Bay Area Christian Family - October 2018

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October 2018



Financial Guide

Alabama’s Bengal

Stressed OUT!

Dre Kirkpatrick




O u r M i s s ion is a part of The Christian Family Publication, Inc., celebrating 18 years of Good News

Bay Area Christian Family ® exists to provide Christians and the community at large with ways to grow and develop as a part of the Bay Area’s Christian Family. The local publication is designed to promote positive living by sharing with readers the latest news on entertainment, healthy living, parenting and inspirational literature as well as what individuals and organizations are doing to try to address the needs of the family.


Publisher/Editor: Melissa K. McElroy, (251)680-8589 Bay Area Christian Family Contributing Writers: Judy Woodward Bates Timothy Benson Tony Cooper Veronica Davis Christina Gibson Jason Greene

Chef Lucy Greer Shane Hale Dr. Billie J. McConnell Janet R. Pittman Terry Schrimscher

Art Director: Hope Chastain, H­­bcDesigns Sales and Marketing: Melissa McElroy, Will McElroy Cover Photo: Courtesy Dre Kirkpatrick’s 21 Kids Foundation, Associated Press Bay Area Christian Family s published monthly in Mobile & Baldwin counties by MKM Publishing Inc., 8320 Goldmine Oaks Drive E, Mobile, AL 36619. The phone number is 251-680-8589. Reproduction of any part of Bay Area Christian Family without permission of the publisher is prohibited. Distribution of this magazine does not constitute an endorsement of information, products or services. Views expressed in Bay Area Christian Family do not necessarily represent those of the publisher. Every effort has been made by Bay Area Christian Family staff to insure accuracy of the publication contents. However, we do not guarantee the accuracy of all information nor the absence of errors and omissions; hence, no responsibility can be or is assumed. All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2018 by MKM Publishing Inc. Unless otherwise noted, scripture taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version, copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of International Bible Society. Circulation & Distribution: 10,000 copies of Bay Area Christian Family are printed each month. Bay Area Christian Family is free and available at targeted high traffic locations in Mobile and Baldwin counties. Copies are also available by mail, $25 for one year. POSTMASTER: Send change of address to Bay Area Christian Family, 8320 Goldmine Oaks Drive E, Mobile, AL 36619


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P u bli s h e r

Improving Your Christian Walk

Getting started in a devotional walk with God is simple. It only requires our obedience and persistence. It’s vital to our relationship with God that we learn to ask for help, relinquish control and surrender to His will in everything we do. Daily thoughts about God and meditations with God need to be a spiritual routine in everyday life as Christians. Our relationship with God has much in common with our relationship with friends and family. When we demonstrate effort and commitment in our relationships, they flourish. When neglected or abandoned, they suffer and decline. As with any relationship, listening plays a very important part. God is a great listener, are you? God is the author of our life as He has written the chapters well before they are played out. Are your chapters filled with devotional and spiritual time with God? God desires our intimacy, relationship and trust. Through daily devotions we are able to give him that undivided attention. I encourage you to draw closer to the heart of God by building a deeper relationship with Him! Devotions help us stay focused on God. As the season changes to Fall, this is a perfect time to find

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that perfect spot outdoors and have some intimate one-on-one time with God on a daily basis. Through devotional time with God, you will improve your Christian walk. It’s simple… give it a try! Blessings,

Melissa K. McElroy

P u bli s h e r

Melissa K. McElroy, President of MKM Publishing, Inc. resides in Mobile, Alabama and owns Bay Area Christian Family publications. She has been married to her high-school sweetheart, Will, for 26 years and they have two children, Grant age 21 and Anna age 19. Melissa received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Public Relations & Marketing at the University of South Alabama in 1994.

and Her husband, Cpt. William C. McElroy, Jr., has served over 26 years in the US Army and is currently employed with CPSI. They are active members of Spring Hill Baptist Church in Mobile. For more information on Bay Area Christian Family, contact Melissa at (251) 680-8589 or

Melissa has more than 20 years of advertising experience with Mobile Bay Monthly, “I Do…” for Alabama Brides

October 2018 3

102 N. S ECTION S T . (251)929-2525


4 Bay Area Christian Family

October 2018 DEPARTMENTS

Con ten ts

Volume 10, Number 3

3 From the Publisher • Improving Your Christian Walk 9 Bargainomics


Former Alabama football star and current NFL Cincinnati Bengals player Dre Kirkpatrick returns home to Alabama to serve children in need. See page 14.

13 Bullying: Signs, Symptoms & How Parents Can Help 19 The Most Important Financial Guide - YOU!

9 Potluck • Lucy’s Hot Conecuh & Black Eyed Pea Dip 11, 12 Encouraging Word • 3 Ways to Strengthen Your Christian Walk • Cooler Weather 13 Parenting Points • Stressed Out! 17 Senior Scene • Have You Fallen Lately?


18 Healthy Living • 1 on 1 with Jason Greene: You’ve Got to Move! 19 Money Matters • The Most Important Financial Guide - YOU! 21 Family Matters • Bullying: Signs, Symptoms & How Parents Can Help! 24 Coloring Page 25 Calendar 26 Ad Directory 26 Support Groups


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6 Bay Area Christian Family




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October 2018 7

B argai nom ic $

P otluck

Curling Rug Edges

Lucy’s Hot Conecuh & Black Eyed Pea Dip

If you have a rug that just refuses to lay flat, there’s an easy way to solve the problem: use adhesive Velcro. You can buy strips or dots in any craft or sewing store or department. Each piece has two halves with adhesive backing. Adhere pieces evenly along the underside of the rug and press the coordinating halves to the floor directly beneath the pieces attached to the rug. These will hold the rug in place and can be removed when the rug finally “learns” to stay flat on its own.

Remove Tub and Sink Stains

If there are stains in your tubs or sinks, no commercial product will work any better than this simple household combination. Mix equal parts of cream of tartar and baking soda with lemon juice, thick enough to form a paste. Use a soft cloth to rub the mixture into the stain. Let set for 30 minutes; then rinse.

Easy Pumpkin Bread

Here’s the simplest recipe ever for pumpkin bread. You can also add your own extra touches, like chopped pecans or walnuts, raisins, or dried cranberries. For the basic recipe, you’ll need: (A) 1 cup of margarine; (B) 3 cups of sugar; (C) 3 eggs; (D) 3 cups of all-purpose flour; (E) 3 tsp. of baking powder; (F) 1 ½ tsp. of baking soda; (G) 1 ½ tsp. of each: nutmeg, cloves, and cinnamon; and (H) a 15-oz. can of pumpkin. Combine all the dry ingredients except the sugar and set aside; cream together the margarine and sugar. Gradually mix in the dry ingredients; then slowly blend in the pumpkin. Divide the mixture in half and bake in two 9x5 greased loaf pans. Bake in a preheated 350-degree oven for about one hour or until a toothpick inserted into the middle comes out clean. Places the pans on a cooling rack for at least 10 minutes before trying to remove the bread from the pans.

Closing Thoughts

We spend an awful lot of time trying to impress other people, don’t we? But look what the word of God has to say: “Don’t worry about making a good impression” (Colossians 3:12b, Living Bible). No matter whom we “catch up with” socially or financially, there will always be someone else ahead of us. And even if we achieved every success in these areas, this fulfillment would be a hollow victory at best. As children of the Living God, we are to seek God above all else. We are to spend our time telling others about Him, living out a Christ-like lifestyle before them, and, like Jesus, “regard one another as more important than” ourselves (Philippians 2:3b, NASB).


½ lb Conecuh sausage 1 cup chopped Vidalia onions 1 whole jalapeno pepper, finely chopped 3 whole garlic cloves, finely chopped 30 oz canned black-eyed pea ½ cup roasted red pepper, drained and finely chopped ½ cup sour cream 2 teaspoon hot sauce ¼ teaspoon black pepper 2 cups shredded cheddar cheese


Heat oven to 375 degrees. Heat a large skillet over medium high heat. Add Conecuh and sauté for 5-10 minutes, until nicely browned. Remove Conecuh to drain on a paper towel. Add a little olive oil to skillet if needed. Add onions, jalapeno, and garlic to hot skillet. Reduce heat to medium and cook until softened, 8 minutes. Remove from heat. Add drained black eyed peas to a large bowl. Using a fork, mash peas up, but leave some chunks. Add roasted red peppers, sour cream, hot sauce, salt and black pepper to peas. Mix until combined. Add Conecuh, onion mixture, and 1 cup of the cheddar cheese. Mix until combined. Spray a baking dish with non-stick cooking spray. Add dip and spread out evenly. Top with remaining 1 cup of cheddar cheese. Bake for 35 minutes or until hot and bubbly. Serve with Fritos or tortilla chips. — Chef Lucy Greer Greer’s Market & Catering

— Judy Woodward Bates Want Judy to speak to your church, civic organization, or ladies’ group? You can contact her and follow her on her website, www., as well as Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.

October 2018 9

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10 Bay Area Christian Family

E ncou r ag i ng W or d 3 Ways to Strengthen Your Christian Walk

The term “Christian Walk” refers to living out your faith. It involves one’s daily lifestyle and includes your personal belief system, behavior and conversation. The hymn, “Trust and Obey,” says it best; “When we walk with the Lord in the light of His Word what a glory He sheds on our way. When we do His good will, He abides with us still and with all who will trust and obey.” I want to mention three ways we can strengthen our Christian Walk: 1. Submit. Submission means to yield to the power or authority of another; to be humbly obedient. James 4:7 says, “Submit therefore to God. . . ” I Peter 5:16 says, “Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you at the proper time.” We are to submit our wills to God’s will. Jesus said in Matthew 16:24, that one would have to “deny himself.” John the Baptist said that “he must decrease that Jesus might increase.” And Jesus’ prayer in the Garden said, “not my will, but Thy will be done.” 2. Be Sensitive to God’s Leading. Sensitive means to be easily affected; highly responsive; attentive. As Christ-followers we need to be attentive and responsive to the Holy Spirit’s direction. I Corinthians 3:16 says, “. . . you are a temple of God, and the Spirit of God dwells in you.” Ephesians 5:18 says, “. . . be filled with the Spirit.” Galatians 5:16 adds, “walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh.”

3. Be Serious about Serving God. Serious is to be sincere; characterized by deep thought; somber disposition; focused. Jesus instructs Christians to stay focused on Him; to follow Him; and to be faithful. This requires discipline, dedication and determination. How we live is important. Our lifestyle reflects what we believe. Make sure your Christian Walk is strengthened by submission to God’s will; sensitivity to God’s leading; and remaining serious about serving God! — Tony Cooper Celebrating Tony Cooper’s Celebrating 28 Years of Service as Exec. Director, upcoming 25 years of service to the Jimmie Hale Mission Jimmie Hale Mission


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251-661-4615 October 2018 11

E ncou r ag i ng W or d

Cooler Weather Another day dawns in Mobile, Alabama. Even though it is almost officially “Fall” the high temperature was 96 degrees yesterday. A solid 10 degrees above normal. Inside I scream, “It wasn’t 96 degrees in August”! On the outside though, I am calm and silent. Hot or not, what a stunning sunrise.

In “God’s creation” nothing misses a beat. In fact, it runs so flawlessly that a sunrise, or a sunset, can be predicted in Mobile, Alabama to the exact minute... 10,000 years in advance. We can’t predict what is going to happen in “our creations” in the next 30 seconds.

I take it in for a moment before snagging a photo. Then just like I do every morning, I hopefully check the ten-day weather forecast on my phone to see if it is on the way and... nothing. No cooler days in sight. Today and this week it is just going to be hot, again.

Ponder that prior paragraph, and ponder this ... If God can create, manage and maintain the vastness of a universe then it stands to reason that placing our faith and confidence in Him to guide our tiny, but eternal, lives while on this earth is a solid decision. Further, how could any plan we dream up for ourselves possibly compare to the individual plan that God created for each of us, his most magnificent creations, to fulfill for His Kingdom in this life?

Nevertheless, even though I am unsure of the arrival time, I know there are cooler days in my future. I have 100% faith and confidence that God has put them there and even though there is no evidence on the horizon, they are coming. I know this because “God’s creation”, unlike “our creations”, runs flawlessly. “Our creations” are an exercise in ultimate futility. We spend our days, and sometimes nights, trying to manage every detail of our lives, our home, vehicles, family, relationships, career, etc. The list is endless. However, no matter how hard we try, no matter how hard we work to maintain it all, “things” still happen. Something breaks, wears out, falls apart, comes off the rails, someone disappoints us, or we disappoint them. It’s inevitable. We think we control so much in our life but in reality, we control so little. All the while “God’s creation” hums along like a predictable well-oiled machine. The universe stays in order, the planets remain in perfect orbit, the earth keeps spinning, gravity keeps working, the seasons keep changing and the sun rises every morning without fail. Some mornings it’s just beautiful.

12 Bay Area Christian Family

The only thing God waits for from us is our permission. Our permission to go to work in us, in our lives, to fix our broken. Then ultimately through us, to reach others with an offer to fix their broken. That’s how it works. It took me 46 years of “my way” and lots of broken things to finally give Him the keys to my life, but I did. Is it problem free today? Hardly. But it is exponentially better in so many ways. For that I am thankful. Just like I am thankful that cooler days are ahead ... Get in the boat. Do your part.. — Shane Hale Hale is a “redeemed & re-purposed professional baseball player” working as a Realtor with Bellator Real Estate & Development. Through writing he shares his faith to encourage and inspire others to seek God’s plan for their lives. Visit and subscribe to his blog at

P ar e nti ng P oi nts

Stressed Out! Work, bills, family, church, school, house, traffic, technology, social media . . . it all adds up to constant stress. As adults, many of us may feel like we know how to cope with all of these stressors . . . or maybe not . . . but, what we are seeing is that our children are now stressed out and they aren’t prepared to cope. It is hard for us to believe, but with all of our attempts to “make them happy”, today’s students are actually more stressed than any other generation. Dr. Robert Leahy, Director of the American Institute of Cognitive Therapy, stated that teens today have the same level of anxiety as a psychiatric patient did in the 1950s (Leahy, 2008). Anxiety and depression are all on the rise for our high school students and, in a recent study, 94% of college students described their life as “overwhelming.” (Elmore T. , 2015) So, what is happening? We protect them, we advocate for them, we stay connected, we give them direction, and we organize their activities. We give them everything they need and want. What could it be? I wonder. What could it be? The answer is really not simple, but, perhaps, part of the problem is the way we are raising our children. I don’t believe that we are fully to blame, but I think we have to carefully look at the barriers and opportunities that our students have to develop their strengths that we remove by doing it for them. As Dr. Tim Elmore states, “We’ve prepared the path for the child instead of the child for the path” (Elmore T. D., 2018). A few years ago, I attended a conference and a number of VP’s from a large organization were speaking. They began sharing with us that when a college graduate comes to interview for the corporate job, that it is not unusual for them to be accompanied by . . . guess who . . . mom. Now, this wasn’t mom giving their child moral support and waiting in the lobby, mom was in the interview. Then they shared that if they did happen to give that person a job (the graduate, not mom) that it was mom calling a year later if their child didn’t get a raise. Some of you are thinking that couldn’t happen and some of you are wondering why that is a problem. It is true and it is a problem. But, my question is why did the graduate let mom come in to the interview?

have every opportunity to develop, that they get the grades to get into college, that we actually remove all the barriers that would allow them to develop into the people that we hope they will become. They never learn to be their own advocates. And perhaps, we remove the barriers that will allow them to develop into the people God designed them to be. Ultimately, they never learn to deal with life and it becomes overwhelming. I am not a psychologist, I am an educator, but I hope to explore the issue with you over the next few issues. I believe it is a topic that is too important to ignore. I know that we all want our children to learn to cope with life, but we especially want them to learn to deal with life by depending on God. — Dr. Billie J. McConnell, Head of School, Mobile Christian School 5900 Cottage Hill Road, Mobile, AL, 36609 251-661-1613,

I believe that Dr. Elmore is correct. We spend so much time today trying to make sure that nothing can harm our child,that they won’t fail, that they


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October 2018 13

Doing the

Next Right Thing

“Life is about doing the next right thing.” As a player on two national title teams at the University of Alabama, Dre Kirkpatrick heard this statement more than once from his football coach, Nick Saban. “You don’t focus on winning the game or the title, you focus on winning the moment. You do the next right thing. Success will take care of itself,” remembers Kirkpatrick. For D’Andre LaJuan “Dre” Kirkpatrick, doing the right thing extends far beyond the football field. A Gadsden, Ala. native, Kirkpatrick recently treated a group of local children to a back to school shopping spree. Giving back is so important to Kirkpatrick, he made underprivileged children the focus of his charity, Dre Kirkpatrick’s 21 Kids Foundation. Dre Kirkpatrick started his charity, Dre

Before the start of football season, Kirkpatrick came home to Kirkpatrick’s 21 Kids Foundation, to give Gadsden and personally took the group of children shopping for back to children in his hometown of school clothes and shoes. He gave each child a $250 allowance. Gadsden, support underprivileged youth and offer a message of faith and hope to For Kirkpatrick, who grew up in the Oakleigh neighborhood, giving back is a message of hope. “I always wanted to give back children who need to know there is a way forward in life. because that’s what my dad always preached to me. My Foundation’s purpose is giving kids another outlook on life. Letting them know school is cool. Getting an education is the thing to do. I want to be the face of the youth and let them know there’s a way out,” says Kirkpatrick. The Oakleigh neighborhood, which he calls “The Oak,” plays a role in his tale of childhood adversity. On a tour with visiting reporters from Cincinnati, where he now plays football for the Cincinnati Bengals, he

14 Bay Area Christian Family

Dre Kirkpatrick’s childhood had some positives too. His father is a local pastor who instilled a sense of faith in him from a young age and his mother gave him a strong work ethic as well. Today, his father serves as an advisor for his charity and still preaches every Sunday. “At a very young age I was taught the importance of having faith and that became very important to me,” says Kirkpatrick. “I understand that man gives the award, but God gives the reward.” Kirkpatrick has earned a lot of awards. Coming out of high school, he was ranked a five-star recruit and The Sporting News recently placed him on a list of best high school players of all time. In college, he played for two BCS championships and was named an All American in three different ranking services. He left Alabama after his junior season and was drafted in the first round by the Cincinnati Bengals in the 2012 NFL draft.

Photos courtesy Dre Kirkpatrick’s 21 Kids Foundation

pointed out numerous drug houses on his street and the house next to his where children were gunned down in a drive by shooting. “The Oak” inspired him to work harder and it inspires him to bring a positive message to children in similar situations.

After earning many honors for his football play at Gadsden City High School and the University of Alabama, the Cincinnati Bengals drafted Dre Kirkpatrick in the first round of the 2012 NFL Draft- where he still plays today.

Success is more than football, however. Kirkpatrick has arranged charity basketball games in Cincinnati and speaks at schools when he can but, he says, he rarely talks to students about football. “Education is just as important as the game. I can’t stress that enough,” he says. “There’s a quote out there that says, ‘Where the mind goes, the body will follow.’ You also have to be willing to listen and remain teachable. There is something to be learned every day.” Kirkpatrick says the lesson applies to himself as well. As a father, he has a 12-year-old son and a daughter due later this year. He stresses the importance of a willingness to learn. “Personally, I’m learning new things every day, so I’m constantly working on myself, to be better at all things,” he says. “Being a better father, a better son, a better athlete, a better person, just a better human being.” — Terry Schrimscher Kirkpatrick learned the value of a strong family life from his father, Charles Kirkpatrick, pastor of United Christian New Beginning Ministry Church and his mother Kim. He is seen here with his son D’Andre.

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October 2018 15

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16 Bay Area Christian Family

S e n ior S ce n e

Have You Fallen Lately? How’s your balance? Do you fall frequently?Take a simple balancing test. Go barefoot. Grab a clock with a second hand or hit the timer on your cell phone. Place your right hand on a bath or kitchen counter and bend your left knee which will pull up your left leg. You can either hold knee at a 45 degree angle or try and hit your butt. Slide your hand from the counter and stand one-footed for as long as possible. Note the time. How many minutes can you stand tall and straight before toppling? If you hit the 5 minute mark, congratulations. If you only last less than a minute, you may be on your way for a fall, provided you have not had a bad one already. According to the Center for Disease Control, falls are the leading cause of accidental death for those 65 and older. In order to fight this statistic and prolong your life, you must improve your balance. The best way to improve your balance is by strengthening the core of your body. Your core is the area of your torso, actually from your shoulders down to the top of your hips, or lower pelvic area. Your core holds the center of your personal gravity to lift, sit, stand, lie down or bend over. When your core is not strong, your balance is off. When your balance is off, your confidence is diminished and you are unsure of yourself, making it easy to give in to a fall. You stand tall and straight with a strong core; you are in alignment having good posture. Tammy Wise, a widely respected mind-body fitness expert and practitioner of holistic healing and Tao minister practicing in New York City. In her article Strengthen Your Will To Align, she explains one must recognize the importance of their posture. “Posture”, she states, “is the first thing that cues you in on how you feel”. Weak posture leads to imbalance which leads to lack of confidence which leads to a fall. Strengthening your body core also ensures a strong mind. Core building exercises shoots demands for actions to the cerebellum, the area of the brain in the back of your head next to the brain stem. The cerebellum area acts as a computer, processing information for a quick and clear response involving your balance, equilibrium, muscle coordination and positional awareness. Strengthening your core improves your brain health, your brain’s ability to quickly think on your feet, correcting actions and movement, thereby preventing falls. A strong core tightens abdominal muscles to support the diaphragm permitting deeper and fuller breathing, allowing more oxygen to circulate in your blood finally reaching then penetrating the capillaries in your brain flooding it with nutrients. So how do you strengthen your core? Power walking, running especially—as much as you can do, jiggles all your core organs and muscles. Over time they become strong and synergize to strengthen your core. Plus, aerobic and brain exercises help create and develop your brain cells to be quick on your feet for snap balancing decisions. Any exercise though helps to build core muscles. General sit ups, 5 to 10 to 50 per day, are a great start. Yoga and Pilate exercising concentrates mainly on developing core inner strength. But you don’t have to go out and join a health club or hire a personal trainer. Improve your balance by having a strong body core and with a strong core, you will have good brain health which will help prolong your life and prevent falls! — Janet Rich Pittman Brain Health Specialist Former Dementia Administrator and Practitioner,

October 2018 17

H ealthy L ivi ng presented by: Jason’s Fitness

1 on 1 with Jason S. Greene: You’ve Got to Move! Fall is in the air and it is almost time to put on a nice big sweater. So, did you have a great Summer? Did you go to the beach and show off that body you worked so hard for last Winter? “No, but this year is going to be different!” You exclaim with the sound of determination in your voice. This year you are going to quit eating everything that tastes good, start running 10-miles a day and lift everything in sight until you lose all of that flab! Only one problem. That is exactly what you told yourself last year, and the year before that. You see drastic doesn’t work. It never has and it never will. Drastic is just not sustainable. As boring as it may sound you are going to have to make slow consistent changes to not only get the body you want, but more importantly, to stay in the body you want to have for the rest of your life. What do you do, what do you do? Glad you asked! First and foremost you have to move. That’s right, start moving. Were you expecting me to outline some workout routine that is guaranteed to whip you into shape in two weeks or less? Wake up “Toto” we are not in Kansas anymore. This is the real world and there are no quick fixes, so move. Walk you dog, chase your kids, park further from the front door, and take the stairs instead of the elevator. When a commercial comes on TV, get up, walk around the house for two minutes before the show comes back on. Stand up when you are on the phone and pace around, instead of sitting around. Just move, because movement burns calories and burning calories makes you leaner. Is this going to make you look like a fitness model? No, but it is a start, and more importantly it is a sustainable habit. You will find as you start to move you will want to move more. Remember objects in motion tend to stay in motion. As you become more comfortable moving you can then transition to the things that really add up like taking longer walks, resistance training, using a treadmill, elliptical or exercise bike, etc. Having been in the fitness industry for over 38-years, the biggest mistake I see people make is trying to do too much, too soon, only to give up in frustration. One of the things I tell all of my fitness coaches is, “As important as it is to push clients, sometimes it is even more crucial to know when to pull in the reins and slow them down, in order to avoid burn out and/or injury.” Second you have to change your eating habits. Not drastically, but slowly and simply, because you have to be able to live with these changes. I am only going to give you a couple of tips to start with. Start drinking a minimum of ten glasses of water a day and make sure you drink a glass before every meal. Eat three medium size apples a day, one before each of your largest meals along with the glass of water. If you don’t like apples pick another fruit, oranges, pears, a cluster of grapes, just make sure it’s fresh. The reason this method works is simple. I didn’t take anything away from you. I didn’t tell you not to eat all of the things that you already know you shouldn’t be eating. This is a trick I use on myself. If I ever tell myself no more sweets, guess what I crave? On the other hand, if I tell myself “You can have a cookie, but first you have to eat an apple and drink a glass of water” I never feel deprived and more importantly, I don’t want the cookie. Start making these simple changes and by next Summer you will be the first one in the pool! — Jason S. Greene E-mail your question to You can see this exercise and many others demonstrated at! Disclaimer: One on One with Jason aims to provide general fitness and exercise information. Advice offered may not be applicable to all individuals and does not constitute medical, health or scientific fitness advice. People have different needs, abilities and levels of health. It is recommended that all readers consult a medical professional before beginning any form of exercise, participate in any physical fitness or sports training program or undertake any form of health plan, nutrition program, or weight loss diet---especially if you have been inactive most of your life, suffer from obesity, or have any health problems.

18 Bay Area Christian Family

M on ey M atte r s

The Most Important Financial Guide - YOU!

Finding a balance to achieve your goals is what any financial professional should discuss with you. Many people want to know the secret to financial success. Whether they should be saving more, protecting more, investing more, spending less… everyone wants a magic bullet to set them on the road to financial success. The hard part is - I can’t give that to them. At Thrivent Financial, we believe the key is to have discussions with your family and loved ones about what priorities are most important to you. Our members come to us around a shared goal of being wise with money and living generously, and we aim to help them live this every day in their lives. Whether it’s saving for a child’s college education, supporting a favorite charity, building retirement strategies or a combination of all of those and more, each financial strategy should be driven by one person: You. With our members in the driver’s seat, we offer guidance based on sound and timeless principles, including:

Spend less than you earn.

This is critical. No one can live beyond their means forever and all bills - credit card, mortgage, home equity loans and others - eventually come due. Being wise with money means having the ability to be prudent with the resources you already earn.

Be wise with debt.

Debt isn’t something to be avoided at all costs. Some debt can be healthy and a way to broaden and strengthen your future - both inside and outside your financial picture. Mortgages, student loans and car loans can all be entered into and serve as a part of a healthy financial strategy but need to be managed carefully and effectively.

Protect against setbacks.

Even the best financial strategies can be derailed by a sudden accident or death if not properly protected. Life insurance, disability insurance and long-term care insurance can all work as protection against the worst scenarios and help ensure that you and your family are taken care of.

Have a plan.

Whether it’s funding college, retirement, emergency savings or a new car, these are all great goals for families and individuals to set for themselves. The key to reaching these goals is to develop a strategy that maximizes current resources and helps minimize overall risk. For example, when it comes to drawing down money WHATEVER YOUR in retirement, it’s important to plan for the short-term while keeping your family’s FINANCIAL GOALS ... long-term financial strategy in mind. We’ll help you reach them. Thrivent Financial offers a full range of products, services Give back. and tools to help you achieve financial security, including: At Thrivent Financial, we work with our members to ensure that generosity is a life-long financial strategy that doesn’t just occur once someone accumulates “enough” to give. We want to support our members’ efforts to positively impact their families and communities through programs and opportunities that enable them to live generously.

Many people are looking for a silver bullet when it comes to finances. The most important part is to be true to yourself, your family and your goals. These five pillars can guide you but it’s ultimately up to you to shape your financial future. — Christina Gibson (251) 281-7312 and Timothy Benson (251) 709-0315, Financial Associates, Thrivent Financial. For more information, please visit Thrivent is a not-for-profit financial services organization that helps Christians on the wise with money journey. As a mission-driven, membership-owned organization, it offers its more than 2 million members and customers a broad range of financial products, services and guidance to help them obtain a life of contentment, confidence and generosity.

• • • •

Life insurance • Health insurance • Retirement options Mutual funds • Retail brokerage • Managed accounts Annuities • Estate and legacy strategies Education funding options

We’ll create a financial strategy that reflects your goals and values. Christina Gibson Financial Associate 251-281-7312 AR License 7823662 Timothy Benson Financial Associate 251-709-0315 90 McKeough Avenue • Ste C • PO Box 961 Saraland, AL 36571 Insurance products issued or offered by Thrivent Financial, the marketing name for Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, Appleton, WI. Not all products are available in all states. Securities and investment advisory services are offered through Thrivent Investment Management Inc., 625 Fourth Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55415, a FINRA and SIPC member and a wholly owned subsidiary of Thrivent. Thrivent Financial representatives are registered representatives of Thrivent Investment Management Inc. They are also licensed insurance agents/producers of Thrivent. Investment advisory services, including fee-based financial planning services, are available through qualified investment advisor representatives only. For additional important information, visit 20328 R4-18 • 800-847-4836

October 2018 19

Save the Date

This is


33 rd

This Is Christmas Preview

Saturday, December 8, 2018 4:00 p.m. & 7:00August p.m.29 7:05 P.M. Choir Suite Sunday, December 9, 2018 4:00 p.m. th

S p r i n g H i l l B a p t i S t C H u rC H

2 South McGregor Avenue | Mobile, AL 36608 | 251-342-5320 | Dr. Rob Hatfield, Pastor Love GOD | Love EACH OTHER | Love THE WORLD

20 Bay Area Christian Family

F am i ly M at te r s

Bullying: Signs/Symptoms & How Parents Can Help Now that school is back in session, it is time to talk about peer pressure and bullying. When discussing this topic with my 7th grader named Jarrett, he came up with some excellent advice. Below are a few warning signs that Jarrett and I put together to help parents recognize if their child is being bullied and suggestions for how parents/ grandparents can help.

Warning Signs/Symptoms:

• Complains about going to school • Talks about kids being mean (either in general or mean toward them) • Easily irritated at home • Drop in grades and social interactions • Depression – feeling sad, low energy, isolates • Talks about being transferred to another school • Displays increased aggression • Experiencing night terrors and/or bed wetting • Gets offended easily by jokes • Looks angry, sad, or worried when going to school or when leaving school

Tips for Helping Your Child:

• Resist the urge to rescue your child or fix the situation for them. • Monitor you child’s social media and discuss any signs of bullying behavior. • Listen and allow your child to discuss their experience with you. • Empower them by using this as an opportunity to teach conflict resolution skills. • Give personally examples of how you have successfully dealt with bullies in your past or present. • Encourage your child to tell the counselor, principle, or trusted teacher. • Help her/him recognize the strategies they used to successfully defuse the bullying behavior. • Praise your child’s efforts for resolving their own conflict successfully. PARENTS: Whatever you do, try your best to control your emotions. “Momma Bear” and “Papa Bear” responses can make the situation worse for your child. Just remember, your verbal, emotional, and physical responses will have a significant impact on how your child copes with this current conflict and her/his future conflicts. Here are a few added tips for parents if the bullying behavior becomes to sever for your child to handle themselves: • Discuss the conflict with your student’s teacher and how the behavior has escalated. • Ask the teacher for suggestions on how your student can help resolve the conflict. • Schedule a teacher/parent conference to also include the parents of the student that is exhibiting the bullying behavior. • Place all communications to the teacher in writing and send a carbon copy to the school’s counselor and the principle. Make sure to follow-up in the same manner to acknowledge that the conflict has been resolved and thank them for their assistance. — Veronica Davis Veronica Davis is a Licensed Professional Counselor and Certified Addictions Therapist. She has over 15 years of clinical counseling experience and is the CEO of LPC Services, LLC located in Mobile, Ala. She enjoys working with individuals, couples, and families seeking to make improvements in their lives. You can contact Veronica Davis at (251) 478-5050 or visit her website at


3220 DAUPHIN STREET, MOBILE (251) 479-2480 October 2018 21

Where is God at Work in Your Business? Let Us Tell Your Story! COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP OPPORTUNITY IN





Change Lives: Directly impact the ability of Bay Area Christian Family magazine to reach more people in your community who need the Good News of Jesus Christ.






Brand Awareness: Recognition as a company that supports the spread of Good News in our community and helps bring attention to the good things that are happening in our community- especially the great things God’s people are doing to glorify Him! n e a potential Recruitment Tool: Platform to share with the community and specifically, rs of good employees, the core values of your company, how you do business and the kind of employees you would like to add to your team.

How the Partnership Works: Your company recognized in multiple media platforms including print, internet and radio as a Community Partner with Bay Area Christian Family in reaching people with the Good News of Jesus Christ! • Listed as Community Partner in print and digital issues of the magazine (12 issues) with logo and web link. • Recognized as a Community Partner on Home Page of magazine website, with your company logo and a link to your site (12 months) • Included in Bay Area Christian Family Social Media posts recognizing your company as a Community Partner who is helping reach people in our community with Good News. • Right to use Bay Area Christian Family Community Partner Logo on your company ads, print materials and website. • Copies of the magazine available to you each month to display and/or distribute. FOUNDATION LEVEL PARTNER: Half Page Color Space in 12 issues of Bay Area Christian Family- print and digital. Your Investment: $7500, due at time of commitment. Limited to 10 Foundation Partners. LEGACY LEVEL PARTNER: Full Page Color Space in 12 Issues of Bay Area Christian Family- print and digital. Your Investment: $12,000, due at time of commitment. Limited to 6 Legacy Partners. COMPLIMEN

MARC H 2018

Use your space each month for: • Brand awareness advertising • To tell your story of how God is at work in your business. • Encourage and show other companies ways to live out the Great Commission in their businesses and in the community. • Spotlight individuals within your company or community who live out their Christian faith in the work place. • Feature ministry and/or non-profit your business supports.


MAY 201 8






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22 Bay Area Christian Family

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Vision Center 4807 Princeton Drive Mobile, AL 36618 For More Information Contact Charlotte Perdue (251) 533-7932

October 2018 23

C olor i ng P age

24 Bay Area Christian Family

OCTOBER 2018 Calendar October 1-14 Birds of Flight - The Mobile Delta region is home to one of the most bio-diverse areas of our country. These populations are further enhanced seasonally, by the Mobile area’s placement near the major Mississippi Flyway, giving our local community a unique opportunity to encounter a rich diversity of avian species throughout the year. This exhibit will highlight native species and migratory visitors to the region through an immersive exhibition of photography, hands on experiences, and a slate of educational programming of relevance to Gulf Coast Region. Located at the Gulf Coast Exploreum Science Center & IMAX Theater, hours are 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. General Admission/Free for members

and 20mm guns firing and the men defending the ship. On the field we will have the L-Birds, WWII airplanes. The pilots will conduct air maneuvers and landings throughout the day. Admission: Included in regular admission: children 5 and under are Free, children 6-11 are $6 and children 12 through adults $15. For more information call 251-433-2703.

performances, from Thursday, Oct. 11, to Saturday, Oct. 13. The rain date is Sunday, Oct. 14. For more information, call The PACT at 251-307-5056, or email office@

October 18-20 Greek Fest 2018 - The Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church’s Greek Festival, a Mobile tradition for over 50 years! October 6 Come share in our food, music, heritage Mobile Animation Film Festival - Mobile and market at our 55th annual Greek Museum of Art is hosting the first annual street party! OPA! All three days, the HelMobile Animation Film Festival. Lead by lenic Dancers will be performing on stage the Animation Department at the Univer- live, Greek music can be enjoyed, and the sity of South Alabama, MAFF’s goal is to Church will be open for guided tours. As present the best of student, national, and always, the food, desserts, and libations international animation to the commuare sure to please, and the handmade baknity of Mobile, AL. Program is free and lava and assorted Greek pastries boxed to museum admission is waived for those go! And if you can’t make it inside, don’t attending the program. SCHEDULE: hesitate to visit our Curb Side Drive Thru 12:00-1:00 National/International Shorts for takeout! In the market there’s plenty 30 min break 1:30- 2:30 Student Shorts of Greek wine, Greek jewelry, paintings, Introductions by organizer, Karl Jahnke, clothing, imports, and more available in Assistant Professor of Animation at the our indoor marketplace as well. Daily, University of South Alabama. PLEASE 11am - 10pm. Admission: Daily, $5. October 1 – November 3 NOTE: This program will contain adult Weekend passes available: $10 - $12. Seward Family Maze - Join Seward Food for purchase. Located at 50 S. Ann Farms for our 2018 Season! Six Saturdays content. Persons under 18 must be accompanied by an adult.Please RSVP: Street, Mobile, AL. you won’t want to miss! Open days only 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. Field Trips: mobile-animation-film-festival-rsvp/ October 27 Monday-Thursday by reservations only. The 9th Annual “Shirley Looney MemoContact (228) 641-3936 for more details. October 7 rial” Car Show - This annual event will 88th Annual Port City Battle of the be Held at Dauphin Way Baptist Church. October 1-31 Bands - The 8th Annual Port City Battle Registration opens at 8:00 am. Entry Fee Thriller Nights of Light - Enjoy this of the Bands featuring the Talladega is $20 if received by October 18, and $25 drive-thru laser and light show synchronized to frightening and fun music. From Tornadoes vs the Stillman Tigers. Special day of show. Awards include Shirley’s 7pm to 10pm nightly. Admission is $6 per invited guests also include Vigor, Blount, Choice, Best of Show PLUS $250 Cash, person, 3years and under free. Located at Williamson, B.C. Rain, and LeFlore High Best Paint, Best Interior, Best Engine, Top Schools. Performances by Bianca Clarke 30 and Sponsor Awards. 25 or more venMobile Bay Bears Stadium parking lot. and Erica Washington-Graddy. The event dors selling unique and quality items for will be held at Ladd-Peebles Stadium. the entire family. Hamburgers and hot October 5 dogs will be grilled on site and for sale. Chip In For A Cause - Heron Lakes October 7 FREE event open for the public to attend, Country Club - 4 Person Scramble ben5 Rivers Outdoor Market - Local, hand- and is a benefit for student ministry efitting the Campaign for Youth, Seniors made arts & crafts, farmer’s market, and missions and summer camp scholarships. and Families. Hearin-Chandler Family unique nature inspired items from the For more information, email carshow@ YMCA, Moorer YMCA and North Cypress Gift Shop at 5 Rivers. Admission, or call Dauphin Way Baptist Mobile YMCA. Registration at 8am and Church at 251-342-3456, and ask for Shotgun start at 10pm. Awards Reception is free and the event will be from 12:304:30pm. Robin. We hope to see you there. and Hors D’oeuvres Provided after the Game. Four person entry $500 and single October 28 player entry $125. For more information October 11-13 Once On This Island at Bellingrath McKemie Place Boots & Jazz Brunch visit Gardens and Home - Enjoy an outdoor – Come enjoy a wonderful dinner and performance of “Once on This Island,” a auction with testimonials by women who October 6 fairytale musical, on the Great Lawn at have been involved with McKemie Place. Living History Crew Drill - Come see Bellingrath Gardens and Home. The show Entertainment by Roman Street. Tickets history come to life as our WWII historis produced by The PACT, a new perare $125 and sponsorship levels are availical reenactors board the battleship USS able. Call 251-432-1122 to reserve your ALABAMA and submarine USS DRUM. forming arts organization in Mobile. A limited number of seats will be provided, ticket today. See how men lived aboard these naval vessels. Be on the deck of the ALABAMA and guests are encouraged to bring their own chairs, or a blanket. Tickets are at 1:00 p.m. for “call to battle stations” and witness a mock battle attack with real available at the door, or online at thepactvintage airplanes. You will see the 40mm The show will have three


October 4 Think Pink Tea The USA Mitchell Cancer Institute will host a free community celebration of breast cancer awareness featuring a runway fashion show by survivors and information fair. It will take place on 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. at the Mobile Convention Center Ballroom. For any questions or concerns contact

October 1 – 31 Pumpkin Patch Express & Scary Night Trains at Wales West - Ride an authentic steam train, enjoy decorating your pumpkin, refreshments, miniature train ride; slight fee for cannon, petting zoo, pony ride. Playground, café, and gift shop. Kid friendly day train, scary night train. Fridays, 5 to 9 PM, Saturdays and Sundays, 1 to 9 PM. Nightly beginning Oct. 24th - Oct. 31st. Admission: $15 per person, plus tax; 2 and under, Free.

October 31 Trunk or Treat – Moffett Road Baptist Church – Wear your favorite costume. Begins at 6pm with the bouncy house and a hotdog snack supper. Trunk or Treat will begin at approximately 6:30pm. For more information contact the church office at 251-342-0563. The church address is 5555 Moffett Road, Mobile, AL.


If you have an event you would like listed in the Bay Area Christian Family Community Calendar Email to: subject line-Calendar

October 2018 25

A bout O u r A dve rti s e r s Andress Jewelry, LLC – 21 ½ Saraland Goldfingers – Blvd, Saraland, AL, (251) 675-9020, www. Greer’s – Locations throughout Mobile and Baldwin Counties, Christopher Mullenix, DMD, MD, Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery The Gulf Bowl – 2881 S. Juniper St., 715 Downtowner Blvd, Mobile, 251-471- Foley, AL, (251) 943-4575, www.gulfbowl. 3381, com Community Insurance Partners – 7308 Cottage Hill Road, Mobile, AL, 251-635-0989, Eastern Shore Lanes – 10460 Eastern Shore Blvd., Spanish Fort, AL 36527, (251) 625-3400, Flipped Out Kitchen – 7765 Airport Blvd, Suite 120, Mobile, AL, (251) 375-1733, Golden Rule Gym – 4807 Princeton Drive, Mobile, AL, (251) 533-7932

C las s i f i eds



Brandy Hambright for Circuit Court Judge – Vote November 6 Hansen Heating & Air – Two locations to best serve you – Mobile, 251-471-3047 and Eastern Shore, 251-210-1493, Heritage Funeral Home – 953 S. Broad St, Mobile, AL, 251-525-9000, Hacienda San Miguel - 880 Schillinger Road, Mobile, AL, 251-633-6122,

Support us by supporting them. Shane Hale, Bellator Real Estate & Development – (251) 370-8812, shane@, Jason’s Fitness – 3724 Cottage Hill Rd, Mobile, AL, 251-391-1234,

Neighborhood Pest Control Service – (251) 533-4749

Lighthouse Restaurant - 12495 County Road 23, Irvington, AL, 251-824-2500

Palmer’s Toyota Superstore - 470 Schillinger Road South, Mobile, AL, 251-6390800,

LPC Services, Behavioral Health Specialists – 605 Bel Air Blvd, Suite 10, Mobile, AL, (251) 478-5050,

Pickett Orthodontics – 6611 Wall Street, Mobile, 251-607-0110, Premier Medical Group –

NuView Counseling – 1120 Hillcrest Road, Suite 2G, Mobile, AL, (251) 4013560,

McKemie Place – Printed T-Shirts & More – 7985 Tanner Williams Road, Mobile, AL, (251) 633Mobile Christian School – 5900 Cottage 0300, Hill Road, Mobile, AL, (251) 661-1613, PureVine Health Care – (251) 622-2487 Moffett Road Baptist Church – 5555 Moffett Road, Mobile, AL, (251) 3420563,

3:31:08 PM

The Ravenite Pizzeria – 102 N. Section Street, Fairhope, AL, (251) 929-2525, Roly Poly – 3220 Dauphin St, Mobile, AL, 251-479-2480 Spring Hill Baptist Church – 2 S. McGregor Ave, Mobile, AL, 251-342-5320, www. Thrivent Financial – Christina Gibson and Timothy Benson, Agents – 90 McKeough Ave, Suite C, Saraland, AL, (251) 281-7312 for Christina and (251) 709-0315 for Timothy, Two Men and a Truck – Mobile & Baldwin Counties, (251) 316-5977 and (251) 424-1259,

Free Pick-up and tax receipt. 83 Call (251) 602-14 ils ta de for & appointment for pick-up.

S u pport G rou p s

Al-Anon Meetings Al-Anon offers help and hope to families and friends of alcoholics. New Life Al-Anon meets MWF at 12:00 at Westminster Presbyterian Church, 2921 Airport Blvd. Courage to Change Adult Children Al-Anon meets Mondays 5:30 p.m. at Activities Bldg. Room 232 Spring Hill Baptist Church, 2 South McGregor. Searching For Serenity Adult Children AlAnon meets Saturday 11:00 a.m. at Activities Bldg. Room 240, Spring Hill Baptist Church, 2 South McGregor. For meeting information call 251-639-5858.

Volunteers of America SouthEast – 1204 Hillcrest Rd, Mobile, AL, 251-338-1297,

Alzheimer’s/Dementia Support Group (South Alabama)- 3rd Tuesday of every month from 6 to 7pm. No entrance or support fees associated with the group. VIA Senior Center, 1717 Dauphin Street, Mobile, 36604. For Meeting information call 251.776.5999.

17176 Greeno Rd, Fairhope, Al, 36532

Positive Parenting Discovery Group every Tuesday from 7-8 pm Exchange Club Family Center, 3101 Interat Christ Anglican, 3275 Halls Mill Rd, Mobile, national Drive, Suite 701, Mobile, AL 36606, Al, 36606 (251) 479-5700

Discovery Group every Thursday at 7 pm at Widowed Persons Service of Greater Mobile Alzheimer’s Dementia Support Group- Touch- Wings of Life, 800 St. Louis Street, Mobile, Al, Grief groups and “Building a New Life” 36602 group offered at different times and in several ing Hearts Senior Care, 3rd Tuesday of each locations. Call the WPS office for info. 1204 Month, 11am-12pm, 3263 Demetropolis, Hillcrest Rd. Mobile, AL, 251-470-6866 Ste10, Mobile, AL 36693, 251.455.4204, no fee Divorce Recovery Support Group – all invited 6101 Grelot Road, Mobile, AL 36609 Compassionate Friends Grief Support Group – (251) 342-0462 1507 Dauphin Street, Mobile, AL 36604, (251) Hours: 6 p.m. - 7:30p.m. every Wednesday 471-1511 Hours: 6:30 p.m., 2nd Tuesday of Alzheimer’s Support Group (Fairhope)- Thom- each month Mom’s Day Out – as Hospital Wellness Center, 750 Morphy First Baptist Church, 806 Government Street Avenue, Fairhope, AL 36533 Childcare in Downtown for working Moms (251) 660-5661 and Dads, (251) 432-6513, ext. 22, Hours: 7:30 Discover Groups The groups below help individuals battling ad- am - 5:30 pm, Monday through Friday, ages 8 Does your organization offer a support group Alzheimer’s Disease Support Group (Mobile)- diction, coping with divorce, suffering from a weeks to 4 years E.A. Roberts Alzheimer’s Center, 169 Mobile loss and co-dependency. This is done through for the Bay Area? Infirmary Blvd., Mobile, AL (251) 435-6950 Mom’s Support Group a Christ-centered and Bible based approach. Tell us! Send your information to: Hours: 2nd Thursday of every month from 10 Exchange Club Family Center, 3101 to 11 am New - Discovery Group starting Monday, De- tional Drive Ste 701, Mobile, AL 36606, (251) to be listed in upcoming issues cember 7th from 7-8 pm at Graceport Church, 479-5700 Hours: 1-2:30 p.m. Thursdays

26 Bay Area Christian Family

. escaping an abusive relationship. And still others are trapped in a struggle with drugs. But when single, homeless women have nowhere else to turn, they can turn to us. We provide meals, a bed to sleep in and most importantly, a safe place to be. We are McKemie Place, a shelter serving single, homeless women in Baldwin, Mobile and Washington counties (AL). But we cannot do it without the generous and ongoing support of those who care. We hope you will be one of those people. On October 28th, 2018, join us for our annual Boots and Jazz Brunch in support of McKemie Place. Corporate sponsorship opportunities are available.

Sunday, October 28, 2018 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Entertainment by Roman Street Tickets are $125.

Call 251.432.1122 to reserve your ticket today!

Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me. Matthew 25:40

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