born oct 25 1881-died april 8 1973
by lola Z. buckeye room May 2012
introduction Famous Quotation: "All children are artists. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up!" "I do not seek. I find."
Best known for:
HIs style of art.
2 Key qualities;perseverance
and hardship/challenge.
What I find interesting is that picasso is just like me. he liked to make art and so do I. He made over 5,000 pieces of art in his lifetime. I will make a lot of art too!
i chose this person because he has an interesting style for painting and other things, like drawing.
PABLO HAD TWO YOUNGER SISTERS, LOLA AND CONCHITA. SADLY, WHEN PABLO WAS STILL YOUnG, CONCHITA DIED OF DIPHTHERIA. THE WHOLE FAMILY WAS CRUSHED.when pablo was thirteen,he had his first art show. by then,HIS FAHER SAW that pablo painted better than he pablo's father gave all his paints and brushes and never painted again.pablo's family moved to barcelona,a exciting city full of artists .pablo was accepted to the local art school where his father taught drawing. in 1915 pablo's dear eva died of tuberculosis. pablo was broken hearted. his sadness showed in his paintingS.
the second world war lasted 6 years. picasso had now lived through 3 wars. he knew how important it was to work for peace. picasso made the dove a symbol of peace. THis symbol was spread and used all over the world. I think he was brave to put up a poster of his very own and spread one little symbol of a dove across the world.
think about it! pablo was a child who could draw before he could talk . a pet lover who had a mouse,a turtle,a monkey,and many cats and dogs. also the most famous artist of his time... and above all, many people who adored him I think he was a compassionate pet owner. he took care of his pets and they lived a very long time.
as the world changed,pablo changed with it. he changed the way he painted. he painted smooth and jaggeid. the first painting he ever did was when he was about 9 years old. it was a painting of a bullfighT. He had many blue periods in his life and some rose periods based on how he was feeling.he didn't need to work anymore,he was already 1921,pablo and olga had a son,paolo.pablo adored his new baby.he loved being a father but... it was a big change for him. I think it was great that he was willing to change. He kept going and it was never too much for him. He was always ready to paint something new.
I'm Similar to my change maker because: we both like art a lot.
I'm A change maker when the bay by not poluting the waters.
My Change maker is connected to leonardo da vinci they both made some famous paintings.
Author Talk
Name of Book: who was pablo picasso?
Name of Book;just behave pablo picasso
change maker means you changed something at your time
pet lovermeans you love
A style of art that pcasso and his friend invvented. painting a scene wit cubes and geometric shapes
means you think somethings cute