News Letter RFDC D4420 February 2019

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#032 We are s ll assessing the results of this inspiring year, evalia ng many opportuni es to maintain the tradi onal excellent performance of District 4420. ABTRF has aided us with Ci zen Companies and Solidarity Insurance. It is s ll me for new partnerships with companies or even renew the contracts they are closing. There are also many insurances to be com-municated, Solidarity Insurance Week will happen soon, let's break our records! And finally, the opportunity to gain recogni on EREY ... what about Rotary Direct? Come together! Carlos Torci GD 2018-19 D 4420 (SP - ABCDMR - Baixada San sta)

Raising the Needs fo r a P r o j e c t -



RESEARCH Surveys are popular methods for gathering informa on and opinions. In the context of iden fying community needs, research can be an effec ve way to assess community strengths, weaknesses, needs, and resources. Surveys can be general or targeted to specific segments of the community. They can be made by email, phone or in person. Benefits of research: - They can be conducted at a distance; They can be repeated; - They can be completely anonymous, encouraging sincere answers; - They are usually cheap procedures.

Open registra ons for Rotary Peace Fellowship Learn how to get success in recrui ng candidates: h ps://

There are s ll 05 months to do our share. Yeah, 05 months in Rotary is a long me to ajust some planned ac ons and incorporate other needed. As the president of your club, you can intensify your mo vaon to raise funds for the Rotary Founda on's annual fund, which will generate resources for future projects. Projects needed by the community of your club and around the world. Have you thought about making your club 100% Paul Harris? Have you held a fundraising event to get these resources in your community? Have you considered looking for small businesses to become a Ci zen Company? Have you ever invited your fellows to donate any amount to The Rotary Founda on? Have you disclosed to your club how a Rotarian can offer and receive a Paul Harris Title? Have you iden fied Rotarians and family members who have auto, life and real estate insurance from Porto Seguro, Itaú or Azul so that Porto Seguro deposits 5% of the premium amount in the FR on behalf of your club? These are some ini a ves that will greatly contribute to large projects and you can INSPIRE everyone by promo ng these ac ons. Marcos Anselmo Ferreira Franco president of the CDFR.


Rotary always promotes and builds peace. Check out two of our partners and see how they can help you with this goal: Ins tute for Economics and Peace: a leading en ty in studies on peace and conflict, developed with Rotary an online learning pla orm on methods of peace promo on. Learn more by clicking on h p:// Mediators BEYOND BORDERS INTERNATIONAL: An organiza on that promotes media on around the world trains Rotarians and rotaractors to be peace facilitators, helping clubs in project development and providing informa ve materials. Learn more by clicking on: File:///C:/Users/acer/Downloads/mediators_beyond_border s_interna onal_guide_for_rotary_family_pt.pdf.

Peace is a process, let’s build it together.

02 more Global Projects approved in the District

The METROPOLITAN CENTER FOR FUNCTIONAL RECOVERY CENTER - GG1979989, proposed by RC Santos Porto, has as objec ve the physiotherapeu c treatment of pa ents with hemophilia, cardiopulmonary diseases, chronic degenera ve diseases and chronic spinal problems. The Center will serve all the metropolitan region in Santos that will work at Santa Cecilia University, which is also the collabora ng organiza on that will give sustainability to the full opera on of the project. US$ 96,000 (almost R$ 400.000,00) will be invested in equipment and training so that professionals can offer quality care. This project received US$ 30,000 support from Nicom, a São Paulo construc on materials company, the E-Club of 9920 Francophone, District 4420, and The Rotary Founda on. SANTA CASA DE SANTOS CHILDREN'S ICU EXPANSION PROJECT - GG1866663, proposed by RC Santos Vila Belmiro aims to equip 10 beds and complementary infrastructure equipment for the Intensive Care sector, to serve the users of the SUS, Unified Health System , having as Collabora ng Organiza on Santa Casa de Santos. US $ 170,000 will be invested (almost R $ 550,000). This project was supported by RCs Zagreb Centar (Croa a), Poona Mid Town (India), E-Club of 9920 Francophone and districts 1913, 1970, 4930, 9920 and The Rotary Founda on.

What is the Citizen Company?

The D4420 reaches the US$ 6 million mark in Global Grants There is a summary of the projects conducted by the D4420 clubs below, as well as the support and par cipa on in projects from other districts in the world and Brazil. Since its beginning, District 4420 has par cipated in 83 global projects, 30 of which originated in 24 clubs in the district. The total value of the projects has summed up USD 6,000,000, since July 2010, when the "Vision of the Future" began. D4420 received support from clubs in 24 districts and supported 41 districts from abroad and from Brazil. Congratula ons to the clubs that developed the projects and our thanks for the support received from clubs and districts around the world. GLOBAL GRANTS D 4420 DistritosDistrict parceiros Partners

GG Clubs D4420 ECub(2)/Boqueirão/Interlagos/ P.Grande/ Porto/SBC/V Belmiro Rudge Ramos/Sudeste S André(2)/Sto Amaro/ Sts Praia/Sudeste/SV Praia

1780/1913(2)/3231/4945/5280/9125/9920 1780/6710 3190(2)/4905/5890/6000

A Emmerich/Santos/Sts Praia




Cid. Dutra/Saude


Aeroporto/Anchieta/Jd. Casqueiro/9 Julho/Sts Oeste/Sudeste

Anchieta/9 Julho



Global Grant District Supported by other countries Distritos apoiados Support Districts

GG Support D4420 - Other countries USD 42,500

1780/2232/2982/3190/3231/3350/4271/4845(2)/ 4930/4945/9675

USD 60,500


USD 23,000


USD 4,000


USD 3,000


USD 13,000


USD 51,750


USD 10,000


USD 5,000


Global Grant District Supported in Brazil Distritos apoiados Support Districts GG Support D4420 - Brazil

Identify who has insurance on your club


Tell us your insurance invoice number

Porto Seguro, Itaú e Azul

$olidary In$urance March 18th to 22rd Week

USD 8,300


USD 6,000


USD 5,000


USD 4,600


USD 13,543


USD 10,000


USD 23,239


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