language, literature, and projectbased making can support multiple funds of knowledge and ways of knowing. Instructor: Kelly Bird July 27 | Online Wednesday, 10:30 AM–4:00 PM ET 5 CTLE or .5 CEU $295 Registration Deadline: 7/20 TEWS855N Designing Environments and Activities that Support Resilience The pandemic forced many to think about the ways trauma affects children’s lives. This 3 part series will focus on Trauma and Resilience taking a deep look at how the body reacts to trauma and the impact on development. Participants will learn strategies that focus on the development of supportive environments, practices, and asset based tools that reflect a child’s strength and ability to strengthen resilience leading to healing. Instructor: Genevieve Lowry July 13 | Online Wednesday, 6:00 PM–7:30 PM ET 2 CTLE or .2 CEU $35 Registration Deadline: 7/6