Letter from Banteay Prieb VOLUME. 33
2018. October to December
contents introduction Sarah's story _Parents day
details BP Focus _Graduation BP Interview _Chot Chan _Mot SiaKeng BP Life
BP News
th of September 2018
S a r a h ' s s t o r y
Parents Day
Our parents are very important for our life. They have a great influence to our behavior. Our personality evolves because of them. Unlike our relation with our friends, we cannot choose our parents. Surely, children and parents are not always getting along to one another. But I believe that the love in the family is always stronger than their differences. On 14 September 2018, the parents of our students visited their children in Banteay Prieb. They came to see what their children learnt so far and they were happy to know that their children now can do a lot of thing by their own. I learned something very important that day: not all parents are the same. Normally, parents should take care of their children. Parents are ought to accept their children, take care of them and protect them. I could see the love in the eyes of some parents, when they looked at their children. They were proud when they saw, how their children can cook, do the laundry or work in agriculture. One of our students misses his family everyday. After the day with the parents I can understand why. His mom gives him so much love you can ask for. He cannot work easily. Speaking and walking is difficult for him. Nevertheless, his mom let him do his work. She watched him with her full heart. On that day, he was so happy as never been before. Another student has to use a wheelchair. Speaking and living a normal live is difficult for him as well. When his mom saw him cooking, she looked at him with absolute love. When you see that it goes to your heart! Sadly, I had to see some different cases as well. Some parents, who visited us on that day, did not seem to be proud of their children. They wanted to intervene in every movement. They scrutinized them, and did not appreciate what their children can do now.
In daily life, these students are more uncertain than those, who receive a lot of love from their parents. Because of this event I learnt something very important: We need parents, who stabilize and support us. Our self-confidence grows with that. We need self-confidence for an independent life. Unfortunately, we are born in our parents-house and cannot influence it. Therefore, our assignment is: to boost selfconfidence to those, who did not receive it from the parents. Everyone has the right, to be proud of his work! It is not important, how old, tall, smart, “healthy” or quick someone is. It is important, how much they rely on themselves and whether they hold down their job with their hearts. Therefore, my plea: Treat the persons with love! I believe it will help them to think more positively about their own selves. By doing so, their self-confidence will also grow.
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BP Focus
Graduation Day 2018
There was BP Year 2018 students graduation on D
December 17th
Kandal Province Governor Mao Pirun attended the ceremony in three consecutive years and congratulated all BP graduates and staff on their achievements.
In the afternoon, all graduates enjoyed sports activities and games such as estafet run, volley ball, and breaking a ceramic pot with a blindfolded eyes.
In the even enjoyed a da
ning, they had a farewell dinner served by all teachers and ancing party together with many graduation gifts until midnight.
Big congr
ratulations! ♥
Interview Chot Chan in Machine class
Could you please introduce yourself? Hello, I am Chot Chan from Kampong Cham Province. I am studying in the machine class.
How did you find out about BP and came to BP? I visited a center that make prosthetic leg near my house. After the prosthetic leg was made, the staff who works in the center asked me; “Do you want to go for a vocational training?” and I said “Yes, I want” (The center has a connection with Banteay Prieb). The staff put my name and phone number on a list and sent the list to the outreach team. When the outreach team visited our village I could meet the staff (of outreach team). The teacher explain more about the school. I wanted to do something for my family, but I did not know how I could help my family. When I visited the center and knew about Bante, I was very happy that I finally can learn something. After I graduate, I hope I can help my family in earning the living. I appreciate being able to enter the school.
How did you become a people with disability? I had a motorbike accident. I was riding my motor while looking for a rice field. On the road another motorbike behind me wanted to overtake me. So I had to move my motor to the right side. At that time I lost my balance and fell down. Due to the accident my bone was broken in three parts. Due to my house is far from the hospital, I could not receive any treatment immediately. If only I received a medical treatment immediately after the accident, I would not loose my leg.
How was your life before coming here? Since I was badly injured, I had to go to Phnom Penh for my treatment. My family had to sell everything in order for them to pay my treatment. They sold our rice field, our cow and motorbike. When I knew that I was sad. Because of my situation, my family suffered a hard time. But I had to stay at home. After my prosthetic leg was made, I could help with housework, I helped my brothers and sisters, cooked for my family and cleaned the house.
Why did you decide to study about the machine? I was always interested in motorbike, so I want to study about machine. I also observe that there are many motor repair shops around my house. So, I think if I learn how to repair motorbikes, I can get job easily.
But in your village they have many shops already. Do you really think that you can compete with them? Actually I am worried about that. They started their business es earlier than I do and have many customers already. Besides, many people distrust People with Disability like me that they may not want to entrust their motor to me. (Cambodia people have a prejudice that people with disability cannot do anything properly.)
What was your own opinion about people with disability before you got the accident? I have a friend who has disability. So, I used to think of many things before I become a person with disability myself. I realized that people with disability have a lot of difficulties in their lives, not only physically but also psychologically.
What lesson are you studying in the course now? We are learning about system of the signal light. We will study on how to paint a motorbike in November.
Which part is most interesting? I am interested in learning about the motorbike itself. Among them the most interesting part is changing the break and tube inside the tire. (These happens frequently in Cambodia)
Is there any difficulties in living in BP? Studying is difficult for me. When I was feel difficult, I remind myself: It is only the beginning. Surely it'll be better later. So, when I persevere to study step by step, I begin to learn more and I can endure the difficulties. Sometimes I also worry about my family. They are very poor while living in BP is better than living in my own house.
How is your feeling before graduation? I worry a lot. My family is very poor that I'm not sure if I have enough money to start my own shop after graduation.
What difference do you have now compared to before you come here? My knowledge and skill are improved. Before coming to BP I could not read and write properly. Now, after attending literacy class every morning, I know how to read and write by myself. My self-confident is also growing. Before, in my house, my family and neighbors did not encourage me much. They thought my legs are not well so it's dangerous for me to go out. But in BP I meet so many PWD with different disabilities. So, I learn on how to live together with others who are different from me.
What is your goal after graduation? I want to work and save money for opening my own shop.
What do you think about the Photo-Therapy program? It was my first experience of joining this kind of program. I was very happy to be able to join the activity. I realized that I'm interested in taking photos. It was my first time to use a camera, so I was a bit nervous. But during the program, 'Ulla', the therapist, created a friendly atmosphere that we could really enjoy that time.
Do you want to say anything for the new students? First: Love others and help each other. Second: when you follow the school rules, you will be able to enjoy your life even more in BP.
Interview Mot SiaKeng in Agriculture class
Could you please introduce yourself? Hello, I’m Mot SiaKeng from Kampong Cham Province. I am studying in agriculture.
How did you know BP? Before I heard something about BP, but I did not really know anything about the school. My neighbor told me he knows a staff who works in BP. He gave me the contact of the teacher. After talking with her, I knew more about BP. I desire to study, so I decided to enter the school.
How did you become a people with disability? I worked as electric engineer and repaired low voltage grid on the way. When I was repairing a slow voltage cable, a high voltage cable hit me. I fell down from the four-meter-height. Fortunately the ground was covered with rubbers. Normally 4 to 5 people work together, but at that time I did work alone for my neighbor. So the insurance could not cover my case.
How was your life before coming here? After my accident, my family became poor. My father also had an accident. He fell down from a tree. Our family was poorer than before. I could not eat food by myself. When I ate food, the dish always drop out of my hands. Eating something was difficult for me. But I did not want my family to be sad when they saw my situation. I thought I have to try my best. So I tried to eat, get dressed and take a shower by myself again and again. I thought I have to try my best.
Why did you decide to study about agriculture? I had problem with my hands, so other classes would be more difficult for me. For example electronic, machine, and sewing class use hands a lot. And I live at country side, so I can use my family land for agriculture. It is easier to raise livestock in my hometown than in the city. That is why I decided to study agriculture.
What are you studying now? We are learning how to make a henhouse. I know how to make it, but I cannot do by myself. So after coming back home, I will make it together with my family.
Which part is most interesting? I am interested in raising chicken. because I don't have to use my hands a lot. (To raise pig, you have to give injections. But that is not easy if you only have one hand or disabled hands) And the price of chicken is more stable than the price of pig and cow
Is there any difficulties in living in BP? Studying was hard for me. The accident attacked my brain so. I could not remember clearly. But community life gave energy to me. We live together and really support one another. I really receive a lot of energy from my friends here.
How is your feeling before graduation? On the one hand, I am happy when I imagine that I an improve my skill after graduate even more. I will get a certificate and run my business. But on the other hand, I feel sad. Because I have to leave BP graduation and say good bye to my friends and teachers. And I am worried a little bit about my future. My family is very poor, so I am worried: "how can I live with my family?"
What difference do you have now compared to before you come here? Before I came to BP, I did not know how to take care of myself. Even I could not cook or clean my house. Before my accident I earnt money, so at home my mother did everything. After coming here, I can do basic house work and learn how to take care of my family. Moreover, I share my experience to my younger brother. In a word, I am not only improving myself but also helping my family members to be better. And I am the leader of house number 7, I start helping school work. I attended the house leaders' meeting and talked with other leaders and teachers. My leadership is improved also. When I come back home, I can guide my siblings. After class I felt tired already, but as a leader I always tried my best to help my fiends.
What is your goal after graduation? I want to raise chicken and help my family.
What does BP mean to you? Banteay Prieb gave me many chances. I have self-confidence. I learnt how to live together and how to make friends. Banteay Prieb is a place of learning. We learn how to take care of ourselves and others. And various outings give me good memories with my friends. Visiting another NGO is also a great moment.
What do you think about the Photo-Therapy program? It is the first time for me to use camera. I could learn about camera when I took a picture by myself. And I learnt to think about composition of the photo before taking a picture.
Do you want to say something for new students? Do your best and concentrate on community life. Try to learn as much as possible when you live here. Especially how to live together and help each other!
Remember Brother Richie
17th of October was the anniversary of Richie Fernando, a Jesuit brother who passed away 22 years ago to save other people from the hand grenade explosion. Our staff prayed for brother and shared many great memories they had with him. We remember his love and sacrifice for our students.
BP Life
y c a r e t i L New s t n e d u t S Class
16th of October, new students came to BP for literacy class. We started class last Friday with 17 students. We encourage them to study as much as they can, and hope that they will enjoy their community life.
On 24th of October some Special Education students and wheelchair students attended event of the Starfish NGO.
16th of November, t class visited ‘peace vil They looked around this visit our students from other school: study in their school.
The seminar on violence prevention was conducted by Ms. Ellen of Misereor, the German Catholic Bishops' Organization for Development Cooperation, and teacher Tima and Sokny from the LaValla School on 30 November.
the Special Education llage’ in Takeo province. the campus. Through learned about students on how they live and
We had a seminar on the human rights for people with disabilities at the BP library on 29 November. Officers from the Ministry of Human Rights gave a talk to the students about human rights and its importance for our life.
December 7 all Banteay Prieb students and staff attended the event in Koh Pich art theater. This annual event aims to encourage Cambodian people not to discriminate against anyone with a disability, as well as to respect everyone regardless of color, social status, or political tendency.
Banteay Prieb is Banteay Prieb, founded by the JRS(Jesuit Refugee Service) and now run by JSC(Jesuit Service Cambodia), aims to help the disabled to be independent and to find dignity in themselves through vocational training and the community life. Contact us at: Post Address: P.O BOX 880, Phnom Penh, Cambodia Phone: +855 12949710 e-mail Address:banteayprieb@gmail.com Website: facebook.com/banteayprieb facebook.com/craftpeacecafe www.youtube.com/user/banteayprieb
Special Thanks to Donors (October to December) 전복희 이은철 최은희 조창권 임창률 김지영 박진솔 임이택 성민주 고운용 남명자 김동환 강경임 임용성 이수형 윤정희 류미아 류경정 정분옥 김영모 한향숙 장경희 진상현 이지은 권인순 루시앙 무기명 이은정 여환지 신정식 문승희 이경래 한성민 서재선 천상영 이수미 우선숙 한성민 임정임 이증옥 권기영 유근표 정은정 박서령 손금화 원태연 노외순 김수경 최윤자 한희주 권정숙 권민선 김현옥 최영준 한영희 한성민 김유선 김한솔 신금옥 장원희 이기백 최동화 김홍순 오미란 노희철 정현희 홍현숙 김주연 김익우 이한양 김금열 여승현 편경현 고금석 구본찬 최정희 이인혁 이동원 김옥선 조성태 김영미 서형교 윤덕순 최지안 박혜정 곽영숙 최동원 윤원만 권용호 권정철 도미자 김덕순 권복순 장서규 김병옥 임대옥 김귀인 장성옥 왕병욱 이인숙 서재선 정현주 이재원 정선희 정옥희 심경숙 서은선 권인경 염순이 박주완 황원희 황정연 윤도윤 엄지원 이한나 이은경 최난희 정은순 김광자 피옥경 신숙희 임수연 허수경 박재인 박세린 한영호 배성숙 신순덕 김옥희 한정숙 윤석렬 박순희 김윤정 곽주연 프놈펜깔멜수녀원 MenschenFuerAndereAustria M i s e re o r J i n g u n C at h o l i c C h u rc h Yo n g M e rcy L i n ks S A S a nt a M a r i C o l l e g e B r . H u y ’ sParents CAMtoChristina 허마리아 SaintIgnayu’sColleage MercedesCollegeAdelaideSA
How to Support us If you are interested in our work here in Cambodia, please check this payment details Bank Name : Phnom Penh Commercial Bank Swift Code : PPCBKHPP Bank Address : #767-769, Monivong Blvd., Sangkat Boeung Trabek, Khan Chamkamorn, Phnom Penh, Cambodia Account Name : Jesuit Service-Cambodia Account No. : 111-02-004010-6 you can also contribute to our work by purchasing products from the production of Banteay Prieb. Please check our products in this website. http://issuu.com/banteayprieb/docs/production_catalog Email. banteayprieb.production@gmail.com
Publisher Ag. Rudy Chandra Wijaya, S.J. Editor Jeong Hyeon OH Copy Right JSC(Jesuit Service Cambodia) Banteay Prieb