Liza s pine may 2011
best known for... Jackie is best known for baseball. WIthout Jackie, black people might not play in the major leagues and people in our country might still think that black people aren't as good as white people.
kid coach
BIRTH: 1919
meets branch
in Georgia ROCK
hall of fame
Death 1972 in connecticut
WHen Jackie was little on Pepper street in Pasadena in CAlifornia, a little girl threw a rock at him. SHe called Jackie a bad name, and he called her a bad name back, and that's when the rock-throwing started. Jackie was black and lived on a street with white people, who didn't want him there. When they played games with other black people white families would call the police!
se u a c e b e v a r b Jackie was day e n o t a h t ow he didn't kn een w t e b r i a f e it would b ople. e p k c la b d white an
JACKIE WAS COMPASSIONATE BECAUSE HE was never mean to his teammates because of the deal HE MADE with branch rickey. BRANCH RICKEY WAS A RICH MAN WHO OWNED THE DODGERS. He wanted to let Jackie on his team, but no other black people. He knew that Jackie would have to deal with people yelling at him and saying really mean things, but he didn't want jackie yelling at his teammates.
for h a rd s a w e ad on t this h a h y t l NK he on I THI and ause c e ers, b g , d e o i m. jack the d to hi n n a o e d as m frien se w k! l e e l bac on y l e r y e v d e ul I wo
Jackie had a lot of hardships when he joined the dodgers. Most fans cheered but some booed. sometimes teammates would try to hit him with their cleats. WHen he was playing shortstop, some players would run across his feet on purpose. Pitchers would throw baseballs at his head, on purpose. This is why he had a hard first I think season.
that probably sometimes he didn't even want to be on the Dodger's team!
Jackie had to persevere when The dodgers were mean in the beginning. some teammates made a petition to throw him off the team. But pee wee refused to sign. Pee wee Reese was a white man on the dodgers. Even though Jackie was a shortstop and Pee wee was too, he thought that Jackie should take his job if he was good enough!
It's not fair to make a petition to throw me off the team!
I'm not going to sign it! You should be shortstop, Jackie!
It was hard for Jackie in his first season, but he was Rookie of the year! It was hard because of his teammates.
I am afraid I would have yelled at Jackie, too!
Kick him off the team! I don't want to play with anyone with colored skin!
Jackie wanted to solve the problem of having the same rights as white people. THe country was segregated-black and white people couldn't work together, or play together, or eat together. All apart. jackie made it fair for black people to play baseball by not giving up on a white baseball team that didn't like black people. he hoped that people would change their minds and be able to work together, play together and eat together.
Jackie learned from his mistakes. Before he was on the dodgers, Jackie argued with a white policeman, because he thought the laws were unfair. so he had to spend the night in jail. When he was on the dodgers, Jackie argued with an umpire when his teammate getting out. He almost lost the deal he made with Rickey. But he learned a lesson. He learned that he couldn't argue at all.
only one time did Jackie communicate with his mouth and this is what he said, "a life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives''. if jackie could change baseball, he might be able to change other unfair laws!
an e v a uld h howing o w he was s r black w e kn e h e fo e. e i K k s O opl Jac becau uld be e p ct it w o ite ll, he a h p w m i hat lay with baseba er t e l peop ple to p change nge oth peo could to cha e If h t be able ir laws! unfa migh
Before Jackie Robinson, black and white people couldn't play together, couldn't eat together, couldn't work together, and couldn't live together. Jackie showed people courage, and that it is ok to be black. Without jackie it might be that black and white people would still be segregated!
Jackie had a hard life. But if you work as hard as Jackie you can change some laws too!
I'm Similar to my changemaker because i love baseball, and in baseball I don't want anyone to be mean to the other team.
I'm A changemaker when I help friends who need help more than I do!
My Changemaker is connected to martin luther king jr. because he wanted to change laws for brown people too.
Author Talk
Jackie Robinson, rookie biographies
a picture book of jackie robinson
Jackie robinson, on my own biography
A changemaker is someone who wants to change a lot of laws.
A petition is a piece paper that asks what you want. THe petition that jackie's teammates wrote was a little meaner.
The opposite of segregated. "Jackie integrated the baseball so that black and white people could play together."
Baseball league for only black people when the laws segregated black and whilte people.