BAR and CLUBBING Magazine

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‘MERRY CHRISTMAS’ from BAR and CLUBBING Magazine !! ADVERT BOOKINGS - to arrange an informal meeting please contact us on 07876 752 514 or 0161 330 4121 - or email: MAGAZINE DISTRIBUTORS want to stock BARandCLUBBING mag in your shop or venue (FREE Magazine) call 0161 330 4121 or 07876 752 514 and we will add you to our expanding distribution list. For current list of stockists please see below DEADLINE for February/March Issue: FRIDAY 14TH JANUARY February/March Issue released on MONDAY 31st JANUARY or earlier!


Around the House’s p7 Plastic Glasses? p8 Classic Archive Gallery p18 DJ’s Reminisce p20 Chute Bar Interview p27


Gig Guide p10 Bar-Room Jokes p14 Console & Gaming p22 Movie Reviews p24 Shaun Lever Dancefloor Addict p26 Techie Corner p29 Crossword p30 Horoscope p31

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Going Around The Houses... The Public Houses A valued friend of mine recently asked me why I had stopped drinking. My response was a simple one; “because I love life”. This answer left him somewhat confused so I took it upon myself to elaborate. “I love life so much” I said, “that I do not want to spend another moment of it feeling anything other than my absolute best. I’m afraid that life is too short for that. Granted, there will be times when I will feel sick or even tired,” I told him, “but those instances will be few and far between and furthermore, they will not be self-inflicted.” Baffled, no doubt due to my cryptic answer, he asked; “well where does drinking come into it?” To which I responded; “drinking, whether it’s a little amount or a lot, makes me feel so bad that I do not wish to face the day. It takes the spring from my step. It suppresses my lust for life.” “Ok,” he quickly replied, “so you feel bad after a few beers. We all do.” Interjecting, I exclaimed; “yes, but that doesn’t mean that I have to.” I could clearly see that he had more questions to ask so with a wave of my hand, I prompted him to continue. “So what happens when you go out”, he eagerly quizzed, “with the lads, on a date, on holiday? What then?” - “Well,” I responded, whilst simultaneously stroking my chin, “that’s a good question.” And it was, so I indulged him. “There was once a time in my life when I didn’t need alcohol in order to enjoy myself. Unfortunately, I lost my way in that regard. My quest is to find that place again. It will often be difficult and there will be a lot of adapting to do but in the long run, it will be worth it.” Sporting a somewhat perplexed expression on his bonny face, he proceeded to ask; “but isn’t it hard? I mean, when you walk into a bar or a pub and there’s all that drink on offer? All that temptation?” “No,” I countered, “that’s the easy part. When you don’t want something it’s easy to say no. Like when a bus comes along that isn’t going to where you want to go - do you need will power not to get on it? Of course not. You simply don’t want to get on it so you don’t. It’s the same for me with the booze. “The hardest part,” I continued, “is rebuilding all of those relationships that were founded on drink. And there are plenty of them - plenty that are important to me. It’s like starting again from scratch. You have to get to know each other all over again. Moreover, people have to get to know me all over again. However, I believe that the relationships that matter, the ones that are meant to last, can stand such a test. And then some!”

“And what will people think of you?” he quipped, not wanting to surrender just yet, “won’t people think you’re a bit strange?” This made me chuckle. “Folk will always think what they want to think, regardless of what I do” I replied. “General opinion is like the weather – it can’t be changed. So there’s no point in worrying about it. If I allow my actions to be governed by the opinions of others then I’d never leave the house.” To my surprise, he had nothing further to ask - at least not at that point. So I took the proverbial reins and made it clear to him that I had no intention of trying to convince anyone else to stop drinking, not unless they specifically wanted to stop and needed my help. I assured him that the decision to quit drinking was mine and mine alone. And it is a path that I will walk alone. As selfish as it sounds, the decision was all about me and no one else. I like to think that my detailed and profound answers had put his mind at rest but I could see it in his eyes that the penny hadn’t quite dropped. Maybe it never would. It is difficult to truly put yourself into someone

else’s shoes – to look beyond your own beliefs, your own paradigms, and see things from another person’s perspective. But this doesn’t make my beloved friend, or anyone else in this situation, a lesser person. None of us are perfect. We are only human. I know this only too well. When it comes to me and the way that I am, there are things that some people will never understand. But as long as those very people accept that I am happy, then that should be enough to ease their minds. The rest of them, quite frankly, can go to hell! (Only kidding)

Paul Chisnall, 11th October 2010 Portrait Photo by Damian Brandon

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Plastic Glasses ? A few months ago, I was drinking in a charming little pub called The *********, a Tudor-style watering hole near the edge of Oldham centre. It was fairly traditional- no doormen, no dress code, but rammed on this particular Saturday night. The moment you walk in, you know what’s going to happen. If someone looks like a chav, and acts like a chav, they probably are a chav. And when a tiny pub is full, and 90% of the customers fit that bill, it isn’t going to stay peaceful. It couldn’t not kick off. It’s an inevitability within the circumstances. Bar fights follow a certain pattern. You’d imagine they’d be noisy affairs, but there’s a crescendo of sound just before the actual fight. In a busy bar, you’ll see virtually nothing on your average kick-offunless you’re stood right next to it. The people closest to the fightbut who aren’t involved- they all step back onto the toes of the people behind them. The bar’s hubbub increases with a few “woah”s before all casual conversation is cut off. The brawlers have everyone’s attention; they are fighting in near silence. In this instance, a tall guy in a United shirt was launching himself at another ruffian, who had fallen back onto his arse. Ruffian, soaked in beer after losing his pint at the start of the fight, curled up. United threw a few kicks at his opponent, who. He was then punching down, hard, onto his opponent’s head, throwing a kick to the body for good measure. Ruffian was lying in the broken glass of his own pint, strangely expressionless, when a third aggressor stepped in with his own halffull pint. He slammed it lengthways over United’s head. United stood very still for a second, looking more confused than anything. Then blood began to drip down his face, running quickly through the beer.

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I left by the front door before the police barged in. I think this shows that certain people will be idiots through and through- you’ll never stop them from fighting. But over the last few months, I’ve become more and more amazed that glass hasn’t been completely replaced by plastic across bars nationwide. Think of the benefits. The situation at the Britannia would still have been violent. At least two people would have needed stitches that night. How many would if the pint pots had been plastic? A few months ago, somewhere else in the country, an argument had brewed in another boozer. The doormen booted out the offending toerag, who was still pint-in-hand. He launched the glass pot back through the doorway out of spite. It smashed into the bar, a shard landing in the neck of a by-standing drinker. The bystander bled to death before the ambulance got to the scene. The man who threw the pint was behind bars within a few weeks. Suffice to say, if all the glasses had been plastic, that man would still be alive. Aside from how comparatively lethal glass is, a plastic alternative would be a benefit to both sides of the bar. A pint of beer gets warm and flat because glass is a conductor. Plastic is not. With plastic, you can enjoy your drink for longer. Behind every bar, there’s a glasswash machine. These give you shiny, clean pint glasses in a matter of seconds- using scalding hot water. Bar staff have to wait for glasses to cool down before they using them again- firstly because of handling, and secondly because a warm glass makes a flat pint. On a busy Saturday night, remember, time is of the essence. Plastic would speed up this process. Plastic is also lighter. Glass collectors will benefit here, as they are the ones hauling these- in their hundreds- from the main bar back to the glass wash room.

Everyone makes mistakes, especially when drunk. People drop pints, miss tables, bump into people, kick empties off podiums and step on wine glasses with high heels. These broken glasses need sweeping up fast, for safety reasons. The chances of you falling over and cutting yourself on broken plastic… well, it’s possible, but not likely. It’s such an obviously good idea to switch to plastic, nationally. Yet the only places I’ve seen doing this were Manchester student bars, years ago. Ironically, it never kicked off in these places. I think some managers have a “glass is class” mentality, and that by switching to plastic their punters would think the bar is cheap or tacky, or that they aren’t trusted not to smash glasses over each other’s heads. Which might be the case. That’s why it’s down to the government to enforce a rule to keep glass out of bars. The bars won’t do it themselves. The country spends £100 million a year on glass-related violence, says the BBC. There have been “fresh calls” recently to make the change to plastic, but nothing is going through parliament. Why not? Someone should start a Facebook group. Let’s once again remind the government what they need to do here. If we can get a decent number of people involved, we can perhaps get an MP on the case. Then we can get the problem swept up

Article by Matt Tuckey, Oldham So you think you have the flair for the written word hey? want to see your own creative writing in print with ‘BAR and CLUBBING Magazine’ get in touch via the reply web-form on the website and we will be in touch, Richard Sunday !

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gig guide

Wednesday 1 Dec Thursday 2 Dec

Friday 3 Dec

Saturday 4 Dec

Sunday 5 Dec

Monday 6 Dec

The Pineapple

Lions bar

Lions bar

Lions bar

Q Inn

DJ MP - Main bar Q Inn Ignition with Karefunke 9pm

DJ MP - Theme Night Pulse, Funky/Tech House in the Den Q Inn Robin Sunflower Band 9pm

DJ Gilly - Indie & Dance

Quack Open Mic - 9pm

Open Mic Night

The Pineapple Open Mic Night

Indie Night in the Den

The Pineapple Open Mic Night

December & January Tuesday 7 Dec

Lions bar

Q Inn Lee Ashley 4:30pm Rififi Tamesides got Talent

Wednesday 1 Dec Thursday 9 Dec

Friday 10 Dec

Saturday 11 Dec

Sunday 12 Dec

Monday 13 Dec

Tuesday 14 Dec

The Pineapple

Lions bar

Lions bar

Lions bar

Lions bar

Q Inn

The Pineapple

Open Mic Night

Indie Night in the Den

DJ MP - Main bar Q Inn Ignition with Karefunke 9pm

DJ MP - Theme Night Pulse, Funky/Tech House in the Den Q Inn Baz & Max - 9pm

DJ Gilly - Indie & Dance Q Inn Humbuckers 4:30 Rififi Tamesides got Talent - Semi Final

Quack Open Mic - 9pm

Open Mic Night

The Pineapple Open Mic Night

The Pineapple Open Mic Afternoon

Wednesday 1 Dec Thursday 16 Dec

Friday 17 Dec

Saturday 18 Dec

Sunday 19 Dec

Monday 20 Dec

Tuesday 21 Dec

The Pineapple

Lions bar

Lions bar

Lions bar

Lions bar

Q Inn

The Pineapple

Wednesday 22 Dec The Pineapple

Open Mic Night

Indie Night in the Den Q Inn Phil the Fiddle 9pm

DJ MP - Main bar Q Inn Ignition with Karefunke 9pm

DJ MP - Theme Night Pulse, Funky/Tech House in the Den Q Inn Dave Sharp (x alarm) 9pm

DJ Gilly - Indie & Dance Q Inn Carlo Sax 4:30pm Rififi Tamesides got Talent - Grand Final

Quack Open Mic - 9pm

Open Mic Night

Open Mic Night

Tuesday 28 Dec The Pineapple

Wednesday 29 Dec The Pineapple

Open Mic Night

Open Mic Night

Lions bar

The Pineapple Open Mic Night

The Pineapple Open Mic Afternoon

Thursday 23 Dec

Friday 24 Dec

Lions bar

Lions bar

Indie Night in the Den Q Inn from 9pm Phil the Fiddle

The Pineapple

Saturday 25 Dec

Sunday 26 Dec Lions bar

DJ Gilly - Indie & Dance Go Funk Yourself - Den

DJ MP - Main bar Go Funk Yourself - Den Q Inn Ignition with Karefunke 9pm

Monday 27 Dec Q Inn Quack Open Mic - 9pm

The Pineapple Open Mic Afternoon

Thursday 30 Dec Indie Night in the Den Q Inn from 9pm Phil the Fiddle

The Pineapple

Rififi Boxing Day Bonanza

Open Mic Night

Rififi Winter Wonderland

New Years Eve

Saturday 1 Jan

Sunday 2 Jan

Monday 3 Jan

Tuesday 4 Jan

Wednesday 5 Jan Thursday 6 Jan

Friday 7 Jan

Lions bar

Lions bar

Lions bar

Q Inn

The Pineapple

The Pineapple

Lions bar

Lions bar

DJ MP - Theme Night Pulse, Funky/Tech House in the Den

DJ Gilly - Indie & Dance Go Funk Yourself - Den

Quack Open Mic - 9pm

Open Mic Night

Open Mic Night

Indie Night in the Den Q Inn from 9pm Phil the Fiddle

DJ MP - Main bar Q Inn Ignition with Karefunke 9pm

Go Funk Yourself NYE Party in the Lions Den Q Inn Ignition with Karefunke 9pm Rififi Masquarade Ball

Open Mic Night

The Pineapple

The Pineapple

Open Mic Afternoon

Open Mic Night

Saturday 8 Jan

Sunday 9 Jan

Friday 14 Jan

Saturday 15 Dec

Lions bar

Q Inn

The Pineapple

Wednesday 14 Jan The Pineapple

Thursday 13 Jan

Lions bar

Monday 10 Jan

Lions bar

Lions bar

Lions bar

DJ MP - Theme Night Pulse, Funky/Tech House in the Den

DJ Gilly - Indie & Dance

Quack Open Mic - 9pm

Open Mic Night

Open Mic Night

Indie Night in the Den Q Inn from 9pm Phil the Fiddle

DJ MP - Main bar Q Inn Ignition with Karefunke 9pm

DJ MP - Theme Night Pulse, Funky/Tech House in the Den

Tuesday 11 Jan

The Pineapple Open Mic Afternoon

The Pineapple Open Mic Night

Sunday 16 Jan

Monday 17 Jan

Tuesday 18 Jan

Lions bar

Q Inn

The Pineapple

Wednesday 19 Jan The Pineapple

DJ Gilly - Indie & Dance

Quack Open Mic - 9pm

Open Mic Night

Open Mic Night

The Pineapple Open Mic Afternoon

Thursday 20 Jan

Friday 21 Jan

Saturday 22 Jan

Sunday 23 Jan

Lions bar

Lions bar

Lions bar

Lions bar

Indie Night in the Den Q Inn from 9pm Phil the Fiddle

DJ MP - Main bar Q Inn Ignition with Karefunke 9pm

DJ MP - Theme Night Pulse, Funky/Tech House in the Den

The Pineapple

DJ Gilly - Indie & Dance Open Mic Afternoon

The Pineapple Open Mic Night

Monday 24 Jan

Tuesday 25 Jan

Q Inn

The Pineapple

Wednesday 26 Jan The Pineapple

Open Mic Night

Open Mic Night

Quack Open Mic - 9pm

Thursday 27 Jan

Friday 28 Jan

Saturday 29 Jan

Sunday 30 Jan

Monday 31 Jan

Lions bar

Lions bar

Lions bar

Lions bar

Q Inn

Indie Night in the Den Q Inn from 9pm Phil the Fiddle

DJ MP - Main bar Q Inn Ignition with Karefunke 9pm

DJ MP - Theme Night Pulse, Funky/Tech House in the Den

DJ Gilly - Indie & Dance

Quack Open Mic - 9pm

The Pineapple

The Pineapple Open Mic Night

Open Mic Afternoon

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New Talent at ‘The Pineapple’ With two trained actors having just taken over at The Pineapple, Stalybridge every day promises to be song and entertainment at the pub on Kenworthy Street. Both Lee and Mandy North are products of Oldham Theatre Workshop and have now swapped careers on stage and screen to entertain their own customers who have affectionately named the pub ‘PIA-NAPA’ Mandy explained: “We decided to take on The Pineapple because it provides us with the security of running our own business rather than the insecurity of following acting careers. We will still be doing what we enjoy the most, so for us this is the best of both worlds.” “Drawing on our background we want to establish The Pineapple as an entertainments venue. There is a rich pool of home grown talent in the area that we will be tapping into. As well as bringing acts into the pub, customers are also taking to stage to sing - while the sight of seeing Lee dressed as Amy Winehouse and performing her songs is not to be missed.” For her own part Mandy has already racked up a long list of film and TV appearances. Parts have included acting with big names like Ricky Tomlinson of the Royal Family, while she has also appeared in Coronation Street, EastEnders and Crimewatch to name just a few.

Ready to turn their hand to every aspect of the pub trade the talented partners are also trained chefs. “We aim to have a wide appeal to a broad section of the community. So while we are already winning new customers who enjoy the entertainment, those who want a home cooked pub meal are also catered for, and of course we serve Robinson’s cask conditioned beers. Already the couple are pleased to have welcomed new faces into The Pineapple. But with ambitions to offer the best hospitality while providing their own brand of entertainment, they hope to draw

more customers into Stalybridge Lee and Mandy North are laying on the entertainment at The Pineapple, Stalybridge. In preparation for taking on their first pub the couple completed a five day licensee training course at Robinson’s Unicorn Brewery in Stockport. Director Dennis Robinson (left) presented them with a certificate to mark their achievement.

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Bar-Room Jokes!

A man goes into a pub and admires the stuffed lion’s head mounted above the bar. ‘What a great trophy,’ says the man to the barman. ‘I wouldn’t call it great,’ replies the barman. ‘That damn lion killed my wife.’ ‘My God,’ says the man, ‘were you on safari?’ ‘No,’ replies the barman. ‘It fell on her head.’

A guy in a bar leans over to the man next to him and says, ‘Want to hear an accountant joke?’ The man replies, ‘Well, before you tell that joke, you should know that I’m 6 foot tall, 200 pounds, and I’m an accountant. And the guy sitting next to me is 6 foot 2 inches tall, 225 pounds, and he’s an accountant too. Now, do you still want to tell that joke?’ The first guy says, ‘God no. Not if I’ll have to explain it twice.’ There was an awards ceremony for commercials on TV last week. I fast-forwarded through the whole thing. She’s not pushing forty - she’s clinging on to it for dear life! A Man in his nineties is watching a group of teenage girls. He turns to his friend and says, “I wish I was 20 years older.” “Don’t you mean 20 years younger?” “No, 20 years older. That way I wouldn’t give a damn one way or another.” A man buys his grandfather the services of a call girl on his 90th birthday. The girl arrives and says, ‘Hi. I’m here to give you super sex.’ ‘Oh thank you,’ replies the old man. ‘I’ll have the soup please.’ How does a Zebra drink? . . Like a Horse with stripes! A zookeeper sees a visitor throwing five-pound notes into the monkey enclosure. ‘What are you doing that for?’ asks the keeper. ‘The sign says its ok’ replies the visitor. ‘No it doesn’t,’ says the keeper. ‘Yes it does,’ replies the visitor. ‘It says, “Do not feed, £5 fine.” did you hear about the secretary who hung her dress behind the office door, then took her boss to the cleaner’s? Very early one morning the ‘phone rang at Barry’s house, it was 3am. He picked up the phone and a woman bellowed into his ear, ‘Is this 2983645?’ ‘No, I’m sorry, this is 2983642,’ Barry answered, surprisingly calmly. ‘Oh, I’m so sorry for disturbing you then,’ the woman said. ‘That’s alright,’ Barry murmured, ‘I had to get up to answer the ‘phone anyway.’

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A little boy is always biting his nails. In the end his mum gets cross and says ‘If you carry on biting your nails, you’ll get bigger and bigger until you blow up like a balloon!’ A few days later the little boy is on the bus when a very pregnant woman sits opposite him. After a few minutes she realises the boy is staring at her. ‘Do you know me?’ she asks. ‘No,’ says the boy ‘but I know what you’ve been doing’ I think you’ll find that my lady companions will tell you I’m a ‘five times a night man’. I really shouldn’t drink so much tea before I go to bed! Man cannot live on bread alone . . he needs a bit of crumpet too A couple have just had sex. The woman says ‘If I got pregnant, what would we call the baby?’ The man takes off his condom, ties a knot in it, and flushes it down the toilet ‘Well,’ he says. ‘If he can get out of that, we’ll call him Houdini.’ A dustman is collecting the bins when an old woman comes out of her house in her nightdress and curlers ‘Am I too late for the rubbish’ she asks ‘Course not, dear’, says the dustman ‘I’ll give you a leg up’

Thirty rabbits get in a row and start hopping backwards - what do you have? - a receding hair line I was in the queue at Tesco and the lady in front of me suddenly dropped dead, I felt bad as she’d just bought a bag for life! At a nudist colony for intellectuals, two old men are sitting on the porch, one turns to the other and says ‘I say old boy have you read Marx?’ the other says ‘Yes, it’s these wicker chairs’ I saw six men kicking and punching my mother-inlaw. My wife said ‘Are you going to help?’I said ‘No, six should be enough’ Think nobody knows you’re alive? try missing a payment! A bank is a place that will lend you money when you can prove you don’t need it !

At the cocktail party, one woman said to another, ‘Aren’t you wearing your wedding ring on the wrong finger?’ The other replied, ‘Yes, I am, I married the wrong man.’ After a quarrel, a wife said to her husband, ‘You know, I was a fool when I married you.’ The husband replied, ‘Yes, dear, but I was in love and didn’t notice.’ A man inserted an ‘ad’ in the classifieds: ‘Wife wanted’ . Next day he received a hundred letters. They all said the same thing: ‘You can have mine.’ When a man steals your wife, there is no better revenge than to let him keep her. Marriage is the triumph of imagination over intelligence. Second marriage is the triumph of hope over experience. I married Miss Right. I just didn’t know her first name was Always. Losing a wife can be hard. In my case, it was almost impossible. I haven’t spoken to my wife in 18 months - I don’t like to interrupt her. The most effective way to remember your wife’s birthday is to forget it once. Just think, if it weren’t for marriage, men would go through life thinking they had no faults at all.

DJ’s Reminisce BAR and CLUBBING Magazine looks back on the Memories of Ashton & Tameside Clubbing with some of the ‘Old School DJ’s’ that worked most of the bars in the area!

The ‘Pitt & Nelson’ was like part of the furniture too, you just had to hit these three if you were out, ‘The Memory Inn’ was around too but you didn’t really venture in there unless you fancied a black eye, I didn’t, so never went in.

I got a job in 1990 working at Butterfly’s in Oldham, they put me upstairs in the “Cheese room”, was a great place to be at that time DJ SIMON FRATER and this led this company that owned Hi All, Simon Butterfly’s to start shipping me out all over Frater here! the country Memories of My dad lent a guy some cash in the Early Tameside for 90’s to do up The Memory Inn, This became me .. I’ve got “Dak’s”, downstairs was a daytime place and a lot as I’m upstairs was the club, I was working around about 300 The UK at this point so never worked there years old now, as was supposed to happen, This didn’t really work out for the guy ( maybe coz I wasn’t or feel it most Monday mornings. working there hehe ) so he sold out to The For me the first clubs ( Disco’s) in my day were Inventive Leisure lot who COMPLETELY Drifters in Dukinfield & Gray’s and Shades in changed the face of Ashton. Bridge, these were always the places you HAD to get in if you were a somebody, I worked ‘Simon loved 2 of these in my time, Grays and Shades. to jump on Around this time 1984 the music was changother peoples ing from actual 70’s disco music and new photos on a wave into the Stock Aitkin and Waterman Sunday Night’ scene. The BIG tunes around these places were New Order & Blue Monday the 12inch, Rik Astley & Never gonna Give you Up, Steve Arrington & Feel So Real all pop based and Firstly they opened Chesters, I used to do a brilliant at that time .. Wednesday in there. We had DJ’s on every night in those days coz you just could. This The big night then became ‘The Revolution’ in time, then most of you ‘Route 66’ and ‘Love Shack’, all these places who went to will be remembered by you lot as your growShades may re- ing up places coz they were just AWESOME! member is the The DJs working these places at this time “Teenscene“ were Myself, Steve Blake, John Harlow ( DJ disco we used Casanova “ Oright troop “ ), Ste Gallagher and to do around Jimmy Del .. Jimmy and Steve are still with 1986 on a Sunday night, The BIG tunes then that company now. Jimmy setting up Revoluwere Young MC, Salt & Pepper, and the dawn tions all over the country and Steve DJing in of the house and acid scene, I played all thru all the new Rev’s up and down the country. this scene and was one of the 1st DJ’s to start mixing and scratching ( or trying at that time ) Other Top venues around for me were .. TOP CLUBS. Carriages in Droylsden, Francs, Dollars, Sams Stalybridge didn’t really have a big nightlife as Bar, Georgies Bar, Loose Moose of course Ashton always had it, the places that started Chute Bar and Universal.. it all off were The Cavern and then Pointers, A lot of you will have been in Universal before

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the big refit it had. It used to be called Sparx.. I had a great time working in Sparx, we could do anything we wanted and the crowd just did it , we played anything we wanted to also,, had some ace nights down there, shaving peoples eye brows off and Sumo Wrestling and playing 5 a side football on the dance floor half way thru the night.. I remember my 2 warm up DJs down there were Chris J Frater ( My Li’l Bro) and Nejat barton both of whom are now top DJs in there own right around the country, I would like to think i had a bearing on their success and one day when im old and in a home they will come and look after me to repay my generosity .. As these times were about the funky house scene was creeping thru and was underground at the time only being played in 1 or 2 clubs around the North West .. No bars were really playing it they all wanted commercial stuff for the crowd, slowly it became a huge part of Tameside and nearly everyone was jumping on it. Luckily enough for me I had taken over Chester’s Sunday night’s from John Harlow which was predominantly a dance night .. As Chesters was 10 years old now people started to move next door into Revolution, I was asked to work there on the Sunday Nights carrying on with the Funky House scene, This was a massive 2 hours every Sunday with the Venus lot adopting it as there Sunday night spiritual party place to end the weekend. I could write about a million more places that you would remember but these are the places that have meant something to me in my time around I would like to think that each and every one of them has in some way served a massive purpose in mine and your time around Tameside and will be fondly remembered AND most of all sorely missed .. RIP Ashton. Lots of Love Si Frater Portugal


Hi All, Rix-The-Mix here, Ashton Under Lyne holds lots of great Memories for me. I started DJ-ing when I was a mere 16 years old at Cherries Nightclub in Droylsden in 1986 and eventually taking over the reigns as entertaiments manager in 1989. I stayed there till it was sold in 1996 thats when I made the move to Ashton. I was asked to work at Libertys for Last Leisure on a sunday night initially, this then led to 4 nights a week. I working at Heros on a Thursday, Libertys on a Friday, Chaplins on a Saturday the back to Libertys on a Sunday, I then found out that Last Leisure had accuired The Loose Moose in about 1999/2000 i think ? anyway it was refurbed and and opened as Bar One covering 2 floors it was at that point I was asked to become resident DJ there. It was just at the time funky house was becoming quite big in the clubs so it was the ideal bar to finish the night before moving on to the clubs. It was buzzing everytime i worked and I enjoyed every single minute of it i can say that with sincere honesty. As with all things it finally came to an end after a few incidents too many around the town and it was time to move on. Thats when I was asked to do a Saturday night at The Pavillion Bar which then led to 3 nights a week, it was great to see the familiar faces from Ashton buzzing again, in Vegas I also did a Thursday night at Rififi for a short while and The Bridge

and Harpers which i will be returning to for a weekend only on 19th and 20th November, to be honest in my 25 years of DJ’ing Ashton hold the best memories for me, I would like to take this opportunity to thanks all of the people and friends i have made over the years. See you soon out and about, Take Care, Rix


weekend to come round again. I started playing in Revolution on Fridays then also Saturday nights and the summer time rocked, All the windows open, Packed out to the rafters. Cocktails and jugs flowwin. GOOD TIMES! Even ashton in its later years never let me down having played at Chute Bar on our famous Bank Holiday Sunday Parties. These where some awesome parties that gave me some great stories and amazing times. Do I miss it??? You bet i do. Made some amazing Friends along the way and had some of the best times of my life.

Well it all started for me as a sixteen year old glass collector in the Loose Moose. Possibly some of the best times of my life in that little fun pub. Wasn’t long before I was following in my Thanks Ashton big brothers and thanks to footsteps and Everybody inwas behind the volved, Peace decks in the Chris J Frater Loose Moose on the Tuesday night student night. It wasn’t long after that I was heading off to my new Look out for more ‘DJ’s Reminisce’ in a residency at Sparks night club where I really future issue of ‘BAR and CLUBBING learnt my trade. Magazine’ Playing to over 600 drunken party goers every Friday and Saturday night alongside DJ’s Ste Galagher and The Si Frater with the Si and Rich Road Show. then came the time when I was snapped up by the Loveshack team for a Thursday night residency. Ashton was really Boomin and every pub and club was full of great people and great atmosphere. It was a place being talked about all around the Northwest. The Legendary Sunday Nights always stick in my mind. Meet in The Caladonian with all the boys for a cigar and a port then on to Pitt and Nelson, then in to Revolution with Si Frater then hitting Chesters for Last with John Harlow. The Music was amazing, as times changed and DJs came and went, bars and clubs changed names, you never seemed to be let down and always had a great night and couldn’t wait for the

DJ’s AND PRODUCERS REQUIRED to host their own Weekly Music Show on our Live Streaming DJ Page’ on the ‘BAR and CLUBBING’ Website - you need a good webcam and a strong Broadband connection! Check out the current shows streamed LIVE almost every night on the website! Use the Contact Form on the website to get in touch! page 21

CONSOLE and GAMING World of Warcraft Cataclysm PC Games and Downloads A must for ‘WOW’ fans, new high level raids, two new player races, new abilities and talents and changes to existing areas! A great multi-player online role play game, see the youtube trailer here:

Release Date 7th December

Dead Space 2 XBox 360 / PS3 In this release ‘Issac Clark’ is up against the evil Necromorph Issac is the ‘lone survivor’ on a Space installation called ‘The Sprawl’ armed with some new fighting tools to try and dismember the Necromorph! You must fight these evil monsters before Issac loses his mind in this next adventure,

Diablo III Playstation Create your own hero from one of 5 classes such as Barbarian or Witch Doctor, each with an array of spells, skills and abilities. As you adventure you unravel an exciting storyline with great scenes and graphics. You are in ‘Sanctuary’ a world of dark fantasy saved some twenty years back from demonic forces in the underworld, players return to ‘Sanctuary’ to fight yet again in new ways!

Super Mario Bros, Super Mario Bros 2, Super Mario Bros 3 and Super Mario Bros, The Lost Levels all fresh for the Wii - with a special booklet detailing the full history, see why it’s the best selling game series of all time!

release date tbc

Release Date 3rd December

Little Big Planet2 PS3

Donkey Kong Country Returns

‘LBP’ is a puzzle platform video game, centered around user-generated content You can build your own levels and games within this game, it’s hard to explain the depth of this game unless you have seen the first.

Release Date 28 January 2011

this youtube trailer will make it clearer:

Release Date January 2011

page 22

The 25th Anniversary Edition of Mario, including 4 Classic Games from the NES:

In the first game, users have created over 2 million levels from the control panel that allows you to build your own themes, this new update includes the ‘Grabinator’ allowing you to carry, lift and throw stuff!

See a great gaming clip here:

Super Mario All Stars Wii

Wii The Classic Donkey Kong is back again! Controlled by a gang of Evil Tiki’s the animals on Donkey Kong Island have raided Donkey Kongs Banana stash! He wants them back and this is the game where you can try to make it happen! A New Rolling, Scrolling Platform Game bang up to date you will absolutely love Check out this youtube clip:

Release Date 3rd December

page 23



Made in Dagenham Nov 19th OUT NOW!

Megamind is the most brilliant After a late night party, a group super-villain the world has ever of friends are awakened in known...and the least successthe dead of the night by an ful. Over the years, he has tried eerie light beaming through to conquer Metro City in every the window. Like moths to a imaginable way - Each attempt, flame, people outside are being a colossal failure thanks to drawn to them, which have dethe caped superhero known scended upon Los Angeles, and as “Metro Man,” until the day then suddenly vanishing into Megamind actually defeats the air. Survivors must fight for him in the throes of one of his their lives as the extraterresbotched evil plans. Suddenly, trial force threatens to swallow the fate of Metro City is threatthe entire human population ened when a new villain arrives and chaos run off the face of the Earth. Skyline is directed and produced rampant, leaving everyone to wonder: Can the world’s by the Brothers Strause, whose company Hydraulx has provided visual effects for Avatar, Iron Man 2, The Curious biggest “mind” actually be the one to save the day? Case of Benjamin Button and 300!

Set against the backdrop of the 1960s, Made in Dagenham is based on a true story about a group of spirited women who joined forces, took a stand for what was right, and in doing so, found their own inner strength. With humor, common sense and courage Rita and the other women take on their bosses, an increasingly belligerent local community, and finally the government, as their intelligence and unpredictability proves to be a match for any of their male opponents. Daring to stand up and push boundaries, the women changed a system that no one wanted to admit was broken.

Nov 5th OUT NOW!

Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows Nov 19th OUT NOW!


Yogi Bear December 17th

TRON December 17th

Nov 24th OUT NOW!

From Walt Disney Pictures is “Tangled,” one of the most This ‘Harry Potter’ is a muchhilarious, hair-raising tales ever anticipated motion picture told. When the kingdom’s most event to be told in two fullwanted—and most charmlength parts. The long-feared ing—bandit Flynn Rider (voice war has begun and Voldemort’s of Zachary Levi) hides out in a Death Eaters seize control mysterious tower, he’s taken of the Ministry of Magic and hostage by Rapunzel (voice of even Hogwarts, terrorizing and Mandy Moore), a beautiful and arresting anyone who might feisty tower-bound teen with oppose them. But the one prize 70 feet of magical, golden hair. they still seek is the one most Flynn’s curious captor, who’s valuable to Voldemort: Harry Potter. Harry’s only hope is looking for her ticket out of the tower where she’s been to find the Horcruxes before Voldemort finds him. As he locked away for years, strikes a deal with the handsome searches for clues, he uncovers the legend of the Deathly thief and the unlikely duo sets off on an action-packed escaHallows. A must see for ‘HP’ fans ! pade, complete with a super-cop horse, an over-protective chameleon and a gruff gang of pub thugs & lots of hair!

Everyone’s favorite pic-a-nic basket-stealing bear comes to the big screen in “Yogi Bear.” Jellystone Park has been losing business, so greedy Mayor Brown decides to shut it down and sell the land. That means families will no longer be able to experience the natural beauty of the outdoors -- and, even worse, Yogi and Boo Boo will be tossed out of the only home they’ve ever known. Faced with his biggest challenge ever, Yogi must prove that he really is “smarter than the average bear” as he and Boo Boo join forces with their old nemesis Ranger Smith to find a way to save Jellystone Park from closing forever

page 24

Narnia - The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

December 10th

Return to the magic wonder of C.S. Lewis’ beloved world - via the fantastic Narnian ship, the Dawn Treader. In this new installment of the blockbuster “The Chronicles of Narnia” Edmund and Lucy Pevensie, along with cousin Eustace, their royal friend King Caspian and a warrior mouse named Reepicheep, find themselves swallowed into a painting and onto the Dawn Treader. Their mission; on which rests the fate of Narnia itself -- takes the courageous voyagers to mysterious islands and a river that turns to gold, to fateful confrontations with magical creatures and sinister enemies and to a reunion with their friend and protector, the “Great Lion” Aslan.

Gulliver’s Travels December 22nd

The 1982 film “Tron,” was A bigscreen adaptation of about hacker/arcade owner “Gulliver’s Travels,” with Jack Kevin Flynn who is digitally broBlack taking on the title role of ken down into a data stream Lemuel Gulliver, a free-spirited by a villainous software pirate travel writer who, on an known as the Master Control assignment to the Bermuda Program (MCP) and reconstitutTriangle, suddenly finds himself ed into the internal, 3-D graphia giant among men when he cal world of computers. It is washes ashore on the hidden there, in the ultimate blazingly island of Liliput, home to a colorful, geometrically intense population of industrious, yet landscapes of cyberspace, that tiny, people. Flynn joins forces with Tron to outmaneuver the MCP that holds them captive in the equivalent of a gigantic, infinitely You may have seen the ‘classic’ Gullivers films on TV made challenging computer game. many years ago and even read the book at school, you can be sure that Jack Blackwill deliver some laugh out loud moThe new movie is acting as a “next chapter.” with bursts of ments in this up to date adventure! new effects and movie technology to keep you gripped!

page 25

Shaun Lever

Dancefloor Addict! Well folks, I’m back yet again for another round-up of some tracks I’m currently playing out or dancing to to keep warm as we edge toward Winter! I got my boogie-o-meter out so let’s see how they scored!



Where’s my Monkey

Nick Hannam


It goes:- do do do do do, do do do do do

It goes:- i’m calling about the monkey, he’s at Bristol Zoo! Apart from Jakwob’s mix of “Starry Eyed” and a bit of Katy B I’m not much of a lover of dubstep owing to its’ core listenership being split between upper class students, bedwetters and kids with hoodies who’d beat up your gran for some crack, however, out of this genre of music has come a great novelty record. It’s essential the theme from the jungle book mixed over a wicked pice of filth with some hilarious samples that unlike other novelty tracks doesn’t get stale after a few listens. A respectable 82% on the boogie-o-meter

It goes:- Where the party at?... (and it goes all silly!)

The best and worst way I can describe this track is to imagine if Akon had a bad throat and covered Show Me Love in klingon. Initially it’s an R’n’B track that’s been big around the world first then courtesy of a remix by Major Lazer it’s become huge on all dancefloors. It’s a very simple groove but works incredibly well scoring a supergreat 85% on the boogie-o-meter

Norweigan Recycling

I Believe In Miracles It goes:- I believe in miracles, I see miracles over the top of the instrumental of Bruno Mars

Far East Movement Like

A G6 (Cahill Remix)

It goes:- (inside what whatever words you can remember) Like a G6 The debate continues as to what a G6 is, is it a summit for people who can’t Essentially this is a bootleg which welds to- count? A move in a game of battleships or gether lyrics from tracks by Michael Jackson, man bra size? Don’t be daft, if you google it you get the anti-climax of it being a bloody Jason Derulo, Justin Timberlake & Britney flash car. Aside from this lyrically being Spears. It really caught my attention as it’s a pile of self indulgent bling-based poo, a masterpiece constructing a fresh song the bassline and the hook is first rate and out of others. It’s not exactly what i’d call Cahill’s mix just gives the edge that may prea floorfiller exempting it from the boogievent a fight breaking out with the bad boys o-meter but but definitely a track to end on your dancefloor. All the mixes are great anyone’s night. 100% for originality but this scores 89% on the boogie-o-meter

page 26

The Party

This track is pretty unique, all it is really is a tweaked electro bass over some skippy drums, however it’s as infectious as dance records come. In a similar vein to “Riverside”, it has that Xfactor that sends crowds loopy. There are no vocals as per yet on this track but expect a series of dodgy bootlegs to emerge in the near future. This mental groove gets a whopping 95% on the boogie-o-meter on account that I start throwing shapes instantly on listening to just a few seconds

Malisha Bleau Chasing Rainbows

It goes:- I, I, I Know... (blah blah blah and we can’t make out the rest!) Don’t be put off by the title, it’s not a euro pop version of the old Shed 7 indie classic as I first feared. In actuality it’s a wicked piano driven electro bomb with Ryan Blyth’s mix taking it beyond it’s Yorkshire roots and well into national DJ sets. A great vocal and a kill bassline. Essential track scoring 82% on the boogie-o-meter

Chute Bar Interview It’s been almost two years since I went to a nice venue and it’s no accident that it’s been nearly two years since the premature closure of Chute Bar. For almost a decade Chute Bar defined a generation of pre-club partying and has left nothing short of a legacy in Tameside & Manchester. Whilst my liver may have benefitted from Chute’s departure, the whole area is still feeling the loss. Myself & Richard Sunday went to see everyone’s favourite landlady Tina!

the bar and everybody in Ashton. It was a brilliant night too. Other than my charity night, I’ve got thousands of other individual nights, but watching my DJ’s come in sober, and going out absolutely bladdered! And another memory? Chute is where I met my lovely partner Lee, and now we are married :) What’s the most reckless thing a DJ did? Shaun Lever’s 30th is definitely the top of the list!!! The other one is that when I came back from the Dominican Republic and I brought a drink back called 151 (151% proof). I gave it to a DJ called Lee Cooper, he drank it, then knocked Kenny Hibbert’s drink too. He fell over his record box and fell on the floor (BAR

and CLUBBING Magazine does not promote or recommend excessive drinking :)

‘Army Theme Party’ with a freestyle choice for Christmas Night What was the best outfit you ever saw? DJ Tez Perez from H2. He came as a suicide bomber! (a bit political then & now) His bombs were made out of toilet roll holders! Mike Lee as well when he came as Mrs Mary Christmas. Normal people you wouldn’t expect to dress up, went out of their way to dress up and you saw a totally different character.

If you were to ever take a venue and pull it apart, what would you do to change them? Bring in a fun atmosphere, a trouble free vibe where you can feel safe, your bar staff have got to communicate with the customers, no bitchyness. I didn’t employ staff to look down at the customers. I’d have the doormen with Chute Bar is often cited as turning many big umbrellas welcoming girls from taxi’s people to funky house which became a huge straight in to the venue so they didn’t get wet, sound locally, what tracks stand out from straight away by that little personal touch it the nights? Pulse – The Lover that you are, starts your night off nice. Jonestown – Sweet Thang, Soul Providers – Rise, Milk & Sugar – Higher & Higher, Kings Of Chute Bar bowed out nearly two years ago, Tomorrow – Finally what happened? We didn’t come out of Chute Bar for any other reason than the What’s your all time favourite memory of How did you could across your trademark brewery was selling it. If it was up to us we’d the bar? The best night for me was raising £5000 in cash for Andy Wright’s charity night Luxardo Black Sambuca? One of my favourite still be there. We left on a high, we left a lot of people with very good memories. because there were so many donations given, things is liquourice and when they brought feeling that I was given something back from out flavoured drink, anything that was that flavour I tried & tested. Black Sambuca was a clear favourite. How would you sum up Chute to somebody who was maybe too young to have ever been? It was the place to be seen, it was fun, it was infectious. Once you started going in Chute, you came back for more. The music, the atmosphere and the shots you had before you went home bladdered. We were the only bar with no doormen, no trouble and an awful lot of respect, not just for myself & the staff but for the DJ’s and other people that came in the bar. Everybody wanted to share the same experience but all in one room.

Another major factor in Chute’s success were the theme nights, tell us how they happened? When we originally started doing them there was nothing like that going on in Ashton, Bank holiday Monday was a dead night. Everybody went out of their way to get involved and it became the talking point for weeks, the main ones were ‘Beach Party’ &

Techie Corner

This Issue’s TECH NEWS

Techie Corner by Stephen Procter (

Facebook Developers Sold User IDs to Data Brokers

In the wake of a controversy surrounding the security of Facebook user IDs, the social-networking site on Friday admitted that several of its developers sold UIDs to data brokers. “As we examined the circumstances of inadvertent UID transfers, we discovered some instances where a data broker was paying developers for UIDs,” Facebook engineer Mike Vernal wrote in a blog post. PS3 game ‘The Fight’ gets slated. Makes me wonder how many other sites have Maybe my expectations were to high but i done this and kept it under wraps? felt the game was unresponsive which after playing sports champions was a surprise. Even with 2 move controllers the accuracy is not Windows 8 Coming in 2012? great, as a plus you can definitely get a good Just as you were getting comfortable with Windows 7, it looks like Windows 8 is coming workout. Worth £25, I think not! in the next two years. In a post celebrating the More Handy Web Links: one-year anniversary of Windows 7 -- the The Stage ( has all the latest fastest selling OS in history -- Microsoft’s theatre news and reviews – and the most Dutch Web site briefly mentioned the conportable charger, check out this new model comprehensive coverage of bickering among struction and release of its successor: from Powergorilla. critics. “Microsoft is on course for the next version Powergorilla Portable Charger is priced at Tripadvisor ( boasts more of Windows. But it will take about two years £150 than 11 million members, clubbing together before ‘Windows 8’ on the market.” to rate and review hotels, B&Bs, restaurants 3D Holograms Coming and more throughout the world. BIGGEST NEWS for Gamers on the XBOX: Supercook ( a recipe site with to A Screen Near You: This week saw the release of the much a twist: you enter the ingredients you have If you thought 3D TVs was the next great wave anticipated Fable III, which also introduced at home and the search engine finds recipes in entertainment, think again. Developments a new wave of terror for people with the from food sites to use what you’ve got. in holographic three-dimensional technology, illegally “MODDED” XBOX 360’s. The game Mumsnet ( is a tip-swapping, introduced in the mainstream in 1977 in the contains a piece of code which will prevent science-fiction movie “Star Wars,” may take your XBOX from playing copies in the future. advice-proffering, review-writing, experiencesharing hub of parental activity. off before 3D can make a splash. Back to the game: In the epic story of Fable “Holographic telepresence means we can III, the journey to rule the throne of Albion How to waste time on the internet. record a three-dimensional image in one begins five decades after the events of the Personally I love these sites ;) location and show it in another location, in last chapter, and you play as the child of your Here is sarcasm and cynicism, made beautireal-time, anywhere in the world,” Nasser hero from Fable II. As you rule your kingdom ful. As an antithesis to motivational posters, Peyghambarian, an optical sciences professor, as king or queen, you will be called upon to takes inspirational photography who led the research effort, said in a make choices and sacrifices that will test your statement. Google this to see more, you will morality and can affect your entire kingdom. and captions it with negative and cynical slogans. The effect is splendid, and is guaranbe amazed! Themes of heroism, leadership and conseteed laughter in offices everywhere. In fact, quence are taken to a grand scale as you fight you might want to show this site to your office co-workers. to unite a divided people

Powergorilla Portable Charger:

Perfect solution for all your devices If you’re using a lot of portable devices, a portable charger is the right thing for you to keep your devices filled with power even if you’re on a go. If you’re looking for a

page 29

‘B&C Crossword’

Welcome to this issues Crossword The Answers will be the the leading/main Actor or Actress in the Movies from the clues below! If you are torn between two, try one then the other !

Techie Corner Continued (p29)

“Schadenfreude” is the German word for “deriving pleasure from the misfortune of others”. FailBlog delivers schadenfreude in wholesale servings! This photo and video blog captures some of the most tragic human mistakes you will ever see. Here you’ll find horrifying examples of car parking errors, sports mishaps, advertising faux pas, bad clothing choices, and absurd human inventions. Like many of the addictive websites in this list: there are no special effects or professional actors involved: just regular everyday people doing absolutely idiotic things. As I mentioned last month the new XBOX Kinect is NOW available and it’s been a massive hit! Microsoft’s new hands-free Kinect controller makes playing Xbox 360 video games feel like magic: Wave your arms, move your body, issue a command and voila! Game’s happen. Appropriately, the new £125 device began disappearing from store shelves as soon as it went on sale Thursday, as strong first-day sales helped boost forecasts for Kinect’s holiday sales. Plugged into an Xbox 360, the Kinect sensor wirelessly tracks players’ full-body movements, voices and faces. Visit YouTube and type Kinect to see this amazing device!

ACROSS 1. 3. 5. 7. 11. 13. 17. 20. 21. 25.

page 30

Kill Bill Lost in Translation Fight Club The final target in ‘Kill Bill’ The Postman G.I Jane Total Recall Rocky Gulliver’s Travels Riding in Cars with Boys

30. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.

The Shining Aliens Phenomenon 9 1/2 weeks Flightplan one of the ‘Fantastic Four’ The Terminal Die Hard one of the ‘Blues Brothers’

DOWN 2. 4. 6. 8. 9. 10. 12. 14. 15. 16. 18.

Men in Black What lies beneath From Dusk till Dawn Harry Potter Inside Man What Women Want Basic Instinct Legend of Zorro Shallow Hal The Naked Gun Jennifer’s Body

19. 22. 23. 24. 26. 27. 28. 29. 31. 32. 36.

CatWoman Australia Two Weeks Notice Bad Lieuteant Anchorman Yes Man Bicentennial Man Frida Indiana Jones Titanic Hero

‘B&C Horoscopes’ Sagittarius

22nd Nov - 21st Dec This has been a year of adventure and new projects. This is just the beginning. Your mind is working at top speed and your creative side is opening up to new horizons

What you have begun this year is just ‘the tip of the iceberg’ and you will have a lot more fun in the coming months. Achievement is one side of your character but do enjoy the social scene and have fun!


20th Feb - 20th March With Uranus in Pisces, life can turn around very quickly, opportunities come when you least expect them and it’s up to you to develop the career you want with energy.

It is also a time to look after your health that being said, do not allow yourself to get drunk or tempted by drugs this can only lead to disaster. Enjoy the festivities.


22nd May - 21st June Pluto in your seventh house makes you look at your long term relationships, and just as you are finding yourself in a happy situation through work you are also beginning to realise, that a lot of past experiences will not be repeated.

Think deeply therefore before you consign memories to the dustbin. They are who you are!

Virgo 23rd August - 21 Sept

There is so much to think about at the moment, that you must not allow yourself to feel that everyday will be the same, anything but. You are being assessed for change and the New Year will bring surprises. Enjoy the festive season in good company for this is where you thrive!


by Yvonne Rae

22nd Dec - 20th Jan It is time to develop your fun side and accept all social invitations that come your way, the more you mix the more fun you will have and will realise that life is not meant to be all work and no play


21st Jan - 19th Feb Being the thinker of the zodiac, you tend to take people at face value, it’s a value that doesn’t always show the true you. You are a good listener and you gather knowledge very easily

Enjoy the festive season for this is your time of year, a time to make sure your wardrobe is up to date and you have all you need to look nice when you go out.

If you are single and fancy free do enjoy the festivities that December and New Year bring. You have the capacity to make people laugh, enjoy yourself.


Taurus 21st April - 21st May

21st March - 20th April Somebody loves you, and I want you to plan carefully with your spends as you will find over the December / January holidays that you are going out more. Money is not elastic so do not overspend. You are in for a nice surprise!


22nd June - 22nd July A nice time ahead, you must plan carefully to get the most out of your finances as there will be many demands on your purse in the New Year.

Your hard work will pay off over the seasonal holiday, a good opportunity to make new friends and be happy in company. It may be down to you to keep certain people in an uplifting mood.

Not necessarily an easy time for you, keep fit. make New Year a time of renewal for positive thinking!


23rd July - 22nd August Whether you are single or in a relationship, now is the time to make sure you look your best.

Enjoy the festive season in the company you love. Stay well, for the New Year will make big demands on you and you must be strong!

When Leo’s are dressed beautifully they can outshine anyone but you must be interested in others and try to make them laugh, you don’t need an excuse for this is the season to be merry and outside are some nice meeting places!

Libra 22nd Sept - 22nd October


Do not cut yourself off from socialising, no matter how deep in thought you are, you have got to admit to yourself that big changes are on the cards.

You also need to recognise that you too need to be in happy company. Go out and make friends and be part of the scene there is plenty of choice, use your charm!

23rd October - 21st Nov No doubt about it, there is an unquenchable thirst to get things done, it may be to do with the workplace or nearer to home, the problem is, that not everyone is going at your speed and you are feeling frustrated. There is nothing you can do about it for the moment, so be patient, enjoy the festive season and once the New Year is in you can plan in peace!

page 31

page 32

THE CHILLI TREE Sandwich Shop Stalybridge This Voucher entitles the bearer to 10% off all ‘outside catering’ Valid until 31st January 2011 NO PHOTOCOPIES ACCEPTED

LIONS Bar - Stalybridge This Voucher entitles the bearer to 1 free shot of Cactus Jack or Sambuca or Sour Dragon with your first main drink purchased Valid until 31st January 2011 NO PHOTOCOPIES ACCEPTED

CHARLESTOWN Auto’s - Stalybridge

HEADROOM Hair and Nails - Ashton

This Voucher entitles the bearer to MOT Class 4 - £35.00 MOT Class 7 - £45.00 Valid until 31st January 2011

This Voucher entitles the bearer to For every full set of Acrylic Nails get a FREE Wash, Cut and Finish!! Valid until 31st January 2011



ZURRI Indo Tapas Restaurant Stalybridge

HAYLOFT FITNESS ‘Ladies Gym’ Stalybridge

This Voucher entitles the bearer to 10% off ‘food only’ between Sunday & Thursday - Valid until 31st January 2011 Not to be used with any other Offer

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The PINEAPPLE Pub - Stalybridge

RIFIFI Nightclub - Stalybridge

Q Inn - Stalybridge

This Voucher entitles the bearer to 1 FREE Glass of Bubbly with your first drink order Valid until 31st January 2011 (Ask about our New Loyalty Card)

Use this voucher for £2 off any pre advanced Christmas Eve or New Years Eve tickets - Text rififi vip to 82222 for guest list on any Friday or Saturday Night

This Voucher entitles the bearer to 1 free shot of ‘Sourz’ with your first main drink purchased Valid until 31st January 2011




SODA Bar - Stalybridge

Bridgefield Curry Lounge - Stalybridge

The Curry Cottage - Dukinfield

This Voucher entitles the bearer to a FREE Shot of Corky’s when you buy your first drink Valid until 31st January 2011

This Voucher entitles the bearer to TWO Main Meals for the price of ONE VALID IN ‘JANUARY’ ONLY !

This Voucher entitles the bearer to TWO Main Meals for the price of ONE VALID IN ‘JANUARY’ ONLY !




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