V-Ray Pro Volume 2 - Sketching book from a Professional creative

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is my personal scene for self-training,a series of images to practice different seasonal and lighting conditions and how the environment reacts. My starting point was an Australian house: Toorak Residence but I have changed some architectural forms and some materials to fit my practice purpose. So it looks a bit different from this building now. My purpose was to study how different lighting conditions change the mood of an image, how materials react to nature and seasons, how light shapes and defines our environment. So, I wanted to keep the same camera shot when things are changing. It was fun for me to work on this scene, and I have learned many new things while working on it. Thanks for viewing my work and I would reallylove to hear what you think about my work if you have time for me.

Modelling: Well modelling didn't take so long time as most of the things on the scene are very basic models of walls. The most complicated mode l is the ground. I used Particle Flow to create the pebbles and falling leafs. It took around one day for the ground as I studied and learned Particle Flow and made tests. Tree Models: Made with OnyxTree

Materials: I used Unwrapping Technique to create the textures because that way I have more control and I can paint what I want and I can modify the textures for different seasons. (when it is raining I can make it wet and leakage etc) I used different lighting techniques. I can explain all these in the tutorial. here is the water material settings for you:

Renders took around 1.5 - 2 hour each. Render time changes in every setup but I used same render settings. Commercial visualization Idea and realisation + furniture choose example

Yes for galery I make 800-533 render 1. final render 4200-2800 (2 hour 12 min I7-920) 2. standard irrmap

for the images in this thread i never do any post share lighting and render setting

Here is one project of reconstruction of old Istrian house and second project is a V House reworked... Max 2008, vray, ps

Caustics is from vraysun with radius set to cover the pool... Water pool is simple quad patch grid with noise modiefer and enough subs (100-200) to get better result ... All renders are done usin BF + LC with LWF 2.0 (no 2.2), hdri for sky and reflection and 6-8 passes for better postproduction in ps.... Photoshop: Colors, levels, exposure, glow (Knoll) and lot of passion...

Glow is mix between glow layers (dodge or linear add) and Knoll Light... sun value: default, except for shadows size set to 2 for better soft shadows sky value: no sky, hdri's ------------GI BF value: 20-25 subdivisions GI LC value: 2000 - 3000, 1 cm, pre filter 80, glossy enabled, filter nearest - 10 -------------Color Mapping: Reinhard Mult: 1 Dark & Bright mulitplier: burn 0.45 Gamma: 2 or 2.2 -----------------------focal: 24-32 mm physic cam: f-number 8 ISO: 100 Shutter Speed: 200 ----------------------DMC Sampler noise thr. 0.003-0.005, adapt. amount 0,85 Original render size is 2000x1333 px, 2-6 h for render time on dual xeon x5365 24 gb ram

Work done with formz, cinema 4d, and vray. Some post work done with photoshop. I'm very interested in receiving good advices in order to improve final images. Thanks!

I use vray physical sun and sky plus some area light for the spot and the neon on the ceiling. For the gi I use im+lc. For Gladiator: I'm sorry but I cannot share the maps, but you can find very similar one on CGtexture... the shader has a falloff in reflection and some glossy effect, nothing special... Can someone advice me some good photoshop plugins for dof and cromatic aberrations (I'm on mac) sketchup + vray + photoshop

the grass is photoshopped

All jther are postproduction This is my first post on evermotion. The project of these two bulidings is not mine, I just did models and renders. The entire work was done with form-Z and cinema 4d for the modelling, and vray was used to render. Some post work done with photoshop.

the plants I used were taken from evermotion and xfrog. Grass and the flowers were done with hair module of cinema 4d I used Ivy grower plugin for C4D of Kuroyume. It is a great plugin and I advice it to all C4D users

This Mother's Day i dedicate this artwork to my Mother Mrs.Vaishali B. Rane (1954-2003) and my love towards Architecture, Modelled in 3DsMax, rendered in Vray and post work in Photoshop Special Thanks to my Assistant Mr. Machindra for assisting me in texturing process My new personal work. The image ref form the Book "Paris Style" Icon (Taschen). Try to improve the skills with rendering and lighting deal. 3 piece with different filters, hope you like them.

About the big head doggy just Google searching image I used LWF and hdri in enviroment slot and vray sphere like sun. Inside I puted Vray Ies and some planes in bathrooms. Materials are simpley. Ones like floor and wood has reflection map and gloss map in their slot.Not for 100. Floor For example has 35 in reflekt and map about 70 in slot. In gloss 0,78 and map about 40 in slot. Thats all. Very important was a postproduction, but it wasn`t special...curves, contrast and brightness too. Finally I added blue photofilter on layer with opacity.

This is my new works, i hope everybody likes it. i used max 2008 with vray sp1 and ps cs2

You asked me for some information about process, so i prepared this picture:

For light up the scene I used VraySun + VrayLight(dome)with sky texture for gi :P and that's it. Here is my last personal work: Mies van der Rohe - Farnswort House I started this reproduction to challenge my limits and my preconceptions, I spent several time studyng botany and techniques to represent it, light and composition. I'm really happy to see it finished. Rendered in maya using Mental Ray and color correction in PS. All plants and vegetation are poly Paint Effects. Alessandro Prodan

Yes, all are 3d plants made with paint effect and poly count is 900,000,000 triangles I render all images in one pass, mr sky&sun and final gather multibounce, AO + color bleed, esposure control with mr.exposure.photographic and linear workflow (gamma 2.2), all plants and grass are paint effect poly converted. My normal computer is a Q9550 and only 4GB, in order to work efficiently in viewport I had to use mr-proxy obligatory. Istancing and BSP2 are very important too and renders took 2 - 3 hours. I started this work the first time about 2 years ago, has suffered numerous delays and reworking, testing techniques and experiments in botany... in this way:

photo and referenced materials were been foundamental for a reproduction like this: the arrangement of plants, type, color and structures... all are foto referenced, it wasn't difficult to find photo references: google, flikr... so there is software suitable for the pourpose such as PicLens that halped me a lot.

Some tech info from your: all plants are texture mapped mia.material within, I used box filter to lower rendertime on my optimisation processing. DOF the first image is a zpass post process in PS, the eighteenth is a mia.Bokeh len...the chromatic aberration is a manual PS RGB Offset.

I am

aware there are imperfections, and I glad you someone makes me the note. I did a post production work, such as chromatic aberration, glows, DOF, color correction and color balancing, levels, selective color ecc.. I hope soon to do a tutorial in the meantime I show you render settings:

For along time i had the vision of the Ecological lodging houses and how its pretty intimate to the environment and had a lot of benefits to the human beings in its sustainable strategy. -so i decided to make my own design vision of this house with its ecological environment showing how is this procedure is perfectly integrated with the environmental nature -Kindly find below my design vision and visualization through a series of shots -3dmax 9,vray,ps -All Trees and bushes are onyx treestorm -Depth of field by vraycam So i hope that what i am presenting can meet the satisfaction of everybody vision

the shots having the depth of field was done by vraycam so maybe it comes a little bit noisy maybe i should switch to the ps depth of field plugins its easier and dont take much time like rendering it also i will post some wires and settings as soon as i will go to my PC the tree storm needs a little bit working on both the modelling of the tree(i mean adjusting the density and sizes of everyth ing) also i am still a beginer so i am not too much aware of everything but the most important part after exporting the model of the tree and get it inside max is paying much attention to the mapping you are applying from the diffuse till the opacity map which gives the shape of the leaf also i am still didnt got what much i desired but i am trying you had to play with mappings also about the lighting its vraydome with vraysun,vraysky combined with vraycolour nightshots hdri from dosch and vray lights with ies photometrics the vraycolour gives good whitish boosted reflections on everything so you can put it on the reflections slot or the environment or both also the difference between vraycolour and normal max colour is that you can adjust its multiplier and this helps alot if you are using the vraycam 3d max , Photoshop, Vray.. C&C welcome....

the ivy was done with ivy generator.. We modeled main geometry and installed lighting (GI) it was first stage. After that was created the rest geometry together with mapping. It gives possibility to see how to be looking materials. The animation was rendering for each camera separately (not viewed parts were hidden). And finally composing using Combustion

the concrete is 90 percent photoshopping:

heres the dirt map created in ps in like 3-4 hours.

cgtextures.com vyonyx.com and of course google.com hehehe it was rendered with LC not brute force! i render no passes! only one render what i have just posted there! thats it! the dirt layer is created in photoshop by manually squeezing the textures onto the walls and setting the layer on OVERLAY. really easy my friend! 1: u open the render in ps 2: u open the texture bitmap in ps 3: copy paste the texture in the render 4: get the opacity down to like 50 so u see whats going on under the texture 5: hit ctrl T 6: by holding down the ctrl key adjust the texture onto the wall! 7: hit enter and with and swiths to OVERLAY 8: with the eraser tool clear the areas u wanna clear pretty easy concrete material? arroways textures indeed (someone asked this earlier....) hmmm as u can see on the original render its reaaaaaaaaly the ps part thats making the concrete look that nice! but i will show here the screenshot of the viewport to show u the exact settings of materials i promise!!! DOF is by ALIENSKIN BOKEH. a photoshop plugin. not made by zdepth cuz the geometry of the room is so easy i didnt need that! rendersize??? mmm not sure! i usually render in 2000 width (or hight). dirt textures? they are in the highest resolution i could get from cgtextures.com. they are pretty high!!! i promised to do a step by step walkthrou here as soon as possible and i didnt forget it! im just swithcing apartments right now so theres a lot to do....right now i gotta rush to talk to the painters and check up on them but will post all the info here thats needed! Hi there!Try to make something organic. Hope you like it )

hi evermotiners, It's a 2008 render. design and 3d references from ''hcpiter, New style...'', and ''3Seventh, Osho International''.

i use vray, so simple way to lead all light into the space i use vray dome light. overbright? i m not good enuf to solve this, but color mapping or vray py camera can help u! it take me lot time to study on real photo n some famous cg images in order to create this. fuzhigang , Radic, Redvextex tutorial help me lot in post work. especially study color balance stuff. it s not lwf. i have level, curve adjustment, so i didnt use lwf. btw i didnt koe how to set lwf at that time. now i found lwf =great! it is simple with a dome light envirament light. and some vray plan light as cove light. vray sfera light as light bulb of pendant lamp. irr+ light ch. i will try post some print screen once i free.

Here some litle update. some color tune, i found it was very cyan when i view it another computer!! going to find some solution for the color problem besides getting a Mac.

special creadit to MinTos for her guide along the progress, she is a great artist!! :mrgreen: here is my final version, enjoy! i will post some print screen once it ready!

here some print screen for light position and simple setting

Example 1: Color mapping modes This example demonstrates the differences between the color mapping modes:

Note: the Sibenik Cathedral model is created by Marko Dabrovic (http://www.rna.hr) and is one of the models for the CGTechniques Radiosity competition.

Linear color mapping

Exponential color mapping

HSV exponential color mapping

Linear color mapping

Exponential color mapping

HSV exponential color mapping

As visible in the above images, the Linear mapping method clamps bright colors to white, causing bright parts of the image to appear "burnt out". Both the Exponential and HSV exponential modes avoid this problem. While the Exponential mode tends to wash out the colors and desaturate them, the HSV exponential mode preserves the color hue and saturation. The whole project was completed in a few weeks time, two or three weeks, I don't remember. So, the render settings are nothing special: Irradiance map and Brute force, VRay Sun & Sky. The post-processing work was done in Photoshop and Fusion.

The trees are a little changed version of an archmodel collection, but the changes are only in the texture, not in the geometry. About the render I haven’t got much to say. I use the default settings the way they are recommended by the makers of VRay. But now you can’t find those settings nowhere because VRay is constantly changing so the recommended settings are also changing. But I can recall them to you and I promise to explain it more thoroughly in a few days. I’m very busy at the moment and I can’t do it right now. But I assure you that it is not the rendering settings that make the picture, but more testing and examining the references.

About the camera settings and color mapping a lot can be said, but again in a few days. Also I’ll show you the “big secrets” of the tree, which are really not that big. and before/after Photoshop and Fusion.

All the frames are 1440*960 pix, render time is about 1h40 in a core 2 quad with 6 GO RAM. VRaysun+VRaysky+VRaycam, the ligthning is very simple.

zulliban is one of my master here!... The start of this work was inspired by him. Yes, the architecture is the same as Zuliban, it's 100% inspired but mtl are differents and lightning too... Hi!! This is my latest free time exterior!! The design is from Rafael de la-Hoz and i find it in a book but its not exactly the same..i wish i have more time to spend in this house. 3dmax + vray +ps. C&c are welcome!! Many thanks to 3dv (www.3dv.gr) community for the help!!!

The grass is 2d vraydisplacemend 6000 resolution. i will post later more renders. i create a hill with trees and i just move the camera in this height and between this trees Evermotion trees Hello! Here are a couple of renders we made at the studio for research and development, we took the references from pictures for the modelling and we added some details to the scenes to test different things, they are made in 3dmax, vray and color corrected in fusion and photoshop- I am still "training" my eye to catch natural light colors in color correction, is quite difficult but fun heheheit would be great if you have any suggestions to try to make this images more photorealistic-and I hope you like them =)

I am really happy that you like our images, the chromatic aberration is for me still an issue, I like the results but the render style is a little too popular nowadays, but I guess that when rendering there is a lot of freedom to make a style (photorealism is one thing, but what-kind-of is another, like a photographer looking for different ways of develop an image) so yes, this images are experiments and maybe I should for the next renders just skip the chromatic thing, it depends if it looks good or notanyways, thank you all for your comments, and yes, I know the images are small, since this is not client work I rendered them quite small, next time I will post bigger renders =) This is one of our latest projects. It was confidential for few months, but now it is officialy known that this project won the 1st prize. We are proud the be a part of the winning team of TILEV Architects. 3DSmax9x64, Vray 1.5sp2, PhotoShop

By the way 95% of the scene is custom modeled. All the chairs are strictly in a row, because we want to show order and respec t About the DOF ... hmm .. strange. I thought that it is very fashionable this days This are not all the images. We have more with no DOF. Probably I have to upload them too.

Here is my latest piece , done by 3ds max 2008 , Vray 1.5 and Photoshop CS4 for texturing and post production I hope you like it

it was useful in color correction , DOF method was a new one for me , and in general all the techniques are new to me .

the armchair cushion is mudbox

for lights i use vray sun+vray lights as usual

render on machine intel quad core Xeon 1,8Ghz 8gb ram

hi everybody, long time no posting ,have been very busy working and kinda lost into paper forms visa stuff and a bit of videogames(damn world of warcraft). i hope ill be able to post more often. the following stuff are things i have been doing in my free time most of them just for fun. the interiors as usual vray and max, for the characters zbrush/max - vray. hope you like them.

hi guys just want to say thank you to you all for the warm comments. Bertrandb - i rendered these at this resolution shown since i had in mind only to show them not print or other stuff, the displacement need to have a very good resolution so it doesn't look spiky and a 2d displacement is better with a good res texture. pressenter - i mostly use only one light always unless theres an artificial light turned onlike lamps. Inxa- hey inxa thanks buddy, i need to say the 2nd corner initaly was for a job, then i tuned it up a bit for fun, it was a display for some of those pieces. Biser - the material is a vray 2sided mat nothing special or hard to archieve it has a sheet texture for both sides and dark gray in transparency slot. scattered - i use mitchell netravali it looks smooth and sharp at the same time jeyd- the dof is post production in PS, i render out the vray zdepth istill dont like the vray bokeh plus is much faster to do it outside of max astuoni- the glow glare is done in photoshop is just a layer i add later to the render dawidisback- lol yeah it was released today :P

thanks again for the feedback guys aldola - i mostly use a direct light for the sun then vray shadows and lot of subdivisions . Georgas - yep i use only qmc for rendering , is amazing all the detail you miss when you use irradiance map,for secs always LC. Danny Rotten - gracias danny Touchtonedialing- i use frischluft for the dof very amazing dof generator sometimes it leaves artifacts, for the glare i search for photos or i made my own it depends if they seems good to me then add as layer and thats it. Omar-thx omar glad you liked it your work is amazing nico3d - hey nico, yeah i will be moving to Vancouver Canada pretty soon to work as a character modeler, i have been doing a demo reel of characters but i haven't showed it online yet hopefully soon. Walid Layouni- good point i also felt the same way somehow :P 3Seventh- thanks your work is really good too 3seventh, glad you liked infected.bo - im right now doing my web page with a friend i hope to have it running soon with lot of new work , thanks again. nikolas69 - lfw is very good but for me i feel it wash out colors so i dont use it, i use reinhard with vray frame buffer and a curve with low burn output to have more light without burns. daveb867 - for the lamp is a vray 2sided material you need to tweak it a bit before it looks good but is not hard to do it, the exterior is displacement map hand painted. abuzahra - theres a window that is not shown the light comes from there too.

I leave with you some images that will soon on my website. 3dsmax, vray, PS. C & C will be well received.

Sorry friends, I did not have been able to respond sooner. Sorry if my English is not understood very well, I am using a translator. 1. My site is outdated, in fact I must now update with these and other images. My Web: www.novoestudio.com 2. It has aroused great interest of the caustic pool. Very easy . Only you've got to bear in mind that the gresite has two ma pped (channel 1 for the gresite and channel 2 for the caustic). The maps that I use have no mystery, you get the same with similar maps. I leave with you the process of improving it in PS. Regarding other issues of post you say that you educate your eye after so many years and gradually you have to make things better. I use Levels, Curves, Glows, vi単eting and chromatic aberration from time to time, just DOF unless you want some detail.

A visualization of the 'Four Cubes' business centre by Visualmind studio (www.visualmind.lt). The image above illustrates the winter garden connecting the office areas. Follow the links bellow for night exterior view and terrace view. Any comments and critiques are always welcome!

the volume light effect was generated in post production, using the frischluft plugins for PS.

can you share grass disp map please ?

I used Vray sun and Vray sky and play a lot with em, I tried to simulate 19:00 AM and background is also set to this time.....for more realistic view I made some post work with PS...... I thought to use HDRI, but in the end I made circle of trees that reflection of them in each glass to be realistic, like HDRI, but I missed to put the same background in environment reflection slot in render setup panel, so..., but my default Vray sky was very similar color tone like the background in post, so It isn't big mistake....

a lot of you asking me about daylight...daylight is nothing special just make your way easier to use Vray Sun for example( you can atach any kind of light) and fix it for the time of the day you want ....for example if you use direct light, but you want to have Vray sky u can use em together and manipulate the sky...hope this attachement will help you understand more, cause I'm not so good in explanation....

I rendered this with gamma 1.0, and increased gamma in PS and color correction too in PS . Image from max saved ".png " format with alfa , cause background-Vray sky was too dark and after that changed it , also for post work I used Adobe Lightroom - made my custom preset and this is the final result .....

My last work, I made it for fun. The scenes was modeled and texturized in 3dsmax and rendered in Vray. The post was made in photoshop.

I put in attachments some configs and fabric material For lightning I used only direct light GI: Irr Map (high) + light cache (1500) Camera standard from max For post I used Curves for each color channel

I used displacement in walls.

3dmax9 vray 1.5 ps3 i had used the sourse from internet when i drew the bed. And the detail of bed is the V-ray displayment not modeling.

render is vray, fur (vray fur) Not exactly archviz - but kind of in between... So I thought I'd post here.

I've been building myself an archive of lighting systems for future interior viz work, starting with the FLOS line. Here I've tried to stage the models in an advertising kind of way and keep some consistency between the shots. Keen to hear your comments on this.

The renderer is Vray, with some post-prod and downsampling in PShop.

i use plants from evermotion model collection, this all is done in 3ds max 9 and vray 1.5 for rendering using lightcahe n irmap method. lso use cook variable for anti aliasing

My techniqe is very easy- I use just light from windows (no sun&Sky) Direct light as sun but with vray camera becouse is easyers setup cololr and light in scene, affter use Photoshop and simple change levels and I add more contrast becouse if I blend yellow and blue collors vray render is without contrast. Floor is from arroway textures, this is very good pack with maps in amazing quality. Material of courtans is standart white 2side vray mat, nothing special

About software Vray was used as render engine and about settings nothing so special: IRRAD MAP + LC color mapping: Reinhard VraySKY+VRAYSun for lights

For postwork i did some contrast (maybe a little too much) and colors correction. About leather only bump a little lower value for it maybe would was better.

My this Share not already use turboSmooth command

I use 4 gb 6600 core quad. I use proxy. sun+sky. for fast rendering I have 8gb new xeon. I explain ll my works in all detail soon. classical interiors, exteriors and lighting. thank you all. About work. this project not easy. hard customer. I make a lot of changes and modification in this project. many many small things and elements. And price for this work no so big. But I make it not only for customer. I make it for my pleasure too. I like this work. I think house mood like books photo FRANK LLOYD WRIGT I never use HDRI only sun+sky

could u share somethin about floor material.. oh my gosh.. that crack.. specular, bumpy..

diffuse and reflect map are same?thx for sharing.. u did a great job!!

Software used: max9/vray Machine used: workstation xeon 2x2Quad 1.6Ghz/ 8Go of ram/1Go of graphics Render time: 19h23 (3000x1650)

Light cache 1500 resolution: 3000x1650 the lighting is very classic : direct target light And vray light plan in window

Yes, the grass is made with displacement

The wood texture is from http://arroway.de/textures/04/en/index.html ! There you can find some samples of a great textures! In ps, I've adjusted the tint, contrast, light and the dof To make the dof in ps I recommend you to read this useful tutorial: http://www.evermotion.org/?unfold_ex...fold=exclusive .

trees are all onyx..no post production of the foliage was made, all are 3d except for the sky which i have to customize .

thanks so much for the replies guys....for the reflection on the first image the leaves are really there and the right part of it are the branches which is only visible to reflection..when you take a closer look at the glass..just at the left most part of it you will see the leaves reflection..all 3d..i used max, vray ,AE and lr1.3 here are some wire:

i did not use any opacity maps or alpha...its all 3d..with a green grad tint on leaf diffuse mat and some relfection glossine ss of about .85-0.9 I've a lot of fun while modeling Zanaboni Contemporary sofa. It's definitelly my favouritest. Just wonder who is Yours favourite furniture designer, manufacturer?

to all: I've promised that I'll answer Yours questions this weekend. First of all please remember that sometimes I make mistaces and my solutions not always are the best. But they work fine with me. 3dMax2008, VrayRC3, Photoschop to: hicham-spiderman; About colours: My renderings arent looking so nice after rendering only. there is a lot of color correction and other postproduction. It depend of You what You would like to have at Your picture. Its recomended to find reference photo that fit to the story of Your picture. And then try to do the same lights and shadows and colours. I used to correct highlights and shadows to cold and midtones warm. It usually works. But it schouldn't be so generally, everything depend of Your story. ndeed lamp material it is VRay DoubleSided material. Sphere no shadowcating with VRay sphere light inside.

Some abstract images. I hope You like it. 1- Leopardo : This image wins the 3'd prize in the NVArt competition:


2- Escape From Routine :

I hate papers.Anywhere papers.When my work becomes paperless?

3- Pointing Hand:

My weapons are: 3Ds MAX,VRay,Photoshop and ZBrush Regards Thank you Trajan and symkin I'm glad that you like it. @Trajan: Nothing special about my render settings except the secondary bounce is photon mapping:

And here is wire frame (note it is vrayproxeis) :

This little scene made in max 9 and rendered with v-ray. polycount is about 730k becouse of the derbish on the ground. post made in PS as usual . comment are wellcome!

Thanks for the replies! heres a wire what you were asking for.

render settings are very basic: irradiance map medium, light cache 500 sample. both were computed is small (~ 500 pix high ) than reused in the final render. a small DoF and color corection was added in PS.

Hello All I have been recently working at producing some promotional images for my viz company. This here is an attempt to replicate an existing photograph of the Tubac House by

American architect Rick Joy. By doing this, i hoped to learn a great deal about the physics of lighting from replicating the conditions from a existing photograph. The scene was modeled using microstation and 3ds max 8, and rendered with vray. I hope that you all like, and any comments or critiques are more than welcome.

Thanks again for all the kind words guys. Below is the link to the original image for those who missed it; http://www.pointilism.com.au/Original_Photo.jpg With the lighting, i used what could be considered a low quality rig, as i was also trying to ensure a speedy result. This re nder only took 15 mins for a 1200 pixel wide image. I used a vray target direction as my sun, set to match the angle as seen in the photo. You can see the settings and angle for this light in the image below;

I also used a highlight vray plane light at the entry to the main wing, just to give highlight lighting to the internal details. You can see the settings for this light below;

The general global lighting settings, for those who are interested, are below; i use this target light always as my sun, so i just refer to it as 'vray sun'. There is nothing particularly special about the water shader, just a soft noise. Is there a way to upload a shader? the reason i used a vray light to illuminate the interior was that i wanted a bright reflected spot near the bbq joinery unit as in the original photo, and i thought this would be best achieved by getting a reflected bright white plane, not sure if it is the best solution, but its what i came up with at the time. - most of the vegetation, particularly the ones with no leaves, came from one of the latest archexterior packs. - no photoshop retouches, all render This is vizualisation of courtyard on 28-31 Rzeznicza Str in Wroclaw. This beautiful building of historical interest is situated in the very center of Wroclaw, on Rzeznicza Street. The main concept idea is to refurbish the existing building and adapt it to a new functional plan. The top floors will contain luxurious apartments, also mezzanine apartments, with a living area of 62 to 180 square meters. The lower floors will be designed for commercial and office space.

Yes there is morning sky as HDRI sky and reflection override (Vray) No sun, just pink direct light for highlight upper part of building there is also Vray plane light over the whole courtyard to create nice ambient (pink) and a lot of warm standard lights on groundfloor - strong orange lights inside - spotlights from inside to outside - direct lights and omnics for wallwashers - Vray planelights vor pool lights He he... as you can imagine it took a lot of time to render. With AMD 3200@32bit - 42hours!!! irradiance: -3,-3 lightcache: 300 (!), 0.005, prefilter 100 cmapping: expontinental 2.0, 2.0, 1.0, subpixel- checked rqmc: 0.7, 0.05, 10 (better is: 0.7, 0.001, 20-30) Adaptive sis, Catmull-Romi ,subdivs 1 ,2 - object outline checked I was trying to catch a very short moment of time when there is not morning enought to light all area and sun is so low that we can see only small part of building is shinning. alzaincom: " and you can see a the line between the two parts." - it's so called droped shadow... there is fourth part of the building behind camera. This is courtyard not street view. I hope it explains something. Thanks for Your attention There is a new practice. I`m trying to compose photo of desert with 3d scene. Scene s done in 3ds Max and render with v-ray, little unsharpened in PS.

Tree is made with simple cylinder/ edit poly/ noise and mesh smooth.... after that on edit poly sub object I only extrude polygons... it is very simply and all tree is finished for 30 minuts... here is a wire....

Hy guys, this is my first post here, hopefully not my last!. This is an image i had to finish in a day cos it was some kind of contest and i didn´t hav any time so here it is. Hope u like it i used 3dmax 8, vray and photoshop

The making of http://www.evermotion.org/index.php?unfold_exclusive=296&unfold=exclusive Hi everyone I have 1 image rendered in my litle free time (match a photo from internet) . render with vray1.5rc3 and done with PS Have a nice day and keep working guys Glad to see your comments here

kjverine : here are some tips for the shader & the only light that in the scene - its very simple, dont forget that there is photoshop after the render Impacreative: render time was about 30 min(intel core 2 quad + 2gb ram), i didnt found away to make good quality render by decrise render time , usually a good render means long time

he trick for this caustis is using omni light with water map on projecture map

max 9, vray 1,5 rc5, ae and hands comments & critics are welcome..

it's all geometry.. carpet is max's hair&fur modifier... i don't use PS.

no AA filter.. no vrayFur.. just Hair and Fur (WSM) in Modifiers Carpet - is a plane with hair and fur modifier.. then converted to mesh, and then converted to vrayproxy

Thank you for taking into account my work. I was looking designs of older homes to create my demo, this scene is made for video is why not much detail. Well it has nothing on the other world, textures created in photoshop. A bright light and a blue environment with everything that render vray that many working better than me ... je je. The only

thing different is that you create a system of particles to the grass floor hardly help but note that everything is one more. The end is the only intervene with photoshop using render a layer of gray scale in mixed by overlay to highlight the contrast, some flashes and ready. Once again thank you and excuse the bad English. This image has been accepted in 3D World Exhibition Image for galery Many thanks to Nick Aspell The model was created in Autodesk 3dsmax. The textures were created in Adobe Photoshop, for rendering was used Vray engine and the final composition was made in photoshop.

The model was made in one day. The tests for lighting and camera angles were made in 2 days. The edition and textures were completed in one day. Finally the rendering session and composition took me one day. For the grass between the stones I used a modified particle system in order to give a more realistic look to the vegetation. I’ve always found difficult iluminating outdoors scenes, mainly because I only use one light. The other thing that I also find difficult is working the textures out. It’s hard to accomplish an organic look without making the image too full of elements. Many of these things were made just trying them. I try to analyze the light, the way it bounces in the objects and how the camera gets that information. (I’m still trying to overcome that challenge) My new work. using Physics camera with one vraylight and one vraysun in this sense!!!!!

used this map to do background!!!! i put the lights placement and AA and QMC or colormapping Interpose

Office FL

test with flashlight using vray

flashlight is photometric with spotlight distribution, also there are several target points under the ceiling This image was rendered without GI, only direct lighting of photometric target points. Exponential there is no GI it just photometric lights without any ies files inside them

To my mind there are two easy ways to simulate flashlight in vray. 1st. Using simple omni light with vray shadows, GI is switched off. When we use omni light it is convenient to adjust far attenuation as we need. Otherwise in that case we’ve got a problem – omni light doesn’t have physical size, therefore the reflections are incorrect. Here is omni light in use:

2nd. Using photometric light as a target point (just changing distribution type from isotropic to spotlight). Then in spotlight parameters adjust falloff as you need (for example hotspot/beam 40, and falloff/field 100). Then don’t forget to assign vray shadows and physical size to get area shadows and correct reflections (it can be 30x30x30mm). Finally put your flashlight right behind the camera and displace it a bit relatively camera axis. Here is photometric light in use:

flashlight + accessory spotlights (target points on the ceiling): GI is switched off everywhere.

Hi everyone, This image was influenced by some travels in the world, used 3dsmax, vray and photoshop. I dedicate for my wife.

Below the Wireframe

Gi + Displacement

I Hope you likeBelow some imagens of the process

Here's a second work of a fresh and wet tasty orange ( i love orange lol ) with some juice and a half orange


Textures were very carefully made - each window has both it´s own reflections, and on the night image, they have self-iluminate. The project is a photo and video contest for a better tomorrow, and can be seen in context at http|://www.projetoamanha.com.br (in portuguese).



Textures were very carefully made - each window has both it´s own reflections, and on the night image, they have self-iluminate. The project is a photo and video contest for a better tomorrow, and can be seen in context at http|://www.projetoamanha.com.br (in portuguese). Daylight



â—?The Process of work:

1 Initial idea, mass of building and sun

2 attempts of camera distortion and first studies of backgrond

3 Adjustments of the framing for bigger amplitude of building, study of direct light

Render is vray. Carpet is hair & fur from 3dsmax 9. didn't modeled any folds on the back. Just simply smoothed surface. Yes, I used poly-modelling. I just used cut (edit poly) to make folds Modeling in zbrush and the rendering with vray for 3ds Max.

Hi, thank you so much for all your replies!! I spent two weeks on the whole process. Here are some wireframes from the basic mesh:

The base mesh 'premodeling' that I show you in the wireframes are created in Maya, I think that I'm not good enough modeling in 3ds Max yet but I'm practicing... I didn't use displacements, I import the hi-res mesh from zbrush and apply bump maps, I get better results.

This is my Digital Painting created completely in Adobe photoshop.I wanted to feel the presence of a Divine Beauty near me, a dream perhaps . So i decided to create it.The idea had came from my inner urge,that is before you.This is the voice of my soul. When i was little guy, i usually went on my vacations to one small city called Itobi (São Paulo – Brazil) with 8.000 habitants, in my aunt´s house. After 9 years, i come back this one to enjoyed a weekend, and then i has a nice idea! In the truth, i was thinking about my life, how fast the time passes, and how long the things changes, then i decided to make this work. In my production i used 3D Studio Max, Vray, Photoshop for textures and after Fx for post-production! All models are done by me.

go to show the wire image and the making of textures! well, the wall are made by a base image and add many details like cracks, bricks, dirty maps, somethings are made hand painting in photoshop. color correction a lot! i used unwrap uvw for almost all models! In the post-production I used basic color correction (levels, color balance, hue&saturation, exposure, etc), noise and sharpen tool! DemoReel www.oficinadascores.com.br/pedro/demo.zip (oops, sorry my inglesh!)

agree flahlight brings a flat effect in the scene , in this case I rarely used it. this is one of the last works and with maxwellrenders 11hours, 11.50sl, 2000x1500, 4.3ml polygons. thanks for yours C&C.

hi guys long time no post... this is my latest work i wanted to create a scene to capture diferent lighting from a single still. the texturing work is all made from scratch most of it hand painted to create difuse,reflection, and displacement map correctly.

all the models have reflections even the walls and mud. there are about 12millon poligons and all textures have displacement map. i hope you like it here are some additional things:


used vray qmc+ qmc so no settings at all to say a direct light and the enviroment you see, no vray sun or vraysky

no hdr usedrendertime was like......5days per image lol

made all the plants whit xfrog all are self made the render is vray i dont use maxwell anymore. ill post tomrrow some wires used vray qmc+ qmc so no settings at all to say a direct light and the enviroment you see, no vray sun or vraysky no hdr used rendertime was like......5days per image lol i didnt render in hi rez too much memory consumption was almost impossible to render. but i have only 1 of the double size of these wich is the daytime i used qmc + qmc cuz i wanted good gl quality also this is exterior so qmc is faster and use much less memory.

how did you create a wire frame render? you can use a VRayEdgesTex material for Global,and set the diffuse color to you want.

the carpet i use the vrayfur! but the result is so good , so i modifily a little in ps here is shoot screen about kitchen! all lights is vraylight! the color mapping in kitchen scene, i use reihard color mapping! the multiplier is 1.0 ,burn value is 0.9 gamma is 1.8!

my cpu is 2*3800+ 2G RAM ! render time about 3-8 H. 1600PX vraydomelight's shadow is good than vray skylight, i like it vray much! but the render time is slow than vray skylight! 3rd.last night scene is stuning,please show us some tips about light and environment setting? OK, see image in the Attached Thumbnail!!!

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