30th letter from Banteay Prieb

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Letter from Banteay Prieb VOLUME. 30

2018. January to March

contents introduction Letter from BP _John _YoeRum

details BP Focus _HomecomingDay BP Interview _Kung Thawarin BP Talk _graduated students

BP News

BP Production

Letter from BP_John

L e t t e r f r o m B a n t e a y P r i e b

Introduce myself and before come to BP Hello my name is Seokmin Hong (English name is John), 31-year-old and Korean. Before come to Cambodia, I worked for a semiconductor company as an electric circuit designer. I have worked 4 years but there was no happiness in my life thus I decided to change my way. As a result I decided to join candidate program for Society of Jesuits in Korea last September (Sep. 2017). After 3 months, at the end of November, I decided to quit the job and then candidate master invited me to Jesuits’ Cambodian mission so that I can experience as a Jesuits’ member. I came to Cambodia since January 2018, it has been almost 3 months already. During the first 2 weeks in Cambodia, I spent time to get used to live in Cambodia. Also I got an opportunity to go to northern part of Cambodia. I went to sisophon and siem reap and stayed at Catholic Church and school. I met many Fathers, Brothers, Sisters, students, volunteers and Cambodian. All of them were so happy to live together and help each other. I felt strongly to live and be with them so that I can learn how to be happy from them. After I came back to Phnom Penh, I assigned to go to Banteay Prieb; training center for the disabled. I had never accompanied with the disabled, so I was little bit worried because I do not know how to help and live with them. What I can do was just prepare myself to be open-mind and kind to all people whom I will meet in Banteay Prieb. On 16th January 2018, I came to Banteay Prieb.

Letter from BP_John

The First impression on Banteay Prieb

The living in Banteay Prieb students.

I arrived at Banteay Prieb about six pm. So it was so dark and every students, teachers and staffs had already gone back to their house. The school was just quiet and peaceful. The next day morning I had a chance to look around house and school. I had heard about Banteay Prieb and its long history to assist the disabled. Just as I thought before come to the school, the buildings and houses were very old. Especially the dormitory was made by wood (it was traditional Cambodian style). However in the afternoon, Br. Sandeep gave me a tour on school and after class is finished (at about 4:30 pm), I had a chance to hang out with students. It was my first time to meet the disabled. Firstly, Br. Sandeep introduced students one by one. We had a short conversation then played basketball and volleyball together. Even though the students have disability, they fully enjoyed the game. We played, laughed, and drank water together. After the game, they invited me to join dinner. I had a beautiful dinner together with them. Before I go to bed on that day, during the praying, I thought that even though they have disability, their mind to be with people and treat others is exactly same to mine. Eventually I blew up all the worries so I assured myself that I can manage to stay in Banteay Prieb. Eventually I blew up all the worries so I assured myself that I can manage to stay in Banteay Prieb.

Living in Cambodia is not easy to me. The hot weather, language and food made me difficult to adjust to living in Cambodia. I still struggle to get used to the weather. It is hot and humid so somedays it is almost impossible to get sleep. And usually the next day, I felt completely exhausted and tired. I have not learnt Khmer before, thus I had difficulty in communicating with students and teachers. To me the food was salty so sometimes I could not finish one plate. But time goes so fast and I tried all my best to fit into Cambodian life-style. Now I can enjoy meals and fruits with people. Also now I can speak little bit of Khmer so I can have short conversation with students. The most important part, the weather, I still feel hot and humid but I can manage it. I drink a lot of water to avoid dehydration and take a shower several times to cool down body temperature. Since I have arrived in Banteay Prieb, many Fathers, Brothers and volunteers told me that students are treasure of Banteay Prieb. I think it is totally right. I have learned many things from students. And at the same time, I have found good things inside myself because of them. Normally during the semester, students stay in one house with 12 other students and 1 house teacher. So they spend every moment of life together; cooking, eating, studying, and helping anything. Literally everything they have to share together. They have different kinds of disabilities so they have a chance to put themselves into others so that understand each other and eventually it makes them to remove all the barriers to other people. At the same time, they can enhance their self-awareness. Not only in the society but also in their own family, they felt abandonees and useless. But after come to Banteay Prieb, they can get hope again so that they can be a part of society and have rights to live a happy life. I think that I could experience and learn all these lessons by living with our BP treasure. I thought I am the one to help and taking care of the disabled but actually they helped me to have different point of view in my life and society. With all these lovely experience, I am sure that I can move one step forward to the God. I just want to say thanks to every people in BP, all the benefactors, all the people who pray for us and God. And I also hope that many people come to Banteay Prieb and find happiness among us.

Letter from BP_YeoRum

"Hello~ How are you?" I want to greet you all with putting my hands together. Unfortunately I am little bit far for Cambodia so I greet you all with this letter. How are you all? I came back to Korea safely. Now Korea is spring season so I have fresh air and warm sunlight compare to Cambodia which will be the hottest season. Even though I left Banteay Prieb a week ago, the Banteay Prieb is still alive in my memory. Sometimes in my daily life or during praying the memory of Banteay Prieb makes me smile and my eyes wet. The most haunts thing in my mind is smiling faces of students. Whenever I remind chattering mouths, affectionate eyes and play for cheeks, I smile. Do special education students study numbers at the class room and water morning-glory at the vegetable garden? Still sewing class students play on the swings and have a chatting before class? Still can you smell the gasoline fragrance when you pass by mechanic class and can you hear the music when you pass by electronic class? Are the shining eyes of students who listen to teacher Keoun in phone repairing class as usual? Are the students soksabbay(how are you) at agriculture class who prepare forage for pig and clean pig pen and make up class who becomes totally different person by wearing full make up and made us surprised?

Fortunately I remember every view of Banteay Prieb clearly. The every view of Banteay Prieb as follows. When I lay down on the hammock to enjoy the view of ecology garden, I could see that Banteay prieb surrounded by subtle shades of orange sunlight during the sunset. The rain breathes life into Banteay Prieb during rainy season. I saw stars hanging on the branch like fruit at dark night. Tall trees and fluttery butterflies among flowers show presence. Now I feel lizards cutter than before. I saw students dancing with wheelchair on every Saturday night. I also remember the appearance behind of students who drink lemon tea with limping leg. Whenever I go to kitchen aunt Ming PPuuen, Sinuan gave me something to eat. I still remember that Sumnang who takes care our garden diligently and teacher Pheary who calls students with strong and clear voice. I feel thankful to sister Navy, sister Chantha, sister Sophie who had been always with me and helped me a lot. I was fully loved by a teacher Soklen like her own daughter. I miss every warmhearted teachers and community members lived with. Still my heart stays in Banteay Prieb. Now I can say that even the harsh experiences are part of happy memories too. Everything was good but I feel sorry to Chanang because I did the lolly with her. Even though the shortage of my ability, I just want to thank you all because you loved me and took care of me fully. Whenever I go, whatever I do the image of Banteay Prieb will be remained in my mine always as the same image. "I

hope the best happiness and peace to you all and see you again in the future. Jomrip rieo(Good bye)."

BP Focus

Homecoming Day

♥♡2018 March 23th with graduate students♡♥

BP Talk_with graduate students

"What do you do?" I have managed to open hair shop in my house. I do haircut, hair dyeing, hair straight and makeup. The customer is rare because the people do not know my shop. I don’t have many customers only very few. Chem Ti mechanic 29th

Som Rith Chan ni makeup 30th

I have managed to open a mobile repairing shop. The business is good. Every day I get like 20000 Riels. I know this much money is not enough but for me it is enough I am happy at least I am able to support myself. Pel Ramune electrinics 21th

I have started sewing shop at my home. The shop is doing well. The customers come to my home and give me the work. In the beginning the customer felt pity on me because I am disabled person so they gave me work but now the customers know me that I have good skill in sewing. Now I think the most important thing for me is Chen Sokcheat to respect the customers and make them sweing 27th happy.

I have managed to open makeup shop in my village.

I am a veterinarian when the client call me I go to the village and give an injection to livestock. Mouk Sengly agticulture 21th

I have started a motorcycle repairing shop. The business is not so bad but I don’t have money to buy enough equipment and the shop is so far from Main Street. Now I think that shop should have enough equipment and should be along the main street.

Yong Kim charnal makeup

BP Talk_with graduate students

"What was the most impressive thing while you were staying at BP?"

The friendship which I had here that was very impressive for me. Som Rith Chan ni makeup 30th

The most impressive thing which I found in BP while staying was, here everybody is respected.

The most impressive thing was in BP for me was to learn together after the class. Many thing I did not understand during the class our but in house we had group study so during group study through my friend I understood the things which I missed while Chem Ti the class. mechanic 29th

The most impressive thing was teachers, fathers, volunteers and all staffs they loved the students. Pel Ramune electrinics 21th

The most impressive thing was for me to study about agriculture. I learned many things like taking care of plants, raising livestock, giving injection to livestock. Especially I like raising livestock and caring for them but my village did not allow me to raise livestock. So Mouk Sengly I am doing the work of injecting livestock agticulture 21th whenever people call me.

Chen Sokcheat sweing 27th

The most impressive thing was for me to learn haircutting and the community life. I liked playing the sports and dancing. Yong Kim charnal makeup

BP Talk_with graduate students

"How do you feel about the homecoming day?"

I am really glad to see my friends and share my experiences with them. Som Rith Chan ni makeup 30th

I am so happy to join the homecoming day and meet my old friends and same time give some kind of encouragement to new Pel Ramune students. electrinics 21th

Mouk Sengly agticulture 21th

I am so happy to attain the homecoming day. I can think of my past memories which I went through while staying here. It gives me happiness. I love to visit BP I feel it is my second home.

I am so happy to attain the homecoming day I met my friends, teachers, senior students. Chem Ti mechanic 29th

I am re al l y g l a d t o s e e t e a c h e r s an d s t u d e n t s . We s h a re o u r ex p e r i e n c e s together and that is useful for me to go back Chen Sokcheat home after homecoming day and reorganaze sweing 27th my businees in a proper way.


K u n g T h a v a r i n

O f t h e p h o n e r e p a i r i n g

How do you see yourself after one year can you imagine and tell me?

"Don't give up and just move forward."


•How do you find now to learn the skill, is it easy or difficult? It is difficult for me to learn the skill now but I am trying my best. I need lot of Patience to stay here since I am having children. Apart from mobile repairing I am learning many other things for my life. One of the important thing which I am learning here is how to live life together with other people. To live life together here at BP is giving me the opportunity to share my life with others and same time understand about others life and grow together. Now I feel the value of friendship in my life. I am happy to be here. •You have been staying at Banteay Prieb since last three months have you observed any changes in your life? Yes I feel many changes in my life. Now I feel self-confidence. I feel happy now I have the access with the Society. I feel a responsible person.

•How did you come to Banteay Prieb When the outreach team visited my village I met the teacher. The teacher asked me "Have you ever learned skill?" I said "No" then the teacher explained about the Banteay Prieb, Vocational training Institute for the people with disabilities, and its program. After listening to him I got desire to learn the mobile repairing skill. This is how I landed at Baneay Prieb. •How was your life before coming to BP? Before coming to Banteay Prieb my life was limited with my family I did not have much connection with other people I mean with the Society. Somehow I was happy with my family but same time I had desire to have some kind of familiarity with the society also.

• Why did you decide to learn the phone repairing skill? I thought that to learn mobile repairing will be easy for me since I am wheelchair person so mobile repairing does not need much moving Same time I realized these days almost all the people are using mobile phone so I can get work in my village also. Though it was not easy for me to learn mobile repairing with the boys but my family motivated me to take some strong decision so I decided to take the mobile repairing skill. • If we offer you now to learn one more skill what will be the other skill you will take and why? If I am offer to learn one more skill I will learn how to make coffee and other soft drinks. I know this skill will be very helpful for me because I will run mobile repairing shop and same time I will sale coffee and other soft drinks. I will involve my children also to sell the coffee. My husband also is running motor bike repairing shop so he will also help me to sale coffee. children can serve to customer.

BP Life

BP News

BP Production

New items! 22th and 23th of February, the students had a seminar about the different types of intellectual disabilities.

On the International Women’s Day(8,March), a ll fe m a l e st u d e n t s , their teachers and some staffs went to the Kirirom National Park.

Love Never Fails-Ring

Rosary Bracelet with Moter Mary

Rosary Bracelet with Cross




Coin case

Long Wallet



On March 11th, The students participated in "2018 ASIA TRY KOKOROAZASHI MATSURI IN CAMBODIA". Christmas House

Cross wiith Jesus



Banteay Prieb is.. Banteay Prieb, founded by the JRS(Jesuit Refugee Service) and now run by JSC(Jesuit Service Cambodia), aims to help the disabled to be independent and to find dignity in themselves through vocational training and the community life. Contact us at: Post Address: P.O BOX 880, Phnom Penh, Cambodia Phone: +855 12949710 e-mail Address:banteayprieb@gmail.com Website: facebook.com/banteayprieb facebook.com/craftpeacecafe www.youtube.com/user/banteayprieb

Special Thanks to..

Donors (January to March) 전복희 이은철 최은희 조창권 임창률 김지영 임이택 성민주 김상동 고운용 남명자 김동환 강경임 임용성 이수형 윤정희 이귀자 조옥희 박주완 정옥희 정분옥 한향숙 염순이 심경숙 김영모 장경희 송경희 권민선 권인순 박재인 박세린 신정식 이은정 여환지 전대일 한정숙 송진기 김정란 IRENE PARK 박순희 이윤성 무기명 한영호 문승희 천상영 이증옥 권기영 정은정 손금화 나성미 신순덕 박서령 이한양 권오규 이은경 진예진 한희주 최윤자 김현옥 최난희 정은순 권정숙 최영준 송지은 김주월 한영희 온해정 윤지홍 권춘미 김유선 한성민 김한솔 오미란 신금옥 이기백 장원희 권은자 김홍순 최동화 노희철 김주연 정현희 피옥경 임대옥 김금열 허윤정 최정희 이인혁 이동원 조성태 김영미 여승현 서형교 박효진 권용호 신선자 윤원만 최동원 김옥선 권복순 장서규 김병옥 김익우 구본찬 편경현 고금석 권정철 윤덕순 김덕순 신숙희 이재원 황정숙 왕병욱 김귀인 장성옥 정선희 정현주 이인숙 서은선 권인경 이동수 권춘이 김윤정 류진희 조해인신부님 전남대학교특수교육학과 내일을여는사람들 샘터 Mariona Cristina Margareth SJHouse(Tokoy)

How to Support us

Publisher Oh-Chang Kwon S.J.

If you are interested in our work here in Cambodia, please check this payment details Bank Name : Phnom Penh Commercial Bank Swift Code : PPCBKHPP Bank Address : #767-769, Monivong Blvd., Sangkat Boeung Trabek, Khan Chamkamorn, Phnom Penh, Cambodia Account Name : Jesuit Service-Cambodia Account No. : 111-02-004010-6 you can also contribute to our work by purchasing products from the production of Banteay Prieb. Please check our products in this website. http://issuu.com/banteayprieb/docs/production_catalog Email. banteayprieb.production@gmail.com

Editor Jeong Hyeon OH

Copy Right JSC(Jesuit Service Cambodia) Banteay Prieb

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