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#023 On April 22nd is celebrated Earth Day all over the world. It´is a me to remember the importance of the environment to our existence as living beings and to realize how it affects the quality of our life. In this Rotary year, RI President Ian Risley encouraged all Rotarians to plant at least one tree. Although it is not one of The Rotary Founda on's approaches, it brings us to the idea that it would actually be a preven on that would prevent the harm that are being addressed by Rotary's sixteenth emphases. Another Interes ng fact is that on the same date, we celebrate the arrival of the Portuguese people in Brazil and also named these lands a er Brazil, which is the name of a tree used for ncture of fabrics, ember color, pau brasil, used to be found here in great quan ty. Therefore, RI President Ian Risley's encouragement for plan ng trees and the "Preserve Planet Earth" program broadcast by Rotarian of D 4420, Paulo Viriato Correia da Costa, a Brazilian president of RI, are facts that put us together on that day. April 2018. Claudio Takata GDE 2017-18 District 4420 (SP - ABCDMR - Baixada San sta)

The campaign received 158 insurance cards from Rotarians and their rela ves. This gesture meant a $ 5,000 dona on $olidary this month to clubs whose Rotarians In$urance reported their life, home and car insurance (Azul, Itau or Porto Seguro). This Week number represented 3.7 mes the March 19th to 23rd average monthly insurance number reported. Encourage your mates to report their insurance and their rela ves, it costs nothing and generates an average unit gi of US$ 30 for The Rotary Founda on on behalf of your club.

The Rotary Founda on was created to bring to life humanitarian projects dreamed by millions of Rotarians around the world. The Rotary Founda on gives us the opportunity to create a be er world by i d e n f y i n g t h e re a l n e e d s o f o u r communi es. Undoubtedly, this is the DIFFERENCE we can make for millions of people. Spreading what the Rotary Founda on does contribute to PEACE. Marcos Franco president of the CDFR. The Foundation Rotary Foundation Districtal Comission PROPTER Plataform for asking Grants and final Accountability Select the rotarian Year



Tell us your insurance invoice number

Scholars will leave as specialists in Peace and Conflict Resubscribe by May solu on, pursuing successful careers in state-owned companies, NGOs, public security agencies and armed forces; na onal and interna onal organiza ons such as the UN and the World Bank. The deadline for applicants to submit their entries to the Rotary Club is 31st of May. The Club shall forward to the District as soon as it receives this completed request to: See the following links: /peace-fellowship-applica on and

Apply for Rotary Peace Fellowships

h ps://

h p://propter.arccaso The Propter pla orm is already receiving club district projects. Only Presidents 2018-19 have access. All projects must be inserted by July 1st. A er this date, the Subcommi ee will make an evalua on and send the projects valid for final review by The Rotary Founda on.

Local - Body of Patrolmen Mirins de Santo André, Av. Dom Jorge Marcos de Oliveira, 120 - Vila Guiomar, Santo André - SP. It is required for clubs that will do projects with FR Grants, for Presidents 2018-19 and Presid. Support Commission to the FR.

Exclusive Vaccina on Campaign

POLIO and Measles

06 a 24

August 2018 Ideal Vaccina on rate = 95% Average in Brazil in 2016 = 85% Motivate your club to increase this rate in your community

The Future of Polio Vaccina on Reading Room REAPRENDENDO A SONHAR, educates and a racts partners in Public School of São Paulo.

The Rotary Founda on awarded its 1st Educa onal Grant in 1946

Solidary Company to the END of POLIO

3-year-contract with non-rotarian company R$ 500,00 monthly

Goal - 30 companies

In mid-2017, the RC SP Aeroporto iden fied the possibility of installing a reading room in Escola EE Professor Dulce Carneiro, which teaches 750 children between 6 and 11 years of age, located in the Ademar City neighborhood in São Paulo, with the objec ve of s mula ng crea vity, providing knowledge, expanding the concept of the world, developing ethical and moral values, promo ng and defending the use of the Portuguese language, s mula ng the awareness of iden ty and the sense of belonging to a homeland. The opportunity was strengthened through a US$ 2,600 DISTRICT SUBSIDY 2017-18 which mo vated members of school associa ons to organize themselves into teams by being available to promote ways to carry out the necessary tasks to remodel a room. They replaced the floor of the place, worn and damaged, repaired ven lators, repaired the walls infiltrated by rain and deteriora on of gu ers, repaired bookcases, wallets and that were old and incompa ble with the new demands of energy and windows. And so the dream that every public school has came true: the par cipa on of the community in favor of the common good and improvement of the rooms a ended by children. At the end of the project, we finally had the longawaited READING, with ample, airy space, adequate furniture and new books selected for each school series. SplIts: S mulated by the new possibili es to develop more significant tasks, involving the crea vity of children, building skills and reading skills, a new partner, approached to the school, BANCO DE INSVETIMENTOS DAYCOVAL, offering the inclusion of two professionals, hired by bank, to teach reading ac vi es with puppets, "storytelling", poe c interpreta on and expression, and music lessons. According to the president of the RC SP Airport, Marisa S. Dascenzi the new partner, only joined and incorporated the project due to the Rotary ini a ve. Today, the school has in its curriculum the use of the reading room as an interdisciplinary project for each class and the possibility of the students, during the breaks, to seek this room as leisure moments. For the next school year, the school intends to expand the possibili es of using this room, including for the forma on of groups of teachers in courses of storytellers and teams of students for classes of chess and ar s c ini a on.

Remenber you can donate by Credit card

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