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lily .m pine may 2011

best known for...

birth: around 1820 in maryland the people that studied her did not know. Harriet's actual birthday is unknown because slave owners did not think it was

DEATH: 1913 new york

hit in the head with a weight marries a free man

1848 escapes to Pennsylvania and changes her name to harriet (not "minty")

1850 goes back to rescue other slaves

makes final trip to rescue slaves

harriet endured many hardships. Her biggest hardship was being a slave in maryland before slavery ended. Another hardship was when she refused to the overseer when he asked minty to help him tie the other slave up. He hit her in the head with a heavy weight and she was nearly dead. she was not the same after that because she had sleeping spells and right in the middle of a sentence she would fall asleep and wake up like nothing happened.

Before Harriet started helping slaves escape she was compassionate when she said "NO!!!!!!!!" to the slave owner who asked her to tie the other slave up. The slave started to go to the grocery without permission and the slave owner thought he was running away. Harriet was also compassionate when she still went back to the plantation and rescued more slaves.

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Harriet got married to a free man who did not want her to run away. He wanted to be with her even if they did not live on the plantation together. He was afraid she would get hurt if she ran away. She snuck out at night and ran away anyway.

Harriet solved the problem of slaves wanting to get to canada, by leading people to freedom on the underground railroad. she would bring slaves to the safe houses and then lead to "canada"!!!!!!!!!!!!

Harriet took risks when she helped free the slaves. Slave owners weren't happy about her helping slaves escape because they thought she would take all their slaves.this was beafore the civil war They put out a reward of $40,000 for anyone who could bring her back dead or alive. If she was caught she probably would have been beaten or killed. harriet made more than 15 trips and rescued more than 300 people.

Type Your Caption Because of Harriet Tubman and sojourner truth, and a whole lot of other slaves who ran away to be free, there is no slavery. Without Minty there might still be slavery. Maryland and other slave states might still have owners and slaves.

Without Harriet, I think that I might be in slavery because my skin color!

I'm Similar to my changemaker because I want the world to have the same rights, too.

I'm A changemaker when I help my friends stand up for themselves.

My Changemaker is connected to sojourner truth because they both escaped to be free!

Author Talk

escape north! the story of harriet tubman

Time Biographies: harriet tubman a woman of courage

Five bold freedom fighters

Harriet Tubman and the freedom train

a changemaker is Someone who changes people's lives.

A slave is a person who is owned by someone else.

the underground railroad is safe houses with flags in front that housed slaves that needed help escaping from slavery.

an abolitionist is a person who helps slaves get free.

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