a cross
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2_discovering the feet 3_crossing
In the beginning of the project , I analyzed the ontology of feet with drawings. Our feet are the extension of our body. We stand on our feet. If we want to rise from the ground, we have to stand on our toes. They transfer load to the ground and resist to pressure. They consist of different textures as skin, bone, nail. There is a void between toes and heel. This void is important for load distribution. The initial idea is according to the two pressure points that are heel and toes. On the sketch, crossings are more complicated but they need to be more regular because of load-bearing.
Pattern The drawing gives information to construct designed feetscape. It is a method of fashion , but it works on architecture.
All pieces of structure seems on a page. With this page, we can build ’a cross’ to use any materials.
5 1
1 3
4 3
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5_trying to made of PVC joints
"Fashion is architecture: it is a matter of proportions." Coco Channel
We designed a space for body in different scales. Sometimes it can be chair, room , building or city. ‘A cross’ is for feet.The feet has a unique topography. I tried to configure without that topography. How is it hard to stand in that way?
Firstly, I wanted to make the connections with plactic pipes but their sections were not appropriate for loads. After that the pipes changed with the bolts that they resist the loads easily.
7_coming together
There are two main axes. One of them is a surface that foot on there. The other one is supporter. Four pipes connect two surfaces on both sides.
Furkan Enes ApaydÄąn
9_Building Guide
Detail of How to Build
I prepared a how to build guide for afflux with an axonometric viev. 5_Digital design
6_Digital design
7_Digital design
2_name of the image 8_Digital design
3_Feet Sketches
Design Process
At the first step of feetscape project we started with drawing our feet with shadowing technique to see tectonics of our feet and we understood how our feet carry our body. Mainly front and back side of our foot is carrying us and we started to design with ideas came from foot analisys.
4_Design idea sketch
While we were designing we started with sketches. After a couple try I decided to support my heel with tapered and fluid shape and a seperate carrier for toe connected with heel carrier because heel and toe was main carriers of our body and it was enought to support these two point. After decide on design I tought on materials and decided on wood because of carrying capacity and easy to shape it. Wood was appropriate but for the time management, tooling and workshop capacity I decided to build by sectional elements. After these decision I modeled it digitally to see last design.
10_Patter of afflux
At the pattern drawing we tried to draw a pattern for our shoes like fashion designer via using naming, arrows and placement of parts. In my pattern if you combine same letters with arraw direction you build afflux.
Final product and Fashion Show After whole of desing and build process we organize a fashion show for rest of studio to see how a fashion show can be organized? What are the needs? What should we done before, while and after?
4_name of the image
Pattern Drawing
structural order via isometric drawing
nisan ipek akkuzu
fifth semester of architectural design project named “dressing the city”.
at the beginning of the semester, we made a project named feetscapes.
mainly pointed design alternative fashion institute for people which go beyond the ordinary and in at least one way to be alternative.
this project was parade lap for our main studio design. this project investigated how space integrating with function and body.
the site is located in çubuklu. influence people about fashion, an institute for students and a new place for “çubuklu”. the formation which to connect various type of factors together.
our aim for this challenge was to think foot as a function, shoes as spaces. designing a space beyond the suppressed form of shoes.
consequently, this semester was beyond the limits for us.
firstly we made a survey about our foot, as an architectural project starts with an analysis of the main factor. while you examine foot, you may figure out the structure of it has also changeable topography. first of all, we sketch and collect measurements of our feet. These numbers lead us from the beginning at the end. with this fist sketches, our project began.
exact drawings of feet
as the institute, architecture, aesthetic, people, çubuklu, landscape, transportation, and so on. farther papers i will explain much more about our project so i want to end it here.
after sketching and measure my feet i recognize my feet was very big and also duckfooted. i discern heights and lows. feet by force of its form, place carries our whole body. plus also our body part which we always ignore. we must be much more respect for our feet. when I design my shoe, i always tried to respect their function. because how you design must be accommodated with “ what is it ?” shouldn’t try to contend.
design period after making models and sketching, my shoe began to come up. I had base ideas and walk with them to the end. firstly i wanted to use organic material which is a living material like us. ontology of the feet and the shoe must be integrated, rhythmic. while doing models I tried to think about materials, i decided to work with wood which a formation always interests me immediately after easy to reach.
after measuring and investigating about our feet, we began to design and think about, “ what kind of space we should design for our foot, and also walk with it? ”. this wasn’t just to create a shoe and do not live with it. we made a runway with designs.
completed model tested with styrfoam
My design process shape with my ideas which, try to create the shoe from one unit. like a jenga tower, i tried to build up my own shoe. 1.5 cm height, 7.5 lengths, 2.5 width timber pieces i tried to collect them together and make a space for feet.
first steps of building model
building the model of the shoe showed me how can i design it in real material which is wood. in model i connect all the styrofoam pieces with a needle. i determine to attach timber pieces with screws. firstly when i started to build the shoe with timbers, i understood that the order of the pieces cannot be that way. because everytime you connect timbers with screws, you cannot attach other pieces in same space, it comes up to screw top.
while we were studying with the 3-dimensional model, we also worked with rhino modeling and also pattern drawing of the shoe. to explain the pattern drawing, i want to link it with fashion pattern drawings.
testing the model
like architects also fashion designers work with plan, section, elevations but beyond these documents they work with pattern drawing, which produce to turn 3-dimensional object to 2-dimensional object and give information about how can you do it by yourself. it also minimizes the error margin.
later on, i completed the model, i test the shoe and it carried my body and i achieve my first duty which is a space for foot, performance function.
deciding connection detail of the shoe
surveying connection between pieces
the other purpose for this project was, design a shoe which everyone can build, in various heights.
modeling process further deciding proportions of the pieces and connections of them, i began to work with all pieces and tried to complete design suit for my foot. i settle the proportions of screws by building model and height of the timber.
study of the models, figuring out enclosing space for foot
after trying, working, modeling, drawing i finished the shoe, before that i want to explain pattern drawing with models.
pattern drawing
handbook for entity
firstly to draw a pattern drawing was a new thing for me. to think three-dimensional object to two dimensional and also give information, to be a handbook to build the shoe. after creating to drawing i began to understand, observe the geometries much deeper. this drawing is rectangular parallelepiped drawing in order for produce entity.
end of the project at the end of the project, i produce a shoe which is beyond the limited shoe we all see in our daily life, achieve the objective which everyone may reinforce this shoe and design up to them, also collect materials which related with our ontology. this research illuminates me about three important notions, ontology, technology and epistemology.
1_how it looks from above?
many/fold zeynep yĂźksel
Foot(noun):the lower extremity of the leg below the ankle, on which a person stands or walks. Ontology; both scientific and philosophical knowledge and information, "existing" knowledge of something. The existing "something" material, inorganic, spiritual, organic, spiritual, ideal, could be anything.
The toes and heel were not considered independent. how did they all act together? it was thought about questions such as whether the human can only move with the heel or just the fingers.
2_perceive your own foot and draw
The movements that the foot could do and the foot could not. What was needed to lift the human up? positive and negative areas of the foot were considered.
3_understand the connection points and units
Pattern Drawing The a�m of draw�ng the pattern �s see everyth�ng at the same t�me. transform the three-d�mens�onal object to a two-d�mens�onal draw�ng. d�fferent colors, text and d�fferent l�ne types have been used �n terms of easy �ntell�g�b�l�ty.
Tectonic Movement of Foot
4_state of opening-closing
The manyfold is not about the covering issue of the feet.How do you rise from the ground? The manyfold is opening the parts many times, raising the body from the ground.
1_ relationship between foot and the trap
the trap buse kılıç
2_feet recognition
First of all, in order to understand the dimensions of my feet, I step on the paper with my foot and drawed it. And then I elaborated. Then I drew the side view of my feet. With this drawing I was able to observe the boundaries of my arch of the feet.
Considering the drawing, I examined anatomically human foot, shape and movement. As a result, according to the human anatomy, their heels or toes should touch the ground while they're walking and running.
Based on the two-dimensional expression of clothing on fabric, I tried to express my own shoes in this way. The successive pieces of wood come together to form an integral surface. This surface forms the base of the shoe. The long woods on both sides express the compartment that grips the sides of the foot, while the smallest parts represent the compartment covering the top of the foot.
3_two-dimensional definition
Pattern Drawing
I intended to be the opposite of the relationship between of the ground and the foot for movement. For this, I tried to produce something by avoiding these contacts.
The trap can be moved with a balanced height while avoiding both contact. The trap's base grasps the foot gap and forms the surface where the foot will be settle. It forms the iclination of the foot gap with different pieces size of the base. Grasp the perimeters of the foot with the strips on the side surfaces. And the strips on the upper surface make it easier to keep the foot constant during movement.
4_modeling according to my feet
Spatialization to Feet
linear coaster busra ebrar sayan
works as a whole the three main columns and the beams connecting the secondary beamsthe weight and works as a whole the three main columns and the beams connecting the secondary beams connecting the secondary beams give us a rail road effect. The foot takes the shape it wants, through to the stick on it.
1_sketches of feet
Let’s flip to walk for fun, Linear Coaster is a design with different height, rising and descending according to the shape of the foot and giving us an emotion like rolling coaster. The largest task in the system is the linear columns and beams that carries the weight and
2_diagram of installation process
to analyze in two dimension
3_reduce two dimensional drawing that shows the all of the connecitons three dimensional
the work and the process are clearly seen in two dimensions. How it is opened and closed, which points to be merged and integrated into, how to connect and three-dimension to turn into a drawing is understood on the drawing.
1_front view of footwrapper
footwrapper burak รถzcan
3_Optional Model
2_Feet Drawings
When we begin to think about designing, we call some specific terms. In this project we emphasize such as ontology, epistemology and technology. We should have know ontology of that existence so we can understand it and think about its all features. Then we may use terms of epistemology and technology to design and form the existence. According to those knowledges, we add architectural terms to design an element for our feet. It should include it’s ontology knowledge and also it should be tectonic in its own way. Before we begin design, we trying to find ontology of our feet. We draw our feet initially, so we touched, measured, pictured to understand it. Then we think about our design about covering our feet within all these terms.
Humanbeing has always designed shoes for feet. We shaped it according to form of the foot. What if we go against it? What if we design a thing that formed by one piece that create its own form and wrap the foot. Footwrapper achieves it! It creates it’s own form in one piece and embrace the foot with wrapping it while make the body still walkable. Footwrapper design itself to fit foot entirely. The trick is that one metal plate is twisting around itself in sort of some angles while wrapping the foot and make the body raise. It’s like a freeform flowing geometry while it has it’s own stability to carry body.
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1 1
5_Pattern Drawing
Drawing Pattern In fashion, there is a term called Patron, means to drawing three dimensional objects into two dimensions. With this drawings, we can see the features of objects more detailed. With this technique, Footwrapper had open to two dimensional drawing, but also need to show wrapping, bending points step by step to understand how it get its final shape.
Those helices allow to covering foot without need any additional element.
6_Footwrapper Top View
4_Design process
I use a rectangular aluminum plate and trying to bend it and form it with wrapping around itself. Therefore I can form some spaces to covering the foot and rising heel.
We may use this technique in archiecture also. Imagine that if we can draw the project site or project itself two dimensional. That allow us to think about site more qualified way.
yunus emre bağcı
Connection Surfaces: is each of the steps that we take is a consiquence of our own act or the surfaces as an product of patato stamps. our fett are pin connections that are responsible for connections that are responsible for connection to the floor. negative gaps-under our feet between our toes provide an unstable situation as balance wise.
walking on toes is a hard committment to do because that position is where the negative gaps reach its maximum point which increases pressure and as a result youloose your balance in this project I aimed to fulfill the negative gaps while standing on toes and to create the optimum shaped prosthesis. pushing our limits is easier than ever with a little bit of help.
pattern of land and institute
merve yalçĹnkaya
First of all, I discussed the relationship between fashion design and architecture. A common aspect of fashion design and architecture is creativity. In fact, both people reveal something. We are experiencing experiences in the designed buildings of the produced clothes. It's inspired by two branches. Color, texture, sensations work in both branches. Our body is in constant interaction with space. While walking, reading, sleeping, reading books... We are constantly experiencing the spaces without being aware. In fact, our clothes in our clothes creates our limited space. He has experience in our body in the clothing.
If we can draw the pattern of clothes, can we draw the pattern of the area? With this question, various questions and drawings followed one another. Why do we dress? First, we dress to protect our bodies. Our clothes actually reflect us. Dressing the city is actually like this. We need some areas. We create these areas with buildings and we actually dress a part of the city. People are protected from external influences. Private areas are happening. It actually represents the city in the buildings in the city. Just like our clothes. We are changing the perception of the city with the designed buildings.
5_load direction
4_pattern of mdoel
We drew the pattern of the shoes we made this time. The material I used was corrugated cardboard. I cut rectangular pieces first of corrugated cardboard. And then I carved it out of the way my foot was standing. It is important to remember the thickness of the corrugated cardboard when taking out the pattern of this model.
What happens if the direction of the load changes? Can’t it carry a heel in court shoe? How important is the position of the foot when rising from the ground? The experience of walking with heels on the court shoe is discovered. The position of the foot in the cavity formed in a filled mass was the opposite face. How difficult can it be walk while the weight is backwards?
Catwalk Show
11_quit shoes
It was an extraordinary excitement to have the first podium experience with our own model materials. I could walk comfortably with the shoe I was standing on. The only trouble was getting out of my foot. I couldn't stand upright. It's kind of hard to balance, but it was fun. Our high-heeled shoes can walk in the opposite direction.