Letter from Banteay Prieb Vol.17 2014.04~06
Contents 1. Opening Letter
2. Interview
-Men Yuth(Outreach Manager)
-Student care teachers
3. Photo Diary
4. News
-Last dance with Celine
-In and around BP
5. Special Thanks To
Letter from Banteay Prieb My Life and Banteay Prieb After I lost my leg because of a landmine accident, I was very depressed and broken with nothing to compare this experience to. I wanted to die rather than live. I was discriminated by society and I felt no longer accepted to the society. This is not only my story but also many other persons with disabilities from all over the world. In 1992, I found out Banteay Prieb and it made me feel so different. In Banteay Prieb, every experiences that I never imagined was possible. I saw many people happily living together. They were from different countries, different race, language, and religion. But they were living joyfully with one another. Most importantly, they didn’t discriminate against persons with disabilities treating all equally, male or female, with much care and love. Not only they taught us technical skills but also they took close care of all students with a spirit of love, compassion, and sympathy living with us all with the values of peace, freedom, justice, equality, and dignity. They taught us to be good and love each other like one family.
Seeing their love toward students and all their good actions, I felt how Banteay Prieb is a home of love and peace for me and for other people who live here. We never thought that Banteay Prieb is just a guesthouse. Because since the beginning, Banteay Prieb was a heaven of peace for everyone and a source of many good values for all of us. I would never forget their sacrifice and encouragement given to me to live a good life. I always ask to myself, “What do we work for? Who do we work for? Where do we start and where do we end?” These are the question which is difficult to answer. What we do doesn’t have the end. Nowadays, all teachers and staff members try to work hard for all the students and people with disabilities who usually do not have the opportunity to improve their lives in society. “Together we stand on the foundation that is Banteay Prieb, our one family and one fortune.”
Best wishes, Outreach Manager Men Yuth +Yuth enrolled as an electronics student in 1993. Following his graduation in1995, he became a full time permanent staff of the outreach team which he helped develop. He is more than an outreach manager; he is the heart of the outreach team.
Vol.17 Interview
Interview with Student care teachers One fine day, we had an interview with Yun Pheary & Dimong
Date: 06.05.2014 Place: Bench nearby office (Yun Pheary as P, Dimong as D)
1) When did you begin working as student care teachers? P: I studied agriculture here in 2008 and started working for both the student care and agriculture departments in the following year. Now I devote most of my time to student care, but I still visit the agriculture class from time to time and hang out with the students. I really loved the lessons I received in this class. I would have missed them a lot if I had to go back home after the course was over. Fortunately Fr. Indon and Mr. Klieng Vann suggested that I stay and work for Banteay Prieb, and now here I am. I am not a very outgoing person. At first, I only talked to the people I already knew – if I did at all. I worked hard, but really quietly. But if anybody asked me a favor, I never refused. I don’t understand why I couldn’t say anything but ‘yes’ back then. (Laugh) As a student care teacher, I think it’s important to communicate with students. And especially, it is my strong belief that I must love all students equally. There may be some students who stand out from others and some others who don’t, but I try to love them equally. D: I was a student in the electronics class last year (2013). When I finished the course, Mr. Klieng Vann, the principal, offered me this job. I was very happy when he did.
2) What are your main responsibilities as student care teachers? P: I oversee students’ academic and community life and bring the sick ones to the hospital. (When and why do students get sick?) The weather during the rainy season(June to November) continuously changes. Before the rain starts, the weather is really hot and humid and when the rain starts, the weather gets cold. Because of these weather changes, students get sick often. And boys are much harder than girls to take care of. (Laugh) The students here are all grown-ups and some of them are older than me. So sometimes it’s difficult to deal with adult students and boys are much harder than girls to take care of (Laugh). D: We spend time with students and take care of their life here. 3) Do you have any memorable events that you would like to share with us? P: Usually I spend time with students on Friday evenings and weekends. Boys play volleyball and girls play badminton. We hold big parties several times a year before students go back home for holidays, and what I like about these occasions is that all students come together to enjoy themselves without being shy or making distinctions between boys and girls. Banteay Prieb is a speical space where our disabled students find things to do. Before coming here, they mostly stay home doing nothing in particular, but once they arrive in Banteay Prieb,
Vol.17 Interview they make friends, study and partake in social activities. 4) And any unforgettable students? P: There are too many to name all, but those who study hard and work diligently after graduation remain in my memory for the longest time. D: This is my first here being as a student care teacher so I don’t really have any unforgettable students in particular. I love hearing students’ stories these days. The students began to feel comfortable in Banteay Prieb. They are good friends with one another and they feel free to talk to me as well. They tell us about their life before Banteay Prieb, and it is really interesting! 5) What kind of students were you in Banteay Prieb? P: I studied hard when I was a student. I preferred visiting the school farm to going out. When I was free, I spent time studying and helping the teachers take care of the pigs and chickens with my friends. D: I studied hard and spent much time with friends. (What do you like best about Banteay Prieb?) I wanted to work here ever since I first entered this place. (Really?) But as a student, I didn’t think it was possible because I studied electronics, and it seemed then that the department did not need any more staff. So I had actually planned to run my own electronics shop back home. What I liked about Banteay Prieb is that I could study in a beautiful environment with many great people and many things to do with them. 6) Please tell me your happiest moments working as student care teachers.
P: When I spend time with students! Just looking at them smile makes me happy. Their concerns are also my own, and students are my strength. D: I feel happy when I visit students after work to talk and play sports with them. (D is an amazing volleyball player.) 7) And what gives you difficulties? P: It’s very difficult when students do not cooperate. There are about ten people in each house, and some conflicts are inevitable when there are so many people living together in one space. But it’s also important that they try to understand each other. When students have troubles, their house teacher and I try to resolve them by talking and listening to them. D: I am worried that students might drink alcohol when they go out on weekends. 8) What are your hopes for the future? P: I love working in the field of agriculture. One day, I would like to have my own farm, even though my family is worried that it might be too much work for me. I also want a sewing workshop. I would use the profits made here to support the farm. D: I want to run my own electronics shop on day. But I want to stay and work in Banteay Prieb for a long time. So this will happen only in a distant future. 9) Do you have anything to add? P: I wish volunteers continue to come to Banteay Prieb every year and spend time with our students. D: I feel comfortable working here, and I am glad that I could be helpful to many people around me. I wish my coworkers and students also feel happy to work with me.
Vol.17 Interview
Yun Pheary is... She studied agriculture in 2008 and became a student care teacher in following year. She also works as a body therapist in Banteay Prieb.
Dimong is... He studied electronics in 2013 and became a student care teacher in this year. He also works as a librarian.
Vol.17 Interview
Vol.17 Photo Dairy
Last dance with Celine Photo. Kwanseok Lee
Vol.17 Photo Dairy
Celine is... Celine is a French professional modern dancer based in Korea. Once in two weekends, she spent time with students in Banteay Prieb having a body movement class. From her class, students realized how beauiful their bodies are and became to know how to take care of and treat their own bodies. She is now going back to Korea. Thanks for sharing a previous time with us!
Vol.17 News
The biggest holiday, Khmer New Year From April 11th to 20th, students and teachers in the Banteay Prieb went back home to celebrate one of the biggest holidays, Chaul Chnam Thmey (Khmer New Year’s day), with their families. Since it was the first holiday after students came to the center to study, they were very happy to meet their families. Before the holiday begun, students and teachers danced traditional dances everyday for a week to wish everyone a happy new year. After students went back their home, teachers and staffs held an ancestral rite and shared holiday meal together. A New ‘Tuk-Tuk’ in the Banteay Prieb On June 3rd, a new ‘Tuk-Tuk’ came to the Banteay Prieb. As part of the improving healthcare programs, this new Tuk-Tuk will take students to hospital safely when they are not well. ‘Tuk-Tuk’, a motorcycle with a cabin attached to the rear, is a traditional vehicle in Cambodia. The typical capacity for a Tuk-Tuk is four people, but the one in the Banteay Prieb has enough seats for 10 people. Therefore, students can go to hospital restfully, and they can carry wheelchairs as well. We thank NGO of Catholic -affiliated organization, ‘ One-Body One-Sprit’ for support.
A New Director in the Banteay Prieb Fr. Indon Oh who has been a director since 2008 ended his activities in the Banteay Prieb. From June 1st, Fr. Greg started working as a new director. Born in Indonesia, Fr. Greg has been working as a member of JSC for many years. We thank Fr. Indon for spending so much time with Banteay Prieb and welcome Fr. Greg with great joy.
2014 Happy Khmer New Year
Vol.17 News
Every Weekend: Haircut and Beauty Class are opened Every Sunday, haircut and beauty classes are opened. 28 male students in the haircut class, and 23 female students in the beauty class. Female students also learn Nail Art to keep up with trends in Cambodia. Especially, male students in the haircut class continually visit a neighboring town or an elementary school for free haircuts. Let’s cheers to our students who participate the class even in weekend!
Staffs in the Sculpture Workshop went to Siem Reap to learn new skills. Four staffs in the sculpture workshop were sent to Angkor Artwork in Siem Reap. From the end of May to June, they stayed in Siem Reap for a month to learn polychromy. Also they visited the world-famous historical site, Angkor Wat, for the first time in their lives. They were happy and also felt proud of grand and beautiful Angkor Wat. You can look forward to new woodcraft products which are inspired by new skills and Angkor Wat.
Open the new Farm outside of BP From May 20th, we are preparing for opening the new farm. JSC donated the land for the farm, which is located 10km far from the Banteay Prieb. This new farm will offer more opportunities to practice for current students in agricultural class and internship and job for graduates. Also we prepare to build houses at the farm to help students work and live there. We are planning to finish all the preparations by the end of this year. We thank everyone who helps the preparations of the farm.
Vol.17 News
A Newly Renovated Craft Peace Cafe Craft Peace Cafe in Phnom Penh directly managed by Banteay Prieb is newly renovated with the help of Polish designer, Iwona Bara. It is a place to introduce Banteay Prieb, a workplace for graduate students, a cultural space for photo exhibition, concert and film festival. Also it is a place to take a rest under the hot sun. Come and visit Craft Peace Cafe for a cup of coffee! Concert for Xavier Jesuit School Jesuit Service Cambodia which opened Banteay Prieb in 1991 carries forward a project to build a Xavier Jesuit School in Sisophon which is the poorest area in Cambodia. On June 3rd, the concert was held in the Ignatius Church at Sogang University in Korea. On June 9th and 10th, the concert was held for two days at PPIIA concert hall in Phnom Penh for fundraising. World famous cellist, Mark Kosower and pianist, Jee-Won Oh played a beautiful melody of love and hope for the school. Support for building Xavier Jesuit School! You can find more information at http://jesuitschoolcam.org/ For donation -Bank name: Phnom Penh Commercial Bank -Account number: 116-02-044393-4 -Name: Jesuit Service-Cambodia(school) -Tel: 855-23-999650 -Email: Jesuit.schoo.cambodia@gmail.com
Production of this month Netbook Case
Size: 28x28 Material: Cotton Kroma Patch
Special thanks to
Saint Ignatius’ College Riverview Wah Yan College Brenda Shum
Banteay Prieb, founded by the Jesuit Service Cambodia, aims to help those victimized by war, land mines, polio and accidents achieve independence and find dignity in themselves through vocational training and psychological support.
Support us Bank : ACLEDA Bank Plc / Address : #61, Preah Monvong Blvd, Sangkat Srah Chork, Khan Daun Penh, Phnom Penh, Cambodia / Detail : +855 23994444/15999233, inquiry@acledabank.com.kh / Account : Saving / SWIFT CODE : ACLBKHPP / CHIPS UID : 415637 / Name : Jesuit Service-Cambodia(Community) /Account NO. : 0001-20-296380-2-99
Ordering and buying our products http://issuu.com/banteayprieb/docs/production_catalog Email. banteayprieb.production@gmail.com
for more INFORMATION www.banteayprieb.org www.craftpeacecafe.com facebook.com/banteayprieb facebook.com/craftpeacecafe www.youtube.com/user/banteayprieb Email. banteayprieb@gmail.com Phone. +855 12617721 Post Adress P.O BOX 880, Phnom Penh, Cambodia