1809-april 14,1865
Olin k buckeye may 2012
when abe was 2 his family moved to knob creek. moving was hard because he had to leave his old house and his old friends .he may had to make new friends.
abe gave a speech that demanded that the confederate states give back the forts that taey took. abe had to be brave to stand up because he cuod get badly hert or evin killed.
abe wrote a paper called the emancipation proclamation. he took action when he wrote the emancipation proclamation try stop slavery.
I'm A change maker when
I'M SIMILAR TO MY change maker because I don't believe In slavery I bIlEVE IN all people to have the same rights.
i made an invention the H2O fire alarm.It got a faster way to get the fire department to their house.that would save houses and save lives
My Change maker is connected to george washington because tay were both presidents who led there country thow a hard war and thet were brave because of it.
Author Talk
abe lincoln. meet abraham lincoln