BATC Membership

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Helping our members build their businesses— through marketing, advocacy and industry connections.


BATC IS AN AMAZING COMMUNITY of smart, dedicated and successful business people working together to make this industry stronger & healthier, while helping each and every one of us be more successful.

MEG JAEGER 2016 BATC President, Owner of Mega Homes

Meghan Doll Photography


WE ARE EXPERTS IN BUILDING COMMUNITY In 2016, BATC embarked on an extensive

But it also helped us determine that the

research project aimed at identifying how

most important emotional connection we

our industry is perceived and what messages

have with people is in regard to community.

will resonate with our audiences. Using

When a family is ready to make a move,

methodology that has become standard

where they live is even more important than

in political campaigns, we surveyed a

the home they buy.

scientifically valid segment of the region’s adult population.

With our new tagline, Experts in Building Community, we will incorporate this

What we learned confirmed some of what

sentiment into all of our communications

we already believed—that housing and

efforts. We will proudly declare that the

the people that build and remodel homes

companies that make up BATC are at the

matter, and matter a lot to the vast majority

center of creating the communities in which

of Minnesotans.

people want to live.



influential business groups at the

business tool for any company even

State Capitol.

peripherally connected to the new home and remodeling industry. Our mission is to help our members build their businesses through marketing, advocacy and industry connections. That means members have access to a huge variety of resources and information designed to improve their bottom line.

Additionally, our sophisticated industry communications strategy is helping us deliver key messages to thoughtleaders, influencers and the general public. Supported by in-depth research to identify opinions and sentiment, we are able to speak in the most effective manner to each of our constituency

Our efforts extend even further as

groups to benefit the industry as a whole.

we work to reduce costs and open

Whether lobbying a legislator one-

opportunities by electing housing-friendly

on-one, issuing a press release to the

legislators and effecting positive change

media, or running digital programmatic

within governmental agencies. Our

and retargeting ads about the benefits

Housing First initiative to strategically

of buying new, our goal is to fulfill our

support candidates around the region

vision statement as the Leading Voice for

has helped us become one of the most

Minnesota Builders and Remodelers.


BUT WAIT, THERE’S MORE! BATC is also a great personal tool for your own professional growth. It will introduce you to amazing mentors, help you develop your own leadership potential, and build your network of professional contacts. We hope you’ll consider joining the BATC family and discover how you can benefit from membership.


EFFECTIVE & EFFICIENT MARKETING The BATC Parade of Homes brand is truly

Guidebooks, we can confidently say we do

leading the nation when it comes to

have the best reach of any media option for

consumer home tours. With twice a year

builders, remodelers and companies that sell

Parade of HomesSM and Remodelers Showcase® home goods to consumers. tours and the annual ticketed, high-end But we don’t stop at consumer marketing. Artisan Home Tour®, BATC is able to capture an amazing swath of housing-interested

If you sell to builders and remodelers, we’ve

consumers across the region. Research shows

got you covered too. Our annual Builders

that our audience is loyal, highly educated

& Remodelers Show (BRS) is the largest

and places a great deal of trust in our brand.

residential industry show in the Midwest

Both ready and able buyers as well as future

(read all about it at We

buyers come out in force (229,000 annually

publish a quarterly magazine (BATC Digest),

according to the KARE 11 2015 Twin Cities

an annual Membership Directory, a range

Consumer Market Profile survey) to tour.

of electronic communications plus offer

With over 300,000 unique visits to the

hundreds of sponsorship opportunities— website and a net

all geared to getting your message out to the

distribution every year of 160,000 new home

right people in the way that makes sense for

Guidebooks, 100,000 Remodelers Showcase

you. And that’s on top of your opportunity

Guidebooks, and a high-end distribution

to show up and speak to your potential

north of 120,000 for our Artisan Home Tour

customers at our array of networking events.

229,000 Annual Parade of Homes Visitors

332,000 Unique Visits to

100,000 Remodelers Showcase Guidebooks Distributed

160,000 Parade of Homes Guidebooks Distributed

120,000 Artisan Home Tour Guidebooks & Look Books Distributed All Figures Annual

Meghan Doll Photography


ARTFUL ADVOCACY When state or local governments push for

fire sprinklers in one- and two-family homes

policies that make it harder for our member

over 4,500 square feet is our most recent

businesses to meet their client’s needs

success. Bill after bill was vetoed by the

affordably and effectively, BATC is there.

Governor, but we persevered and finally

We are committed to being in the game

stopped the mandate through the courts.

with a modern, comprehensive program that combines traditional lobbying with carefully crafted communications, grassroots and grasstops politicking and electoral efforts aimed at filling the seats of our state legislative and local government with housing-friendly elected officials.

In the past few years we were able to lift an ill-conceived moratorium on redevelopment in Minneapolis, and pass a law to fix a variance standard that effectively halted remodeling across the region. These are just a few examples of how your membership supports BATC’s advocacy efforts, and helps

Our defeat of the intrusive, expensive and

to create a strong, healthy marketplace for

highly unpopular mandate to require indoor

our members’ businesses.


INCREDIBLE INDUSTRY CONNECTIONS In our increasingly interconnected world,

and a multitude of support service providers.

no man—or business—is an island. Your

These are the companies and people that

success can often depend on knowing the

are helping Twin Cities’ families realize the

right people, finding the right trade partners,

American Dream by creating safe, affordable,

or access to the right business intelligence at

durable and beautiful homes all across the

the right time. BATC is your conduit to all of


that and more.

It’s easy to get started by attending BATC

As a BATC member, you’re part of our family.

events, which range from educational to

With nearly 1,200 member firms, you’ll be

just plain fun. Read our communications

in the company of virtually every residential

and spend a few minutes with our Daily

builder and professional remodeler in the

blog to stay informed. And volunteer for a

region, plus over 500 associate members that

committee or task force. And then, when

range from home product manufacturers

you call on another BATC member, you have

and dealers to sub-contractors of all stripes,

instant credibility.


EXCEPTIONAL EDUCATION Whether you need continuing education

national and local outlook. We present

credits (MN and WI Contractor and MN

informational seminars at our annual

Real Estate licensees) or you’re just looking

Builders & Remodelers Show, a conference

to stay current on information, data and

on green building in October and offer

best practices for today’s businesses,

regular round tables for our small volume

BATC is your best resource. Contractor

builder and remodeler niches with speakers

University offers dozens of accredited

or panels (and they’re free!). We also help

courses for renewing your license, with

train the next generation of industry leaders

relevant curricula from top instructors.

with our 10-month Leadership Institute.

These courses run December to March, and include all required coursework (energy and lead). Checkout the schedule at

We’d be remiss if we didn’t count our Hot Sheet and other digital informational offerings within our education umbrella. BATC curates pertinent industry

BATC offers two events (January and

information so you don’t have to. Our goal

July) that feature well-known national

is to get you the data you need to keep your

economists sharing their take on the

business plan nimble and on track.


BATC FOUNDATION While a lot of what BATC offers is truly about you, we are also about supporting our community. We do that with our charitable arm, the BATC Foundation. This non-profit charity works with other local non-profits to build and remodel homes for area families in need, has a program that will help support the homeless, and offers scholarships for people going into the residential housing industry. If you’re looking for a way to give back, we hope you’ll make the BATC Foundation your charity of choice.



K R I ST I N A MAHLER 651.697.7562 Office

612.306.1222 Cell

Gordon James Constrcution / Landmark Photography


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