Bay Area Christian Family magazine - March 2019

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MARCH 2019



School Guide 2019

Ruth Graham The Love of the Father

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o u r m i S S ion is a part of The Christian Family Publication, Inc., celebrating 19 years of Good News

Bay Area Christian Family ® exists to provide Christians and the community at large with ways to grow and develop as a part of the Bay Area’s Christian Family. The local publication is designed to promote positive living by sharing with readers the latest news on entertainment, healthy living, parenting and inspirational literature as well as what individuals and organizations are doing to try to address the needs of the family.


Publisher/Editor: Melissa K. McElroy, (251)680-8589 Bay Area Christian Family Contributing Writers: Lian Alston Judy Woodward Bates Veronica Davis Christina Gibson Chef Lucy Greer Shane Hale

Janet R. Pittman Saty Putcha Camille Smith Platt Dr. Jimmy Steger

Art Director: Hope Chastain, HbcDesigns Sales and Marketing: Melissa McElroy, Will McElroy Cover and Cover Story Images: Cover image by Sarah Cramer Shields, story images pg. 14 & 15 courtesy Ruth Graham Bay Area Christian Family s published monthly in Mobile & Baldwin counties by MKM Publishing Inc., 8320 Goldmine Oaks Drive E, Mobile, AL 36619. The phone number is 251-680-8589. Reproduction of any part of Bay Area Christian Family without permission of the publisher is prohibited. Distribution of this magazine does not constitute an endorsement of information, products or services. Views expressed in Bay Area Christian Family do not necessarily represent those of the publisher. Every effort has been made by Bay Area Christian Family staff to insure accuracy of the publication contents. However, we do not guarantee the accuracy of all information nor the absence of errors and omissions; hence, no responsibility can be or is assumed. All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2019 by MKM Publishing Inc. Unless otherwise noted, scripture taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version, copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of International Bible Society. Circulation & Distribution: 10,000 copies of Bay Area Christian Family are printed each month. Bay Area Christian Family is free and available at targeted high traffic locations in Mobile and Baldwin counties. Copies are also available by mail, $25 for one year. POSTMASTER: Send change of address to Bay Area Christian Family, 8320 Goldmine Oaks Drive E, Mobile, AL 36619

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P u Bli S H e r

Restoring Serenity to Your Day Have you ever heard the phrase, “God give us the grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed?” We should stop associating serenity with things that cannot be changed. Instead, when we choose to change the quality of our lives, we consciously seek to restore serenity in our daily endeavors. At times, we are spinning out of control and cannot seem to complete all the tasks at hand. Have you ever caught yourself doing one thing around the house and noticing that something else needs your attention? Mornings are the most hectic in many households. We find ourselves rushing around, attempting to complete several tasks at once in order to get everyone out the door in a timely manner. Needless to say, a day that starts off this frenzied usually goes from bad to worse. A serene person does not become sidetracked. Sidetracked people, who try to scatter their energies in all directions, never achieve true serenity. It’s as simple as that. This is a perfect time of year to start to recover our serenity and sanity. The holidays are behind us and it is time to catch our breath, and regroup. I challenge you to start today and concentrate slowly on completing one task at a time, and if it takes you all day that’s alright because you are pacing yourself. You will find that inner peace that comes from living fully in the present moment. I am certain that you will accomplish all of your tasks with more ease, efficiency and satisfaction. It is time for us to merge our minds, bodies and spirit with the task at hand and only at that moment will we experience true serenity. Blessings,

Melissa K. McElroy

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P u Bli S H e r

Melissa K. McElroy, President of MKM Publishing, Inc. resides in Mobile, Alabama and owns Bay Area Christian Family publications. She has been married to her high-school sweetheart, Will, for 27 years and they have two children, Grant age 21 and Anna age 19. Melissa received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Public Relations & Marketing at the University of South Alabama in 1994.

and Her husband, Cpt. William C. McElroy, Jr., has served over 28 years in the US Army and is currently employed with CPSI. They are active members of Spring Hill Baptist Church in Mobile. For more information on Bay Area Christian Family, contact Melissa at (251) 680-8589 or

Melissa has more than 26 years of advertising experience with Mobile Bay Monthly, “I Do…” for Alabama Brides

March 2019 3

4 Bay Area Christian Family

March 2019


volume 10, numBer 8

DEPARTMENTS 3 From the Publisher • Restoring Serenity to Your Day 9 Healthy Living • Alfalfa/Father of all Foods 11 Bargainomics


Ruth Graham, daughter of evangelist, Rev. Billy Graham, reflects on the passing of her father last year and shares her insight into the powerful role of prayer as she prepares to be the keynote speaker at the National Day of Prayer Breakfast at the American Village in Montevallo, Ala. See page 14. 20 School Guide 2019

11 Potluck • Lucy’s Blueberry Cobbler 13 Are We There Yet • Create Generational Travel Memories 16 Encouraging Word • “God is Not..”


17 Senior Scene • How Milk Contributes to the Damage to Our Brains 18, 19 Money Matters • Save Smarter for Retirement • Relief from the Affordable Care Act Penalty 22 Family Matters • Gambling Awareness 24 Coloring Page 25 Calendar 26 Ad Directory 26 Support Groups



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22 March 2019 5

6 Bay Area Christian Family

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March 2019 7

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8 Bay Area Christian Family


H ealthy L ivi ng

ALFALFA/Father of all Foods

Long before people knew about Chondroitin, MSM and Glucosamine, I was teaching my patients about the overall health benefits of Alfalfa and using it daily for all my arthritis patients. Alfalfa is loaded in vitamins, minerals and proteins, alfalfa’s many nutrients make it one of the most nutritious foods known earning it the name Father of all Foods. Alfalfa’s Root System For more than 15 centuries, people have used alfalfa as a form of herbal medication. This nutritious plant, ‘’Medicago sativa’’, has a unique root system that makes it very different from most other plants. The tap roots of the alfalfa plant grow deep under the soil approximately six to ten feet a year. It is common to have alfalfa crops for five to six years before rotation, allowing the root systems to grow up to thirty feet and more, with an average length of ten to twenty feet. The roots of the alfalfa plants reach deep into the subsoil reaching minerals most other plant roots are unable to reach. The benefits of alfalfa’s deep root system include: • Access to moisture in the deep soil not available to other plants. • Access to very rich minerals found deep underground. • Formation of an association, or bond, with soil bacteria that biologically fixes and assimilates inert nitrogen into nitrogen that is useful to various plants. Creation of nutrient rich plant growth. Alfalfa Nutrients Alfalfa contains all of the nutrients needed by the human body. These include: • Vitamins • Phytoestrogens • Coumarin • Minerals • Saponims • Acids • Trace elements • Sterols • Proteins • Amino acids • Alkoloids • Sugars • Digestive enzymes • Flavonoids • Fiber Vitamins, Minerals and Trace Elements Alfalfa is rich in several vitamins, minerals, and trace elements too. The chart below lists the many nutrients found in alfalfa. Vitamins Minerals Trace Elements

A Calcium Nickel D Phosphorus Lead E Potassium Strontium K Chlorine Palladium U Sodium C Sulfur B1 Copper B2 Magnesium B6 Manganese B12 Iron Niacin Cobalt Biotin Boron Pantothenic acid Inositol Molybdenum Folic acid An important vitamin found in alfalfa in abundant amounts is vitamin K. This vitamin plays an essential role in the clotting and coagulation of blood, bone health and the prevention of osteoporosis. Proteins and Calcium As a single source alfalfa has one of the highest levels of protein. It contains more protein then milk, eggs or beef when measured by equal weight. The

protein content of alfalfa is 18.9 percent compared to that of beef at 16.5 percent, eggs at 13.1 percent and milk at 3.3 percent. The leaves of the alfalfa plant are also very rich in calcium. When measured by equal weight, alfalfa has higher levels of calcium then milk or eggs. If alfalfa leaves are burned, the remaining ashes consist of 99% calcium. An essential nutrient, each cell in the human body needs calcium to remain strong and healthy; it’s the 5th most abundant nutrient in the body. Alfalfa Facts Of the twenty known essential amino acids, eight are found in alfalfa. Amino acids are referred to as the building blocks of proteins and needed by everyone. Alfalfa is available in many forms. As a whole food, the seeds and sprouts are both nutritious and delicious eaten or made into a juice which is my favorite. Taken as a supplement 2-3 x daily, alfalfa is available in pill, capsule or powdered form. Alfalfa tea is a delicious beverage made with dried or fresh alfalfa leaves. The tea acts as a diuretic, promotes appetite, gives an increased feeling of vitality and is great for the red blood cells. So remember your alfalfa on a daily basis, it’s worth it ! Until next time, Stay healthy! — Dr. Jimmy Steger N.D., PH.D., DNM Naturopath, Nutritionist & Iridologist 4412 Government Blvd, Mobile, (251) 660-1240,

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March 2019 9


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10 Bay Area Christian Family

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P otluck

Treat Your Feet

Lucy’s Blueberry Cobbler

Give your feet a spa treatment while you watch TV or do any sort of seated project. Slather your feet with your favorite lotion. Slip on a pair of gripper socks and leave them on for at least a half hour – the longer you leave them, the better the result. You’ll love the look and feel of your treated tootsies.

Bacon Guacamole Cups

Here’s an elegant snack that’s so easy to make. You’ll need: (A) 1 can of refrigerated crescent rolls; (B) 1 cup of guacamole dip; and (C) 4-6 slices of crisply cooked bacon. Preheat your oven to 375. Roll out the crescent rolls onto a work surface and shape them into about a 9x12 rectangle. Use a pizza wheel to cut the rectangle into 24 equal squares. Using a mini-muffin tin, place one roll section into each opening, gently pressing to the sides so that each forms a little cup. Bake for 6-8 minutes, until lightly golden. Let cool for about 10 minutes. Spoon a teaspoon of dip into each cup. Top with 1/61/4 slice of bacon..

Budget-friendly Fruit and Veggie Wash

Instead of washing fruits and veggies in plain water or even liquid soap, use a mixture of half water and half white vinegar. Keep it in a clearly labeled spray bottle. I picked mine up at Dollar Tree – you don’t want to re-use one that could have contained harmful chemicals. Spray the fruit or vegetable. Wait a couple of minutes and rinse in water.


4 cup fresh blueberries 1 cup sugar 1 cup flour 2 tablespoon Fresh lemon juice 1 whole egg ¼ teaspoon salt ¼ teaspoon cinnamon 4 tablespoon melted butter


Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Lightly grease an 8 x 8 baking dish. Place blueberries in baking dish and cover with lemon juice, tossing lightly so that all berries are covered. In a bowl, combine sugar, flour, egg, salt, and cinnamon. The mixture will be coarse with little lumps. Sprinkle mixture evenly over the berries. Drizzle melted butter over the top. Bake for 45-55 minutes or until lightly browned. — Chef Lucy Greer Greer’s Market & Catering

Budget-friendly Household Cleaner

You don’t need to invest in a lot of different cleaners to do most household cleaning. A little borax sprinkled onto a damp sponge can be used to clean greasy surfaces in your kitchen and soap scum in your bathroom; plus it’s a natural deodorizer and freshener. It’s also great for cleaning and removing stains from floor tile. In your washer, presoak stained clothes for 30 minutes in water and a half cup of borax to remove most stains like tomato sauce or even grease. You can find borax on the detergent aisle in most stores. At around $4 for a 4-pound box, it’s definitely a bargain.

Closing Thoughts

Moses sent a dozen men to check out the land of Canaan. Two came back with a glowing report about this Promised Land, with Caleb declaring, “We can certainly conquer it!” (Numbers 13:30b, NLT). The other ten protested, “We even saw giants there!” (Numbers 13:28b). God had promised them this land would be theirs, so what happened to their faith? Those men focused on the size of their problem instead of the size of their God. Let’s follow Caleb’s example. Our God is big enough to handle anything that comes our way. — Judy Woodward Bates Want Judy to speak to your church, civic organization, or ladies’ group? You can contact her and follow her on her website, www., as well as Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.

March 2019 11


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a r e W e t H e r e Y et ?

Create Generational Travel Memories We all remember growing up how traveling was when we were young. The family getting up in the wee-hours of the morning to get in a packed car for a 12-48-hour family road trip. Crammed in the back of the station wagon (what happen to those by the way) with a cooler under your feet full of sandwiches and snacks. Pulling over every other hour for bathroom breaks and to take pictures with the giant peach on the side of the road. Counting every mile, slug bug and railroad car we passed lol. While the drives are fond memories of our childhood now being the adults, we realize the trials our parents went through with us for some quality family time. In our current age of technology, working longer hours, our kids are busier outside of the family than ever and our reduced vacation time to reconnect is more precious as the frequency of the cry “are we there yet” triples. I’d like to introduce you to Generations Riviera Maya and the Azul Resorts by Karisma Hotels built along the beautiful waters of the Caribbean Sea. Providing the ideal vacation for all your generations to unplug from the grid and into one another. These luxury gourmet inclusive havens are designed with your family in mind. They offer spacious suites to hold families with up to 6 kids with VIP in room amenities for all. No need to bring the nursery for the baby, pack n plays, strollers, baby baths, monitors, baby food and so much more are provided for the littles. The 76,000 sq. ft Greenhouse provides more than 90% of the produce and herbs served and the world-renowned chef menus are customized for every dietary need or desire. I remember taking my youngest when she was 3 years old and one day at lunch, she refused to eat what we’d ordered for her, no shocker at that age. A waiter came over about 10 minutes after our order was brought to the table and said, “the chef sent this for Ala”. It was a beautiful wheat quesadilla with Nutella packed with fresh fruit. We were amazed at the level of service and care a she joyfully ate every bit. We later

found out he’d remembered her from the day before with the kid’s club and created that dish just for her. From that moment on we were hooked on the service and personal attention they carry out here. There are family games and activities for all to enjoy quality family time or and independent opportunities for self-reflection. Zero entry kid pools with slides and waterfalls intermingle with the elaborate kids’ clubs to keep the kids active with nanny certified staff and it’s all included. Even your teens will enjoy being engaged in the family lounge or the Extreme Breeze Teem club with special events just for them. The resorts have also recognized the importance of the romance that created our families and offer adult only dining options, evening entertainment options and pools for mom and dad. Making memories like this a reality is our mission at Generational Travel. While maximizing value for your dollar, we are a private concierge agency who caters to travelers seeking to enjoy the fruits of our labor all over this beautiful world God created for us. We have options with simple deposits as low as $200.00 and flexible payment options. So, pack the suitcase and have your family in paradise in a few hours with our help. Let us create generational memories for you! — Lian Alston Platinum Travel Designer & Founder or call 770-744-1537

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March 2019 13

Prayer & the Presence of God It’s been a little over a year since Ruth Graham’s father, the evangelist Rev. Billy Graham, went to be with his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. As she and her siblings rode from Asheville, N.C., to his final resting place in Charlotte, N.C., the interstate overpasses were crowded with well-wishers kneeling, waving flags, holding signs and praying. “I’m so grateful that he was so dearly loved,” Graham remembers, pausing to control her tears. “Everybody loved him. I think we’re going to know his loss a lot more in the years to come. He was a standard for righteousness in this country that we don’t have anymore.” Looking forward to 2019, Graham particularly reflects on her supporters who were in prayer for her and her family this past year, emphasizing that prayer plays a more powerful role than we perhaps understand in both our personal lives and in the future of the persecuted church. All five of Billy Graham’s children have followed in his footsteps as champions for the Christian faith. As his third child, Graham has struck a chord with believers struggling to cope with the stress and sin in everyday life. The author of In Every Pew Sits a Broken Heart (Zondervan) and Fear Not Tomorrow, God is Already There (Howard Books), she has been publicly open about her divorces as well as parenting a daughter with an eating disorder, a son with a drug problem and another daughter with two children born out of wedlock. At her father’s funeral, Graham stood at the small wooden pulpit that used to travel on his global crusades and told the story of dating a “handsome young widower” after her first marriage ended. She ignored a phone call from her father, who was in Tokyo at the time, requesting she take the relationship slow, so the family could get to know him. “They had never been a single parent; they had never been divorced. What did they know? So being stubborn, willful and sinful, I married this man on New Year’s Eve,” she said. “It was in 24 hours I knew I had made a terrible mistake. After five weeks, I fled.” Graham drove two days back home to her parents. Her father was waiting for her when she pulled into the driveway. “As I got out of the car, he wrapped his arms around me and he said, ‘welcome home.’ There was no shame. There was no blame. There was no condemnation. Just unconditional love. And you know, my father was not God, but he showed me what God was like that day. When we come to Ruth Graham is seen here spend- God with our sin, our brokenness, our ing time with her father Rev. Billy failure, our pain and our hurt, God says, Graham who died last year. ‘Welcome home.’ ” Graham says that toward the end of his life, her father was not able to communicate, nor was he able to see and hear well. Yet while he was “somewhat withdrawn,” she was able to hold his hand and see a sparkle in his blue eyes. “He knew I was there. Isn’t that really what we need with the Lord? We know that He’s there, and He knows that we’re there. As I shared at the funeral, my father showed me what God was like. I know a lot of people can’t say that... My father was gentle and loving.”

14 Bay Area Christian Family

Hear Ruth Graham speak at the National Day of Prayer Breakfast at the American Village in Montevallo, Ala. on May 2 at 8 a.m. Tickets are available for $40 per person. Call 205-665-3535 ext. 1031 for reservations.

Adjusting to life without her father has also required tackling personal health challenges. In 2018, Graham was treated for hydrocephalus, a buildup of fluid around the brain. Balance issues that had previously been caused by a benign tumor on her spinal column had returned, and she needed a shunt placed in her brain to drain the extra fluid--a procedure her father had done in 2008. In the days preceding, Graham admits she struggled with a “new level of stress and anxiety.” She fought the fear with a memory from her recovery from spinal surgery in 2016. A spinal fluid leak had required physicians to take her into surgery a second time. “I couldn’t think, I couldn’t pray, the headache was like a jackhammer inside my head,” she remembers. “I said, ‘Lord, I’m your daughter; you have got to help me.’” While in recovery, Graham turned her television to Fox and Friends, and during the last five minutes of the three-hour show, which could have been dedicated to election banter, she instead found Dove Award and Billboard Music Award-winning artist

Chris Tomlin singing “You’re a Good, Good Father.” “He was there in the room with me. He was present. And the headache went away finally. God is present to us, and I don’t think we call on him enough.”

countries to live as a Christian. “This is a time for us to pray, not to retreat. We can pray quietly; we can pray loudly; we can pray alone; we can pray with someone, but God hears our prayers,” she says.

The last few years have also brought GraReflecting on her own history as a daughter, a ham to a new understanding of the need for mother, and a Christian, Graham asserts that prayer not just for herself but also for Chrisprayer works, and God is ready to listen and tians in oppressive and war-torn countries to intervene. But perhaps there’s a responworldwide. In 2017, a Washington, D.C.sibility on the believer to plead for interbased summit of church leaders, victims of vention. “He’s sitting in eternity and he’s the persecution, and advocates from 130 counAncient of Days. He knows the end from the tries exposed her to shocking details about beginning, and He’s listening to what I have unequal rights and violence projected upon to say. That gives you pause: one, not to take people of faith. Once home, she contacted the it so casually; two, to trust Him with all the ministry leaders and pastors she knew and Ruth Graham has three children and nine grandchildren and lives details. We have the privilege of going to Him asked to meet for breakfast. “We didn’t talk in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. She has written for Moody and talking to Him about what’s going on in about prayer, sing about prayer--we prayed,” magazine, Decision magazine and the Saturday Evening Post and our lives. He will work on our behalf, and she recalls. Graham has also begun speaking blogs regularly about family, faith and Christian living at there’s enormous power there. When we enter across the U.S. in honor of the International into prayer, we are entering into a spiritual Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church and the National Day of Prayer. dimension that is powerful, and the whole host of hell is trying to keep us She will travel to Birmingham this year to share her passion for prayer and from praying, and we can’t let them win. We have the Holy Spirit to guide us the persecuted church at the National Day of Prayer Breakfast at American and help us.” Village on May 2. Since her father’s passing, knowing he is present with the Lord makes her Open Doors USA names North Korea as the most dangerous country to be a own prayer life feel nearer to the heavenly realm. “I miss my dad, and it’s Christian, noting that North Koreans are required to memorize 100 pages of made me think about heaven a little bit differently. It makes me realize Dad’s ideological documents, poems and songs and can be sentenced to 15 years of there with Jesus, and they’re talking about me and events in the world,” she hard labor for owning a Bible. Graham recommends Christians use Opensays. “It makes things a little closer. I miss him so badly; I think we all do.” to learn about the power dynamics at play in heavily persecuted countries and view a World Watch List that outlines the 50 most dangerous — Camille Smith Platt

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March 2019 15

e NcOu r aG i NG W Or D

“God Is Not….”!

I was cleaning out my desk drawer at when I came across a note card dated 10-9-18. I paused. The words written on the card were strong but the manner at which they arrived on that piece of paper were stronger. I date everything I write because I can’t remember “when” I wrote something but when I read the words I can often remember “where” I was, not physically, but mentally. I can remember the circumstance that inspired the writing. I remembered that particular morning with clarity.

Fights that sometimes require you to put the happy phrase coffee mug down and stand your ground, or better yet, go reclaim some ground you may have lost! It is great to remind yourself daily of what God is, but sometimes you need to square up and swing back with what God is NOT! Fifty years of living has taught me that whether you asked for it or not, sometimes life just beats you up. It happens, get used to problems and set-backs showing up…. but don’t live in them!

I was sitting at my study, “my table”, in the living room at home, trying to find reprieve from my nemesis, fear and anxiety. They had roused me awake well before daylight and were, I’m sure joyfully, having their way with me.

Want a struggle, a bad time, a battle to end? Want to get to “the other side” sooner, then fight back. Or, as a friend of mine often reminds me, “keep punching”.

I have found it nearly impossible on nights I can’ sleep to fight back while lying in bed. It is best to get up! So, I did, and after sitting at my desk for a while, I did something I had never done before. I decided to write down a few positive affirmations, and these three phrases followed…

Embrace the positive things that God is, but don’t allow the enemy to convince you that you are, or are destined to live out, the negative things that… God is NOT!

“I am a child of God”. “I am wonderfully created”. “I am God’s greatest and most loved creation”. I stopped there and put brackets around those three phrases and wrote, “Focus on that today”. Comforting words, true words, but it just wasn’t what I needed. Warm and fuzzy wasn’t strong enough that morning.

Get in the boat. (Stay in the boat Smith!) Do your part. From Nose to Toes.. — Shane Hale Hale is a “redeemed & re-purposed professional baseball player” working as a Realtor with Bellator Real Estate & Development. Through writing he shares his faith to encourage and inspire others to seek God’s plan for their lives. Visit and subscribe to his blog at

Then out of nowhere another thought hit me. It was delivered with the gravelly voice and intensity of a riled up old ball coach. One that you know loves you but is about to give you both barrels because you need to step it up a notch…. “Hey cupcake, why don’t you also focus on what God is NOT”! I so remembered that voice from when I was playing ball, especially in college at South Alabama! The sometimes in your face delivery could have a negative effect on some kids but not me, it just fired me up. Like throwing gasoline on a fire. Then another slew of phrases appeared on my paper that captured the words so often rattling around in my head today. Insert the voice of your favorite coach here…. God is NOT fear! God is NOT anxiety! God is NOT Weakness! God is NOT Stress! God is NOT depression! God is NOT Failure! God is NOT low self-esteem! God is NOT, “You can’t”! God is NOT, “You are inadequate”! God is NOT, “You are not capable”! God is Not these things…. Satan, the enemy, is the author of these things! After I finished writing these phrases down, I wanted to turn around and high five somebody, but the room was empty. Nevertheless, the pep talk had been heard and the point had been made…. Fight Back! Reality is, we are most often told to focus on the positives in life. The warm fuzzy phrases, the ones that make it on to posters and the sides of coffee mugs, the feel-good words. Reality is also this…. There are battles being waged within us. Real high stakes fights, that affect us, and often the people we love the most around us. These battles are not warm and fuzzy, but aggressive, messy and painful.

16 Bay Area Christian Family

Featured Property:

3360 Gatewood Dr. $309,900

S e n ior S ce n e

How Drinking Milk Contributes to the Damage of Our Brains Antioxidants and micronutrients found in clean, all natural foods, mostly veggies combined with fruits and grass-fed meat protein, are the tangible fuel for our being, for our brains to function properly. Yes, two brains. Antioxidants build and enhance communication between our gut and our head brains. This communication is called ‘health’. Foods loaded with sugar, gluten and toxins damage our brains, break the proper communication between brains. (For further details, I wrote We Are Starving Our Brains and Don’t Even Realize It found ½ down my home page Antioxidants are the nutritional fuel injector cleaners for our brains. Antioxidants are molecules that inhibit the oxidation of other molecules. Oxidation reactions can produce free radicals that in turn start chain reactions in the body that can damage or kill cells leading to dementias and other diseases. Antioxidants are known to stop these chain reactions. For example, when pealed, an apple oxidizes or turns brown and starts to get mushy. But when coated with a water lemon or lime juice mixture, the ‘just cut’ apple ‘cells’ stay white and pretty. When certain cells in our head brain and in our gut brain don’t get a nice healthy daily dose of antioxidants, chain reaction brain cell death not only continues but compounds.

Dr. Michael Murray, one of the world’s leading authority on natural medicine and author of 30 books on natural approaches to health states that “antioxidants are important protectors for proper brain support”. While our body produces antioxidants, we also consume them (again, veggies, fruits, grass-fed meat). Problem is when we consume them with milk, ice cream, cream---any dairy, a protein like substance in milk called casein, envelopes the antioxidants and prohibits them from being absorbed. In other words, the antioxidants, the fuel injector cleaners for our brains, are counteracted, do not work. It’s as if sprinkling on baking soda to neutralize the ‘lemon juiced up’ apple slices. The white will turn brown, like the lemon juice was never added to begin with. Consequently nutrients from your blueberry brain super food list are null and void when combined with milk, from cow or goat. Your two to three cups of coffee or green tea per day, the next brain super food on the list, will not properly energize and invigorate your brain cells when you add the creamer in. For better brain health, avoid eating milk. Only baby cows and goats should drink their milk. — Janet Rich Pittman Brain Health Specialist Former Dementia Administrator and Practitioner,

We specialize in full service lawn maintenance, bedding maintenance, shrub trimming, mulch installs, fertilizations, seasonal plantings, light tree trimming, and power washing. We strive to perform the highest level of quality work and we try to see things the way the customer would see them. We take the extra time to make sure everything is just right before we leave and we always keep your gates closed.

251-366-3671 March 2019 17

m on ey m at te r S

Why Leveraging an IRA Can Help You Save Smarter for Retirement A changing life leads to changing finances - make sure you’re up-to-date

Are you confident you have enough saved for retirement? And do you feel like your money choices reflect your faith, heart and habits? These are challenging questions that may require you to explore your decisions and figure out what, for you and your loved ones, is ultimately enough. For many, retirement is on the horizon, but they are unclear about how to prepare for it. According to a recent national survey, three in 10 workers report feeling mentally or emotionally stressed about preparing for retirement.1 Yet at the same time, only six in 10 workers say they have saved for retirement and only four in 10 have tried to figure out how much money they’ll need for retirement.2 Working with a financial representative can help you evaluate your savings options. In addition to contributing to an employer-sponsored plan, there are other savings vehicles to help boost your level of income in retirement. An IRA, for example, can provide valuable tax advantages, offer greater growth potential over time and allow for higher contribution limits as you age. Let’s break it down: Tax advantages: If you have a traditional IRA and contribute the maximum each year, you can take advantage of tax-deferred opportunities to help you get closer to your retirement goals. For example, you could potentially lower your adjusted gross income by the amount you contribute. Doing so could mean you have more money available to help you reach your near-term goals. Growth potential: Contributing to an IRA is an excellent way to leverage the power of compounding. With the more money you put in, the more your contribution has the potential to grow at an increasing rate, and the more money you ultimately have once you reach retirement. Higher contribution limits over time: Another benefit of an IRA is it allows for higher contribution limits as you age. Once you’re 50, for example, federal IRA rules stipulate you can contribute beyond the annual limit. These are known as catch-up contributions and can give your savings a big overall boost. If you’re interested in exploring IRAs, it would be wise to consult a financial representative who can share the options and help you identify what would work best given your unique financial situation. Planning ahead can lead to greater confidence and a sense of security that you have enough to live the way you want in your retirement. — Christina Gibson (251) 281-7312 and Timothy Benson (251) 709-0315, Financial Associates, Thrivent Financial. For more information, please visit This article was prepared by Thrivent Financial for use by local area representatives Christina Gibson at 90 McKeough Ave Saraland, Al (251) 281-7312 and Timothy Benson at 90 McKeough Ave Saraland Al (251) 709-0315 Thrivent is a not-for-profit membership organization that helps Christians be wise with money and live generously. It offers its more than 2 million member-owners a broad range of products, services and guidance nationwide. For more than a century it has helped members make wise money choices that reflect their values while providing them opportunities to demonstrate their generosity where they live, work and worship. For more information, visit You can also find us on Facebook and Twitter. Insurance products issued or offered by Thrivent Financial, the marketing name for Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, Appleton, WI. Not all products are available in all states. Securities and investment advisory services are offered through Thrivent Investment Management Inc., 625 Fourth Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55415, a FINRA and SIPC member and a wholly owned subsidiary of Thrivent. Thrivent Financial representatives are registered representatives of Thrivent Investment Management Inc. They are also licensed insurance agents/producers of Thrivent. For additional important information, visit

18 Bay Area Christian Family

ARE YOU MAKING THE MOST OF LIFE? Life insurance can help protect your family when they need it most. But did you know it can also help you reach financial goals—while you’re living? Learn more. Schedule a free insurance checkup.

Thrivent was named one of the “World’s Most Ethical Companies” by Ethisphere Institute 2012–2018.

Christina Gibson Financial Associate 90 McKeough Avenue, Ste C, PO Box 961 Saraland, AL 36571 251-259-5009 AR License 7823662 Timothy Benson Financial Associate 251-709-0315

“World’s Most Ethical Companies” and “Ethisphere” names and marks are registered trademarks of Ethisphere LLC. For details, visit Insurance products issued or offered by Thrivent Financial, the marketing name for Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, Appleton, WI. Not all products are available in all states. Thrivent Financial representatives are licensed insurance agents/producers of Thrivent. For additional important information, visit • 800-847-4836 28337 R4-18

M on ey M at te r s

Relief from the Affordable Care Act Penalty for Not Being Insured Thanks to the tax reform, beginning in 2019, the penalty for not having adequate health insurance, which the government refers to as the “individual shared responsibility payment,” will no longer apply. The elimination of this penalty as of 2019 does not impact the health care subsidy for low-income families, which is known as the premium tax credit and which is available for policies acquired through a government insurance marketplace. This elimination also does not affect the penalties assessed on employers that do not offer affordable insurance to employees and that have 50 or more full-time-equivalent employees. However, the penalty still applies for individual taxpayers who did not have minimum essential health coverage for 2018 and is the greater of the sum of the family’s flat dollar amounts or 2.5% of the amount by which the household’s income exceeds the income-tax-filing threshold. For 2018, the flat dollar amounts are $695 per year ($57.92 per month) for each adult and half that amount ($347.50; $28.96 per month) for each child under the age of 18; the maximum family penalty using this method is $2,085 per year ($173.75 per month). As an example, say that a family of four (2 adults and 2 children) has a household income that exceeds the income-tax-filing threshold by $100,000. This family would have a maximum penalty equal to the greater of the flat dollar amount ($695 + $695 + $347.50 + $347.50 = $2,085) or 2.5% of the income amount (2.5% × $100,000 = $2,500). Thus, the maximum penalty would be $2,500. However, the penalties are applied separately per month,

and they do not apply in a given month if certain exceptions are met. There are a number of exceptions to the penalty. For details related to qualifying for any of these exceptions, please give this office a call. Some of the penalty exceptions apply to the entire year, and some only apply to a specific month in the year. If penalty relief applies to a specific month, it also applies to the months just preceding and following that month. Member of tax household died during the year. Financial or domestic circumstances, including an unexpected natural or human-caused event, causing an unexpected increase in essential expenses, which prevented obtaining coverage under a qualified health plan. The expense of purchasing a qualified health plan would have caused the taxpayer to experience serious deprivation of food, shelter, clothing or other necessities. To claim a hardship exemption, an individual must obtain an ECN through the normal application process, or for 2018, they may self-certify the hardship. However, an individual who is self-certifying is cautioned to retain documentation that demonstrates qualification for the hardship exemption, in case it is later challenged by the IRS. A person is eligible for a hardship exemption for at least the month before, the month(s) during and the month after the specific event or circumstance that created the hardship. This may all seem complicated; however, this office can assist you with avoiding the lack-of-health-insurance penalty. Please call with any questions you might have. — Saty Putcha, EA MBA CBI Padgett Business Services Phone:251-666-6624

March 2019 19

S p ecial F eatu r e

Christian School Guide 2019 251-689-8253 Grades 1-5 Calvary Christian School 6500 Three Notch Road Mobile, AL 36619 251-660-1951 (PK-5th grade) Christ the King Catholic School P.O. Drawer 1890 Daphne AL 36526 251-626-1692 Grades PreK3-8


Bright Beginnings School (located at Creekwood Church of Christ) 3590 Pleasant Valley Road Mobile, AL 36609

20 Bay Area Christian Family

Corpus Christi Catholic School 6300 McKenna Drive Mobile, AL 36608 251-342-5474 Daycare 6 wks-2ys; Grades PreK3-8

Cottage Hill Christian Academy 4255 Cottage Hill Road (Lower & Middle School campus) Mobile, AL 36609 251-660-2427 7355 Creekwood Drive (Upper School campus) Mobile, AL 36695 251-634-2513 (K2-12th grade) Covenant Christian School 7150 Hitt Road Mobile, AL 36695 251-633-8055 (K4-8th grade) Faith Academy 8650 Tanner Williams Road Mobile, AL 36608 251-633-7267 (K3-12th grade)

Knollwood Christian School 1501 Knollwood Drive Mobile, AL 36609 251-661-1987 (K5-8th grade) Lighthouse Baptist Academy 6905 Nan Gray Davis Road Theodore, AL 36582 251-653-6542 (K3-12th grade) Little Flower Catholic School 2103 Government Street Mobile AL 36606 251-479-5761 Grades PreK3-8 McGill-Toolen Catholic High School 1501 Old Shell Road Mobile, AL 36604

251-445-2934 (9-12th grade) Mobile Christian School 5900 Cottage Hill Road Mobile, AL 36609 251-661-1613 (K3-12th grade) Most Pure Heart of Mary Catholic School 310 Sengstak Street Mobile AL 36603 251-432.5270 Grades PreK3-8 Nazaree Christian School 1685 W I-65 Service Road N. Mobile, AL 36618 251-476-1701 (K-5th grade) North Mobile Christian School 1255 Industrial Pkwy Saraland, AL 36571 251-679-3279 (K3-8th grade) Our Savior Catholic Preschool/ MDO 1801 Cody Road South Mobile, AL 36695 251-633-3017 Grades 6 months4 years Satsuma Christian School 5600 Old Hwy 43 Satsuma, AL 36572 251-675-1295 (K3-11th grade) Shelton Academy 1050 Hillcrest Road Mobile, AL 36606 251-639-1311 or 251-605-7202 Grades 5-12 St. Benedict Catholic School P.O. Drawer 819

Elberta AL 36530-0819 251-986-8143 Grades PreK3-8 St. Dominic Catholic School 4160 Burma Road Mobile AL 36693 251-661-5226 Grades PreK4-8 St. Ignatius Catholic School 3650 Springhill Avenue Mobile, AL 36608 251-342-5442 (PK3-8th grade) St. Luke’s Episcopal School 3975 Japonica Lane (Lower School campus) Mobile, AL 36693 251-666-2991 1400 University Blvd (Middle & Upper School campus) Mobile, AL 36609 251-666-2991 (K3-12th grade)

(PK-12th grade) St. Pius X Catholic School 217 S. Sage Avenue Mobile, AL 36606 251-473-5004 (PreK3-8th Grade) St. Vincent de Paul School 4980 St. Vincent Drive Mobile, AL 36619 (Grades Prek3-8th Grade)


Alabama Gulf Coast Christian Academy 18930 County Road 28 Foley, AL 36535 251-989-2333 (K-12th grade)

Bayshore Christian School 23050 US Hwy 98 Fairhope, AL 36532 251-929-0011 (K-5th grade) Central Christian School 17395 Hwy 104 West Robertsdale, AL 36567 251-947-5043 (PK-12th grade) Victory Christian Academy 20511 County Road 12 S. Foley, AL 36535 251-943-7684 (K-12th grade)

St. Mary’s Catholic School 107 N. Lafayette Street Mobile, AL 36604 251-433-9904 (K-8th grade) St. Michael Catholic High School 11732 Higbee Road Fairhope, AL 36532 251-459-0210 (Grades 9-11 for 2017-18) St. Patrick Catholic School P.O. Drawer 609, Robertsdale AL 36567 251-947-7395 Grades PreK3-8 St. Paul’s Episcopal School 161 Dogwood Lane Mobile, AL 36608 251-342-6700

March 2019 21


F aM i lY M at te r S Did You Know: Over 2 million Americans suffer from some form of problem gambling. Problem Gambling is a progressive disorder causing severe dysfunction in a person’s mental and emotional stability, destroys their family/ social life, and increases financial, housing, and legal problems. Electronic gaming like slot machines, video poker, and internet gaming can be the most addictive forms of gambling. People who gamble electronically are 3x more likely to become problem gamblers than those who prefer other times of gaming methods. Children and older adults are the fastest growing population that meet the criteria for problem gambling. Problem Gambling has many names such as pathological gambling, compulsive gambling, and gambling addiction. Problem Gambling is characterized by the same type of uncontrollable urges, risk taking behaviors, feelings of powerlessness, and loss of self-control that defines other addictive disorders. It is a serious and progressive disorder designed to destroy the entire life of the gambler, their family, and everything connected to them. Whether it is the casino style slot machines, on-line games, dice games, lottery tickets, raffle tickets, sport events, day trading, office pools, fantasy sports, betting on personal skill, or a friendly neighborhood card game, if you are betting money (or something of value) with the intent of winning money, material goods, or something else of value, then you are meeting the definition of gambling. Many people can engage in gambling activity without showing signs of a gambling disorder. While the non-problem gambler will gamble for pure entertainment and will most likely quit their gambling activity once they have

spent a certain amount, the problem gambler on the other hand will continue to risk it all by chasing bets/losses with money they can no longer afford to spend. Despite the overwhelming stress and consequences, the problem gambler will be preoccupied and continue their obsessive gambling habit, accumulate more and more debt, engage in lying and manipulative behaviors to cover up their habit and will eventually lose their sense of self, ultimately becoming a completely different person. When someone is experiencing the throes of problem gambling, it can feel very isolating for them, their family, and their community. Just know that with interventions such as professional therapy, family therapy, and a recovery support network, Help Is Available, Effective, and Recovery is Very Possible. With March being Problem Gambling Awareness Month, it is the perfect time to Have The Conversation with family, friends, co-workers, church members, and your community. Do you or someone you know exhibit signs of problem gambling? Here is a quick self-screening tool that is used to help individuals identify their relationship to the signs and symptoms of this disorder.

TWENTY QUESTIONS (Gamblers Anonymous)

1. Did you ever lose time from work or school due to gambling? 2. Has gambling ever made your home life unhappy? 3. Did gambling affect your reputation? 4. Have you ever felt remorse after gambling? 5. Did you ever gamble to get money with which to pay debts or otherwise solve financial difficulties? 6. Did gambling cause a decrease in your ambition or efficiency? 7. After losing did you feel you must return as soon as possible and win back your losses? 8. After a win did you have a strong urge to return and win more? 9. Did you often gamble until your last dollar was gone? 10. Did you ever borrow to finance your gambling? 11. Have you ever sold anything to finance gambling? 12. Were you reluctant to use “gambling money” for normal expenditures? 13. Did gambling make you careless of the welfare of yourself or your family? 14. Did you ever gamble longer than you had planned? 15. Have you ever gambled to escape worry or trouble? 16. Have you ever committed, or considered committing, an illegal act to finance gambling? 17. Did gambling cause you to have difficulty in sleeping? 18. Do arguments, disappointments or frustrations create within you an urge to gamble? 19. Did you ever have an urge to celebrate any good fortune by a few hours of gambling? 20. Have you ever considered self-destruction or suicide as a result of your gambling? If you answered “Yes” to seven or more questions, then feel free to contact my office for more information about how to stop gambling from creating problems in your life. — Veronica Davis Veronica Davis is a Licensed Professional Counselor and Certified Addictions Therapist. She has over 15 years of clinical counseling experience and is the CEO of LPC Services, LLC located in Mobile, Ala. She enjoys working with individuals, couples, and families seeking to make improvements in their lives. You can contact Veronica Davis at (251) 478-5050 or visit her website at

March 2019 23

C olor i ng P ag e

24 Bay Area Christian Family

MARCH 2019 Calendar March 28 The Artys - Mobile’s only arts awards, recognizing the impact individuals, March 6 businesses, and organizations USA Faculty Flute & Clarinet have made on the Mobile arts Duo Recital - Faculty artists community. Awards are preTravis Jones and Kip Franklin sented in 11 categories and will present a concert of flute guests will enjoy live perforand clarinet music assisted by mances by Mobile Ballet, Joe pianist Doreen Lee on March Jefferson Playhouse, Sway 6 at 7:30 p.m. in the Laidlaw Downtown, and more. TickPerforming Arts Center. Inets available at cluded in this performance will Start/End Time: 5:30 p.m., be a consortium premiere of a 251-432-9796 or bookkeeper@ new work for flute, clarinet, and piano by Illinois-based composer Roger Zare. Other original March 29 and arranged works will include Hearts and Minds Auction Heitor Villa-Lobos’ Choros No. – Central Christian School 2 and Gottschalk’s Grande Tar- is hosting their annual silent antelle. Tickets for this Musical & live auction event. Dinner Arts Series event will be sold at included with ticket purchase. the door only. Admission is $8 $30 per person and corporate general and $5 for USA faculty sponsorships available. Dona& staff, USA students, youths tions welcomed from local comunder 18 and all senior citizens panies. Daphne Civic Center at (cash or check only). Musical 6pm. For more information call Arts Series season passes will of (251) 947-5043. course be honored for admission to this event. Persons need- March 30 ing more information about 10th Annual Pancake Breakfast this event or in need of special - 10th Annual Optimist Branch accommodation may call 251- Pancake Breakfast, hosted by 460-7116 or 251-460-6136. Boys & Girls Clubs of South Keith Bohnet - 251-460-7116 or Alabama, is Saturday, March 30, 8-11 a.m. at 1517 Plaza Drive,


or online at www.bgcsouthal. org/pancake. William Burks - 251-438-5111 or wburks@ March 30 11th Annual Mobile Chocolate Festival – The Mobile Chocolate Festival will be held at The Grounds as we celebrate the 11th Anniversary of such a wonderfully chocolate event! There will be vendors offering samples of their chocolate-related products as well as selling their products. Vendors vary from having chocolate-themed wares to succulent confections to jewelry to bath and body products. Also featured: Children’s Area, Mobile Fixture Demonstration Stage, Chocolate Challenge featuring professionals, amateurs, and youth divisions, Project Yum Way where students and aspiring designers participate in a fashion display of chocolate inspired fashions made from chocolate candy wrappers, Cupcake Booth, Chocolate Martini tasting, Magic Memories Photo Booth, and much more.Tonie Ann Torrans - 251-342-2809 or tonieannt@

Mobile. Proceeds benefit youth March 21-24 programs within the Branch. 26th Annual Festival of FlowTickets are $6 and can be purers – Providence Hospital along chased directly from the Branch with Wells Fargo hosts the annual Festival of Flowers event on the campus of Providence Hospital. For more information contact, (251) 266-3283 or If you have an event you would like listed in the visit Bay Area Christian Family Community Calendar


Email to: subject line-Calendar

March 30 10th Annual Pancake Breakfast

- 10th Annual Optimist Branch Pancake Breakfast, hosted by Boys & Girls Clubs of South Alabama, is Saturday, March 30, 8-11 a.m. at 1517 Plaza Drive, Mobile. Proceeds benefit youth programs within the Branch. Tickets are $6 and can be purchased directly from the Branch or online at William Burks - 251-438-5111 or

March 30 11th Annual Mobile Chocolate Festival – Held at The Grounds such

a wonderfully chocolate event! There will be vendors offering samples of their chocolate-related products as well as selling their products. Vendors vary from having chocolate-themed wares to succulent confections to jewelry to bath and body products. Also featured: Children’s Area, Mobile Fixture Demonstration Stage, Chocolate Challenge featuring professionals, amateurs, and youth divisions, Project Yum Way where students and aspiring designers participate in a fashion display of chocolate inspired fashions made from chocolate candy wrappers, Cupcake Booth, Chocolate Martini tasting, Magic Memories Photo Booth, and much more.Tonie Ann Torrans - 251-342-2809 or

March 2019 25

A bout O u r A dve rti s e r s Andress Jewelry, LLC – 21 ½ Saraland Blvd, Saraland, AL, (251) 675-9020, Christopher Mullenix, DMD, MD, Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery - 715 Downtowner Blvd, Mobile, 251-471-3381, Cottage Hill Christian Academy – two locations to better serve your family, 4225 Cottage Hill Road and 7355 Creekwood Drive, Mobile, AL, (251) 660-2427 and (251) 634-2513, Eastern Shore Lanes – 10460 Eastern Shore Blvd., Spanish Fort, AL 36527, (251) 625-3400, First Baptist Tillman’s Corner – 5660 Three Notch Road, Mobile, AL, (251) 661-0114, Flipped Out Kitchen – 7765 Airport Blvd, Suite 120, Mobile, AL, (251) 375-1733, Goldfingers – Government Street Baptist Church/School – 3401 Government Blvd, Mobile, AL, (251) 660-7444 Greer’s – Locations throughout Mobile and Baldwin Counties, The Gulf Bowl – 2881 S. Juniper St., Foley, AL, (251) 943-4575,

Support us by supporting them. Shane Hale, Bellator Real Estate & Development – Pickett Orthodontics – 6611 Wall Street, Mobile, (251) 370-8812,, 251-607-0110, Printed T-Shirts & More – 7985 Tanner Williams Jason’s Fitness – 3724 Cottage Hill Rd, Mobile, Road, Mobile, AL, (251) 633-0300, AL, 251-391-1234, Lighthouse Restaurant - 12495 County Road 23, Irvington, AL, 251-824-2500 LPC Services, Behavioral Health Specialists – 605 Bel Air Blvd, Suite 10, Mobile, AL, (251) 478-5050,

PureVine Health Care – (251) 622-2487 The Ravenite Pizzeria – 102 N. Section Street, Fairhope, AL, (251) 929-2525, Spring Hill Baptist Church – 2 S. McGregor Ave, Mobile, AL, 251-342-5320,

McKemie Place –

Strategic Wealth Specialists, LLC – 3233 Executive Park Circle, Mobile, AL, (251) 472-4426, Mobile Christian School – 5900 Cottage Hill Road, Mobile, AL, (251) 661-1613, Thrivent Financial – Christina Gibson and TimMoffett Road Baptist Church – 5555 Moffett Road, othy Benson, Agents – 90 McKeough Ave, Suite Mobile, AL, (251) 342-0563, C, Saraland, AL, (251) 281-7312 for Christina and (251) 709-0315 for Timothy, Mamun/REMAX Partners – 7221 Grelot Road, Volunteers of America SouthEast – 1204 Hillcrest Suite B, Mobile, AL, (251) 660-8400, (251) 391-2047, Rd, Mobile, AL, 251-338-1297, Wholistic Health Care – Dr. Jimmy Steger, 4412 Neighborhood Pest Control Service – Government Blvd., Mobile, AL, (251) 660-1240, (251) 533-4749 NuView Counseling – 1120 Hillcrest Road, Suite 2G, Mobile, AL, (251) 401-3560, YMCA (Mobile & Baldwin Counties) –

Oak Ridge Gifts & Pharmacy – 4180 Oak Ridge Hansen Heating & Air – Two locations to best serve Ave, Mobile, AL, (251) 445-5882, you – Mobile, 251-471-3047 and Eastern Shore, 251-210-1493, Heritage Funeral Home – 953 S. Broad St, Mobile, AL, 251-525-9000,

Padgett Business Services – 1521 Dawes Road, Mobile, AL, (251) 666-6624,

Hacienda San Miguel - 880 Schillinger Road, Mobile, AL, 251-633-6122,

Palmer’s Toyota Superstore - 470 Schillinger Road South, Mobile, AL, 251-639-0800,

P hoto F u n Central Christian School’s Middle and Highs Outreach class had the honor of being special buddies at this years Tim Tebow’s Night To Shine Prom for special needs kids. It is always an amazing time.

26 Bay Area Christian Family

Measuring our success by touching the lives of families, seniors, and veterans in our community! Get involved! 1204 Hillcrest Road, Mobile, AL 36695 (251) 300-3000 •

McElroy Lawn Service Residential & Commercial Lawn Maintenance * US Army Veteran *

(251) 680-2031

March 2019 27



25 000



TEST DRIVE ANY NEW TOYOTA TODAY FOR YOUR CHANCE TO WIN. $2,000 to be given away each month from January – November 2019 and $3,000 to be given away in December 2019. Must be 19 or older with a valid driver’s license. Excludes employees of Palmer’s Toyota and Palmer’s Hyundai and their immediate families. Test drive must be completed between January 1, 2019 and December 31, 2019. One winner will be chosen randomly per month from Palmer’s Toyota. Each month’s test drive winner will be chosen at random on the first business day following the close of the month. Only one entry per person allowed. If prize goes unclaimed for 1 week after drawing, a secondary winner will be chosen. Winner is responsible for all applicable taxes. No purchase necessary.

470 Schillinger Road South, Mobile, AL 36695


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