#027 Our second month was highlighted by the great ac ons of the clubs and areas for the poliomyeli s eradica on in Brazil. The impact on the eighteen ci es was inspiring and impressive, se ng the importance of Rotary in the communi es. However, our fight con nues. As long as the Brazilian vaccina on coverage numbers do not reach 95% of our children and as long as there are polio cases in the world, we will not be able to rest. I believe that all energy employed un l now will be extended to World Polio Day on October 24 and for sure, we will once again be recognized for the inspiring ac ons and great gi to the PolioPlus program. Carlos Torci GD 2018-19 D 4420 (SP - ABCDMR - Baixada San sta)
Polio Plus Rings
Congratula ons to the inspira onal presidents who showed their leadership by mobilizing their clubs around the measles and polio vaccina on campaign in August through hundreds of ac ons in partnerships with the municipal and state governments, aiming to achieve the minimum coverage of 95%. We have to keep smart so that these diseases do not hurt our children. This must be a constant job. Marcos Anselmo Ferreira Franco president of the CDFR.
“Your District 4420 took part in the Global Grant, SUPPLY OF DRINKING WATER FOR RURAL FAMILIES, making us very happy and changing the lives of 53 families. The impact was so great that other 40 families asked us to also get the same benefit . This situa on has made us reflect to expand the installa on of more pumps and we want to count on your support. Gree ngs ". Ana María Hintermeister, companion of the R C Posadas Costanera. This project was elaborated by RC Bella Vista of D4845 for rural area of the city of Bella Vista, province of Corrientes, Argen na.
District mobilizes for polio and measles vaccina on Since the beginning of August Rotarians throughout the district have been carrying out ac ons and adver sing the vaccina on program established by the Brazilian government against measles and polio, in order to improve the low rate of vaccine coverage in recent years. The vast majority of the clubs have partnered with city halls and health secretaries to help spread the need for vaccina on, and on the 18th, called D-day, numerous Rotarians traveled through hundreds of vaccina on sites, created posters, banners, encouraged companies and en es to take part in this fundamental campaign. Only on that day, li le more than 40% of children were vaccinated, with a total index reaching of 52%. The aim is to reach the rate of 95% coverage by 31st, an ideal index for children to be protected from these diseases.