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DONATION : It's not just about money! No ma er the value of their cause or the nobility of their work, no charitable ins tu on, founda on or religious ins tu on can survive without ďŹ nancial support. From the beginning, Rotary leaders have been using a moderate approach to get support from the Founda on. They have always believed that if people know how the organiza on grants and programs make the world a be er place, they will contribute. These leaders - from Arch Klump to the current trustees - want Rotarians to support the Founda on not because they feel guilty or pressured to do so, but because they are proud of the civic en ty and conscience. People donate to the en es of their choice for a variety of reasons. Some seek recogni on, as evidenced in libraries and university buildings, hospitals that are named a er generous benefactors. Others prefer to remain anonymous, without fanfare or public recogni on. Source – "Doing Good in the World, The History of the 100 Years of The Rotary Founda on," David C. Forward.

small drops of oral vaccine protect a child from polio million children are vaccinated against polio in the world million people, who could be handcapped, can walk today

WASRAG wants to be your partner in Global Grants

Exclusive Vaccina on Campaign

POLIO and Measles

06 a 24

August 2018 Ideal Vaccina on rate = 95% Average in Brazil in 2016 = 85% Motivate your club to increase this rate in your community




SAVE THE DATE Workshop about Projects – Sep


Opportunity to bring your Global Project idea to experienced Rotarians in order to solve your doubts.

3 rd P r i z e i n R o t a r y

31 aug

Registration until Opportunity to showcase your project and be recognized

Health and Happy Project guarantees more medical and dental care to children. The partnership between the Rotary Club of São Paulo Ipiranga, Dom Alvarenga Hospital (benefited en ty), twelve clubs and six Rotary districts of Taiwan (3460, 3480, 3490, 3500, 3510 and 3520), with RC Taipei Tungteh, D 3522 the secondary partner and The Rotary Founda on made it possible to use a Global Grant of USD 139,000 for the totally free service of children from 0 to 12 years old from low income families living in the region of Ipiranga neighborhood in the city of São Paulo. The appointments are in several pediatric special es, including in an exclusive dental office. The goal of the project was to increase the number of monthly visits, from 800 to more than 3,000. The money was used to purchase and install diagnos c equipment, support for the treatment and administra on of the new headquarters of the program, necessary for the expansion and improvement of care. The Health e Happy project, approved in March 2015, was installed in a building owned by the Dom Alvarenga hospital, exclusively for the program and totally designed and refurbished for this purpose. The maintenance, purchase of supplies, hiring and training of professionals for the program are made by Hospital Dom Alvarenga, which guarantees the sustainability of the project.

Find your club informa on easily in My Rotary The President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Rotary Founda on commi ee chair can access a variety of Rotary Founda on reports directly at A er entering My Rotary with login and password, simply click the mouse on "The Rotary Founda on" on the header and click on "Reports" in the many op ons are open. In the "Club Reports" sec on, find "Contribu ons" and "Acknowledgments" and then click "View Reports" under "Club Contribu ons". A new window will open with several repor ng op ons to track dona ons, Paul Harris acknowledgments, EREY and others.

The Community is the protagonist of its Global Project From 07/17/2018 on, any Rotary Club Project which is subjected to Rotary Founda on approval must necessarily involve the Community to benefit from the resources. This will done with the careful evalua on that the Club should do to the Community. The outcome of the evalua on should be a ached to the grant applica on and fed on the RI Web Site. To help carryng on with this evalua on, clubs will have a form, which will be obtained by accessing, through My Rotary, the cover of The Rotary Founda on - Grant Center. h ps:// /en/document/global-grantscommunity-assessment-results By comple ng the form, the clubs will iden fy the strengths and weaknesses of the place where they intend to implement the project, as well as their needs and resources. This consolidated informa on and the Community endorsement will enable the Club to request the resources for a sustainable and effec ve Project. Managers of the Rotary year 2018-2019 prepare members of their Rotary Founda on Commission and Humanitarian Project Commission staff for this work, discuss this ma er at the board mee ngs of your Clubs and involve your fellow Rotarians. It is impera ve for everyone to understand this important change and to support our Rotary Founda on in its mission to provide resources that will further improve service to the Communi es and Rotary Interna onal image. Rui Cabral de Mello – gestor da CADRE 2016-2019


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Request for GG by Santos-Porto RC, Santos, Brazil

Metropolitan Center for Func onal Recovery

Map of the region that will be served by the project


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Request for GG by Santos-Vila Belmiro RC, Santos, Brazil ICU CHILDREN OF SANTA CASA OF SANTOS / “"Uni ied Health System" – GG1866663

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