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Spencer Hao Pine May 2011

best known for... being an abolitionist who fought for slavery to end.

DEATH: 1895 washington dc

1847: makes newspaper called the north star

1838: escaped to freedom

BIRTH: 1818 Tuckahoe, maryland

1845: flees to england and friends buy his freedom

1889: becomes the us minister of haiti

Frederick was born into a hard life because he was a slave. Frederick was born in tuckahoe, maryland, in either 1818-1819. he didn't know his birthday because he was a slave. slaves weren't allowed to know their birthday. when frederick was 7 he didn't know that his mother died until 5 years later when he was 12.

fredrick fought back when he was going to be whipped by his owner.

fredrick communicated with other slaves and teaching slaves to read which helped them to communicate with each other. fredrick learned to read in baltimore when he was still a slave. His owner's wife taught him to read, but when his owner found out she stopped teaching him!

I think he tho ught that if w hites could read bla cks could read thats why he opened a s chool for blac k slaves.

fredrick didn't give up trying to escape from slavery. He wanted to be free and made plans to escape. He escaped seven times before he got away! One time, someone told of his plans to escape and he got put in jail. after being in jail he worked in a shipyard. he didn't get to keep his money. he didn't get to keep his money because he was still owned by mr. auld. Frederick pretended to be a sailor and got on a boat and got away.

He was smart pretending to be a sailor to escape!

fredrick solved the problem and tried to change people's minds about slavery with his autobiography called the narrative life of frederick douglass and it sort of worked! he worked really hard and in 1845 he published his autobiography. he also wrote a newspaper called the north star which was about slaves and their lives. president lincoln read his autobiography and wanted to meet him and thats how they met.

fredrick's friends showed compassion when they bought his freedom for $700 dollars. after he published his autobiography frederick went to england because he wrote his real name and his master's name, so he was in danger of being caught and being sent back as a runaway slave. people in england thought slavery was wrong. his friends were abolitionists like himself so they got their friend out of slavery.

fredrick was brave by when speaking to president lincoln because president lincoln was the president of the usa. Frederick spoke to LIncoln about black soldiers getting the same equipment as white soldiers in the civil war.

He was brave enought to go and speak to President Lincoln!

because of fredrick people would think slavery was bad but if fredrick had not been on earth people might think slavery was okay. but it was not okay because people owned other people which was not fair.

I'm A changemaker when I help kids when they need help and they help me when i am hurt so sometimes they don't help me but i helped them.

I'm Similar to my changemaker because I want to have a autobiography of my own.

My Changemaker is connected to abraham lincoln because they both didn't like slavery.

Author Talk

A picture book of Frederick

Frederick douglass

journey to freedom

a changemaker is someone who makes a change for things to be fair for other people and wants people to be equal.

An abolitionist fights for slavery to end, like frederick douglass and his friends in england.

a slave is someone who is owned by someone else.

an autobiography is a story about your life.

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