International Tennis Fellowship of Rotarians
Rotary Ace Score an ace with Rotary… for a winning service !
Monday, 27th June, 2016
Newsletter No. 41
Rotary was founded on fellowship. Rotarians come together from different countries around the world to share common interests and become friends.
12th ITFR World Championship Dear Fellows, I want you remind that our 12.World Championship is very close, it will take place from 21st-28th August in Albena, Bulgaria.
13th ITFR World Championship
Plan your trip to Albena resort and join us at biggest and most important ITFR annual event! Come to meet friends, participate in tennis tournament, attend to Annual General Meeting, have a great time at discovering cultural and natural attractions, make memories that will last a lifetime. For program details please visit ITFR website and register for the Championship! Our Bulgarian hosts are delighted to welcome you!
See you in Albena!
Will be held in
Mladen Novakovic
Buenos Aires
ARGENTINA ! Do you want to organize
14. ITFR World Championship 2018? Please send your application not later than 21st August 2016 to:
ITFR Chairman
ITFR – Ten Years Later If you expected from title, that ITFR has something with British band performing on Woodstock in1969 - you are wrong. ITFR is not that old But it looks like that I am so old that our Chairman Mladen asked me to write few words (because we can’t concentrate on reading to much) about the early days of ITFR. I am hoping that he didn’t ask me because I am so old, but because I am so young that I have attended all eleven ITFR World Championships and still remember it So, our story started during Rotary Convention in Osaka, Japan (May, 2004) where Mladen and I realized that there are tons of Rotary Fellowships - but no tennis fellowship. We agreed after few
beers that we’ll try to start it (that probably the reason why we are still addicted to beer ) After starting formal application with RI, we realized that Philip Merritt (RC Mabalacat D3790) had similar idea - so we joined our forces and made together paperwork for application. At the same time we started our mailing group and ITFR web site. Finally, on Dec 15, 2004 RI confirmed that they have received our application. At that time we had 59 prospective members from 6 countries (Croatia, Mexico, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Turkey and USA) and the first Board was: 1. Chairman - Tomislav Maravic, RC Zagreb Centar, D1910 2. Vice Chairman - Philip Merritt, RC Mabalacat, D3790 3. World Tour Director - Mladen Novakovic, RC Zagreb Centar, D1910 4. Secretary - Sinisa Varga, RC Zagreb Centar, D1910 5. Treasurer - Aleksandar Starcevic, RC Zagreb, D1910 6. Tour Director Americas - Letizia Parra, RC Bellavista Atizapan, D4170 7. Tour Director Asia - Nalin Fernando, RC Colombo, D3220 8. Tour Director Europe - Boris Brkljacic, RC Zagreb Centar, D1910 While we were waiting for RI approval, unfortunately few countries were seriously struck by tsunami on Dec 26, 2004. One of those countries was Sri Lanka (where we had members) and ITFR Tour Director for Asia (Nalin Fernando) was from Sri Lanka as well - so we decided to help immediately. My club, RC Zagreb Centar sent $5.000 on Dec 31, 2004 and our small ITFR team also decided that we’ll raise money for tsunami victims during the first ITFR