Born on June 23, 1940 Died November 12, 1994
anna M. May, 2012 Buckeye Class
introduction Famous Quotation: she said "i can't'' are two words that have never
been in wilma's vocabulary. wilma said never underestimate the power of dreams we all have the potential for greatness.
Wilma is best known for being a runner and an olympian.
3 key qualities: hardship/challenge bravery strong mind
I find it interesting that Wilma Rudolph keeps trying despite hardship.
I chose Wilma rudolph because she was very brave and she kept trying to walk. she never gave up!
Wilma could not use her leg that much because of polio. She counldn't walk and couldn't go to school or play outside. They had to pull and massage her leg to get it strong. She had to wear a brace. I think she was left out and couldn't play with all the other students because of her leg. I imagine it made her feel bad. If she were playing tag, she would get tagged all of the time and it wouldn't be fair.
Coach gray gave wilma comassion and empathy because he said ... ''keep practicing your time will come ''. i think coach gray ment ''your time will come to be a runer'' and her time came.
The exercises for her leg hurt but she would not give up. tears stung wilma's eyes. She exercised her leg for two years. I think if she gave up, her leg would not get better. If she had not done the exercises, she would never have run in the olympics.
she practiced her running and worked hard to train and run. she won 3 races because of all her hard work!
I think that she could win a lot of races if she didn't stop racing.
I read that Wilma dreamed of a happy future. She imagined herself walking. SHe imagined herself running. The doctor in Nashville had said that "she probably would never regain use of her leg." I think her strong mind helped her because she didn't give up. She did the exercises and visited the hospital and trained with her coaches and evenutally ran in the olympics. her strong mind never stopped believing.
I read that Wilma worked hard with Coach Temple to get better at running. A college gave her money to go to school and train as a runner and people in her commnity helped her too. Eventually she made the Olypmic track team. I think wilma ran so fast she could win every race in the world.
I'm simiilar to my changemaker because we both work hard on running.
I'm A change maker when I...stand up to my friends.
My Change maker is connected to alice coachman.
Author Talk
wilma rudolph olympic track star
wilma rudolh
someone who changes a part of the world in a good way
a disease that makes your legs not move