BATC Awards & Entry Information—2015

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Win BIG at the highly anticipated

awards & Entry information

2015 Presented at The big night October 22, 2015 • Mystic Lake 2015 Awards & Entry Information | Entry materials at /Awards | Presented at the BIG Night 10.22.15

your Hard work deserves recognition Get it by entering BATC’s Award Programs. Our awards recognize excellence in several areas—from quality and value of construction to business ethics. Enter so we can celebrate the fine work you do! All of our awards are presented at the Building Industry Gala (BIG) Night. At the BIG Night you’ll be able to accept your award alongside all our other big winners, in front of the entire BATC membership. You’ll find all of our award opportunities together in this booklet. Please review each to plan which awards you should enter. Entry Information and dates are included within each description. We hope to see you onstage this October, accepting your trophy!

rick & Amy hendel 2015 Awards & Entry Information | Entry materials at /Awards

hendel homes


What a great honor to our company, we truly value these awards as it encourages our entire company and clients. Thank you BATC! Rick & Amy Hendel Hendel homes jolynn johnson crystal kitchen center


Katie Harms -3-

2014 BATC FOundation President 2015 Awards & Entry Information | Entry materials at /Awards | Presented at the scherer bros. Lumber co. BIG Night 10.22.15

contents page 5

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Award Dates & Deadlines All Awards

Remodeler of Merit Awards (ROMA) BATC Remodelers

Builder of the Year, Remodeler of the Year & Associate of the Year

Trillium AwardsSM BATC Associates

Reggie AwardsSM Parade of Homes Builders

Rising Star Award Young Professionals

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Other Awards Advocate, Legislator & Spike of the Year Awards & Robert L. Hanson Service Industry Award

2015 Awards & Entry Information | Entry materials at /Awards | Presented at the BIG Night 10.22.15

award dates & Deadlines dates/deadlines

2015 may






5/29: ROMA entry commitment & payment due

8/7: Trillium entry opens 8/7: Builder, Remodeler & Associate of the Year evaluations close 8/7: Rising Star materials due

6/26: ROMA entry materials due

9/10: Reggie judges orientation 9/30: BIG Night early bird pricing closes

7/10: Builder, Remodeler & Associate of the Year entry due 7/10: Rising Star Nominations Due 7/31: Reggie entry due

10/2: Reggie judges final selection 10/22: BIG Night awards ceremony

8/21: BIG Night registration opens 8/28: Trillium entry due


2015 Awards & Entry Information | Entry materials at /Awards | Presented at the BIG Night 10.22.15

Village floor & Wall, Inc. Brent & Patricia pobuda, katy & sean Kiekbusch

2015 Awards & Entry Information | Entry materials at /Awards | Presented at the BIG Night 10.22.15

builder, remodeler & Associate of the year




Free online entry and judging process.

Each year, one builder, one remodeler and one associate member of BATC earn these most prestigious awards that recognize trust, communication, loyalty and ethics in their business dealings with other BATC members, as well as their customers. Online surveys completed by BATC members with which each nominee works, plus customer testimonials are evaluated by past “of-the-year” winners to select each year’s three top honors.

Deadline for entry: Friday, July 10.

Entrants will receive emailed instructions to forward judging forms to their BATC member partners and clients around July 17.

Evaluations/survey response points will be compiled with the top three to five aggregate scoring firms named as finalists.

Finalists submitted bio information plus survey responses will be reviewed by a panel of the past three year’s winners of Builder of the Year, Remodeler of the Year and Associate of the Year, who will select the winner by consensus.

Completed ratings by partnering members due Friday, August 7.

Nominees are asked to supply company bio information.

Builder nominees are evaluated by up to 15 BATC Associate members and up to 5 clients.

Remodeler nominees are evaluated by up to 10 BATC Associates and up to 5 clients.

Associate Member nominees are evaluated by up to 20 BATC Builders/ Remodelers.

deadlines submission July 10 judging forms distrubuted July 17 ratings due August 7

2015 Awards & Entry Information | Entry materials at /Awards | Presented at the BIG Night 10.22.15


Earning this award confirms that everyone on staff, here at Water Doctors, truly does embody the spirit of our company mission to maintain the highest level of integrity in everything we do. Robert Hoey President, Water Doctor water treatment company

laurie & robert hoey & katy cashman Water doctor water treatment co.

2015 Awards & Entry Information | Entry materials at /Awards | Presented at the BIG Night 10.22.15

reggie award

We take great pride in each and every Reggie Award we’ve been fortunate enough to win. It’s not taken for granted and it comes with an enormous effort by our entire team from top to bottom. The trophies are displayed in our office and Parade models–and shine as an example of our dedication to quality, design, and client satisfaction.

derek Bratager Hartman Homes


2015 Awards & Entry Information | Entry materials at /Awards | Presented at the BIG Night 10.22.15




Parade of HomesSM Builders For almost 60 years, local builders have coveted the Reggie Award more than any other. Winners are selected from Fall Parade of Homes entrants by judging teams of Builders and qualified Associates who visit homes within their category. They then come together to select the best example of excellence in design, construction quality and value.


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All fall Parade of Homes entries can be judged (except for previous Reggie Award winning homes). Winners will take home the coveted Reggie statue.

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deadlines entry submission

judges Meetings

photo submission

July 31

Sept. 10 & Oct. 2

Sept. 25

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$100 entry fee. Easy entry and judges forms. Each Reggie entrant is asked to supply a representative as a judge (one name per company). Judges orientation commences on September 10, and final judging is on October 2nd. One exterior and two interior photos required for each Reggie entry (photos may be submitted by Friday, September 25th). The structure-only price supplied will be used to assign the entry to a judging category. No more than 10 homes will be judged per category. Completed entry form and materials due by Friday, July 31st. Email to Nicole Coon, or by fax to 651-697-7599.

2015 Awards & Entry Information | Entry materials at /Awards | Presented at the BIG Night 10.22.15

ROMA Award


Roma award

BATC Remodelers


The Remodeler of Merit Awards (ROMA) honor our remodeler members for quality and value in remodeling projects that range from baths, kitchens and additions to whole-house remodels. Professional remodelers from another market (currently Sioux Falls, SD) serve as judges. Judges look for creativity in meeting the unique challenges of remodeling, and in successfully meeting the needs, desires, and budgets of their clients.

Submission •

$100 entry fee.

There is no limit to the number of categories a remodeling project can enter.

The fair market value of your project will be used to assign the entry into the appropriate sub-category.

Pre-register and pay for your entries by Friday, May 29th at

Upload your entries by Friday, June 26th.

deadlines entry Commitment & Payment May 29

submission June 26

2015 Awards & Entry Information | Entry materials at /Awards

“ “

Our crews, project managers and homeowner’s enjoyed hearing about the awards, and were proud to be associated with an award-winning project. Due to the award press and social media visibility, many of our past clients and industry partners were great about passing on congratulations to our firm, and the homeowners.

Bob & Andy michels

Heidi Libera

Bob Michels construction, Inc.

Streeter & Associates, Inc.

2015 Awards & Entry Information | Entry materials at | Presented at the BIG Night 10.22.15

trillium award


It has been a fun and rewarding experience taking part in the last couple of Parade of Homes with our Reggie nominated builders. We are constantly looking for ways to improve our relationships with our customers while differentiating ourselves from our competitors. The Trillium awards have given us a tangible way to achieve both. Mike Schmillen River City Tile & Underlayment


2015 Awards & Entry Information | Entry materials at /Awards | Presented at the BIG Night 10.22.15



BATC Associates


The Trillium Awards were established to honor our Associates for their partnership with Builders and Remodelers. As Reggie-winning homes and ROMA-winning projects are judged the very best, the associates that provide products, services and labor are also deserving of honor. Trillium Awards do just that. Associates are invited to enter the competition for any homes they worked on which have been entered in the Reggie or ROMA competitions.

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Entry fee of $100 per Reggie home entered or entry project per ROMA category. Trillium Awards given to all entered participating associates for each Reggie-winning home or ROMA project. Associates may enter any/all Reggie-entered homes or ROMA project on which they worked. Eligible homes/projects for entry will be posted approximately Friday, August 7th. Completed entry and payment due Friday, August 28th.

deadlines entries open

Completed entry & Payment

enter online

August 7

August 28

2015 Awards & Entry Information | Entry materials at /Awards | Presented at the BIG Night 10.22.15

rising star award



Young Professionals


This new award will honor emerging leaders. Rising Stars are at the beginning of their career, and will exemplify leadership qualities and show a dedication to activities which build industry relationships and promote professional development.

The candidate must be nominated by a BATC Member other than himself or herself (please feel free to ask your supervisor to nominate you!)

Young Professionals nominated for this award must be 35 years of age or younger and/or have less than 5 years’ experience in the industry.

Candidate must be nominated by July 10th.

The Rising Star will be awarded to one or more individual(s) representing excellence as a Builder, a Remodeler, or an Associate. Recipients will be determined by a panel of BATC member judges.

deadlines Nominations


Materials available

July 10

August 7

2015 Awards & Entry Information | Entry materials at /Awards | Presented at the BIG Night 10.22.15

Submission To assist in the judging process, candidates will be asked to complete a form by Friday, August 7th, which includes: •


Industry Involvement


Additional Awards

BATC Member Experience

One letter of recognition by a supervisor

Three letters of recommendation by other current BATC members

Young Professionals are truly the future of BATC. Our new Rising Star Award recognizes those YPs who are engaged in our organization, in their businesses and their communities. This award is designed to encourage the next generation of housing industry leaders by acknowledging their accomplishments and encouraging their continued success. Chris Contreras BATC president, ryland homes

Entry materials at /Awards


Legislator of the Year Award


BATC’s Legislator of the Year Award is given to members of the Minnesota Legislature who have championed the advancement of our policy agenda and legislative priorities.

Robert L. Hanson Industry Service Award We thank all of our members who are involved in the industry. But, there are more than a few of you who go above and beyond, offering your time, energy, and talents to serve here at BATC, at our state and national associations, and in the industry as a whole. That dedication and service is what the Robert L. Hanson Industry Service Award recognizes.

Advocate of the Year Award

Spike of the Year Award

This award recognizes members who have made major contributions in support of BATC’s advocacy mission and platform, complimenting BATC’s mission to “Helping our members build their businesses – through marketing, advocacy and industry connections.”

In building a strong association, Spikes are priceless. A Spike is a member who works to recruit new members, gets members involved and retains members. Each year, BATC recognizes the member who has recruited the most new members as our Spike of the Year.

2015 Awards & Entry Information | Entry materials at /Awards | Presented at the BIG Night 10.22.15

Why Enter for an award? Bragging Rights Industry awards are a valuable addition to your marketing tool box.

Earning a BATC award places your competition, and offers you among the elites in your validation to your past, field, giving you an edge on present and future clients.

Creating Buzz Winning an award gives you a great reason to immediately promote your business. We’ll help you complete a press release (contact, and we’ll share our list of news outlets. You should

email a newsletter to your clients and prospects to share the story behind your award and why you won. Use the award logo and the phrase “award-winning” on your online advertising, direct mail pieces, and

business cards. Post links on social media that direct the viewer to our page of award winners or to your press release. And of course, you will want to display your award prominently.

Be Seen BATC promotes our Award Showcase Guidebooks. We winners in the Spring Parade link to winners on both our of Homes and Remodelers websites. And we send a

comprehensive press release to 200 local and regional media.

2015 Awards & Entry Information | Entry materials at /Awards | Presented at the BIG Night 10.22.15

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