Election Special 2015

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15 Vote between:

10th-12th March

electionspecial 2015


Tuesday 3rd March 2015

bathimpact bathimpactblog.wordpress.com

An introduction to your SU Officers The Team

SU President

Your five elected SU Officers are all either current or freshly graduated students from the University of Bath. Firstly, they act as liaisons between you and the University itself, sitting on a variety of committees that make the important decisions about how the University and the Union run.

The SU President is the leader of the pack; the player dealing the cards. Look at them as the head of state; representing the University’s student body locally and nationally. Ensuring that there is accountability and transparency for the Student Union and making sure that every student’s opinion is represented are the key roles of the job. This means that the President

They’’’ re here to represent the student body on three levels. On a local level, they meet with representatives from Bath and North East Somerset Council to manage ‘town and gown’ relations. Finally, as part of the National Union of Students they take part in NUS campaigns on issues that affect you and future students. Read more to find out what each officer’s specific role is…

needs to be approachable and confident; able to inspire the masses and organise forums to justify every aspect of the Student Union’s action. As well as this, the President works with the media, bars and the Board of Trustees, always with the student body in mind.

Community Officer

Activities Officer

Ensuring that everyone is treated with due respect regardless of race, gender, religion or sexuality is the raison d’être of this position. The Community Officer must therefore be extremely approachable and able to deal with sensitive issues. Getting involved in all aspects of the community

The Activities Officer is an inspirational figure who takes pride in the diversity of societies at the University, finding new ways to encourage people to sign up and get involved. Again, the Activities Officer must ensure that there is synergy between the societies and volunteering groups, as well as

Ensuring that everyone is treated with due respect.


The leader of the pack; the player dealing the cards.

Takes pride in the diversity of societies on campus.

whether it is to do with housing, diversity or welfare is done both actively and passively in committee meetings. The Community Officer is also the principal Officer involved with volunteering groups and their promotion, as well as making sure that post-grads feel comfortable contributing to University life.

making sure the various projects the University supports – such as the Bath Award and Student Enterprise – are promoted effectively on campus. Distribution of money so that all societies are treated fairly and sustainably is also a key role as well as helping choose who gets the coveted ‘SU approved’ society status.

Education Officer

Sport Officer

The Education Officer is the liaison between students, academic officials and all departments across campus. Their job is to find out the general opinion of students and then relay it back to the top to help find constructive solutions. Sometimes they will have to take on individual caseworks which, again, means they need to be approachable. A solid knowledge of university and national

For the University of Bath, this role is particularly important as the Sport Officer is the liaison between students, sports clubs and the University facilities. This is mainly done through meetings, both nationally and within the Students’ Union, but is also done through some good old-fashioned grassroots work. They encourage coordination between sports groups

Solid knowledge of university policies is a must. educational policies is a must as they’ll be expected to know how well they are being implemented on the ground. Again, working with the Community Officer and relevant post-grad groups is essential to ensure everyone is receiving equal educational privileges.

Encouraging coordination between sports groups. and other societies, whilst working to ensure that no internal divisions arise. So it is essential that any Sport Officer has a good knowledge of the forty-nine sports clubs. The development, financial sustainability of clubs and distribution of funds is also a key part of their role.

bathimpactblog.wordpress.com Let’s face it, manifestos are far from an excellent way of discerning a candidates capabilities. I mean once you’ve stripped away the buzz words, the promises they can’t possibly keep, and those throwaway comments they made to fish for votes, often you’re left with nothing more than a white canvas staring back at you, eclipsed only by the equally blank expression of a candidate’s campaign photo. Don’t despair though, there’s a ray of hope piercing through the verbose mire of stale ideas. ‘Questions to Candidates’ aims to put the candidates on the spot by asking the questions we’re all thinking; ‘Just how exactly do you intend to improve the buses then?’, and then sit back and watch them squirm, or another candidate jump in and stab them in the back, or sometimes provide a genuinely well thought out and feasible response. It makes for excellent viewing, and often gives a much clearer picture of candidate competency than a bunch of votepandering insubstantial pledges. So how does it work I hear you ask? Well, the rules for the debates will be reiterated at the events themselves but here is the brief version: There are no rules. Kinda like a verbal fight club. But with less blood. Probably. Candidates can answer for as long as they can hold the chair’s interest. If they waffle or do the political question dodging nonsense they’ll be cut off and the ball will be thrown to another candidate. Candidates can debate with each other. So they can respond directly to each other and all the chair will do is moderate if things start to spiral out of hand. More time will be devoted to each position, meaning around half an hour per debate with a full hour for the President. Poor blighters. The whole thing will be covered on radio and tv which will be beamed live over the interwebs, so if you’re unfortunate enough (or lucky enough. Tomato, tomato) to be stuck somewhere else and have a burning question you really want to ask you can tweet it in. #bathQ2C Coverage isn’t just limited to a live stream of the actual questions though, Student Media are be providing a range of pre and post analysis coverage, so if you live and breathe SU Officer Elections then you can more than satisfy you’re deep seated addiction. You should also probably seek help though, because that isn’t normal behavior... But perhaps that’s a case of the pot calling the kettle black.

Let the debating commence!

Use the underpass: The simplest way to avoid people pestering you on Parade is not to be on Parade. Avoid being harassed by the campaign teams of Johnny “insert catchy nickname” Walkson-Smythe, there is a secret level of the campus that can be used instead. Ever wondered why the parade is Level 2? It’s because there is a Level 1. The underpass will become your holy grail during the elections. For the next two weeks, the student activity on the underpass will change from nearly nothing to slightly more than nearly nothing. You can access the underpass from the bus stop, Wessex House and from 8 West. This method of keeping your sanity is a little risky however; the underpass is essentially a road, but so long as you follow the Highway Code, you should be okay. The fake phone-call They’re walking towards you, campaign literature in hand. All of a sudden, that 10.15 conference call from Frankfurt vibrates in your pocket. You take the call and look at the candidate; ‘Sorry. I simply have to take this.’ Of course, said phone call is but a figment of your imagination. A mere rouse to make you look busier and more important than you actually are. It’s one of the quickest, most convenient ways to avoid the election rush. The “I’ve already voted” In previous years, the easiest way to not have your personal space invaded was by simply saying that you’ve already voted. Of course we at bathimpact wouldn’t dream of advising people to lie, but I like to live by the old Irish adage “vote early, vote often”. I had my vote in last year once I’d realised people stopped bothering you once you were a lost cause. Make up your mind as soon as possible. After that, you’re entitled to scream ‘LEAVE ME ALONE’ directly in the face of any campaigner*. I’ve just wasted the last 30 seconds of your life because this year voting only opens on the Tuesday, so until that point you have no legitimate form of protection from the gaggling masses, but when it does come it will be very, very welcome. Safety in numbers: In the bush, a lone springbok is a dead springbok, that’s why they move in groups. The same principle applies to elections’ fortnight. There are only so many campaigners available and they can’t hold more than one person’s attention at a time, so as long as you’re not the slowest in the pack, you can get away with only one or two stickers attached to your clothing. Election fortnight can be a harrowing time for anyone, but so long as you keep your wits about you, and follow the tips in this article, you can come out the other side relatively unblemished. * Legal note: you are probably not.


By the time you’ve picked this up and are reading this article, you will have undoubtedly noticed that a few things are different on campus. Banners are everywhere, strange people are constantly accosting you, and there’s a zoo’s worth of those really ‘fun’ animal onesies showing what ‘bubbly’ people the future Students’ Union officers are. Here’s your guide on how to survive the next two weeks without having a nervous breakdown.



Tuesday 3rd March 2015



Tuesday 3rd March 2015

Elections Special bathimpactblog.wordpress.com

Katy BOYCE • Free Education • Pay Equality • Direct Democracy • Affordable Campus • Diversity of Club Nights Free Education I attended the demonstrations in London when the rise in tuition fees was proposed. I opposed fees then and I oppose them now.You deserve better than to be penalised with debt for wanting to pursue higher education. No one should face £36,000 worth of debt for wanting to educate themselves. I will: • Fight for free education – regardless of subject. • Lobby for an immediate freeze on international student fees. • Organise coaches to national demonstrations. Pay Equality Our Vice Chancellor makes £395,000 a year (plus other benefits!) and the University of Bath made a surplus of £16.9 million last year. This money would be better spent by investing in students. We, as students, already struggle to make ends meet and a living wage will prove that our university cares about people over profit. I will: • Lobby the University to increase wages for all “casual” hourly paid staff (including students!) to a living wage. This means an increase to £8.80 an hour (including holiday pay) • Campaign to improve pay & conditions for postgraduates.


Affordable Campus Of the 16 accommodation options on campus, only 3 are able to be covered by a maintenance loan of £3465, leaving little money for other essentials (you know, like food…). I will: • Lobby the University to provide affordable accommodation on campus. • Lobby local councillors to introduce a rent cap on student properties in the city. • Sell sanitary products in the SU at cost/heavily discounted – these are essential items! Direct Democracy Our transient student community often leads to animosity between local residents and students. Our SU Officers are currently unaccountable once elected. I will: • Set up a well-run student-resident forum, including students from our sister university Bath Spa. • Establish general meetings where students can voice opinions and vote on issues (rather than having indicative polls which are ignored.) Diversity of Club Nights The night life at the University is not diverse enough and does not cater to the diverse array of students we have. I will: • Introduce a diversity of club nights at the University; for example LGBTQ, Alternative/Rock and House/Trance nights (whilst still keeping Score of course!) • Ensure that any University affiliated club in town is a safe space for all students; be this through an accreditation scheme or through evidence that they have taken measures to stamp out sexual assault and violence. P.S. Buses, cash machines and 8.15s #BoycieforBath

Hi, I’m Dom, and I’m standing to be your SU President, hoping to make your student life as enjoyable as possible. I want everyone at Bath Uni to gain all the knowledge and skills they need to succeed, and to enjoy their time here. The Student Union is an important part of student life, and has done many great things towards improving the university. I care deeply about this university, and with your vote, I will work hard to make sure the SU does everything possible to improve the lives of all students. Here are some of the things I would improve: Accommodation By listening to your experiences of private accommodation, we will set up a list of trusted and recommended private landlords, who have demonstrated reliability and good service. This will help to ensure that all students receive good accommodation, right throughout their time at uni. I will also work to ensure that the university listens to the feedback of first-year students, so that all concerns about university owned accommodation are dealt with. Value for money A large proportion of students are paying three times as much for their education than those who started a few years ago. Despite this, the standard of education has remained mostly the same, and has not taken into account these higher tuition fees. Though tuition fees may be beyond the control of the uni, more can, and should, be done to increase the value for money of our courses. If elected, I will work with the University to introduce new measures, which will require minimal increases in university spending, and yet will increase the quality of education all students can receive. For example, I will work to ensure that students have access to a greater number of units on Moodle, so that even without having to take exams in these subjects, we will all be able to benefit more from the wide range of knowledge and expertise across the university. Graduate Employability The competition amongst graduates for jobs is fierce, and it is important that we leave university with the skills that will make us stand out from other candidates. I will ensure that more events are held on campus by prospective employers, that the university holds more workshops on employability skills, and that there is greater awareness of these events.


The Students’ Union needs to be an effective, inclusive and transparent force for bettering university life for students. I am not afraid to stand up for students in the face of senior management. The Students’ Union needs to be the students’ voice, not an organisation that panders to those who put profit before people. Policies and ideas I will implement if you elect me:


Other measures I would introduce: Increase the frequency of buses in the evenings as lectures are finishing, to reduce the lengthy bus queues at these times. Make sure that as many lectures as possible are recorded. None of us should have to lose marks in an exam simply because we were unable to attend a lecture one day. Make sure that all key textbooks are available to view online. Make sure students have greater input over what social events are held. On the national level, I will work with the NUS to ensure that students are no longer unfairly targeted by government spending reductions. Vote Dom Graham for SU President! Facebook.com/DomForPres @DomJGraham

Tuesday 3rd March 2015

Elections Special






Vote Zoe For SU President!

Bath is brilliant and your time here really should be the best years of your life. I will work to ensure that you have a fantastic University experience, pursuing change within your Union and representing you to the University. As your Sport Officer this year, I have worked hard to develop the sporting offer for all students and have strived to make your experience the best it can be. My role has given me the opportunity to lead on issues far more diverse than just sport however, and now I want to represent YOU. Let’s implement the change we need: Can’t find space on campus? With more students on campus than ever before, we are at capacity. I will pursue flexible use of our teaching spaces, and will work to secure off-campus facilities to ease the congestion on campus. Better buses Have you found yourself in the ridiculous queues for a bus this year? I will lobby for more frequent services on the U10, 20A and 20C bus routes, and will push to increase Bugler’s City to Campus service to ensure there is always a bus for you at peak times.

Your time at University should not only prepare you for your chosen career, but provide you with experiences you will treasure forever. I want to be YOUR SU PRESIDENT. The enthusiasm and drive I have for this University inspires me to inspire others. Work with me to make YOUR Union what YOU want it to be. Having previously organised Snowball, chairing two clubs and sitting on an exec has proved I’m organised, outgoing and keen to represent YOU. More students, more space Prioritising what students want. From designated study rooms, to lobbying for space in town, to working with departments to develop study space in departmental buildings. I will pursue all these choices. Core texts I will work to ensure reading lists are given to librarians in advance so key chapters are available online. Keeping reference copies in the library means students will always have access to a copy. Battling Buses Buses darken everyone’s day. First buses have interactive screens letting you know how long until the next bus, so why not Wessex? I will work on getting a First direct service to Oldfield Park and back, freeing up space on other services.

Events to inspire

Power Struggles

What do you want to see? I will work to develop a diverse calendar of Students’ Union events to engage our unique student body, and will investigate how we can collaborate with off-campus activities.

Ever found yourself with no battery at happy hour? A dead laptop on campus? I would like to get more power sockets built into the SU.

Transparency of SU decisions

If elected I will work with Hospitality and Fresh to secure a wider selection of healthy foods, whilst protecting the new fruit and veg stall, particularly important out of teaching time when PGT and PGR students are on campus.

Postgraduate and international students I will work with the ISA and PGA to effectively represent our diverse student body, and will push for tailored inductions to support their work. Let’s engage our student body so that we achieve the change that you want. Support your development


The Students’ Union has so much to offer, and I will work to enhance the personal development opportunities available to all. Skills Training,Volunteer Recognition, the Bath Award; I will ensure that your Union helps you set yourself apart in the jobs market. ‘Lad Culture’ We all need to work together to make positive change. This year has started the conversations on campus, and now I will work with all student groups to create the action that you want. National representation I will lobby NUS to pursue the issues that you want to see fought, and will lead your Students’ Union in working with them to facilitate tangible change on a national scale. I love Bath, and will work tirelessly to empower our student body to make sure that you are the priority. I will be your voice, working to represent YOU and creating the change we need to make our University the best it can be. Believe In Ben Again, and vote #1 for SU President. #Believe

Lad Culture Lad culture is a hot topic. I will work with our student leaders from all sectors, getting their ideas on how to enhance our students’ experience. Bath is leading the way with this initiative and engaging our students to come up with ideas on which direction to take this project. Global Buddies I will pursue a global buddy system; current students introducing international students to Bath. Making contact before arrival giving an opportunity to ask questions and guarantees a friendly face on your first day.


How does the Union work? I will establish a system that provides greater clarity on how decisions are made, to make Bath somewhere you can really make your voice heard and ensure that change truly reflects what you want to see.

Healthy body. Healthy mind.

Loyal to YOUR Union A loyalty scheme for Plug food. Incentivising YOU as students to put money back into YOUR union. Diversifying Bath After the huge success of the Chinese New Year exhibition, why stop there? Displays for Diwali, Hanukah and other cultures leading on from this year’s new Christmas market. Buy and sell pin board in the SU Help fund new textbooks with old ones, swap unwanted furniture and acquire some old stash all in one place. Connecting you better, with home Expand the National Express service deals to more locations; Cardiff, Birmingham etc. I want to be YOUR SU President, to represent YOUR views and drive YOUR students’ union in a direction driven by YOU as a student body. We all know Bath is best, but TOGETHER let’s make it better. VOTE ZOE #1 FOR PRESIDENT #Go4Zo


Tuesday 3rd March 2015

Elections Special bathimpactblog.wordpress.com


Jordan KENNY JK TO LEAD THE WAY! I am YOUR current SU President and as a student was a Freshers’ Week Manager, chair of SU Sport and a major club, created RAG events, led elections and was nominated as National Student Volunteer and NUS Student of the Year. This year I have... • Challenged the proposed Academic Year Shape • Reduced card charges from 50p to 20p • Launched the Volunteer Recognition and Student Ambassador Scheme • Developed a nationally recognised campaign on ‘Lad Culture’ • Secured 12 more 18/U18 Buses, altered the U10 route, increased reliability of the 20A/C and reduced prices • Campaigned for student space in the City, with PCs, plug points, printers, microwaves and kitchen, library services, advisors and careers • Lobbied the University over Industrial Action • Campaigned for the Living Wage for Students • Led a full Freshers’ Week review • Developed an online reporting mechanism for harassment, discrimination and bullying • Represented Bath SU at all NUS national events I have delivered on my entire manifesto and more, and I’m not finished yet!

I’m Ashley Russell and I, just like you, am a proud student at the University of Bath. My passion and motivation is simple, I want to make things better for everyone. Throughout my term, I would take every opportunity to encourage efficiency, consultation and high moral standards in everything the Students’ Union does. The University of Bath Students’ Union is there to cater to the needs of the students of the University and, with my leadership, I would strive to make sure every feasible need is met. In terms of my background, I am significantly advantaged by having board-level experience in a large, national charity. What this means is that all the menial governance and finance stuff I already have a firm grasp of and so can walk straight into the role. It also meant that I am experienced in making my voice heard on important issues, even over some more forceful characters. In this academic year, I was elected as Chair of the Department of Computer Science’s SSLC. My work in this position has been praised by staff and students alike, with people specifically commending my leadership, extremely relevant to the role for which I am now standing. I have also very much enjoyed being able to represent my peers in my department, allowing the resolution of Computer Scientists’ issues such as coursework, tutorials and curriculum review.

If you re-elect me, I will:

I’ve done an incredible amount in my first year, and have so much more planned for my second. Love Bath.Vote JK YOUR SU President! Facebook.com/votejk ¦ @JNKenny ¦ #voteJK

Policy Statements Ashley agrees that we need more space for learning and lunch. I would work tirelessly to try and open up existing suitable space for those students who need it either for their study, or for simply eating their sandwiches at lunch. Ashley agrees that approvals through the Students’ Union (from societies, clubs et. al.) need to be smooth and timely. This could be achieved by using an electronic platform for approvals that will save committee members running around with bits of paper. Ashley agrees that the university’s cultural diversity needs to be more embraced. The recent Chinese New Year celebrations were a great example of this, as is BUASS’ Holi Hai event. With such a wonderful mix of cultural background that we have, more should be done to promote a wider-range of such events to be run on campus.



Fed up of hanging around? Secure dedicated student hubs in new and existing developments on Campus and in the City so you can study and socialise. Mount Bathwick We’ve won the battle, but not the war. I will continue to pressure First and Wessex to increase peak services, arrive on time, and develop joint passes. Bring the Union to you Continue to blog on what I’m doing, advertise SU on Tour around campus, support student media to become bigger and better and launch the SU App. Ensure the BathStudent re-design prioritises the big issues. Fight increasing student numbers Challenge the University to increase support available because of increasing class sizes and promote financial support available to those who need it. Protect money in your pocket Secure the Living Wage for all Student Staff and challenge hidden course costs by improving departmental transparency. Fight increasing campus costs; in bars, restaurants, shops and SU. Freshers’ Week and Induction Ensure every new student can purchase a Freshers’ Week Wristband. Arrive late? A tailored induction for you. Equality and Diversity training for student leaders supporting new students. Events you want A slip n slide at a Spring Festival and a bigger Christmas Market. Postgraduate life Departmental inductions to the University and City and clear information on academic and social support available. Campaign to the University for improved mental health support for PGs. Our diverse community Secure ring-fenced funding for cultural events, such as Diwali and Chinese New Year. Challenge the University for Fixed Fees for international students. Let’s put Bath on the map… Take a stand for education as a right and extend my local and national work on ‘Lad Culture’. Challenge NUS for increased support for SU’s.

Ashley agrees that Bath SU should have a committed voice, determined by the students, on the big issues facing the university and the country. Responses to issues such as industrial action of university staff should be issued within 72 hours of such an announcement. When in the interest of the student body, everything should be done to support those people who wish to demonstrate and I would make sure this happens. I am very happy to be contacted about my campaign, you can get hold of me by email (alr32@bath.ac.uk), on Facebook (www.facebook.com/ashleylewisrussell) or on Twitter (@AshleyL_Russell). Thank you.

Tuesday 3rd March 2015

Elections Special




Elliott CAMPBELL Since arriving in 2011 to study Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, I’ve been a representative at course, faculty and institutional levels. Through this, I have formed a strong understanding of the issues that affect students’ education here at Bath. Space Ever struggled to find a seat in the library? Squeezed into overcrowded labs? Rejected from booking an empty room to work in? Me too - and with student numbers still increasing this isn’t a problem that’s going away. As Education Officer I’d push to ensure additional spaces are tailored to the needs of students. More importantly, I’d seek to reassess and reassign how current space is used, such as pushing for smaller rooms to be bookable for shorter periods of time for situations like running through presentations and telephone interviews. Feedback


It’s incredibly frustrating when you don’t receive any feedback for weeks on end, or not at all, compounded by the fact that when you finally do get some there’s only a few cryptic scrawls. If elected I’d aim to improve exam feedback, as well as seeking to make simple but effective changes to feedback in general. Primarily I’d like to encourage typed feedback and a system that tracks the time between work being submitted and feedback being received. The latter would flag up those modules that consistently provide feedback late, making lecturers more accountable. Postgraduate Inductions If elected, I’d also like to reassess how Postgraduate Inductions are done, to ensure a more tailored experience that provides you only with the information you need. I’d also like to introduce a mentoring scheme for first year PGR students to ensure that settling into Bath is as smooth as possible. Academic Reps Elect me as your Education Officer and I’ll improve the training materials on offer for reps by revitalising the current moodle training and further expanding the Academic Reps Conference. As well as this I’ll work to increase awareness of your Reps’ successes through more ‘You said, we did’ spaces in departmental buildings. More Informed Module Choices As Education Officer I’ll work to increase the information available to students when they come to choose optional modules, so that you can make better informed decisions concerning your education. Especially if you’re on placement. Even Further Education Life at University is about more than just getting a degree. As your representative, I’d work closely with the Activities Officer and academic departments to help support Departmental Societies organise seminars, conferences, and events, bringing external speakers that provide education beyond standard lectures. Future of Higher Education: With the General Election fast approaching, the future of Higher Education looks to be uncertain once again. As your Education Officer I will fight to ensure any further changes are both sustainable and in the interest of students, as well as campaigning at a national level for the issues that are most important to you. So vote Campbell for Education! Why? Because #CampbellCan

Hi I’m Lucy and I want to be your Education Officer! I’m passionate about education and representation and I’m determined to make a difference. Throughout my time at University, I have been actively involved and seized many opportunities to channel my interest for student engagement and to represent fellow students. A wide range of roles, including Academic Rep, Faculty Rep, Societies Exec Publicity Coordinator, Freshers’ Week Captain and Students’ Union Ambassador, have enabled me to become knowledgeable about your needs and I am a strong, wellinformed communicator of the student voice. As your Education Officer, I would work hard to... BOOST YOUR ACADEMIC REPRESENTATION • Improve the presence and communication of Academic Reps and Staff Student Liaison Committees to ensure effective feedback loops within departments e.g. more ‘You asked, we did’ style feedback. • Enhance training and resources available to Academic Reps. • Campaign to secure funding for future Academic Reps Conferences. IMPROVE FEEDBACK • Promote the gathering of informal and anonymous feedback during units, so that you can directly benefit. • Campaign to improve response rates to online unit evaluations. • Ensure departmental feedback policies are readily available, so it’s crystal clear what feedback you should receive and by when.


Elliott Campbell: the Student, the Freshers’ Week Event Manager...The SU Officer?

TACKLE STUDENT SPACE ISSUES • Resources are pressured and student numbers are growing. More dialogue is needed with the University in order to develop flexible learning & social space for you. GET TO GRIPS WITH GROUP WORK • Every department needs to have an easily accessible and straightforward group work policy that explains how marks are allocated and what you should do if you experience difficulties. FIGHT FOR PLACEMENT REPS • Ensure that best practice from trials is shared to facilitate an increase in placement reps across the University. It is necessary to improve communications with placement students and boost the support available. TALK ABOUT PERSONAL TUTORS • Raise awareness of the expectations of the personal tutor system – it works best when both parties are committed. PROVIDE FOR POSTGRADUATES • Develop the provision of networking events to encourage integration and tackle postgraduate isolation. • Improve signposting for support available regarding postgraduate supervision issues e.g. the postgraduate Ombudsman. • Increase mentoring provisions for postgraduate research students. • Continue the campaign to secure Wednesday afternoons free for postgraduate taught students. MAINTAIN THE EXCELLENT WORK ON THIS YEAR’S TOP TEN SO THAT… • The number of lectures recorded continues to increase. • The rollout of personalised timetables is smooth, clear and effective. • Postgraduate induction is further improved. FINALLY - COMMUNICATION, COMMUNICATION, COMMUNICATION! Through regular updates, blogs and an active presence around campus, I would ensure that you know what I’m working on, why I’m doing it and how you can get involved – maintaining the important feedback loop. Please feel free to get in touch via Facebook, Twitter (@lucy_woodcock) or at law33@bath.ac.uk, I would love to hear from you. My first-hand representational experience and my enthusiasm for education are together a recipe for success! VOTE LUCY FOR EDUCATION OFFICER #lucy4education


Tuesday 3rd March 2015

Elections Special bathimpactblog.wordpress.com


Matt HUMBERSTONE I’ve been Chair of V Team for the last two years, making significant lasting changes which have seen the student volunteering group win multiple awards and grow from 350 to almost 1000 members, making it the largest opt-in student group on campus. Every single student should have a positive university experience, feeling safe, included and valued. Halls and Housing? Matt For That! Introduce a casual allocation system for halls so students at higher risk of social isolation, such as mature students, can ask to live with someone that shares that characteristic. Similarly, international students could opt to live with British nationals to improve their English. Improve pre-arrivals information so that new students have a better understanding of what to expect. Consult a wide range of students about housing to improve and expand the advice and support offered, using the knowledge I gained from volunteering for a social enterprise lettings agency last summer.


Mental Health? Matt For That! Set up a Diversity and Support group for those experiencing or having experienced mental health issues, those with friends or family with a mental health condition and all students interested in the subject of mental health. Promote good mental health and practical ways to improve wellbeing and happiness, especially for postgraduates. Raise awareness using my own experiences of mental health issues and organising activities during Mental Health Awareness Week. Review the mental health services currently on offer and make improvements to the quality of advice and the accessibility of support. Equality and Diversity? Matt For That! Investigate how to tackle social isolation and better represent students that are less involved in the Students’ Union. Arrange for an automatic email to be sent to students about the Diversity and Support groups relevant to them. Raise awareness of asexuality using my own experiences, as well as other minority LGBT issues. -

Encourage more cultural events to occur throughout the year.

Prevent sexual harassment in practical ways such as empowering Freshers’ Week volunteers to confront it and providing basic training to all staff including contractors. Campus Life? Matt For That! Commit to an open and transparent Students’ Union and talk regularly to a wide range of students to best represent them. -

Introduce more rain cover and seating at the campus bus stops.

Make sure prices for drinks on tap are displayed clearly to help students manage their everyday finances. Volunteering? Local Community? Matt For That! -

Encourage local media to feature positive student news stories.

Improve relationships in the local community by getting both RAG and V Team heavily involved and working in partnership with residents’ associations. Use my experience as a multi-award winning volunteer (Mayor’s Volunteer of the Year 2013, Chairman’s Special Award 2015) with considerable voluntary experience (Scout Leader of 31st Bath, Head Chef at FoodCycle, Trustee of the Volunteer Centre) to promote and improve volunteering. Community? Matt For That! Questions? matt4that@gmail.com

I believe that we need to reclaim our campus from all forms of discrimination and take back our education from profiteering and exploitation. MY POLICIES: FREE EDUCATION Education is not a commodity, and we are not consumers. In order for university to be accessible to all, we need to end tuition fees and the debt culture they create. I will: • pressure the University to freeze international student fees and stop their financial exploitation • campaign for equal access to higher education for refugees and asylum seekers • create a Student Assembly within the SU in order to facilitate student politics • raise the profile of student anti-fees and anti-cuts activism AFFORDABLE ACCOMMODATION As part of our fight for free education, we must campaign against the rising cost of rent in our halls. The University continues to build more unaffordable accommodation, pricing out those who don’t have financial support from their parents. I will: • pressure the University to lower rent in student halls • lobby the University to act as guarantor for international students looking for private sector accommodation


Community? Matt For That!

FAIR PAY Our Vice Chancellor earns £395,000 plus benefits, over 30 times the lowest paid member of staff, and last year the University made a surplus of £16.9 million. Despite this, senior management maintain that the University cannot afford to pay its staff a fair wage. I will: • lobby the University to pay the Living Wage to all workers, including student staff, which would see the hourly rate rise to £7.85 • campaign for the implementation of a 5:1 pay ratio • pressure the University to look into alternatives to zero hour contracts, which discriminate against women and disabled workers A MORE INCLUSIVE CAMPUS No Community Officer is able to speak for all students, and should not be the sole elected voice on equality and diversity. We need to put intersectionality at the centre of all our equality and diversity campaigns. I will: • create part-time roles for Liberation Officers, including Women’s, Black, Asian & Minority Ethnic, LGBTQ, International and Disabled • create and work closely with trans & gender variant and Black, Asian & Minority Ethnic working groups • create reserved spaces on the Freshers’ Week committee for LGBT and Gender Equality to ensure all new students’ first experiences of the University are welcoming and empowering • organise LGBT History Month as well as continuing to celebrate Black History Month • provide training on how to make clubs and societies more inclusive and diversify their membership, as well as on making support groups more intersectional • stand up to UKIP and the far-right if they continue to be invited to Freshers’ Fair, ensuring a counter demonstration is ready to say no to racism, Islamophobia, homophobia, sexism, ableism and all other forms of bigotry ABOUT ME: Fourth year languages student Student representative on the Equality and Diversity Committee Bath Students Against Fees and Cuts activist NUS Women’s conference delegate 2013 Gender Equality Committee 2012-2013 International Student Mentor 2012-2013 English as a Foreign Language Mentor 2012-2013

Tuesday 3rd March 2015

Elections Special




Holly CLEMENS Vote Holly for Sport… because #ClemensCan! As Bath sport continues to thrive; my passion, dedication and commitment will provide a solid foundation for the development of sport and its success. Being active on the SU Sport Exec and Captain of the Ladies Water Polo Team has provided me with the necessary SU knowledge and all round leadership skills to be YOUR next SU Sport Officer.

STU4SPORT Your Sport Officer should be able to lead from day one. As current chair of the SU Sport Exec and having been chair of 2 different sports clubs I have an extensive knowledge of sport at Bath and will start making a difference to the sporting offer for you!

If elected I pledge to address:


Transparency of things that matter to YOU

o Recreational Sport Support clubs to develop and promote recreational sport for all students. Expand inter-halls, to encompass as many sports as possible and making it attractive to clubs so they develop this offer for you. o What is the Sports Pass? What do you get when you sign up for a sports pass? The current sports pass is not well explained, I will make it simple for you to understand, what you are entitled too and what you can use it for so you have access to the great facilities we have. o Pop Up Sport Try a new sport, bored of revision, give desk table tennis a go? Fancy a game of tennis in your social space? Get involved and give sport a try, no strings attached just FUN. I will bring sport to you in an easy and hassle-free way.

Town Sport Student numbers are increasing so let’s spread out! I pledge to secure space outside of the university to address the issues of overcrowding. The majority of us live in, or move to town, so let’s use facilities on YOUR doorstep, let’s continue YOUR sporting experience and allow EVERYONE to participate. Committee training Feel like your committees need more support? Let’s provide this, let’s provide meaningful training which will help YOU impact YOUR club. I will ensure all committee members understand their role to allow your club to be inclusive and fun for everyone. Recreational sport Do you want to try a new sport but don’t want to commit? I pledge to continue the work of the 3:30 Club and Recreational Sport team to allow you to try something new WHENEVER you want.


I will also provide more recreational sport days. Days where departments and halls can play each other; days where EVERYONE can get involved. Let’s advertise these opportunities so that YOU can enjoy sport and have a go! Clean Sport I will continue the work of SU Sport and the Sport Department to ensure that Bath is a Clean Sport University. A university FREE of banned substances. Let’s spread the awareness, let’s educate athletes and lets work together to achieve clean success. Get your club noticed! Whatever your club, you deserve to be heard. I will continue to work with Media, both in and out of the university, to get articles and pictures published so that your sport is actively seen. Let’s celebrate YOUR successes,YOUR involvement and YOUR commitment. Volunteer Recognition Let’s recognise what you do for your clubs. I pledge to give you meaningful benefits for your hard work. What about new kit, personal support or your club picture for free? Let’s recognise YOU and celebrate YOUR success! Disability sport I pledge to build upon the success of this year’s disability sport day; by increasing publicity, including more sports and raising greater awareness. Let’s create a programme of opportunities and events for EVERYONE to have a go. Varsity Varsity is something that you want, I pledge to continue investigating a feasible option to achieve a Varsity which does Bath PROUD! VOTE Holly Clemens for Sport… because #ClemensCan!

Facebook.com/ClemensCan @ClemensCan


Proud to be BATH!

o Varsity It’s been too long since we have had a proper varsity, whether it’s a full weekend or fixtures through the year. If Exeter is too scared to face us, I will find a university who are prepared to face our finest. I’ll bring it back, bigger and better than ever. o One Team Work together as a team to support each other, let’s get behind Bath. Let’s support each other; I want to walk around on Wednesday afternoons, with you, watching Bath playing exceptional sport. o A Sporting Home Everyone should be able to enjoy sport, whether that is playing, socialising or watching. Bath should be a sporting home for all students, not just the athletes.


Do you know what goes on inside SU Sport? Not sure where your money goes? I will provide regular updates on facility developments, offer awareness on club payments and highlight available funding streams so you can benefit YOUR clubs.

Getting Into Sport


Clubs – the lifeblood of sport at Bath!

o Resources To help clubs get it right for their members I will produce FAQ’s and guides to club committees on how to develop their club, making clubs better for you! o Sustainability Support the dedicated club committees by improving training and trying to get more people involved earlier on in running our clubs. 4.

BUCS – #blueandgold

o BUCS Support I want to expand the student personal trainers. Utilising the concept of student led activity, I would like to expand the current system to further aspects of performance such as sport science support and sport psychology services for BUCS athletes. o Make the BUCS Fee Simple The current BUCS Fee criteria is confusing and poorly explained. I will produce a simple structure and an explanation as to what and who is included. These are just 4 areas I want to make a difference in, there are several more. To make your sporting experiance at Bath better, VOTE! #STU4SPORT


Tuesday 3rd March 2015

Elections Special bathimpactblog.wordpress.com

Tickbox: Bringing the elections to life

Julia SCRIVIN As sport officer, I will put into place a strategy which will improve sport for all at Bath. I will stand by the belief that everyone should have the opportunity to participate in sport at all levels and talented individuals should be given what they need to succeed. As Chair of the Swimming club in 2012/2013, I contributed significantly to club development and it was the club’s most successful year until that point. This year, as the current Sport Executive Events Manager, I organised the most successful Snowball so far, and am undertaking projects to work on Varsity and the Blues Awards. My experiences have allowed me to identify things that we need to improve. Recreational Sport As sport officer, I will give everyone a chance. We need to focus more on recreational and social sport. I will implement a new recreational sport programme which will give students the opportunity to try out several sports. Facility Time As sport officer, I will review facility time to meet the demand of student groups. With an increased number of students at the university, facility time has to be reviewed in order to provide for growing clubs. I will implement a second review period before semester 2 in order to respond to how clubs are making use of their facility time and re-allocate time and space where it is required. Further to this, I will ensure better communication between clubs through working groups in order to ensure we are always using the facilities to the best of our ability.

In the upcoming SU Officer elections, students will be able to easily compare candidates for each position through TickBox. As of this year, students at the University of Bath are now able to understand and compare candidates through this independent digital platform aimed to simplify elections. Elections are known to suffer from a lack of participation, particularly within student bodies, despite them being the targeted demographic. Last year, only 30% of eligible students voted in the SU officer elections. By providing additional support for our three Student Media bodies when it comes to covering the elections, the use of TickBox should considerably increase student participation. In 2015, the University of Loughborough, Bath Spa University, and the University of Sussex amongst others are all turning to the website to encourage students to vote in their respective Students Union elections. The University of Bath will be following the crowd, starting with the SU Officer elections. The comparison tool will be operational as of Friday the 6th of March, making it easier and quicker for students to identify each candidates and their proposed policies TickBox aims to provide additional support for voters, and not just for University elections. The website hopes to inspire people to get involved in politics on a national scale as well by making politicians accessible to all through social media. It is thus turning to universities to test out the new platform and spread the word amongst students, particularly in light of the upcoming General Election. The University of Bath is willing to make use of TickBox as part of the General Elections promotion they are currently undertaking. Want to know more about the SU Officer candidates and which one best match your own views? Make sure you visit http://www.tickbox.org.uk as of the end of next week, and learn more about your potential future SU Officer Team.


As sport officer, I will start negotiations on how we can provide a solution to facilities problems by using facilities in town. Competitive Sport As sport officer, I will make sure we regain the third place in the BUCS league which we are capable of. I understand the needs of those who will win BUCS points. I will ask the appropriate questions about where we can improve in order to get the result we deserve. Equality in Sport As sport officer, I will ensure equality in sport across the board. We are one of the leading sporting institutions in the UK but we can achieve so much more by implementing gender equality in sport. I will make sure that everyone has equal opportunities in both competitive and recreational sport. I will focus on support for disability sport. I will make sure that postgraduates and international students are encouraged to participate in sport. I will ensure that any student can practice sport without feeling intimidated.

Follow University of Bath’s Students’ Union Election coverage at: www.facebook.com/bathimpact @bathimpact

www.facebook.com/ctv @BathCTV

There are many other things I want to work on. Please come and speak to me to find out how I can make a difference. We already have an outstanding sports offer, but we have the potential to be better. As your sport officer we can achieve great things. You can do it. We can do it. Just do it. Just Julia. facebook.com/JustJuliaForSport @JustJulia4Sport

www.facebook.com/URB @1449AMURB

Tuesday 3rd March 2015

Elections Special




William BONNELL 1. Free Education I firmly believe education is a right and not a privilege, the commodification and privatisation of education has led to a worsening of conditions and is eroding the student experience. I Will; • Campaign to end the exploitation of international students by calling for a freeze of international tuition fees. • Push for more student involvement through the reintroduction of structures such as student councils. • Ensure that the Students Union stick to commitments made about campaigns and are more active on the campaigns it backs. 2. Greener Campus The environment is a topic that has always been very important to me. Bath University has done a lot of environmental work but I would see us go further and do more to ensure we keep leading the way on a topic that affects not only us but generations to come. I Will; • Build on previous years and make Go Green Week even bigger and better, encouraging the intersocietal participation seen this year. • Campaign for the university to divest from their current brown bonds and introduce new ethical investment rules.


3. Pay Equality Our university has the highest paid Vice Chancellor for an institution of its size, with a salary of £395,000 plus benefits, and made a surplus of £16.9 million last year. We also have one of the highest rates of 0-hour contracts and the university refuses to pay our lowest paid workers, usually students, a living wage. I Will; • Get the Students Union more involved in the living wage campaign and protect its members from unscrupulous exploitation. • Call for a 5:1 pay ratio between the highest and lowest paid earner with more of that surplus coming to fund societies and campaigns. • Fight to end the casualisation of the student workforce while maintaining flexibility in any employment contracts or agreements. 4. Campaigning Universities have always had a tradition of being hot beds for forward thinking and change and I feel that this is being threatened by the commodification of our degrees and can be seen in the way universities such as Warwick (mis) handled the student led protests on their campus. I Will; •Implement a more robust way for students and societies to start campaigns that they are passionate about. This would include training and workshops about campaigning and direct action and ensuring the university respects our right to campaign/protest; i.e. never engage in heavy handed tactics such as those employed at other institutions.

5. Progressive Societies: I Will; • Encourage cross society campaigning and events such as Bath and Beyond with a view to making these annual events that are developed year on year. • Push for greater involvement with other universities, especially our sister university Bath Spa, so that our societies may benefit from fresh perspectives. • Cut the bureaucracy around societies. About me: Second year Physics student. People & Planet chair. Bath Students Against Fees and Cuts activist. #IWill

I have buzzed around campus during my five years at this wonderful university, and have been very involved in the Students’ Union from the outset. I have worked closely with the past three Activities Officers, sat on five committees including the Societies Executive Committee and Elections Committee, directed four shows and pranced about on stage a lot. Our Students’ Union is a Hive of Activities and I want to get buzz-y and make it even better! Here’s how: More Money for Societies Every year this gets said, and nothing is really seen or done about it. Backstage currently use up half of the societies budget and sway the balance such that societies in general end on a profit at the end of the year. I propose to remove Backstage Society from the SU Societies funding and give it its own sector. This will give them and the rest of the societies more room to develop and grow. Greater Awareness of Development Opportunities University learning is not confined to lectures. It may sound cliché but many studies have shown that club and society involvement boosts employability. I want to encourage a better understanding of what development opportunities there are on campus, as well as continue to develop online committee training. I would also like to further promote skills training sessions and see that society committee training counts toward the Bath Award.


Having been a member of several different societies including ChaOS, BUTTS and People & Planet, these are my policies.

More Support for Newly Affiliated Societies I will look into creating a database aimed particularly at new societies, but available to everyone. It will contain information on typical prices and capacities of popular venues in town, good companies for sponsorships, values of funding to expect and marketing/promotion options. For information on how I plan to achieve these ideas, visit my website: http:// people.bath.ac.uk/lc359 Besides the three big points, I would like to address the following: · Introduce Society of the Week. This was a big initiative started by Sports a couple of years ago and I don’t know why societies didn’t pick up on it. This will give societies added publicity! · Half price society memberships for students who take placements for half of the academic year. Some societies already offer this, but I would like to look into making this compulsory across the board for both semesters. · Update bathstudent “How to” guides, etc. Freddy has done a great job getting through these, but there’s still so many more to go! · Better communication with the ICIA. There have been a lot of teething problems with moving into the new arts centre. The service level agreement with Business Operations Unit staff should be reviewed in order to provide more support to student groups. I will strive to make our Students’ Union as good as it can bee for everyone! I want to hear your suggestions so find me on my Facebook page “Laz to bee Activities Officer”, tweet #ItHasToBeeLaz, or email lc359@bath.ac.uk with your comments, criticisms, or more bee puns! Vote Laz! She’s buzzing to bee your Activities Officer!


Tuesday 3rd March 2015

Elections Special bathimpactblog.wordpress.com


Emma HENDERSON I’m Emma and I’m running to be your Activities Officer. From my constant involvement in Activities I can see key areas that need development and ways for more students to benefit from the opportunities available.

My name is Mel and I want to be your Activities Officer!

If elected as your Activities Officer I would:

Get You Heard – Communication is KEY.

Improve communications with the ICIA to make sure there is appropriate publicity and support for Student Shows. Create an accreditation system such that externally run courses count towards the Bath Award, encouraging students who have achieved qualifications through their Society or Sport group to complete the Award. Continue the work currently underway for large events encompassing society areas, similar to Show in a Week for the Arts societies, so that each area has a chance to work together to promote their specialties as well as promoting Societies as a whole with events such as the Societies Ball. Further develop the current Tier System, allowing Societies to set their own goals for the year so they can progress in the most beneficial way for themselves.


Streamline the room booking system by creating a log-on for each society, with these details available to committee members, which would decrease the time Societies are waiting for confirmation of room bookings. Promote postgraduate participation in Societies by creating more awareness of events which are purely for recreational purposes and don’t require regular commitment. Implement a nomination scheme for the Bath Award and Volunteer Recognition Scheme. This would encourage more student involvement and would increase the awareness of these awards. Introduce an information booklet advertising different Activity areas that don’t fall within the Societies framework, such as Enterprise, Job Link, Bath Award, and Skills Training, for distribution during Freshers Week. This would create a joint promotional effort raising awareness of all areas, wherein each group could benefit from the continuing advertisement of other groups. Create a Sustainability Award, similar to the existing Inclusivity Award, which would encourage Student Groups to reduce their Environmental Impact and receive accreditation for doing so. Increase the number of Fairtrade products available in the Eateries and shops on campus throughout the year, not just in Fairtrade Fortnight. Work to improve the transparency and efficiency of the Societies Executive. I would like to introduce a system for anonymous feedback and Executive Reviews which would ensure that the Executive is appropriately supporting all Societies. As the Arts Representative on the Societies Executive I have organised Show in a Week and Societies Showcases as well as helped to plan inter-society events such as the Societies Extravaganza and Societies Ball. Organising these events and working with different Societies has been a highlight of my time at University. As your Activities Officer I would continue to work towards improving the Activities area so that each student can gain as much as possible from the opportunities available at University. It’s No Dilemma… Vote Emma!

- Societies miss out on members and audiences through lack of awareness, so I want to work to increase publicity and recognition of societies. Here’s how: Publicity Your Union,The App – Updates on union activities straight to your smartphone, never miss out on any activity ‘What’s On’ Board – In the SU, letting people know what is going on that week, with suggested ‘Give it a GO’ ideas Recognition ‘Society of the Month’ – Let’s recognise achievements or events that have been a success via online media and a posted article in Bath Impact Bring Societies Together Society’s Ball – implement a yearly Winter or Summer Society’s Ball. The famous Snow Ball is a great celebration for Sports Clubs – why have Socs been missing out? Socs Extravaganza – continue to develop and establish this glorious event. Gain recognition in the calendar by expanding publication, increasing participation and audiences Socs T-Shirts - Develop a society presence on campus. I want to implement 2015/16 SOC T-Shirts to be available for those who sign up to a society Funding - Expand links with external sponsors Sponsor of SU Societies – this would help with extra funding for activities across the board – I will achieve this by utilising the experience I gained from my placement in the entertainment industry Links with local businesses - establish links with local businesses for individual societies to use in gaining support for events – provide a centralised ‘Go To’ list Space on Campus - The Arts Centre I will: Work with the ICIA and societies to maximise student engagement and make the most effective use of this new space Push for further work to be done on certain areas of the building so it is fit for purpose for all necessary activities Work to develop and simplify room bookings across campus


Improve cohesion of the Society Calendar to avoid clashes between Society performances and fair allocation of space in The Edge.

I am enthusiastic and keen to get stuck in and make the world of Activities at Bath a brighter place. If I’m elected I will:

Bath Award Increase publicity to all students Increase ease of obtaining recognition when it is deserved Environmental Policy Practice Continue with the work Freddie has done on environment with Go Green Week Push for online submission of work across Uni We all know societies are a great way to meet people and enhance your experience at university… So, let’s unite societies and get people involved. ‘Give it a Go’ and ‘Tell Mel’ what you want! I will continue to be in contact with YOU and YOUR societies and enterprise, and I will continue to LISTEN to YOUR NEEDS. This means my manifesto does not stop here; I’m all ears for your ideas… Just Tell Mel! You know what to do… Vote Mel No.1 Activities Officer www.facebook.com/VoteTellMel www.twitter.com/VoteTellMel

Tuesday 3rd March 2015

Elections Special





Over the last year, a lot has changed in the Student’s Union! I joined university with little to knowledge of what a Student’s Union was and what they do. Now, I’m the President of the African and Caribbean Society, a Casual Clerical Assistant in Joblink, and I was part of the Freshers’ Week Crew Team – all because of the SU!

Go West for Activities! Nick West here, campaigning for your vote to become Activities Officer.

DEVELOP SOCIETIES AND GET EVERYONE INVOLVED Bath has an unmatched reputation for sport, with the blue and yellow Team Bath presence on campus known loud and clear. Yet collectively, there are more societies than there are sports clubs. The best way to get people involved is through making sure societies are run at the highest standard.


Funding: Funding has always stood in the way of societies and organising events (affecting their popularity). I want to develop the links that the SU has with major benefactors and companies that are willing to offer sponsorship to our societies. Alongside this, training days on sponsorship procedures will be held. Societies Handover: Improve the initial handover process to ensure that succeeding committee members are fully aware of what to expect when running a society. This involves setting up easy to follow instruction on completing the form (particularly documents such as the budget request form), continuing with the training session as previous years have done. Visual Identity: Continue with plans of increasing the presence of societies on campus through introducing SU Activities T-Shirts for society members across the categories. Communication: Provide regular updates via social media on what happening across campus ahead of time. EXPANDING THE SKILLS DEVELOPMENT TEAM Joblink and Skills Training work tirelessly to provide students with opportunities that build transferable skills and help make your CV stand-out. As I work alongside my degree, I aim to ensure that this flexibility is felt by all student employees. Opportunities: Continue with the existing relationships that Joblink has formed with internal and external employers to ensure the needs of students living both on and off-campus are met. Marketing Skills Training: Continue to increase the popularity of skills training sessions on campus and expand on the range of session offered to ensure that students are exposed to various skill building opportunities. WHY VOTE FOR ME? I’ve met some amazing people over the year, and I want others to share that experience! I will go above and beyond to make sure that you all get the most out of the SU. A Vote For Wadzi Is A Vote For Change!

I believe that I have the skills, the vision and the motivation to bring about real change within the SU. Apart from my membership to several societies, I’ve helped establish a committee, and worked very closely with Chairs, Societies Exec Members, and Activities Officers. My experience with all of this has given me a good understanding of the issues that societies face and the grounding I need to be a great Activities Officer. If elected, I plan to address the following key areas: Accountability: Currently, the workings of the SU can be impenetrable, with decisions and the reasoning behind them left without real explanation, leaving societies feeling irritated and confused. It’s your University, it’s your Students’ Union, and therefore I feel that it is your right to know what’s being done on your behalf and why – I plan to openly update societies with the work I do and through weekly bulletins or a regular blog.


Life at university is always particularly daunting, especially for Freshers and International Students. My involvement in the SU has helped me meet people with similar interest to mine (as well as people who challenge my ideas and get me thinking), try out activities I would never have tried otherwise and visit some amazing places. There are so many opportunities on offer on campus, and as YOUR Activities Officer, I will make sure you miss not a single opportunity! If elected, I will work on. . .

I’m in my third and final year of Computer Science and Maths, and if it weren’t for societies my time here would be very different. In societies, I have found passions, support, laughter, and amongst some I have found a family. The Students‘ Union and its societies have given me so much and it’s always been my plan to give something back.

Better Communication and Co-ordination: I also believe there is a lot of work that can be done to improve the communication between societies. In a University with such a great range of activities, I believe societies should work together. To further communication and co-ordination, I will install a universal calendar that will be used by all societies, both allowing collaboration and preventing clashes. I plan to hold weekly drop in sessions, giving all students and committees opportunities to discuss any issues informally. I will not disappear behind closed doors, as your representative I want to be accessible. Make Life Easier for Societies: This is the most recurring problem I’ve come across, and these are my ideas to begin to tackle this problem: • Move training and resources online, which will save time and money. Also enact mandatory online testing following this so every society has a committee who are adequately trained. • Give more power to the committees, such as allowing all members of committee to book rooms. • Make it easier to get stuff done, such as by moving finances and health and safety online and centralising the ‘stash’ purchasing chain Skills Training: The University offers a wide range of free training courses and, unfortunately, not enough students are aware these exist. I plan to publicise these much more widely, and also personally work much closer with the training team to make sure that this valuable resource is being utilised to its fullest. This role gives you the power and responsibility to make real change, and that’s what I plan to do. So remember, Go West for Activities!

Tuesday 3rd March 2015







02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13

bathimpact facebook.com/bathimpact

0900 Manifestos go online at BathStudent.com 1430 Online campaining begins 2100 RAG - a Night at Gatsby’s.... 1200 1900 1930

RAG - Take Me Out auditions RAG sleepout - films, games and live performances on Parade for Julian House Quiz @ The Plug

2000 2000 2100

RAG WEEK presents: Bath’s Got Talent @ ICIA Arts Lecture Theatre Open Mic Night @ The Plug Candidate banners put up

0900 Campaigning on campus begins 1000 CTV Minute manifestos put online All day RAG WEEK bungee jumping @ East carpark


Candidates go to Klass

1315 Questions to candidates - Activities Officer @ The SU Centre 1800 Questions to candidates - SU President @ The SU Centre 0900 Voting opens 1315 Questions to candidates - Community, Education and Sports Officers @ The SU Centre 1930 Quiz @ The Plug 2200 Candidates go to SCORE All day Tune into URB for live interviews with candidates

2000 Open Mic Night @ The Plug 2200 Voting closes

1400 University of Bath Student Media Election Night Party! 1800 Results announced


Monday 3rd March 2015




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