Letter from Banteay Prieb VOLUME. 32
2018. July to September
contents introduction Photo therapy _with Ulla
details BP Focus _BP Cafe BP Interview _Khouch Meta _Tou Chanthen BP Life _Photo _Talk BP News
BP Production
Photo Therapy
33 students did Photo therapy with Ulla (visual atrist) to learn how to express their emotion properly. During 7 days, they took pictures and made videos. We hope that this program is a good experience for our students.
--- Let's enjoy the pictures took by our students
Student's photo
BP Focus
Banteay Prieb Cafe On frist of July, we opened the Cafe in Banteay Prieb Special Education staffs managed this cafe. They sell a lot of drinks and some snacks (kind of sandwich). One of main cooks is graduated student of Special Education. She's good at making food and drink.
"Please visit Banteay Prieb Cafe and try delicious food and drink!"
Student Interview Khouch Meta of Make up
Interview_Khouch Meta
Introduce yourself
How was your life before coming to BP?
Hello, I am Khouch Meta from the province of Kandal. I have 5 brothers and sisters and my parents are farmers.
I can do a lot if thing when I stayed home. When my neighbor had wedding, I do make up and hair styling, I could earn a small amount of money.
Why did you decide to study Make- up? I want to open my own shop. I like makeup and already learn about makeup before I entered BP. But I would like to learn more about Make-up.
Is Make-up skill useful for you? Yes, it is. The education of Make-up skill takes six months. I think six month is too long, but I want to comply with the school’s requirments. So, after six months, I want to graduate.
Is it difficult for you to learn Make-up skill? No, it was not difficult for me. Because I have previous experience and the teachers teach very clear.
What is the most interesting on the class?
How did you get to know about BP? When outreach team visited my hometown, they met the head of our village. The man knew me and recommended me to the outreach team.
I am interested in nail art and hair dying.
Where do you think your as good as? I am good at hair styling. (Even some parts she is better than our teacher.)
What was your parents’ reaction? Did they allow you to come to BP? My parents encouraged me to enter school.
What is your goal? If you can learn one more skill, what would you want to learn and why? If I can learn one more skill, I would like to study sewing. Because I want to design clothes.
I want to learn the Make-up skill well. After I graduate, I want to open my own shop in the market.
Student Interview Tou Chanthen of Sewing
Interview_Tou Chanthen
Introduce yourself
How was your life before coming to BP?
Hello, my name is Tou Chanthen. I am from Kampong Speu province and I have 6 sisters and brothers. My parents are farmers.
Before I got into accident, my family was not that poor. After my accident, our family became very poor. When I went to the hospital, the doctor wanted to cut my leg. But my parents did not agree. So, they spent a lot of money for medical treatment.
Why did you decide to study Sewing? After I worked in the garment factory, I wanted to study about sewing. I stared working when I was twelve years old. I worked in the factory for six years and learn about six different sewing machines. I designed the clothes for three years.
Is it difficult for you to learn Sewing? It is not difficult for me. I learn with my classmate and we helped each other. I think we have good relationship. Our sewing teachers taught very well and they tried to explain in simple ways for us to understand. When some students couldn’t follow the class, they looked for different ways to explain so that the students can understand.
What is the most interesting part in the class? I am most interested in design, especially men’s clothes.
If you can learn one more skill, what would you want to learn and why? If I can learn another skill, I want to learn about agriculture. Because my parents are farmers and they have around 100 chickens and sell vegetable. I help my parents every weekend. When our chicken was sick, I asked the agriculture teacher what to do and he taught me some skills. He is very kind.
How did you get to know about BP? My cousin decided to enter BP (repairing phone). So I wanted to see the school and check some sewing machine. I worked in garment factory. I know how to use sewing machine and design clothes before my accident.
You finished half semester already, what changed the most after you came here. First is after the accident, my friends didn’t want to talk with me. I could feel my friends far from me. But when I entered BP and studied about clothes, they were interested in me again. They know that I can design and make clothes. So, they started to approch me. Second is that my neighbor has me to design clothes for them. But I did not accept. Even I can do it already. I think learning is more important for me now. So I want to study more. I decided that I will design and make clothes after graduating. (He has passion for design and loves making clothes.) I could see graduate students who studied in BP. They had their own shop, now. So, I hope that my dream come true.
What is your goal? I want to open my own shop. Besides my shop, I want to raise chicken and plant some vegetables too.
BP Life
Movie Night on Saturday
Talk Talk
12th to 20th of August, two students form Sogang University visited BP. They spent time with Special Education students. Let's listen to their story.
"How did you come to know about BP?"
"How was your one-week stay at BP?"
When we went to Indonesia to do some volunteer work abroad, we met a Jesuit Brother and have kept in touch. While when he heard that I was thinking what to do for summer vacation, he recommended that I go to Cambodia.
"In Korea, there are lots of volunteering activities, however, why did you decide to come?"
SooYeon I have been interested in international development c o o p e rat i o n s i n c e I w a s 1 6 years old. I am wondering if I can work in the field. So I want to experience, and meet staff and volunteers.
YeOne I am an introver person. I want to learn about understanding others, feeling sympathy, and broaden my prespective. Through this experiences which made me face difficulties, uncomfortable situations and opportunities to meet various people who are interested in different area. (This experience has given me an opportunity to widen my perspective).
I spent time in the Special Education Class for a week. Before I met students, I was worried about how I will be able to help them. I really want to help them, but I think I didn’t have enough capacity to help and I can’t understand what they need. That’ s why I couldn’t stop thinking about that when I came to BP, and I just observed class activities, did not played a lead role for our activity. During this time, I realized that I was just one of the guests, not a special person as I initially thought. I was being arrogant and I did not like the feeling. But when I accept that I am just one of the guest then I became more comfortable. And I was jealous of volunteers working at BP because I think they had courage to choose and do what they wanted. After becoming a university student, I feel it becomes more difficult to choose, and even have regrets and worries in the decision I make. That’s why I respect all of volunteers who are working here, their decisions, and courage to face challenges. This kind of decision is a great ability. Sometimes, I feel I have not done anything after thinking a lot.
YeOne Before I came here, the Jesuit brother told me that BP was a place that will accept a person as who he is. I experienced it while I was here. Although everyone lives their own individual life, I realized that it is gratifying that we can support to each other. For me a place where everyone is treated equally, no one can't get hurt is important. For this reason, the most important thing is to focus on present, not the past or future. Before I met Special Education students, I was worried that students were ignored by other people. But contrary to my worry, I saw that they helped each other especially some students couldn’t catch up in class. While seeing them, I can see they are enjoying the present time more than other people, and I learned how to live in the present time from the students. I think that being hopeful is a good attitude.
On 19th of July, Special Education students and teachers went to Tamoa Mountain.
August 1st, Sister and Elder Miler, who preach the Gospel in “Cambodia association of the church of Jesus Christ of latter day Saint”, visited Banteay Prieb. They donated computers to our school.
August 4th, Some “Star Sea” teachers visited Banteay Prieb and they did activities with our students. All Special Education and some wheelchair students joined the activities.
22th of August, Special Education went to outing. They visited Phnom Srey and Phnom Penh.
On 22th of August, We started computer class for our staff. This class will provide basic lesson to learn about basic software use every two days (Thursday to Friday) by Br. Daeki
16th of August, Hampyeong Yeonghwa Special School teachers visited Banteay Prieb for MOU (memorandum of understanding).
Banteay Prieb is
BP Production
New items!
Banteay Prieb, founded by the JRS(Jesuit Refugee Service) and now run by JSC(Jesuit Service Cambodia), aims to help the disabled to be independent and to find dignity in themselves through vocational training and the community life. Contact us at: Post Address: P.O BOX 880, Phnom Penh, Cambodia Phone: +855 12949710 e-mail Address:banteayprieb@gmail.com Website: facebook.com/banteayprieb facebook.com/craftpeacecafe www.youtube.com/user/banteayprieb
Special Thanks to Small Pocket $3.0
Mini Wallet $3.0
Pencil Case $5.0
Donors (July to September) 고미성 전복희 이은철 최은희 조창권 임창률 김지영 박진솔 임이택 성민주 고운용 남명자 김동환 강경임 임용성 이수형 윤정희 류미아 류경정 권인순 박재인 박세린 루시앙 정분옥 정옥희 염순이 진상현 심경숙 김영모 장경희 한향숙 전대일 신정식 이은정 여환지 윤석렬 김수경 문승희 박주완 이수미 무기명 한영호 천상영 임정임 유근표 이증옥 권기영 정은정 손금화 신순덕 박서령 배성숙 원태연 권민선 한희주 최윤자 권정숙 최영준 이은경 김현옥 정은순 최난희 이한양 한영희 한성민 김유선 김한솔 신금옥 이기백 장원희 김홍순 최동화 홍현숙 오미란 노희철 정현희 피옥경 김금열 여승현 조성태 김영미 김옥선 이동원 최동원 서형교 권용호 이인혁 김익우 곽영숙 윤원만 박혜정 권복순 장서규 김병옥 구본찬 최정희 편경현 고금석 최지안 윤덕순 권정철 도미자 김덕순 신숙희 장성옥 김귀인 황정숙 왕병욱 이인숙 임대옥 이재원 정선희 염순이 심경숙 서은선 정현주 진상현 권인경 김상동 이지은 박순혜 조옥희 송진기 한정숙 최영근 노외순 권오규 박순희 김주연 김경순 이지영 박효진 전용국 김윤정 이하나 김동주 도윤호 김진영 송경희 안호협 이옥형 고경근 유영애 박순애 박훤희 홍미숙 성상모 변혜원 프놈펜깔멜수녀원 Br.Huy'sparents JLMM 10DollarClub FriendsofBattambang MusicaFelice St.IgnatiusCollege KarunaBattambang
How to Support us
Book Cover $5.0
If you are interested in our work here in Cambodia, please check this payment details Bank Name : Phnom Penh Commercial Bank Swift Code : PPCBKHPP Bank Address : #767-769, Monivong Blvd., Sangkat Boeung Trabek, Khan Chamkamorn, Phnom Penh, Cambodia Account Name : Jesuit Service-Cambodia Account No. : 111-02-004010-6 you can also contribute to our work by purchasing products from the production of Banteay Prieb. Please check our products in this website.
Pouch Bag $6.0
Cotton Bag $15.0
http://issuu.com/banteayprieb/docs/production_catalog Email. banteayprieb.production@gmail.com
Publisher Oh-Chang Kwon S.J. Editor Jeong Hyun OH Copy Right JSC(Jesuit Service Cambodia) Banteay Prieb