born 1961
emma.p willow may 2012
introduction Famous Quotation:
yes, we can!
Best known for: being the first african-american president
What I find interesting he has a half sister named maya and i didn't know that.
3 Key qualities
hardship/challenge takes action compassion/empathy
he is the 44th president and he made a big difference for the world.
it was hard for barack when he was separated from both of his parents because barack's mother thought barack could get a better education there and to live with his grandparents and to go to school. i think it would be really hard for barack because he was connected to them so much.
barack obama wanted to work as a community organizer to help poor neighborhoods. he felt he had to work with them because president reagan's politics weren't helping them. i think was kind and he wanted to help he poor people and i think that he liked everyone.
barack obama ran for president and he became the 44th president in 2008. barack obama was the first africanamerican president. i think it was really brave of him to do that and i think it was brave of him because i think he was a little scared to do such a big job.
barack obama spoke to a huge crowd after being elected president on november 4 2008. his speech was: "change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. we are the ones we've been waiting for. we are the change that we seek." i think he was nervous to go in front of a lot of people and give his speech. we are the ones who should make the change not other people.
barack wanted to learn how laws and the government worked. he wanted to help change laws about black people.
i think he wanted to help everyone and wanted to change laws that weren't fair to people like himself.
barack obama wanted to be a community organizer but no one would hire him. he decided to take a regular job for one year. after a year he quit his job to look for a community organizer job. many people said no, until finally a civil rights group hired him. i think that if he didn't keep trying he wouldin't have gotten a job. i think it was right of him to keep trying and not give up.
on January 20 and February 7, 2007, obama introduced two bills to bring home american troops from the iraq war. i think that it was brave of him to do that because some people didn't want him to do that and some people did.
barack gave the keynote at the democratic convention in boston in 2004. he asked all the americans to work together to help the united states become an even better country by giving them hope for a united country. i think it was really brave of him to go up to lots of people and do that i think he was nervous and scared to speak in front of lots and lots of people.
he wanted to be a community organizer but no one would hire him. he decided to take a job for a year. after a year he quit his job to look for a community organizer job.
he wanted to work as a community organizer to help poor neighborhoods. he felt he had to work with them because president reagan's politics weren't helping them.
barack obama spoke to a huge crowd after being elected president on November 4, 2008.
he made a bill to bring soldiers back from the war. some people agreed with him and some people didn't.
I'm A change maker when I... don't litter and when I pick up trash.
I'm Similar to my change maker because: i want to be president and i like to help people.
My Change maker is connected to harvey milk because harvey milk fought for equal rights for the gay community. obama was the very first president ever to say the gay communities should have equal rights just like us.
Author Talk
barack obama
barack obama we are one people
barack obama united states president
is someone who makes a change by saying that some law is unfair to some people and they try to help change the law
being against soldiers fighting
was where a war was