James Cleveland Owens 1913-1980
Henry K. Buckeye Room May 2013
Introduction Famous Quotation: "if you don't try to win you might as well hold the Olympics in someone's backyard." Best known for: making history in the 1936 Olympics.
What I find interesting: that Jesse's real name is James Cleveland Owens.
3 Key Qualities:
1. Fast 2. Kind 3.Generous
I chose this person because...I like track and field too.
Overcame a Hardship/Challenge I read... Jesse was skinny and often sick with what his family called ''devils cold." It was probably pneumonia. Jesse overcame a hardship because he was sick a lot and his family didn't have enough money for medicine or doctors.
Showed Compassion and Empathy He "seemed to be jumping out of Germany," wrote one reporter. Lutz Long, the popular German jumper who came in second ran over to shake Jesse's hand. Jesse showed compassion because Lutz was white and Jesse was black.
Took Action The Olympics were held in Nazi Germany. Adolf Hitler, the Nazi leader, said they thought that Germans were part of a"master race." Jesse took action by winning all his events. And that made Hitler put him in the "master race."
Persevered When Jesse was 14, he started junior high school. His new gym teacher was Charles Riley. So he asked to join the track team. Jesse persevered because the track team met after school. That was when Jesse worked. Jesse kept trying to find a time and then he finally found a time.
Impact: How Things are Different Today Jesse had ran 100 yards in 11 seconds! That was close to the world record-the fastest time ever. Jesse was becoming a champion. Jesse made a impact by getting close to the world record when he was in high school !
Demonstrated Bravery Adolf Hitler, the German Nazi leader, said that Germans were part of a "master race" that blacks and Jews could not be part of. Hitler excluded athletes from the Olympic games!
Bibliography Jesse Owens Fastest Man Alive
Jesse Owens by Jane Sutcliffe
A Picture Book of Jesse Owens
Glossary A Change Maker is: Someone who made a positive change in the world.
persevered means that you keep trying until you finally do it.
My feet moving up and down fast my heart pounding I hear the cheers of fans and see the Nazi flags blowing in the wind as I cross the finish line.