Bay Area Christian Family magazine - August 2018

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From SEC Football to Law

Miss Alabama Callie Walker PARENT





O u r M i s s ion is a part of The Christian Family Publication, Inc., celebrating 18 years of Good News

Bay Area Christian Family ® exists to provide Christians and the community at large with ways to grow and develop as a part of the Bay Area’s Christian Family. The local publication is designed to promote positive living by sharing with readers the latest news on entertainment, healthy living, parenting and inspirational literature as well as what individuals and organizations are doing to try to address the needs of the family.


Publisher/Editor: Melissa K. McElroy, (251)680-8589 Bay Area Christian Family Contributing Writers: Judy Woodward Bates Veronica Davis Jason Greene Chef Lucy Greer Shane Hale Darrell Holcombe

Melanie Berry McCraney Camille Smith Platt Janet R. Pittman Dave Ramsey Barbara Tako Steve C. Ward

Art Director: Hope Chastain, H­­bcDesigns Sales and Marketing: Melissa McElroy, Will McElroy Cover Photo: Courtesy The Miss Alabama Pageant Bay Area Christian Family s published monthly in Mobile & Baldwin counties by MKM Publishing Inc., 8320 Goldmine Oaks Drive E, Mobile, AL 36619. The phone number is 251680-8589. Reproduction of any part of Bay Area Christian Family without permission of the publisher is prohibited. Distribution of this magazine does not constitute an endorsement of information, products or services. Views expressed in Bay Area Christian Family do not necessarily represent those of the publisher. Every effort has been made by Bay Area Christian Family staff to insure accuracy of the publication contents. However, we do not guarantee the accuracy of all information nor the absence of errors and omissions; hence, no responsibility can be or is assumed. All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2018 by MKM Publishing Inc. Unless otherwise noted, scripture taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version, copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of International Bible Society. Circulation & Distribution: 10,000 copies of Bay Area Christian Family are printed each month. Bay Area Christian Family is free and available at targeted high traffic locations in Mobile and Baldwin counties. Copies are also available by mail, $25 for one year.


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P u bli s h e r

Back to School…Summer Memories Made The phrase “where did the summer go?” is being heard all around town. It seems like yesterday, we were preparing for finals and graduations. Summertime memories are “in the books” and it is now time to turn our focus to a new school year. While the children want summer to stretch a little longer, many parents are ready to get back on a scheduled routine. With the start of a new school year, we must prepare our minds and refresh our spirit. I pray God’s protection over our school administrators, faculty and students. As autumn peeks around the corner, we anxiously await football season as well. The fragrance of fresh-cut field grass and concession stand food will get anyone in the mood for a good game of football. I encourage each of you to support our local middle & high school as well as college football teams and pray for a safe and healthy season. We ask God to protect each player and give them the strength and fortitude to play their best. Take those summer memories and tuck them away in a special place and know that greater things are still to come as we walk daily with God and allow him to guide our every step forward. Make new friendships during this upcoming school year and be the Christian leader among your peers. It is time to go “back to school… summer memories are made”. Blessings,

Melissa K. McElroy

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P u bli s h e r

Melissa K. McElroy, President of MKM Publishing, Inc. resides in Mobile, Alabama and owns Bay Area Christian Family publications. She has been married to her high-school sweetheart, Will, for 26 years and they have two children, Grant age 20 and Anna age 18. Melissa received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Public Relations & Marketing at the University of South Alabama in 1994.

and Her husband, Cpt. William C. McElroy, Jr., has served over 26 years in the US Army and is currently employed with CPSI. They are active members of Spring Hill Baptist Church in Mobile. For more information on Bay Area Christian Family, contact Melissa at (251) 680-8589 or

Melissa has more than 20 years of advertising experience with Mobile Bay Monthly, “I Do…” for Alabama Brides

August 2018 3

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Thank You!

4 Bay Area Christian Family


Con ten ts

Volume 10, Number 1

3 From the Publisher • Back to School... Summer Memories Made 8 Family Matters • No Wrong Door

ON THE COVER 14 As Miss Alabama Callie Walker prepares to compete for Miss America in September, she shares with us the source of her confidence. See page 14.

13 Parent Helps 23 From SEC Football to Law

10 Great Outdoors • Packed & Ready 11 Encouraging Word • What Color is Hate? 12 Best Books • Young Alabama Author Donates Book Proceeds to Help Other Kids • INSPIRED: Slaying Giants, Walking on Water, and Loving the Bible Again


13 Parenting Points • STEPS Proactive Parenting


14 Miss Alabama Callie Walker

17 Senior Scene • How Young is Your Brain Quiz 18 Healthy Living • 1 on 1 with Jason Greene: Why are you resisting, resistance? 19 Money Matters • Dave Says 20 Bargainomics 20 Potluck • Lucy’s Bacon Cheddar “Back to School” Casserole


23 Faith at work • From SEC football to the Courtroom


24 Coloring Page 25 Calendar 26 Ad Directory 26 Support Groups

SEC Nation’s

Lauren Sisler


18 August 2018 5

You Are Invited! Kick-Off Sunday, August 12! Join us as we kick-off a new year in Sunday School and Worship. 8:30 a.m. Contemporary Worship – Dining Hall 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Traditional Worship – Sanctuary 4:00 p.m. Kick-Off Rehearsals for Junior High Singers and Spring Hill Singers Kick-Off Wednesday, August 15! 4:45 p.m. Church Family Supper 5:30 p.m. Children’s Music and Missions 6:00 p.m. Student Kick-Off Night 6:15 p.m. Prayer Meeting 7:05 p.m. Sanctuary Choir

6 Bay Area Christian Family

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August 2018 7

F am i ly M at te r s

No Wrong Door

Every time I hear of another tragic loss due to mental illness and suicide, I find myself yet again asking what can be done differently to help prevent these tragic losses.

I have to always remind myself that “Behavioral Science Is Not an Exact Science” and that there can be many complexities when treating mental disorders. This can be very frustrating when a patient and/or family member seek to identify a disorder and are also seeking to find helpful treatments for the disorder. As a therapist, I often see patients and family members struggle with many challenges when it comes to mental health treatment. One challenge is the intense powerlessness that the patient and the family often feels when they are attempting to navigate through the system of treatment modalities to identify what therapy will actually help in their situation. Once a treatment modality is identified, then powerlessness can sometimes progress to feelings of hopelessness while the patient is attempting to stabilize with treatment they are receiving. You see, it can often take some time to find the right combination of medications and/or psychotherapy for the patient to feel stable and begin to see improvement. Another difficult challenge is the stigma associated with mental illness & the stigma associated with the treatments for mental illness. People struggle with the idea of seeking treatment for fear of judgement and let’s be honest, we know this judgement is very real and can come from all facets of a person’s life. Whether it is social judgement, family judgement, judgement in school, on the job, or by the religious community our warped views on mental health and wellness are on display everywhere, even embedded in our entertainment. So what happens? This realistic fear of being judged keeps people quiet and their internal struggles continue to go voiceless and undetected.

People do not have to suffer in silence due to mental illness. They do not have to die because of mental illness. Patients and families do not have to feel powerless and hopeless because of mental illness. ...…....WE MUST DO BETTER...…... The fatal statistics for people battling severe mental health conditions are atrocious. People of all ages are secretly fighting every day to feel “normal” and this should not be the case with the resources we have available. Remember.... NO WRONG DOOR....Think About How Can You Help & Let’s Keep The Conversation Going. Helpful Resources: National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255) National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Alabama: 1-800-626-4199 Alabama Department of Mental Health: 1-800-367-0955 Crisis Line (Mobile, Ala.): 1-800-239-1117 United Way (Alabama): Dial 211 — Veronica Davis Veronica Davis is a Licensed Professional Counselor and Certified Addictions Therapist. She has over 15 years of clinical counseling experience and is the CEO of LPC Services, LLC located in Mobile, AL. She enjoys working with individuals, couples, and families seeking to make improvements in their lives. You can contact Veronica Davis at (251) 478-5050 or visit her website at

Thirdly, there is this difficulty accessing care which often results in people ignoring symptoms or simply not following up with the early treatment interventions needed to help reduce the progression of a mental disorder. Early Detection and Early Intervention for Mental Health Disorders Is A Must. Just like early detection and intervention for medical disorders can help to increase the patient’s quality of life by reducing the risk for continued growth, the same benefits are in place for the early detection and intervention for mental health disorders. With one suicide taking place every thirteen minutes here in the U.S. (2015-CDC), early detection is a NECESSITY.


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August 2018 9

T h e G r eat O utdoor s

Vacation, vacation, vacation. That’s what summer is all about, right? Whether you are spending time with the family at the beach soaking in the strong summer sun, or looking for that next hill to climb to check off your summer bucket list, you need to be prepared with the best-equipped luggage. Summer vacations are rendered useless without the proper luggage at your hip and why not do it in style and with the peace of mind that it will last you for life? This is where Mark’s Outdoors has you set and ready to go. Stop in and take a look at their amazing selection of Filson Luggage. In business since 1897, Filson has thrived on a reputation of honesty, quality, durability and listening to what their customers want. With a lifetime warranty, these canvas goldmines will give you the style and toughness needed for any type of vacation, business trip, or overnight weekend in the great outdoors.

For quality luggage and everything else you need for your next adventure, visit Mark’s Outdoors in Vestavia.

Mark’s Outdoors selection of Filson pieces include everything from small excursion bags to rolling checkin bags. Depending on the size, pieces range in price from $175 to $600. Filson uses only the best materials obtainable and guarantees it on every piece of merchandise. Visit Mark’s and set yourself up for the long haul, knowing you are putting trust in over 100 years of experience in the Luggage industry with Filson and the customer care of Mark’s Outdoors. — Mark’s Outdoors

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E ncou r ag i ng W or d


to the racial issues in our society today influences the people around us. Even subtle unproductive remarks, regardless of race, serve only to fuel a fire all people of character wish would just burn out. Unproductive actions and words fuel the racial fire by giving others permission to do the same. What color we are on the outside is not a choice that we are allowed to make in this life. However, a choice we are allowed to make is what we let live on the inside. Want to hate something? Hate the evil that has taken up residence inside another human being but not the human being. At the end of the day our individual actions are only a reflection of what is residing inside of us. While it may be hard to believe sometimes, there is not a person on this planet that is beyond the reach of God’s cleansing and healing grace. Not one. All we can do is our part. Each day choose to be a part of the solution, not a part of the problem. Set the individual example that can collectively end the racial circus. Hate is indeed a choice. So is how we respond to it.

Hate is not a color. Hate has nothing to do with color. Hate is a learned behavior. Hate is a choice. The photo above was taken at a wedding reception shortly after my son, Dylan, turned one. He had just gotten his feet under him and was still quite wobbly for lack of a better term. The other little fella, whose name I can’t recall, wasn’t far ahead of him in the motor skills department.

— Shane Hale Hale is a “redeemed & re-purposed professional baseball player” working as a Realtor with Bellator Real Estate & Development. Through writing he shares his faith to encourage and inspire others to seek God’s plan for their lives. Visit and subscribe to his blog at

Even though one was black and the other was white, the color of the other’s skin meant absolutely nothing to either one of them. As little kids will do, they gravitate to each other the moment they cross paths. They spent the entire reception together, walking around, most of the time holding hands, dancing, twirling, and doing what little guys do. When one would fall the other would help him up. It was fun to watch. I still remember it vividly. Now 15 years later, the racial events I see in our country today are beyond troubling. Why one man, regardless of color, would want to kill another man, another human being, simply because of the color of that man’s skin is literally beyond my comprehension. How can someone be so completely, terribly, and utterly lost? But, what can we possibly do? What we can do is “our part”. At the end of the day, all we can do is our part and our part matters. It absolutely matters because how we choose to respond


3220 DAUPHIN STREET, MOBILE (251) 479-2480 August 2018 11

B e st B ooks Young Alabama Author Donates Book Proceeds to Help Other Kids Callie Chapman is the author of the popular children’s book series, “Glitter the Unicorn,” which shares the adventures of a unicorn and her best friend Ellie. Rather than spend book proceeds on herself, Chapman decided to donated proceeds from her book sales to purchase art supplies for patients at Children’s of Alabama. So far, she has donated $10,000. “Callie is a talented author with a big heart,” said Kelly Baker, coordinator of community engagement at Children’s of Alabama. “Her generous donation will provide hours of fun for our patients who use art supplies for therapeutic activities. Each week, we use approximately 4,000 Eight-year-old Callie Chapman has written crayons and 75 art canvases. three books, Glitter the Unicorn, Glitter the Callie’s donation will bring Unicorn Goes to the Beach and Glitter the smiles to the faces of many Unicorn Goes to the Moon. She will be a fourth of our patients.” grader this fall.


Slaying Giants, Walking on Water, and Loving the Bible Again One day a baby girl was born in Birmingham, Ala. Her parents named her Rachel, in honor of the beloved shepherdess who gave birth to two of the tribes of Israel. The child grew in grace and wisdom, in favor with both God and her church. Her life was filled with sermons, Sunday school and Scripture. With the Bible at the center of her existence, she was a child of the rightly divided Word. But then she grew up, started asking questions, and everything changed.

Raised in Alabama, Rachel Held Evans is also the author of the New York Times best-selling book, A Year of Biblical Womanhood. Featured in the Washington Post, Christianity Today, The Huffington Post and the CNN Belief Blog and a guest on Today and The View, Evans now lives in Dayton, Tenn. but hails as a “lifelong Crimson Tide fan.”

Rachel Held Evans lost the Bible, only to rediscover it and fall in love with it anew. In her recent book, Inspired (Thomas Nelson), Evans shares her journey into a new understanding of the imagery and meaning of Scripture. The ancient stories in our Bibles are designed to do far more than reveal humanity’s salvation history. The Bible is not a textbook. It is power and poetry, lament and laud. It is literature on fire, stories of people grappling with what it means to be the people of God. Inspired is a brilliant book which seeks to restore the wonder and power of the scriptural account of men and women who slew giants, raised the dead, and gave birth to prophets and kings. What happens when you have to rethink long held beliefs about the Bible? What do we mean when we say the Scriptures are breathed by God? How can ancient stories of talking snakes and genocidal invasions and a crucified God be taken seriously in our post-modern world? Perhaps you know of someone wrestling with these very questions. If so, Rachel Held Evans has a message for them. — Darrel Holcombe

Chapman’s donation will be used by the Child Life Department at Children’s of Alabama. Child Life Specialists, pictured here with Callie, are professionally trained in understanding and meeting the unique needs of children and teens in the healthcare environment.

12 Bay Area Christian Family

P ar e nti ng P oi nts

STEPS Proactive Parenting When our kids abuse drugs or alcohol, it’s easy to doubt ourselves. But all parents make mistakes. It comes with the job, and we don’t have to be perfect to raise our kids well. By connecting with others and getting some training, we can learn from the common mistakes parents make. And we can parent with both grace and truth, even if one of our kids abuses alcohol or drugs. To get started, here are a few of the mistakes many parents make: Mistake: It’s my job to make sure my kids are happy. • Reality: If you give them whatever they want, what you really give them is a sense of entitlement. • Parenting step: Being a parent includes saying “no” when appropriate and teaching kids to appreciate what they have. Mistake: I can control their lives so they don’t make bad choices. • Reality: If you try to manage their lives for them, it will add worry to their life. • Parenting step: Like it or not, you can’t totally control your teenager. Instead, give them opportunities to grow and make mistakes so they mature naturally. Mistake: It can’t happen to us; our son or daughter would never take drugs. • Reality: If you believe your family is perfect and demand perfection, you encourage pride. • Parenting step: It is quite possible one of your kids could develop substance abuse issues. Always deal with them with love and grace, even when they go astray for a season.

STEPS Ministries works with parents to protect kids from addiction. Learn more at

Visit to receive the free weekly STEPS Ministries blog, learn about personal coaching options, and get information on seminars your church or organization can sponsor.

Mistake: If I ignore their issues, their problems may just go away. • Reality: If you don’t talk about what’s going on in their life, it’s harder for your kids to develop self-awareness. • Parenting step: Talk to your kids about the challenges teenagers face and build a supporting environment where they can share their issues with you. Getting Some Help. STEPS Proactive Parenting provides training, coaching, and materials for parents to become intentional about protecting their kids from addictions. We can learn to raise our kids to be balanced emotionally, spiritually, and personally and, if we do, we can help prevent addiction.

— Steve C. Ward Executive Director, STEPS Ministries Author of STEPS: A Daily Journey to a Better Life

August 2018 13

Taking the Stage with Faithful Confidence:

Courtesy The Miss Alabama Pageant

Ask Miss Alabama Callie Walker to tell you a story about her life and it’s bound to eventually circle around to family. John Denver music reminds her of riding in the car with her father as a child. She has a quirky nostalgia for family time at Birmingham area McDonald’s play places. She was extremely pleased and relieved, in a way, when her twin brother Michael left the University of West Alabama to join her at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa. Ask her to tell you a story about the foundations of her Christian faith, and it’s more of the same. A long-time family commitment to a church in Roebuck, Ala. dates back to her grandparents choosing a place of worship for their children. And the state of Alabama is home to a host of instructors who have embraced the family’s shared passion for music, dance, acting, and the Christian responsibility to environmental sustainability.

Courtesy The Miss Alabama Pageant

Callie Walker will represent the state of Alabama in the Miss America 2019 Pageant on Sept. 9, 2018. “I’ve been watching videos of my mom, and I’m so in awe of her and proud of the opportunity to perform on the same stage my mom performed on,” Callie says. Angela Tower Walker was Miss Alabama 1985 and fourth runner up in Miss America.

Miss Alabama 2018 told Bay Area Christian Family that while she didn’t cry on stage after her win, she lost her composure when she saw grandfather Howard Plott, known as Poppa (behind Callie), ready for family pictures backstage. Also pictured are Plott’s wife, Bettye; grandparents Karen and C.H. Walker, whose community service inspired Callie from a young age; parents Angela and Mike; and twin brother Michael (third from left). While Callie was being crowned Miss Alabama, older sister Scarlett was in New York City performing on Broadway.

14 Bay Area Christian Family

A rising senior at the University of Alabama, Callie is a 2015 graduate of Oak Mountain High School who placed first runner up in the Miss Alabama pageant in 2016 and 2017. After two close finishes, she says she had little anxiety in the moments before she was announced the winner on June 9. “I was really at peace with whatever happened,” she recalls. “I knew that Tiara Pennington could do the job completely and confidently. I knew that whatever happened was meant to be.” After receiving her crown, Callie met her mother at the end of the stage for an embrace. But the emotional impact didn’t come until later, when she laid eyes on her grandfather Howard Plott backstage. “He gets really emotional at events, so he doesn’t like to come because he gets embarrassed because he is crying because he’s proud. He had never been to Miss Alabama in the four years I competed,” she says. “That was the first time I had cried that night. It wasn’t even the moment when I won—it was the fact that I had all of my family there with me. That was a really exciting and special moment.” Art Facts. It seems nearly every member of the Walker family has a knack for the arts. Callie’s mother, Angela Tower Walker, was Miss Alabama 1985, has taught Callie ballet since she was three years old, and is the Director of Ballet at Birmingham Dance Theater in Hoover. All three Walker children—Callie, brother Michael, and older sister Scarlett—performed in the show choir at Oak Mountain High School. Michael is studying music education at the University of Alabama and plans to become a choir director. Scarlett graduated from the University of Alabama with a degree in musical theater in 2016 and is currently in the Broadway revival of Carousel in New York City. Callie says if she had to choose a household memory that points to just how creative they all turned out, it would be their choices of movies. “We definitely watched Disney movies, but we primarily watched movie musicals— The Sound of Music, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. I attest that to my parents, especially my dad, because he really exposed my siblings and I to his love for music. I just am really thankful to my parents for the fact that they really exposed us to a wide variety of music and just the arts in general.” Angela says the family also traveled to New York for live shows and attended local Alabama Ballet and Birmingham Broadway Series productions. Callie and Scarlett both performed in The Nutcracker with the Alabama Ballet as children. Faith Facts. Matters of faith for Callie is also a family affair. Her parents raised her in church since birth, and the family attends Wilson Chapel United Methodist Church in Roebuck, which is the worship community her father, Mike, grew up in. “We have kept that in our family, [and] my grandparents still attend. It’s just been a really big part of our family and how I was raised—going to church every Wednesday and Sunday. I am just lucky to say that the Lord is a part of my life, and I couldn’t imagine life without Him.” Callie says her time at the University of Alabama has allowed her to fully explore her personal faith through exposure to different Bible studies, small groups and worship styles. “I think there’s a lot of

A musical theater major, Callie says that if she closes her eyes and imagines herself on stage, “it feels like I’m at home.” At the University of Alabama, she performed in A Chorus Line in spring 2017 and Sweeney Todd in spring 2018. She has also worked with Red Mountain Theatre Company in Birmingham. Prayer before stepping on stage helps her find peace and purpose both in pageants and local theater. She recalls a particularly meaningful prayer with her dressing room mom before the Miss Alabama pageant began last month: “No matter what happened on the stage, it was all for Him and it was in His plans. That [praying] was just really important to me, and it’s always something that I do before I go on stage at school as well.”

Courtesy Oak Mountain High School

diversity, and at the University of Alabama they make it really easy for you to find a group of people or a church that really fits you,” she says. Callie spent her freshman year on campus participating in BAMACru, a Monday night worship event where she was invited to prayer groups or to talk about her faith. She also made a point to visit different churches in the area. “On Sunday I will still go with friends to different services because I have enjoyed exploring the faith within Tuscaloosa,” she says.

“Callie has always striven for perfection in everything she has done. And for the betterment of the entire program, that drive for excellence naturally rubbed-off on her peers who performed with her on stage,” says Oak Mountain High School Choral Director Michael Zauchin, who taught Callie when she starred as Fiona in Shrek: The Musical and competed with the Oak Mountain Singers.

Trash Talk. Callie’s platform, “Let’s Talk Trash: Green Kids for a Green Planet,” also has ties to faith and family tradition. “The Lord has provided us with a beautiful earth that we need to take care of, and that’s very important to me. ‘Let’s Talk Trash’ is promoting the fact that if we don’t do our job as good stewards of this planet and as Christians on this planet, then we are not going to provide a beautiful planet for the people who follow us,” says Callie. “‘Let’s Talk Trash’ stemmed from the fact that my family had already been practicing sustainability for as long as I can remember. My grandparents passed that down to my parents, and my parents passed that down to my siblings and me.” Three years ago, Callie established a simple recycling

project in her Meadowbrook neighborhood to address the fact that city and county recycling services did not collect glass. She put letters on mailboxes, set out a collection bin on Tuesdays, and personally hauled glass donations to recycling centers in Birmingham and Tuscaloosa. Since then, she has collected and transported more than 1 ton of glass. As Miss Alabama, Callie plans to implement sustainability programs in elementary schools across the state. “They are my primary focus because if you start with teaching youth,” Callie says, “they will form those habits of recycling and hopefully pass those habits on to generations to come.” Schools interested in participating can contact Eve Gray at the Miss Alabama office, 205-871-6276.

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r A e W ! It’s True online! d n a e r o n st

! s t c u d o r P t s e h s e ! r s I r F e ! m o y t s t u i l C a l a u y o Q L t t s o s e M t s e Fin B ! s ! e t E a i R c o O s s T S A t s RY E C O R Friendlie G AL C O L T S E p o VOTED B h s / m o c . s r e gre

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August 2018 15

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S e n ior S ce n e

How Young is Your Brain Quiz Is your brain fully charged—or have you slipped into low power mode? How about a short quiz I created to see how your brain is doing? Think of your brain as more like the battery of your cell phone—it’s never gone for good, it just may need to be recharged. By taking this quiz, you’ll know if you’re all juiced up, could use a little more power, or need a full recharge. Answer honestly (remember, no one will see your results but you). And if you’re taking this quiz on behalf of a loved one, know that you aren’t alone on this journey—and recovery for your loved one is possible! And for taking this quiz, I want to congratulate you on taking steps toward building your best brain! This quiz isn’t a diagnosis—it’s an indication of your starting point for your journey with brain health. For those who follow this column, think of it as another tool I am giving you to keep you and your brain powered up. Because the truth is, your brain is constantly changing and rebuilding itself. And with the right tools, you can not only keep your mind—you can keep evolving into a better, healthier, sharper you. If you have serious concerns about yourself or a loved one, this quiz and its results can be a powerful resource—but always see your doctor, for your brain preferably an MD who is a functional neurologist, and get checked out. Here we go.... 1. I lose my keys _____. A. On occasion (who doesn’t?) but not habitually. B. A couple of times a week, but I’m able to retrace my steps and find them. C. Every time I set them down. I swear someone is pranking me. 2. When I’m speaking, I come to a stop and fumble for the right words_____. A. Hardly ever. My friends say I’m a walking thesaurus. B. A couple of times a week, I’ll say something like, “Oh, you know, the, uh, whatchamacallit.” C. Nearly every time I speak. It feels like the words are right there, I just can’t put my finger on them. 3. I keep up with current events______. A. Daily. Every time an alert crosses my phone or TV. B. I’ll read an article if someone sends it to me or pick up the paper a couple of times a month. C. I honestly don’t pay much attention. It’s hard to keep up and I just don’t feel that invested in the world at large these days. 4. When someone disagrees with me, I_____. A. Take the time to understand their point of view and can see where they’re coming from, even if I don’t agree. B. Hear them out, but have a hard time respecting their opinion. C. Write them off completely. I swear, people are getting dumber all the time. 5. If I have to park far away from the store entrance, I_____. A. Enjoy the walk! It’s great way to get my steps in. B. Can do it, but feel anxiety about having to walk so far. I take it really slow. C. Keep circling for a parking spot. There’s no way I could walk that far without falling over or hurting myself. Give yourself 3 points for every A, 2 points for every B, 1 point for every C. Your complete score: ____________ For analysis of your results, pick up a copy of this magazine next month! If you can’t wait, go to my website,, scroll down to the purple Brain Quiz box and take it again where analysis of your results will be displayed. Until then, email me if you have any questions or concerns. — Janet Rich Pittman Brain Health Specialist Former Dementia Administrator and Practitioner,

August 2018 17

H ealthy L ivi ng presented by: Jason’s Fitness

1 on 1 with Jason S. Greene: Why are you resisting, resistance? When you mention exercise to most people, the first thing they envision is jogging, riding a bike or maybe even just taking a walk. All of these things are fine and good, but they are missing one key ingredient and that is progressive resistance training. Strength training is usually associated with jocks, but the benefits for men and women of all ages is undeniable and is a crucial component of any overall health and fitness program. You can achieve results using anything that will allow you to progressively overload your muscles: barbells, dumbbells, resistance exercise machines, kettle bells, resistance bands, even bodyweight exercises such as pull ups and push ups can do the trick. Most people understand that resistance training tones and builds muscles, which improves your appearance, but here are a few benefits of strength training you may not know about: Develop strong bones. When you perform a weight lifting movement you are not only stressing your muscle you are also stressing your bones. Strength training increases bone density and reduces the risk of osteoporosis. This is one of the reasons progressive resistance training is so important for women. Burn more calories, even at rest! As you gain muscle, your body gains a bigger “engine” to burn calories more efficiently, which results in weight loss. The more toned your muscles, the easier it is to control your weight. Reduce risk of injury. Building muscle helps protect your joints from injury. Stronger muscles also contribute to better balance, which can help you maintain mobility and independence as you age. Boost your stamina. As your muscles become stronger, you won’t fatigue as easily. In fact, you can train specifically to gain muscular endurance which will allow you to not only go stronger, but longer as well. Manage or even correct chronic health conditions. Strength training can reduce the signs and symptoms of many chronic conditions, including arthritis, back pain, depression, diabetes, obesity and osteoporosis to name a few. Sharpen your focus. Research suggests that regular strength training helps improve attention and mental focus in older adults. In fact, one study showed a marked improvement in cognitive skills with as little as one strength training session per week. So, I have to ask the big question. When you have this much to gain and nothing to lose, but fat, injuries, low endurance, bad health, and a foggy brain, why are you resisting, resistance training? — Jason S. Greene E-mail your question to You can see this exercise and many others demonstrated at! Disclaimer: One on One with Jason aims to provide general fitness and exercise information. Advice offered may not be applicable to all individuals and does not constitute medical, health or scientific fitness advice. People have different needs, abilities and levels of health. It is recommended that all readers consult a medical professional before beginning any form of exercise, participate in any physical fitness or sports training program or undertake any form of health plan, nutrition program, or weight loss diet---especially if you have been inactive most of your life, suffer from obesity, or have any health problems.

18 Bay Area Christian Family

M on ey M atte r s

Dave Says

Dear Dave, Why do you think all debt is bad? Aren’t some kinds of debt, like a mortgage or student loans, good? — Nathan Dear Nathan, It sounds like you’re letting me know you think some kinds of debt are okay, instead of really asking for my opinion. When you ask a question that’s really a statement, it’s called a passive aggressive question. That’s okay. You and I will now argue as best we can in a newspaper column. It’s not necessarily a question of what I think. I’m really just the aggregator of information we’ve gathered while walking with people through their financial issues. I’ve worked with tens of thousands of folks over nearly 30 years, everyone from billionaires and millionaires to broke people, and those in between. In the process, we’ve collected a lot of data through formal research projects — I’m talking about a huge stockpile of statistics, facts, and figures. And all that data shows debt is the biggest roadblock between people and wealth. I’m also a Christian. Having read the bible, and what it says about money, I can tell you there’s not one place where it says debt is a good idea. So, all that information leads me to one conclusion. Debt is not a positive thing. The only kind of debt I don’t beat people up over is mortgage debt, as long as it’s a 15-year, fixed rate loan. Houses are wildly expensive, and I understand that most people can’t save up to buy a home with cash in a reasonable amount of time. Still, that doesn’t make mortgage debt a good thing. Any kind of debt is a burden, Nathan. It steals from your ability to save, build wealth, and be generous. — Dave Ramsey

Dear Dave, I owe $18,000 on my only car, and the payments are killing me. I’m also upside down on the vehicle by about $4,000. I’m 31, and I’ve got exactly $18,000 in my 401(k). Should I cash it in to pay off the car? — Monty Dear Monty, If you use your 401(k) they’ll charge you a 10 percent penalty, plus your tax rate. That means you’ll probably lose anywhere from 25 to 50 percent to the government. I don’t know about you, but I think they already get too much of our money. I love the fact that you want to get rid of your car payment, but I don’t want you to cash out your retirement plan to make it happen. If you can pay off the car in 18 months or less, I’d advise living on a strict, written budget, and throwing as money as possible toward the car debt until it’s out of your life forever. If it would take longer than 18 months to pay it off, I’d get rid of the car. To do this, you’d have to sell it for as much as you can get, then go to a local credit union for a small loan to cover the difference. If it’s your only car, you’d need to ask for an extra $2,000 to $3,000 to buy a little beater to drive until you can save up and get into something better. I hate all kinds of debt, Monty. But being $5,000 to $6,000 in the hole is a lot better than having $18,000 in debt hanging over your head! — Dave Ramsey

Dave Ramsey is CEO of Ramsey Solutions. He has authored seven best-selling books, including The Total Money Makeover. The Dave Ramsey Show is heard by more than 12 million listeners each week on 575 radio stations and multiple digital platforms. Follow Dave on the web at and on Twitter at @DaveRamsey.

34 of the region’s best doctors. One clear choice. Premier Medical is the largest and most established Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat clinic in the region. We have the finest physicians and the latest technology to accurately diagnose and successfully treat your medical problem. Contact us today to make an appointment. Visit us online at

August 2018 19

B argai nom ic $

P otluck

Always Take Photos

Lucy’s Bacon Cheddar “Back to School” Casserole

I recently found a brand new chair at a thrift store which had been donated by a retailer simply because it had a black mark on the seat. I knew I could easily get the mark off, so I bought the chair and had an employee help me load it into my car. Even though I cautioned him to be careful, the young man very carelessly shoved his side of the chair into the car and tore the fabric on one corner of the chair. When I confronted him, he denied causing the damage and insisted the rip was already in the chair when I bought it. Without photos to disprove his statement, I hadn’t a leg to stand on. Lesson learned. Always snap all-around photos before having any item loaded into your vehicle, whether you’re at a retail store, thrift shop, or yard sale.

A Cupful of Cheer

I’ve bought a number of really pretty cups and saucers at thrift stores and yard sales, most costing less than a dollar a set. Place a small plant in each cup and give a cup and saucer set as a gift – a charming and inexpensive way to let someone know you’re thinking of them, whether or not it’s a special occasion..

Easy Avacado Hummus

All you’ll need for this delicious and healthy hummus is: (A) 2 ripe avocadoes, peeled, de-seeded, and cut into chunks; (B) a 15-oz. can of garbanzo beans, rinsed and drained; (C) 1 tsp. of minced garlic; (D) 1 tbsp. of lemon juice; (E) 2 tbsp. of extra virgin olive oil; and (F) a ½ tsp. of salt. Use a food processor to blend together the avocadoes with the garbanzo beans, garlic, lemon juice, olive oil, and salt. Chill; serve with pita chips or crackers.

Stop Tracking Dirt Indoors

Keep a box or shoe rack by the door your family typically uses when going in and out of the house. Make it a rule that shoes worn outdoors must be removed when going inside. In many countries, it’s unthinkable to track into a home what’s been walked in outdoors – even guests automatically remove their shoes before coming inside. It’s even customary in some regions to provide house slippers for your guests.

Mayo Grilled Cheeses

Instead of butter or margarine, try spreading the outside of your grilled cheeses with mayonnaise. It browns beautifully, tastes great, and spreads easier than margarine.

Closing Thoughts

This time of year I occasionally pass a church with a sign out front that says something like, “You think it’s hot here…” That doesn’t strike me as news that would attract a person to Jesus! The Gospel of Jesus Christ is Good News; make sure you’re passing along a positive message of faith to everyone around you. — Judy Woodward Bates Want Judy to speak to your church, civic organization, or ladies’ group? You can contact her and follow her on her website, www., as well as Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.


1 lb White sandwich bread, torn into 1 inch pieces 2 tablespoon olive oil 1 whole green bell pepper, diced small 1 whole red bell pepper, diced small 8 oz cooked Bacon slices, crumbled 6 whole eggs 1 cup heavy cream or half and half 2 cup Whole milk 1 tablespoon dijon mustard 2 cups shredded cheddar cheese 1 cup shredded swiss cheese 1 teaspoon ground black pepper 2 teaspoon kosher salt


Heat a skillet over medium heat and add olive oil. Add peppers and onions and cook for 10 minutes until softened. Let cool slightly. Lightly coat a large baking dish with non-stick cooking spray. Add torn bread, cooled vegetables, and bacon. Whisk together eggs, heavy cream, milk, Dijon mustard, cheddar cheese, Swiss cheese, black pepper, and salt in a bowl until combined. Pour egg mixture over bread and mix gently until incorporated. *Casserole may be prepared up to this point the day before, covered, and refrigerated. After being chilled in the refrigerator, allow the casserole to sit at room temperature for 30 minutes before baking* Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour. Give the baking dish a gentle shake to make sure the casserole is set before removing from the oven. Allow to rest for 10 minutes before serving. — Chef Lucy Greer Greer’s Market & Catering

20 Bay Area Christian Family

Home Staging & Seasonal Styling Home Staging Staging & Seasonal Styling by Melissa McElroy Home & Seasonal Styling by Melissa McElroy by Melissa McElroy

Home Staging & Seasonal Styling Organizing ~ Rearranging Furniture ~ Accessory Selections & More ~ Seasonal Styling Organizing ~ Rearranging Furniture ~ Accessory & More ~ Seasonal Styling ~ Home Staging (New Selections Look/Selling) Home Staging (New Look/Selling) Organizing ~ Rearranging~ Furniture ~ Accessory Selections & More ~ Seasonal Styling byStaging Melissa McElroy Home (New Look/Selling) Call Today ~ for Consultations & Bookings, (251) 680-8589 Call Today for Consultations & Bookings, (251) 680-8589 References Upon Request

References Upon Request & Bookings, (251) 680-8589 Call Today for Consultations

Organizing ~ Rearranging Furniture ~ Accessory Selections & More ~ Seasonal Styling References Upon Request August 2018 21 ~ Home Staging (New Look/Selling)

Where is God at Work in Your Business? Let Us Tell Your Story! COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP OPPORTUNITY IN





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How the Partnership Works: Your company recognized in multiple media platforms including print, internet and radio as a Community Partner with Bay Area Christian Family in reaching people with the Good News of Jesus Christ! • Listed as Community Partner in print and digital issues of the magazine (12 issues) with logo and web link. • Recognized as a Community Partner on Home Page of magazine website, with your company logo and a link to your site (12 months) • Included in Bay Area Christian Family Social Media posts recognizing your company as a Community Partner who is helping reach people in our community with Good News. • Right to use Bay Area Christian Family Community Partner Logo on your company ads, print materials and website. • Copies of the magazine available to you each month to display and/or distribute. FOUNDATION LEVEL PARTNER: Half Page Color Space in 12 issues of Bay Area Christian Family- print and digital. Your Investment: $7500, due at time of commitment. Limited to 10 Foundation Partners. LEGACY LEVEL PARTNER: Full Page Color Space in 12 Issues of Bay Area Christian Family- print and digital. Your Investment: $12,000, due at time of commitment. Limited to 6 Legacy Partners. COMPLIMEN

MARC H 2018

Use your space each month for: • Brand awareness advertising • To tell your story of how God is at work in your business. • Encourage and show other companies ways to live out the Great Commission in their businesses and in the community. • Spotlight individuals within your company or community who live out their Christian faith in the work place. • Feature ministry and/or non-profit your business supports.


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22 Bay Area Christian Family

F aith @ W or k From SEC football to the Courtroom: BLESSED TO BE A BLESSING Alabama Law School grad and former Vanderbilt football standout Joel Caldwell waited in the lobby of the law firm, knowing that the interview with senior shareholders could be a game changer. He did what he always does when anxious, he turned to the Word of God, swiping open the Word Alert app on in his i-phone. The message of the day hit home- it was Zephaniah 3:20, which reads, “At that time I will gather you; at that time I will bring you home, I will give you honor and praise among all the peoples of the earth when I restore your fortunes before your very eyes, says the Lord.” His anxieties eased almost immediately. “It was the confirmation I needed that I was in the right place, with the right people. God was showing me the way,” says Joel who confidently accepted a job offer that day, becoming an associate attorney with Cory Watson Attorneys. Joel identifies himself first as a Christian, then as a son, brother and lawyer. He credits his parents and the Christ -centered guidance they provided with helping him and his brother achieve success on the football field and in the classroom. Joel and his brother both played football for Hoover High School, and won scholarships to Vanderbilt University where Joel played Defensive Back and served as a leader in the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Joel’s brother became a physician while Joel pursued law.

Joel Caldwell says playing college football helped him learn humility, time management and how to communicate with a diverse team- skills he puts to work daily at Cory Watson.

Before attending law school, Joel worked as a computer tutor at Children’s Village, a home for children who have been separated from their parents. “While volunteering there, I saw first-hand the great need for compassionate and individualized children’s care, especially for those in the foster system,” Caldwell said. “I was also inspired by this verse from James 1:27: ‘Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.’” Today, Joel serves on the Children’s Village junior board in addition to putting in volunteer hours with the kids. At the office, Joel says he asks God for wisdom and guidance in his work with his clients and he keeps his Word Alert app at the ready. His advice for students who will be tackling new adventures this fall? Walk in love and be blessed to be a blessing to others. — Melanie Berry McCraney

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August 2018 23

C olor i ng P age

24 Bay Area Christian Family

AUGUST 2018 Calendar August 1 – August 26 Ice Age Imperials - Imagine traveling 20,000 years into the past to a period in our planet’s history when the environment was dramatically different than we know it today. Giant creatures roamed the land, and every day was a struggle for survival. This story will be presented like never before, through direct handling and interaction with real fossils from such ancient animals as the giant (five ton!) ground sloth, the cave bear, the largest breed of lion to ever live, and the herds of shaggy elephants that once covered North America. Ice Age Imperials explores how today’s animal life compares to its extinct Ice Age relatives, and about the way of life of the earliest peoples, the Paleo-hunters, that once inhabited North America. It will also provide a rare opportunity to “touch the Ice Age.” For more information on Ice Age Imperials or the History Museum of Mobile, please call 251.301.0266. August 1 – August 12 “Cinderella - The Musical” – The Playhouse in the Park presents the original musical on Fridays and Saturdays at 7:30 pm and Sundays at 2:30 pm. Tickets are $16 for adults and $14 for children, students and seniors. Enchanting special effects bring this beloved fairy tale to life in a colorful, rags-to-riches romp perfect for the whole family! Reservations are recommended; please call 251-602-0630 for details. August 1-25 Pop Up Yoga - Pop-Up Yoga at The Shoppes will be held every Saturday beginning July 21 through August 25 at 9:15 a.m. at The Shoppes of Bel Air. The hour-long classes are instructed by Nonie Taul, owner of Naturally Strong Nonie, and additional instructors from her studio. Classes are family-friendly and open to all ages and fitness levels. Attendees will be offered water and light snacks. August 2 21st Annual Cool White Linen Night Join us for a fun filled summer evening with food, auction, live music and dancing to benefit Via. Cost is $100 per person. Located at The Steeple, downtown Mobile. August 2 MARC – Art 2018 - Marc-Art is an exhibition and sale of artwork created by people with developmental disabilities. Some artwork and pottery are created in

collaboration with local volunteer artists. Located at Azalea Manor at 6pm. Tickets are $25. August 2-4 21st Annual Jennifer Claire Moore Foundation Professional Rodeo - Come and watch some of the nation’s professional cowgirls and cowboys compete for top prize money. Scheduled competition events include bareback and saddle bronc riding, bull riding, calf roping, breakaway roping, steer wrestling, team roping and barrel racing. A big-time rodeo, with a small town feeling with all new Rodeo entertainment, reserved preferred seating options, and a Kids Zone – there’s fun for the whole family! $15 adults, $8 children (ages 3-12), Kids 2 and under are free. Reserved Preferred Seating: $35. City of Foley Horse Aren August 4 Pelican Paddle - Pelican Paddle is a fun, family-oriented, 3Pelican Paddle is a fun, family-oriented, 3.5-mile canoe, kayak and paddle board race that’s open to all ages and skill levels. Plus, there’s a seven-mile pro option for the serious paddlers, and a non-competitive, guided Eco-Tour of Weeks Bay. It is a spectacular setting on beautiful Weeks Bay, for spectators and racers alike. Beginning at 7:30am at 11410 US Hwy 98, Fairhope, AL. For more information visit http:// August 5 Save-A-Sole 2 Mile Run/Walk - Please bring gently used shoes and unused race shirts to donate to the Waterfront Mission. Location is Providence Hospital, Building B. August 6 Founders Day at Bellingrath Gardens and Home - Walter Duncan Bellingrath, founder of Bellingrath Gardens and Home, was born August 6, 1869. Join us to celebrate Mr. Bellingrath’s 149th Birthday! By tradition, on this date, free Gardens admission is offered to local residents (Mobile and Baldwin Counties).


as Rowell as Professor Henry Higgins, Stacey Driskell as Eliza Doolittle, William Watts as her father Alfred Doolittle, Jackson Henson as Freddy Eynsford-Hill, Mark Wyatt as Colonel Pickering and a great supporting cast. Opening Night is August 10 for a three week-end run. Call 457-8887 or go to for more information and to reserve your place for this memorable event. August 14 Coffee with a Cop - The Nix Center program “Coffee With a Cop” enables everyone to meet face to face with a Fairhope police officer to ask questions and learn about how to deal with scams, fraud, and other issues of interest. The program is held on the second Tuesday of each month at 9 a.m. This event is open to the public, so bring your friends and neighbors! Call 928-2835 for more information.

August 4 Pelican Paddle - Pelican Paddle is a fun, family-oriented, 3.5-mile canoe, kayak and paddle board race that’s open to all ages and skill levels. Plus, there’s a seven-mile pro option for the serious paddlers, and a non-competitive, guided Eco-Tour of Weeks Bay. It is a spectacular setting on beautiful Weeks Bay, for spectators and racers alike. Beginning at 7:30am.

August 18 Anchored Beach Fest - Free family friendly event from 3pm to 8pm. Community of churches, businesses, non-profits coming together to celebrate community. Worship, music, food and retail vendors, non-profit resource information. Needed: sponsors for the event, food and retail vendors, lodging donated for speakers and musicians, non-profits to share their resources and volunteers for the event. The event is hosted by Orange Beach United Methodist Church. For more information, contact Renee Smith, 213-7223. August 18 Sounds of Summer Concert - Please join in the fun and entertainment every Saturday night at Pelican Place at Craft Farms for our Sounds of Summer Concerts from 6-8pm. For more information, contact Dara 251 968-1480.

August 30 20th Annual Alabama Chef Challenge A Challenge to End Hunger! We invite you to celebrate with us. Join us for a night of culinary magic as some of the area’s most celebrated chefs come togethAugust 7 er to fight hunger in their community Crime Prevention 5K Run/Walk - Race along with a little friendly competition. to benefit Mobile Police Department. With your support of Chef Challenge, we Beginning at 6:30pm at Bienville Square. look forward to continuing and innovating our hunger-relief programs and August 10-26 services that provide meals to those in “My Fair Lady” Musical - Chickasaw Civneed throughout our 24-county, tri-state ic Theatre opens the 2018-19 season with service area. Guests must be 21 and over. what has been described as “the perfect Tickets are $75. For more information musical”, the Tony Award-winning My contact Haley Buchanan, hbuchanan@ Fair Lady. And director Michael Box may have assembled the perfect cast - Thom-

August 14 Coffee with a Cop - The Nix Center program “Coffee With a Cop” enables everyone to meet face to face with a Fairhope police officer to ask questions and learn about how to deal with scams, fraud, and other issues of interest. The program is held on the second Tuesday of each month at 9 a.m. This event is open to the public, so bring your friends and neighbors! Call 928-2835 for more information.


If you have an event you would like listed in the Bay Area Christian Family Community Calendar Email to: subject line-Calendar

August 2018 25

A bout O u r A dve rti s e r s Avon South LLC – 6920 Airport Blvd, Mobile, AL, 251-607-0320

Chris Elliott for State Senate –

Central Christian School – 17395 Hwy 104 W, Robertsdale, AL, (251) 947-5043,

Golden Rule Gym – 4807 Princeton Drive, Mobile, AL, (251) 533-7932

Christopher Mullenix, DMD, MD, Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery 715 Downtowner Blvd, Mobile, 251-4713381, Community Insurance Partners – 7308 Cottage Hill Road, Mobile, AL, 251-635-0989, Spiro Cheriogotis for District Court Judge Eastern Shore Lanes – 10460 Eastern Shore Blvd., Spanish Fort, AL 36527, (251) 625-3400,

C las s i f i eds



Support us by supporting them. Hacienda San Miguel - 880 Schillinger Road, Mobile, AL, 251-633-6122,

Neighborhood Pest Control Service – (251) 533-4749

Shane Hale, Bellator Real Estate & Development – (251) 370-8812, shane@ Goldfingers –, Jason’s Fitness – 3724 Cottage Hill Rd, Greer’s – Locations throughout Mobile Mobile, AL, 251-391-1234, and Baldwin Counties, Lighthouse Restaurant - 12495 County The Gulf Bowl – 2881 S. Juniper St., Road 23, Irvington, AL, Foley, AL, (251) 943-4575, www.gulfbowl. 251-824-2500 com LPC Services, Behavioral Health Hansen Heating & Air – Two locations Specialists – 605 Bel Air Blvd, Suite 10, to best serve you – Mobile, 251-471-3047 Mobile, AL, (251) 478-5050, and Eastern Shore, 251-210-1493, McKemie Place – Heritage Funeral Home – 953 S. Broad St, Mobile, AL, 251-525-9000, Mobile Christian School – 5900 Cottage Hill Road, Mobile, AL, (251) 661-1613,

3:31:08 PM

Palmer’s Toyota Superstore - 470 Schillinger Road South, Mobile, AL, 251-6390800, Pickett Orthodontics – 6611 Wall Street, Mobile, 251-607-0110, Premier Medical Group – The Ravenite Pizzeria – 102 N. Section Street, Fairhope, AL, (251) 929-2525, Reliable Sitting Service – (251) 622-2487 Roly Poly – 3220 Dauphin St, Mobile, AL, 251-479-2480 Spring Hill Baptist Church – 2 S. McGregor Ave, Mobile, AL, 251-342-5320, www. Two Men and a Truck – Mobile & Baldwin Counties, (251) 316-5977 and (251) 424-1259, University of South Alabama Football – 6001 USA Drive South Suite 35, Mobile, AL, (251) 414-8274, Volunteers of America SouthEast – 1204 Hillcrest Rd, Mobile, AL, 251-338-1297,

Free Pick-up and tax receipt. 83 Call (251) 602-14 ils ta de for & appointment for pick-up.

S u pport G rou p s

Al-Anon Meetings Al-Anon offers help and hope to families and friends of alcoholics. New Life Al-Anon meets MWF at 12:00 at Westminster Presbyterian Church, 2921 Airport Blvd. Courage to Change Adult Children Al-Anon meets Mondays 5:30 p.m. at Activities Bldg. Room 232 Spring Hill Baptist Church, 2 South McGregor. Searching For Serenity Adult Children AlAnon meets Saturday 11:00 a.m. at Activities Bldg. Room 240, Spring Hill Baptist Church, 2 South McGregor. For meeting information call 251-639-5858.

Alzheimer’s/Dementia Support Group (South Alabama)- 3rd Tuesday of every month from 6 to 7pm. No entrance or support fees associated with the group. VIA Senior Center, 1717 Dauphin Street, Mobile, 36604. For Meeting information call 251.776.5999.

17176 Greeno Rd, Fairhope, Al, 36532

Positive Parenting Discovery Group every Tuesday from 7-8 pm Exchange Club Family Center, 3101 Interat Christ Anglican, 3275 Halls Mill Rd, Mobile, national Drive, Suite 701, Mobile, AL 36606, Al, 36606 (251) 479-5700

Discovery Group every Thursday at 7 pm at Widowed Persons Group Alzheimer’s Dementia Support Group- Touch- Wings of Life, 800 St. Louis Street, Mobile, Al, Dauphin Way Baptist Church, 3661 Dauphin 36602 Street, Mobile, AL 36608 ing Hearts Senior Care, 3rd Tuesday of each Group meets Wednesdays at 3:30 pm Month, 11am-12pm, 3263 Demetropolis, 251-342-3456 Ste10, Mobile, AL 36693, 251.455.4204, no fee Divorce Recovery Support Group – all invited 6101 Grelot Road, Mobile, AL 36609 Widowed Persons Service of Greater Mobile Grief groups and “Building a New Life” Compassionate Friends Grief Support Group – (251) 342-0462 group offered at different times and in several 1507 Dauphin Street, Mobile, AL 36604, (251) Hours: 6 p.m. - 7:30p.m. every Wednesday locations. Call the WPS office for info. 1204 471-1511 Hours: 6:30 p.m., 2nd Tuesday of Alzheimer’s Support Group (Fairhope)- Thom- each month Mom’s Day Out – Hillcrest Rd. Mobile, AL, 251-470-6866 as Hospital Wellness Center, 750 Morphy First Baptist Church, 806 Government Street Avenue, Fairhope, AL 36533 Childcare in Downtown for working Moms (251) 660-5661 and Dads, (251) 432-6513, ext. 22, Hours: 7:30 Discover Groups The groups below help individuals battling ad- am - 5:30 pm, Monday through Friday, ages 8 Does your organization offer a support group Alzheimer’s Disease Support Group (Mobile)- diction, coping with divorce, suffering from a weeks to 4 years E.A. Roberts Alzheimer’s Center, 169 Mobile loss and co-dependency. This is done through for the Bay Area? Infirmary Blvd., Mobile, AL (251) 435-6950 Mom’s Support Group a Christ-centered and Bible based approach. Tell us! Send your information to: Hours: 2nd Thursday of every month from 10 Exchange Club Family Center, 3101 to 11 am New - Discovery Group starting Monday, De- tional Drive Ste 701, Mobile, AL 36606, (251) to be listed in upcoming issues cember 7th from 7-8 pm at Graceport Church, 479-5700 Hours: 1-2:30 p.m. Thursdays

26 Bay Area Christian Family

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