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#022 The month of April in Rotary is reserved for Maternal and Child Health, one of the Founda on's sixteen emphases for developing Global projects. It is a great opportunity for each club to become even more involved and iden fy in the co m m u n i t y h o w we ca n s e r ve b y improving the condi ons of pregnant women and newborns. A recent research in Brazil has concluded that preven ng major diseases in the first years of life is a challenge, especially in popula on groups with limited socioeconomic condi ons. It is necessary to invest in the restructuring of the care provided to pregnant women and newborns, ensuring the access and quality of prenatal care, delivery, birth and hospitaliza on of the newborn. This is a challenge to MAKE A DIFFERENCE. Marcos A. F. Franco president of the CDFR.

A tude, Understanding and Goodwill guaranteed VISION for 143,000 Bengal. In 1980, Governor Ross Irvine of South Australia, in an IR commission mee ng in the USA, asked a governor of Bangladesh what his greatest need would be in his country, he replied: "Ophthalmology! There are more than a million blind people in my country. "Ross presented to the then Districts 950 and 952 a plan to create eye clinics in Bangladesh. The US$ 34,000 collected by the Australians was equated with a Global Grant. During the next 3 years the ini a ve received more funds, voluntary support and material dona ons from clubs in the two countries. The grant involved 31 clubs that sponsored 201 eye clinics, 192,000 people were examined, 157,000 treated and 23,000 returned to see. Because of this resounding success more subsidies were realized totaling US$ 378 thousand for preven on and treatment of blindness. Australian surgeons have trained doctors, nurses, and other Bangladeshi health professionals, holding 140 health fairs annually for 05 years. In total, 1,146,074 people were treated and 143,000 recovered vision. Source: "Doing Good in the World, The History of the 100 Years of The Rotary Founda on," David C. Forward.

Preliminary Global Grant Review One of the best resources for grant applicants is Rotary interna onal staff. They use their long-standing experience in project finance, their professional exper se, and their academic learning to assist Rotarians. To ensure that your project is eligible for subsidy, our staff can either do a preliminary review of the applica on or guide you in making your ini a ve meet the Founda on's requirements. If you would like to request a preliminary review of your grant applica on, please email

Remenber you can donate by Credit card

Apply for Rotary Peace

Fellowships subscribe by May Scholars will leave as specialists in Peace and Conflict Resolu on, pursuing successful careers in state-owned companies, NGOs, public security agencies and armed forces; na onal and interna onal organiza ons such as the UN and the World Bank. The deadline for applicants to submit their entries to the Rotary Club is 31st of May. The Club shall forward to the District as soon as it receives this completed request to: See the following links: /peace-fellowship-applica on and h ps://

F U N D A M E N TA L D AT E S f o r D I S T R I C T A L L O WA N C E S 19 May Grant Management Seminar (

(Presidents and Rotary Founda on Chairs must be present.);

01 Jul Last date for inser on of the Project in the PROPT PROPTER plataform; 01 Aug FORECAST for Release of resources; Nov 30 Last date for the rendering of accounts.

How much is a ROTARY BURGER? Rotary Burger

Exclusive Vaccina on Campaign

POLIO and Measles

06 a 24

August 2018 Ideal Vaccina on rate = 95% Average in Brazil in 2016 = 85% Motivate your club to increase this rate in your community

D R F ACTIVITY AGENDA 14 Apr District Assembly Pres. Club F Commi ee; 19 May Grant Management Seminar; (Club Presidents, Rotary Founda on Chair); 31 May District Conference in Águas de Lindóia; 06 Aug Vaccina on Polio (measles) booster - un l 8/24; 22 Sep Project Workshop - Proposals; 24 Oct World Polio Day; 05 Nov Dining Large Donors; 26 Nov 3rd Excellence in Rotary Award. In February, Hamburgueria Original Co. in Santos opened the "Rotary Burger" menu, an innova ve partnership with the Santos-West Rotary Club. Thinking of Making a Difference, mo o of D 4420, Rotary year 2017-18, RC Santos-Oeste teammates idealized the "Rotary Burger" project. This hamburger was chosen because of the recep vity of its young associates, the relaxed atmosphere and decora on that resembles the United States and is quite high in the city. It was a way to engage entrepreneurs and raise funds for humanitarian projects by enhancing the public image of Rotary. The partners Daniel Maggi and Iolani Abad created a deligh ul combina on of flavors and textures, joining in to the idea promptly. "For us at Original Co. is a new experience, we find this partnership with Rotary very interes ng. We´ve never worked with any similar project. In addi on to being linked to a renowned ins tu on, we can contribute to the fight against polio, "said the partners. R$ 5,00 (five reais) of the value of this hamburger, is des ned to Rotary Humanitarian Projects.

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