Dear you..This is 26th
Letter From Banteay Prieb
Graduation in 2016 News Shade Canopy Dec. to Feb. Cotton Sanitary Pads Dental Treatment Climbing Mt. Chisor
New Faces Vol.26 31st March
Hong Chan Dda Seoun Chamreoun
Issuer Oh-Chang Kwon S.J./ Editior YeoReum Kim/ Copy Right JSC Banteay Prieb
Adious 2016, Adious Banteay Prieb
2016 29th Graduation Day Banteay Prieb organized its 29th graduation day ceremony on 21st December 2016. 107 Graduate students who sompleted the academic year received their two graduation certificates one from the government , and the other one from Banteay Prieb; the governor of Kandal Province and the head of JSC, Father Oh-Indon presented them.
The exhibition of every class is also held in a booth which is the accomplishment of students’ learning in whole year.
Then some fun games such as racing and blind hitting lasted whole day. All students and teachers participated in the games and enjoyed a lot. There was a good dinner party with delicious food and exciting music in the evening. On the stage, some groups had impressive performances; special education students, especially Naro, sang songs and sewing class students had fashion show with their hand-made formal clothes. The last part of the day was dance party in which everyone enjoyed. Many students were a bit sad because 22nd morning they were going to leave the institute , friends, teachers, but their dominating feeling was kind of excitement to go back home and begin new life once more with what they learned throughout the year.
Building Shade Canopy
by Special education Students
It can get unbearably hot under the bright shining Cambodian sun. No wonder, the Special Education Class had difficulties growing vegetables last year. To prevent the vegetables in the little garden from burning away again this year, the project of building a shady shelter was initiated as soon as the new school year started. Deep wholes had to be ditched into the dry earth, stem had to be measured and cut, concrete was first mixed and later distributed,‌ thanks to the help of many visitors, the project could be finished by the end of February and there are already some nice vegetables sprouting.
Lecture of Cotton Sanitary pads by Green Narae As all female students of this batch were gathered in the library on a Thursday morning, two Korean students started with a small lecture about cotton sanitary pads. The aims of the upcoming two hours class were to inform our women about the use of cottoninstead of plastic sanitary pads and to show them how they could sew them single-handedly. As hygienic articles are expensive to pursue, and the disposal of plastic is already an omnipresent problem Cambodia’s society is facing these days, plying reusable cotton sanitary pads seems an ideal alternative. Step by step guided by the two experts from Korea, our students sewed their first own cotton sanitary pad. After having received a whole package of cotton sanitary pads, the students were informed about the correct application and handling of said object.
By Kind In Action
Dental Treatment
Canadian dentist from the charity-organization 'Kindness in Action' visited us during their two-week-trip through Cambodia for two days. One by one, our students and the staff were firstly examined, then treated according to the findings: hygienic cleansing as well as filling or even pulling out the suffering teeth. For many participants of said procedure, it was their first dental treatment ever. But when the twenty dentists left after two hardworking but fulfilling days, they were sent off with our students' brightly shining smiles of gratitude.
Climbing Chisor Mountain with Special education class Special Education Students have outing every month and this time we went to Chisor Mountain in 23th Feb. After having climbed the 231 steps to reach the top, students had the lunch with their well deserved, self-cooked rice and enjoyed the lovely view and the impressive atmosphere of these ancient temple's walls. Taking selfies is of course included.
New Faces NEW teacher in Special Education Class
Hong Chan Dda My name is Hong Chenda. I am 47 year-old female and a new teacher in the special education class. Before I moved to Banteay Prieb, I had worked in the school of the mentally disabled people for 11 years. Once my friend who worked in the government center recommended me of the previous school and I volunteered there for short time. I felt it was very meaningful and interesting to work for the intellectual disabled children and the youth so I applied as a teacher in 2009. In 2017, I wanted to have a new experience in the different NGO so I moved my job. Here I help students how to take care of their personal hygiene, how to communicate with others, how to cook and sale etc. I am very happy to help them and satisfied to work here because I can see how much students get better and better every day. Moreover, I really love teachers and staffs in Banteay Prieb who know how to work together and they are so good at cooperation.
NEW teacher in Special Education Class
Seoun Chamreoun My name is Seoun Chamreoun. I am a new teacher in Special Education class. I started doing this job in January 2017. I am happy to teach disabled students in Banteay Prieb. Before I came to Banteay Prieb, I worked with the MC (Missionary of Charity) Brothers organization, which is also known as Home of Hope. For ten years, I had the chance to gather experiences there and now I enjoy teaching the mentally challenged students in Banteay Prieb. I teach them, how to take care of themselves, how to greet people, how to wash cloths, how to take a bath, how to cook food, how to brush their teeth, how to maintain hygiene, how to count numbers and how to write them, how to know the money and how to use it properly and some agricultural skills to support their families with food. Sometimes, I also teach them how to play sportive games. Other times, I brought them to a little outing for field training. It is a difficult and challenging job for me. But I am still happy. Because I wanted to share my love with them, just as I think everybody else does so.
Special Thanks to..
Individual donors (December to Febrary): 강경임 경일이재창 고금석 고운용 고전숙 구본찬 김국환 김금열 김광자 김귀인 김덕순 김동환 김미자 김병옥 김상동 김선자 김송자 김숙주 김시수 김영모 김영미 김영지 김옥희 김우진 김유선 김익우 김익자 김정란 김정순 김주연 김주월 김지영 김한솔라파 김현옥 김혜란 김희영 곽영숙 권기영 권도경헬레나 권민선 권복순 권영규 권영 욱 권오규 권오창 권용호 권은자젬마 권인경 권인순 권정철 권정숙 권춘미 권태옥 남미조 남명자 노희철 도미자 도재옥 문승희 명진철 박기범(안동) 박병권 박세린 박원식 박수진 박순희 박정미 박주완 박재인 박효진 박혜정 방영숙 서명순 서은선 서형교 성민주 성주연 손금화 송경희 송진기 신금옥 신순덕 신선자 신정식 안재야 오미란바울라 여승현 염순이 오태순 유영애 윤덕순 윤영화 윤원만 윤석렬 윤정희 윤지홍 이경자 이경숙 이귀자 이동원 이미숙 이상미 이수연 이수정 이수형 이승연 이용선마리아 이윤성 이윤자 이은경 이은철 이인숙 이인혁 이완수 이점도 이정훈 이주연김희진 이준승 이증옥 이지은 이재원 이재창 이춘명안젤라 임창률 이한양 임대옥 임용성 임정임 왕병욱 작은돈이라죄송 장경희 장원희 장서규 장현석 전대일 전용국 정규산 정병석도밍고 장서규 정선희 정승아 정영철 정옥희 정은순 정은정 정치수 정현주 조명호 조성태 조영숙 조옥희 조은주 조정숙 조창권 진상현 차진영 천상영 최난희 최동원 최동화 최애숙 최영준 최윤자 최정희이사벨라 최한경 편경현 표한화 피옥경 한기복 한성민 한영호 한영희 한희수 한희주 한향숙 허윤정 홍성주 황원희 황정숙 Visited donors(December to Febrary): Daniela's Parents. 이우 학교, 서강대학교 하비에르 캄보디아 봉사단, 예수회 한국 관구 화곡동 공동체 수사님들, 예수회 일본관구 동경 공동체, OBOS 띠앗누리, 미국 동중부 CLC, 프놈펜 갈멜 수녀원
Banteay Prieb, founded by the JRS(Jesuit Refugee Service) and now run by JSC(Jesuit Service Cambodia), aims to help the victims by war, landmines, polio and accidents to be independent and find dignity in themselves through vocational training and psychological support.
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