Newsletter RFDC D4420, january 2019

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#031 We have reached the end of the first half of the 2018-19 Rotary year. It is important to highlight some impressive results: the great ac on of the clubs for the eradica on of Poliomyeli s, including significant collec on for the Polio Plus program, the excellent use of the DDF in Global Grant projects, almost completed the reports of the District Grant and two fellows Pro-peace designated by our district approved for postgraduated courses abroad. However, aiming to reach our excellent results as usual, we need to strengthen our commitment to the Annual Fund in order to con nue to deliver more projects. We had a great turnaround this second semester. A great and inspiring start to 2019 to all! Carlos Torci GD 2018-19 D 4420 (SP ABCDMR - Baixada San sta)


100% CLUB END OF POLIO 870 donators 26 Clubs 100% of the associates of this club contributed to polio eradication October 24, 2018

The US$ 25 Challenge earned US$ 111,000 For the second year the District's clubs were challenged by Governor Carlos Torci to donate US$ 25 (all members individually) to the Polio Fund, un l October 24. Twenty –six clubs obtained a special cer ficate CLUB 100% for the END OF THE POLIO. There were 870 Rotarians who understood the current need for the Polio Eradica on program and donated US$ 37,000 together. This amount will be tripled, thanks to a partnership with Bill and Melinda Gates Founda on which will donate twice more, summing up US$ 111,000. The clubs that won the challenge are: Ber oga Forte; Diadema E-Club; Mauá - Barão Mauá; P G Itaipu Fort; Peruíbe; Praia Grande; S A Campestre; S A J Ramalho; S A North; S South; S B C; S B C North; S C S; S C S Olympic; S V Beach; Santos; SBC Terra Nova; SCS East; SP Airport; SP City Dutra; SP Independência; SP Southeast; Sts- Boqueirão; Santos-Oeste; Sts Ponta da Praia; Sts Vila Belmiro.

We must be proud that The Rotary Founda on is on the list of the 10 best philanthropic ins tu ons of global impact in 2017. The US CNBC channel has unveiled these ins tu ons as doing excep onal work around the world, maintaining opmal and transparent financial management. The Rotary Founda on ranks 9th in this ranking with a score of 97.51 on a scale of 1 to 100. The Charity Navigator website highlights that these 10 chari es work across the country and around the world. They are large and complex organiza ons, with budgets above US $ 10 million. It is undoubtely a good reason to INSPIRE many donors and Rotarians. Marcos Anselmo Ferreira Franco president of the CDFR.

Raising the Needs fo r a P r o j e c t -



CO M M U N I T Y M E E T I N G A community mee ng is an informal mee ng that brings together members of a community to discuss problems, express concerns and indicate preferences for local priori es. In this type of session, a facilitator leads discussions about community strengths and possible challenges, and encourages those who are a ending to express themselves orally. The facilitator also directs ques ons to experts in the subject. Choose a locally respected person or the representa ve of a community organiza on to act as a facilitator, especially if there are cultural or linguis c barriers between the club and the community served. Before organizing the mee ng, set goals for what you want to achieve and train the facilitator. These steps will help you in planning and conduc ng a produc ve mee ng.

Tell us about your Be

INSURANCE SUPPORTIVE Azul Automobiles Itaú Automobiles / Houses Porto Seguro Automobiles/Houses/Life Rotarians/Rotaractors/Partners/Children/In-law´s/Parents/HonorableAssociates

Polio - 02 large Public Image events held in the District 02/12 – 28th Brazil Triathlon Trophy, organized by NA Sport in the city of Santos, there were almost 1,000 entries, with the logo of our biggest project printed on the athletes’ shirts, trophies and Totens.

RC Santos- Praia delivers laser therapy unit to Neomama Ins tute of Santos

06/12 – "Athletes against Polio", football with artists and former professional players, held in the legendary stadium of Vila Belmiro in Santos, with an audience of 1,000 people who bought tickets to donate to the Polio Fund. Even our Governor Carlos Torci scored a penalty goal. It was organized by RC Santos Vila Belmiro.

As an example of a successful partnership, the Global Project GG1641329, valued at US $ 63,000, counts on the partnership of RC Kolar, D3190, of India and the Clinic MultImagemImaging Diagnosis, which provided the site for equipment installa on in Santos-SP. The project, unique in Brazil (with the excep on of the Albert Einstein and Sírio Libanês Hospitals in São Paulo), is under the responsibility of the Neomama Ins tute, and has up-to-date and high quality equipment to offer mouth care for people with cancer. The RC of Santos Beach, did not measure efforts during 03 years to deliver a project that will provide quality of life for many people. It will be to pa ents who are indicated by oncologists. The pa ents will receive treatment by specialized technicians. On October 31, the Municipal Health Secretary, Fabio Ferraz, was impressed with the ini a ve and quality. He said that the equipment is adding more quality in the medical-hospital care network of the city. The president of Neomama Ins tute, Gilze dos Santos, was excited and happy to offer a service that will improve lives of people with cancer. The president of RC Santos Praia José L. Blanco emphasized the importance of partnerships and the involvement of Rotarians in his club. Represen ng Gov. Carlos Torci of the D4420, Marcos Franco, Presid. of the district Rotary Founda on Commi ee, congratulated everyone on the achievement and mo vated rotarians to take this Project to other ci es in Brazil.

What is the Citizen Company?


Every 20 seconds, a child dies from lack of sanitation. 01 in 10 people does not have 01 access to drinking water.

E X P E D I E N T Chair CDFR - Marcos Anselmo Ferreira Franco (RC de Santos-Oeste); Comunicação - Hamilton Luiz Costa Jr. (RC de Santos-Oeste); Tradução para o inglês – Ana Maria Santos da Silva (RC Santos Boqueirão); Rotaract - Camila Domingos (RC São Paulo Independência) e Gustavo Ba sta (RC Praia Grande); Comissão de Subsidios – Cláudio Loureiro (RC de Santos Praia); Subsídio Global - Antonio Domingos Rossi (RC São Paulo Ipiranga); Subsídio Distrital - Valéria Garcia (RC Santos Boqueirão) e Lia Fernandes (RC Santos Boqueirão); Gerenciamento de Fundos Globais - Yoi Fujiwara (RC São Paulo Aeroporto); Gerenciamento de Fundos Distritais - Rodenei Lemes Junior (RC Santo André Norte); Captação de Recursos - José Joaquim do A. Ferreira (RC São Paulo Sul); FR 100 anos - Antonio Carlos da Silva Dueñas (RC Santos Ponta Praia); Global Rewards- Antonio Taveira (RC Santos Vila Belmiro) Empresa Cidadã – Watson U. Travassos (RC Santos Ponta da Praia); Seguro Solidário – Dorival Mar ns (RC São Paulo Aeroporto); PHS - Marcos Totoli (RC São Paulo Sul); Fundo Anual - Hiroshi Shimuta (RC São Paulo Aeroporto); Pólio Plus Divulgação e arrecadação – Gelvana Flávio Barreto Reis (RC Santos Boqueirão); Programas Alumni e Bolsas da Paz - Samir Nakhle Khoury (RC São Paulo Saúde); Programa VTT - Celso Garagnani (RC Cubatão); CADRE - Rui Cabral Mello (RC São Paulo Sudeste); CADRE – Nídia Caivano (RC São Paulo Pq do Ibirapuera) e Adelaide Priamo (RC São Paulo Anchieta); Organização do PER – Ronaldo C. Varella (RC Santos Porto).

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