34th Letter from Banteay Prieb

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Letter from Banteay Prieb VOLUME. 34

2019. January to March

Contents Letter from BP _A Story of Ulin about Special Football Tournament

BP Focus _International Women's Day

BP Interview _Sreng Channarin

BP Life _Pictures

BP News

BP Production

Letter from BP

Ulin talks about her experience _BP volunteer since January 2018 Majored in Pharmacy, Indonesian volunteer, Demetria Ulin Suci Aprilla takes care of students' health while she volunteers at Special Education Class. Here she wants to share her experiece with Special Education students.

Special Football Tournament

On February 23rd 2019 some special education students together with some physically challenged students from Banteay Prieb joined a football tournament for children with disabilities organized by Indochina Starfish Foundation (Education and Football NGO in Cambodia). They were so excited even since the day before. On the day of the tournament, they even woke up earlier than usual. We went to the tournament place by using Starfish car. It was a truck without any seats on the back of it. Even though many of the students had to stand up during the trip, they kept on being joyful. When we arrived on the place, I was amazed to see many students with disabilities attending this tournament. They played together with Starfish staff by holding hand in hand. Starfish prepared this tournament well. I could see the students’ happy expression. It seemed as if they do not have any disability at all. During the tournament, I kept my eyes on the students. Suddenly I felt sad to

think of how difficult their life is. I was wondering about their future, family and how they keep on struggling regardless their difficulties until now. My thought stopped when I heard their happy shouting. I realized that their life may not be easy with their disabilities, but God’s love make them happy. He gives His love through people around them. Why I should worry about their future if even God’s love always be with them. At the end of this tournament, the committee gave a medal and gift to every participant. All students were very happy even though they were tired. This is a new experience for me. They are my teachers from whom I learned a lot about happiness in simplicity and limitation, about perseverance, and gratitude. Starfish staff also became my inspiration on how to cheerfully accompany students with disability. Everyone is special here and that’s why the title of this article is Special Football Tournament. Written by Ulin

BP Focus

2019 International Women's Day(IWD) IWD(March, 8th) is a global day celebrating the achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity. To remind the spirit of IWD and women’s rights, BP planned a picnic for BP female students as they don’t have much opportunity to go for a picnic.

On International Women's Day, BP women went for a picnic on Thmor Roung Mountain.

In the mountain’s valley, students had a good time swimming, taking a nap on Hammocks, and eating various snacks and lunch.

On the way back, students stopped by Norakborey Museum and were amazed by Cambodian relics and giant fishes.

Students had a memorable time considering the meaning of IWD. Thank you to all staff who’ve put much effort preparing and managing this picnic. :)

BP Interview

Student Interview_ Sreng Channarin of Sewing Class

Interview_Sreng Channarin Hello. Please introduce yourself. Hello. I'm Sreng Channarin came from Kandal Province. I am 27 years old and study sewing in BP. I am 4th child of 6. How was your life before coming to BP? When I was 9 months old, I got high fever and my legs started to bend severely. When I walked around the house, many neighbors asked me what happened to my legs. When I was 15 years old, I was sent to center for People With Disabilities (Kien Khleang Hospital - an NGO). At the center, I got a surgery and stayed for two months. The surgery gave me a huge pain but didn't help much. At that time, the center staff told me about Banteay Prieb.At first, my parents were afraid of sending me to another village because I'm a girl. However, as I show my passion for a period of time, they changed their mind and started to support me to study in Banteay Prieb.


What is your goal? I want to make money by sewing and doing nails at a salon. My sister runs the salon. She taught me how to do nails. I wanted to learn another skill so that I can work and earn more in the same place. My parents can't work because they are too old. All I want is the happiness of my family. In the future, I want to use my skills for local people's benefit, too.

How do you find now to learn the skill?

How is the community life?

At first, the lesson was pretty difficult for me. Especially, I had a hard time sewing straight lines. But after a few weeks later, I could see my improvement and it excited me. I got my self-confidence little by little. I told myself "I can do it! I am better than before!" Recently I made two shirts. I am very pround of it, and I wore those shirts quite often. Now I am working on a dress shirt. But still, I need more improvement. I'll do my best in learning and try more.

I got to know how to enjoy community life. I am very happy with all people live in here because they always help me. With friends, I play, cook, decorate, and sing together. In the evening, 10~20 friends gathers together to play games outside. We play tag and other traditional games. Nowadays, We practice songs together for upcoming Homecoming Day. I feel little nervous in singing, but I will do my best.

You look very enthusiastic for learning. Do you want to learn other skills as well? My second dream is to become a translator. So I want to learn computure and more languages like English, Thai, Korean, and Chinese. Because of my origin, I eager to learn Chinese. In fact, My father's parents are Chinese! My father can't speak Chinese because it was too expensive to learn. Meanwhile, I learned a few Korean sentences thanks to the Korean volunteers.

BP Life

Students love Sports!

BP Life

Students do their best on learning techniques! Students also enjoy having time with staff, teachers, and volunteers. :)

BP News On January 16th, Canadian dentists from the charity organization, Kindness in Action, are visiting BP to provide dental health services to our students and teachers. They have visited our school every year since 2017. It is the first time for most of our students to have the dental treatment. Thanks to ‘Kindness in Action’ for visiting our school and treatment for students and staff. On January 20, Tiatnuri volunteers from OBOS (One body One Sprit) came to BP. In the morning, they played basketball and volleyball with our students. After that, our students invited them to have lunch together at three students’ houses. In the afternoon, they played games and made dove symbol of school with paper. Our students enjoyed the program.

On March 15, Ms. Kim Jung Sook, ROK's first lady, visited BP. Fr. Oh Indon gave her a tour of BP. Fr. Indon started from talking about BP's introduction at the hall of the office. They looked around BP including mechanic, electronics, sewing class rooms.BP Students and Staff were happy to meet her and encouraged by her visit.

From middle of March to end of March, Korean Designer Ryu Jinhee has visited BP to counsel production staff. She had been a BP volunteer for 5 years before. This year, she came to advice on products while she also suggested new interesting design ideas. She made some samples so that other staff can reproduce them easily. Jinhee and staff were happy to see each other again and to share various ideas on production.

BP Production

Banteay Prieb is

New items

Banteay Prieb, founded by the JRS(Jesuit Refugee Service) and now run by JSC(Jesuit Service Cambodia), aims to help the disabled to be independent and to find dignity in themselves through vocational training and the community life. Contact us at: Post Address: P.O BOX 880, Phnom Penh, Cambodia Phone: +855 12949710 e-mail Address:banteayprieb@gmail.com Website: facebook.com/banteayprieb facebook.com/craftpeacecafe www.youtube.com/user/banteayprieb

Special Thanks to Donors (January to March) 강경임 고운용 고전숙 곽영숙 구본찬 권기영 권민선 권복순 권영규 권용호 권인경 권인순 권정숙 권정철 김경순 김귀인 김금열 김덕순 김동환 김병옥 김수경 김영모 김영미 김옥선 김유선 김익우 김주연 김지영 김한솔 김현옥 김홍순 남명자 노희철 도미자 루시앙 류경정 류미아 문승희 박서령 박세린 박순희 박원식 박재인 박주완 박진솔 박현희 박혜정 박효진 배성숙 서은선 서재선 서형교 성민주 손금화 신금옥 신순덕 신정식 심경숙 여승현 여환지 염순이 오미란 왕병욱 우선숙 원태연 유근표 유영애 윤덕순 윤석렬 윤원만 윤정희 이기백 이동원 이수미 이수형 이은경 이은정 이은철 이인숙 이인혁 이재원 이증옥 이한양 이희석 임대옥 임용성 임이택 임정임 임창률 장경희 장서규 장성옥 장원희 전복희 전소라 정분옥 정선희 정옥희 정은순 정은정 정현주 정현희 조성태 조창권 진상현 천상영 최동원 최동화 최연문 최영준 최윤자 최은희 최정희 최지안 편경현 피옥경 한성민 한영호 한영희 한정숙 한향숙 한희주 홍현숙 주이지앤피 프놈펜깔멜수녀원 Geoffroy Auzou Camboren&SJHouseCommunity RocioRamos CAMtoChristina

Fish Keyring $ 3.0

How to Support us Muss Veil Pouch $ 3.0

Mix Kroma Bag $ 15.0

If you are interested in our work here in Cambodia, please check this payment details

Bank Name : Phnom Penh Commercial Bank Swift Code : PPCBKHPP Bank Address : #767-769, Monivong Blvd., Sangkat Boeung Trabek, Khan Chamkamorn, Phnom Penh, Cambodia Account Name : Jesuit Service-Cambodia Account No. : 111-02-004010-6 you can also contribute to our work by purchasing products from the production of Banteay Prieb. Please check our products in this website. http://issuu.com/banteayprieb/docs/production_catalog Email. banteayprieb.production@gmail.com

Publisher Rudy Chandra Wijaya S.J.

Editor Sol Lee

Copy Right JSC(Jesuit Service Cambodia) Banteay Prieb

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