Newsletter RFDC D4420 Rotary, october 2018

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#028 At the beginning of September, Rotary Brazil Ins tute was held in Fortaleza-CE with a very posi ve balance for District 4420. For the first me in this annual event a Global Grants Project Fair took place enabling the matching of projects from all districts of Brazil, and our 4420, was successful with the seven which were taken. Lesson learned: the phantom of the over-seas partner club does not exist, and the relevant periodic dona on of the clubs to the Annual Fund makes it possible to carry out a larger number of projects. May this success be inspiring and mo vate dona ons to the Rotary Founda on, which are ge ng bigger and more regular, and also get clubs to do a much more projects. Carlos Torci GD 2018-19 D 4420 (SP - ABCDMR Baixada San sta)

October 24th is the WORLD POLIO DAY and we are challenged to spread informa on about our greatest project to our communi es. Hold an event at your club to inspire more people to understand the great benefit that polio eradica on will bring to humanity and make them partners in this great project. Contribu ons to the Polio Fund are also essen al to achieve this goal. For every dollar donated, the Bill and Melinda Gates Founda on donates, another US$ 2. Our district will recognize clubs whose associates donate US$ 25 in their names. There is also the gold-plated Alliance against Polio that Governor Torci will hand over to the district Rotarian who donates US$ 100 to the Polio Fund. Marcos Anselmo Ferreira Franco president of the CDFR.

District is recognized by the largest collec on to the FR of Brazil The Governor 2017-18 Claudio Takata was recognized for his leadership in bringing District 4420 to be the 1st in Brazil in absolute fundraising for The Rotary Founda on, totalizing US$ 687,000. The award was given by the trustee of the Rotary Founda on Ken Shurper, representa ve of President Ron Burton.

T R I A T L O fo r N Po l i o E ra d i c a o n For the third consecu ve year, the 4th Stage of the Brazil Triathlon Trophy (28th edi on) is dedicated to the Polio Eradica on project. It will be held in Santos, on December 2nd on the beach avenue, in the neighborhood of Aparecida. The best athletes in Brazil and many fans will take part in this event that has great na onal repercussion.

The Gala Dinner of the D4420 will be in October The District 4420 gala dinner was created in 2017 to honor the great donors to The Rotary Founda on in a warm and pleasant environment giving them the opportunity to interact with their peers who share the same ideal of serving. It will be on October 28th in the elegant facili es of the Yacht Club of Santos, Higienópolis Avenue 18, Consolação, São Paulo Capital. All Rotarians in the District, and their accompanying, who have paid in this Rotary year up to the date of the event, an amount of US $ 1,000.00 or more to The Rotary Founda on are invited. On that occasion, fellows can make more dona ons to The Rotary Founda on through an auc on or public engagement. These dona ons are of great importance in keeping our District in the leading posi on we have held today in Rotary Interna onal. Last year's gala dinner hosted $ 100,000 for Rotary Interna onal humanitarian projects. By GD 2013-14 José Joaquim do Amaral Ferreira.

District is partner in Computer Project for Schools in Serbia and Montenegro The D4420 donated $ 7,000 to the Project "500 Computers for 50 Schools of 25 Ci es in Serbia", District 2483 with a total investment of $ 154,000. The GG (Global Grant) 1870836, proposed in March this year, is being delivered on the Official Visits of Governor Vladimir Ma c. All computers have already been tested and will be used in elementary schools to facilitate the transfer of new technologies.

District 4420 gets partners for 07 Global Grants Taking part in the Intercon nental Projects Fair at the Rotary Brazil Ins tute in Fortaleza, District 4420 found partners for its seven Global Grant Projects, and offered reciprocity to partner with other interna onal projects, contribu ng with US$ 50,000 from its DDF to complete the projects in other Brazilian districts. The fair was an opportunity for Brazilian districts to improve the search for partners and to develop the quality of their global grant projects. Districts 2982, 3231 and 5280 will be partners in projects of 07 clubs in our districts covering 05 areas of focus: Disease Preven on and Treatment, Basic Educa on, Peace and Conflict Resolu on, Economic and Community Development, and Maternal and Child Health.

Raising a Project Needs Manual



In order to have an effec ve project, it is fundamental to iden fy the strenghts, the community needs and resources. Looking deeper into these aspects, you are going to find great opportuni es to develop social ac ons and boost your club abili es to cause a meaningful impact in the area. This analysis helps you to understand the community be er, ge ng to know how it works and also elicits which decisions are important and a priority in the project. "The Rotary Excellence Award 2018 comes to its 3rd edi on. We have received more than 50 projects that will be evaluated by a Commission which will select the finalists. Let's take a closer look at the work that our clubs do in Rotary different areas of focus. For us, all the projects are of great importance because, through them, we no ce the benefits caused in a community and even in the region. This is very gra fying. Now, it is worth the support of each club that has signed up for their projects. We are sure that everyone is eager to know the result. The "grand finale" will take place on Nov/18 at the Camps premises in São Bernardo do Campo. We have a novelty, all district grant projects that run this Rotary year, is going to take part in a "Special Category". The 03 most voted projects in the district will be selected for this category. We'll hand the details out soon." Ronaldo Varella, GD 2016-17

Polio We reached the goal of


35 projects were evaluated in the Workshop

“This year Brazilian society has heard about another health crisis, we faced the low vaccina on coverage against measles with outbreaks in some states and the threat of the returning of Poliomyeli s, so well known to all Rotarians. To work directly in the vaccina on campaign, Rotary partnered with the Brazilian Immuniza on (SBIm), Pediatrics (SBP) and Infectology (SBI) and, with the support of the Na onal Immuniza on Program (PNI), signed a manifesto in July, warning the popula on as well as civil society and public services about the real possibility of return of polio and the return of measles to na onal territory. Rotary mobilized its gear to act directly on the vaccine campaign in August for inspira on and ac on. In the 4420 district, the clubs developed a number of ac vi es that contributed to the success of the campaign, and along with society we achieved the goal of more than 95% vaccina on coverage according to the Ministry of Health. Our organiza on with its ac ons responded to the needs of society and we were really inspiring." Gelvana Reis, Chair of the District Polio Subcommi ee

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