The 36th Letter from Banteay Prieb

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Letter from Banteay Prieb VOLUME. 36

From July to September 2019

CONTEXT Letter from BP _Story of Hyeyoung

BP Focus _Summer Outing

BP Interview _Makeup Class

BP Life _Tree Planting

BP News BP Products

Letter from BP


Shin g n you


A creative art activity can be a great vehicle to convey positive energy to humans. It is because, as a nonverbal approach, art can help release unpleasant feelings and increase positive feelings by expressing emotions. Art therapy to which the effects of art are applied is widely used as a therapeutic technique that helps persons with psychological 1 challenges to cultivate emotional resilience and enhance social skills, and relieve stress . During my stay with students in Banteay Prieb for a nearly year, I found that many of them have suffered from psychological pain. They have experienced emotional ups and downs. In particular, students with acquired disabilities caused by some reasons such as car accident said that they did not want to live anymore right after they faced the reality. They lost a meaning of life and struggled with depression. Another is stress caused by the community life. All students live in the dormitories within Banteay Prieb, and sometimes, it is not easy for them to live with people of different backgrounds. Seeing the students, I thought that it would be nice if some activities could be carried out for their psychological well-being. To address this issue, art therapy with the students and house teachers has been conducted on Saturdays since May. As the students are separately living in seven houses, a house became a group for this project. They have enjoyed origami, mandala, and making a card of strengths so far. 1

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It was found that the art therapy has had a significant positive effect on the psychological status of students. The results of the pre- and post-test to measure changes of emotion showed that a feeling of happiness increased in all groups right after they took part in art therapy. <Figure 1> Changes in a feeling of happiness


Furthermore, it has often been witnessed that the participants helped a person who had difficulties during the activities. This illustrates that art therapy can contribute to improve relationships, which is one of the main purposes in this project. Yet, there have also been some challenges. Firstly, since art is not part of the regular curricula in public schools in Cambodia, most of the students have rarely experienced this kind of activity. Besides, as many students were not benefited from public education, they did not have many opportunities to express what they wanted to say. For example, it has often been observed that the students felt difficulties in answering even simple questions or they tended to say the same things that their friends already said. Simultaneously, as a foreigner with a language barrier, I have also been challenged in interacting with the participants. 2

Scores on average in the six groups between 25 May and 15 June 2019

Nevertheless, this project means a lot to the students. Firstly, the students have been able to feel a sense of achievement though completing an artwork on their own. This can play an important role in strengthening confidence. I still remember that a student with severe physical challenges of his arms always tried to do his own job by himself. Indeed, the students can do much more things than I expected. Secondly, in this project, it is very important to empathise with stories of friends, thinking ‘Oh, I did it too!’. How would have they felt when hearing that their friends wanted to give their loving mother or wife a flower which they made? How would have they felt when hearing that they were a good cook and a helper from friends? I also felt joy with being together every time I saw smiles on their faces. There will be a graduation ceremony a few months later. The art therapy project will go on until then. An evaluation will be implemented when this project ends. Based on the results, art therapy guidelines and practice for local staff will be prepared to encourage them to do this on their own. Art therapy carried out in Khmer will resonate participants more. I also hope that art therapy can help the local staff to feel the happiness which I felt with students and to love students more.

BP Focus


anteay prieb students and staff went to Koh Kong beach!

For the annual outing, BP often choose to go to the beach because many students say it is their dream to go to the beach for the first time!

Koh Kong beach was more than 2 hours away from BP. On the bus, students ate some snacks and enjoyed singing. When the beach was on their sight through the bus window, they gave an exclamation of joy!

After eating lunch, stud e n t s r a n i n t o t h e beach and enjoyed swimming for almost 3 hours! Getting off from wheelchairs, students were amused at the cool waves.

Students took many photos with funny gestures. Some picked up pretty shells while some enjoyed playing volleyball and soccer. One student showed wonderful tumbling in water, too.

After the fun time, students picked up a lot of plastic waste along the beach thinking of the environment.

Catch a glimpse of happy moments!

After all, the outing to Koh Kong was quite successful. Any students got hurt and all enjoyed the beach ver y well. Students made special memories with teachers and friends. They got new energy for the second-half in BP. Thank for all staff and students who arranged and participated in the outing. Before leaving Koh Kong, one student drew a big heart on the ground. BP wants to deliver this warm heart to every reader. :)

Happy Outing 2019!

Student1. Sinet

Teacher. Ms. Somart Student 2. Srey Toit



Makeup class students and teacher

Sinet and Srey Ttoit came from Kampong Cham and Banteay Mincheay. Sinet plans to work in a salon in Phnom Penh. Srey Ttoit plans to go back home and teach her sisters what she've learned so far. Ms. Sam Art, your students are about to end their course. How do you feel? Very happy. Both of them are excellent students. They are smart and studied hard. They can do everything by themselves now. I'm proud of them. Ms. Sam Art, please give some advice to your students. "Believe yourself and be confident! You can do whatever you want by yourself!" I think students are afraid of being alone. But they don't have to. They have enough ability to start their own business. I respect their decision to have more experience now. But I encourage them to open their salons within a few years. How do you know the salon in Phnom Pehn? Ms. Sam Art: A formal graduate works in the salon. I introduced Sinet to the graduate. Sinet: I want to gain more confidence as I work in the salon. Many customers visit the salon every day so the experience will be very helpful. Ms. Sam Art, do you have special memories with your students? Every day was special to me. As it was a small class, we were really close together and became good friends. At the end of the semester, students taught me back about new nail art styling. We could learn from each other. Students, how's your teacher?

Sinet, Strey Ttoit: Well...(laugh)

How was the course? We really enjoyed the course. We were happy to take the course. But there were some difficulties, of course. Srey Toit: Using hair iron was difficult for me because of my hands. Even though it was hard, I practiced a lot so I was able to do it. In fact, learning make-up was easier and more interesting for me. How do you come to BP? Both of us got to know BP through ICRC(Red Cross). Srey Toit: At first, I didn't have enough information so I applied to sew class. When I came to BP, I got to know about makeup class and changed the plan. I was more happy to attend a makeup class because it's more fun for me.

What is your plan after graduation? Sinet: I'd like to open a workshop after I get some experience in the salon. Salon pays 150 dollars per month but it can be increased up to 250 dollars. I want to save more than 2000 dollar before starting up my business. I will start small and invest more gradually. I'd like to cooperate with Srey Toit as well. Srey Toit: I'd like to start a business with my families. For the first step, I will teach my four younger sisters what I have learned. I want to practice more and make a future plan together. What did you do before you come to BP? Sinet: I used to cook and sell breakfast on the street. Once I sold them all, I visited one salon to learn some makeup skills. It was a good opportunity for me but it didn't last long. After two months of studying, I was hit by a motorcycle... That was a hard time. Srey Toit: When I was 9 months old, there was a fire accident. I was not able to use my fingers anymore. I went to school until I was 6 grade. After that, I stayed at home. I wished to study more but it was difficult because many people discriminated me. One good thing is that I still have some good friends near my house. How's community life? Both: t was an unfamiliar but pleasing experience. I spent most of time alone before and didn't have a chance to meet other disabled people. In Banteay prieb, I got to know different types of disabilities and there are many warm-hearted people among them. I was happy to get along with special education class students, too. Do you have some special memories in BP? Sinet: There are countless stories we can share. We enjoyed a picnic at the Kokong beach, a community party for the traditional holiday, and fishing and catching some snails to eat with other department's teachers. A few days ago, we went to a market to buy makeup materials. Our teacher expressed much more joyful expression than we do and it made us happy.

Srey Toit: It was the first time for me to go to the beach. I made unforgettable memories there. I will never forget. In the break time between classes, I used to make paper flowers with staff and it was a small joy for me, too.

Could you give a comment to new students? I want to ask them if they are happy now. I hope they are happy. Do you want to say something to BP members? I will miss all of my friends, teachers, and other BP members. Thank you for giving me opportunities and taking care of me in many ways. I am happy that I could learn various things in BP. Do you want to say something to Sam Art? Please allow me to say no comment. I want to tell her in person. I am about to cry. (tears) Do you have a wish? I wish happy, healthy, calm and safe life. Physical condition easily affects my mind. I will try my best to look after both my body and mind. The course was finished in June. Teachers and staff prepared a small party for the students. They went back home on the 1st of July but will come back a few months later. They will receive diplomas at that time. Cheers to Sinet and Srey Toit! :)

5 new makeup class students arrived in July!

BP Life

Arbor day- Planting Peace! On the 9th of July, 35 students of BP and JSC staff went for tree planting in the memory of arbor day in Cambodia. Students dig the ground every 1 meter so that the saplings could get enough nutrition. After the planting, they pad the ground well. Students could also see grown trees which were planted 1 to 3 years before on the arbor day.

JSC ecology team prepared different kinds of fruit, flower, and evergreen saplings.

Students were amazed by bigger trees which are planted by graduates 3 years ago.

Snack time~!!

Hearing small talks from ecology team, participants were very proud of planting the nursery trees. It was a meaningful experience for students to practice a small action for the environment.

BP supports ecological act in Cambodia!

Extra BP Life

After the class, students enjoy free time eating a snack while talking with friends, playing music, and participating in art activities & sports. Newborn puppy, 'Moying' became a mascot among students. Students really love her!

On the 17th of August, 9 BP students visited Ungppoppel primary school and barbered 60 children. Weekend barber class is one of the extracurricular activities BP offers to every student. They can learn from a specialist who runs a popular barbershop. Some graduates give barber service to the customers in mechanic or electronic shops to drag more clients. After 3 months of training, 9 students got the chance to practice in the primary school. With barber equipment including scissors, oil, and sponge, they rode a car for 15 minutes. One BP student was very excited because he adores kids and wanted to have a fun time. The other BP student was a little worried as it was her first time going out for practical training. When students brought 9 chairs in the middle of the playground, children started to come and see. After the event, BP students shared their feelings in a car. They were proud of themselves saying 'we did it!' BP gives big hands to students who are always willing to learn and share their skills.

On the 19th of August, 96 disabled students with teachers from *PSE school visited Banteay Prieb. In the morning, PSE teenager students joined the BP tour. Seeing how BP adult students study and learn skills, some PSE staff and students showed a big interest in curriculum and pictures on the wall. In the afternoon, BP special education students and PSE students enjoyed fun activities together. As a team play, they moved rubber bands with straws, ran and brought color marks, and danced making circles. Students screamed with joy when the others successfully finished some mission clear. Special Thanks to BP and PSE staff who prepared the activities and helped children to move around. BP wishes for a brighter future of BP and PSE students! *Pour un Sourire d’Enfant(PSE) means 'for a child’s smile' in French. PSE is an NGO in Cambodia established in 1995. It runs PSE school for vulnerable children (age 6 to 20) especially leaving at garbage site. It also runs programs for vocational training including hairstyling, gardening, filming, mechanics, and trading.

A student majored in Special Education, Na-Kyung Lee visited BP for a month. On the first week, she participated in students' daily activity. On the second week, teachers and Na-Kyung shared ideas for class based on previous observation. They agreed that it would be good to remind students of some class rules. On her i-pad, NaKyung drew some colorful pictures that can describe the rules including 'be on time' and 'be awake.' She tried her best to describe it with positive words instead of 'stop' or 'no'. After a local teacher gave a brief explanation of her painting in a class, students drew by themselves expressing what they've understood. After the class, Na-Kyung and teachers planned to give smile stickers to who is good at following rules. A local teacher told it was good to have Na-Kyung to exchange ideas and have questions with one another. Na-Kyung hoped her activities could help students. BP send cheers to all SE teachers, students, and volunteers.

On September 14, before Pchum Ben Day (Ancestors' Day), the students and teachers went to Ang Brasat Pagoda near BP and they prayed together. Pchum Ben Day is Cambodian traditional holiday to remember ancestors. People believe food offerings to the Buddhist monks are transferred to the dead. In the temple, students offered incense and prayed for their family in silence. Buddhist monks blessed them and ate the food they brought. Each student gave little alms, too. As monks left the room, students sat in two lows and ate lunch together. Students said they were happy to visit the temple and pray for others. BP wishes students' safe trip home during Pchum Ben period.

BP Production

Banteay Prieb is

New items

Banteay Prieb, founded by the JRS(Jesuit Refugee Service) and now run by JSC(Jesuit Service Cambodia), aims to help the disabled to be independent and to find dignity in themselves through vocational training and the community life. Contact us at: Post Address: P.O BOX 880, Phnom Penh, Cambodia Phone: +855 12949710 e-mail Website:

Tree Necklace $ 3.0

Blue Dress $ 15.0

Special Thanks to Donors 강경임 고운용 구본찬 권기영 권민선 권복순 권영규 권용호 권인경 권인순 권정숙 권정철 김귀인 김금열 김덕순 김동환 김병옥 김수경 김영모 김영미 김유선 김익우 김주연 김지영 김한솔 김홍순 남명자 노희철 도미자 류경정 류미아 문승희 박서령 박순희 박주완 박진솔 박현희 박혜정 박효진 서은선 서형교 성민주 손금화 신금옥 신정식 심경숙 여승현 여환지 염순이 오미란 왕병욱 원태연 유혜정 윤덕순 윤원만 윤정희 이기백 이동원 이수미 이수형 이은정 이인혁 이재원 이증옥 임용성 임이택 임정임 임창률 장경희 장서규 장성옥 장원희 전복희 정분옥 정선희 정옥희 정은순 정은정 정현주 정현희 조성태 조창권 진상현 최동원 최동화 최연문 최영준 최윤자 최은희 최정희 최지안 피옥경 한성민 한영희 한정숙 한향숙 한희주 홍현숙 유영애 이은경 방윤미 윤석렬 이윤정 이재우 그레고리오 이소연 에디스 이클라리스 프란세스 김순자 테레시나 프란치스코 CLC 신년모임 한상준 프란치스코 프란체스카 채광엽 디모테오 안나 이정렬 마리아 용복순 데레사 인민철 미카엘 요세피나 Wah Yan College Students Carmelite Monastery Chanry Fr.Ingun Br.Noel St.Igntius College Rieverview Australia JLMM Japan Lay Missionary Movement

How to Support us If you are interested in our work here in Cambodia, please check this payment details

Bank Name: ACLEDA Bank Plc. Swift Code: ACLBKHPP Bank Address: Baekchan Village, Baekchan Commune, Angsnoul District, Kandal Province, Kingdom of Cambodia Account Name: Jesuit Service-Cambodia(BP) Account No.: 3441-01-078999-1-9 you can also contribute to our work by purchasing products from the production of Banteay Prieb. Please check our products in this website. Email.

Publisher Rudy Chandra Wijaya S.J.

Editor Sol Lee

Copy Right JSC(Jesuit Service Cambodia) Banteay Prieb

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