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Henry Ford 1863-1947

Victor N. Willow Room June 2013

Introduction Famous Quotation: "Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal." Best known for: Making one of the first cars called the Model A and inventing the assembly line.

What I find interesting about the assembly line is that every worker only has one job not multiple.

3 Key Qualities: 1. Had an impact 2. Persevered 3. Took action

I chose this person because I like to drive go karts and driving in cars.

Overcame a Hardship/Challenge Henry overcame a hardship when cars cost too much so most people couldn't afford cars and he never stopped until cars would be cheaper. So more people could afford cars. I think there would not be a lot of people who had cars if Henry hadn't been able to make them cheaper.

Showed Compassion and Empathy Henry showed compassion when he helped his father's neighbor Mr. Westinghouse run the steam engine. He got so good at it he started to repair the Westinghouse's inventions.

I think it would be much harder for the Westinghouses to make their steam engine if it wasn't for Ford. He showed compassion by helping the Westinghouses for no money.

Took Action Henry took action when he found the Ford Motor Company. He started working on the Model A and the Model B.

I think that he took action on June 16,1903 because I think we wouldn't have the Ford Museum and Ford cars or maybe no cars at all.

Persevered Henry built his first car in 1903. It was called the Model A. It took 9 months to make it.

I think Henry persevered in those 9 months because it wasn't easy to make the Model A, and he never stopped working.

Impact: How Things are Different Today Henry created the assembly line. In an assembly line each worker is in a line and puts one piece on the car and then passes the car down to the next worker to put on their piece. The assembly line made it easier and faster to make products. I think it would be much harder slower and cost more to make products if it wasn't for Henry Ford inventing the assembly line. The assembly line can be used for any product.

Henry Ford Persevered when he never stopped in the 9 months it took to make the Model A.

Showed compassion when he helped his father's neighbors invention.

Took action when he found the Ford Motor Company and he started working on the Model A and Model B.

Made a difference by making one of the first cars and inventing the assembly line. The assembly line made it easier, faster and cheaper to make products, including cars.

Author Talk I’m similar to my Change Maker because I create inventions as well.

My Change Maker is connected to The Wright Brothers, Thomas Edison, and Alexander Graham Bell because they are all inventors.

I’m a Change Maker when I stand up for my friends and say "STOP!"

Bibliography Henry Ford

Henry Ford

Glossary A Change Maker is: Someone who made a difference in the world.

Assembly Line: Each worker is in a line is responsible for one part and then passes it to the next worker. It made it cheaper and faster to make products.

Model T: A car invented by Ford that was the first car that was actually affordable for most Americans.

Model A: A car invented by Ford. It was his first car but not the most affordable.

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