2012/13 Season Guide - Bavarian State Opera

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Bavarian State Opera

2012­—2013 Season Guide

Partners The Citizens of the Free State of Bavaria Season Sponsor

Main Sponsors BMW Niederlassung München – Munich Opera Festival Dr. h.c. Irène Lejeune – Bavarian State Ballet Sal. Oppenheim – Bavarian State Orchestra Project Sponsors AUDI AG Roland Berger Strategy Consultants BMW Niederlassung München Linde AG Loyalty Partner GmbH Siemens AG UBS Deutschland AG UniCredit Group Rudolf Wöhrl AG Premium Circle Atlantik Networxx AG, Audi AG, BayernLB, BayWa AG, Ludwig Beck AG, Roland Berger Strategy Consultants, LA BIOSTHETIQUE PARIS, BMW Group, BR-KLASSIK, Clifford Chance, EADS Deutschland GmbH, GE Central Europe, HERMES ARZNEIMITTEL GmbH, Knorr-Bremse AG, Linde AG, Linklaters LLP, Loyalty Partner GmbH, Merck Finck & Co, Privatbankiers, Munich Re, Rudolf und Rosemarie Schels, Siemens AG, St.Galler Kantonalbank Deutschland AG, Stadtsparkasse München, Süddeutsche Zeitung, UBS Deutschland AG, UniCredit Group, Oliver Wyman Patron Circle ALR Treuhand GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft, Baker & McKenzie, Bank Julius Bär Europe AG, Beck et al. Services GmbH, Willy Bogner, Bürklin OHG, CLEVIS Group, Rolf und Caroli Dienst, EVISCO AG, Herbert und Claudia Graus, Marianne E. Haas, Dr. Peter und Iris Haller, Iris und Kurt Hegerich, Nikolaus und Ingrid Knauf, leasing.de AG, Gisela und Ulfried Maiborn, Zubin und Nancy Mehta, Nachmann Rechtsanwälte, Riedel Holding GmbH & Co. KG, PD Dr. Dr. Hans und Monika Rinecker, Dr. Schnell Chemie GmbH, TSBG GmbH, Dr. Susanne und Dr. Karl Heinz Weiss Inner Circle Marlene Ippen, Eugénie Rohde, Marion Schieferdecker, Susanne Wamsler, Swantje von Werz, Adelhaid Winterstein Partners 3

Ballet Circle Christa Haindl, Dr. Peter und Iris Haller, Michaela Heilbronner, Integra Treuhandgesellschaft mbH, Dr. h.c. Irène und Erich J. Lejeune Classic Circle Anjuta Aigner-Dünnwald, Axis Re Europe, Benoist & Company GmbH, Böhmler Einrichtungshaus GmbH, Chris und Veronika Brenninkmeyer, Peter Graf von Brühl, Hotel Cristal GmbH, Konsul Otto Eckart, Field Fischer Waterhouse LLP, Günter Fleischmann, Hans-Peter und Marian­ne Frericks, Katja und Matthias Geier, Goodrich, gr_consult gmbh, Dr. h. c. Rudolf und Angelika Gröger, Christa B. Güntermann, Hannover Leasing GmbH & Co. KG, Herrenbach Apotheke, Hofbräu München, Oliver Holy, Dorothea und Hans Huber, Dirk und Marlene Ippen, Sir Peter Jonas, Feinkost Käfer Verwaltungs- und Beteiligungs KG Michael Käfer, Wolf-Otto und Renate Kranzbühler, Jutta und Bernd Kraus, Klaus Josef und Martina Lutz, Dr. Joachim und Annedore Maiwald, Prof.  Dipl.-Ing. Georg und Ingrid Nemetschek, nova reisen GmbH, Oberbank AG, Dr. Leonhard und Gertrud Obermeyer, Oligomo Management GmbH, Orpheus Opernreisen, Franz und Katharina von Perfall, Peters, Schönberger & Partner, Dr. Helmut Röschinger, Schaeffler Holding GmbH & Co. KG, Dr. Bernhard und Jacqueline Schaub, Christian Schottenhamel, Dr. Stefan Schulz-Dornburg, Dr. Jürgen und Dr. Elisabeth Staude, Juana und Otto Steinmetz, Dr. Martin und Eva Steinmeyer, Süd-Chemie AG, Umzüge Braun, Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Klaus Volk, Wacker Chemie AG, Marianne Waldenmaier, Juwelier Wempe, Familie Wickenhäuser, Wirsing Hass Meinhold, Xenium AG Campus Circle Dieter und Elisabeth Boeck Stiftung, Erika Kaufmann u. Rolf und Caroli Dienst, Vera und Volker Doppelfeld-Stiftung, Dr. Joachim Feldges, Wilhelm von Finck Stiftung, Iris und Kurt Hegerich, Marco Janezic, Silke und Klaus Murmann, nova reisen GmbH, Ingeborg Pohl, Eugénie Rohde, Dr. Helmut Röschinger, Dr. Kurt und Chiona Schwarz, Dr. Jürgen und Dr. Elisabeth Staude, Dr. Martin und Eva Steinmeyer, The Opera Foundation, Susanne Wamsler, Georg und Swantje von Werz Patrons Campus Freunde Freunde des Nationaltheaters München e.V. Freunde und Förderer der Musika­l ischen Akademie des Bayerischen Staatsorchesters e.V. Freundeskreis des Bayerischen Staatsballetts Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Münchner Opern­festspiele e.V.

For more information on the possibilities of supporting the Bavarian State Opera please contact: Bavarian State Opera Development Prof. Maurice Lausberg, Melanie Firley T +49.(0).89.21 85 10 16 F +49.(0).89.21 85 16 40 development@staatsoper.de

Partners 4

Jacques Offenbach Les Contes d’ Hoffmann ������������������������ 27

Opera premieres

Jörg Widmann Babylon ��������������������������������������������������������������� 8 Giuseppe Verdi Rigoletto ������������������������������������������������������� 9 Modest Mussorgsky Boris Godunow ������������������������������������������� 10 Engelbert Humperdinck Hänsel und Gretel ��������������������������������� 11 Giuseppe Verdi Simon Boccanegra ������������������������������������� 12 Giuseppe Verdi Il trovatore ����������������������������������������������� 13 George Benjamin Written on Skin ����������������������������������������� 14

Opera Repertoire

Ludwig van Beethoven Fidelio ������������������������������������������������������������� 16 Vincenzo Bellini I Capuleti e i Montecchi ������������������������� 17 Georges Bizet Carmen ����������������������������������������������������������� 18 Gaetano Donizetti L’elisir d’amore ����������������������������������������� 19 Lucrezia Borgia ���������������������������������������� 20 Antonín Dvořák Rusalka ��������������������������������������������������������� 21 Engelbert Humperdinck Hänsel und Gretel ����������������������������������


Leoš Janáček Jenůfa ������������������������������������������������������������ 23 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Die Entführung aus dem Serail �������� 24 Don Giovanni ���������������������������������������������� 25 Die Zauberflöte �������������������������������������� 26


Francis Poulenc Dialogues des Carmélites �������������������� 28 Giacomo Puccini La bohème ���������������������������������������������������� Madama Butterfly �������������������������������� Tosca ������������������������������������������������������������� Turandot ����������������������������������������������������

29 30 31 32

Gioachino Rossini Il barbiere di Siviglia ��������������������������


Johann Strauß Die Fledermaus ���������������������������������������� 34 Richard Strauss Ariadne auf Naxos

�������������������������������� 35

Giuseppe Verdi Aida ���������������������������������������������������������������� Don Carlo ���������������������������������������������������� Falstaff �������������������������������������������������������� Macbeth �������������������������������������������������������� Otello ������������������������������������������������������������ La traviata �������������������������������������������������

36 37 38 39 40 41

Richard Wagner Der fliegende Holländer �������������������� Lohengrin ���������������������������������������������������� Parsifal �������������������������������������������������������� Tannhäuser ������������������������������������������������ Tristan und Isolde �������������������������������� Der Ring des Nibelungen ����������������������

42 43 44 45 46 47

Ballet Premieres


José Limón / Léonide Massine Forever Young �������������������������������������������� 56

Academy Concerts ��������������������������������������������


Special Concert ���������������������������������������������� 79 Terence Kohler Helden ������������������������������������������������������������ 57 Merce Cunningham / Richard Siegal Exits and Entrances ������������������������������

Chamber Music Concerts

������������������������������ 80

OctoberMusicFestival 2012 ������������������������������ 82 58 Munich opera Festival

Ballet Repertoire

Opera and Ballet Performances ���������������������� 88 Frederick Ashton La Fille mal gardée �������������������������������� 60 Frederick Ashton / Kenneth MacMillan Steps & Times ����������������������������������������������� 61

Lied Recitals ���������������������������������������������������� 90 Festival Concerts  ��������������������������������������������� 91 Opera for all ���������������������������������������������������� 94

Jiří Kylián Zugvögel �������������������������������������������������������� 62 Service

John Neumeier Illusionen – wie Schwanensee ���������� 63 Der Nussknacker ������������������������������������ 64

Guided Tours of the National Theatre ���������� 97 Opera Shop / Publications ������������������������������ 98

Marius Petipa / Patrice Bart La Bayadère ������������������������������������������������ 65 Jerome Robbins / Jiří Kylián Goldberg-Variationen / Gods and Dogs 66

www.staatsoper.de ������������������������������������������ 100 Advance Booking ��������������������������������������������� 101 Seating Plans and Price Categories ���������������� 104

Jerome Robbins / Terence Kohler Goldberg-Variationen /  Once Upon An Ever After �������������������� 67

Addresses �������������������������������������������������������� 109 Calender ������������������������������������������������������������� 110

BallettFestivalWeek 2013 �������������������������������� 68 Imprint ������������������������������������������������������������� 116 Terpsichore-Gala XI ���������������������������������������� 69 Guest Performance Michailowsky Ballet, St. Petersburg ��������������������������������������������������


Matinees Heinz Bosl Foundation /  Junior Company  ����������������������������������������������� 71


Bavarian State Opera

Tradition, continuity and an impressive repertoire: these are the solid pillars supporting the Bavarian State Opera – one of the world’s leading opera houses. It can look back proudly on a cultural history of over 350 years. Thanks to a court tradition, opera found a home in Munich in 1653; since then its music-historical and sociopolitical development has continued in a way unparalleled anywhere else, worldwide. The Bavarian State Opera, with some 600,000 persons attending its over 300 performances each year, makes a major contribution to Munich’s reputation as one of the great international cultural capitals. In the course of a single season, over 30 operas from five centuries are performed along with ballets, concerts and song recitals. This makes the programme of the Bavarian State Opera one of the most richly varied performance schedules of all the international opera houses. Celebrating Giuseppe Verdi‘s 200th birthday in 2013, the Bavarian State Opera will present three new interpretations of operas by the Italian composer. Rigoletto, Simon Boccanegra and Il trovatore are among the seven premieres of the 2012/13 season. In addition, the programme includes the world premiere of Babylon, a new work by Jörg Widmann, as well as Modest Mussorgsky‘s Boris Godunow, a new interpretation of the fairytale opera Hänsel und Gretel and Written on Skin by George Benjamin, an opera which has just been completed.


Jörg Widmann * 1973

Babylon Opera in seven tableaus • 2012 Libretto by Peter Sloterdijk Conductor Kent Nagano Production Carlus Padrissa – La Fura dels Baus Stage Designer Roland Olbeter Costume Designer Chu Uroz Lighting Designer Urs Schönebaum Visuals Franc Aleu Chorus Sören Eckhoff

— Seele Claron McFadden — Inanna Anna Prohaska — Tammu Rainer Trost — Priesterkönig Willard White — Euphrat Gabriele Schnaut — Skorpionmensch Kai Wessel — Ezechiel N.N. — Septette (Planeten, Tage) Iulia Maria Dan, Golda Schultz, Silvia Hauer, Kenneth Roberson, Dean Power, Tim Kuypers, Tareq Nazmi

Work commissioned by the Bavarian State Opera National Theatre Sat 27.10.12 19:00 h Ticket prices M Premiere Wed 31.10.12 19:00 h Ticket prices L Sat 03.11.12 19:00 h Ticket prices L Tue 06.11.12 19:00 h Ticket prices L Sat 10.11.12 19:00 h Ticket prices L — Sun 21.07.13 19:00 h Ticket prices L Ticket prices in Euros L 163 / 142 / 117 / 91 / 64 / 39 / 15 / 11 M 193 / 168 / 142 / 117 / 90 / 64 / 16 / 14

Partner of the World Premieres of the Bavarian State Opera

World Premiere

Giuseppe Verdi 1813 — 1901

Rigoletto Opera in three acts (4 tableaus) • 1851 Libretto by Francesco Maria Piave after Victor Hugo’s Le Roi s’amuse Conductor Marco Armiliato 15. / 19. / 21. / 25. / 28. / 30. Dec / 24. Jul Fabio Luisi 17. / 20. Jul Production Árpád Schilling Stage and Costume Designer Márton Ágh Lighting Designer Christian Kass Chorus Stellario Fagone

— Il Duca di Mantova Joseph Calleja — Rigoletto Franco Vassallo — Gilda Patricia Petibon 15. / 19. / 21. / 25. / 28. /  30. Dec / 17. Jul Patrizia Ciofi 20. / 24. Jul — Sparafucile / Monterone Dimitry Ivashchenko — Maddalena / Giovanna Nadia Krasteva — Marullo Tim Kuypers — Borsa Matteo Dean Power 15. / 19. / 21. / 25. /  28. / 30. Dec  Francesco Petrozzi 17. / 20. / 24. Jul — Il Conte di Ceprano Christian Rieger — Usciere Goran Jurić

National Theatre Sat 15.12.12 19:00 Premiere Wed 19.12.12 19:00 Fri 21.12.12 19:00 Tue 25.12.12 18:00 Fri 28.12.12 19:00 Sun 30.12.12 18:00 — Wed 17.07.13 19:00 Sat 20.07.13 19:00 Wed 24.07.13 19:00

h Ticket prices M h h h h h

Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket

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h Ticket prices L h Ticket prices L h Ticket prices L

Ticket prices in Euros L 163 / 142 / 117 / 91 / 64 / 39 / 15 / 11 M 193 / 168 / 142 / 117 / 90 / 64 / 16 / 14



Modest Mussorgsky 1839 — 1881

Boris Godunow Opera in four parts • 1869 Text by Modest Mussorgsky after Alexander Puschkin Conductor Kent Nagano Production Calixto Bieito Stage Designer Rebecca Ringst Costume Designer Ingo Krügler Lighting Designer Michael Bauer Chorus Sören Eckhoff

— Boris Godunow Alexander Tsymbalyuk — Fjodor Yulia Sokolik — Xenia Eri Nakamura 13. / 17. / 20. / 23. / 27. Feb /  02. Mar Anna Virovlansky 26. / 30. Jul — Xenia’s Nurse Heike Grötzinger — Prince Schujskij Gerhard Siegel — Andrej Schtschelkalow Markus Eiche — Pimen Anatoli Kotscherga — Grigorij Otrepjew Sergej Skorokhodov — Warlaam Vladimir Matorin — Missail Ulrich Reß — Innkeeper Okka von der Damerau — Imbecile Kevin Conners — Boyar Dean Power — Nikititsch Goran Jurić — Mitjuch Tareq Nazmi — Brevet Major Christian Rieger

National Theatre Wed 13.02.13 19:00 h Premiere Sun 17.02.13 17:00 h Wed 20.02.13 19:00 h Sat 23.02.13 19:00 h Wed 27.02.13 19:00 h Sat 02.03.13 19:00 h — Fri 26.07.13 19:30 h Tue 30.07.13 19:00 h

Ticket prices M Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket

prices prices prices prices prices

Ticket prices L Ticket prices L

Ticket prices in Euros L 163 / 142 / 117 / 91 / 64 / 39 / 15 / 11 M 193 / 168 / 142 / 117 / 90 / 64 / 16 / 14

sponsored by



Engelbert Humperdinck 1854 — 1921

Hänsel Und Gretel Fairytale Opera in three tableaus • 1893 Libretto by Adelheid Wette Conductor Tomáš Hanus Production Richard Jones Stage and Costume Designer John Macfarlane Children’s Choir Stellario Fagone

— Peter, Besenbinder Alejandro Marco-Buhrmester — Gertrud Janina Baechle — Hänsel Tara Erraught — Gretel Hanna Elisabeth Müller — Die Knusperhexe Rainer Trost

National Theatre Sun 24.03.13 19:00 Premiere Wed 27.03.13 19:30 Mon 01.04.13 18:00 Thur 04.04.13 19:00 Sun 07.04.13 19:30

h Ticket prices L * h h h h

Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket

prices prices prices prices

Ticket prices in Euros K 132 / 115 / 95 / 74 / 52 / 30 / 14 / 10 L 163 / 142 / 117 / 91 / 64 / 39 / 15 / 11 * Family performance


K K* K K

Giuseppe Verdi 1813 — 1901

Simon Boccanegra Opera in a prolog and three acts (five tableaus) • 1881 Libretto by Francesco Maria Piave (1857), extensions by Giuseppe Montanelli after Simón Boccanegra by Antonio García Gutiérrez, new version by Arrigo Boito (1881) Conductor Bertrand de Billy Production and Stage Designer Dmitri Tcherniakov Costume Designer Elena Zaytseva Lighting Designer Gleb Filshtinsky Chorus Sören Eckhoff — Simon Boccanegra Željko Lučić — Amelia Grimaldi Krassimira Stoyanova — Jacopo Fiesco Vitalij Kowaljow — Gabriele Adorno Ramón Vargas — Paolo Albiani Levente Molnár — Pietro Goran Jurić

National Theatre Mon 03.06.13 19:00 Premiere Thur 06.06.13 19:00 So 09.06.13 18:00 Wed 12.06.13 19:00 Sat 15.06.13 19:00 — Fri 12.07.13 19:00

h Ticket prices M h h h h

Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket

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h Ticket prices L

Ticket prices in Euros L 163 / 142 / 117 / 91 / 64 / 39 / 15 / 11 M 193 / 168 / 142 / 117 / 90 / 64 / 16 / 14 Coproduction with the English National Opera London.

sponsored by


Giuseppe Verdi 1813 — 1901

Il trovatore Opera in four acts (8 tableaus) • 1853 Libretto by Salvadore Cammarano, extensions by Leone Emanuele Bardare, after El trovador by Antonio García Gutiérrez Conductor Paolo Carignani Production Olifour Py Stage and Costume Designer Pierre-André Weitz Chorus Sören Eckhoff

— Earl Luna Alexey Markov — Leonora Anja Harteros — Azucena Elena Manistina — Manrico Jonas Kaufmann — Ferrando Kwangchul Youn — Inez Golda Schultz

National Theatre Thur 27.06.13 19:00 Premiere Mon 01.07.13 19:00 Fri 05.07.13 19:00 Mon 08.07.13 19:00

h Ticket prices M h Ticket prices M h Ticket prices M h Ticket prices M

Ticket prices in Euros M 193 / 168 / 142 / 117 / 90 / 64 / 16 / 14

supported by the Partner of the Munich Opera Festival


George Benjamin * 1960

Written on Skin Opera in three parts • 2012 Text by Martin Crimp Conductor Kent Nagano Production Katie Mitchell Stage and Costume Designer Vickie Mortimer Lighting Designer Jon Clark

A rich landowner invites an artist into his house to make an illuminated book. He wants the book to immortalise in pictures both the violent operation of his political power and his peaceful enjoyment of domestic order – embodied by the humility and child-like obedience of his wife, Agnès.

— The Protector Christopher Purves — Agnès Barbara Hannigan — Angel 1 – The Boy Iestyn Davies — Angel 2 – Marie Victoria Simmonds — Angel 3 – John Allan Clayton

But the making of the book becomes a catalyst for the woman’s rebellion. After her first successful experiment in seduction, she exploits her new intimacy with the illuminator to influence the contents of the book itself – forcing her husband to see her as she really is – and laying the ground for an extraordinary final act of defiance.

First Performance in Germany Prince Regent Theatre Tue 23.07.13 19:00 h Ticket prices PB Premiere Thur 25.07.13 19:00 h Ticket prices PC Sat 27.07.13 19:00 h Ticket prices PC

A thirteenth century Provençal story enacted under the dispassionate gaze of twenty-first century angels, Written on Skin explores the disruptive consequences of self-discovery, and the limits of the power one human being can hold over another.

Martin Crimp

Klangforum Wien

Ticket prices in Euros PC 104 / 84 / 63 / 37 PB 132 / 104 / 76 / 42 A production by: Festival d’Aix-en-Provence, De Nederlandse Opera, Théâtre du Capitole, ­Royal Opera House Covent Garden, London and Teatro del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino.

Partner of the World Premieres of the Bavarian State Opera


Ludwig van Beethoven 1770 — 1827

Fidelio Opera in two acts • 1814 Joseph Sonnleithner after revisions by Georg Friedrich Treitschke after Jean-Nicolas Bouilly’s Libretto Léonore, ou L’Amour conjugal

Conductor Eivind Gullberg Jensen Production Calixto Bieito Stage Designer Rebecca Ringst Costume Designer Ingo Krügler

Opera Repertoire 16

— Don Fernando Tareq Nazmi — Don Pizarro Tomasz Konieczny — Florestan Burkhard Fritz — Leonore Anja Kampe — Rocco Stephen Milling — Marzelline Anna Virovlansky — Jaquino Jussi Myllys

National Theatre Sun 30.09.12 18:00 Wed 03.10.12 20:00 Sat 06.10.12 19:00 Fri 12.10.12 19:00 Tue 16.10.12 19:00

h h h h h

Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket

prices prices prices prices prices

Ticket prices in Euros K 132 / 115 / 95 / 74 / 52 / 30 / 14 / 10

Guest performance in Paris Théâtre des Champs-Elysées Concertante performance Di 30.10.12 20:00 Uhr Advance booking and information: www.theatrechampselysees.fr

Coproduction with the English National Opera London


Vincenzo Bellini 1801 — 1835

I Capuleti e i Montecchi Tragedia lirica in two acts • 1830 Libretto by Felice Romani

Conductor Yves Abel Production Vincent Boussard

— Romeo Joyce DiDonato — Giulietta Ekaterina Siurina — Tebaldo Joseph Calleja — Capellio Diogenes Randes — Lorenzo Goran Jurić

National Theatre Mon 18.02.13 19:00 h Ticket prices K Thur 21.02.13 19:30 h Ticket prices K Sun 24.02.13 18:00 h Ticket prices K Ticket prices in Euros K 132 / 115 / 95 / 74 / 52 / 30 / 14 / 10

Coproduction with the San Francisco Opera

sponsored by

Stage Designer Vincent Lemaire Costume Designer Christian Lacroix

Opera Repertoire 17

Georges Bizet 1838 — 1875

Carmen Opéra comique in three acts (4 tableaus) after the novel by Prosper Mérimée • 1875 Libretto by Henri Meilhac and Ludovic Halévy

Conductor Asher Fisch After a production by Lina Wertmüller Stage and Costume Designer Enrico Job

Opera Repertoire 18

— Zuniga Tareq Nazmi — Don José Thiago Arancam — Escamillo Vitaliy Bilyy — Doncaїro Alexander Kaimbacher — Remendado Kevin Conners — Frasquita Eri Nakamura — Mercédès Julia Faylenbogen — Carmen Nancy Fabiola Herrera — Micaëla Genia Kühmeier

National Theatre Tue 29.01.13 19:00 h Ticket prices K Sat 02.02.13 18:00 h Ticket prices K Wed 06.02.13 19:00 h Ticket prices K Ticket prices in Euros K 132 / 115 / 95 / 74 / 52 / 30 / 14 / 10

Gaetano Donizetti 1797 — 1848

L’elisir d’amore

— Adina Eri Nakamura — Nemorino Dimitri Pittas — Belcore Fabio Maria Capitanucci — Dulcamara Erwin Schrott — Giannetta Tara Erraught

National Theatre Tue 30.04.13 19:00 h Ticket prices K Thur 02.05.13 19:00 h Ticket prices K Sat 04.05.13 19:00 h Ticket prices K * Melodramma in two acts • 1832 Libretto by Felice Romani after Augustin Eugène Scribe to the opera Le Philtre (1831) by Daniel François Esprit Aubert

Ticket prices in Euros K 132 / 115 / 95 / 74 / 52 / 30 / 14 / 10 * Family performance

sponsored by Conductor Leo Hussain Production David Bösch Stage Designer Patrick Bannwart Costume Designer Falko Herold

Opera Repertoire 19

Gaetano Donizetti 1797 — 1848

Lucrezia Borgia Melodramma in a prolog and two acts • 1833 Libretto by Felice Romani after Victor Hugo

Conductor Paolo Arrivabeni Production Christof Loy Stage Designer Henrik Ahr Costume Designer Barbara Drosihn

Oper Repertoire 20

— Don Alfonso Franco Vassallo — Donna Lucrezia Borgia Edita Gruberova — Gennaro Charles Castronovo — Maffio Orsini Sonia Ganassi — Don Apostolo Gazella Christian Rieger — Vitellozzo Dean Power — Gubetta Goran Jurić — Rustighello Emanuele D’Aguanno — Astolfo Tareq Nazmi

National Theatre Thur 10.01.13 19:00 h Ticket prices L Tue 15.01.13 19:00 h Ticket prices L Sun 20.01.13 16:00 h Ticket prices L Ticket prices in Euros L 163 / 142 / 117 / 91 / 64 / 39 / 15 / 11

Antonín Dvořák 1841 — 1904

Rusalka Lyrical Fairytale in three acts op. 114 • 1901 Libretto by Jaroslav Kvapil Conductor Mikhail Tatarnikov Production Martin Kušej

— Prince Piotr Beczala — Foreign Princess Heike Grötzinger — Rusalka Ana María Martínez — Vodník Günther Groissböck — Ježibaba Birgit Remmert — Gamekeeper Ulrich Reß — Kitchen boy Tara Erraught — 1. Wood Nymph Laura Tatulescu — 2. Wood Nymph Angela Brower — 3. Wood Nymph Okka von der Damerau — Huntsman Tim Kuypers

National Theatre Mon 05.11.12 19:00 Fri 09.11.12 19:00 Tue 13.11.12 19:00 Fri 16.11.12 19:30

h h h h

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Ticket prices in Euros I 100 / 88 / 73 / 56 / 40 / 25 / 12 / 9

Stage Designer Martin Zehetgruber Costume Designer Heidi Hackl

Opera Repertoire 21


Engelbert Humperdinck 1854 — 1921

Hänsel und Gretel Fairytale Opera in three tableaus • 1893 Libretto by Adelheid Wette

Conductor Kazushi Ono Production Herbert List Stage and Costume Designer Herbert Kern

— Peter, Besenbinder Levente Molnár (14:00 h) Markus Eiche (18:00 h) — Gertrud Irmgard Vilsmaier — Hänsel Okka von der Damerau (14:00 h) Angela Brower (18:00 h) — Gretel Laura Tatulescu (14:00 h) Eri Nakamura (18:00 h) — Die Knusperhexe Heike Grötzinger (14:00 h) Ulrich Reß (18:00 h)

National Theatre Sun 16.12.12 14:00 h Ticket prices Sun 16.12.12 18:00 h Ticket prices Sat 22.12.12 14:00 h Ticket prices Last performance of this production Sat 22.12.12 18:00 h Ticket prices Ticket prices in Euros G 70 / 63 / 53 / 40 / 29 / 17 / 10 / 7 H 88 / 77 / 63 / 50 / 35 / 23 / 11 / 8 * Family performance

Opera Repertoire 22

G * H * G * H *

Leoš Janáček 1854 — 1928

Jenůfa Opera in three acts from the Moravian farming life • 1904 Libretto by the composer after Gabriela Preissová

— Grandmother Buryjovka Renate Behle — Laca Klemen Stefan Margita — Štewa Buryja Pavel Cernoch — Kostelnička Buryjovka Gabriele Schnaut — Jenůfa Karita Mattila — Stárek, the Mill foreman Christian Rieger — Mayor Christoph Stephinger — Mayor’s wife Heike Grötzinger — Karolka Laura Tatulescu — Shepherdess Angela Brower — Barena Silvia Hauer — Jano Iulia Maria Dan

Conductor Tomáš Hanus

National Theatre Wed 06.03.13 19:00 Sat 09.03.13 19:00 Tue 12.03.13 19:00 Sat 16.03.13 19:00

Production Barbara Frey

Ticket prices in Euros I 100 / 88 / 73 / 56 / 40 / 25 / 12 / 9

h h h h

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Stage Designer Bettina Meyer Costume Designer Bettina Walter

Opera Repertoire 23


Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 1756 — 1791

Die Entführung aus dem Serail German Musical Comedy in three acts • 1782 Text by Christoph Friedrich Bretzner, adapted by Johann Gottlieb Stephanie d. J.

Conductor Patrick Lange Production Martin Duncan Production Assistance and Stage and Costume Designer Ultz

Opera Repertoire 24

— Konstanze Maria Bengtsson — Blonde Sibylla Duffe — Belmonte Rainer Trost — Pedrillo Kevin Conners — Osmin Peter Rose

National Theatre Fri 12.04.13 19:00 h Ticket prices I * Tue 16.04.13 19:30 h Ticket prices I Fri 19.04.13 20:00 h Ticket prices I Ticket prices in Euros I 100 / 88 / 73 / 56 / 40 / 25 / 12 / 9 * Family performance

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 1756 — 1791

Don Giovanni

— Don Giovanni Gerald Finley — The Commendatore Štefan Kocán — Donna Anna Erin Wall — Don Ottavio William Burden — Donna Elvira Annette Dasch — Leporello Alex Esposito — Zerlina Hanna Elisabeth Müller — Masetto Tareq Nazmi

Dramma giocoso in two acts • 1787 Libretto by Lorenzo da Ponte

National Theatre Fri 03.05.13 19:00 Tue 07.05.13 19:00 Thur 09.05.13 18:00 Sun 12.05.13 19:00

Conductor Adam Fischer

h h h h

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Ticket prices in Euros K 132 / 115 / 95 / 74 / 52 / 30 / 14 / 10

Production Stephan Kimmig Stage Designer Katja Haß Costume Designer Anja Rabes

Opera Repertoire 25


Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 1756 — 1791

Die Zauberflöte A German opera in two acts • 1791 Libretto by Emanuel Schikaneder

Conductor Asher Fisch After a production by August Everding Stage and Costume Designer Jürgen Rose

— Sarastro Georg Zeppenfeld — Tamino Pavol Breslik — Sprecher Christian Rieger — Königin der Nacht Erika Miklósa — Pamina Anna Virovlansky 24. / 30. Nov / 2. Dec Hanna-Elisabeth Müller 5. / 8. Dec — Erste Dame Laura Tatulescu — Zweite Dame Angela Brower — Dritte Dame Okka von der Damerau — Drei Knaben Solisten des Tölzer Knabenchors — Papageno Alex Esposito — Papagena Iulia Maria Dan — Monostatos Ulrich Reß — Erster Geharnischter Francesco Petrozzi — Zweiter Geharnischter Christoph Stephinger

National Theatre Sat 24.11.12 19:00 Fri 30.11.12 19:00 Sun 02.12.12 19:00 Wed 05.12.12 19:00 Sat 08.12.12 19:00

h h h h h

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Ticket prices in Euros K 132 / 115 / 95 / 74 / 52 / 30 / 14 / 10 * Family performance

Opera Repertoire 26

K* K* K K K*

Jacques Offenbach 1819 — 1880

Les Contes d’ Hoffmann Opéra fantastique in five acts • 1881 Libretto by Jules Barbier after the play by Jules Barbier and Michel Carré

Conductor Emmanuel Villaume Production Richard Jones Stage Designer Giles Cadle

— Olympia Kathleen Kim — Antonia Genia Kühmeier — Giulietta Dinara Alieva — Cochenille /Pitichinaccio /Frantz Kevin Conners — Lindorf / Coppélius  / Dapertutto / Miracle John Relyea — Nicklausse / Muse Tara Erraught — Voice from the tomb Heike Grötzinger — Hoffmann Giuseppe Filianoti — Spalanzani Ulrich Reß — Nathanael Dean Power — Hermann Tim Kuypers — Schlémil Christian Rieger — Luther / Crespel Christoph Stephinger

National Theatre Sat 18.05.13 19:00 Fri 24.05.13 19:00 Wed 29.05.13 19:00 Sun 02.06.13 18:00 Wed 05.06.13 19:00 Sat 08.06.13 19:00

h h h h h h

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Ticket prices in Euros L 163 / 142 / 117 / 91 / 64 / 39 / 15 / 11

Costume Designer Buki Shiff Coproduction with the English National Opera London

Opera Repertoire 27


Francis Poulenc 1899 — 1963

Dialogues des Carmélites Opera in three acts • 1963 Libretto by the composer after Georges Bernanos’ drama of the same title

Conductor Kent Nagano Production und Stage Designer Dmitri Tcherniakov Costume Designer Elena Zaytseva

Opera Repertoire 28

— Marquis de la Force Jochen Schmeckenbecher — Blanche de la Force Sally Matthews — Chevalier de la Force Yann Beuron — Madame de Croissy Sylvie Brunet — Madame Lidoine Soile Isokoski — Mère Marie Susanne Resmark — Soeur Constance Anna Virovlansky — Mère Jeanne Heike Grötzinger — Soeur Mathilde Angela Brower — 1er commissaire Ulrich Reß — 2ème commissaire Tim Kuypers — L’officier Christian Rieger — Thierry Rüdiger Trebes

National Theatre Sun 28.10.12 18:00 h Ticket prices I Thur 01.11.12 19:00 h Ticket prices I Sun 04.11.12 19:00 h Ticket prices I Ticket prices in Euros I 100 / 88 / 73 / 56 / 40 / 25 / 12 / 9

Giacomo Puccini 1858 — 1924

La bohème Opera in four tableaus • 1896 by Giuseppe Giacosa and Luigi Illica Libretto after Scènes de la vie de bohème by Henri Murger

— Mimì Ana María Martínez — Musetta Laura Tatulescu — Rodolfo Vittorio Grigòlo — Marcello Levente Molnár — Schaunard Christian Rieger — Colline Diogenes Randes — Parpignol Dean Power — Alcindoro Rüdiger Trebes

National Theatre Thur 06.12.12 19:30 h Ticket prices K Tue 11.12.12 19:00 h Ticket prices K Fri 14.12.12 19:00 h Ticket prices K Ticket prices in Euros K 132 / 115 / 95 / 74 / 52 / 30 / 14 / 10

Conductor Paolo Carignani Production Otto Schenk Stage and Costume Designer Rudolf Heinrich

Opera Repertoire 29

Giacomo Puccini 1858 — 1924

Madama Butterfly Japanese Tragedy in three acts • 1904 Libretto by Luigi Illica and Giuseppe Giacosa

Conductor Manlio Benzi Production Wolf Busse Stage Designer Otto Stich Costume Designer Silvia Strahammer

Opera Repertoire 30

— Cio-Cio-San Hui He — Suzuki Okka von der Damerau — B. F. Pinkerton Arturo Chacón-Cruz — Sharpless Levente Molnár — Goro Gregory Bonfatti — Prince Yamadori Christian Rieger — Uncle Bonzo Goran Jurić — Yakusidé Rüdiger Trebes

National Theatre Mon 14.01.13 19:00 h Ticket prices I Sat 19.01.13 19:00 h Ticket prices I Ticket prices in Euros I 100 / 88 / 73 / 56 / 40 / 25 / 12 / 9

Giacomo Puccini 1858 — 1924

Tosca Melodramma in three acts • 1900 Libretto by Giuseppe Giacosa und Luigi Illica after the drama La Tosca (1887) by Victorien Sardou

Conductor Carlo Montanaro Production Luc Bondy Stage Designer Richard Peduzzi Costume Designer Milena Canonero

— Floria Tosca Tatiana Serjan — Mario Cavaradossi Jonas Kaufmann — Baron Scarpia Scott Hendricks — Cesare Angelotti Goran Jurić — Sacristan Christoph Stephinger — Spoletta Francesco Petrozzi — Sciarrone Rüdiger Trebes — Jailor Christian Rieger — Voice of a Shepherd Solist des Tölzer Knabenchors

National Theatre Sun 07.10.12 18:00 Thur 11.10.12 19:00 Sun 14.10.12 18:00 Wed 17.10.12 19:00 Sun 21.10.12 19:00 Thur 25.10.12 19:00

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Ticket prices in Euros L 163 / 142 / 117 / 91 / 64 / 39 / 15 / 11

Coproduction with the Metropolitan Opera New York and the Teatro alla Scala, Milan. supported by

Opera Repertoire 31

Giacomo Puccini 1858 — 1924

Turandot Dramma lirico in three acts (five tableaus) • 1926 Libretto by Giuseppe Adami and Renato Simoni after Carlo Gozzi

Conductor Marco Armiliato

— La principessa Turandot Irene Theorin — L’imperatore Altoum Ulrich Reß — Timur, Re tartaro spodestato Alastair Miles — Il principe ignoto (Calaf) Yonghoon Lee — Liù Serena Farnocchia — Ping Markus Eiche — Pang Alexander Kaimbacher — Pong Emanuele D’Aguanno — Un mandarino Goran Jurić — Il principe di Persia Francesco Petrozzi

National Theatre Thur 22.11.12 19:00 Sun 25.11.12 19:00 Wed 28.11.12 19:00 Sat 01.12.12 19:00

supported by

Costume Designer Chu Uroz Video Franc Aleu

Opera Repertoire 32

Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket

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Ticket prices in Euros K 132 / 115 / 95 / 74 / 52 / 30 / 14 / 10

Production Carlus Padrissa - La Fura dels Baus Stage Designer Roland Olbeter

h h h h


Gioachino Rossini 1792 — 1868

Il barbiere di Siviglia Melodramma buffo in two acts • 1816 Libretto by Cesare Sterbini and Pierre Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais

— Count Almaviva Javier Camarena — Bartolo Tiziano Bracci — Rosina Angela Brower — Figaro Levente Molnár — Basilio Ildar Abdrazakov — Ambrogio Rüdiger Trebes — Berta Hanna-Elisabeth Müller — Officer Kenneth Roberson

National Theatre Sat 09.02.13 19:00 Tue 12.02.13 18:00 Thur 14.02.13 19:00 Sat 16.02.13 18:00

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Ticket prices in Euros I 100 / 88 / 73 / 56 / 40 / 25 / 12 / 9 Conductor Riccardo Frizza

* Family performance

Production Ferruccio Soleri Stage Designer Carlo Tommasi Costume Designer Ute Frühling

Opera Repertoire 33

I I I I*

Johann Strauß 1825 — 1899

Die Fledermaus Operetta in three acts • 1874 Libretto by Richard Genée after Henri Meilhac, Ludovic Halévy, in the German version by Karl Haffner

Conductor Paolo Carignani After a production by Leander Haußmann Production Helmut Lehberger Stage Designer Bernhard Kleber Costume Designer Doris Haußmann

Opera Repertoire 34

— Gabriel von Eisenstein Bo Skovhus — Rosalinde Silvana Dussmann — Frank Christian Rieger — Prinz Orlofsky Tara Erraught — Alfred Pavol Breslik — Dr. Falke Markus Eiche — Dr. Blind Ulrich Reß — Adele Anna Virovlansky — Frosch Michael Lerchenberg — Ida Stefanie Erb

National Theatre Mon 31.12.12 18:00 h Ticket prices M Ticket prices in Euros M 193 / 168 / 142 / 117 / 90 / 64 / 16 / 14

Richard Strauss 1864 — 1949

Ariadne auf Naxos Opera in one foreplay and one act • 1912 Libretto by Hugo von Hofmannsthal

Conductor Lothar Koenigs 17. / 20. / 23. / 25. Mar Bertrand de Billy 4. / 7. / 10. Jul Production Robert Carsen Stage Designer Peter Pabst Costume Designer Falk Bauer

— Haushofmeister Johannes Klama — Ein Musiklehrer Eike Wilm Schulte — Der Komponist Daniela Sindram 17. / 20. / 23. / 25. Mar Sophie Koch 4. / 7. / 10. Jul — Bacchus/Der Tenor Burkhard Fritz — Ein Offizier Dean Power 17. / 20. / 23. / 25. Mar Francesco Petrozzi 4. / 7. / 10. Jul — Ein Tanzmeister Guy de Mey 17. / 20. / 23. / 25. Mar Thomas Blondelle 4. / 7. / 10. Jul — Ein Lakai Christian Rieger — Zerbinetta Jane Archibald — Ariadne/Primadonna Adrianne Pieczonka 17. / 20. / 23. / 25. Mar Eva-Maria Westbroek 4. / 7. / 10. Jul — Harlekin Markus Eiche — Scaramuccio Ulrich Reß — Truffaldin Tareq Nazmi — Brighella Kevin Conners — Najade Anna Virovlansky — Dryade Okka von der Damerau — Echo Laura Tatulescu 17. / 20. / 23. / 25. Mar Hanna Elisabeth Müller 4. / 7. / 10. Jul

National Theatre Sun 17.03.13 20:00 Wed 20.03.13 19:00 Sat 23.03.13 18:00 Mon 25.03.13 19:00

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Prince Regent Theatre Thur 04.07.13 19:30 h Ticket prices PC Sun 07.07.13 19:30 h Ticket prices PC Wed 10.07.13 19:30 h Ticket prices PC Ticket prices in Euros I 100 / 88 / 73 / 56 / 40 / 25 / 12 / 9 PC 104 / 84 / 63 / 37

sponsored by

Opera Repertoire 35

Giuseppe Verdi 1813 — 1901

Aida Opera in four acts • 1871 Libretto by Antonio Ghislanzoni after Auguste Mariette Bey and Camille du Locle

— Amneris Anna Smirnova — Aida Sondra Radvanovsky — Radamès Robert Dean Smith — Ramfis Diogenes Randes — Amonasro Michael Volle — King Goran Jurić — Messenger Francesco Petrozzi

National Theatre Sun 23.12.12 18:00 Thur 27.12.12 19:00 Tue 01.01.13 18:00 Fri 04.01.13 19:00

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Ticket prices in Euros K 132 / 115 / 95 / 74 / 52 / 30 / 14 / 10 Conductor Paolo Carignani sponsored by Production Christof Nel Conceptual Consultant Martina Jochem Stage Designer Jens Kilian Costume Designer Ilse Welter-Fuchs

Opera Repertoire 36


Giuseppe Verdi 1813 — 1901

Don Carlo Opera in five acts • 1867 Text by Joseph Méry and Camille du Locle, after Friedrich Schiller, after the Italian five-act-version from 1886 and the first version 1867

Conductor Zubin Mehta

— Philipp II, King of Spain René Pape — Don Carlos, Infant of Spain Jonas Kaufmann — Rodrigo, Marquis de Posa Mariusz Kwiecien — Grand inquisitor Taras Shtonda — Monk Diogenes Randes — Elisabeth de Valois Anja Harteros — Princess Eboli Sonia Ganassi — Thibault Hanna-Elisabeth Müller — Count de Lerma Francesco Petrozzi — Royal Herald Kenneth Roberson — Voice from Heaven Anna Virovlansky

National Theatre Thur 25.07.13 18:00 h Ticket prices M Sun 28.07.13 18:00 h Ticket prices S Ticket prices in Euros M 193 / 168 / 142 / 117 / 90 / 64 / 16 / 14 S 243 / 213 / 183 / 143 / 102 / 67 / 21 / 16

Production, Stage Designer, Costume Designer and Lighting Concept Jürgen Rose Production Assistance Franziska Severin

Opera Repertoire 37

Giuseppe Verdi 1813 — 1901

Falstaff Commedia lirica in three acts • 1893 Libretto by Arrigo Boito after William Shakespeare

Conductor Paolo Carignani Production Eike Gramss Stage and Costume Designer Gottfried Pilz

Opera Repertoire 38

— Sir John Falstaff Ambrogio Maestri — Ford Levente Molnár — Fenton Javier Camarena — Dr Cajus Ulrich Reß — Bardolfo Kenneth Roberson — Pistola Diogenes Randes — Mrs Alice Ford Véronique Gens — Nannetta Adriana Kučerová — Mrs Quickly Ewa Podleś — Mrs Meg Page Angela Brower

National Theatre Sat 06.07.13 19:00 h Ticket prices K Ticket prices in Euros K 132 / 115 / 95 / 74 / 52 / 30 / 14 / 10

Giuseppe Verdi 1813 — 1901

Macbeth Melodramma in four acts • 1847 second version 1865 Libretto by Francesco Maria Piave after William Shakespeare

Conductor Massimo Zanetti Production Martin Kušej

— Macbeth Željko Lučić — Banco Diogenes Randes — Lady Macbeth Nadja Michael — Dama di Lady Macbeth Golda Schultz — Macduff Wookyung Kim — Doctor Christoph Stephinger — Butler Rüdiger Trebes — Malcolm Emanuele D’Aguanno

National Theatre Sun 05.05.13 19:00 Wed 08.05.13 19:00 Sat 11.05.13 19:00 Fri 17.05.13 19:00 — Mon 29.07.13 19:00

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h Ticket prices K

Ticket prices in Euros I 100 / 88 / 73 / 56 / 40 / 25 / 12 / 9 K 132 / 115 / 95 / 74 / 52 / 30 / 14 / 10

Stage Designer Martin Zehetgruber Costume Designer Werner Fritz

Opera Repertoire 39

Giuseppe Verdi 1813 — 1901

Otello Dramma lirico in four acts • 1887 Libretto by Arrigo Boito after William Shakespeare

Conductor Paolo Carignani Production Francesca Zambello Stage and Costume Designer Alison Chitty

Opera Repertoire 40

— Otello Johan Botha — Jago Claudio Sgura — Cassio Pavol Breslik — Rodrigo Francesco Petrozzi — Lodovico Diogenes Randes — Montano Goran Jurić — Desdemona Anja Harteros — Emilia Okka von der Damerau

National Theatre Sat 06.04.13 19:00 Wed 10.04.13 19:00 Sat 13.04.13 19:00 — Tue 16.07.13 19:00

h Ticket prices L h Ticket prices L h Ticket prices L h Ticket prices L

Ticket prices in Euros L 163 / 142 / 117 / 91 / 64 / 39 / 15 / 11

Giuseppe Verdi 1813 — 1901

La traviata Opera in three acts (four tableaus) • 1853 Libretto by Francesco Maria Piave after Alexandre Dumas d.J.

Conductor Dan Ettinger Production Günter Krämer Stage Designer Andreas Reinhardt

— Violetta Valéry Ermonela Jaho 20. / 23. / 26. / 30. May Marina Rebeka 9. Jul — Flora Bervoix Heike Grötzinger — Alfredo Germont Piotr Beczala — Giorgio Germont Fabio Maria Capitanucci 20. / 23. / 26. / 30. May Simon Keenlyside 9. Jul — Gaston Kevin Conners — Baron Douphol Christian Rieger — Marquis d’Obigny Tareq Nazmi — Doctor Grenvil Christoph Stephinger

National Theatre Mon 20.05.13 18:00 Thur 23.05.13 19:00 Sun 26.05.13 19:00 Thur 30.05.13 16:00 — Tue 09.07.13 19:00

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h Ticket prices L

Ticket prices in Euros K 132 / 115 / 95 / 74 / 52 / 30 / 14 / 10 L 163 / 142 / 117 / 91 / 64 / 39 / 15 / 11

Costume Designer Carlo Diappi

Opera Repertoire 41

Richard Wagner 1813 — 1883

Der f liegende Holländer Romantic Opera in three acts • 1843 Text by the composer

Conductor Asher Fisch Production Peter Konwitschny Stage and Costume Designer Johannes Leiacker

Opera Repertoire 42

— Daland Rafal Siwek 14. / 17. / 20. Apr Hans-Peter König 28. Jun — Senta Anja Kampe — Erik Klaus Florian Vogt — Mary Heike Grötzinger — Der Steuermann Kevin Conners — Der Holländer Johan Reuter

National Theatre Sun 14.04.13 19:00 h Wed 17.04.13 19:30 h Sat 20.04.13 20:00 h — Fri 28.06.13 19:00 h

Ticket prices L * Ticket prices L Ticket prices L Ticket prices L

Ticket prices in Euros L 163 / 142 / 117 / 91 / 64 / 39 / 15 / 11 * Family performance

Richard Wagner 1813 — 1883

Lohengrin Romantic Opera in three acts • 1850 Text by the composer

Conductor Lothar Koenigs Production Richard Jones Stage and Costume Designer Ultz

— Heinrich der Vogler Hans-Peter König — Lohengrin Klaus Florian Vogt — Elsa von Brabant Anja Harteros 11. / 14. / 18. Nov Annette Dasch 3. Jul — Friedrich von Telramund Evgeny Nikitin — Ortrud Michaela Schuster — Heerrufer des Königs Markus Eiche

National Theatre Sun 11.11.12 17:00 h Wed 14.11.12 18:00 h Sun 18.11.12 16:00 h — Wed 03.07.13 18:00 h

Ticket prices L Ticket prices K Ticket prices L Ticket prices L

Ticket prices in Euros K 132 / 115 / 95 / 74 / 52 / 30 / 14 / 10 L 163 / 142 / 117 / 91 / 64 / 39 / 15 / 11

supported by

Opera Repertoire 43

Richard Wagner 1813 — 1883

Parsifal Sacred Festival Drama in three acts • 1882 Text by the composer

Conductor Kent Nagano Production Peter Konwitschny Stage and Costume Designer Johannes Leiacker

— Amfortas Michael Volle 28. / 31. Mar Thomas Hampson 31. Jul — Titurel Diogenes Randes — Gurnemanz John Tomlinson 28. / 31. Mar Kwangchul Youn 31. Jul — Parsifal Michael Weinius 28. / 31. Mar Christopher Ventris 31. Jul — Klingsor John Wegner 28. / 31. Mar Evgeny Nikitin 31. Jul — Kundry / Stimme aus der Höhe Petra Lang — Erster Gralsritter Kevin Conners — Twoter Gralsritter Tareq Nazmi — Erster und Zweiter Knappe Solisten des Tölzer Knabenchors — Dritter Knappe Dean Power 28. / 31. Mar Ulrich Reß 31. Jul — Vierter Knappe Kenneth Roberson — Klingsors Zaubermädchen Hanna-Elisabeth Müller, Laura Tatulescu, Tara Erraught, Eri Nakamura 28. / 31. Mar /  Anna Virovlansky 31. Jul, Angela Brower, Okka von der Damerau 28. / 31. Mar / Silvia Hauer 31. Jul

National Theatre Thur 28.03.13 17:00 h Ticket prices K Sun 31.03.13 17:00 h Ticket prices L — Wed 31.07.13 17:00 h Ticket prices S Ticket prices in Euros K 132 / 115 / 95 / 74 / 52 / 30 / 14 / 10 L 163 / 142 / 117 / 91 / 64 / 39 / 15 / 11 S 243 / 213 / 183 / 143 / 102 / 67 / 21 / 16

Opera Repertoire 44

Richard Wagner 1813 — 1883

Tannhäuser Opera in three acts • 1861 Text by the composer

Conductor Kent Nagano Production David Alden Stage Designer Roni Toren Costume Designer Buki Shiff

— Hermann Christof Fischesser — Tannhäuser Robert Dean Smith — Wolfram von Eschenbach Matthias Goerne — Walther von der Vogelweide Ulrich Reß — Biterolf Goran Jurić — Heinrich der Schreiber Kenneth Roberson — Reinmar von Zweter Christoph Stephinger — Elisabeth Anne Schwanewilms — Venus Waltraud Meier 23. Sep / 26. Sep Daniela Sindram 29. Sep / 2. Oct Petra Lang 29. Jun — Hirt / Vier Edelknaben Solisten des Tölzer Knabenchors

National Theatre Sun 23.09.12 16:00 h Wed 26.09.12 18:00 h Sat 29.09.12 17:00 h Tue 02.10.12 16:00 h — Sat 29.06.13 18:00 h

Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket

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Ticket prices L

Ticket prices in Euros K 132 / 115 / 95 / 74 / 52 / 30 / 14 / 10 L 163 / 142 / 117 / 91 / 64 / 39 / 15 / 11

Opera Repertoire 45

Richard Wagner 1813 — 1883

Tristan und Isolde Opera in three acts • 1865 Text by the composer

Conductor Kent Nagano Production Peter Konwitschny Stage and Costume Designer Johannes Leiacker

Opera Repertoire 46

— Tristan Gary Lehman — König Marke Kwangchul Youn 3. / 7. / 10. Mar René Pape 11. Jul — Isolde Waltraud Meier 3. / 7. / 10. Mar Petra-Maria Schnitzer 11. Jul — Kurwenal Markus Eiche — Melot Francesco Petrozzi — Brangäne Petra Lang 3. / 7. / 10. Mar Ekaterina Gubanova 11. Jul — Ein Hirte Kevin Conners — Ein Steuermann Christian Rieger — Ein junger Seemann Ulrich Reß

National Theatre Sun 03.03.13 16:00 h Thur 07.03.13 17:00 h Sun 10.03.13 16:00 h — Thur 11.07.13 16:00 h

Ticket prices L Ticket prices L Ticket prices L Ticket prices L

Ticket prices in Euros L 163 / 142 / 117 / 91 / 64 / 39 / 15 / 11

Richard Wagner

Der Ring des Nibelungen

Opera Oper Repertoire Repertoire 47

Richard Wagner 1813 — 1883

Das Rheingold Eve of the Sacred Festival Drama Der Ring des Nibelungen • 1869 Text by the composer

Conductor Kent Nagano Production Andreas Kriegenburg Stage Designer Harald B. Thor Costume Designer Andrea Schraad

— Wotan Egils Silins 5. / 23. Jan Johan Reuter 13. Jul — Donner Levente Molnár — Froh Sergej Skorokhodov — Loge Stefan Margita — Alberich Tomasz Konieczny — Mime Ulrich Reß — Fasolt Diogenes Randes — Fafner Steven Humes — Fricka Elisabeth Kulman 5. / 23. Jan Sophie Koch 13. Jul — Freia Aga Mikolaj — Erda Catherine Wyn-Rogers — Woglinde Eri Nakamura 5. / 23. Jan Hanna-Elisabeth Müller 13. Jul — Wellgunde Angela Brower — Floßhilde Okka von der Damerau

National Theatre Sat 05.01.13 19:00 h Ticket prices L Wed 23.01.13 20:00 h Ticket prices L — Sat 13.07.13 20:00 h Ticket prices L Ticket prices in Euros for remaining tickets L 163 / 142 / 117 / 91 / 64 / 39 / 15 / 11 Please note that the two Ring cycles in January 2013 may only be booked as a package. sponsored by

Opera Repertoire 48

Richard Wagner 1813 — 1883

Die Walküre First day of the Sacred Festival Drama Der Ring des Nibelungen • 1870 Text by the composer

Conductor Kent Nagano Production Andreas Kriegenburg Stage Designer Harald B. Thor

— Siegmund Simon O’Neill — Hunding Hans-Peter König — Wotan Juha Uusitalo 6. / 24. Jan Bryn Terfel 14. Jul — Sieglinde Petra Lang — Brünnhilde Evelyn Herlitzius 6. / 24. Jan Katarina Dalayman 14. Jul — Fricka Elisabeth Kulman 6. / 24. Jan Sophie Koch 14. Jul

National Theatre Sun 06.01.13 16:00 h Ticket prices M Thur 24.01.13 17:00 h Ticket prices M — Sun 14.07.13 17:00 h Ticket prices M Ticket prices in Euros for remaining tickets M 193 / 168 / 142 / 117 / 90 / 64 / 16 / 14 Please note that the two Ring cycles in January 2013 may only be booked as a package. sponsored by

Costume Designer Andrea Schraad

Opera Repertoire 49

Richard Wagner 1813 — 1883

Siegfried Second day of the Sacred Festival Drama Der Ring des Nibelungen • 1876 Text by the composer

Conductor Kent Nagano Production Andreas Kriegenburg Stage Designer Harald B. Thor

— Siegfried Lance Ryan 9. / 25. Jan Stephen Gould 15. Jul — Mime Ulrich Reß 9. / 25. Jan Wolfgang Ablinger-Sperrhacke 15. Jul — Der Wanderer Juha Uusitalo — Alberich Tomasz Konieczny — Fafner Steven Humes — Erda Qiulin Zhang — Brünnhilde Catherine Naglestad — Stimme eines Waldvogels Anna Virovlansky

National Theatre Wed 09.01.13 17:00 h Ticket prices L Fri 25.01.13 17:00 h Ticket prices L — Mon 15.07.13 16:00 h Ticket prices L Ticket prices in Euros for remaining tickets L 163 / 142 / 117 / 91 / 64 / 39 / 15 / 11 Please note that the two Ring cycles in January 2013 may only be booked as a package. sponsored by

Costume Designer Andrea Schraad

Opera Repertoire 50

Richard Wagner 1813 — 1883

Götterdämmerung Third day of the Sacred Festival Drama Der Ring des Nibelungen • 1876 Text by the composer

Conductor Kent Nagano Production Andreas Kriegenburg Stage Designer Harald B. Thor Costume Designer Andrea Schraad

— Siegfried Stephen Gould — Gunther Iain Paterson — Hagen Hans-Peter König — Alberich Tomasz Konieczny — Brünnhilde Nina Stemme — Gutrune Erika Wueschner — Waltraute Michaela Schuster — Woglinde Hanna-Elisabeth Müller — Wellgunde Angela Brower — Floßhilde / 1. Norn Okka von der Damerau — 2. Norn Jennifer Johnston — 3. Norn N.N.

National Theatre Sun 13.01.13 16:00 h Ticket prices M Sun 27.01.13 16:00 h Ticket prices M — Thur 18.07.13 16:00 h Ticket prices M Ticket prices in Euros for remaining tickets M 193 / 168 / 142 / 117 / 90 / 64 / 16 / 14 Please note that the two Ring cycles in January 2013 may only be booked as a package. sponsored by

Opera Repertoire 51


Bavarian State Ballet

The Bavarian State Ballet, under the artistic leadership of Ivan Liška since 1998, has become one of the most distinguished ensembles of the international dance world. The company is well-known for its diverse repertory which includes more than fifty works: from full-length 20th century classics, to neo-classicism and modern dance. During the 2012/13 season, the focus will be on the “Departure towards Modernity”. Two world premieres will be presented during the season: Terence Kohler’s full-length work Helden and a new commission by avant-garde choreographer Richard Siegal. In addition, other premieres will consist of milestones from 20th century modern dance repertory, including works by Limón, Massine and Cunningham. Classical masterworks by Neumeier, MacMillan, Ashton, Kylián, Robbins and Petipa complete the 2012/13 season at the Bavarian State Ballet. supported by


José Limón 1908 — 1972

Léonide Massine 1896 — 1979

Forever Young Th e Moor ̕ s Pava n e (1948) Choreography José Limón Music Henry Purcell, arrangiert von Simon Saddoff Rehearsals Sarah Stackhouse Chorea rti u m (1933) Choreography Léonide Massine Music Johannes Brahms Symphony No. 4 e minor Stage Designer Keso Dekker Rehearsals Lorca Massine, Anna Kristoff

Soloists and corps de ballett of the Bavarian State Ballet Bavarian State Orchestra Conductor Robertas Šervenikas

National Theatre Sat 17.11.12 19:30 Premiere Mon 19.11.12 19:30 Fri 23.11.12 19:30 Thur 29.11.12 19:30 — Fri 18.01.13 19:30 Sat 26.01.13 19:30 — Mon 29.04.13 19:30 — Tue 02.07.13 19:30

h Ticket prices H h Ticket prices G h Ticket prices G h Ticket prices G h Ticket prices F h Ticket prices F h Ticket prices F h Ticket prices F

Ticket prices in Euros F 60 / 53 / 45 / 35 / 25 / 16 / 9 / 6 G 70 / 63 / 53 / 40 / 29 / 17 / 10 / 7 H 88 / 77 / 63 / 50 / 35 / 23 / 11 / 8

supported by


Terence Kohler * 1984

Helden Choreography and Production Terence Kohler Music Lera Auerbach, Alfred Schnittke Installations, Costume and Lighting Design rosalie

Soloists and corps de ballett of the Bavarian State Ballet Bavarian State Orchestra Conductor Myron Romanul

Work commissioned by the Bavarian State Ballet National Theatre Sun 21.04.13 19:30 h Ticket prices H Premiere Sat 27.04.13 19:30 h Ticket prices G — Fri 10.05.13 19:30 h Ticket prices G * — Fri 31.05.13 20:00 h Ticket prices G Sat 01.06.13 19:30 h Ticket prices G * — Sun 07.07.13 19:30 h Ticket prices G Ticket prices in Euros G 70 / 63 / 53 / 40 / 29 / 17 / 10 / 7 H 88 / 77 / 63 / 50 / 35 / 23 / 11 / 8 * Family performance

World Premiere

Merce Cunningham 1919 — 2009

Richard Siegal * 1968

Exits and Entrances BI PED (1999) First Performance in Germany Choreography Merce Cunningham Music Gavin Bryars Stage Designer Shelley Eshkar, Paul Kaiser Costume Designer Suzanne Gallo Lighting Designer Aaron Copp World Prem i ere (2012) Choreography Richard Siegal

Soloists and corps de ballett of the Bavarian State Ballet Prince Regent Theatre Tue 25.06.13 19:30 h Premiere Wed 26.06.13 19:30 h Fri 28.06.13 19:30 h Tue 16.07.13 19:30 h

Ticket prices PE Ticket prices PEE Ticket prices PEE Ticket prices PEE

Ticket prices in Euros PEE 48 / 40 / 28 / 19 PE 58 / 48 / 33 / 21

World Premiere

Frederick Ashton 1904 — 1988

La Fille mal gardée Choreography Frederick Ashton Music Ferdinand Herold  / John Lanchbery Stage and Costume Designer Osbert Lancaster

Soloists and corps de ballett of the Bavarian State Ballet Munich Symphonic Orchestra Conductor Myron Romanul

Prince Regent Wed 09.01.13 Thur 10.01.13 — Fri 12.07.13 Sat 13.07.13 Sun 14.07.13

Theatre 19:30 h Ticket prices PEE 19:30 h Ticket prices PEE 19:30 h Ticket prices PEE 19:30 h Ticket prices PEE 15:00 h Ticket prices PF *

Ticket prices in Euros PF 40 / 33 / 25 / 16 PEE 48 / 40 / 28 / 19 * Family performance

Ballet Repertoire 60

Frederick Ashton 1904 — 1988

Kenneth MacMillan 1929 — 1992

Steps & Times

Soloists and corps de ballett of the Bavarian State Ballet Bavarian State Orchestra Conductor Ryusuke Numajiri 3. /8. / 10. / Feb / 28. Apr Myron Romanul 19. Feb — Mezzo-soprano Okka von der Damerau — Tenor N.N. — Piano Maria Babanina

Scènes de ballet Choreography Frederick Ashton Music Igor Strawinsky Stage and Costume Designer André Beaurepaire Five Brahms Waltzes in the Manner of Isadora Duncan Choreography Frederick Ashton Music Johannes Brahms

Frühlingsstimmen Choreography Frederick Ashton Music Johann Strauß Das Lied von der Erde Choreography Kenneth MacMillan Music Gustav Mahler Stage and Costume Designer Nicholas Georgiadis

National Theatre Sun 03.02.13 18:00 Fri 08.02.13 19:30 Sun 10.02.13 18:00 Tue 19.02.13 19:30 — Sun 28.04.13 19:30

h h h h

Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket

prices prices prices prices


h Ticket prices F

Ticket prices in Euros F 60 / 53 / 45 / 35 / 25 / 16 / 9 / 6

supported by

Ballet Repertoire 61

Jiří Kylián * 1947


Soloists and corps de ballett of the Bavarian State Ballet National Theatre Fri 15.02.13 19:30 h Ticket prices D Fri 22.02.13 19:30 h Ticket prices D Thur 28.02.13 19:30 h Ticket prices D Ticket prices in Euros D 45 / 40 / 33 / 27

Choreography Jiří Kylián Music Dirk Haubrich, Maurice Ravel Stage and Lighting Designer Michael Simon Costume Designer Yoshiki Hishinuma Film Boris Paval Conen, Jiří Kylián Film Music Han Otten Film Costume Designer Joke Visser Installations along the parcours, Substage Choreography and Costume Designer Karine Guizzo

Ballet Repertoire 62

supported by

John Neumeier * 1942

Illusionen – wie Schwanensee Choreography and Production John Neumeier Choreography „Second Memorization“ after Lew Iwanow Choreography of the Grand Pas de deux in „Third Memorization“ after Marius Petipa Music Peter I. Tschaikowsky Stage and Costume Designer Jürgen Rose

Soloists and corps de ballett of the Bavarian State Ballet Bavarian State Orchestra Conductor Michael Schmidtsdorff

National Theatre Thur 21.03.13 19:00 Fri 22.03.13 19:30 Tue 26.03.13 19:00 Sat 30.03.13 19:00 Fri 05.04.13 19:00 Thur 25.04.13 19:00 — Fri 14.06.13 19:00 Sun 16.06.13 15:00 Sat 22.06.13 19:00 Sun 23.06.13 19:00

h h h h h h

Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket

prices prices prices prices prices prices

G G * G* G G * G

h h h h

Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket

prices prices prices prices

G F * G G

Ticket prices in Euros F 60 / 53 / 45 / 35 / 25 / 16 / 9 / 6 G 70 / 63 / 53 / 40 / 29 / 17 / 10 / 7 * Family performance

supported by

Ballet Repertoire 63

John Neumeier * 1942

Der Nussknacker Choreography John Neumeier Music Peter I. Tschaikowsky Stage and Costume Designer Jürgen Rose

Soloists and corps de ballett of the Bavarian State Ballet Bavarian State Orchestra Conductor Valery Ovsianikov

National Theatre Fri 07.12.12 19:30 h Sun 09.12.12 15:00 h Sun 09.12.12 19:30 h Wed 12.12.12 20:00 h Thur 13.12.12 19:30 h Thur 20.12.12 19:30 h Wed 26.12.12 15:00 h Wed 26.12.12 19:30 h Sat 29.12.12 19:30 h

prices prices prices prices prices prices prices prices prices

Ticket prices in Euros F 60 / 53 / 45 / 35 / 25 / 16 / 9 / 6 G 70 / 63 / 53 / 40 / 29 / 17 / 10 / 7 * Family performance

Ballet Repertoire 64

Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket

G F * G G G G G * G G *

Marius Petipa 1818 — 1910

Patrice Bart * 1945

La Bayadère Choreography Marius Petipa, Patrice Bart Music Ludwig Minkus Stage and Costume Designer Tomio Mohri Musical Arrangement Maria Babanina

Soloists and corps de ballett of the Bavarian State Ballet Bavarian State Orchestra Conductor Michael Schmidtsdorff / Myron Romanul 25. May

National Theatre Fri 21.09.12 20:00 h Sat 22.09.12 19:30 h Fri 28.09.12 19:30 h Thur 04.10.12 19:30 h Fri 05.10.12 19:30 h Sat 13.10.12 18:00 h — Tue 05.03.13 19:30 h Fri 08.03.13 19:30 h Mon 11.03.13 19:30 h — Sun 19.05.13 15:00 h Sat 25.05.13 19:30 h — Sun 30.06.13 19:30 h

Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket

prices prices prices prices prices prices

G G G * G G G

Ticket prices G Ticket prices G Ticket prices G Ticket prices F * Ticket prices G * Ticket prices G

Ticket prices in Euros F 60 / 53 / 45 / 35 / 25 / 16 / 9 / 6 G 70 / 63 / 53 / 40 / 29 / 17 / 10 / 7

* Family performance

Ballet Repertoire 65

Jerome Robbins 1918 — 1998

Jiří Kylián * 1947

GoldbergVariationen / Gods and Dogs Goldberg-Variationen Choreography Jerome Robbins Music Johann Sebastian Bach Costume Designer Joe Eula Gods and Dogs Choreography and Stage Designer Jiří Kylián Music Dirk Haubrich, Ludwig van Beethoven Costume Designer Joke Visser Lighting Designer Kees Tjebbes Viewing Tatsuo Unemi, Daniel Bisig

Ballet Repertoire 66

Soloists and corps de ballett of the Bavarian State Ballet Piano Elena Mednik

National Theatre Fri 19.10.12 19:30 Sat 20.10.12 19:30 Fri 26.10.12 19:30 — Tue 08.01.13 19:30 Sat 12.01.13 19:30 — Fri 15.03.13 19:30 Mon 18.03.13 19:30

h Ticket prices F h Ticket prices F * h Ticket prices F h Ticket prices F h Ticket prices F h Ticket prices F h Ticket prices F

Ticket prices in Euros F 60 / 53 / 45 / 35 / 25 / 16 / 9 / 6 * Family performance

supported by

Jerome Robbins 1918 — 1998

Terence Kohler * 1984

GoldbergVariationen / Once Upon An Ever After

Soloists and corps de ballett of the Bavarian State Ballet Piano Elena Mednik Bavarian State Orchestra Conductor Myron Romanul

National Theatre Fri 07.06.13 19:30 h Ticket prices F Ticket prices in Euros F 60 / 53 / 45 / 35 / 25 / 16 / 9 / 6

Goldberg-Variationen Choreography Jerome Robbins Music Johann Sebastian Bach Costume Designer Joe Eula Once Upon an Ever After Choreography Terence Kohler Music Peter I. Tschaikowsky Symphony No. 6 b minor op. 74 „Pathétique“ Stage Designer / Costume Designer / Lighting Designer rosalie

Ballet Repertoire 67


Festival week Helden Guest Performance: Dornröschen Illusionen – wie Schwanensee Terpsichore-Gala XI Matinee of the Heinz Bosl Foundation /  Junior Company Steps & Times Forever Young

Helden Sun 21.04.13 19:30 h Ticket prices H Sat 27.04.13 19:30 h Ticket prices G Michailowsky Ballet: Dornröschen Tue 23.04.13 19:30 h Ticket prices H Wed 24.04.13 19:30 h Ticket prices H Illusionen - wie Schwanensee Thur 25.04.13 19:00 h Ticket prices G Terpsichore-Gala XI Fri 26.04.13 19:30 h Ticket prices H Matinee of the Heinz Bosl Foundation /  Junior Company Sun 28.04.13 11:00 h Ticket prices B

Ballet Repertoire 68

Steps & Times: Scènes de ballet / Five Brahms Waltzes in the Manner of Isadora Duncan / Frühlingsstimmen / Das Lied von der Erde Sun 28.04.13 19:30 h Ticket prices F Forever Young: The Moor’s Pavane / Choreartium Mon 29.04.13 19:30 h Ticket prices F

TerpsichoreGala XI In the fore on toe. Or: Barefoot is not automatically modern!

Soloists and corps de ballett of the Bavarian State Ballet International guests Bavarian State Orchestra Conductor Myron Romanul

National Theatre Fri 26.04.13 19:30 h Ticket prices H Ticket prices in Euros H 88 / 77 / 63 / 50 / 35 / 23 / 11 / 8

Ballet Repertoire 69

Guest performance Michailowsky Ballet, St. Petersburg

Soloists and corp de ballett of the Michailowsky Ballet, St. Petersburg Bavarian State Orchestra Conductor N.N. National Theatre Tue 23.04.13 19:30 h Ticket prices H Wed 24.04.13 19:30 h Ticket prices H Ticket prices in Euros H 88 / 77 / 63 / 50 / 35 / 23 / 11 / 8

supported by Artistic Director Nacho Duato — DORNRÖSCHEN Choreography and Production Nacho Duato Music Peter I. Tschaikowsky Libretto Nacho Duato after Ivan Vsevoloshsky Stage and Costume Designer Angelina Atlagič

Ballet Repertoire 70

Matinees of the Heinz Bosl Foundation / Junior Company National Theatre Thur 01.11.12 11:00 Sun 04.11.12 11:00 Sun 28.04.13 11:00 Sun 05.05.13 11:00

h h h h

Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket

prices prices prices prices


Ticket prices in Euros B 34 / 30 / 25 / 20 / 16 / 11 / 7 / 5 Advance booking: Heinz Bosl Foundation, T +49.(0)89. 33 77 63.

Ballet Repertoire 71

Bavarian State Orchestra

The Bavarian State Orchestra emerged from one of the oldest orchestras in Germany. Its origins of the Munich Court music can be traced back to the year 1523. The first renowned director of the Court Orchestra was the composer Orlando di Lasso, who was officially hired in 1563. In 1811 the Musical Academy, made up of members of the Court Orchestra, was founded. The Academy implemented the oldest concert series in Munich, the so-called Academy Concerts. During the 2011/12 season, the Academy of one of the world’s oldest and most historic orchestras celebrated its 200th birthday. Under King Ludwig I, the orchestra managed to win Franz Lachner as its first General Music Director in 1836. Since then, the most important artists of their time have served as heads of the orchestra, from Richard Strauss, Felix Mottl, through Bruno Walter, Hans Knappertsbusch, and Clemes Krauss, to Georg Solti, Ferenc Fricsay, Joseph Keilberth, and Wolfgang Sawallisch. In addition, there was an intense cooperation with Carlos Kleiber, who was a permanent guest conductor from 1976 to 1988. Zubin Mehta was head conductor and Bavarian General Music Director from 1998 to 2006. Starting with the 2006/2007 season, Kent Nagano has become his successor as Bavarian General Music Director.


Academy Concerts by the Bavarian State Orchestra 1st Academy Concert

2nd Academy Concert

Karl Amadeus Hartmann Symphony No. 2 Adagio for Large Orchestra

Alfred Schnittke Concerto for Violoncello and Orchestra No. 1

Ludwig van Beethoven Violin Concerto D major op. 61

Anton Bruckner Symphony No. 2 c minor

Dmitri Schostakowitsch Symphony No. 15 A major op. 141

Conductor Hermann Bäumer Violoncello Jan Vogler

Conductor Kent Nagano Violin Lisa Batiashvili

National Theatre Mon 24.09.12 20:00 h Ticket prices E Tue 25.09.12 20:00 h Ticket prices E Ticket prices in Euros E 53 / 46 / 40 / 30 / 22 / 15 / 8 / 5

Concerts 76

National Theatre Mon 26.11.12 20:00 h Ticket prices E Tue 27.11.12 20:00 h Ticket prices E Sun 02.12.12 11:00 h Ticket prices E Ticket prices in Euros E 53 / 46 / 40 / 30 / 22 / 15 / 8 / 5

3rd Academy Concert

5th Academy Concert

Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Overture Die Hebriden op. 26

Wolfgang Rihm Concerto for Piano and Orchestra world premiere

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for Viola and Orchestra A major (after the Clarinet Concert K 622)

Anton Bruckner Symphony No. 5 B flat major

Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Symphony No. 3 a minor op. 56

Conductor Kent Nagano

Conductor Christopher Hogwood Viola Antoine Tamestit

National Theatre Sun 12.05.13 11:00 h Ticket prices E Mon 13.05.13 20:00 h Ticket prices E Tue 14.05.13 20:00 h Ticket prices E

National Theatre Mon 17.12.12 20:00 h Ticket prices E Tue 18.12.12 20:00 h Ticket prices E

Ticket prices in Euros E 53 / 46 / 40 / 30 / 22 / 15 / 8 / 5

Ticket prices in Euros E 53 / 46 / 40 / 30 / 22 / 15 / 8 / 5 6th Academy Concert

4th Academy Concert

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Piano Concerto d minor K 466 Gustav Mahler Symphony No. 7 e minor Conductor Tomáš Hanus Piano Rudolf Buchbinder

National Theatre Mon 08.04.13 20:00 h Ticket prices E Tue 09.04.13 20:00 h Ticket prices E Ticket prices in Euros E 53 / 46 / 40 / 30 / 22 / 15 / 8 / 5

Gustav Mahler Adagio from Symphony No. 10 Unsuk Chin New piece of music world premiere Alban Berg Pieces for Orchestra op. 6 Ludwig van Beethoven Symphony No. 8 F major op. 93 Conductor Kent Nagano

National Theatre Mon 10.06.13 20:00 h Ticket prices E Tue 11.06.13 20:00 h Ticket prices E Ticket prices in Euros E 53 / 46 / 40 / 30 / 22 / 15 / 8 / 5

Concerts 77

Special Concert GIUSEPPE VERDI Jubilee Concert

Giuseppe Verdi Messa da requiem Conductor Zubin Mehta Soprano Krassimira Stoyanova Mezzo-soprano Ekaterina Gubanova Tenor Joseph Calleja Bass Kwangchul Youn Choir of the Bavarian State Opera Director Sören Eckhoff

National Theatre Mon 25.02.13 20:00 h Ticket prices H Tue 26.02.13 20:00 h Ticket prices H Ticket prices in Euros H 88 / 77 / 63 / 50 / 35 / 23 / 11 / 8

Concerts 79

Chamber Concerts by the Bavarian State Orchestra 1st Cha m ber Concert

2n d Cha m ber Concert

Gustav Mahler Urlicht from Symphony No. 2

Wilhelm Killmayer Brahms-Bildnis

Richard Wagner Siegfriedfantasie (Arr. Karl Stiegler)

Johannes Brahms Piano Trio c minor op. 101

Giuseppe Verdi Ballet music and triumphal march from Aida

Franz Schubert Piano Trio E flat major op. 100

as well as music by Giovanni Gabriel, Johann Sebastian Bach, Gioacchino Rossini, Kerry Turner, Samuel Barber, Astor Piazzolla

Munich Piano Trio Violin Michael Arlt Violoncello Gerhard Zank Piano Donald Sulzen

Munich Opera Horns Horn Johannes Dengler, Franz Draxinger, Rainer Schmitz, Milena Viotti, Wolfram Sirotek, Maximilian Hochwimmer, Christian Loferer, Stefan Böhning, Casey Rippon

All Saints’ Church Sun 21.10.12 11:00 h Ticket prices AS Tue 23.10.12 20:00 h Ticket prices AS Ticket prices in Euros AS 24 / 21 / 19 / 16

Concerts 80

All Saints’ Church Sun 18.11.12 11:00 h Ticket prices AS Tue 20.11.12 20:00 h Ticket prices AS Ticket prices in Euros AS 24 / 21 / 19 / 16

3rd Cha m ber Concert

5th Cha m ber Concert

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Quintet for Horn, Violin, two Violas and Violoncello E flat major K 407

Brass Variations

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart String Quintet g minor K 516 Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy String Quintet A major op. 18 Ludwig van Beethoven Sextet for two Violins, Viola, Violoncello and two Horns Horn Franz Draxinger, Wolfram Sirotek Violin Dorothee Keller-Sirotek, Janis Olsson Viola Tilo Widenmeyer, Daniel Schmitt Violoncello N.N.

All Saints’ Church Sun 10.02.13 11:00 h Ticket prices AS Tue 12.02.13 20:00 h Ticket prices AS

Johann Sebastian Bach Goldberg-Variationen Michael Nyman For John Cage Paul Hart Surprise Variations OperaBrass The Brass Section of the Bavarian State Opera

All Saints’ Church Sun 21.04.13 11:00 h Ticket prices AS Tue 23.04.13 20:00 h Ticket prices AS Ticket prices in Euros AS 24 / 21 / 19 / 16

Ticket prices in Euros AS 24 / 21 / 19 / 16 6th Cha m ber Concert

Lennox Berkeley Trio for Horn, Violin and Piano op. 44 4th Cha m ber Concert

Benjamin Britten String Quartet No. 2 op. 36 Johannes Brahms Piano Quintet f minor op. 34 Violin Johanna Kölmel, Michael Durner Viola Adrian Mustea Violoncello Anja Fabricius Piano Julian Riem

All Saints’ Church Sun 10.03.13 11:00 h Ticket prices AS Tue 12.03.13 20:00 h Ticket prices AS Ticket prices in Euros AS 24 / 21 / 19 / 16

Charles Koechlin Quatre petites pièces Johannes Brahms Trio for Violin, French Horn and Piano E flat major op. 40 Horn Johannes Dengler Violin Markus Wolf Piano Julian Riem

All Saints’ Church Sun 02.06.13 11:00 h Ticket prices AS Tue 04.06.13 20:00 h Ticket prices AS Ticket prices in Euros AS 24 / 21 / 19 / 16

Concerts 81

OctoberMusicFestival 2012 CH AOS a n d Order

A project with concerts and lectures in cooperation with the Max Planck Society

Concerts 82

1st Lectu re / Cha m ber Concert

4th Lectu re / Cha m ber Concert

Literary Chamber Concert Stefan Hunstein reads from Herta Müller’s Atemschaukel

Music by Robert Schumann, Richard Strauss and Richard Wagner and others

Music by Dmitri Schostakowitsch, Alfred Schnittke and others Members of the Bavarian State Orchestra

Soprano Annegeer Stumphius Flute Andrea Ikker Clarinet Jürgen Key Violin Arben Spahiu Violoncello Peter Wöpke Piano Sophie Raynaud

Max-Planck-Haus Fri, 12.10.12, 19:00 h Tickets € 20,-

All Saints’ Church Wed, 17.10.12, 19:00 h, Ticket prices AS

2nd Lecture / Chamber Concert

Ticket prices in Euros AS 24 / 21 / 19 / 16

Music by Johann Sebastian Bach, Georg Friedrich Händel, György Kurtag, György Ligeti and others Münchner Hofkantorei Conductor and Chorus Director Wolfgang Antesberger All Saints’ Church Sat, 13.10.12, 19:00 h, Ticket prices AS Ticket prices in Euros AS 24 / 21 / 19 / 16

5th Lectu re / Cha m ber Concert

Jörg Widmann Fever fantasy for Clarinet, String Quartet and Piano Friedrich Cerha 5 Pieces for Clarinet, Violoncello and Piano Johannes Brahms Clarinet Quintet b minor op. 115 Clarinet Andreas Schablas Members of the Bavarian State Orchestra

3rd Lectu re / Cha m ber Concert

Baroque Music

All Saints’ Church Fri, 19.10.12, 19:00 h, Ticket prices AS

Bruno Maderna Serenade für einen Satellit

Ticket prices in Euros AS 24 / 21 / 19 / 16

Mauricio Kagel from: Neun Stücke der Windrose

6th Lectu re / Concert

Members of the Bavarian State Orchestra Conductor Massimiliano Murrali Alte Pinakothek Mon, 15.10.12, 19:00 h Tickets € 32,-

Music by John Adams and Richard Strauss Members of the Bavarian State Orchestra Conductor Kent Nagano Cuvilliés Theatre Sat, 20.10.12, 20:00 h, Ticket prices CE Ticket prices in Euros CE 44 / 40 / 32 / 22 / 14 Concerts 83

Munich Opera Festival

Since 1875, the Bavarian State Opera has put on the Munich Opera Festival, the annual high point of Munich’s cultural summer. This makes it the oldest festival of its kind anywhere. During its five-week period, people from all over the world have an opportunity to enjoy a wide-ranging repertoire of operas – among them festival premières – and the latest productions. A comprehensive programme of ballet, concerts, song recitals and visual art rounds off the Munich Opera Festival schedule. In 2013 the premiere of Giuseppe Verdi’s Il trovatore, the premiere of Written on Skin by George Benjamin and one complete cycle of Wagner’s tetralogy The Ring of the Nibelung form the centrepiece of the festival programme. Partner of the Munich Opera Festival


Opera- and Ballet Performances Opera

Giuseppe Verdi Il trovatore Paolo Carignani Olivier Py Thur 27.06.13 Festival Premiere Mon 01.07.13 Fri 05.07.13 Mon 08.07.13 George Benjamin Written on Skin Kent Nagano Katie Mitchell Tue 23.07.13 Festival Premiere Thur 25.07.13 Sat 27.07.13

Richard Wagner Der fliegende Holländer Asher Fisch Peter Konwitschny Fri 28.06.13 Richard Wagner Tannhäuser Kent Nagano David Alden Sat 29.06.13 Richard Wagner Lohengrin Lothar Koenigs Richard Jones Wed 03.07.13 Richard Strauss Ariadne auf Naxos Bertrand de Billy Robert Carsen Thur 04.07.13 Sun 07.07.13 Wed 10.07.13

Munich Opera Festival 88

Giuseppe Verdi Falstaff Paolo Carignani Eike Gramss Sat 06.07.13 Giuseppe Verdi La traviata Dan Ettinger Günter Krämer Tue 09.07.13 Richard Wagner Tristan und Isolde Kent Nagano Peter Konwitschny Thur 11.07.13 Giuseppe Verdi Simon Boccanegra Bertrand de Billy Dmitri Tcherniakov Fri 12.07.13 Richard Wagner Der Ring des Nibelungen Kent Nagano Andreas Kriegenburg Das Rheingold Sat 13.07.13 Die Walküre Sun 14.07.13 Siegfried Mon 15.07.13 Götterdämmerung Thur 18.07.13 Giuseppe Verdi Otello Paolo Carignani Francesca Zambello Tue 16.07.13


Giuseppe Verdi Rigoletto Fabio Luisi / Marco Armiliato Árpád Schilling Wed 17.07.13 Sat 20.07.13 Wed 24.07.13 Jörg Widmann Babylon Kent Nagano Carlus Padrissa – La Fura dels Baus Sun 21.07.13 Giuseppe Verdi Don Carlo Zubin Mehta Jürgen Rose Thur 25.07.13 Sun 28.07.13 Modest Mussorgsky Boris Godunow Kent Nagano Calixto Bieito Fri 26.07.13 Tue 30.07.13

Merce Cunningham / Richard Siegal Exits and Entrances Fri 28.06.13 Tue 16.07.13 Marius Petipa / Patrice Bart La Bayadère Sun 30.06.13 José Limón / Léonide Massine Forever Young Tue 02.07.13 Terence Kohler Helden Sun 07.07.13 Frederick Ashton La fille mal gardée Fri 12.07.13 Sat 13.07.13 Sun 14.07.13

Giuseppe Verdi Macbeth Massimo Zanetti Martin Kušej Mon 29.07.13 Richard Wagner Parsifal Kent Nagano Peter Konwitschny Wed 31.07.13

Munich Opera Festival 89

Recitals PAvol Breslik Prince Regent Theatre Fri, 05.07.13, 20:00 h, Ticket prices PEE Ticket prices in Euros PEE 48 / 40 / 28 / 19

Anja Harteros National Theatre Fri, 19.07.13, 20:00 h, Ticket prices F Ticket prices in Euros F 60 / 53 / 45 / 35 / 25 / 16 / 9 / 6

Diana Damrau National Theatre Mon, 22.07.13, 20:00 h, Ticket prices F Ticket prices in Euros F 60 / 53 / 45 / 35 / 25 / 16 / 9 / 6

Christian Gerhaher Prince Regent Theatre Sun, 28.07.13, 20:00 h, Ticket prices PEE Ticket prices in Euros PEE 48 / 40 / 28 / 19

Munich Opera Festival 90

Concerts 1st Festi va l Ch a mber Concert

Grazyna Bacewicz Trio for Oboe, Violin and Violoncello August Klughardt Schilflieder for Oboe, Viola and Piano Giuseppe Verdi Phantasy on Themes from Rigoletto (Arrang. Giovanni Daelli) Theodore Dubois Quintet for Oboe, Violin, Viola, Violoncello and Piano Oboe Giorgi Gvantseladze Violin Guido Gärtner Viola Wiebke Heidemeier Violoncello Benedikt Don Strohmeier Piano Adam Zukiewicz

Cuvilliés Theatre Sat, 06.07.13, 20:00 h, Ticket prices CE Ticket prices in Euros CE 44 / 40 / 32 / 22 / 14

2nd Festi va l Ch a mber Concert

Joseph Haydn String Quartet No. 60 G major op. 76 No. 1 Nikos Skalkottas Duo A major for Violin and Violoncello Claude Debussy String Quartet g minor op. 10 Violin Katharina Lindenbaum-Schwarz, Markus Kern Viola Adrian Mustea Violoncello Roswitha Timm

Cuvilliés Theatre Wed, 10.07.13, 20:00 h, Ticket prices CE Ticket prices in Euros CE 44 / 40 / 32 / 22 / 14

3rd Festi va l Ch a mber Concert

Paul Hindemith Quartet for Clarinet, Violin, Violoncello and Piano Hans Gál Serenade op. 93 for Clarinet, Violin and Violoncello Felix Weingartner Quintet for Clarinet, Violin, Viola, Violoncello and Piano g minor op. 50 Clarinet Markus Schön Violin David Schultheiß Viola Adrian Mustea Violoncello Yves Savary Piano Joseph Breinl

Cuvilliés Theatre Fri, 12.07.13, 20:00 h, Ticket prices CE Ticket prices in Euros CE 44 / 40 / 32 / 22 / 14

Munich Opera Festival 91

4th Festi va l Ch a mber Concert

5th Festi va l Ch a mber Concert

Jean-Michel Damase Quintet for Flute, Harp, Violin, Viola and Violoncello

George Crumb Music for a Summer Evening (Makrokosmos III)

André Chaplet Le masque de la mort rouge for Harp, String Quartet and Narrator Jean Françaix Quintet No. 2 for Flute, Harp and String Trio Luciano Berio Folk Songs for Vocals, Flute, Clarinet, Harp, Percussion, Viola and Violoncello Singer N.N. Flute Katharina Kutnewsky Clarinet Jürgen Key Harp Gaël Gandino Percussion Thomas März Violin Michael Durner, Guido Gärtner Viola Christiane Arnold Violoncello Anja Fabricius Narrator N.N.

Cuvilliés Theatre Wed, 17.07.13, 20:00 h, Ticket prices CE Ticket prices in Euros CE 44 / 40 / 32 / 22 / 14

Béla Bártok Sonata for two Pianos and Percussion OPERcussion Percussion Pieter Roijen, Thomas März Piano N.N.

Cuvilliés Theatre Sat, 20.07.13, 20:00 h, Ticket prices CE Ticket prices in Euros CE 44 / 40 / 32 / 22 / 14

6th Festi va l Ch a mber Concert

Lieder by Richard Wagner as well as Romanze ed Arie da Camera von Vincenzo Bellini and Giuseppe Verdi Letters by Richard Wagner and Giuseppe Verdi Soloists of the Munich Opera Festival Piano Massimiliano Murrali Narrator N.N.

Cuvilliés Theatre Sun, 21.07.13, 20:00 h, Ticket prices CE Ticket prices in Euros CE 44 / 40 / 32 / 22 / 14

Munich Opera Festival 92

Concert of th e M ÜNCH N ER HOFK A NTOREI

Music by Orlando di Lasso, Giovanni Gabrieli, Giuseppe Verdi, Richard Wagner and Anton Bruckner

Presented Fa m i ly Concert

Ludwig van Beethoven Overture of Egmont Camille Saint-Saëns 2nd Piano Concert g minor op. 22

Münchner Hofkantorei Conductor and Chorus director Wolfgang Antesberger OperaBrass Brass Section of the Bavarian State Opera

All Saints’ Church Sun, 07.07.13, 11:00 h, Ticket prices AT

ATTACCA – Youth Orchestra of the Bavarian State Orchestra Conductor Allan Bergius Piano Karin Nagano

Prince Regent Theatre Sat, 06.07.13, 19:00 h Tickets € 15,- (Adults) / € 10,- (Children)

Ticket prices in Euros AT 32 / 27 / 21 / 19

Concert of th e Ch i ldren’s Choi r of th e Bava ri a n State Opera

Festival Concert of the Opera Studio of the Bavarian State OPera

Sergej Prokofiew Peter und der Wolf

Cuvilliés Theatre Do, 18.07.12, 20:00 h, Ticket prices CE

Josef Gabriel Rheinberger Das Töchterlein des Jairus Cantata for children op. 32

Ticket prices in Euros CE 44 / 40 / 32 / 22 / 14

as well as other pieces for children’s choir Conductor Frank Höndgen, Stellario Fagone Narrator Frank Bloedhorn Children’s Choir of the Bavarian State Opera Director Stellario Fagone Members of the Orchestra Academy of the Bavarian State Orchestra

Cuvilliés Theatre Sun, 14.07.13, 19:00 h, Ticket prices CE Ticket prices in Euros CE 44 / 40 / 32 / 22 / 14

Festi va l Ch a mber Concert of th e Orch est ra Aca demy of th e Bava ri a n State Orch estra

Music by Richard Wagner Conductor Kent Nagano

Cuvilliés Theatre Sun, 28.07.13, 20:00 h, Ticket prices CE Ticket prices in Euros CE 44 / 40 / 32 / 22 / 14

Munich Opera Festival 93

Boris Godunow

Conductor Kent Nagano Production Calixto Bieito Stage Designer Rebecca Ringst Costume Designer Ingo Krügler Lighting Designer Michael Bauer Choir Sören Eckhoff Festival Concert Opera for all

Ludwig van Beethoven Overture of Egmont ATTACCA – Youth Orchestra of the Bavarian State Orchestra Conductor Zubin Mehta Giuseppe Verdi Messa da requiem Bavarian State Orchestra Conductor Zubin Mehta Soprano Sondra Radvanovsky Mezzo-soprano Ekaterina Gubanova Tenor Joseph Calleja Bass René Pape Choir of the Bavarian State Opera Director Sören Eckhoff Open Air Sat, 27.07.13, 20:00 h Free admission; no tickets required

— Boris Godunow Alexander Tsymbalyuk — Fjodor Yulia Sokolik — Xenia Anna Virovlansky — Xenias Amme Heike Grötzinger — Fürst Schujskij Gerhard Siegel — Andrej Schtschelkalow Markus Eiche — Pimen Anatoli Kotscherga — Warlaam Vladimir Matorin — Missail Ulrich Reß — Schenkwirtin Okka von der Damerau — Schwachsinniger Kevin Conners — Nikititsch Goran Jurić — Mitjuch Tareq Nazmi — Hauptmann der Streifenwache Christian Rieger Bavarian State Orchestra Choir of the Bavarian State Opera Audio-visual live transmission from the National Theatre to Max Joseph Square Max Joseph Square Fri, 26.07.13, 19:30 Uhr

Opera for all takes place thanks to the Opera Festival Partner

Munich Opera Festival 94

Guided tours through the National Theatre

A guided tour through the National Theatre provides a fascinating insight into the number of personnel, the amount of organisation and the logistics required for a performance, plus interesting information about the construction periods and pioneering personalities that feature in the over 350-year history of the opera and ballet in Munich. The tour includes a visit ­to the King‘s Room, the Ionian Rooms and the auditorium. Guided tours through the National Theatre take place several times a week at 2 p.m. and last around 60 minutes. Please see the notice at the National Theatre / Maximilianstrasse or visit www.staatsoper.de/fuehrungen for the current tour times. Tickets costing € 7.- (reduced price for school children / students € 5.-) are available from the Opera Shop in the foyer at Marstallplatz 5 or online from www.staatsoper.de/tours. In addition to the tours at 2 p.m., the Bavarian State Opera also organises group tours at separate times. These can be arranged individually for groups who book in good time by telephone. The group price is € 100.- for adults and € 70.- for school groups (max. 25 people). For specific groups who have attended a performance together, we offer late-night tours immediately following the opera, ballet or concert. The price is € 130.-. Duration approx. 45 minutes. Group tours are available in German, English, Italian, French, Spanish, Hungarian and Japanese. For more information and to book group guided tours, please call: +49.(0)89.21 85 10 25

Service 97

Opera Shop


Opera Shop at Marstallplatz Souvenirs, t-shirts, gifts, illustrated guides to the Bavarian State Opera and Bavarian State Ballet, programme books, posters of our productions, CDs and DVDs of our recordings and much more are available from the Opera Shop in the foyer at Marstallplatz 5. Opening times: Mon. - Sat. 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. T +49.(0)89.21 85 10 25 opernshop@staatsoper.de www.staatsoper.de

Kraftwerk der Leidenschaft / Hothouse of Emotion Publ. Bavarian State Opera. Concept and editorial work: Ulrike Hessler. With articles by Sir Peter Jonas, Jürgen Schläder, Ulrike Hessler, Robert Braunmüller, Kurt Malisch, Frank-Rüdiger Berger. 168 pages paper-bound, Prestel Publishing House Munich 2001, € 6.-. Also available in English. A brief history of the Bavarian State Opera, its theatres, the Bavaria State Orchestra, the Munich Opera Festival and the Bavarian State Ballet. Bibliophile edition with coloured photographs by Wilfried Hösl.

Opera Shop in the National Theatre Souvenirs, t-shirts, gifts, illustrated guides to the Bavarian State Opera and Bavarian State Ballet, posters of our productions and much more are available from the National Theatre Opera Shop in the stalls on the left. Opening times: an hour before the beginning of each performance until the end of the last interval. Opera Shop Online You can also order all the products offered by the Bavarian State Opera conveniently online in our virtual opera shop: www.staatsoper.de/shop

OperMachtTheaterBilder. Neue Wirklichkeiten des Regietheaters [OperaMakesTheatrePictures. New realities of the directors’ theatre] Publ. Jürgen Schläder. 255 pages, hardcover. ISBN 3-89487-556-9, Henschel Publishing House, € 29.90. Using the example of twelve prominent works of the musical theatre, stage interpretations by famous directors are put to the test.

Zeitsprünge – Das Bayerische Staatsballett zwischen Tradition und Avantgarde [Leaps in time – The Bavarian State Ballet between tradition and avant-garde] Publ. Bavarian State Ballet, 2008. 260 pages. ISBN 3-7913-4090-6, Prestel Publishing House, € 5.-. An attractive coffee table book – winner of the Red Dot Award for Communication Design – with stunning stage photos, portraits and stills, plus informative texts about the Bavarian State Ballet. The book presents the pieces from the company‘s rich repertoire, with portraits of soloists, corps de ballet and choreographers, provides a glimpse behind the scenes and records memories of countless guest appearances and special projects. Service 98

Anna Tanzt IV – Anna wird alt [Anna dances IV – Anna grows old] Publ. Bavarian State Ballet, 2009. 28 pages and four posters. ISBN 3-938218-38-9, Hyperzine Publishing House, Hamburg € 12.-. A documentation in words and photographs of the youth choreography project developed by the Bavarian State Ballet and the St. Anna High School in Munich – awarded the „Germany – Land of Ideas“ prize in 2008 and the PwC Foundation‘s „Future Prize“ in 2009.

Max Joseph. The Bavarian State Opera magazine Publ. Bavarian State Opera With each edition dedicated to a particular subject, Max Joseph is published several times each season and is available to buy at the kiosk throughout the German-speaking world. In each issue, famous authors and photographers set out to discover the various facets of a particular phenomenon of opera and human life.

Programme books A programme book is published for each production at the Bavarian State Opera. You can also have all the programme books sent to you. Your inquiry will be dealt with most quickly if you enclose a signed direct debit mandate or your credit card details with your order. Credit card payments are accepted for purchases of € 20.- or more.

Address for ordering all publications: Bayerische Staatsoper Marketing Postfach 10 01 48 80075 München T +49.(0)89.21 85 10 25 F +49.(0)89.21 85 10 33 marketing@staatsoper.de You can also obtain all our publications in the Opera Shop, Marstallplatz 5.

Service 99

www. staatsoper.de The Bavarian State Opera web site at www.staatsoper.de is one of the world‘s most comprehensive opera house web sites. In the current programme, you will find introductory texts, artists‘ biographies, press reports, audio files, photos and further information about every performance. Naturally, you can also book tickets online. Opern.TV / Ballett.TV The journalistic online magazine for every new production: information, backgrounds and interviews with the participating artists at: www.staatsoper.de/operntv Video trailers for all the most recent productions: www.staatsoper.de/video Podcast Before each new opera production: an audio podcast provides insights into the creation, treatment and reception of the work. Also available on subscription as an RSS feed: www.staatsoper.de/podcasts Photo galleries Click through our photo collections, immerse yourself in the world of opera and ballet: www.staatsoper.de/fotogalerien Newsletter Stay in touch with all the news from the com­ pany and cast changes at short notice: www.staatsoper.de/newsletter Forum Do you have a question for us? Or are you unable to come at short notice? Looking for tickets? You‘ll find everything you need in our forum: www.staatsoper.de/forum

Service 100

Shop Order programme booklets, books, posters, CDs and DVDs: www.staatsoper.de/shop Weblog You‘ll find things here that are everyday, unusual and sometimes downright obscure, and gain an incredible glimpse behind the scenes: www.blog. staatsoper.de Social Media You and us! The Bavarian State Opera and the Bavarian State Ballet are represented on various social networking platforms. Become a fan on Facebook, a YouTube subscriber, follow us on Twitter or join us on Google+.

Advance Booking

Bavarian State Opera Box Office Marstallplatz 5 D - 80539 München National Theatre Evening Box Office Max-Joseph-Platz 2 (main entrance) D - 80539 München The box office and the telephone sales office is open Monday to Saturday from 10 am to 7 pm. The evening box office opens one hour before the start of performances. T +49.(0)89.21 85 19 20 F +49.(0)89.21 85 19 03 tickets@staatsoper.de www.staatsoper.de Tape-recorded ticket availability +49.(0)89.21 85 19 19 Information about casts +49.(0)89.21 85 19 18 Other possibilities for advance booking Box office of the Residenztheater (Max-JosephPlatz 1) and box office of the Prince Regent Theatre (Prinzregentenplatz 12). It is possible to notify subscription tickets that cannot be used, purchase cash vouchers and collect already booked tickets at all the box offices of the Bavarian State Theatres. Private box offices: Süddeutsche Zeitung Tickets (box offices: Ludwig Beck, Service Centre on Fürstenfelder Str. 7), Müller’s box office for theatre and concert tickets (Marienplatz / lower level, Stachus / lower level). Reduced tickets cannot be purchased at private box offices.

requested. Your booking will be confirmed in writing. The quickest way to get your tickets is to book using your credit card (with expiry date; minimum purchase: € 20). There will be a processing charge of € 1.50 per ticket for postal and electronic bookings. Box office sales, telephone reservations and online bookings Advance booking commences two months prior to each performance. If this day is a Sunday or a bank holiday, advance booking starts on the working day prior to it. For each ticket ordered online on www.staatsoper.de or by phone, there will be a processing charge of € 1.50 per ticket. print@home tickets are availabe online, reduced tickets however cannot be booked online. Tickets which have been paid for cannot be re­turned or subsequently reduced. From Aug 1 to 31, the box offices and call centre will be closed. Due to maintenance work during that time, the possibility of online bookings may be restricted. Written bookings (email, fax, letters) will be processed during that time. Written bookings for all performances of Tosca in October will be processed from July 2 on. Advance booking for performances in September and October 2012 will take place from Sat July 21 to Tue July 31, 2012. Advance booking Opera Festival 2013 Sat, January 19, 2013, 10 am to 7 pm. Written orders will be processed beginning February 1, 2013. Remaining tickets from March 23, 2013. Advance booking Der Ring des Nibelungen see p. 103 Advance booking Ballet Festival Week Written orders will be processed beginning January 21, 2013. Box office sales, telephone reservations and online bookings for the whole festival start February 21. If a performance is of great demand, there might be a restriction of 2 tickets per person.

Booking by post, fax and e-mail Postal and electronic bookings are possible for all performances with the exception of closed performances. Such bookings will be processed three months prior to the performance date Service 101

Credit cards American Express, Diners Club, Eurcard / Mastercard, Visa and JCB-cards are all accepted (minimum purchase: € 20). Closed performances For closed performances (marked “Ver­ anstaltung für die Freunde des National Theatres”) it is also possible to obtain remaining tickets at the evening box office. T + 49.(0)89.53 10 48 Subscription performances Please note that the availability of seats at subscription performances (marked “Abonnement-Vorstellungen”) may be restricted in some price categories. Family performances At family performances children who are 14 or younger pay € 10 for seats in all price categories. These tickets may also be booked by post, but not online. There will be a processing charge of € 1.50 per ticket for postal and telephone bookings. School children who are 15 or older, may also purchase these tickets, if they are in possession of a Young Audience card. The Young Audience programme For school children, students and young people doing military or community service, who are 30 years or younger, there is a limited number of seats at one price of € 10 for performances marked “Junges Publikum”. The tickets are on sale two weeks prior to the performance at the box office. Only someone in possession of relevant proof of identity may buy one of these tickets and this proof of identity must also be shown at the performance.

Young Audience card The Young Audience card costs € 21.50 per season and enables school children, students and young people doing military or com­­­m­­unity service, who are 30 years or younger, to buy tickets for Young Audience performances for € 8 and tickets for family performances for € 8. There will be a processing charge of € 1.50 per ticket for postal and telephone bookings (for advance booking conditions see family performances). Registra­t ion form on www.staatsoper.de. Reduced tickets for standing room School children, students and young people doing military or community service can buy tickets for standing room only, at a reduction of 50 % for any performance, on the first working day after box office sales begin. These tickets are only given out to people entitled to purchase them. Monthly tickets This ticket costs € 50 (red. € 25) and enables the holder to attend any performance at the National Theatre for a whole month (with the exception of closed performance and the Munich Opera Festival). Seats are in category VIII (listener only, score seats or standing room). Postal bookings are processed three months previously. Public transport (MVV) On the day of the performance, holders of regular tickets (except the monthly ticket) are entitled to use public transport provided by the Münchner Verkehrsverbund (MVV). This service starts at 3 pm resp. three hours before the performance commences and ends with the closing hour of the MVV. Gift vouchers Gift vouchers at any price can be ordered by post or bought at the box office. Validity: 1 year.

Service 102

Surtitles Unfortunately, the surtitles are not visible from every seat in the theatre. For a listing of seats with restricted view check www.staatsoper.de. Disabled visitors The box office, Marstallplatz 5, is easily accessible for people in wheelchairs. Wheelchair users should use the entrance to the National Theatre on Maximilianstraße. There is an induction loop on all seats until the upper balcony for those who are hard of hearing. There is parking for the disabled on Maximilianstraße and Max-JosephPlatz and there are toilets for the disabled at the dress circle level in the theatre. Chair cushions and Lorgnettes Chair cushions for children and lorgnettes are available on loan at the coat check facilities. Please leave your id card or € 50 as security when borrowing lorgnettes. Tour operators For information on advance bookings made by tour operators please contact the Marketing Office: T +49.(0)89.21 85 10 25 tourismus@staatsoper.de General business conditions A comprehensive list of business conditions in German is posted in the box office and can be found on www.staatsoper.de Guided tours of the National Theatre A tour includes a visit to the Royal Hall, the foyers and the auditorium. For further information on group tours in English, French, Italian, Spanish, Hungarian and Japanese, and for reservations, contact the Marketing Office: T +49.(0)89.21 85 10 25 marketing@staatsoper.de

Der Ring des Nibelungen The two Ring Cycles in January 2013 can only be ordered as a package. Please note that only two tickets per person are available. The processing of written orders for both cycles starts on 19.10.12. Box office sales for Cycle A start on 05.11.12, and box office sales for Cycle B start on 23.11.12. Tickets left for individual Ring performances will be available from 01.12.12. Cycle A Sat 05.01.13 Sun 06.01.13 Wed 09.01.13 Sun 13.01.13

Das Rheingold Die Walküre Siegfried Götterdämmerung

Cycle B Wed 23.01.13 Thurs 24.01.13 Fri 25.01.13 Sun 27.01.13

Das Rheingold Die Walküre Siegfried Götterdämmerung

Total price € 640.80 / 558.00 / 466.20 / 374.40 / 277.20 / 185.40 / 55.80 / 45.00 10% discount on the individual purchase. Plus € 3.- handling fee.

Service 103

National Theatre

seats without view seats without view

48 46


84 82

80 78


76 74

40 38


36 34

2. upper level



1. upper level



64 62

60 58



24 22

56 54


18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 30 28 26 24 22 20 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2

32 30 28 26 24 22

52 50




52 50 48 46 44 42 40 38 56 54 66 64 62 60 58 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 34 32 30 28 26


28 26 24 22 20 32 30 36 34 18

104 56

102 54


100 52


24 22 20 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 30 28 26 22 20 18 16 24 28 26

90 88 94 92 40 38 98 96 44 42 48 46


42 40

38 36

34 32





18 16 14 12 10 8




16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 14 12 10 8 6 4 2


12 10 6 4 2 16 14 14 12 10 8 8 6 4 2 20 18 16 16 14 12 10 22 26 72 126 56 20 18 8 6 4 2 28 10 74 128 12 26 24 22 14 58 16 28 76 130 60 24 20 18 132 30 78 62 32 80 28 26 82 64 34 24 22 30 84 32 66 36 28 26 86 68 34 30 60 70 32 36 62 4 2 72 38 36 34 6 64 6 4 2 11 10 12 10 8 40 66 74 16 14 8 38 30 76 68 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 8 7 32 16 40 78 18 70 34 10 20 80 42 16 14 12 72 4 3 8 6 4 2 22 36 20 18 24 10 44 74 12 14 38 26 22 76 40 46 20 18 16 28 24 78 42 30 26 48 22 80 44 28 32 24 50 82 34 32 30 28 26 46 84 52 48 36 34 4 2 30 86 50 54 38 36 32 8 6 4 2 52 12 10 34 8 6 56 40 38 10 16 14 54 14 12 6 4 2 36 42 40 58 12 10 8 56 18 16 18 16 20 22 58 60 44 42 38 4 2 22 20 12 10 8 6 26 24 62 16 14 46 44 40 26 24 20 18 42 28 64 48 46 24 22 30 30 28 6 4 2 44 8 10 32 12 32 48 46 26 18 16 14 66 34 36 34 30 28 22 20 50 48 68 32 36 38 52 50 34 24 70 38 40 26 36 54 52 28 72 40 42 30 38 56 54 32 42 44 40 34 58 56 44 46 42 36 60 58 46 48 44 38 22 822 824 826 828 62 60 40 48 50 46 21 810 812 814 816 818 820 64 62 42 50 52 48 792 794 796 798 800 802 804 806 808 20 64 44 19 762 764 766 768 770 772 774 776 778 780 782 784 786 788 54 50 46 18 714 716 718 720 722 724 726 728 730 732 734 736 738 740 742 744 746 748 750 752 754 56 52 48 17 672 674 676 678 680 682 684 686 688 690 692 694 696 698 700 702 704 706 708 710 712 58 54 50 66 16 630 632 634 636 638 640 642 644 646 648 650 652 654 656 658 660 662 664 666 668 670 60 56 52 68 15586 588 590 592 594 596 598 600 602 604 606 608 610 612 614 616 618 620 622 624 626 628 62 58 70 14 540 542 544 546 548 550 552 554 556 558 560 562 564 566 568 570 572 574 576 578 580 582 584 64 60 72 13 492 494 496 498 500 502 504 506 508 510 512 514 516 518 520 522 524 526 528 530 532 534 536 538 66 62 12 446 448 450 452 454 456 458 460 462 464 466 468 470 472 474 476 478 480 482 484 486 488 490 68 64 11 400 402 404 406 408 410 412 414 416 418 420 422 424 426 428 430 432 434 436 438 440 442 444 70 66 68 10 356 358 360 362 364 366 368 370 372 374 376 378 380 382 384 386 388 390 392 394 396 398 124

3. upper level

98 96 102 100

66 70 68

74 72 70 20 18 78 76 82 80 34 86 84 40 38 36 90 88 44 42 46 94 92 48

28 26


4 2 10 8 6 68 16 14 12



70 72 74
















20 18

9 312 314 316 318 320 322 324 326 328 330 332 334 336 338 340 342 344 346 348 350 352 354 8 268 270 272 274 276 278 280 282 284 286 288 290 292 294 296 298 300 302 304 306 308 310 7 224 226 228 230 232 234 236 238 240 242 244 246 248 250 252 254 256 258 260 262 264 266 6 184 186 188 190 192 194 196 198 200 202 204 206 208 210 212 214 216 218 220 222 5 146 148 150 152 154 156 158 160 162 164 166 168 170 172 174 176 178 180 182 4 108 110 112 114 116 118 120 122 124 126 128 130 132 134 136 138 140 142 144 3 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 100 102 104 106

ground floor right

2 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 1






10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32

orchestr E 112 114 116 118 120 122 124 126 128 130 132 134 136 138 D 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 100 102 104 106 108 110 C 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 B 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 A


i ii iii iv v vi vii viii


30,- 34,- 37,- 45,- 53,- 60,-

27,- 30,- 33,- 40,- 46,- 53,-

23,- 25,- 28,- 33,- 40,- 45,- Service 104

18,- 20,- 23,- 27,- 30,- 35,-

15,- 16,- 18,- 18,- 22,- 25,-

10,- 11,- 12,- 12,- 15,- 16,-

7,- 7,- 8,- 8,- 8,- 9,-





10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26

seats without view 36 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 1




53 55 57 59 61 63 65 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35





9 11 13 15 17 19

1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15

1 3 5 1 3 5 7 1 3 5 7

21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37

19 21 23 25 27 29 31 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 17 19 21 23 25 27 29


3 5 7

seats without view

1 3 5 7 9

1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31

11 13 67 69 71 1517 73 75 19 21 77 79 23 25 81 83 33 35 37 27 85 87 39 41 29 31 43 45 89 91 33 35 47 49 93 95 51 53 37 39 97 99 4143 55 57 101 59 61

63 65

67 69

71 73

89 91 93 95 39 41 97 43 99 45 101 47 103 31 33 49 105 51 35 37 107 53 109 55 39 41 43 57 59 111 113 61 115 45 63 117 47 65 119 49 17 19 67 121 51 21 69 123 53 21 23 23 25 55 71 73 125 127 27 25 129 57 75 21 23 27 29 131 77 59 133 25 79 61 27 29 31 81 21 23 83 33 63 85 25 31 65

9 11

13 15 7 9 11 13 15 9 11 13 15 17 19 17 19 9 11 13 15 17 19

45 47 75

77 79


81 83

87 33 35 59 67 35 69 61 33 71 37 63 35 73 39 65 37 29 67 75 39 31 69 77 33 41 71 21 79 23 43 35 73 81 25 37 21 75 45 27 23 39 77 29 25 47 41 21 79 31 27 23 43 49 29 81 25 31 3335 27 51 45 47 83 1 3 29 85 33 53 5 7 9 49 31 37 1 3 5 7 9 51 33 35 55 39 11 13 15 11 13 15 37 1 3 5 35 17 57 53 55 7 9 11 41 39 15 17 19 19 21 23 37 59 57 1 3 5 43 21 7 9 11 13 39 41 25 15 17 19 23 25 61 27 29 21 23 41 43 45 63 25 27 29 31 1 3 5 43 45 47 7 9 11 31 33 13 15 27 29 17 19 65 33 45 47 35 21 31 35 67 47 49 33 37 23 25 69 35 37 49 51 39 27 39 71 37 29 51 53 41 41 31 39 55 43 53 33 41 43 57 55 35 43 45 45 37 57 59 45 47 47 827 825 823 821 22 39 59 61 47 49 49 41 819 817 815 813 811 809 21 61 63 49 51 51 43 801 799 797 795 793 791 20 807 805 803 63 45 51 53 775 773 771 769 767 765 763 19 787 785 783 781 779 777 47 755 753 751 749 747 745 743 741 739 737 735 733 731 729 727 725 723 721 719 717 715 18 53 55 49 713 711 709 707 705 703 701 699 697 695 693 691 689 687 685 683 681 679 677 675 673 671 17 55 57 65 51 669 667 665 663 661 659 657 655 653 651 649 647 645 643 641 639 637 635 633 631 629 16 57 59 67 627 625 623 621 619 617 615 613 611 609 607 605 603 601 599 597 595 593 591 589 587 15 59 61 69 585 583 581 579 577 575 573 571 569 567 565 563 561 559 557 555 553 551 549 547 545 543 541 14 61 63 71 539 537 535 533 531 529 527 525 523 521 519 517 515 513 511 509 507 505 503 501 499 497 495 493 491 13 63 65 489 487 485 483 481 479 477 475 473 471 469 467 465 463 461 459 457 455 453 451 449 447 445 12 65 67 443 441 439 437 435 433 431 429 427 425 423 421 419 417 415 413 411 409 407 405 403 401 11 67 69 69 399 397 395 393 391 389 387 385 383 381 379 377 375 373 371 369 367 365 363 361 359 357 10

9 6 5 2 1

1 3 1 3 5 1 3 5 7 1 3 5 7

27 29

5 7 9 9


7 9 11 13 15 9 11 13 15 11 13 15 17 19 17 19 11 13 15 17 19

355 353 351 349 347 345 343 341339 337 335 333 331 329 327 325 323 321 319 317 315 313 311 9 309 307 305 303 301 299 297 295 293 291 289 287 285 283 281 279 277 275 273 271 269 267 8 265 263 261 259 257 255 253 251 249 247 245 243 241 239 237 235 233 231 229 227 225 7




223 221 219 217 215 213 211 209 207 205 203 201 199 197 195 193 191 189 187 185 6

3. upper level

2. upper level

1. upper level



183 181 179 177 175 173 171 169 167 165 163 161 159 157 155 153 151 149 147 145 5 143 141 139 137 135 133 131 129 127 125 123 121 119 117 115 113 111 109 107 4 105 103 101 99 97 95 93 91 89 87 85 83 81 79 77 75 73 71 3

69 67 65 63 61 59 57 55 53 51 49 47 45 43 41 39 37 35 2 33 31 29 27 25 23 21 19 17 15 13 11






R 1

ground floor left

ra seats 137 135 133 131 129 127 125 123 121 119 117 115 113 111 E D

109 107 105 103 101 99 97 95 93 91 89 87 85 83 81 79 77 75 73 71 69 67 65 63 61 59 57 55 53 51 49 47 45 43 41 39 37 35 33 31 29 27 25 23 21 19 17 15 13 11








i ii iii iv v vi vii viii


70,- 88,- 100,- 132,- 163,- 193,- 243,- 264,-

63,- 77,- 88,- 115,- 142,- 168,- 213,- 230,-

53,- 63,- 73,- 95,- 117,- 142,- 183,- 190,-

40,- 50,- 56,- 74,- 91,- 117,- 143,- 148,-

29,- 35,- 40,- 52,- 64,- 90,- 102,- 104,-

17,- 23,- 25,- 30,- 39,- 64,- 67,- 69,-

10,- 11,- 12,- 14,- 15,- 16,- 21,- 28,-

7,8,9,10,11,14,16,20,Service 105

Prince Regent Theatre

1 2 3 4







3 35 69

5 37

7 39

orchestra 9 41












6 38

4 36


2 34




2 62

3 4

19 21 68 42 96 22 20 23 25 27 44 70 29 30 28 26 24 99 45 98 46 73 72 47 48 101 75 100 49 51 74 50 77 103 76 53 55 57 54 52 102 79 59 61 60 58 56 78 105 104 81 80 83 85 82 107 106 109 87 89 108 86 84 5 137 5 91 93 95 94 92 90 88 111 110 138 113 7 112 7 115 139 140 6 6 199 117 119 116 114 198 141 142 169 170 121 123 125 120 118 8 8 201 143 144 200 171 127 128 126 124 122 172 145 146 235 234 203 173 202 174 147 149 148 150 175 237 205 236 176 151 153 152 204 177 178 155 157 159 156 154 207 239 158 206 238 160 179 162 161 180 9 9 209 181 183 208 241 240 273 274 184 182 211 210 186 185 243 242 188 187 189 213 275 212 276 191 193 195 197 196 194 192 190 244 245 215 214 10 10 277 217 247 278 246 216 219 221 311 218 312 249 248 280 279 223 225 222 220 250 251 313 281 314 282 227 229 231 233 232 230 228 226 224 253 252 11 11 283 255 315 254 284 316 257 259 285 351 286 350 317 318 258 256 12 12 287 261 288 260 353 319 263 265 267 352 262 320 289 290 391 390 269 271 272 270 268 266 264 321 291 355 322 354 293 295 294 292 323 393 324 392 357 356 298 296 297 299 325 326 395 359 300 394 358 302 327 301 303 305 328 13 13 361 307 309 310 308 306 304 329 397 330 360 396 331 433 332 363 434 362 399 398 333 335 365 336 334 364 435 401 400 337 339 436 367 366 341 343 345 347 349 348 346 344 342 340 338 14 14 403 402 437 369 371 368 438 405 404 475 476 440 439 373 375 372 370 406 407 441 477 442 478 377 379 376 374 409 408 381 383 385 443 380 378 15 411 15 410 444 479 480 387 389 388 386 384 382 413 415 445 412 446 519 518 481 482 414 447 448 16 417 419 416 16 521 483 520 484 449 450 421 423 420 418 563 562 485 422 452 486 451 523 522 425 427 429 431 432 430 428 426 424 453 455 454 487 488 565 564 525 524 456 489 490 457 459 527 567 526 566 460 458 491 492 461 463 529 528 464 462 493 17 494 569 17 568 465 466 495 467 469 471 473 474 472 470 468 530 531 609 610 571 570 498 496 497 499 533 532 500 573 611 612 572 502 501 503 534 535 18 18 575 574 537 536 506 504 613 505 507 509 614 655 656 539 577 576 511 513 515 517 516 514 512 510 508 615 616 541 543 540 538 657 579 578 658 542 617 618 580 581 545 547 19 19 659 660 546 544 619 620 582 583 585 549 551 703 704 550 548 661 584 662 621 553 555 557 622 587 589 559 561 560 558 556 554 552 705 663 624 623 664 706 588 586 625 590 626 591 593 665 666 707 708 628 627 20 20 594 592 595 597 667 668 629 709 710 598 596 599 601 603 605 753 669 752 670 631 632 630 712 711 607 608 606 604 602 600 671 633 635 21 672 755 21 754 636 634 713 714 673 674 638 637 757 797 798 640 756 639 641 715 675 716 676 677 643 645 647 644 642 759 717 718 758 799 800 680 678 679 681 649 651 653 654 652 650 648 646 720 719 761 760 801 802 683 685 684 682 721 722 763 762 686 804 803 723 724 687 689 688 765 764 22 725 22 726 692 690 691 693 695 806 805 767 694 727 729 728 766 696 845 698 846 697 700 699 701 702 730 807 808 769 768 23 731 733 23 847 848 771 809 810 770 734 732 735 737 773 891 772 849 892 811 812 850 738 736 739 741 775 777 774 813 814 851 893 852 743 745 747 749 751 750 748 746 744 742 740 894 815 816 779 778 776 853 854 895 896 24 817 819 818 24 855 856 897 781 783 820 898 941 782 780 857 858 940 821 785 787 789 899 900 859 823 825 824 822 788 786 784 860 943 790 791 942 792 793 794 796 826 795 25 901 25 902 861 862 945 863 903 864 944 904 995 994 827 829 828 865 867 866 905 906 947 946 831 833 835 832 830 997 996 907 908 869 871 870 868 949 837 839 841 843 844 842 840 838 836 834 948 910 909 872 999 998 951 911 912 950 913 915 1001 873 875 914 1000 953 874 952 876 916 877 879 881 878 955 1003 1002 954 917 919 883 885 887 889 890 888 886 884 882 880 920 918 957 956 1005 1004 959 958 5 1 1007 1006 921 923 961 960 4 924 922 2 1009 1008 925 927 929 928 926 963 962 3 3 1011 1010 931 933 935 937 939 938 936 934 932 930 964 965 2 4 1013 9 6 966 967 969 1012 1 5 975 977 968 1015 8 7 1014 976 974 971 979 978 970 1017 1016 981 980 973 983 985 987 982 972 1 5 1019 1018 7 8 989 991 993 992 990 988 986 984 4 2 1021 1029 1031 1020 6 9 1028 1023 3 3 1022 1033 1035 4 2 1032 1030 1025 1027 1037 5 1026 1024 1 1036 1034 6 9 1039 1041 1043 1042 1040 1038 7 8 1 2 5 8 7 3 4 3 4 9 6 5 1 2 6 7 8 9 8 9 6 7 97





box 3

box 3

box 2

box 2

box 1

box 1

i ii iii iv


161,- 132,- 104,- 94,- 74,-

125,- 104,- 84,- 74,- 58,-

89,- 76,- 63,- 48,- 43,-

Service 106


i ii iii iv


58,- 48,- 40,- 33,- 25,-

48,- 40,- 33,- 25,- 17,-

33,- 28,- 25,- 17,- 12,-


CuvilliĂŠs Theatre

5 4 3 2 1

3. Rang

5 4 3 2 1

5 4 3 2 1

5 4 1 3 2

5 4 3 2 1



4 5 1 2

4 5 1 2


1. Rang 3



4 5 1 2


4 5 1 2

4 5 6 1 2 3

7 6 5 4 3 2 1

5 4 3 2 1

9 10 11 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4

7 6 5 4 3 2 1

5 4 3 2 1

centre box

5 4 3 2 1

5 4 3 2 1

5 4 1 3 2

4 5 1 2

6 5 4 3 2 1

5 4 3 2 1

5 4 1 3 2

5 4 2 1


5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1

5 4 3 2 1

5 4 3 2 1

2. Rang

5 4 3 2 1

5 6 7 1 2 3 4

4 5 1 2 3

5 6 7 1 2 3 4

4 5 1 2 3

4 5 1 2 3

4 5 1 2 3

4 5 1 2 3

4 5 1 2 3

4 5 1 2 3

4 5 1 2

4 5 1 2 3

4 5 1 2

12 156 158 160 162 161 159 157 155 12 11 142 144 146 148 150 152 154 153 151 149 147 145 143 11


10 128 130 132 134 136 138 140 141 139 137 135 133 131 129 10 9 116 118 120 122 124 126 127 125 123 121 119 117 115 9

4 5 1 2


4 5 1 2



4 3

parterre boxes

2 1

















53 41

43 29



51 39


4 5 1 2






4 1 5 2



1. Rang 3


parterre boxes




4 5 1 2 3

4 1 5 2









35 21

23 9





49 37

4 1 5 2

3. Rang

2. Rang



77 63


4 5 1 2

4 5 1 2 3



91 79

81 67








85 71













98 100








80 66






76 62







4 5 1 2 3

4 1 5 2

8 102 104 106 108 110 112 114 113 111 109 107 105 103 101 8 7


4 5 1 2 3

4 5 1 2 3

4 5 1 2 3

4 5 1 2 3

4 5 1 2 3

4 5 1 2 3


Orchestra Seats D

ground floor right

46 C

30 B



48 32 16



34 18


54 36

20 6


40 24

22 8





42 26


28 14


41 27

29 15



59 44


53 39

25 11

51 37

23 9

49 35


21 7



47 33

ground floor left


17 3


31 1


i ii iii iv v


24,- 34,- 44,- 55,- 65,-

20,- 30,- 40,- 50,- 55,-

16,- 24,- 32,- 38,- 45,-

10,- 18,- 22,- 24,- 26,-

8,12,14,14,15,Service 107

All Saints’ Church gallery left

gallery right ground floor

1 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 2 16 15 14 13 12 11 10


3 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 4 16 15 14 13 12 11 10

6 16 15 14 13 12 11 10

8 16 15 14 13 12 11 10


13 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 14 16 15 14 13 12 11 10

16 16 15 14 13 12 11 10

18 16 15 14 13 12 11 10

20 16 15 14 13 12 11 10




14 13 12 11 10 9

2 15 14 13 12 11 10

9 8



7 7




5 5 5 4



4 5

3 4


1 15 1 16

2 2


1 17 1 18

2 2


2 3

1 13 1 14


3 2

1 12 2


4 4

1 11




1 10




1 8

2 3


1 7

1 2

3 4









1 5 1 6






6 7


6 6


1 3


2 3


5 6











1 4

2 3

3 4




1 1 1








8 9


8 8




4 5


7 8






2 2


4 5

5 6




3 3







19 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10

21 13 12 11 10



17 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10




6 7



15 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10


4 4


6 7

7 8




5 5








6 6





12 16 15 14 13 12 11 10




7 7


9 9

10 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 11 15 14 13 12 11 10



7 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10

8 8


5 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10

9 15 14 13 12 11 10


1 19 1 20


wheelchair entrance

1 1 2

1 2

i ii iii iv

AR AS AT AU AW Service 108

20,- 24,- 32,- 38,- 75,-

17,- 21,- 27,- 32,- 65,-

15,- 19,- 21,- 27,- 57,-


Addresses National Theatre Max-Joseph-Platz 2 80539 Munich T +49.(0)89.21 85 01 S-Bahn: S 1– 8 Marienplatz Subway: U 3, 6 Marienplatz, U 3 – 6 Odeonsplatz Bus: 52, 131 Marienplatz, 100 Odeonsplatz Tram: 19 National Theatre Max-Joseph-Platz Car Park: Monday to Sunday 06:00 –02:00 h, T +49.(0)89.29 41 87 Prince Regent Theatre Prinzregentenplatz 12 81675 Munich T +49.(0)89.21 85 02 and T +49.(0)89.21 85 28 99 Subway: U 4 Prinzregentenplatz Bus: 54, 100 Prinzregentenplatz Cuvilliés  Theater and All Saints’ Church Residenzstr. 1 80333 Munich Public Transport and Car Park see National Theatre Käfer’s Opera Restaurant The restaurant on the ground floor opens one hour prior to evening performances. Bars and buffets can also be found on the ground floor and on the levels of the so-called 1. and 3. Rang. Reservations can be made by phone: T +49.(0)89.4 16 88 10 Before 6.00 pm you may also call T +49.(0)89.29 16 07 04 or send a fax to F +49.(0)89.29 16 06 88

Service 109

September 2012

October 2012

Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Fri Sat Sun

Tue 02.10. Opera Tannhäuser Wed 03.10. Opera Fidelio Thur 04.10. Ballet La Bayadère Fri 05.10. Ballet La Bayadère Sat 06.10. Opera Fidelio Sun 07.10. Opera Tosca Thur 11.10. Opera Tosca Fri 12.10. Opera Fidelio Fri 12.10. Concert 1st Lecture / Concert Sat 13.10. Ballet La Bayadère Sat 13.10. Concert 2nd Lecture / Concert Sun 14.10. Opera Tosca Mon 15.10. Concert 3rd Lecture / Concert Tue 16.10. Opera Fidelio Wed 17.10. Opera Tosca Wed 17.10. Concert 4th Lecture / Concert Fri 19.10. Ballet Goldberg-Variationen / Gods and Dogs Fri 19.10. Concert 5th Lecture / Concert Sat 20.10. Ballet Goldberg-Variationen / Gods and Dogs Sat 20.10. Concert 6th Lecture / Concert Sun 21.10. Concert 1st Chamber Concert Sun 21.10. Opera Tosca Tue 23.10. Concert 1st Chamber Concert Thur 25.10. Opera Tosca Fri 26.10. Ballet Goldberg-Variationen / Gods and Dogs Sat 27.10. Opera Babylon Sun 28.10. Opera Dialogues des Carmélites Wed 31.10. Opera Babylon

21.09. Ballet La Bayadère 22.09. Ballet La Bayadère 23.09. Opera Tannhäuser 24.09. Concert 1st Academy Concert 25.09. Concert 1st Academy Concert 26.09. Opera Tannhäuser 28.09. Ballet La Bayadère 29.09. Opera Tannhäuser 30.09. Opera Fidelio

Calendar 110

November 2012

December 2012

Thur 01.11. Ballet Matinee of the Heinz Bosl Foundation / Junior Company Thur 01.11. Opera Dialogues des Carmélites Sat 03.11. Opera Babylon Sun 04.11. Ballet Matinee of the Heinz Bosl Foundation / Junior Company Sun 04.11. Opera Dialogues des Carmélites Mon 05.11. Opera Rusalka Tue 06.11. Opera Babylon Fri 09.11. Opera Rusalka Sat 10.11. Opera Babylon Sun 11.11. Opera Lohengrin Tue 13.11. Opera Rusalka Wed 14.11. Opera Lohengrin Fri 16.11. Opera Rusalka Sat 17.11. Ballet Forever Young Sun 18.11. Concert 1st Chamber Concert Sun 18.11. Opera Lohengrin Mon 19.11. Ballet Forever Young Tue 20.11. Concert 1st Chamber Concert Thur 22.11. Opera Turandot Fri 23.11. Ballet Forever Young Sat 24.11. Opera Die Zauberflöte Sun 25.11. Opera Turandot Mon 26.11. Concert 2nd Academy Concert Tue 27.11. Concert 2nd Academy Concert Wed 28.11. Opera Turandot Thur 29.11. Ballet Forever Young Fri 30.11. Opera Die Zauberflöte

Sat 01.12. Opera Turandot Sun 02.12. Concert 2nd Academy Concert Sun 02.12. Opera Die Zauberflöte Wed 05.12. Opera Die Zauberflöte Thur 06.12. Opera La bohème Fri 07.12. Ballet Der Nussknacker Sat 08.12. Opera Die Zauberflöte Sun 09.12. Ballet Der Nussknacker afternoon and evening Tue 11.12. Opera La bohème Wed 12.12. Ballet Der Nussknacker Thur 13.12. Ballet Der Nussknacker Fri 14.12. Opera La bohème Sat 15.12. Opera Rigoletto Sun 16.12. Opera Hänsel und Gretel afternoon and evening Mon 17.12. Concert 3rd Academy Concert Tue 18.12. Concert 3rd Academy Concert Wed 19.12. Opera Rigoletto Thur 20.12. Ballet Der Nussknacker Fri 21.12. Opera Rigoletto Sat 22.12. Opera Hänsel und Gretel afternoon and evening Sun 23.12. Opera Aida Tue 25.12. Opera Rigoletto Wed 26.12. Ballet Der Nussknacker afternoon and evening Thur 27.12. Opera Aida Fri 28.12. Opera Rigoletto Sat 29.12. Ballet Der Nussknacker Sun 30.12. Opera Rigoletto Mon 31.12. Opera Die Fledermaus

Calendar 111

January 2013

February 2013

Tue 01.01. Opera Aida Fri 04.01. Opera Aida Sat 05.01. Opera Das Rheingold Sun 06.01. Opera Die Walküre Tue 08.01. Ballet Goldberg-Variationen /  Gods and Dogs Wed 09.01. Opera Siegfried Wed 09.01. Ballet La Fille mal gardée Thur 10.01. Opera Lucrezia Borgia Thur 10.01. Ballet La Fille mal gardée Sat 12.01. Ballet Goldberg-Variationen /  Gods and Dogs Sun 13.01. Opera Götterdämmerung Mon 14.01. Opera Madama Butterfly Tue 15.01. Opera Lucrezia Borgia Fri 18.01. Ballet Forever Young Sat 19.01. Opera Madama Butterfly Sun 20.01. Opera Lucrezia Borgia Wed 23.01. Opera Das Rheingold Thur 24.01. Opera Die Walküre Fri 25.01. Opera Siegfried Sat 26.01. Ballet Forever Young Sun 27.01. Opera Götterdämmerung Tue 29.01. Opera Carmen

Sat 02.02. Opera Sun 03.02. Ballet Wed 06.02. Opera Fri 08.02. Ballet Sat 09.02. Opera Sun 10.02. Concert Sun 10.02. Ballet Tue 12.02. Opera Tue 12.02. Concert Wed 13.02. Opera Thur 14.02. Opera Fri 15.02. Ballet Sat 16.02. Opera Sun 17.02. Opera Mon 18.02. Opera Tue 19.02. Ballet Wed 20.02. Opera Thur 21.02. Opera Fri 22.02. Ballet Sat 23.02. Opera Sun 24.02. Opera Mon 25.02. Concert Tue 26.02. Concert Wed 27.02. Opera Thur 28.02. Ballet

Calendar 112

Carmen Steps & Times Carmen Steps & Times Il barbiere di Siviglia 3rd Chamber Concert Steps & Times Il barbiere di Siviglia 3rd Chamber Concert Boris Godunow Il barbiere di Siviglia Zugvögel Il barbiere di Siviglia Boris Godunow I Capuleti e i Montecchi Steps & Times Boris Godunow I Capuleti e i Montecchi Zugvögel Boris Godunow I Capuleti e i Montecchi Special Concert Verdi Special Concert Verdi Boris Godunow Zugvögel

March 2013

April 2013

Sat 02.03. Opera Boris Godunow Sun 03.03. Opera Tristan und Isolde Tue 05.03. Ballet La Bayadère Wed 06.03. Opera Jenůfa Thur 07.03. Opera Tristan und Isolde Fri 08.03. Ballet La Bayadère Sat 09.03. Opera Jenůfa Sun 10.03. Concert 4th Chamber Concert Sun 10.03. Opera Tristan und Isolde Mon 11.03. Ballet La Bayadère Tue 12.03. Opera Jenůfa Tue 12.03. Concert 4th Chamber Concert Fri 15.03. Ballet Goldberg-Variationen /  Gods and Dogs Sat 16.03. Opera Jenůfa Sun 17.03. Opera Ariadne auf Naxos Mon 18.03. Ballet Goldberg-Variationen /  Gods and Dogs Wed 20.03. Opera Ariadne auf Naxos Thur 21.03. Ballet Illusionen wie Schwanensee Fri 22.03. Ballet Illusionen wie Schwanensee Sat 23.03. Opera Ariadne auf Naxos Sun 24.03. Opera Hänsel und Gretel Mon 25.03. Opera Ariadne auf Naxos Tue 26.03. Ballet Illusionen wie Schwanensee Wed 27.03. Opera Hänsel und Gretel Thur 28.03. Opera Parsifal Sat 30.03. Ballet Illusionen wie Schwanensee Sun 31.03. Opera Parsifal

Mon 01.04. Opera Hänsel und Gretel Thur 04.04. Opera Hänsel und Gretel Fri 05.04. Ballet Illusionen wie Schwanensee Sat 06.04. Opera Otello Sun 07.04. Opera Hänsel und Gretel Mon 08.04. Concert 4th Academy Concert Tue 09.04. Concert 4th Academy Concert Wed 10.04. Opera Otello Fri 12.04. Opera Die Entführung aus dem Serail Sat 13.04. Opera Otello Sun 14.04. Opera Der fliegende Holländer Tue 16.04. Opera Die Entführung aus dem Serail Wed 17.04. Opera Der fliegende Holländer Fri 19.04. Opera Die Entführung aus dem Serail Sat 20.04. Opera Der fliegende Holländer Sun 21.04. Concert 5th Chamber Concert Sun 21.04. Ballet Helden Tue 23.04. Ballet Guest Performance Michailowsky Ballet, St. Petersburg Tue 23.04. Concert 5th Chamber Concert Wed 24.04. Ballet Guest Performance Michailowsky Ballet, St. Petersburg Thur 25.04. Ballet Illusionen wie Schwanensee Fri 26.04. Ballet Terpsichore-Gala XI Sat 27.04. Ballet Helden Sun 28.04. Ballet Matinee of the Heinz Bosl Foundation / Junior Company Sun 28.04. Ballet Steps & Times Mon 29.04. Ballet Forever Young Tue 30.04. Opera L’elisir d’amore

Calendar 113

May 2013

June 2013

Thur 02.05. Opera L’elisir d’amore Fri 03.05. Opera Don Giovanni Sat 04.05. Opera L’elisir d’amore Sun 05.05. Ballet Matinee der Heinz-Bosl- Stiftung / Junior Company Sun 05.05. Opera Macbeth Tue 07.05. Opera Don Giovanni Wed 08.05. Opera Macbeth Thur 09.05. Opera Don Giovanni Fri 10.05. Ballet Helden Sat 11.05. Opera Macbeth Sun 12.05. Concert 5th Academy Concert Sun 12.05. Opera Don Giovanni Mon 13.05. Concert 5th Academy Concert Tue 14.05. Concert 5th Academy Concert Fri 17.05. Opera Macbeth Sat 18.05. Opera Les Contes d’Hoffmann Sun 19.05. Ballet La Bayadère Mon 20.05. Opera La traviata Thur 23.05. Opera La traviata Fri 24.05. Opera Les Contes d’Hoffmann Sat 25.05. Ballet La Bayadère Sun 26.05. Opera La traviata Wed 29.05. Opera Les Contes d’Hoffmann Thur 30.05. Opera La traviata Fri 31.05. Ballet Helden

Sat 01.06. Ballet Helden Sun 02.06. Concert 6th Chamber Concert Sun 02.06. Opera Les Contes d’Hoffmann Mon 03.06. Opera Simon Boccanegra Tue 04.06. Concert 6th Chamber Concert Wed 05.06. Opera Les Contes d’Hoffmann Thur 06.06. Opera Simon Boccanegra Fri 07.06. Ballet Goldberg-Variationen / Once Upon An Ever After Sat 08.06. Opera Les Contes d’Hoffmann Sun 09.06. Opera Simon Boccanegra Mon 10.06. Concert 6th Academy Concert Tue 11.06. Concert 6th Academy Concert Wed 12.06. Opera Simon Boccanegra Fri 14.06. Ballet Illusionen wie Schwanensee Sat 15.06. Opera Simon Boccanegra Sun 16.06. Ballet Illusionen wie Schwanensee Sat 22.06. Ballet Illusionen wie Schwanensee Sun 23.06. Ballet Illusionen wie Schwanensee Tue 25.06. Ballet Exits and Entrances Wed 26.06. Ballet Exits and Entrances Thur 27.06. Opera Il trovatore Fri 28.06. Opera Der fliegende Holländer Fri 28.06. Ballet Exits and Entrances Sat 29.06. Opera Tannhäuser Sun 30.06. Extra Festival Service Sun 30.06. Ballet La Bayadère

Calendar 114

July 2013 Mon 01.07. Opera Il trovatore Tue 02.07. Ballet Forever Young Wed 03.07. Opera Lohengrin Thur 04.07. Opera Ariadne auf Naxos Fri 05.07. Opera Il trovatore Fri 05.07. Lied Recital Pavol Breslik Sat 06.07. Campus Presented Family Concert Sat 06.07. Opera Falstaff Sat 06.07. Concert Festival Chamber Concert Sun 07.07. Ballet Helden Sun 07.07. Opera Ariadne auf Naxos Sun 07.07. Concert Festival Concert Münchner Hofkantorei Mon 08.07. Opera Il trovatore Tue 09.07. Opera La traviata Wed 10.07. Opera Ariadne auf Naxos Wed 10.07. Concert Festival Chamber Concert Thur 11.07. Opera Tristan und Isolde Fri 12.07. Opera Simon Boccanegra Fri 12.07. Ballet La Fille mal gardée Fri 12.07. Concert Festival-Chamber Concert Sat 13.07. Ballet La Fille mal gardée Sat 13.07. Opera Das Rheingold Sun 14.07. Ballet La Fille mal gardée Sun 14.07. Opera Die Walküre Sun 14.07. Concert Festival Concert Children’s Choir Bavarian State Opera Mon 15.07. Opera Siegfried Tue 16.07. Opera Otello Tue 16.07. Ballet Exits and Entrances Wed 17.07. Opera Rigoletto Wed 17.07. Concert Festival Chamber Concert Thur 18.07. Opera Götterdämmerung Thur 18.07. Campus Festival Concert Opera Studio Fri 19.07. Lied Recital Anja Harteros Sat 20.07. Opera Rigoletto Sat 20.07. Concert Festival Chamber Concert Sun 21.07. Opera Babylon Sun 21.07. Concert Festival Chamber Concert Mon 22.07. Lied Recital Diana Damrau Tue 23.07. Opera Written on Skin Wed 24.07. Opera Rigoletto Thur 25.07. Opera Don Carlo Thur 25.07. Opera Written on Skin Fri 26.07. Opera Boris Godunow Sat 27.07. Opera Written on Skin

Sat 27.07. Concert Festival Concert „Opera for all“ Sun 28.07. Opera Don Carlo Sun 28.07. Lied Recital Christian Gerhaher Sun 28.07. Campus Festival Chamber Concert of the Orchstra Academy Mon 29.07. Opera Macbeth Tue 30.07. Opera Boris Godunow Wed 31.07. Opera Parsifal

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Imprint Publisher Bavarian State Opera General Manager Nikolaus Bachler Max-Joseph-Platz 2 80539 Munich Germany www.staatsoper.de Editor Laura Schieferle Photos Wilfried Hรถsl, S. 54: Christin Losta S. 86: Fabian Beier Design Bureau Mirko Borsche, Mirko Borsche, Johannes von Gross, Reinhard Schmidt 08.02.2012, all information is subject to change

Imprint 116

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