Dabney pine room may 2010
amelia earheart was born on july 24th 1897 in atchison kansas. when she was little she loved roller coasters and she made her own roller coaster! when she was six the wright brothers flew the first plane.
after high school amelia earheart went to ogontz school in pennsylvania. During world war 1 she became a nurse aid in canada, she worked for 10 hours a day. in 1918, she wanted to study medicine.
amelia earheart took flying lessons from neta snook she got her pilots licenses and she set her first record flying to a hight of 14,000 feet! in 1928 she became the first woman to fly across the alantic!
on february 4th 1931 amelia earheart got married to george putman.
in 1931 amelia earheart became the woman to fly solo across the alantic and the first person to cross the alantic twice in may. also in 1931 she set the womans record for the fastest flight across the USO in august.
in 1936 amelia earheart began her round-theworld flight with navigator fred nooman in june.
on july 2nd 1937 amelia earhart disappeared. She was flying over the Pacific Ocean and people think she crashed into the ocean.
This Person is a changemaker because: 1. she was the first person to fly across the alantic solo. 2. and she almost flew across the world! 3. Women Looked up to her!
my changemaker is connected to the wright brothers
Author Talk
she was a nurse aid durning the civil war.
a changemaker is a person who follows their dreams and sometimes changes the law
a pilot is somebody who is the head of a flying vicll
something you need to have to drive a vicll
The first people to fly a plane
amelia earheart by: jane sutcliffe
amelia earheart the legend of the lost aviator by:SHELLY TANAKA ILLUSTRATED BY: david craig
a picture book of amelia earheart by: daivd a. adler and illustrated by: jeff fisher
sky pioneer by: corinne szabo
This is a map of amelia earhearts trip solo.