bazaar January 2014

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January 2014 | issue # 178 w w w.



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About The Cover This month’s cover features the work of underground artist Faheed Alfaheed recently back from his performance at the Dubai Expo announcement after party. We first discovered Faheed’s amazing art on the beach near Marina Crescent where confused passers by kept offering him a “high five.” Not one to be dismayed, he carried on with his illuminated performance piece entitled, Rainbow Glowstick Jazzhands, to an audience equal parts confused and enthralled. A multi-talented artist that considers both light, and darkness artistic expressions of equal import, our in-depth interview with him lasted over 4 consecutive nights where we sat in the dark the entire time. He may be crazy, but his art is inspired.

New Year. New Shmear!

The bazaar team...

My New Year’s resolution this year is to stop making New Year’s resolutions. Why? Two reasons mainly. First, it’s depressing that an estimated 90 percent of New Year’s resolutions result in failure or abandonment. Second, it just doesn’t resonate with my life philosophy – doesn’t fit, doesn’t work for me. Why should we at this one point of the year make momentous, grandiose commitments to (somehow) change and lead a better life? I recently saw a list of the top five resolutions, most of which are some version of: lose weight, save more, spend more time with family, stop <insert bad habit here - smoking, drinking, eating too much, overspending>. It’s not that I wouldn’t be a better person by doing any (or all!) of those things, but it’s offensive to my sensibilities that there’s this huge focus on bettering ourselves and our lives only once a year. So instead of making promises I most likely won’t keep, this year I’m going to focus on the little things in life that I know I can easily do, and that actually do make a difference. For example, I’m going to go out of my way to help out those less fortunate. It’s awfully easy to share some post about the children freezing in Syria, and feel better, but did you actually withdraw cash and hand it over to someone to buy blankets or shoes for them? Same goes for the countless incredibly poor people you interact with every single day of the week here in Kuwait. The guy at the gas station. The waiter at the restaurant. The bagger at the supermarket. The street sweepers and countless others. Do you have any idea what a difference that half a dinar tip will make for them at the end of the month when they send 90 percent of their incredibly low salary back home to feed their parents or kids? Let’s all work together to make 2014 the year of generosity!


Syndicates and Sources

Ahmed El-Adly

LA Times MCT International MIT Review Fast Company The Japan News Tribune Media Services USA Today Slate Washington Post Variety News Service

I’m sure by now you have already got your hands on the 2014 bazaar Dining and Delivery Guide that was distributed with this issue of bazaar. If you didn’t, please make sure you grab one ASAP, since they are flying off the shelves! It’s our biggest one ever, with lots of changes, and tons of interesting reviews and interviews. If you want more copies for your place of work, to share with colleagues and friends, especially newcomers to Kuwait who are often bewildered by the gazillion restaurant choices here, please drop us an email at and we’ll be sure to send some over. You can also download the 2014 Dining and Delivery Guide or read it online, and yes, it is smartphone and tablet friendly, so you can flip through it on your iPad or iPhone, as if you’re reading the real thing, although to be honest, nothing feels or smells as good as old fashioned paper!

Operations Rebecca Sweetman

Business Development Ihab Mokalled

Design Padmini Chandrasekaran

Staff Writer/Social Media Yasmine El Charif

Staff Writer Brook McClurg

Printing British Industries for Printing and Packaging

Online Media/Staff Writer Sarah O. Wali

Communications Hala Y. Sharara


members of:

A. Al-Duaij

Contributing Writers Abdulmohsen Al Mayyas Bibi Al-Falah Dr. Susannah J. Schuilenberg Jaye Sonia Loaay Ahmed Mike Campbell Purva Grover

w w w. b p aw w. c o m The views expressed in bazaar magazine are those of the respective contributors and not necessarily shared by the magazine or its staff (but sometimes they are). No one likes to be dumped;

recycle me, please.

Photographers Katie Foster Mohamed Al-Kouh Sarah O. Wali

Happy New Year! Ahmed El-Adly tweets

tel. 24610017 - fax 24610018 w w w. b a z a a r - m a g a z i n e . c o m










2013 RECAP



As one door closes another one opens: in this month’s Geeks and Gamers column we say goodbye to a trusted old friend and thank him for all his gaming wisdom over the years. Fret not, gaming community, for the force is strong, as we are assured that the trusted legacy that Jaye Sonia has built will powerfully burn on through the Ash (hint hint).

As one of the best-kept secrets in the Mediterranean, the Italian island of Sardinia is a gem that often gets passed by for some of its more ubiquitous brethren. Our own bazaar correspondent travels through the island to learn the history, the ins and outs of its local culture, and exactly what the deal is with Sardines anyways.

In this age of information overload it can be tough to remember what happened last week, let alone last month. Tune in to our year-end recap of everything worth remembering both locally and in our larger global societies. At times funny, at times tragic, the year passed was anything but boring.

There is a small store in the Almubarakiya souq that has been churning out top-quality hand made traditional bishts for over a century. As a family business that has been handed down from Father to son to grandson, we find out the importance of staying true to tradition while growing your business.

Get ready to tune out of social media as the barrage of bestintention promises to self are committed to for 2014. They are annoying, they are sometimes often a positive thing—they are generally somewhere in between. We tracked down your top 5 conundrums about your goals for the coming year before you even set them.





With their latest launch, Porsche has set themselves up to dominate another market segment. The all-new Macan is a luxury SUV crossover vehicle that is as sporty as it is convenient. Check in with this month’s bazaar goes cruising column to get all the specs on the new beast about to hit the road.

If you want to find out who’s behind those stellar morning tunes on our local RKFM 99.7, then you must get to know Farah Bishara in this month’s truth or dare. A 26 year-old Kuwaiti female, self-taught HipHop scholar and radio host, flip through to see why she decided to join the airwaves.

Tomorrow’s Past, pg 72









Get your Neapolitan pizza the way it is supposed to be at Margherita; a beloved pizzeria based in Lebanon, this stellar concept recently opened its doors at the Arabella restaurant complex. Flip through to read about our experience at Margherita as we find out how they’ve perfected those mouth-watering pizzas.

One cannot fight destiny, no matter what happens. In meeting the talented musical mind Nawaf Gheraibah, we are reminded of this notion in so many ways. In putting his career on hiatus to rediscover music, his passions were reignited to create masterful sounds.

Ben Collins, indisputably deemed as The Stig, tells us all about life before and after the enigmatic white suit. From becoming Top Gear’s most coveted Stig to discussing his best selling autobiography, The Stig is definitely unmasked in this exclusive interview.

Get impeccably styled while you’re stuck at the office. That’s what Owayshi, the latest über chic online retail concept to hit the local scene, aims to deliver. We meet the lovely Cofounder Mai Al-Owaishi as she tells us how a financial analyst has taken her passion to the World Wide Web.

Kuwaiti artist Mohamed Al-Kouh uses yesterday’s medium to reconcile the present. Constantly in search of the elements that define our local culture, his art serves to commemorate the facets of society that today appear as a rarity. We meet Mohamed at his studio so he can tell us more about his work.





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With a bilingual audience of both English and Arabic, we cover everything from what’s on, to the bizarre. We print and distribute 10,000 copies of bazaar every month; each issue is read by an average of 4 people, giving us a total readership of over 40,000. bazaar is published every month (except August), delivered free of charge to a large subscriber database, and also distributed free of charge in all of the following locations: Cafés & Eateries

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what’s on?

CAP GALLERY EXHIBITION: “Fired but Unexploded” a Video Installation by Zsolt Asztalos Hold DATES: December 11, 2013 - January 11, 2014 LOCATION: The Art Room (CAP), Kuwait Industrial Shuwaikh Block 2, St. 28, Life Center. Ph 2492 5636.) Under the patronage of the Hungarian Ambassador in Kuwait, Ferenc Csillag, CAP, in collaboration with Art Moments and Hybrid art-Hungary, is proud to present the video installation of the Hungarian artist Zsolt Asztalos Hold, ”Fired But Unexploded”, Exhibition of Hungarian Pavilion in the 55th international exhibition, Venice Biennale 2013. The installation comprises Sixteen videos, each presenting an unexploded projectile found in Hungary. The vision of the destructive weapons, which hover in a homogeneous, indefinite space, is complemented with the sounds of the world around them, and thus the films open the way to new narratives. Each bomb has its own story. Which is essentially one of two kinds. Bombs may explode and thus fulfill their role as objects made specifically for the purpose of destruction, and then enter history books and the personal histories that families maintain. Zsolt Asztalos Hold, in his turn looks into the other possible story in his installation, the story of the malfunctioning device (unexploded bomb) as it leaves behind its original function, assumes a life of its own, starts writing a narrative, becomes a director of our lives through the contingency it introduces. It stays with us humans as it generates and symbolizes conflicts among us. Zsolt Asztalos Hold’s objects trouvés are multiple representations of conflict situations, open to simultaneous interpretations on personal, local, regional and global levels. This brave and thought-provoking installation belongs to the praxis of visual art that has been instrumental, through research and exhibition, in processing the brutal traumas of the late 20th and 21st centuries. This Exhibition is part of the Zenith Art Exchange program between CAP, Kuwait and Art moments, Hungary. You can visit the website on which is not only an integral part of the installation; but also provides further info on the exhibition and but also aims to create a worldwide map of conflicts with its interactive interface.An application for all smartphone platforms will guide visitors through the exhibition and will provide more information for those who want to further immerse themselves. FA GALLERY WHEN: From January 12, 2014 ARTIST: Mohammed Qambar Upcoming exhibition by Kuwait-born artist, Mohammed Qambar. Mohammed studied his BA in Cairo, and finished his Masters of Fine Arts in Washington, U.S. He has exhibited all around the world including in Yugoslavia, Cuba, Spain, Tokyo, Italy, China, France, and the U.S. Collections of his work are also included in the League of Arab States, Cairo, the George Bush Library, Texas, USA, and inside the Diwan Al-Amiri (Amiri Palace), Kuwait. FA Gallery is located in Sharq, Block 2, Gulf Road, Villa 76, Kuwait. For more information please call 2249 8999 or visit

GALLERY TILAL WHEN: January 5 – 14, 2014 EXHIBITION: Fine and Antique Carpets Exhibition by Aydah Merz Aydah Merza proudly exhibits the fruit of her research, efforts and passion. She traveled the four corners of the globe to create the perfect carpet collection of renowned names in the world of carpet-making such as Seirafian, Mehdee, Haqeeqi and Dardashti. This exhibition, which includes Persian and Turkish carpets, marks the third collaboration between Gallery Tilal & Aydah Merza in which both sides add to the other, resulting in an exhibition worthy of those with escalated sense of Art and a high appreciation of this beautiful craft. Gallery Tilal is located in Shuwaikh, Jahra Road, Tilal Complex, M3-M4, Gallery Tilal. For more information please call 2225 6101 or log onto

SULTAN GALLERY EXHIBITION: “Muhawwil” (Transformer) by Monira Al Qadiri DATES: January 21 – 28 2014 “Muhawwil” is a four-channel video installation based on Islamic figurative murals painted on electric power stations in Kuwait. These murals mark a transformation in religious discourse within Gulf societies where once only calligraphic depictions of this nature were allowed. Today’s popculture and mass-production of images have forced conservative entities to reconsider this tradition and take up a mutated technique to convey moral advice in the form of wall paintings. This project reconstructs these paintings into animation, so as to highlight the dilemma of representation that exists between the ancient and the modern. This project was produced with the support of The Arab Fund for Arts & Culture (AFAC). Monira Al Qadiri is a Kuwaiti artist born in Senegal and educated in Japan. In 2010, she received a Ph.D. in inter-media art from Tokyo University of the Arts. Her research is focused on the aesthetics of sadness in the Middle-East, and her works explore the dysfunctional gender roles in Arab societies, as well as the displacement of cultural and religious identities. She has held solo exhibitions in Japan & Kuwait, and has had work in Dubai, Beirut, New York, among others. She is also a member of the artist collective GCC. Sultan Gallery is located in South Sabhan, Block 8, St 105, Bldg No. 168. Call 2471 4325 Ext. 110 or visit For information about the artist visit: 22






what’s trending As much as we work our hardest to give you one rocking print issue after the other, we’re socially active (or try our best to be, we are bazaar humans after all) and we love it! Find us online: It makes our day when we see your tweets/mentions/likes/comments/shares about your favorite features and more.

what: info: Let Beyonce decipher your mood with song editor’s note: Hilarious time waster!

what: Cinemagic info: website and guide to rooftop screenings editor’s note: Awesome free film screenings for all movie buffs

what: info: Parents recreate movie scenes using boxes editor’s note: The coolest way to recycle your cardboard boxes

START READING! Scan to read full digital issue. what: @Miserable_Men info: Men that go shopping. This is their pain. editor’s note: Epic posts, and true stories

what: @UcycleKW info: Premier bike rental company editor’s note: Find them all over town! 24

what: @Shesalfa info: Qahfiya clad character on Instagram editor’s note: Follow Shesalfa for endless laughs

what: @DesignDiwan info: A monthly art & design diwaniya set in MOMA, Kuwait editor’s note: enlightened discussions and a great crowd

what: @Q8bookstore info: Non-profit used English Bookstore at Bayt Lothan editor’s note: Read more. Make it your NYE resolution

‫ﻉ ﺃ‬/2013/2159/‫ﻡ‬.‫ﺥ‬.‫ﻉ‬


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truth or dare

THE HIP-HOP SCHOLAR Farah Bishara by bazaar staff

If, like us, you find yourself automatically tuning in to Radio Kuwait’s FM 99.7 on your morning drive to work, then you’ve probably noticed that the daily grind through traffic has recently became more enjoyable. The reason behind this welcomed change is 26-year-old Kuwaiti female, self-taught Hip-Hop scholar, radio host and proud mommy of two adorable dogs Farah Bishara. With a musical ear geared toward Hip-Hop since the tender age of seven, Farah later substituted MTV and mixed tapes with the Internet to learn more about the culture, history and people behind this genre. Labeling this relationship as a wild love affair is an understatement, as Farah’s travels are even focused on meeting her favorite artists and speaking to them about their work. She adds, “These artists all so incredibly inspiring and supportive! What they’ve accomplished makes me want to push myself beyond my means. I love them for that!” Always wanting a career as a female DJ in Kuwait, however, presents its challenges from society. Even though she encountered many who advised her to refrain from working in local media, she knew that she couldn’t back down when the opportunity came. After all, Farah not only knew that she wanted to do this since a very young age, she even documented notes of samples used in her favorite tracks, or instruments used in a specific production style to “show the world how incredible” a given sound is. Her advice to anyone looking to start or change a career to simply do something that makes them happy, and cheerfully adds, “I know it sounds cliché, but I’ve seen too many people who work miserable jobs that pay high salaries. Do something that makes you want to wake up every morning, and do it the best you can. It’ll pay off more than the highest paying job.” Today, she enjoys her mornings by choosing the right tracks to get people’s day started on a high note, and her relatable radio persona will make you want to tune the next morning to get your fill of Farah’s incredibly positive vibe. Besides music, you’ll easily find her whipping up the yummiest dishes and trying out new recipes in her kitchen. How would your mother describe you in one word? Bubbly. How would you describe your mother in one word? Hilarious. My mom ALWAYS knows exactly what to say to make me laugh, even when I’m in the worst mood. 26

What is the most insane question you’ve ever been asked? Way too many! The worst is when people ask if I’d sell my dogs. I would never sell my babies! What is the most spontaneous thing you’ve ever done? Quitting my day job to chase my dreams. What is your theme song? “Bonita Applebum” by A Tribe Called Quest. What word in the English or Arabic language do you wish you had invented? “‫ !”طرطنقي‬It’s such a funny-sounding word and it’s a great insult! Where would you like to live? What is your dream retirement location? I would love to live in a small apartment in Brooklyn. But when it comes to retiring, I’d say a bungalow on a beach in Havana or Trinidad would be absolutely perfect! What is the first famous quote that comes to your mind? “Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind!” - Dr. Seuss What animal best describes the kind of partner you’d be interested in? My French bulldog, Bagel. He is ridiculously handsome, funny; always happy to see me, loves to cuddle, doesn’t complain and most importantly, loves me unconditionally! What do you miss about your childhood? I miss too many things! The great music, the

movies, going ice skating every weekend. But mostly, I miss having enough time to think and learn and create. It feels like there aren’t enough hours in a day lately! If you could change your name, what would you change it to? “Love.” Wouldn’t that be such a beautiful name? How would you describe your handshake in one word? Firm! I like to let people think I’m confident, even when I’m not. Who is your favorite historical figure? Dr. Maya Angelou. She’s achieved so much despite her difficult life. Such a huge inspiration! What in the world do you least desire? The inability to accomplish my dreams. What do you think is lacking in the world, which if there was more of would make the world a better place? Less humans, more dogs and more donuts. It couldn’t be simpler! Why do you think most girls/guys like you? People like me? Really though; I think it’s because I tell it like it is. My thoughts are always unfiltered and honest. I guess they think I’m funny. Finish this sentence: “Happiness is a thing called…” Hip-Hop! You can follow Farah on Twitter and Instagram @PinkElephant73 or tune in to 99.7 RKFM, weekdays from 7-9 a.m.



Al-Sulaiman Bisht Al-Wajaha by bazaar staff

There is something timeless and beautiful about the small company, handed down from father to son in an effort to keep the tradition going; perhaps even more so, when this pattern repeats over several generations via handcrafted bespoke products of traditional heritage. Abdul Mohsen Al-Sulaiman, a 30-ish year old self-described hardcore athlete, has as much passion for sports and running as he does for the traditional garments that he makes in the same shop as his father did before him. With a family name that has been synonymous with the Bisht—a cloak-like garment often worn for more formal events regionally—and Bisht-making since far before anyone he knows can recall (especially with nobles, diplomats, and sheikhs from the ruling family throughout Kuwait and the larger Gulf Region) he spent most of his early years learning this family trade. After returning from studying business in Egypt, he was poised to take over the family shop when it became time. He now happily services many of the same customers and families that utilized his family’s bisht-making talents for generations, at the store Al-Sulaiman Bisht Al-Wajaha. Tell us about the history behind the company? The company is more than 100 years old, my great-grandparents handed down the business to my father, who in turn handed it down to me. Throughout the years we have each worked to make sure to provide only the best fabrics and textiles available, along with the best handmade quality embroidery. The Bisht business is not an easy one as it represents a combination of culture and history, as well as art and tradition. The many details and 28

different origins of design can be intimidating. So, it’s quite a big world to dive into, yet at the same time, for me it is interesting and appealing. What is the inspiration behind the name of the company and what does it mean? The Name “Alwajaha” means “Prestige” and royalty, it reflects the essence of the Bisht, since it is made of what are considered to be luxury fabrics, and was historically worn by Sheikhs, Amirs, and royalty in general. Also, some Bishts are worn in specific special events, such as marriage and official ceremonies. How long have you been running the company and have you made any changes? I have been running it now for the past 3 years. We have made some changes when it comes to presenting new designs to the embroidery of the men’s Bisht specifically, and added private tailoring. We also have introduced the women’s Bisht to our line of products, which have been in fashion now for some time. We have different qualities and colors for different seasons too. We also do specialty embroidering of names or GCC country flags on to the Bisht. Tell us about the Bisht specifically, both in a historical and modern context? First, the word Bisht goes back to a Farsi word “Posht,” which means a cover for men or women, and goes back thousands of years. Originally worn daily, though over time more for special occasions. With time they started adding embroidery and different fabrics and colors, divided primarily into winter and summer design elements. How long does it take to make one? It depends on the quality and embroidery, but on average, it is anywhere from 10 days to 2 weeks.

What is the process of making one? First, we choose the fabric and cut it in accordance to the person’s height. Then we choose the inner fabric for the Bisht, we start the embroidery work which includes brooj, tarcheeb, samd, alhaila, and then, almaksar and finally, alqaitan. Each step has a specific person designated for it. The tools used usually are: scissors, chalk, needle, threads, and wax. Is one more special than another? Of course, the fabric in a “doraqy” bisht is different than “alnajafy,” yet they are the most expensive, because the textile is made by hand it’s made of either camel, goat or sheep threads. Also, when it comes to the embroidery, there are different grades of threads, some of which we have imported from France. Where do you sell them? They are sold exclusively at our store in Mubarakiya, though we have recently added international shipping to our services due to high demand. What would you like to see happen for your company in the future? Expansion to other GCC countries is definitely in our plans for the near future. On the other hand, I would like the legacy of our ancestors to continue, by which I mean that I would like to see the younger generation appreciate the Bisht as much as previous generations have, and continue wearing it. Specifically, sometimes the youth seem to confuse being cool with being modern, and not wearing traditional clothes, but being loyal to our local traditions can be very cool too! For more information on how to get your custom Bisht, follow them on Instagram @Abdulmohsen_al or visit their shop: Almubarakiya souq (behind door 3).

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Style from your computer to your doorstep by bazaar staff

When Mai Al-Owaishi’s sister returned to Kuwait from the London College of Fashion the fashionista knew it was time to merge her love of style and entrepreneurial spirit. The result is, a trend-setting boutique that has changed the game in online shopping. The bazaar team sat with Mai to find out how a financial analyst has taken her passion to the World Wide Web. When did you first become interested in fashion? I believe fashion should be a unique part of every girl’s life. I think the older I get the more I become interested in fashion, especially with everything that is happening in our world these days. Fashion is everywhere around us from TV shows to social media, and it has changed so much over the past years. What motivated you to start We were so bored from finding the same stuff everywhere we went, whether it was in Kuwait or abroad. All the stores were carrying the same lines with the same trends. It was so frustrating. On top of that you find that Kuwait or the Middle East in general had huge mark-ups. Whenever we traveled we would shop in boutiques to find those special pieces and differentiate ourselves. Did you face any difficulties in starting your website? It was the first time for us to build a website. Building an interactive website is totally different than fashion and retail. You find yourself having to learn so many technical issues in order to make 30

things as smooth as possible for the online shopper. Think of it this way, the simpler the experience of the online shopper is, the more effort and work was put in behind the curtains. We are still learning things along the way. Also, commissioning the right factories to do our label was another challenge. What product ranges are available at We currently cater to women, with high street styles and every day wears, from clothes to footwear to accessories. We wanted to start right and offer a wide range of products and not just a few pieces so we went full-fledged. What distinguishes from other online shopping websites? We have our own brand under the name “Owayshi” as well as other up and coming high street brands. Prices are affordable to everyone. We also personally select and handpick all our fashion lines, and have the products available for delivery within 2 to 4 days depending what time the order was placed. What are the latest trends available online to start the New Year? On our website we have lots of lace! We have tops, skirts and dresses in all different colors. As for 2014, Radiant Orchid has been named the pantone color of the year. So I think we will be seeing a lot of color next year. Winter isn’t all about black or gray anymore, it’s about bold colors. How would you describe your style? Simple yet chic, I go with whatever makes me

comfortable, depending on my mood. I am up for dressing up on some days and wearing my heels and going out with my girls. On the other hand, some days I just want to wear jeans and put on a t-shirt and just get out. I always try to wear a statement piece though, whether it’s accessories or clothing. Having style doesn’t mean you have to go all out, simple things can make all the difference sometimes. What is your style obsession? It’s all about the season, I love dressing up in my leggings, boots and oversized sweaters for winter and I love my skirts and dresses in the summer. I think the one thing in common is that I love my earrings; I’ve lost track of how many pairs I own. I’ve recently been obsessed with lace. What’s next for We were getting too many requests from customers outside of Kuwait, but our focus was on Kuwait, because we wanted to handle things the right way. As we have gained the experience and the know-how, we decided that we have the ability to expand. Therefore, our next step will be expanding our fashion line and catering to the whole GCC and maybe worldwide. As for what is next after that, let’s say we will keep it a surprise.

For more information visit or follow them on Instagram @owayshi or like them on


up close and personal

NAWAF GHERAIBAH A musical destiny by bazaar staff

Nawaf Gheraibah claims that he’s been passionate about music for as long as he could remember. From what we’ve witnessed at Samsara, deemed as the musical event of the season, this claim comes as no surprise. Currently employed at the Higher Institute of Musical Arts, this Kuwaiti musician and composer has been fiddling around with instruments since a very young age. From the piano, guitar to learning how to play the Tabla, Sitar and Arabian oud, to name a few, Nawaf never envisioned his life without music. It is that same passion, however, that forced him to interrupt his career as a producer and owner of Alien Records. Considered as the first English record company in Kuwait, Nawaf produced 32

popular artists like Army of One, yet abandoned this success to rediscover his relationship with music as he truly sees it. He states, “I decided I wasn’t being true to my personal music aesthetic; instead I found the music becoming more and more commercial than I had originally anticipated.” After shutting down Alien Records in what was decided as a hiatus, Nawaf traveled the world, rediscovering music on his own terms. This included learning how to play tribal instruments such as bamboo flutes or the African Kora, appreciating esoteric musical practices from different cultures, and arriving at the desire to let music flow in its varied forms. He finds that blending the music of many cultures provides for a spiritual awakening, a coherent sound that

echoes with his vision. Upon his return, Nawaf distinctly knew that he wished to communicate a human message with music that steers clear of commercial fame; he wished to deliver the charms of sounds that people appreciated throughout the history of mankind. Hence, Ajna Records materialized. From his previous performance of “Bija”, which means ‘seed’ in Sanskrit, at Bayt Lothan in 2012 to preparing last November’s Samsara, Nawaf sees a slow but gradual evolution of local musicians and artists in Kuwait. He adds, “With the support of local galleries, non-profit art houses like Bayt Lothan, more and more local talent is being exposed, and hopefully that will continue in the future.” Perhaps it is this evolving scene that seamlessly set the

bazaar questionnaire What do you most value in your friends? Loyalty. What is your idea of perfect happiness? Silence. What is your greatest fear? Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to ignorance. What is the trait you most deplore in yourself? I’m hard headed. What is the trait you most deplore in others? Lying. Which living person do you most admire? My mom and dad. What is your greatest extravagance? My music studio. Which words or phrases do you most overuse? “Awesome” which is bad, but in my defense I picked it up from my wife. What is it that you most dislike? Pickles. Which talent would you most like to have? I wish I could oil paint. If you could have any job, what would it be? Run a music academy. stage for what proves that Samsara is indeed a rebirth. Samsara fused the past and the present with the music of tribal and ancestral instruments alongside performers from different facets of the music industry. Poems, original lyrics and even Abdelhalim Hafez’s classics received a modernized rendition to ultimately conceive a new age sound. Breaking stigmas, according to the composer, still remains the greatest challenge. Some might perceive his vision as ‘jumbled’ or ‘confusing’, but producing Samsara, with its outstanding mélange of music from different cultures, communicates a clear-cut message summed up in the following statement by Nawaf: “There’s more to music than three minutes of chorus, verse and bridge. If people took the time to explore more ancient

forms of music, they would expand their definition of music.” Nawaf’s fundamental goal with Samsara was to share his love of music with an audience that appreciates this art form, and enlighten them with a few new twists in an effort to shed some light on the many instances of spiritual and emotional expression one could portray with the power of sound. From this turning point, we anticipate more beginnings as a second show is already in the works. For more information about Nawaf Gheraibah, log on to, and learn more about Ajna Records at You can also follow his career on Instagram, @Gheraibah and @Ajnarecords.

What would you consider achievement? The one yet to come.



What is your most treasured possession? My family. What is your most marked characteristic? I have a big smile. Where would you most like to live? On an organic farm. What are your favorite words to live by? Your perception is your reality. 33

bazaar love/hate


As the ball drops on the end of last year and the calendar is turned anew, it is hard to not have the obligatory long-view on the coming months, and an equal desire to make the most of them. Perhaps it is the simplicity of starting from the proverbial clean slate, or maybe it is just the calendared equivalent to simple math; whatever the reason, the 1st of January is poised to be the launching point for many of our goals for 2014. Of course, these are often discarded in a few months or less once we find out that they are as hard as they ever were (and sometimes harder due to the compounding effect of times passage). With that in mind—and after a very informal office poll and speaking to several of our trusted loyal readers— here it is: your top 5 Love/Hate conflicts to the bugger of them all: New Year’s Resolutions. #5 Quit Smoking: Every year you say you are going to do it, but here it is another year and your lungs are only getting blacker (are you actually wheezing while you read this?). You have come up with the many excuses: you only smoke socially, only when enjoying a beverage, only when you are stressed; and even your best of friends don’t believe you anymore. You hate that you can’t quit, but you love the calming feel of the first puff. Quit if you can, of course, but if you can’t, take solace in the fact that even stopping for a few short months, is better than never stopping at all. (P.S If you’re really serious about quitting - see the ‘My Last Cigarette’ app on the bazaar apps page.) #4 Be a Better Person/Volunteer: Okay can we really talk about how we should all be doing this already? If you are not part of the solution you are most certainly part of the problem—and generally that means all of us. While you hate the idea of one more obligation when there is always so much to do, how much better do you feel after you have helped even the smallest bit? Much better! So quit vacillating and waiting for the perfect time to get off the couch and simply decide to go lend a helping hand—anywhere! #3 Save Money: Whether trying to pay off school debt, readying for a home purchase, or just gearing up to buy your next cheetah, we all need to save money some time. And what better day of the year to start with these goals than the very first one! So, like clockwork (and often with empty pockets after splurging on holiday gifts for our many friends), January comes through with enough wind to cause the hole in your wallet to whistle. That is the wind of change my friend and he is saying START SAVING! And we do, and it feels good, thank 34

goodness. Until, that is, summer starts creeping up again, singing her sweet tune of far away lands, and we all want to travel. Easy come easy go- but the saving was good while it lasted. #2 Work/Family Balance: You say it every year like a mantra coming out of the holidays: I will spend less time working, and more time with the family (extended, friends, or otherwise). And yet, in order to continue to move up in the ol’ chain of command in your workspace, something has to give. Sadly, it normally begins with a surrendering of your nights and weekends. We hate, hate, hate it. Still, how good does it feel as soon as you have reached your limit and you start to take that power back in your life? So, work as hard as you can, while you can, then lie back, and call in sick if you need to. #1 Lose Weight/Get Healthy/Exercise More: There is a reason why most people start their workouts at the beginning of the week: simply, it’s subconsciously a good time for beginnings; so, what better way than the first day of the New Year.

No doubt the gyms will be packed and everybody will start getting in their head about getting into beach shape. And that will last at least a solid 5 minutes, before we are all back to snack food and lazing around on the weekends. Just remember if you are a yoyo dieter, you can’t go down unless you come back up again, so start now. Hey is that a cookie over there? Gotta go… I will leave you with one last note to wrap this up on a serious point. There is an old Chinese proverb that I would like to leave you with as motivation. Feel free to yell, curse, or disagree with me about it via social media: ‘The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.’ Love/hate is the nagging voice of my mother telling me to do things that do not come natural to my disposition. Ever in argument with each other, they both fight tirelessly to get the last word. Word!



Back in March, I asked readers a simple question – “what are your victory conditions?” At the time, the whole concept was fresh in my mind, as I had recently had an extended series of conversations with a friend on the very topic. And, like all good conversations, it forced me to think long and hard about what I wanted to create in my life. What were my victory conditions? As both a writer and a gamer, I tend to explore two distinct narratives – one that is very imaginative (the story-teller’s paradigm) and one that is very empirical (the explorer’s paradigm). This is, I suppose, one of the reasons I love RPGs as much as I do – they are the perfect bridge between the two. Regardless of why we play, however, we all eventually arrive at that part of the game where we know we’re close to completing a chapter. Sometimes, this happens expectantly. Most of the time there are signs – little reminders of where we are along the path to victory or why we started the journey to begin with. These signs keep us aligned, help us make better decisions, and hopefully, allow us to achieve the victory conditions we set for ourselves. When comparing and contrasting games and stories, Raph Koster, in his book A Theory of Fun for Game Design, wrote, “Games are better at emotions that relate to mastery.” And he’s correct. Because, even if we’re only playing games focused on skill improvement (Tetris, anyone?), we’re still looking for ways to improve. We do this in the modern sense with lots of first-person shooters, with incremental leveling and with characters that have powers we can unlock. It’s funny, too, because a lot of what we’re doing isn’t just about being distracted or entertained – it’s about discovering and mastering ourselves as human beings. That’s not something you’re probably going to take away from Mario Brothers, but it is something you’ll find in games like Fable. The routine, repetitive jumping puzzles of the 1980s and 1990s still exist in the gaming world might still exist in Guild Wars 2, but the complex stories and agendas are what make them believable. It’s those things that allow us to immerse ourselves and, as a result, understand more. It’s those things that make us think and, when and where appropriate, evaluate our victory conditions. You’re probably wondering, dear reader, why I’m revisiting this topic. Well, for one, it’s something I’ve been thinking long and hard about since I wrote the first part of this article back in March. Ultimately, 36

this journey brought me to a point where I realized that my victory conditions include more than just money, more than just being an expatriate, and more than just living in the material – they involve the heroic search for something substantially more essentially me. That’s something I suspect a lot of gamers, writers, and artists inherently get, even if they can’t or choose not to articulate it. So, this is my last article for Geeks & Gamers (at least for the foreseeable future). It isn’t the end of the column, of course. There will be no ‘game over’ screen. Instead, I’m going to be passing the controller to Ashraf Abdalla, who will take up the mantle of G&G’s future (and it helps that I envision

Ashraf as an individual with an eye patch – someone who looks like Solid Snake and simply goes by “Ash”). Even if he doesn’t, he’s still going to be the man trudging through the trenches of the platform wars, reviewing new and old games, announcing awesome releases, and dispensing geek wisdom in my place. So, be kind to him (especially if he’s anything like Solid Snake), engage him and keep Geeks & Gamers a strong part of the tradition that is bazaar magazine. And with that, I say my goodbyes. It’s been a joy writing for bazaar, as much for me as I hope it has been for each of you.



Mobile app Wasalny helps you get to your destination, fast by bazaar staff

It’s 7:40 a.m. Sunday, and you have 20 minutes to get from your home in Shaab to the office in Shuwaikh. As you rush to your car you try to guess if the 30 expressway or the Arabian Gulf Road is faster. If you have the latest traffic app in Kuwait, Wasalny, downloaded to your Android and iOS device, you can stop playing the daily guessing game and get to your destination as quickly as possible. Wasalny is a mobile application that uses the GPS of mobile phones to find the average speed of a car. They crowdsource travel time and distance from users to identify congested areas, and where the roads are clear. More importantly, they rely on user reports. “The core of the idea came from social media, the power of people,” said Wasalny CEO Salem Korayem. “The idea that if we share enough about our experiences other people will benefit from this.” Korayem, a successful entrepreneur, joined the Wasalny project in 2011 when it was still in its first version and led the team to the finals of a rigorous business plan contest hosted by Google in the first half of 2012 in Egypt. By October of that year he had became CEO of the company, was working on the second version of the app and had secured a partnership with mobile network, Etisalat. By mid 2013, Wasalny had built a trusted user base in Egypt, and were looking to expand. While all the GCC nations had the pull of strong buying power and high levels of technology use, Kuwait was the most forward-looking. “The people here, they love to be progressive,” he told bazaar. “Not just in technology but even in their fashion sense and the way they live their lives. They love to experiment. As someone who is going into a market I have no experience in, I need users who are as willing to experiment as I am.” Korayem and his team arrived in Kuwait in May and worked diligently to establish business partners that would help build a database his users could benefit from. He created strategic partnerships with fleet and taxi companies. They also approached the Kuwait government, and are working closely with them to gather as much data as possible. For a crowdsourcing application like Wasalny, data is key, and the best way to get data is from the users. The app offers the opportunity of active participation through a report when drivers find congestion, roadworks or an accident on the road. They can be as detailed as the user likes, from a single push of a button to advise of a lag, or a complete incident description that includes pictures and detailed information. Alternatively, through the driving mode, data can be captured using the phone’s GPS and sent anonymously to the Wasalny system. The third version of Wasalny was released in Kuwait December 11th of 2013, and is the first multinational 38

version of the traffic app. Users can check for delays using the embedded map, their favorite routes or a list of major roads in Kuwait. However, for Korayem and his team, this is just the beginning. “I want to create on-the-go social infotainment, and traffic is the starting point, because this is what people know right now,” he said. “Driving time is an untapped market and I feel like it’s an open field. Version three is just the first step in my road map of Wasalny. This is the start for new things.”

Until then, Kuwait drivers will be able to skirt around congested areas and take the fastest route to their destinations, by simply turning on an app. Download the Wasalny app for your Android, Apple smartphone. Connect with the team on Facebook: wasalny, Twitter or Instagram @wasalnyQ8 or by going to:



WHITE SUIT Ben Collins on life as The Stig and after by bazaar staff

Ben Collins adjusted the foam seat of the blue Ford Focus and tried to concentrate on the track ahead. He’d been in professional racing for years, but this was different. Tracks like this needed a machine like the single-seat cars with wings that help grip the turns he drove in Les Mans races. He had no idea how the 4-cylinder front-wheel drive sedan would perform, but for a chance to be Top Gear’s coveted Stig, he was willing to give it a try.

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The show’s producer, and the only person present at the audition, Andy Wilman dropped his hand. Collins revved the motor, burned the tires and shot off. His first lap was dismal, with wide turns that careened across the track. By the third lap though, he had beaten The Black Stig’s time by a second and a half. “The next thing I saw on television was his corpse, faked of course, floating in the North Sea.” said Ben Collins in an interview with bazaar. “The Black Stig was history and I stepped into the fray with a mild sense of concern for my fate.” The ‘Stig’ is a masked personality, whose entire identity revolves around his ability to push regular cars to their limit, and set record lap times in high-end vehicles on the internationally acclaimed British show Top Gear. Jeremy Clarkson, one of the show’s three hosts, presented the character in the Top Gear premier as an object, “nobody knows its name, and we don’t wanna know because it’s a racing driver.” For seven years that anonymity was closely guarded from everyone, including Collin’s coworkers on the set. He would arrive at the studio gates before daybreak with The Stig helmet already on. He had to eat lunch alone, and was even spotted grabbing a bite in the back of an ambulance. He put on a fake accent when he needed to talk, and even kept a fake ID in his locker to deter anyone who might snoop through his stuff. Yet, none of that daunted him. He lived for the speed. “The best part of my day was getting changed in my secret hut and walking out onto the airfield at day break. The air was thick with oxygen for powering the engine and we used to get this mist hovering over the airfield,” he said. “During that first magic hour we would test it to its absolute limits and I got a massive buzz from being that measuring stick.“ Despite his extraordinary talent behind the wheel, Collins’ identity dominated the Top Gear fan conversations. It became one of the most frequently asked questions on Google by mid2008. Then, on October 29, 2008 Collins came home from the gym, and the carpenter fixing his kitchen floor asked him to sign a copy of BBC’s Radio Times. The suit he lived in on the set for the past seven years posed under a headline that read “WHO IS THE STIG?” Among the two chief suspects, he was the only race car driver. Photographers and journalists swarmed his neighborhood and knocked on neighbor’s doors, itching to reveal the secret. To throw them off track, the producers brought in F1 champion Michael Schumacher to test-drive the Ferrari FXX. Since he was the only person allowed to drive the super car prototype, Collins would no longer be a suspect. When it came to the reasonably priced car sequence, The Stig turned over the engine, couldn’t find the gears and kangaroo hopped the car around the track. What the audience didn’t know was that Schumacher had flatly refused to drive the Suzuki Liana, and so they actually saw

Collins, who played Schumacher acting as The Stig. The episode threw some people off, but Collins remained top contender. Soon after, Collins got the chance to run the Red Bull F1 car at Silverstone and he jumped at the opportunity. In that same day he test drove the

new Corvette ZR1 and the V10 powered Audi R8. By evening, the urge to race was nagging at his soul and Collins realized he needed to let go of the helmet and go back to being himself. His soul searching started with a book published, to the chagrin of BBC and his fellow hosts, shortly after continued on next page...


his resignation from the show. “I envied The Stig. He was as welcome at A-list parties as he was on the grid of the Indy 500, NASCAR and even Le Mans,” he wrote in The Man in the White Suit. “Outside my little white bubble, the horizon in fact stretched away towards infinity. Replacing the constant fear that my world could unravel in the press at any moment with a ticket to ride through free space. No more what-ifs; more what’s next?” For Collins, it will always be about racing the finest motors. The speed calls to him, and he is most comfortable when taking a deadly turn at an incredible speed. He continues to work in production, 42

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but on the big screen. From Bond movies to Spiderman, his amazing driving skills provide heartstopping sequences that make a good action movie amazing. He will also participate in the 24 hour Les Mans to be held later in the year. Most importantly, when Collins took off the iconic helmet he found his own voice. The Man in the White Suit became a best seller, and his second will be released in October of this year. He currently writes for iconic magazine Autosport and The Sunday Times in the UK, and gives public motivational speeches. His greatest piece of advice: find what you love, and then do it well. “Racing is 99% mental and 1% physical and by

focusing on personal strengths and weakness you can mold yourself in any direction you choose. I’m very privileged to do a job that I love which has enabled me to challenge my outlooks on life and be in control of my fate. Most of the time.”

The London Speaker Bureau represents some of the world’s leading business and motivational speakers. If you are interested in booking Ben Collins for your event, or are interested in bringing in other speakers to your corporate events and conferences, please contact or visit

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arabs abroad

HADI MAKAREM Interesting Arabs doing interesting things…elsewhere! by bazaar staff

Hadi Makarem was born and raised in Manama, Bahrain to parents who left their native Lebanon during the civil war. Having attended British schools from his Primary years through the PhD program he now pursues, he represents a very similar story to many of our Arabs abroad features, primarily for his life’s international scope, combined with a desire to dissect, understand, and ultimately improve, the homeland wherein his roots lie. While a childhood fascination with all things Jurassic in nature led to his first foray into the world of science at the University of Durham, it was not long before he found his way into Political Sciences. Now in the final year of his PHD program at the London School of Economics, we check in for a glimpse into his world. What were the circumstances under which you left your home country? The civil war in Lebanon forced my parents to look for a job elsewhere. They chose Bahrain at the time. I left Bahrain to attend university. Have you always wanted to live abroad? As a Lebanese person in Bahrain I’ve technically been abroad all my life. Going abroad is not something I planned. I think it was expected since we all went to an international school, and since all my friends (for the most part) went abroad for university. It seemed normal. Also, the fact that my parents and many of my relatives are ‘abroad’ makes the idea normal for me. Where else have you lived? After Bahrain, I lived in Durham, London, Beirut and Paris (currently), and soon back to London. What is your favorite thing about where you live? The thing with London is, it’s not just the capital of the UK, it’s a world capital. You see different cultures interacting together and meet people from all corners of the world. You also never get bored of it because there is always something new or different to do or discover. What is the worst thing about where you live? It’s expensive and the weather is not great most of the year. The food in the supermarkets is not great either, and because it’s a busy fast-paced city, it can get tiring. How did you decide to go to London after your B.A. at Durham? My supervisor at the time encouraged me to move to London if I wanted to continue my studies in postgraduate education; especially in a field such as the political sciences. London, he explained, was the best place to catapult myself into the field. So after completing my bachelor’s degree, I was accepted into the London School of Economics (LSE) to do a Master’s degree in ‘Global Politics’. Any notable work to speak of at LSE? It was during my Master’s degree that I worked as 44

a research assistant for two notable figures: one was Professor Fawaz Gerges, an established academic at the LSE who produces research on International Relations in the Middle East, Political Islam, and US foreign policy to the Middle East; and the other was former Algerian foreign minister and UN peace envoy Lakhdar Brahimi. My work with Brahimi was particularly important, because it was at this point that I realized that if I wanted to do something involved in the Middle East, it would be related to postwar development and peace-building work. Of course, part of my interest was fueled by my personal background as a Lebanese citizen whose family migrated because of the civil war there. How did this affect your views of home/work? My learning experience was very schizophrenic in nature: on the one hand, I was told romantic stories of a beautiful country with a lush landscape, majestic history, hospitable people, great food, etc. (recurring themes that most people hear about the country). And on the other hand, I was bombarded with tragic tales of destruction, death and despair resulting from the civil war years. Our yearly trips to Lebanon did not help me understand the country any better. I saw the beauty, but I also saw the damage and division. It was on this basis that I decided to do a PhD thesis on reconstruction in Lebanon. What is your favorite part of your job? The best part of the PhD is doing the fieldwork, which involves meeting and interviewing very interesting characters who are/were involved in the topic you are writing about. What are you working on currently? Currently, I am doing a PhD in International Relations at the LSE. My PhD looks at neoliberal reconstruction in post-civil war Lebanon, and my case study in Solidere’s reconstruction of Downtown Beirut. I am currently in my final year of the PhD program. What do you find most different about life inside

and outside the Arab world? Compared to the Gulf, there is more independence and freedom for the individual to live your life as you want. In London as well, you feel this independence because there are so many different people with different styles, different tastes, different outlooks, different features, etc., and all this means that there is no social pressure to conform to ‘what the society wants’. What do you find most different about work inside and outside the Arab world? Work outside the Gulf is faster paced and it seems like the people take their work more seriously. Obviously, I cannot speak for all people in the Gulf, but compared to London, it seems more people in the Gulf have a laid-back attitude when it comes to work. Where is most of your family? Our primary household is in Bahrain. But I have relatives everywhere (not just in Lebanon). They include, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi and UAE, as well as Greece, Spain, France, UK, US and even Venezuela and Brazil. How long will you stay abroad? I am not sure, but I am hoping to explore a few more countries before I settle. What do you miss most about home? Of course I miss my family and friends, but other than that, I miss all the little things that relate me to my childhood and that I am most used to, like the car I drive, the TV channels I like to watch, the shisha cafes and restaurants that I go to a lot with friends. If you could take one thing from home and place it where you are, what would it be? The Sun! Arabs abroad is our column that shines a light on the many interesting things that Arabs are doing around the world. If you have a friend or family member that you would like to nominate, let us know!


FELIX BAUMGARTNER by bazaar staff

On October 14, 2012 Felix Baumgartner made a historic jump from the edge of space that broke three world records by breaking the sound barrier at 1,342.8 km/h, the record for highest jump at 39,045 meters, and the longest vertical distance of freefall without a drogue parachute at 36,402.6 meters. The jump was precluded by over three years of preparation by the 25-year veteran base jumper and the Red Bull Stratos team, and has been lauded as a great scientific achievement. One year after his jump, Felix is on a world tour to celebrate his historic jump. His stop in Kuwait included a visit to the Kuwait Towers, the Car Museum, breakfast at Slider Station and an afternoon with His Highness Sheikh Nasser Al Mohammed Al Ahmed Al Jaber Al Sabah. We quickly catch up with Felix to get his thoughts on his recent visit. It’s been one year since you broke three world records with a jump, what’s been the biggest change in your life since? My life got busier; I’m on a world tour at the moment, visiting different countries and cities and sharing my experience. You were claustrophobic before the jump, how did you overcome that fear to get into the capsule? Dr. Michael Gervais, a sports psychologist who specializes in high-performance and “extreme” sports helped me conquer this fear through mental and physical training. I was becoming more focused on the suit rather on the Red Bull Stratos jump, he helped me change this. At what moment when you were jumping did you stop being frightened, and start enjoying the fall? There is fear before any jump. You cannot eliminate the fear. When I stopped spinning, I knew that I was in control, and at that time I started to enjoy the fall. They say that seeing the world from that angle gives you a new perspective on humanity. Did the same happen for you? Sometimes you have to be really high to see how small you really are. Tell me about the moment when you began spiraling (about 1:30 minutes in), and how you regained control. It was a very tough situation and I didn’t know if I could get out or not. It was brutal but I never thought I would lose my life. I was trying to regain control, and I knew there would be a moment where I would gain control. During the test jumps did you experience any difficulties that made you afraid during the jump? The only thing that happened was that in the 2nd test jump the capsule was damaged following a hard landing. 46

Was this your first time in Kuwait? What were your impressions? Yes my first visit to Kuwait. The people are so nice and humble. Girls are shy. The food is great. Lots of tall and nice buildings. What did you order for breakfast at Slider Station? Thoughts on the food? Strawberry Crepes. Food is awesome in Kuwait. At the Kuwait Car Museum did you see any classics for the first time? Any you would like to own? Many cars I saw were for the first time. All :) We heard you got some time on the track. What car did you drive? How did it go? I drove a classic car Mercedes 280 SL Vigoda.

You experienced a Kuwaiti Diwaniya for the first time on this trip. What was that like? Any impressions? I experienced a Kuwaiti Diwaniya at His Highness Sheikh Nasser Al Mohammed Al Ahmed Al Jaber Al Sabah’s palace. His hospitality was great and the food was great. What was the most memorable moment in the day? The whole visit to Kuwait was great although it was packed. We had a photo shoot in front of the Kuwait Towers. We ate nice food. We met his Highness Sheikh Nasser, a very humble man. The press conference was packed and the fans at the Mall 360 were great.


bazaar goes dining

MARGHERITA A Neapolitan legacy by bazaar staff

What started out as a small neighborhood pizzeria in Lebanon, named after none other than Queen Margherita of Savoy – notably the first queen of a united Italy and the namesake of the now ubiquitous Margherita pizza – quickly became a regionally acclaimed dining sensation. Rather than becoming ‘just another franchise’, Margherita pizzeria del quartiere successfully emulates a compelling story of family, dedication and most of all mouth-watering pizza. Whether or not you already know and love Margherita from Beirut’s Gemmeyzeh district, this Italian pizzeria will soon become your dining destination of choice whenever that pizza craving kicks in. One always feels invited at Margherita, as the atmosphere resembles that of a hearty Italian cucina. You can’t help but be consumed with ravenous expectations of grandma’s original Italian recipes that come with the aromas rising from the authentic brick wood fire oven. As you stroll by the window display of gorgeous tomatoes and enter through the door, your eyes are transfixed on this commanding construction, with pizzaiolos whizzing across the open prep station getting those Neapolitan pizzas just right. Throughout the restaurant you’ll find a cozy array of gleaming wooden tables and chairs, once again inviting you to sit down, relax and indulge in the finest recipes from Italy’s southern villages. Designed and executed to present the local dining scene with an authentic Italian experience, the menu is delivered under the supervision of the bubbly Chef Marcello. He not only expertly calibrated the perfect balance between utilizing freshly imported and locally sourced ingredients, his dedication toward Margherita’s authentic techniques when it comes to the food’s particular preparation is never compromised. You’ll find a menu as rich and varied as the food’s delectable flavors. Antipasti, salads, bruschetta and warm appetizers, fresh hand crafted pastas and of course their signature pizzas along with scintillating main dishes and desserts. For our Margherita experience, we surrendered our palates to Chef Marcello’s recommendations. He started us off with a Focaccia Margherita, baked and topped with crunchy and peppery arugula, creamy stracciatella cheese offset with cherry tomatoes that burst with flavor. We had to also sample a classic Bruschetta, if only to taste the amazing freshly prepared pesto sauce that topped the toasted bread. The Spinaci Baby e Brie makes for a must-have salad, 48

for the texture of the accompanying balsamic glaze marries the crusted chunks of Brie cheese to elevate a simple salad into a tantalizing dish. If, like us, you find yourself searching for the best preparation of Burrata in town, Margherita puts an end to your strife for this buttery soft Mozzarella-like round of cheese that’s stuffed with soft, stringy cheese and fresh cream. With the choice of two differently sized portions, it’s all about buttery, creamy, cheesy goodness, where you can’t help but dip the fresh bread into this gorgeous round of cheese topped with cherry tomatoes. We were already in awe of the amazing flavors we’ve tasted before the main pizza event. The secret, Chef Marcello points out, is all in the selection of ingredients used. Simple flavors,

when using the right ingredients, deliver bountiful culinary delights. In Margherita’s case, it’s all about the right selection of cheeses, tomatoes, and even the ingredients used to prepare the dough of the Neapolitan pizzas and most of the pastas on offer. Deciding to tease us for just a little while longer before we tried their famous pizza, Chef Marcello brought out two pasta dishes, the Rigatoni Alla Siciliana and the Tortelli Con Fonduta Di Formaggio. As a Sicilian recipe, the Rigatoni stood out with its profound tomato sauce, slightly sweet mozzarella and eggplants. With the aromas of fresh herbs – especially tarragon and basil – shining through, we wished we could bottle up that sauce and take it home. We could

easily apply the same notion for the seductively creamy Provolone cheese sauce that came with the handmade Tortelli stuffed with porcini mushrooms. Then followed the main event—the highly anticipated Margherita pizza. An ode to the queen, the Italian flag and of course Naples, the three simple components of red tomatoes, green basil and white mozzarella pack a flavorful punch. This classic always wins, with the crust artfully browned and the cheese bubbling slightly. You can tell that no commercial tools were employed in preparing this authentic delicacy, as all it requires are the hands of the expertly trained staff and the blazing brick oven. Following our pizza experience, Chef Marcello

couldn’t let us venture into the sweet sensations of their Dolce offerings before we try the Secondi dishes, or mains. A meaty affair, veal was the choice of the day. Before we could object, the veal mignon encrusted with crushed pistachios, caramelized balsamic and pesto enhanced potatoes arrived promptly. Naturally, we couldn’t refuse the chef’s wishes. Followed by a veal chop, Melanese style, we savored the breaded yet succulent piece of meat. Where desserts are concerned, we highly recommend that you go for the perfect trio of Tiramisu, Fondente al Gianduia (a melted chocolate hazelnut cake with vanilla ice cream), and the caramelized lemon crème bruleé. Consider this the holy trinity that will effectively induce a

welcomed overdose of sweetness. Whether you mix in the Fondente with the Tiramisu, or add a chocolate touch to the citrus bruleé, you won’t be disappointed. Before you’ve finished your dessert, one of the friendly staff members will come to your table so that you may try your luck at the famous Margherita numbers game. Choose any number from 1 to 100 from a colored box. If your number is chosen, your meal is on the house! Margherita is located in Arabella in Al Bida’a. For more information, please call 1888 848 and follow them on Facebook: Margherita Pizzeria Kuwait or on Instagram @margheritapizzeriakw and Twitter @Margheritakw. 49


From the Spanish High Street to Kuwait by bazaar staff

One of my favorite things to do when traveling in Spain is to check out the local fashion scene. From observing an inspiring display of street style, browsing funky concept stores to spending what I wished were endless hours at the high street retailer SuiteBlanco, I could never get enough of Spanish travel—until now. With the recent opening of SuiteBlanco in Kuwait at The Avenues, each and every fashionable craving is satisfied without making my annual shopping pilgrimage to Spain, just to visit this fabulous store. A Spanish fashion chain with more than 40 years of experience in the retail world, SuiteBlanco delivers the best of the Spanish high street. Boasting a huge collection of ranges for women that go from basic wardrobe essentials, professional work attire to alluring evening wear; they also carry a glamorous line of accessories like shoes and bags that reflect all of your favorite seasonal trends. Mark my words; there is nothing you won’t 50

love at SuiteBlanco. No trend is forgotten and no print is ever dismissed. Leopard print lovers will rejoice and retro fashionistas will revel in a world of vintage inspired looks and chevron prints. Not only so, the prices at SuiteBlanco will never fail in being absolutely affordable. Feel free to keep up with those catwalk trends without breaking the bank! Since this winter has been bewilderingly cold, a must-have this season to bundle up and face the drop in temperature with one of SuiteBlanco’s maxi coats, warm jumpers, or edgy biker jackets. Whether you want to sport the white on white trend, or go for a bold fuschia in keeping with this season’s most coveted color, the choices available in-store are endless. From fur-lined puffer coats and maxi coats that fit perfectly, to chevron-lined sleeves styled into a simple leather biker jacket, versatility is always key at SuiteBlanco, allowing you to put together so many amazing outfit choices. If you’re a fan of knitwear, and fancy a cozy

addition to your closet, the printed oversized sweaters are a must-have. Feminine floral printed sleeves, candy-inspired shades set against a creamy ecru base color, the sweaters work perfectly with bold colored denim options also available in store. If you are after something with a little more edge, then tone down the denim look into a sleek black color, and pair it with an electric blue chunky sweater with a long over-stated necklace. One of the most wanted items, however, has to be the chic cape, paired together with the perfect party dress. Along with the fun and girly party dresses in store, make sure you pick up all of the essential glitzy accessories to complete your look. Think envelope clutches, gorgeous heels, statement necklaces and much more! is located on the first floor in the 1st Avenue, The Avenues. Please call them at 2259 7144 for more information.



SAMSARA by bazaar staff

It was an ominous start to what was supposed to be the musical high point of the year: weather conditions postponed the concert’s initially planned date, and even many in our own office were beginning to get skeptical. After all, how do you put on a successful event with so many people, for such a large audience and have something as basic as the event date itself plunge into a state of limbo with the hopes of the clouds clearing up? Consider it a testament not just to good planning overall then, but to the desire of local people to get out and see a wonderful live music performance, as well as support those involved (many of whom we all know well), that the final outcome turned out to be the amazing, jaw-dropping, entertainment-ofthe-year event that it had been predicted to be. The event in question is the now not-sosecret Samsara, Nawaf Gheraibah’s brainchild and expression of past meets worldly present of a multicultural, multinational large-scale performance. Ask anyone present and they will tell you that something quite magical happened as the 30 plus performers took the stage in front of roughly 2500 people at the GUST University Amphitheater, for 15 songs over a couple of hours; quite simply—transcendence! Now, it would be quite easy to think that I am overselling or just waxing poetic here as many are want to do in such cases, but when few other words will suffice, you must call it for the musical awesomeness that it indeed was. It simply represented the best of what 52

music (and more specifically Live music) can be. The moment when the collective musical note or expression surpasses the individual efforts of those involved forming a collective experience for band and audience alike—kudos! The music itself, with its variety of ethnic influences such as Indian, Thai, Moroccan, African, Middle Eastern and European sound and song—and notably performed in as many languages including Arabic, French, Swahili, Portuguese, Hindi, and English—was a mix of old world tradition and newer influences, meant to appeal to our many varied interests. With the 30odd performers on stage, all decked out in white, you would be forgiven for thinking you were watching the house band and Puff Daddy’s Hamptons residence, which is notorious for its guest list of who’s who of the entertainment world in attendance. Consider this our equivalent then, with all of these artists present: from enigmatic female vocalists Coco and Neelima Dominic, and male vocalists of Montaster Al Farsi, Hadi and Faisal Marei, and Daffy, there was enough soulful voices present to set a backdrop to even the blandest script. A trumpet, saxophone and French horn rounding out the horn sections, and a 4-man percussion section billed as the Stylus band, throw in Mohammed Rashid, Abdulla Adnan and Soud al Saad on guitar, drums and bass, respectively, and we are already well on our way to an amazing soundscape. By the time you add an additional 7 violinists, 2 people on Cello and Viola

each, the Piano, Nay, and Oud—and you indeed have a full-fledged multi-cultural orchestra. I am told also that the majority of these players are Kuwaiti students from the Higher Institute of Musical Arts, Kuwait. In addition, a variety of musical students and professionals from other countries, such as Egypt, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, Lebanon, India, Jordan, Korea, Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Sudan also rounded out the mix. For those of you who may have missed the event itself, you are in luck, as live recordings of the bulk of the event recently went on sale at iTunes, Amazon Mp3, and CDBaby—the indie artist mecca for physical product—in the middle of December (not too bad of a turn around for mixing and mastering no matter where you are in the world). These 7 songs come straight from the last show and were released through Nawaf’s Ajna Records. It would be a fair critique of the local music scene in general to say that one of the inherent problems in growing a scene is the lack of a middle ground (the sweet spot between large shows and just playing in your own living room wherein most live music incubates and gets good, or disappears into the ether) for live music. That said, it is precisely nights like Samsara, which show music in all of its multicultural and inclusive glory, that will in the end change the local music scene, one show at a time. For more information, check out



Interview with Gulf Bank’s AGM HR Mohammad Abdullah by bazaar staff

While many might fear the notion of change, Gulf Bank’s AGM of Human Resources, Mohammad Abdullah is invigorated by the opportunities presented by it. His quest to foster positivity and development is contagious, and we instantly notice this upon meeting him at Gulf Bank’s HR offices. He seeks to inspire, and be inspired himself, through every facet of his work environment. This is highly visible throughout an awe-inspiring display of photography, also one of his passions, and the compelling sign proudly displayed on his bookshelf that reads, ‘Be the Change.’ With a wealth of expertise in managing people, improving work motivation and performance management in Kuwait and abroad, he’s taken on a positive role at Gulf Bank in fostering the Bank’s future vision for elevating the local Kuwaiti workforce to achieve growth and become the leaders of tomorrow. Instead of simply writing policies that breed change, he behaves in a way that instigates positivity. Mohammed sits down with the bazaar team to discuss Gulf Bank’s latest and greatest HR policies. Can you tell us more about yourself and your role as AGM of Human Resources? I completed my education in the UK and started my career in Kuwait’s oil sector working in Denmark, UK and back in Kuwait. This provided the opportunity to work in exciting industries such as aviation and to experience many functions including marketing and HR. I left the oil sector six years ago and moved to sales and business development with multinationals in manufacturing and automation. My engineering degree taught me the value of quality, my MBA helped me understand the significance of finance, marketing and logistics, and my years of work have taught me that the most important aspect by far, in any organization, is the people. Upon joining the bank in May 2013, we’ve been going through a significant transformation in HR, initiated by our GM and across the bank as a whole. In my role as Assistant General Manager of Human Resources I head the Human Capital Management group, which includes Talent Acquisition (Recruitment), Talent Management (Learning & Development), and Business Partnering through which we interact with the business, as well as Workforce Planning. How do you work with other departments in the bank in delivering a vision of transformational HR? Our working values define the language we use to communicate and work with other departments. In order for an HR vision to be transformational, collaboration amongst the entire team is critical; it is all about understanding the business needs and collaborating to find innovative solutions to fulfill them. In working with a collective vision of transformational HR, Recruitment is now centralized 54

and is continuously being enhanced; our professional Business Partners speak a common language and apply a consistent methodology across the bank; Learning & Development is undergoing a major review to be more proactive with the business, and adding exciting offerings for both graduates and leaders. TALENT ACQUISITION What’s Gulf Bank’s current policy on Recruitment? Our policy is to consistently attract and maintain the best talent. What’s Gulf Bank’s vision for Recruitment? We aim to create a center of excellence that refines our goals and policies of attracting and maintaining talent, as well as operating a more specific plan for Kuwaitization. With a current Kuwaitization rate of more than 80 percent Kuwaiti employees in junior positions, we aim to better represent Kuwaiti talent in middle and higher management. We have ambitious targets set for the next two years. We also continue to invest in the youth and focus on local events such as job and career fairs, as well as relevant international events. Our platinum sponsorship of the NUKS event in San Diego was a huge success. Such activities demonstrate how we are constantly reinventing Gulf Bank to become and remain an employer of choice for fresh graduates and experienced professionals. How has Gulf Bank sustained a policy of Kuwaitization in 2013 compared to 2012, and what is the plan for 2014? 2013 has seen a similar trend to previous years, as Kuwaitization is a key aspect that defines

and characterizes Gulf Bank. We are way above our required levels by the Central Bank for Junior positions, and this higher average brings us in line with Kuwaitization requirements overall. Our vision and goals for 2014, however, will see us elevating the policy of Kuwaitization to surpass the concept of ‘just numbers.’ We are no longer only looking at quotas as a driver; we want to elevate those numbers to qualitatively enhance our policy of Kuwaitization. We would like to see current and new employees rise up in management; we want to grow managers and leaders in the right place by ensuring our organization is built on meritocracy. For instance, experienced employees from the branches who are consistently excelling in their roles position would make ideal candidates for management positions at the head office. They understand our customers and our operations and this brings great value. We want to ensure that we build a foundation to allow a continuous flow of future leaders who today we hire, develop, mentor, nurture and promote. What’s the Recruitment plan for 2014? To achieve our vision, you will see Gulf Bank take on a more active role where local and international events are concerned. To our current and future employees at Gulf Bank, we want to maintain our standing as a great place to work. As a Kuwaiti bank, we aim to ‘Be the Change’ we want to see in our community. TALENT MANAGEMENT What’s the importance of employee training? Providing the tools for employees to do their job by

working smarter. This has a huge impact on performance and productivity—and indeed on morale and job satisfaction. Being in an environment of continuous development also increases employee loyalty. What are the fields in which employees undergo training and why? Employees undergo training in all fields and areas of our business. Some training is technical, and is more specific to the job. Other times, however, it is more general. We cover a full mix of technical and behavioral development. We are proud to deliver many programs in-house, as well as sending our employees to reputable training providers, and in some cases, universities. What is new for Talent Management in 2014? We will have a new dedicated training center that will be inaugurated in January and we’re very excited to host our inductions and internal training sessions there. We are also working on a Kuwaiti graduate program, a development program that sees the mentorship of an employee from their point of induction to lead them toward a future management position. We’re also going to focus on a special program for MBA graduates to have a fast tracked career path toward management. There are more exciting things which we will announce during the latter part of 2014. The Global Management Challenge was another exciting program that was introduced in the past few weeks and will continue well into 2014. Gulf Bank sponsored 12 teams in a very realistic business simulation exercise organized worldwide. Winners of the Kuwait competition will represent

Kuwait internationally in the next phase. This has been a very exciting program not just for the many participants from across the bank, but also for us eagerly awaiting the results every quarter to see how our teams are doing. BUSINESS PARTNERS AND WORKFORCE PLANNING What’s the role of a Human Resources Business Partner? Our Business Partners bring HR to the dayto-day business operation. They are strategic partners looking after everything to do with people. Each Business Partner is responsible for certain areas of the organization and they are engaged with the employees and management there on a daily basis. They coordinate all HR activities for their respective areas. I think this is a really exciting role as you have to learn everything you can about HR from talent acquisition to policies to people management; while at the same time, an HR Business Partner needs to know their designated department’s functions and practices. If an HR Business Partner is looking after the Investment division, their engagement in that position is twofold, from an HR perspective and a business perspective. I enjoy the time I spend with the Business Partners because it keeps me in touch with the business and its people. Our Business Partner function is a cohesive unit; they share their experiences regularly, they deal with issues together and come up with great

strategies that suit the Bank’s different divisions. Gulf Bank is one of the leading pioneers in the HR Business Partner concept in Kuwait. We also work with other organizations in Kuwait to share our knowledge and best practice methods with them. What are Gulf Bank’s working values? Trust, Empathy and Agility or TEA for short. Our vision as HR vision is to “Be the Change.” How do you ensure that these working values are alive within the organization? In order for this culture to thrive, we live our values the Gulf Bank way. Trust, Empathy and Agility are fundamental human values that are essential in maintaining healthy work relationships. When these working values are applied in our daily interactions within the organization, this leads to a truly ‘people centric’ work culture that drives success. Communicating our working values is a comprehensive effort that utilizes extensive marketing tools, continuous behavioral workshops for all levels of employees, the leaders playing as role models and using TEA in all of their meetings and discussions with employees and vice versa. An employee feels more secure once they know they have a great leader they could trust. More importantly, we are looking to have champions from amongst the employees actively promoting and coaching TEA across the Bank with the support of HR. For more information visit: Find them on Facebook: GulfBank, Twitter or Instagram @Gulf_Bank. 55

bazaar health

THE MAGIC OF THE NEW YEAR by Dr. Susannah J. Schuilenberg

Every year, about a gazillion people make resolutions to change. There’s something about the idea of beginning anew on January 1st that causes people to reflect on their lives, their problems, their values and their dreams. Encouraged by the finality of ‘Auld Lang Syne’ and the anticipation of the big ball dropping in Times Square, they take pen in hand and make a list of the ways that the New Year will be better. I remember one year my brother circulated his New Year’s Resolutions. The list read something like this: 1. Sleep in more. 2. Switch from cigarettes to chewing tobacco. 3. Avoid eating anything green. 4. Become a couch potato champion. When we ridiculed him for his ‘stupid’ list, he just grinned 56

and said, “At the end of the year, let’s see who’s kept their list and who hasn’t.” According to Forbes Magazine, only 8 percent of those gazillion people actually keep their resolutions. We don’t suddenly become more motivated with a new year – at least not in any sustainable way. We make our resolutions, hit the ground running on January 2nd, and crater (on average) by about January 20th. Some determined peeps make it all the way to the end of February before the “magic” wears off. Alas, there is no magic in January 1st. The New Year is a great time to begin to make major changes because it’s a significant time marker to the whole world—It feels like a new

beginning. But those changes are not going to happen because it’s January 1st. To be one of those 8 percent who ‘turn over a new leaf’ successfully, stop thinking in terms of magic, and start thinking in terms of planning and the long haul. Use A.I.M. to set your goals. Is what I want to do Achievable? Is what I want to do Intentional? Is what I want to do Measurable? If you can’t answer ‘Yes’ to all those questions, your resolution is doomed. Revise and reframe them until you can say ‘Yes’ to all three. Secondly, be reasonable and realistic in deciding what to change this year. Quitting smoking, getting a degree, finding a new job, losing weight, and getting fit are all great goals, but all in the same year? Could some of them even overlap (Can one get fit and still be smoking?)? If you aren’t sure about what could be reasonably accomplished, spend a session with a life coach. It’ll be worth the hour’s fee. Thirdly, set yourself up to be successful. Benjamin Franklin said, “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” What support do you need? Who will be your front row fans? What professional help could make the difference between success and failure? Who will you ask to hold you accountable for working your plan? What will be the reward for yourself or celebration with others of the milestones along the way? The magical thinking that helps 92 percent of those gazillion peeps is in believing that the turn over from one year to the next somehow gives them something they didn’t have yesterday – a plan for success. A New Year’s resolution in 2013 got me off the couch and outside doing the Couch-to-5K program (available for iPhone and Android). As of January 2nd, I’ve run 1000K. That was my only resolution (getting fit) for the year and I took advantage of all the support and encouragement I could find. Now success is its own motivation and reward. I’m proud of what I’ve accomplished (and there’s a very significant bit of bling in my future by way of celebration). If you haven’t made any resolutions for this year, it’s not too late. The best time to start was January 1st. The next best time is today. May 2014 be as you plan and so much more than you hope for. Happy New Year! Dr. Susannah-Joy Schuilenberg is a Canadian psychologist traveling the world on a busman’s holiday. Bossy from birth, compassionate by choice, and funny by accident, Dr. Susannah writes about anything that catches her attention. Visit or follow her on Twitter @drsusannah.



International organization starts local chapter by bazaar staff

After more than 60 years since its initial establishment, this not-for-profit, independent, non-political organization with local chapters spread across more than 124 countries has launched a branch in Kuwait. A combination of students and recent graduates run AIESEC, making it the largest student-run organization in the world, with more than 86,000 members at present. Its main goal is to offer a place for young adults to have a positive impact on their society and gain leadership skills and experience. AIESEC is a global youth network impacting the world through leadership development experiences. With a goal that they articulate as “Peace and fulfillment of humankind’s potential,” it is easy to see why this is such a good thing for the future generation of leaders. They look to include members who are interested in world issues, leadership and management. The AIESEC committees in various countries host a number of conferences every year that range in length and demographic scope. The purpose of their conferences are to bring the international community of AIESEC members together to enhance their professional skills, provide networking opportunities, and work on organizational strategy. Each year, AIESEC organizes an estimated 500 conferences worldwide. Topics of interest the organization focuses on include: International 58

Trade, Management Education, Sustainable development, Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Corporate Social Responsibility AIESEC in Kuwait is the newest branch in the AIESEC network and started in September 2013 with 10 students from different Kuwaiti universities. The president of AIESEC Kuwait currently is Mahmood Mirza, who came from the organization’s Bahrain branch to start up the organization with the help of local students. The program that they are currently offering locally is called the LEAP Program. This cultural exchange program sends students and graduates from Kuwait to work on a social project abroad for 6 weeks with team of international students. The student can choose to leave at any time, but the peak periods are in January-February and June-July. Throughout this period the student or graduate will live with local people and get to understand the culture and live within it. LEAP Program is already running in all Gulf countries and they have more than 300 students or graduates yearly who take part in this program to go to countries such as India, Sri Lanka, Lebanon, Ukraine, Poland or Brazil. Far from just a tourist’s travel vacation, this program is more about learning about the culture and experiencing the country from the local’s point of view. The Aiesecer—what they call all of their members—would work on an AIESEC project

selected prior to traveling to the chosen country. By the end of the stay, they would have worked on that project, gained global contacts, and had the experience of a lifetime. This program, generally 6-8 weeks in length, normally sends a group of 5 or so at a time. They are currently looking at sending students or graduates, ages 18-30 to different countries around the world to experience this global development program offered at AIESEC Kuwait. As for what type of members they look for, most members are university students or graduates, from 18-30 years old, who have good command of English and can be a good ambassador for Kuwait abroad. A tight-knit group that holds meetings several times a week, they offer an environment that is inclusive and inspired. As for what’s next, they say that they are currently looking for companies who are interested in youth and CSR initiatives so that they can implement projects that involve bringing international students to work with their local members in implementing such projects. This would help them to show Kuwait to the world and, at the same time, give local students the experience of working with people from different nationalities and backgrounds. You can learn more about the organization at or about the Kuwait chapter on Facebook: AIESECinKuwait


Salmiyah sea

Ras Al Salmiyah Plajat Street

Hollyday inn Hotel

Hamad Al Mubarak Street

Gulf Road Residential Buildings


THE MACAN Porsche roars into new territory 60

bazaar goes cruising by bazaar staff

With their latest foray into the world of SUV’s, Porsche continues to innovate and lead the road in the sporty crossover market. The Macan, named after the Indonesian word for tiger, deploys the typical sporty handling characteristics that have become synonymous with Porsche, and does it with all the speed and engine capabilities you would expect from a Porsche model. Featuring exceptional acceleration, vast engine power, extreme agility and optimum steering precision, the Macan is set to rewrite the rulebook on outstanding sporting comfort and everyday usability. There are three different models that comprise this new product range as of market launch. The Macan S model is equipped with a 3.0-litre V6 engine delivering 340 hp and also features an active all-wheel drive with an electronically controlled, map-controlled multi-plate clutch. This allwheel drive is fitted on all three of the models. They will also boast the Porsche Doppelkupplung (PDK) which transfers power as required and almost free of interruption in tractive force. This enables the vehicle to accelerate from 0 to 100 km/h in 5.4 seconds (or 5.2 seconds with the optional Sport Chrono package fitted). The vehicle reaches a top speed of 254 km/h, and its NEDC fuel consumption figures are between 9.0 and 8.7 liters/100 km, which corresponds to a CO2 emissions level of between 212 and 204 g/km. The Macan S Diesel is the economical long-distance runner of the three models. Its 3.0-litre V6 turbo diesel engine achieves NEDC fuel consumption figures of between just 6.3 and 6.1 liters/100 km, which corresponds to a CO2 value of between 164 and 159 g/km. Nevertheless, the S Diesel model accelerates from 0 to 100 km in just 6.3 seconds (or 6.1 seconds with the Sport Chrono package fitted) thanks to its 258-hp engine, and achieves a top speed of 230 km/h. As the top derivative in this model line, the Macan Turbo is set to be the most powerful vehicle in the compact SUV segment. The 3.6-litre V6 engine, which is being used in a Porsche model for the very first time, achieves an unrivalled 400 hp and catapults the vehicle from 0 to 100 km/h in 4.8 seconds. With the Sport Chrono package fitted, this speed can be reached in just 4.6 seconds. Although the top speed is 266 km/h, the Turbo delivers NEDC fuel consumption figures of between just 9.2 and 8.9 liters/100 km, which equates to a CO2 value of between 216 and 208 g/km. The range of equipment fitted on even the standard models are extensive, and includes the all-wheel drive, PDK, multi-function sport steering wheel with shift paddles, large wheels, high-performance audio system and an electrically operated tailgate. The Macan features the air suspension system as the only vehicle in its segment and it comes as standard. The list of optional special equipment offers further highlights, such as the Porsche Torque Vectoring Plus (PTV Plus) system, which has been specially tailored to the Macan. This system distributes varying levels of drive torque to the rear wheels and works in conjunction with an electronically controlled rear-axle differential lock. The list of Porsche options includes the much sought-after dynamic high beam forming part of the Porsche Dynamic Light System Plus (PDLS Plus), which continuously adjusts the headlight level in keeping with the traffic ahead and any oncoming traffic. continued on next page...


The focus on agility and breadth continues into the Porsche Macan’s interior. Sophisticated lines, precise transitions and high-quality workmanship create a harmonious fusion of sportiness, quality and elegance. From the low front seats, the rising center console and the display and operation concept through to the extensive range of customization options, the interior offers both a sense of familiarity and striking new features, such as the new multifunction sports steering wheel. The optional Sport Chrono package offers improved performance at the push of a button. 62

...continued from previous page

The Sport Chrono package enables the chassis, engine and transmission to be tuned to an even sportier level, accompanied by a sound that is even more emotive. The Sport Chrono package is characterized by the analog and digital stopwatch on the dashboard, as well as the additional Sport Plus button in the center console. Another element of the package is the performance display on the optional Porsche Communication Management (PCM) system, which provides information on the total driving time, distance traveled around the current lap or the time taken for each lap, for instance. “Launch Control” is also included – this

function enables a level of acceleration similar to that required in a race when moving off. The time advantage gained in a standard sprint from 0 to 100 km/h is 0.2 seconds for all models. “Launch Control” enables improved lap times and a better spread between comfort and sportiness when it comes to the vehicle handling to achieve a significant boost in driving pleasure. The electronically controlled PASM adjustable shock absorber system increases driving pleasure, safety and comfort and is part of the standard equipment for the all-new Macan. The system actively and continuously regulates

the damper force on the front and rear axles. Vehicles normally demonstrate noticeable body movement in response to a very dynamic driving style involving sharp acceleration and brake phases or when off-roading. The PASM is designed to intervene and reduce body movement. Depending on their preferences and requirements, drivers can choose between three programs: “Comfort”, “Sport” and “Sport Plus”. The new Porsche Macan chassis, and exclusive in this vehicle segment, is the standard air suspension including leveling system, height adjustment and PASM. This chassis variant

also satisfies the highest demands for comfort, sportiness and performance, and puts the vehicle in pole position in comparison to every other chassis design. The Macan with air suspension sits 15 millimeters lower at Normal Level and offers both increased driving dynamics and improved comfort, due to the associated lower center of gravity. The air suspension maintains a consistent vehicle position automatically, regardless of the load distribution. The ground clearance can be adjusted to three different levels as required: “High Level I”, “Normal Level” and “Low Level”. In “High Level

I”, the vehicle sits 40 millimeters above “Normal Level”, with a maximum ground clearance of 230 millimeters. This option is activated via the offroad button and can be used at speeds between 0 and 80 km/h. All in all, if you are looking for the sportiest SUV with all of the extras that you are used to getting in the Porsche, the Macan is the best in the market for you, in all three models. The all new Porsche Macan will be available in mid 2014 from Behbehani Motors Company. Visit their showrooms in Shuwaikh and on the Fourth Ring Road. For more information visit 63

we care

FOCUS ON THE GOOD THIS 2014 by bazaar staff

Upon completing their ‘Focus on the Good’ photography competition, the folks at Alnowair were absolutely blown away by the overwhelming amount of amazing entries that simply, yet powerfully, inspire to focus on the good in life. Instead of discarding those photos, they chose to celebrate the message behind each entrant’s efforts by creating a spectacular display at Marina Crescent. Bold cut out letters spelled the words Focus in both English and Arabic, each letter adorned with over 1500 pictures submitted by entrants from the photography competition. If you happened to pass by the beautiful crescent last month, then you would have surely encountered their magnificent art installation that was built by moments, a lot of hard work, love, hope and positivity. Each picture has been dipped in love (read glue) and pasted one by one on the letters by hand (hard work), to create a collage of what they like to call “Focus on the Good.” Here’s a small note from Alnowair’s team on how this brilliant idea came together: “You might think, why the word Focus? Science tells us that our focus has a lot of power, when we focus on abundance, our life feels abundant; when 64

we focus on lack, our life feels lacking. We want to ask people to make a decision to feel differently when negativity takes over, to make an effort and focus on the positive elements, because perspective is 99% of everything. We can focus on what’s wrong in our lives or we can focus on what’s right. The choice is all ours. To spread this message we held a photography competition called “Focus on the Good” where we asked people to send in pictures of what they thought was goodness to them; the response in one word was amazing. Hundreds of pictures came pouring in, all but crashing our Internet. These pictures were of moments, of people and of things that meant goodness to different individuals. At Mall 360, we exhibited the top 3 and another 20 shortlisted from the 270 odd pictures we received. But surely that wasn’t enough. During the competition we realized that while each picture we received was unique from the next, they all had one thing in common, they all inspired us to focus on the good in our lives, and we wanted to share this inspiration with the world. So go ahead, peep into the goodness of someone else’s life and find in it your own. Different people,

different moments, the emotions however remain the same, the smiles may be different but the reasons behind them remain the same. We hope you enjoy the pictures. Love and a big warm hug, Alnowair” Although 2013 has brought much joy to many, the bitterness of suffering continues into the New Year. We could easily shrug our shoulders and deem that, such is life, and while many are busy keeping to their New Year resolutions, we at bazaar believe that focusing on the good shouldn’t be a hard resolution to maintain and proudly uphold. Once we are truly capable of doing so, then, and only then, will we be able to improve our lives and more importantly, the lives of those around us. A message of hope, to focus on the good, may have inspired those who happened to leisurely stroll by the crescent area, yet our hope is to propagate this message through this article in support of Alnowair’s commendable efforts. Follow Alnowair on Instagram @al_nowair and on Facebook: Al_Nowair or visit


WATANIYA TELECOM: BETTER, FASTER, STRONGER Interview with Alia Al-Faris VIP Director, Sales Division by bazaar staff

As the first private telecom operator in Kuwait, Wataniya Telecom has magnificently grown since its initial establishment in 1999. Wataniya is proud of its diverse culture while strongly celebrating its Kuwaiti identity. We meet with one of Wataniya’s talented employees, Alia Al-Faris, VIP Director in the Sales Division, as she tells us more about what it takes to maintain an amazing loyal following of customers amongst a rapidly changing and challenging market. Considered as quite the adventurous type, Alia is never afraid of a challenge; she’s also extremely passionate about discovery and is a seasoned skydiver. Tell us something about Wataniya that people might not know? The culture of Wataniya! We are one family of brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers working under one roof called Wataniya Telecom. We care about colleagues like we care for our own families. We share their happiness and sadness, good times and bad times. We also are very understanding of each other’s different backgrounds as our colleagues come from different parts of the world with different backgrounds. At Wataniya we look after our customer satisfaction. It is the number one reason why we want to care for each other as employees. We aim 66

to achieve the highest levels of production and customer satisfaction. We believe that the more we give to each other as employees, the happier we are, and the happier our customers are. Where does Wataniya stand now in the market? Wataniya has come a long way since its establishment 14 years ago as the first private telecom operator in Kuwait. It now performs within a very competitive market. To keep the challenge going, we have gone through a complete modernization process in rebuilding our network; we are more confident than ever in proudly offering our customers amazing services and network coverage. Customers now will feel the huge improvement in voice call clarity and network connection as well as 4G/LTE Internet services, where we are now offering the most advanced network coverage. Tell us about the network modernization process which Wataniya has recently announced. How would you describe the network coverage now? Customers demand the best experiences from their mobile network, it means investing in our network for today and tomorrow, rolling out advances in mobile technology and bringing our customers greater value and choice of mobile services. This is why we have modernized our network to follow the highest and latest international standards and quality with an investment of $400 million.

Wataniya is characterized by honesty and transparency. To grow and to change is our aim to meet the needs of our customers and the community. Therefore we developed the performance of our network and invested for the future. Recently, we have celebrated the huge success of our network modernization with our partners Huawei and Ericsson. We also wanted to have our customers engaged and therefore brought Google representatives to Kuwait for an innovative event. We have launched a campaign lately to showcase the reliability of our network no matter where you are, whether in basements, high-rise buildings, or even under water. With the positive and constructive feedback of our customers through Customer Care, we can now confirm that we have the most advanced network. In addition, our amazing 4G/LTE network will soon be upgraded to 4G/LTE Advanced. What are the different products or services that are offered by Wataniya? We connect, care and challenge. We connect and care by always catering to our customers’ needs and requirements with great transparency. We believe the customer has the right to know all the details about the services given to them. Therefore, we insist to be transparent and clear at all times. We make sure that our messages through our advertisements and offers are always honest and

clear. Furthermore, the Wataniya App service allows customers to view their due bill amount and the next bill due date and it also shows the usage of credit and Internet usage. Wataniya challenges competitors by providing its customers with so many options and benefits. The W’s packs are great options for premium customers offering them unique services of value. Another wonderful product is the 4G/LTE router offers, which, as soon as these routers entered the market, became sold out only three days after their launch. On the other hand, there are brilliant ways customers can benefit from all minutes and internet volume used, which is to redeem the points collected through the “Nojoom” Loyalty program for vouchers and discounts from the most famous brands in Kuwait. How does Wataniya value its VIP customers? At Wataniya, we provide all customers with amazing experiences and brilliant services. However, we aim to develop and implement strategic market positioning and business development plans especially for VIP customers. There is a special attention that we pay to our VIP customers because we care for them. We cater to their special requirements and we work hard to retain current VIP customers and bring new customers in. Therefore, we create special and exclusive products and services of class and we offer them elite services of value.

One great way of appreciating our high value customers is by the new “Nojoom” loyalty program Platinum tier. The Platinum tier brings many unique benefits and services of class to its high value premium members. Premium members of the Platinum tier will enjoy a multitude of exclusive services customized to suit their dynamic lifestyle along with a 24/7 personal assistance. It also offers them a complementary courier service, US & UK mailboxes for shipments of online purchases and access to international airport lounges as well as many other benefits. Tell us about the best loyalty program of its kind in Kuwait, “Nojoom”. “Nojoom” is the loyalty program that we are proud of, as it is the first of its kind in Kuwait. It represents our special way of thanking and appreciating our customers for their loyalty to Wataniya. “Nojoom” has been awarded The Best Loyalty Program in the Middle East by Customer 360 ME in the year 2012. All our prepaid and postpaid customers can join “Nojoom” for free by sending an SMS with the letter R to 129. They will be assigned to Red, Silver, Gold, or Platinum tier depending on their mobile usage. Each tier provides experiences and benefits of value to customers. Members will be collecting points based on their assigned tier After collecting points, they can redeem them

for vouchers and discounts. We have affiliated with over 30 partners offering benefits from 124 of the most famous brands in Kuwait. Customers will get discounts, free vouchers, traveling tickets and more. The Platinum tier of “Nojoom” is tailored especially for our premium customers offering them wonderful services not only in Kuwait, but also while traveling. Tell us about Wataniya’s expanded network of branches. To come closer to our customers, we have decided to expand our network of branches across Kuwait. It is an important step that we took to provide convenience of location and comfort to our customers. We now have 32 new branches as well as various authorized dealer stores serving all our customers across the country. What is Wataniya’s outlook for 2014? In a dynamic market like Kuwait, which has more than 125% mobile penetrations, the competition is strong. Therefore, Wataniya Telecom’s primary goal is to offer the best products and services to its customers. We will continue bringing exciting new concepts to the market and we promise to ensure the best customer experience ever. For more information, log on to, or follow them on Facebook: Wataniya, Twitter and Instagram @WataniyaTelecom. 67

bazaar apps Appy New Year!





Listed as one of TIME Magazine’s “50 Best Android Apps for 2013,” using this app from Concur, you can organize your travel plans in one place. Simply forward your travel confirmation emails to and TripIt automagically creates a detailed daily itinerary for every trip. Use it for hotel, airline, car rental bookings and restaurant confirmation emails. Access itineraries anytime, on any device (even offline), get directions, maps and weather for each destination and sync your trip plans with your Google Calendar or Outlook. You can also add or edit plans from the app or website, and share some (or all) of your trip plans via email or social media. Available for free on Android and iOS devices.

Tarneeb is a 4-player card game app which requires a lot of team work, memory and coordination, and it’s taking the Middle East by storm. Play against thousands of players around the world, friends, or if you’ve got what it takes, against the Artificially Intelligent robot (THETA) and defeat your competition by outbidding them on the virtual card table. Similar to the popular game Trumps, this app will have you addicted in no time. This is a feature rich card game with a unique 3rd person view and you can use your ‘Grape Leaves’ and customize your character on Have limited Internet access? You can also play for fun in Offline mode. Available on iOS and Android devices.



Just in time for New Year’s Resolutions comes the app Commit. To really get good at something you need to do it every day and Commit helps you form these habits so that they happen. For example, if you want to learn to draw, you should practice regularly. First add it as a commitment, then Commit will track each day it happens. For each day it increases the “days in a row” count. If you miss a day it resets to 0. Eventually as you reach 20, 30 or 50 days in a row that count becomes the motivation to keep going each day. The consistency will mean you improve much more quickly. Other ideas to commit to include: running, learning a language, flossing, or sitting in front of the TV. Available free for iOS devices only.

So your plan for 2014 is to quit smoking? My Last Cigarette has helped 1000s of users successfully resist restarting smoking. If you are serious about quitting for good then this app could make all the difference. Simply enter your smoking habit and personal details then watch as various indicators display your expected increase in lifespan, your circulatory and lung function improvements, your savings, and much more. Over 10 different readouts keep you informed and motivated. It is a serious tool that benefits from years of medical research into the harmful effects of smoking. By showing you the behind-the-scenes improvements in your health your will power will be increased and your resolve strengthened from day one. Available on iOS devices only.

If you’re looking to make a vast amount of Instagram photos more interesting, then this is the app for you. Currently sitting as one of the top apps in the app stores, Flipagram will enable you to create beautiful short video stories using your Instagram and Camera Roll photos, set to music you love! Features an instant preview before go live, an auto time, or set your own length. Ability to duplicate, delete or crop any photos. Optional title display and option to add music from your own library. Then share on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook or by email. Also automatically stores your Flipagrams in a library for easy future access. Available free on Android and iOS devices.


It’s the app taking the world by storm. Using Snapchat users can take photos, record videos, add text and drawings, and send them to a controlled list of recipients. These sent photographs and videos are known as “Snaps.” Users set a time limit for how long recipients can view their Snaps (as of December 2013, the range is from 1 to 10 seconds), after which they will be hidden from the recipient’s device and deleted from Snapchat’s servers. This app will be big, as no one would turns down Facebook’s offer of USD 3 billion for just any app, so get in before everyone else does! Available on both Android and iOS devices.



A bazaarite mixes it up with the KitchenAid Artisan Blender by bazaar staff

When I was informed I would get to try the KitchenAid Artisan Blender (KSB555), part of their Artisan Collection, I admit I squealed a little inside. Admittedly, yes, I don’t get out much, and am proud to say that I love to try a new kitchen appliance, especially one that has a reputation as the ‘best and most powerful blender’ in numerous reviews. With my favorite appliance being my KitchenAid Mixer (see bazaar May 2013), this was one I was happy to get my hands dirty for! The claim that this is the most powerful blender on the market is not hard to believe, after all it has a 550 watt motor that purees many different types of foods quickly and evenly. The motor starts slowly so as to eliminate splatters, and then speeds up to adjust to the resistance of the food so that it can maintain a consistent speed without straining. With this and the sharppatented stainless steel blades, food is quickly and thoroughly pureed to the consistency you want, before the heat from the motor starts heating up the food (a problem with some lowerend blenders). Even with the true test of a good blender – its ice-crushing ability—KitchenAid Artisan Blender pulverizes it effortlessly, a task many inferior blenders have trouble with. The Artisan Blender KSB555 blender is also loaded with many smart features and design elements. Firstly, it is so simple to assemble; 70

even your parents could do it on their first time. It has a die-cast metal base, which means it is very sturdy (no jumping around your kitchen bench!), and just like KitchenAid’s over 100 yearold business itself, it is built to last. It comes with a uniquely designed 1.5L glass jar, which makes filling and pouring a breeze, along with a well-sealed stay-put lid. They also provide a BPA free 0.75L culinary jar for smaller and single servings. There are 5 main speeds, including Stir, Chop, Mix, Puree and Liquify, and in addition it also features Crush Ice and Pulse modes, which will stagger the pulse for the most efficient crush or blend, which is perfect for those iced drinks. Also, for safety and reliability, a locking collar ensures that the blades don’t rotate until the pitcher is properly attached, helping those of us who are forgetful, rushed or otherwise uncoordinated, whilst on the job. With my eagerness to try out this blender, I was able to whip up some delicious fruit smoothies, some amazing frozen mochaccinos, a few delicious protein shakes, a beautifully smooth pasta sauce and a hearty winter vegetable soup, ideal for the current Kuwait coldspell. I even used a recipe I found online to make a fresh cucumber facial mask to have my very own homemade facial…proving this blender is for more than just the foodies in the family! Perfect for us lazy and/or busy cooks, and

typical of Kitchenaid’s quality and durability throughout its whole collection, is that this blender is super easy to clean and maintain. The one-piece construction of the jar means you don’t have to disassemble the base to clean it, as it is easy enough to quickly wipe the jar out under warm water, or put it in the dishwasher. Even the clean-touch control pad is superbly easy to wipe clean from those inevitable spillages. Another important feature for us foodies, or even just the proud cooking-geeks amongst us, is its look in the Kitchen. As usual, KitchenAid does not disappoint here. It is sleek and modern looking, whilst staying true to the timeless vintage style of their entire Artisan collection. Therefore, it looks at home in a modern, country, or even retro kitchen. Also available in numerous colors and finishes, including a match for each of the KitchenAid Mixer colors, you can also mix and match to your heart’s desire.

The KitchenAid Blender and other KitchenAid products are available in Kuwait through Mabrook Hotel Supplies (showroom in Shuwaikh) or available online on You can contact them on 2482 8530 or for more information on their products visit them on Facebook: Kitchenaid.kuwait or follow them on Instagram @kitchenaid_kuw


Your life is not a test!

Handheld calls can make you crash “Ghali Alena”


Kuwaiti artist uses yesterday’s medium to reconcile the present by bazaar staff

As he walked through Mubarakiya, Mohamed Al-Kouh reminisced about shopping trips with his family from his youth. He relished the old souk and cherished it as a part of his own cultural identity. Yet, on that day in September 2012, he walked right by where it used to be. Surprised, he doubled-back to look for the old tarps and mud streets that had been a definitive landmark of Kuwait’s history. They were gone, torn down for renovation and modernization. “I felt like everything was changing too fast,” he said. “You know when it’s your city but you have no memories there anymore. It’s too confusing.” So, Al-Kouh channeled his frustrations into a project that he titled “Tomorrow’s Past.” It was the perfect project for the unique medium he worked with, 72

hand-painted black and whites. He photographed buildings that had been erected in Kuwait in the 50s, 60s and 70s, and revived them to their original glory with special paints. Three years before he began the project, Al-Kouh saw his first hand-painted photo, and it mesmerized him. The woman’s green eyes captivated him, the pearls shone from her dress and there was an undeniable touch of elegance. “You know when you see something and it strikes you?” he said as his bright eyes looked up to the ceiling, with his hands clasped in front of him. “I saw the photograph and thought, oh my god this is it!” He researched the dying art, but found it was limited in Kuwait. The process had been popular for a

short time in the mid 20th Century, but most of those who had mastered the craft were either dead or had given up the practice long ago. Modern photographers favored the ease of technology over the laborious process. Yet, he knew the connection to the past could be made through the medium. He found the proper camera, and set out to collect original colors. For his “Tomorrow’s Past” project, Al-Kouh focused on cultural landmarks like the Ahmadi Drive Cinema, Cinema Granada and the Rolls Royce building. His photos are simple wide shots of the buildings, with colors that highlight relics and keep modern indicators in black and white. “I tried to use the colors to highlight the glory of that time,” he said. “This is my memory. I was inspired

by the old colors, and their technique of photography. It was simple, effortless but neat and organized. Everything is there, but it’s empty.” At the end of 2012 the British Council awarded him a spot in the ‘Out of Kuwait’ art program that would last for a year, and end in an exhibit in London’s Edge of Arabia art gallery. He had used the project to rekindle the memories he had lost, and wanted to do something that would offer emotional conclusion. So, the three photo series, “Touch of Adam,” was born. Al-Kouh set up a young girl dressed in the traditional Bakhnaq, a black headdress embroidered around the head and the front on a small sphere object, in front of greenery, blocked by a wire fence. This, he says is the past self that landed in the future.

An older woman, dressed in an abayya appears in the second photo, shocked to see herself as a little girl and uncomfortable by the memories she evokes. In the third picture the pale, cold green hues are replaced with warm reds as the two are comforted by each other’s touch. “This is you, you are never lost,” he said. “Even with what is happening around you, you will still be you. Your culture defines you.” For Al-Kouh, it is the search for culture that drives his work. He remembers the days when Kuwait was the pearl of the Gulf, and the young generation was proud of a country that shone with architectural feats from top designers all over the world. He reminisces about the times when neighbors built their homes with

large gardens, and tried to emulate each other’s home designs. It was a time when people shared ideas and worked together, rather than tried to out-do each other. “People have changed,” he said. “It’s not just a change of the buildings. The whole feel of the place is changing, and not for the better.” These days Al-Kouh sets up shots in his studio on the 13th floor of the Darwaza building in Kuwait City. As he exits the elevator and looks to his left, the burnt Sawaber buildings remind him of the gloriousness of Kuwait’s past that is forgotten in the city’s rush for tomorrow. To contact Mohamed you can visit his website at 73

bazaar fitness


“These (strength athletes) are the people of the future. A time will come when everyone will be this strong. This is the essence of the country’s happiness.” - Anton Chekhov I remember 6 years ago it was difficult to find a kettlebell in a gym here in Kuwait. Most of you by now have probably seen one in your local gym. However, there are odds on it is one of those little cute pink plastic ones. So…what really is a kettlebell? The kettlebell or girya, is a cast-iron weight (resembling a cannonball with a handle), used to perform ballistic exercises that combine cardiovascular, strength and flexibility training. It is also the main equipment used in the weightlifting sport of girevoy. Russian kettlebells are traditionally measured in weight by pood, which (rounded to metric units) is defined as 16 kilograms (35lb). Even in western gyms kettlebells will often be referred to in the weight system of poods. Kettlebells have long been used as a dynamic tool to develop strength and endurance for centuries. Their origin is still a matter of speculation, but archaeological records show evidence of their use as far back as Ancient Greece. The modern Kettlebell was developed in Russia in the 1700s. Early in the 20th Century, physical culturists, strong men and circus performers from around the world; such as Arthur Saxon, Edgar Mueller and Eugene Sandow, trained with kettlebells in the traditional fashion of the Russian strongmen and athletes. These strongmen introduced kettlebells to a wider audience outside of Russia. These are men we have discussed before in various articles. Can you now see the where the fitness world is taking us to? The circle is almost complete. The Soviet army used them as part of their physical training and conditioning programs in the 20th Century. They had been used for competition and sports throughout Russia and Europe since the 1940s. However, World War I and a Russian civil war caused Russian sports and traditions, and ultimately the kettlebell, to stay within the Russian borders. Despite this isolation, kettlebells continued to flourish in the former Soviet Union. Training with kettlebells became common practice for people in rural areas where the exercises could replicate day to day manual labor activities and build strength. Both the military and Olympic athletes continued to use these tools as a base for their training. In addition to their training program, Soviet Olympic weightlifters utilized kettlebells unilaterally in order to strengthen their weaker side. To this day, countries of the old eastern bloc 74

rely on kettlebells to supplement the training of many of their athletes and armed forces. Though kettlebells had been in the United States in some form since the 1960s or earlier, Dragon Door Publications and Pavel Tsatsouline developed the first instructor certification program in the USA in 2001, which helped to increase the popularity of their use in mainstream gym environments. Typical kettlebell exercises build not only strength and endurance, but also increase mobility and flexibility. They achieve this particularly in the lower back, legs and shoulders. Training with a correct technique and with the right type of kettlebell, can increase grip strength as well. The basic movements, such as the swing, snatch and the clean and jerk, engage the entire body at once, allowing the body to function as a unit. If you are desk bound most of the time, then the kettlebell could be the tool for you to improve your posture and rid yourself of any neck or back pain. Unlike the exercises with dumbbells or barbells, kettlebell exercises often involve large numbers of repetitions. Kettlebell exercises are in their nature holistic; therefore they work several muscles simultaneously and may be repeated continuously

for several minutes or with short breaks. This combination makes the exercise partially aerobic and more similar to High-Intensity Interval Training, rather than to traditional weightlifting. Also, Ladies, it can be an insane fat-burning workout. Are you looking to improve the strength in one of your limbs to bring more overall balance to your body? Go on and pick up the kettlebell. Need some strength and conditioning training to compliment your Olympic lifts? I would head directly to the kettlebell. Wanting to compliment your calisthenics program? Again, try the kettlebell. What to improve some of your Yoga arm holds? Hello??!! The kettlebell! Finally, if you are looking to improve your body composition (lean up and reduce fat), build great joint mobility and create an exceptional level of conditioning with some solid strength results, then pick up a kettlebell. Just make sure it is not a pink plastic toy, and remember, the cast iron never lies. Mike Campbell is the GM and Co Founder of Inspire Pure Fitness. For further information please email: or or visit

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bazaar techno Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. ~ Arthur C. Clarke




TonyRich has developed the self-proclaimed world’s first smartphone-controlled RC plane. For the beginner RC pilot, it has one truly crucial feature: it’s crashproof. That’s right, send it into the wall or bounce it off the street, no problem. But the thing is, this smartphonecontrolled plane is super-easy to fly, so even if you do crash it at first, you probably won’t after a few minutes of practice. The SmartPlane is made from expanded polypropelene making it light and durable, with the engine and propeller inside the plane’s nose to reduce the chance of damage in a crash. It even comes with a spare propeller just in case. But despite its size it can still manage up to half an hour of flight on a single charge. Works only with iOS.

Soldering is hard. Using Bare Conductive Electric Paint is easy. This ingenious paint is nontoxic, solvent-free, water soluble, and most importantly conductive. Oh yeah, and it comes in a pen, allowing you to simply draw usable circuits on a variety of surfaces, including paper, plastic, fabric and even conventional circuit boards. It also comes in handy, easy-to-use tubes, as well as jars — for larger applications — and in a variety of sets that include instructions and materials for completing a variety of electronics projects. Once applied the paint dries quickly at room temperature, and can be removed with soap and water.

First and foremost, Rocki is a Wi-Fi receiver for your sound system. Plug it into your speakers, and it receives music you stream to it through your wireless network. Pretty standard stuff. But there’s more to it than just hardware. The Rocki app that allows anybody using it to beam music to your speakers. You could ostensibly throw a party and have everybody in the room contribute to the playlist. And because it uses your home Wi-Fi network instead of a Bluetooth connection, it has a much larger range and reliable connection. It doesn’t even have a problem traveling through walls. Let’s hope it gets full funding on Kickstarter so we can all get one!




Another work of art by Harman Kardon, which manufactures high quality home and car audio equipment. After presenting the beautiful Nova speakers, Harman Kardon have now revealed the stunning Aura wireless speaker. Aura is made with premium materials and features a powerful 4.5” subwoofer visible through the transparent enclosure. It produces 360 degree omni-directional sound and features built-in Bluetooth and AirPlay for wireless music streaming. The Aura delivers a look and feel you’ll be proud to showcase in your home. Available in white or black this could be a great feature for any lounge.

PetChatz is a newly presented pet communication system that enables you to interact with your pet from any place in the world throughout your day. Many domestic pets spend hours alone during the work days, but with PetChatz, you can now interact with your pup or kitty whilst at work. Not only does it feature a two-way video system, it also allows you to dispense a small treat onto the floor with a push of a button, or even dispense a scent! PetChatz also has sound and motion detection, so you’ll know when your pet is around. The system is remotely controlled through the PetChatz website, a tablet or smartphone app.

Kids and LED lights are a match made in heaven. Take light-up sneakers for example. Not only do kids love ‘em and willingly put them on, but they also help alert you to where the squirrelly little rascals are at any given moment, which helps you avoid making them into roadkill with your ’93 Kia Rio. Phantom Frames has a similar concept – it’s a line of LED filled kids bike frames that not only look sweet, but also greatly increase the visibility of the rider. If you want your kids to be extra safe without looking like dweebs, get them these. We’re just bummed they don’t make roadbike frames too. 76



A new menu at Taal gives your favorite dishes a delicious spin by bazaar staff

An Indian night out usually means lots of curry, naan bread and a mouth flaming from hot spices. A night out at the Indian restaurant Taal can certainly end that way, but with the menu’s contemporary and imaginative offerings, you can expect so much more. From appetizers to desserts, the team, with a little help from Indian celebrity Chef Kunal Kapoor, has created enticing dishes that take you beyond what you know about Indian food. “The contemporary Indian dishes that you will find on our current menu are very different from any other Indian restaurant in Kuwait,” said Hospitality Manager, Nikita Kohli. “We basically changed the entire menu from the dishes to the design.” Kohli, whose father is part owner in Taal’s holding company Al Sabah & Kohli General Trading and Contracting Company, has had experience with 78

the restaurant since its inception. She worked as part of the serving staff during weekends and during her school holidays, despite her young age. When she completed her bachelor’s degree in hospitality and marketing at the Glion Institute of Higher Education in Switzerland, she came home and took over operations. The Taal concept was based on contemporary Indian cuisine, but the menu she started with didn’t have enough of a twist. So, with the help of her chefs she trimmed down the menu from 132 dishes to 82 that “took the word ‘contemporary’ seriously.” Our evening at Taal proved the new additions are a smashing success. As soon as we stepped from the brown setting of Al Bida’a into the rich reds and purples of the chairs and cushions inside the restaurant, with gorgeous chandeliers overhead, we knew we were in for a

treat. Once seated we were immediately offered complementary mango chutney, mint sauce and slightly spicy mixed pickles with crispy papadums. One of the greatest things about Taal is their extensive appetizer menu. We started with a fig and feta cheese salad that had our taste buds dancing with pleasure. The fig chutney offered the perfect blend of sweet and spicy balanced with rocket leaves and heirloom tomatoes. Their signature starter dish, the Malai prawn, is not to be missed either. The small shrimps topped with butter, garlic, cream and onion seeds are succulent and juicy and a definite crowd pleaser. For the vegetarian lovers don’t miss out on the Mali mushroom bruschetta, garlic bread topped with mushroom and white sauce bursting with Indian spices. Love your food served on a flaming sword? Then try the Potli Kabob. The spiced minced chicken

is cooked in a tandoor and wrapped in chicken breast. Your server will bring the delicious pieces to the table pierced on a skewer with lemons and tomatoes and a flaming base. When it comes to main dishes, Taal’s chefs have given the traditional a mouth-watering zest. Their Kabob-e-barq is the usual chicken tikka with an extra tang in their pomegranate juice and black cardamom marinade. Biryani is raised to a whole new level with their special raita yogurt, made with cucumbers onions and tomatoes and biryani gravy. Or try the house favorite, the Murg Makhni, chicken tikka served with gravy made of the traditional Indian seed fenugreek and silky tomato sauce. They’ve even given the popular naan bread a special twist by adding thyme, for a unique taste you are bound to crave later. By the time dessert arrived, we were stuffed and

wondered how we could fit one more bite in. The orange peel kulfi, a homemade Indian ice cream, was beautifully presented in four pieces on orange peel slices. Within moments three were gone, and our palates were singing Taal’s praises. If you want to really test the chefs at Taal, we would suggest hiring them to cater your next big event. The restaurant is perfect for a casual meeting over a meal, or an event in their private dining section. However, their catering department offers an array of options that are personally tailored for each event. At a recent Hawaii-themed event the chefs put together a live cooking station where they enticed the guests with grilled mushroom with garlic oyster sauce and spinach and ricotta cannelloni with oven baked parmesan. They created a dill marinated barbecue with New Zealand lamb chops and grilled tomatoes. Grilled chicken with smoked mozzarella and chicken

hot dogs and beef burgers were also made for the guests. For those that were looking to customize their order from the grill, salmon and prawns were offered with the guest’s choice of marinade and served with delectable fresh vegetables. Our experience at Taal proved that personal attention to great food defines a great dining experience. Every dish was bursting with exceptional flavors that took us far beyond what we knew about Indian food, because of Kohli’s involvement with the establishment and her team’s dedication to creating wonderful dining experiences. Taal is located in the Al Bida’a restaurant strip in Gulf Rd, Salmiya and is open daily from 12 pm – 11:30 pm. For more information or reservations, call 2225 3142, connect with them on Facebook: TaalQ8, on Instagram or Twitter @taalq8. 79

Loaay's Two Cents Got business problems or challenges at work? With his Two Cents page, Loaay Ahmed shares his expertise in strategic management consulting to help managers, employees and entrepreneurs thrive.


I went to a medical treatment facility/resort in Thailand. It benefited me a lot. I want to make it available for the Kuwait market but I don’t like the fact that it’s another imported idea. Should I start my own brand and hire professionals or play it safe and import an existing business?

Everyone needs to eat. Let’s open a restaurant. You’ll be surprised how many entrepreneurs started a business based on that assumption. You’re not the first one to travel for medical treatment in a resort in another country. Have you asked yourself why such a service hasn’t been made available locally yet? Maybe it’s not financially feasible. Maybe it’s not that profitable on a franchise business model. Maybe people like the idea of traveling and getting treated in a resort rather than a medical facility. Maybe not many people like the idea in the first place. Maybe local regulations don’t allow such facilities to operate. Maybe you’ve got the next big market-changing idea for the market and you should start it immediately. Maybe a franchise is better since it’s trusted. Maybe a new business is better since it’s local. Just maybe. Either choice you take doesn’t matter if you don’t validate your assumption first. “I benefited from the treatment, therefore, everyone else will jump on the idea” is nothing but an assumption. It could be right or wrong. So, instead of asking if you should go with a new business or a franchise, ask the main target audience segment of this business’ potential customers about their needs and wants. If not so many people suffer from the same symptoms and are willing to try your recommended treatment your business will not be sustainable. Once you know that there’s a need, only then can you ask them which direction they prefer. Their insights might inspire you to come up with a different business model all together...and that’s just my two cents.


A new hire has been with us for only month and I noticed how inconsistent he is with his performance. Some days, he’s a go-getter. Other days, he’s almost a zombie. Should we just let him go or work with him to improve the number of up days?

Two people fell in love and got married. They chose to be together. So, why do they divorce each other years later? If most of their days were on the upside, life goes on. It’s human nature to have friction with those who are in close proximity. Problems grow out of control when most of the days are on the downside. This is where the couple realizes their incompatibility to coexist. So, before your rush and ask your HR for the divorce papers, see if your new employee’s down days are the norm or the exception. If they are the norm and talking to him doesn’t change anything, then maybe you’re


not meant to be for each other. However, if his down days are the exception, find out why they exist and whether there’s something related to work that’s causing him to skip a beat. The critical aspect of inconsistency is that it creates an atmosphere of unreliability and that’s dangerous for any work environment. Sometimes inconsistent behavior is caused by personal problems, insecurity at work, fear of making mistakes, and more. Regardless of the reasons, this issue has to be cured. It is damaging to the employee’s own professional reputation to give mixed signals about reliability to their bosses. Managers depend on people who are engaged in and capable of achieving their work objectives and solving challenges all the time – emergencies aside – and not just part of the time...and that’s just my two cents.


We have high customer satisfaction rates. Isn’t that enough of a sign that we’re on the right track as far as being a customer centric company?

What’s interesting is that seven out of ten managers think they know what their customers want while their customers tell a different story about their needs and wants. But knowing what customers want is only half the step, you need to examine your current processes and see what needs to be changed or eradicated to give customers what they want in easy and delightful ways. That’s what being truly customer centric is about. You do what you do with the customers’ interest in mind, not just the shareholders. And in my book, the two should be in parallel directions not opposite ones. As for customer satisfaction, no it is not enough. Various research papers show that on average about 40% of satisfied customers leave the companies they purchase from and go to their competitors. Companies can’t look at customer satisfaction metrics as a retention tool. They need to see it as an operational benchmark that compares between the promises made to prospects and what’s delivered according to that promise. If the delivery matches or exceeds the promise, then your customers are satisfied. How you keep customers in business with you has nothing to do with their satisfaction of previous transactions...and that’s just my two cents. For Loaay Ahmed’s advice on business or work matters, send a short email to Regrettably, only the questions chosen for publishing will be answered. Loaay Ahmed is a management adviser and strategic expert. To learn more about Loaay and his consulting service, strategic business therapy, visit



The other Italian Island by bazaar staff

For a locale that can steadily boast its place as the second largest island in the Mediterranean— second only to Sicily mind you, which, at just 1.9km across the strait of Messina, sits so close to mainland Italy that you can practically walk to it—the island of Sardinia can at times seem more aptly described by what it is not. It is not the thriving club scene of Ibiza to its East, nor is it the French quaintness of Corsica directly north; it is indeed a world apart and a beautiful example of an island equal parts modern and time-forgotten. An autonomous region of Italy whose history has been, like so many of its neighboring islands, defined by the various conquerors who have passed 82

through over the years (a sore-spot still evident in its national flag today), it remains the ultimate in beachside Mediterranean vacations, equal to the best of the idyllic Greek islands which so many more commonly flock to. With a total of 8 provinces (think counties) across 24,000 sq. km of wide-open land there is definitely more here than you will be able to see in all of a week or two. Thus, two very simple questions such as ‘where will I fly into’ and ‘where will I stay’ end up far more of a joint decision, wherein one answers the other, more than you might otherwise expect. The Island’s 3 airports: Alghero, Olbia, and Cagliari-Elmas, are

relatively modern but remain small enough to be a breeze. They are all, incidentally, located conveniently enough to allow for a quick jaunt to your destination. While lodging itself is plentiful in hotels throughout the island, we decided to forego the usual and rent a hillside, beach-close villa in the Northeast to share amongst friends. In the days of VRBO and many other rental sites, by the homeowner, there are plenty of options for very unique experiences. The Capital city is Cagliari, and is located in the far South with a population of roughly 150,000. As the long time hub and head of commerce in the South and inhabited since ancient times,

the often Art-Noveau inspired architecture of this city will keep you busy as you ramble down its many streets. That said the history of the town is so vast that you will see influences from many different conquerors from several different time periods. It is also hub to one of the biggest ports in the Mediterranean. The Casteddu de Susu (or upper castle) is an amazing walled city high up on a hill and overlooking the entire Gulf of Cagliari. One other notable town that must be mentioned is Olbia, in the Northeast. With roughly 1/3 of the inhabitants of the capital city, this town manages to stay large enough to get you lost, and yet small enough to have a rustic European charm worthy

of mainland Italy. From the many cobblestoned streets, to the cathedrals that abound, you could spend hours getting lost and finding yourself in random nooks and corners of these sometimesbustling neighborhoods. From nightclubs to wine bars and of course the obligatory tourist destinations, this can easily take a day or more here. One of the many reasons people often end up staying on this part of the island is its close proximity to the Costa Smeralda. This 20 km long stretch of coast is full of white sand beaches and often plays host to international playboys and stars alike, and was even recently heralded as the most expensive location in Europe with some

house prices reaching up to 300,000 euros per square meter. Don’t be dissuaded if you are not rolling in the cash though, as there is enough pristine beach around that you may not even see another soul out there if you don’t want to. For our part we spent a day with a boat rental to get to some of the more secluded beaches about and were even lucky enough to stumble on to a few large-scale shipwrecks from decades past. All in all, if it is a beach vacation you are looking for, you would be hard pressed to find anything better than here. As I happened to be traveling with a Bar Manager friend from New York City, it was insisted continued on next page...


upon that we spend a day trampling through the many vineyards in the middle of the northern part of the island, where they are known for a particular type of wine called Vermentino. This late-ripening white grape variety of wine is well known throughout the region, but is increasingly being grown in other areas as well, though often under different names. The wine is the perfect amount of sweet to balance out days on the beach. Aside from the pure joy of spending the day in and out of many small, family, and boutiquerun, rustically perfect wineries, was the enjoyment of discovering many new artifacts and ruins along the way. We even happened upon one place that had just closed due to lunch, where the family opened to give us a private tour, complete with tasting all while a wonderful dog stared at us from the corner, perturbed no doubt that we bothered 84

...continued from previous page

his family time. That we were invited back to an all-you-can-eat and drink dinner on the property later that night turned out to be just one added benefit and perfect ending to a wonderful day. One last note about Sardines – The term sardine itself was first used in English around the early 15th Century and is thought to come from this island, around which sardines were once even more abundant, though the canned version one normally sees could not be further from the local reality here. Okay, let me preface by saying that I do not like sardines, or at least I thought that I didn’t. The fish here though, indicative of so much of Italian cuisine, is fresher than I could have ever previously imagined. They were also so plentiful that at one point a member in our group was able to literally pluck one from the sea with his hand. At dinner later that night, at the fanciest of beachfront

meals, we ate them until our hearts and bellies were content; a wonderful end to an unforgettable vacation. Do yourself the favor, and go! Note: This article, originally slated for our December issue, was postponed out of respect due to flooding that happened when Cyclone Cleopatra blew through in late November; a tragic incident in which 18 people were reported to have perished. As with all natural disasters, these areas often need the tourism more than ever in the aftermath of such events. Whether you do it for philanthropy’s sake or because it often involves better deals, this spring and summer would be a great time to visit. Sardinia is located in the Mediterranean and is a once-in-a-lifetime trip – plan accordingly! Photography by Katie Foster.



01/01: US decides that maybe they should pay their bills; bi-partisan deal temporarily avoids fiscal cliff.

by bazaar staff

First of all, who starts a year on a Tuesday? Seriously. It is like you are actively encouraging us to show up late on the first day of the year (not to mention that means that NYE was on a Monday night, which I think we can all agree is pretty lame). That said, for better or for worse: we showed up, we got through, we survived- albeit late, disheveled and barely. If you are like us and had your head so buried in daily work that you were oblivious to the world at large, then here is what you may have missed happening around you. At times happy, at times tragic, this is what goes in the time capsule for 2013:

16/01 – 20/01: 39 international workers and 1 security guard die in a hostage crisis at a natural gas facility near Aménas, Algeria.

19/01 : Calcium Deposits are discovered on Mars by NASA’s Curiosity Rover.

19/01 : Professional road cyclist and Testicular Cancer survivor Lance Armstrong admits to doping in all 7 of his Tour de France victories.

03/03: A 2 year old US girl becomes the first child born with HIV to be cured.

08/03: Chris ‘Douggs McDougall base jumps from Al Hamra tower, becoming the first person in the nation (he did it twice!). 21/03: The European Space Agency reveals new data that indicates that the universe is 13.82 billion years old.

JAN 15/02: A meteor explodes over the Russian city of Chelyabinsk, injuring 1,491 people and damaging over 4,300 buildings. It is the most powerful meteor to strike Earth's atmosphere in over a century. The incident, along with a coincidental flyby of a larger asteroid, prompts international concern regarding the vulnerability of the planet to meteor strikes.


25/02: Kuwait’s National day takes place for the 52nd time.

08/05: Former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi receives a four year prison sentence for fraud.

APR 24/04: An eight-story commercial building collapses in Savar Upazila near the Bangladeshi capital of Dhaka, leaving 1,129 dead and 2,500 injured. The accident is the deadliest non-terrorist structural collapse in modern times and the 3rd-worst industrial disaster in history.

08/05: Sir Alex Ferguson announces his retirement as Manchester United's manager at the end of the season.

MAY JUN 30/06: The beginning of the second wave of the Egyptian revolution.

06/06: American Edward Snowden discloses operations engaged by a US government mass surveillance program to news publications and flees the country, later being granted temporary asylum in Russia.

28/02: Benedict XVI resigns as pope, becoming the first to do so since Gregory XII in 1415, and the first to do so voluntarily since Celestine V in 1294. 86

15/04: Two bombs explode at the Boston Marathon in Boston, Massachusetts, in the United States, killing 3 and injuring 264 others.

16/06: Kuwait parliament dissolved and call for new elections.



“Selfie” as per: The Oxford Dictionary 22/07: WELCOME--Prince George of Cambridge!

Runners-up - Twerk - Bitcoin - Bedroom Tax - Binge-watch - Showrooming - Schmeat - Olinguito

08/09: Serena Williams wins her fifth Women's Singles US Open title.

01. Miley Cyrus 02. Kim Kardashian 03. Kate Upton 04. Minecraft 05. Selena Gomez 06. Obamacare (Affordable Care Act) 07. Amanda Bynes 08. Jodi Arias 09. iPhone 5 10. Justin Bieber *In a related note, our great grand daughter just landed on our skyport via her jetpack and asked “who uses Yahoo to search anymore?” Touche.

24/11: Kuwait Airways flight landed in Iraq for the first time since the 1990 Iraqi invasion, in the latest sign of improved ties between the neighbors.

15/07: Kuwait sends $200 million worth of oil to Egypt.

08/09: Sebastian Vettel wins the 2013 Italian Formula One Grand Prix.


JUL AUG 03/08: Kuwait announced the formation of a new Cabinet, following parliamentary elections the previous month in which liberals made slight gains.

OCT 01/10: Kuwaiti actress Shjoon Alhajri stirred a storm of controversy when she announced in a video on Instagram that she's actually adopted. The actress's account was immediately swamped with comments following the announcement. 27/10: Musician Lou Reed dies …among his top lyrics “Thought of you as my mountain top / Thought of you as my peak / Thought of you as everything / I've had but couldn't keep.”

26/08: 25,000 applicants to the University of Liberia fail their university entrance examination.

08/10: Peter Higgs and François Englert win the 2013 Nobel Prize in Physics for their work on the origin of the mass of subatomic particles.


08/05: Typhoon Haiyan "Yolanda", one of the strongest tropical cyclones on record, hits the Philippines and Vietnam, causing devastation with at least 5,703 dead.

DEC 06/12: The Avenues Mall has been granted the Gold Award for Best Shopping Centre 2013 under the expansion and design category for the MENA region by The Middle East and International Shopping Center Councils.

05/12: Nelson Mandela dies and the entire world mourns. In the largest event of its kind in human history, 91 of the worlds most influential leaders all come together to mourn a great mans passing. A memorable quote from a memorable man: “There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have altered.” 87


DRESSED TO A ‘TEA’ by Purva Grover

It’s not long nor is it short, the tea length skirts falls between the middle of the knee and above the ankle. It can be flirty, conservative, classy or elegant. How would you like to accentuate this mid-length hemline? The Skirt: it remains the one most talked about garment. Sometimes for its twirl, a few times for its frills, occasionally for the blouse and footwear it is teamed up with, and always for its length. Yes, the skirting issue the skirt never manages to escape is the length, be it on the tennis court or on the runway. Both critics and fashionistas don’t spare the skirt for its length, whether it is the floor-touching hems, or the thigh-grazing mini. And, as though the trouble between the long and short was not enough, now there is a skirt length which smartly falls right between the two. This one is called the tea length skirt and yes it can be worn at not just tea parties, but also to fashion dos, causerati events, sunny picnics, formal meets, play dates and more. Why? Well, because it is chic, sexy, flirty and elegant. Now just like most other trends in vogue today the tea length skirt too, is a whiff from the past. In the ‘70s, women sported these skirts with élan and ease. Back then, slipping into a tea length skirt was a favorite comfortable choice for many women just like a pair of denims is today. And now that the fad is back, it is being worn to create a different look and feel. The Boho-chic fanatics are teaming it up with bomber jackets, the classic lovers with a lace blouse, the business-like with a collar neck shirt and the funky fans with a loose cardigan. Needless to say that the re-emergence of the tea length skirts has got the ladies with petite frames excited, giving them a chance to accentuate their slender frames, but the very charm of this length lies in the fact that it can flatter any body type. So how do you start wardrobe hunting? To begin with, identify a skirt that falls a little over your knees. Think, a maxi dress chopped off three to five inches from below, and that’s your tea length skirt i.e. a length that hits the mid-calf. Next, you need to decide if you wish to play with its length or look, or both. Adorn it in its simplest form with a plain blouse, say a printed or sold color skirt with a plain blouse. The key word here is pairing. If you want the extra length appearance then tuck in your shirt/blouse and complete the look with a pair of heels. Our personal favorite footwear choice for these skirts is of course a pair of flats. An elegant plain black skirt with a navy blouse and brown strappy flats works best for formal meetings. A bold color skirt with a neutral blouse and flat slippers for a fun look, a busy pattern skirt with a 88

F&F A Jacquard skirt for a formal meeting cardigan and flat boots for the grunge look, a linen skirt with a blouse and shrug teamed up with pointy ballerinas for a sexy feel are just a few options to try. The go-to designers and brands would be M & S, Marc Jacobs, Fendi, Debenhams, etc. The best bit about these skirts, also sometimes referred to as champagne skirts, is that it allows you to show off

your footwear. So, if it’s the conservative style of the 20th century that appeals to you, then romance this midlength hemline. It’s modest and modern, casual and fun, formal and feminine… and it’s almost on every shelf in the fashion world. Here’s to the old world charm!


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bazaar checks it out THE ALL-NEW BMW X5 DEBUTS IN KUWAIT Sportier look, more spacious interior and increased comfort resulting in more driving pleasure Ali Alghanim & Sons Automotive, the official BMW Group importer in Kuwait, has welcomed the all-new BMW X5 - pioneer of the Sports Activity Vehicle segment and global market leader in its class. The all-new BMW X5 debuted at The Avenues shopping mall in Kuwait in December where visitors were able to experience the entire range of improvements on the Sports Activity Vehicle. Offering more space, comfort, power and functionality, the new model is poised to deliver even more driving pleasure to discerning customers in Kuwait. Established back in 1999, the first generation BMW X5 was the first vehicle of its kind to combine superior dynamics on-road with impressive off-road characteristics thanks to BMW xDrive intelligent all-wheel drive system. Since its inception, the BMW X5 has been the absolute market leader in the Sports Activity Vehicle segment, and one of BMW’s best-selling model series accounting for almost a third of all BMW models sold globally. This third generation BMW X5 will once again set new standards with its evolutionary design features, spacious interior and increased driving comfort. In addition, for the first time, the X5 will be available with a choice of new suspension packages. These include the Adaptive Suspension Comfort, Dynamic, Professional and Adaptive M Suspension, all of which provides further enhanced ride comfort. The design of the new BMW X5 combines the X hallmark characteristics with the power, presence and the sportiness of classic BMW models. An even more expressive frontend look with twin circular headlights extending into the new broad-set kidney grille; an elegantly stretched silhouette, new distinctive rear and a new Sparkling Brown color option. Inside the redesigned exterior of the new BMW X5 is a more luxurious interior environment with a selection of high quality leather and trims available, atmospheric lighting options and increased spaciousness. BMW Twin Power Turbo technology and additional BMW EfficientDynamics features ensure that the new BMW X5 is faster and more efficient than ever. The BMW X5 is BMW Group’s best-selling Sports Activity Vehicle and has over the years continued to set new standards in the automotive industry in terms of its unusually sporty characteristics and innovative on-road technology. The third generation will once again establish a new benchmark in its class and ensure that this X model family member stays in pole position.

GULF BANK PLATINUM SPONSOR AT NUKS-USA’S STUDENTS’ CONFERENCE Gulf Bank concluded its platinum sponsorship and participation of the National Union of Kuwaiti Students in the United States (NUKS-USA) students’ conference, that was held from the 28th – 30th November 2013 in San Diego, California. The NUKS-USA conference, entitled ‘Let Us Make a Decision…To Correct Our Path’, was held under the patronage of His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Sabah and was the 30th U.S. based Kuwaiti students’ conference. His Excellency Sheikh Salem Al-Sabah Kuwait’s Ambassador to the United States opened the conference and Mrs. Salma Al-Hajjaj, General Manager - Human Resources at Gulf Bank gave a speech on behalf of Gulf Bank highlighting the importance of ‘Being the Change’ and making a difference. Gulf Bank also took part in the Economic Forum on the 28 November, where Mr. Tarek Al Saleh, Unit Head – Investment Banking at Gulf Bank represented the Bank during the Forum that touched on several critical topics regarding the Kuwaiti economy. In addition, Gulf Bank was present at the Career Fair which also took place on the first day, where the Bank’s representatives were available to provide students with information about the Bank, and discussed future employment opportunities with NUKS USA students. On the second day of the conference Gulf Bank organized a special Al Danah event for the students who attended a lunch hosted by Gulf Bank. This specially designed Al Danah event included Al Danah account giveaways through a special draw. Throughout the conference Gulf Bank gave out KD 10,000 worth of Al Danah prizes through a variety of engaging activities. On the closing day the Bank recognized the top 15 Kuwaiti graduates studying in the United States who were present at the conference and presented them with a token gift for their outstanding efforts. The NUKS-USA Student’s conference is considered one of the largest gatherings of Kuwaitis outside of Kuwait with in excess of 3000 students attending this event. Gulf Bank’s participation is part of its responsibility as a Kuwaiti company to help provide bright and enthusiastic young Kuwaitis who are looking for jobs, with suitable career development opportunities when they return from studying abroad. Gulf Bank is committed to supporting education based initiatives and encouraging youth to succeed and realize their ambitions. The Bank’s dedication to promoting a more prosperous Kuwait arises from its own commitment of being a responsible financial institution dedicated to developing youth and supporting the community.


UPPER CRUST PIZZERIA OPENS A NEW BRANCH AT AL BIDA’A AREA Upper Crust Pizzeria, the award-winning Boston based pizzeria, proudly announced the opening of its new branch on December 9th 2013, at Rimal Al Bida’a next to Movenpick Hotel and Resort, after their two branches at “The Village” in Abulhasaniya area and KIPCO Tower in Kuwait City. This opening represents another new milestone for the brand, as it continues to expand throughout Kuwait and offer some of the most unique pizzas available in the market. In addition to its signature pizzas and pastas, Upper Crust Pizzeria has recently released a tempting new menu with a variety of delicious newly launched items, from irresistible main and side dishes, to freshly tossed salads and mouthwatering desserts. Furthermore, customers may also savor a delightfully delicious breakfast at the KIPCO Tower branch and enjoy an extensive range of appealing, wholesome and satisfying breakfast options with the newly launched breakfast menu. With its special architectural design, including open kitchens and pizza tin-decorated ceilings, Upper Crust Pizzeria offers a friendly and casual atmosphere to all those craving gourmet thin crust pizzas made with the freshest high-end ingredients. Upper Crust Pizzeria’s branches are open to all pizza lovers to grab take-out, get delivery or choose to dine in and enjoy an engaging atmosphere and a friendly customer service, all adding up to deliver a truly unique experience that can only be described as Upper Crust. After opening 3 branches in Kuwait, the restaurant’s main goal today is to become one of the best pizza-serving restaurants in the marketplace where guests would be offered delectable, aesthetically pleasing food to all those craving something delicious and extraordinary. Looking forward to growing with additional openings in the rest of the Gulf area over the coming few years, Upper Crust Pizzeria follows major guiding principles for quality, service and innovation.

GUST’S ENGLISH CLUB LAUNCH DAY On December 8, 2013 The GUST English Club conducted their Launch Day. They were also honored to have the presence of Ms. Grace Choi from the American Embassy who gave a short speech about the importance of learning the English language. Afnan AlMusaileem, president of The English Club, spoke in her opening speech about the club “It is our mission to draw the attention of students towards the English language as a whole throughout various events and workshops.” In The English Club, members will get a chance to practice many different skills and new experiences. In the afternoon the club had a Spelling Bee contest. Congratulations to the place holders, Taiba AlMansour (1st place), Hala AlMutawa (2nd place), and Ahmed Ibrahim (third place). At the end of the night the club showed the movie The Hunger Games sponsored by Home Cinema. The students were lucky to have brilliant support from Wonderful Desserts who gave away 300 cupcakes and also Solo Pizza Napulitana who gave out free pizzas all day long. YESSAYAN JEWELRY OPENS IN GOLD SOUK – THE AVENUES The two brothers Krikor and Haroutioun Yessayan crowned 36 years of excellence and distinction by opening a branch of Yessayan Jewelry in Kuwait in The Avenues – Gold Souk area. Yessayan, which combines the nobility of gold and precious stones with modern fashion, tells a story of beauty and elegance that extends to many countries around the world. Yessayan Jewelry was established in 1977, in Beirut, Lebanon, and currently has a number of branches in different upscale areas of the Lebanese capital. Its charming designs were also brought to the gulf market many years ago. In Kuwait, the next destination for Yessayan Jewelry, they will offer the women extremely glamorous and sparkling designs, as every Yessayan creation is handcrafted to perfection through a unique and precise process which creates pieces of unforgettable beauty. Throughout the years, the Yessayan brand has become synonymous with excellence, elegance and beauty. The opening ceremony reflected the sparkling image of the brand and was attended by a large number of media figures, as well as the elite and upscale people of Kuwait society. The newest collections of jewelry were shown during the ceremony. Meeting the latest fashion creations, these collections suit the tastes of every woman seeking distinction and luxury. 91

bazaar movie night The latest from the big screen playing in cinemas across Kuwait in January




Release Date: January 9 Theaters: Grand Cinema and Cinescape Kuwait-wide Genre: Biography, Drama, History Cast: Chiwetel Ejiofor/Michael K. Williams/Michael Fassbender

Release Date: January 9 Theaters: Cinescape Kuwait-wide Genre: Action, Drama, Thriller Cast: Mark Wahlberg/Ben Foster/Eric Bana

Release Date: January 16 Theaters: Grand Cinema and Cinescape Kuwait-wide Genre: Action, Drama, Thriller Cast: Chris Pine/Kevin Costner/Keira Knightley

Synopsis: A 2013 British-American epic historical drama film and an adaption of the eponymous 1853 autobiography. In the antebellum United States, Solomon Northup, a free black man from upstate New York, is abducted in Washington D.C. in 1841 and sold into slavery. He worked on plantations in the state of Louisiana for 12 years before his release. Chiwetel Ejiofor stars as Solomon Northup and has been widely praised for his work. 12 Years a Slave premiered at the Telluride Film Festival in August 2013 and has been widely lauded by critics. It was recently announced that the film had received 7 Golden Globes nominations.

Synopsis: Based on the failed June 28, 2005 mission “Operation Red Wings.” Four members of SEAL Team 10 were tasked with the mission to capture or kill notorious Taliban leader Ahmad Shahd, but were ambushed by enemy forces in the Hindu Kush region of Afghanistan. Based on Marcus Luttrell’s The New York Times bestseller of the same name, this is a story of heroism, courage and survival directed by Peter Berg (Friday Night Lights) and also stars Taylor Kitsch, and Emile Hirsch. Lone Survivor made relatively cheaply by Peter Berg at USD 40 million, who labored to make it happen over five years.

Synopsis: American action-thriller film directed by Kenneth Branagh, based on the character of Jack Ryan. It is the fifth film in the Jack Ryan film series but unlike the previous films in the franchise, it is not an adaptation of a particular Tom Clancy novel but instead an original story initially conceived by screenwriter Hossein Amini. The film stars Chris Pine in the title role, becoming the fourth actor to assume the role, following Alec Baldwin, Harrison Ford, and Ben Affleck. The film revolves around Jack Ryan, as a young covert CIA analyst, who uncovers a Russian plot to crash the U.S. economy with a terrorist attack. This film will be dedicated to Tom Clancy, who died on October 1, 2013.




Release Date: January 23 Theaters: Cinescape Kuwait-wide Genre: Action, Comedy Cast: Ice Cube/Kevin Hart

Release Date: January 23 Theaters: Grand Cinema and Cinescape Kuwait-wide Genre: Action, Fantasy, Sci-Fi Cast: Aaron Eckhart/Bill Nighy/Miranda Otto

Release Date: January 30 Theaters: Grand Cinema and Cinescape Kuwait-wide Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance Cast: Joaquin Phoenix/Amy Adams/Scarlett Johansson

Synopsis: Kevin Hart and Ice Cube lead the lineup in Ride Along, the new film from the director and the producer of the blockbuster comedy Think Like a Man. When a fast-talking guy joins his girlfriend’s brother – a hot-tempered cop – to patrol the streets of Atlanta, he gets entangled in the officer’s latest case. Now, in order to prove that he deserves his future bride, he must survive the most insane 24 hours of his life. John Leguizamo and Laurence Fishburne join the cast of the action-comedy directed by Tim Story. Ride Along is produced by Will Packer, alongside Ice Cube, Matt Alvarez (Barbershop) and Larry Brezner (Good Morning, Vietnam).

Synopsis: Set in a dystopic present where vigilant gargoyles and ferocious demons rage in a battle for ultimate power, Victor Frankenstein’s creation Adam (Aaron Eckhart) finds himself caught in the middle as both sides race to discover the secret to his immortality. From the creators of the hit supernatural saga, Underworld, comes the action thriller I, Frankenstein, written for the screen and directed by Stuart Beattie based on the graphic novel of the same name by Kevin Grevioux, and brought to life by a cast that also includes Yvonne Strahovski, Jai Courtney, Socratis Otto, Mahesh Jadu, Caitlin Stasey and Aden Young as Victor Frankenstein.

Synopsis: Theodore Twombly (Joaquin Phoenix) is a complex, soulful man who makes his living writing touching, personal letters for other people. Heartbroken after the end of a long relationship, he becomes intrigued with a new, advanced operating system, which promises to be an intuitive entity in its own right, individual to each user. Upon initiating it, he is delighted to meet “Samantha” (voiced by Scarlett Johansson), a bright, female voice, who is insightful, sensitive and surprisingly funny. As her needs and desires grow, in tandem with his own, their friendship deepens into an eventual love for each other.


For more details on movie timings and the cinema nearest you, visit: Cinescape: or Facebook: Cinescape – Kuwait National Cinema Company, Grand Cinemas: or Facebook: Grand Cinemas Kuwait.


freedom to pray for a peaceful 2014


A fine jewelry series by Ivanka Trump by bazaar staff



Toulouse Patras

With Ivanka Trump’s Fine Jewelry series entitled The Journey, she unveils her passion for travel, architecture and design. A collection of ranges that include different precious stones, as well as diamonds and fine gold, prepare to fall in love with Metropolis, Patras, Toulouse and Aberdeen. Influenced by her favorite locations around the world, The Journey takes us through her ‘mother city’ New York. Considered as a metropolis to many, Ivanka’s Metropolis collection boasts a line of 18kt yellow gold and diamond jewelry, with bespoke inspirations of New York’s 1920s art deco era. Geometric shapes dominate this collection to present classic sophisticated elegance marked by an ‘IT’-motif, emblematic of popular architectural design during that period. Representing Ivanka’s passion for travel is the Patras series, named after 94

the city in western Greece that influenced art in the 1920s era. The result is a jewelry line of white gold and blue gemstone pieces reminiscent of the crystal blue waters of the Gulf of Patras, also Ivanka’s first complete color collection launched in her fine jewelry range. Toulouse, the third collection in this series, follows Ivanka’s love for the art deco tradition that originated in France at the town known as La Ville Rose – “The Pink City” – for its architectural brick buildings that look pink in the sun. A collection that marries that iconic style with the color pink results in a contemporary and youthful range of fine jewelry that literally Rocks Tradition with pink opals, black onyx, white agate, turquoise and diamonds in 18kt gold. Finally, Ivanka ends her journey with the Aberdeen collection, inspired by the site of the Trump International Golf Links in Aberdeen, Scotland, also

the native country of Ivanka’s paternal grandmother, this jewelry line is a softer look for the Ivanka Trump Fine Jewelry customer. With designs that reflect the rolling waves of the Aberdeenshire coastline and the impressive curves of the sand dunes from the golf course, this collection is delicate at its core, comprised of eighteen pieces of 18kt yellow gold and white gold featuring diamonds of the highest quality. For information, visit Ivanka Trump Fine Jewelry is available at Morad Yousuf Behbehani boutiques in Kuwait at Al Hamra Luxury Center, Marina Mall and The Avenues. You can visit www. for more details or follow them on Twitter @ivankatrump_myb or Facebook: Ivanka Trump Fine Jewelry Kuwait. You can also follow Ivanka on Facebook: Ivanka Trump or Twitter @ivankatrump



Wonderland at Bossini

Kid’s Collection Winter 2013 Launching its new season collection Bossini has reintroduced fashion that beautifully combines comfort and style. The new season features a collection inspired from the season’s biggest trends including checks, colored pants, florals and stripes. The latest line allows kids to sport the key trends for this season in an interesting range of colors that reflects shades of blue, red, green, grey and black to a fresher color palette of neon, coral and pastels.


Bossini is available at: Hawally Al Othman Center (2263 0813) Fahaheel Ajial Mall (2391 8034) Qurtoba Coop (2535 9401) Farwaniya Mugathir Complex (2473 9844) Khaldiya Coop (2492 6377) and at Centrepoint Al Rai- Fahaheel- Kuwait City- SalmiyaHawally- Jahra- Fintas- Sulaibikhat-The Avenues. For more information follow @LandmarkQ8 on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. 97


If you follow the New Year’s tradition of making a resolution or ten, then you are probably in the midst of whatever lifestyle change you promised yourself for the year. Unfortunately, these promises we make ourselves don’t usually live to see February. That’s because we are doing it wrong. When you choose to change 2 or 3 major things at one time just because it is January 1st, the likelihood of it becoming a reality decreases. My question is… why do we need a specific calendar date and some glittery confetti to promise ourselves that we are going to be better in some way? In my opinion, resolutions should be made throughout the year whenever one identifies a problem or desires a change that they really want to achieve. Personally, I have done this before and experienced some of the methods that can really help in making that change. The first thing we have to do is visualize the change. If you are at all familiar with The Secret then this will not be a new concept to digest. If not, the basic principle is this: If you believe it enough and you see it then it will eventually become a reality, just keep believing it and working towards it. This of course has limits and your expectations should be realistic. If you want to lose X amount of weight, make sure your goal is within a reasonable timeframe and picture yourself at a healthy weight rather than trying those crash diets and attempting to lose 5 kilos in a week. When it comes to weight, fast results yield even faster setbacks. Picture an entire change in your lifestyle starting with small things like eliminating carbohydrates at night and increasing your gym visits from twice a week to four times a week. Over time, the change you want will begin to show in both your health and your physique. The second step is to put motivation all around you, from people that encourage you, to images that will drive you towards that goal. Instagram is a huge help when it comes to motivational factors, especially for weight loss and working out (I keep using this as a reference because it is one of the most common resolutions other than quitting smoking). I have recently followed countless fitness and healthy nutrition accounts. This way, something good can come out of incessantly scrolling through Instagram that isn’t just a general nosiness towards what friends are up to lately. Another push is to arm yourself with whatever will encourage you to fulfill your goals. If it is gym related, get some amazing new gym clothes and shoes so that you are encouraged to put them on, stop making excuses and just go. If you want to eat better then make a conscious effort to get the junk out of your house so that the temptation to eat it will disappear. If you are quitting cigarettes 98

for the millionth time, always make sure you have a pack of gum close to you so that you occupy the desire to light one up. If I could say one last piece of advice it is to consider every day the beginning of a new year, and to realize that every time is a great one to promise yourself a certain goal or positive change

in life. One of the fitness accounts I follow on Instagram posted a quote that, for lack of a better description, was just so true. “A year from now, you will wish you had started today.” There is no perfect month, day, or even time of day to start. Make now whenever you want it to be and just commit. Happy January!


bazaar investigates PORSCHE TECHNOLOGY PUT TO THE TEST IN KUWAIT Porsche’s pioneering technology and unrivalled motorsport heritage was put to the test at an exclusive track day hosted by Porsche Centre Kuwait. Taking place at the new SIRBB circuit, media representatives were invited to experience Porsche’s latest innovations in performance, safety and comfort first hand. Technologies such as the Porsche Dynamic Chassis Control (PDCC), Porsche Active Suspension Management (PASM) and Porsche Stability Management (PSM) were all shown in full effect during this one-day event. A fleet of nine Porsche models was used, each highlighting Porsche’s thrilling contradictions of innovation and tradition, performance and everyday usability, design and functionality. Mike Ellenthorpe, General Manager of Porsche Centre Kuwait, Behbehani Motors Company, commented: “Porsche prides itself in actively seeking to push the boundaries of performance. The pioneering technology showcased in our fleet is part and parcel of the superior Porsche driving experience, coupling breathtaking dynamics with exceptional comfort and safety.” Under the guidance of Porsche certified instructors, guests took part in five on-track activities, kicking off with the launch control test which saw the Porsche Panamera GTS demonstrate the Porsche Doppelkupplung (PDK) capabilities as well as the enhanced braking ability of the car, all adding to a smoother driver experience. The iconic Porsche 911, which celebrates its 50th anniversary this year and was represented at the test day by the 911 Carrera S and 911 Carrera 4S, brought to life Porsche’s superior handling technology and stabilization in the slalom test, thanks to its completely revamped suspension system and the PDCC. The Cayenne Turbo and Cayenne GTS perfectly personified how the brand’s performance heritage carries through all its models, with the sporty SUV demonstrating its acceleration of 0-100 km/h in 4.7 and 5.7 seconds respectively on the track. The braking abilities of the car were also on display with the PSM system kicking in to highlight the model’s superior safety. The mid-engine Porsche Boxster S and Cayman S proofed their exceptional agility in the handling test, when participants experienced the models’ flat-six engines, balanced handling, and vivid steering up close. With the day at SIRBB Circuit, Porsche Centre Kuwait demonstrated that the brand has always had its roots firmly in motorsport and remains true to this tradition, breathing new life into it with every new Porsche by using intelligent technologies.

DUMOND AUTUMN/WINTER COLLECTION Inspired by the nature of the mystical state of Bahia to develop an inspiring winter collection This season, a trip to one of the most impressive scenarios in Brazil inspires a universe of colors and textures. Always in touch with themes that reflect Brazilian beauties, Dumond meets the nature of the region of Chapada Diamantina to develop its winter collection. Exotic landscapes, flora, fauna and local culture become must-have items in this collection. Starting with the colors and materials, which are influenced by stones, referring to mining, an activity present in the history of Chapada Diamantina. Shades of amber, emerald and zirconia give color and life to winter, in contrast with the sober hues carbon, stone and gravel. Among the highlights, Chelsea boots reign supreme. The low-shaft booties with an elastic band on the side that were successful among the darlings of the Beatles in the 1960s are revisited this winter. Shoes with striking embellishments like studs and spikes are perfect to create impressive looks. Cap toes make shoes luxury items. Accessories, such as collars and reversible belts, with two color options, join forces with powerful looks. Available at The Mall - The Avenues.

LINDA FARROW INTRODUCED KHALEDA RAJAB AND FAHAD ALMARZOUQ IN EYE BOUTIQUE KUWAIT AND EYE BOUTIQUE DUBAI Linda Farrow partners with Khaleda Rajab + Fahad Almarzouq for the first time for the spring-summer 2014 collection. For the collaboration, a unique shape is created, where a frame within a frame results in an oversized cat-eye with a double lens. A fun exaggerated shape, this style is not for the faint of heart. Fahad Almarzouq’s journey into designing and styling was initially driven by his passion and Khaleda Rajab, a Bahraini designer has opened the doors to extraordinary and functional wear to the Kingdom of Bahrain. Established in 1970, the Linda Farrow brand of luxury eyewear rose quickly to acclaim. Originally a fashion designer herself, Linda Farrow was one of the first to treat sunglasses as fashion, producing collection after cutting-edge collection, her finger always on the pulse of the times. To celebrate Linda Farrow’s collaboration with Khaleda Rajab + Fahad Almarzouq the Eye Boutique stores welcomed press and VIP clients for a very exclusive launch both in Kuwait, on the 9th December 2013, and Dubai, on 12th December 2013. Guests were invited to discover the new collection with the designers on hand to talk through the glasses during the store events. 100

KENZO WOMENSWEAR SPRING/SUMMER 2014 “Hailing from California, we have always been impressed by the ocean, its power, its constant change, its ability to cultivate life and our reliance upon it. Our youth was also marked by the historic underground L.A. music scene, the irreverence, the iconoclasts and radicals helped form an inherent part of our existence, culture and future, and inspired us for our Women’s Collection for Spring Summer 2014.” Carol & Humberto. Kenzo like the idea of fusing classic tailoring with beach living. Laser cut jackets in cotton or leather feature large open backed vents to allow for a beach breeze. Skirts in luxurious fabrics highlight printed or reversible sequins. Drip embroidered cropped tops resemble the crests of waves. Trousers, shorts and skirts have hidden zips to create shirt-slips. The K-biker jackets come in multi-colored no waste knits. Prints feature geometric and graphic hand drawn aqua motifs. The melted fish prints, an observation on overfishing in already crowded marine territories, are a key print for Kenzo to bring awareness to conservation problems we all face, and to alert the need for intervention on this subject. See more of the Spring-Summer Collection 2014 on and KENZO’s pages on Google+, Instagram and Twitter.

SWAROVSKI STYLING EVENT IN KWUAIT Swarovski invited Kuwait’s fashionistas on the 4th of December at The Avenues boutique in Kuwait to discover Swarovski crystal jewelry trends for every lady and every occasion in collaboration with the famous fashion blogger Yalda Golsharifi. The event was hosted in Kuwait as well as other glamorous countries around the world in respective to Swarovski’s worldwide Styling Campaign. The guests included VIPs, fashion bloggers and top media who celebrated throughout the night. The beautiful Yalda Golsharifi charmed the audience with her passion for Swarovski crystals and love of fashion where she gave styling tips on how to dress Swarovski jewelry for every occasion. The event was all about style as the audience took a chance to admire Swarovski’s new Fall/Winter 2013 Secret Treasures Collection inspired by Swarovski Creative Director, Nathalie Colin. The boutique was renovated in glamorous colors along with colorful drinks, delighting the invitees into the world of Swarovski Jewelry and Fashion. Guests were given the opportunity to pose with “I love Swarovski” props and had their photos taken throughout the night as a memory. ROYALE HAYAT HOSPITAL CELEBRATES 7TH ANNIVERSARY Seven years of outstanding medical services More than 400 guests attended Royale Hayat Hospital celebration on December 5, 2013. Attendees gathered at Missoni Hotel, in celebration of Royale Hayat Hospital 7th year of dedicated, and personalized luxurious medical care to the Kuwaiti society. Royale Hayat Hospital chairman, deputy CEO, board members, doctors, staff, administration, nurses, and the many other dedicated team members were welcomed in a classical themed ceremony and dinner. Recognizing the hospital’s achievements, Royale Hayat Chairman and board members presented awards to staff members with outstanding performance, dedication and commitment. “These awards are for meeting and exceeding the highest standards and supporting Royal Hayat since the beginning of its journey. I thank you all at Royale Hayat Hospital for making it happen; your contribution paved the way to reach our current status.” said Pradeep K. Handa, Chairman, Royale Hayat Hospital. Dr. Bader Alzaid Altraiji, Deputy CEO congratulated everyone on this special occasion and said, “As we celebrate the 7th anniversary of this iconic institution, we honor the diversity of our team that made every milestone possible, and we reflect on our significant achievements at Royale Hayat Hospital; among them being, winning the Best Hospital in Kuwait Award three years in a row.” STEVE MADDEN LAUNCHES ITS EXCLUSIVE ITS NEWEST COLLECTION FOR MEN AND WOMEN The chic US footwear brand, Steve Madden, has recently launched its Fall 2013 range for men and women. This new collection is designed for the woman who is constantly on an urban adventure: ready and willing to explore new experiences and unabashedly proud of her ability to do so. GLAMBITION - Glittery styles like the PARTYTME are perfect for dashing across town and diving effortlessly into the evening’s affairs. Similarly disco fabulous is the DEEVAA, with the rhinestone embellishments guaranteed to draw stares. MADD ABOUT BOOTS - the PANELOPE, are the quintessential easy-chic boots. Whether she aims for classic and smart for lunch or bohemian for dinner, Miss Madden is simply ‘madd’ about boots for Fall. CITY ARMOR - The metal details on the TROOPALE and the LOLLLY add a luxurious touch to the rock-chic styles. KICKIN’ IT - Miss Madden continues to kick it casual to Sunday brunch in none other than Steve Madden wedged sneakers. The new Steve Madden collection for men and women captures the essence and multiplicity of the city. Available at The Mall - The Avenues. 101

THE WASTA-FARIAN MOVEMENT by Abdulmohsen Al Mayyas

(music plays) “If you got Wasta to back you up put your hands up! If you know someone in high places put your hands up! This is the track they might as well be playing at every government entity and, in many cases, private institutions here in Kuwait. “Do you know someone?” is a question that anyone and everyone at one point was forced to ask when dealing with an official entity. And if you don’t know someone who knows someone, well you’re kind of screwed. What happened to proper procedure? Pshh, ain’t nobody got time for that! Literally, the time it takes to follow protocol and regular procedure here in Kuwait is as unpredictable as the construction on our roads. It could take weeks, months or even years, and even after you’ve reached the person in charge they will bounce around like a beach ball with a smile on their faces until you’re out of breath and out of options. Weak and cornered you pull out your cell phone hesitant but in dire need. You make that phone call to that one guy that always has a guy somewhere and you ask him that same question, “do you know someone?” At first it’s shameful, but you later realize its part of the culture. “Baseeta Hajji” (The Kuwaiti equivalent of “it’s easy dude”) they say. You stop worrying, only thinking of your own self-interest at this point. You say, “Everyone else is doing it,” which somehow dignifies the act of accessing an unethical form of assistance that is no better than a bribe or blackmail. The invisible villain lurks, and before you know it the evil consumes you, you’re a solid member, a part of a movement, a Wasta-fari… What is a Wasta-fari you may ask? The Wastafarian Movement, or Wasta, is a movement that arose in the 1980s and most prominently the 90s in Kuwait and the Gulf region. “Wasta” is an Arabic word that loosely translates into Nepotism or ‘who you know’. Nepotism is favoritism granted to relatives or friends regardless of merit. Wasta refers to using one’s connections and/or influence to get things done, including government transactions such as the quick renewal of a passport, waiving of traffic fines, and getting hired for or promoted in a job or what is informally spoken of in English as “pull” from connections. Its adherents worship and rely on ‘the connection’ as the pure solution to their issues what ever they may be. The outcome, the devastating result, is portrayed in the story that follows. Keep in mind, all events that proceed are of a true nature and are based on a true story. Our character is Abu Ahmad (a significant public figure). He will take it from here. “Last Ramadan my daughter fell unconscious. She wasn’t breathing. It was at that moment I truly felt that the difference between life and 102

death was merely seconds. I called number after number. No response. I was bitterly forced at this point to mention my name in the hopes of someone picking up on it and deal with my situation differently.” Here, the value of a human being is based on how many influential people have his back. A hidden backstage, controlled by men flowing through its doors in the feud for a seat. Meanwhile, in the front, the true battle is between those in need and the strong and powerful. In a country where they display justice as a beautiful canvas behind their chairs and signs contracts and run transactions based on a phone call or the presence of an important figure, you can only seek hope in saying the 4 magical words, “Do you know someone?” In education, where the largest sum of the

population is found, they find it acceptable that to raise our offspring under the impression that they will not receive a seat in a good school without seeking the words, “Do you know someone?” You may scream and shout as you stand respectfully in the endless lines at the counter at a ministry. When you discover there is another door from which smiles are dispersed, the smell of Bukhour is evident, and the repetition of a single phrase, “Consider it done.” In an environment where they place the least competent behind their desks, based on small paper note. While denying another who spent a lifetime climbing the ladder from the bottom, digging through stone to reach the top— it is inevitable that this ladder would soon crumble. In an environment where they throw your basic needs behind personal dreams, you are forced to deal

with a term such as, “Do you know someone?” On a wide headline: “So and so college opens its doors for registration,” as potential students flow in from everywhere. And in the end the few chairs left are reserved for managers in high places and low. As for the one debilitated by the drive, the traffic, the bureaucracy, the paperwork, and the time wasted must now begin their anguish again searching for a new turf and a new hope. Phones filled with name IDs that identify the caller’s job and position in more detail than their name. Soon enough the phone becomes valued by those connections and those IDs. Do you know someone? Because it’s been years and I’ve been in the same position without a promotion, while others behind me made me but a bridge to cross. Do you know someone that will appraise the years I spent to get my degree? And today it’s nothing

more than a painful reminder framed on the wall. Do you know someone who can move my papers in court? So I can be rid of this torment that has now nested in my path? Talking about paths, do you know someone that will bury the poor state of our dark neighborhood saturated with potholes overflowing with water? Do you know someone who can let me enter to see his Excellency? Do you someone that can be rid of the dust on top of a folder thrown in the archives so that perhaps it will bring rise to the possibility of me getting a home for my family? Do you know someone who can transform my dream into reality, and not my reality into a dream? Do you have a solution, a path, which can take me to a place that I would no longer need to “know someone”? So dear reader, the question is, how do you fight such an invisible villain? It’s a villain that can

be only portrayed by our own actions. It does not have a true physical form. It is defined and grows in strength with every phone call made and every name thrown and business card flashed. And we are all accessories to this evil as long as we choose to be a factor in maintaining its presence. Every time you seek Wasta, you’ve taken someone else’s much more deserved right to get the same. When you get a chance to help someone out, make sure it is for the right reasons. Or maybe you should help everyone out just the same. The idea, dear reader, is that we are all part of Abu Ahmad’s story. We are the parents, the families, the students, the doctors, the ones sitting behind those desks, the paralegal, the judge, the engineers, constructions workers, and the clerk at the archives. It’s really up to us to decide whether to be the hero or support the villain. 103

bazaar around town ALGHANIM AUTOMOTIVE LAUNCHES THE ALL NEW 2014 CHEVROLET SILVERADO Stronger, Smarter and more capable than ever Yusuf Ahmed Alghanim & Sons Automotive, the exclusive distributor of Chevrolet vehicles in Kuwait, launched the All-New 2014 Chevrolet Silverado at the Safat Alghanim showroom in December 2013. The bright lights illuminated the fascinated faces of the crowd that surrounded a lineup of classic Chevrolet pick-ups. The event included members of the media, fans of Chevrolet’s Silverado and representatives from Alghanim and General Motors. As the most popular and trusted pick-up in the country, the Silverado has enjoyed a rich history and strong loyalty in Kuwait. Now, the All New 2014 Silverado has arrived, raising the bar with its exceptional interior and exterior design and powerful performance that is made for any terrain. After all the improvements and technological advancements, the All New 2014 Silverado is stronger, smarter and more capable than ever. Superior in its Exterior and Performance: Silverado’s exterior design blends strong Chevy truck heritage with a refined, modern aesthetic look. The new design is more muscular, more functional and more aerodynamic. A twin-port grille, full-width bumper and dual power dome hood create a strong presence, which is carried through in sculpted body sides and fender flares. The new Silverado design is about much more than just looks, however. The new front end is engineered to improve sealing for more efficient cooling, while the roof and tailgate spoiler were shaped in the wind tunnel to smooth airflow over the truck for reduced drag. New inlaid doors, which fit into recesses in the bodyside, reduce wind noise for a quieter cab. The All New 2014 Silverado offers the widest and strongest range of engine with, a trio of all-new EcoTec3 engines, a V-6 and two V-8s, which feature direct fuel injection, Active Fuel Management (cylinder deactivation) and continuous variable valve timing, a combination not found in competitive trucks. The engines also use a compact overhead-valve design and weightsaving components such as aluminium blocks and cylinder heads, to reduce mass, for additional energy savings. The increased power, torque and efficiency of the new EcoTec3 engine family resulted from an unprecedented level of computer analysis, including extensive computational flow dynamics, to optimize the burning of air and fuel in the cylinders. While the most popular engine, Silverado’s all-aluminium EcoTec 5.3L V-8 Engine with 355-horsepower, senses your load, seamlessly switching between V-8 power and four-cylinder for more fuel economy as demands change. For Heavy-duty truck fans, the V-8 EcoTec3 6.2L with 420-horsepower is the best choice with its tremendous engine which offers class-leading trailering capacity. Smart solutions for cargo management: The pickup box also benefits from this focus on providing Silverado customers with the right tools for the job. The box is made from roll-formed steel for increased strength and reduced mass, compared with the stamped beds used by major competitors, and it features a range of smart solutions for everyday life. Luxurious Interior Cabin: Silverado’s all-new interior is developed entirely around functionality. Designed to meet the needs of the driver, The All New 2014 Silverado intelligently integrates the smartest technologies into the interior. Chevrolet Care: New levels of aftersales service: All customers who purchase the All New 2014 Chevrolet Silverado will receive the benefits of the Chevrolet Care program. Chevrolet Care is a high level customer service experience based on four pillars: To provide customers with the best in service pricing and cost transparency; booking service with same day delivery; quality service by certified technicians as well as a regional 3 year/100,000 km warranty, and 24x7 regional roadside assistance.

DISCOVER COLOR THAT CARES beau-tique cosmetics international announces the launch of INFINITI - Permanent Hair Color by AFFINAGE. AFFINAGE’s philosophy is to use knowledge, innovation, creativity and technology to create superior, safe, leading edge products for the professional haircare industry. Their Research and Development Laboratory in Italy used its revolutionary DATEM Technology to create INFINITI. DATEM Technology captures both oxygen and color molecules before transporting them into the cortex of the hair preventing color pigments from oxidizing too quickly when mixed. In addition, DATEM Technology also helps to maintain strength and condition of the hair structure by drastically reducing free radical activity. An advanced breakthrough formula with Shea Butter and Argan Oil to add protection, suppleness and incredible shine for beautiful, healthier looking hair with more than 90% naturally derived ingredients, obtained from sustainable and renewable sources, AFFINAGE INFINITI hair colors contain ultra-low ammonia and offer the clients with unlimited color results and gives 100% white hair coverage with advanced Anti-Fade Technology with UV Filters. AFFINAGE is exclusively distributed by beau-tique cosmetics international. For more information call them on 2225 1285. 104

COFRAN SUMMER PROMOTION GRAND DRAW SENDS 2 TO PARIS Al Sayer Company held the raffle draw of the Cofran Summer Promotion Mega Prize, after a campaign which successfully ended on 17th November 2013. The grand draw of the 2013 Toyota Corolla, a trip for 2 to Paris, Gold Coins and many other fabulous prizes took place on 20th November 2013 in the presence of the Ministry of Commerce, at the Cofran Center – Canada Dry Street. The draw was also attended by the GM, Mr. Krishna Kumar, Oil and Paint Manager, Mr. Vivek Kohli, and his support staff, and Marketing Manager - After Sales, Mr. Nasimi. The draw was witnessed by many participants, enthusiastically hoping to win these fabulous prizes. Cofran Oil has been in Kuwait with Al-Sayer for many years, and this promotion was supported by over 70 puncture and Co-operative shops all over Kuwait. Al Sayer Group gave thanks to each and every participant for their outstanding support and making this campaign a huge success. The promotion, which started August 18th 2013, was that for every 4 liters or more purchased of Cofran 10W-40 or 20W50 oil, every customer received a coupon which entered them into the draw for these fabulous gifts, including a Toyota Corolla 2013, a trip for 2 to Paris, 5 x Gold Coins, 4 x Iphone5, 4 x Galaxy S4, and 2 x Galaxy Note II.

DAVIDOFF – THE GAME INTENSE DAVIDOFF The Game Intense is a new fragrance by DAVIDOFF. Building on its original forerunner, it adds a very distinctive touch of seduction and audacity. The Game Intense man is strong and determined. He knows how to play the game of life. For him, it is not a matter of chance and luck but a question of skill and self-control. His strength gives him power, confidence and a sense of purpose. Admired by his peers, he is a natural seducer, the epitome of style and refinement. He is fully aware that in love and game, the winner takes all. The Game Intense was designed by perfumer Lucas Sieuzac. It belongs to the fresh aromatic woody family. A variation on the original DAVIDOFF The Game perfume, it retains the same core olfactive pyramid: a sexy and distinctive accord of Gin Fizz followed by a sophisticated heart note of textured orris and a refined base note of strong and virile blackwood. But The Game Intense adds a rich and powerful heart note of black patchouli essence and a leathery base note of labdanum absolute. These two components combine to give the fragrance an increased intensity and a renewed dimension of addictive and masculinity.

ZAFRAN LAUNCHES ITS EXCITING NEW WINTER MENU In the presence of local media representatives and invited guests, Zafran, the contemporary Indian restaurant by Foodmark celebrated the launch of its new autumn/winter menu. The popular restaurant is now tempting food lovers with an exciting new winter menu with the introduction of an array of delicious creations from its culinary team which has become an instant hit with the connoisseurs of Indian cuisine. Since launching in 2011, Zafran’s fusion of exotic flavors and spices has led it to become a favorite across the city, and the new menu will please palates further. Among the new appetizers are the ‘double mushroom’ (batter fried mushrooms with vegetables & cheese), ‘aloo tikki’ (fried potato cakes with cumin & green peas) and ‘lamb shammi kebab’ (lamb patties with mint & caramelized onion). New additions also include a sizzling platter for kebabs – choice of vegetarian, non-vegetarian and seafood designed for family dinners. The restaurant has also enhanced the menu by adding a large selection of vegetarian dishes. Zafran, located in Salmiya (Salem Al Mubarak St.), is known for its vibrant and modern setting, and is a warm and welcoming retreat for friends and family who wish to relax and enjoy good high quality food at purse-friendly prices. To make a reservation, call 2575 0647.

NEW H&M SPORT An expanded concept with focus on performance, fit and function H&M has announced the evolution and growth of its H&M Sport concept this month. The new H&M Sport will offer greater choice and new designs for more sporting activities, reflecting the increasingly active lifestyles of women, men and children. The new H&M Sport collection has been designed with input from world-class professional athletes from the Swedish Olympic team, placing the emphasis on performance, with a natural instinct for fashion. For women, H&M Sport offers pieces for multiple disciplines. That means running clothes for whatever the weather; athletic quick-dry pieces for workouts; loose and comfortable garments for body and mind activities such as yoga, and protective fleece jackets and water-repellent bottoms for those who love the outdoors. Functionality and comfort are key to the design and so is color which comes in a wide palette. For men at H&M Sport, key running garments include running jackets, in either block color or prints, and printed running T-shirts; and there’s athletic kit such as work-out T-shirts, warm-up tops and trousers, and sleeveless hoodies. For outdoors there’s insulating jackets and base layers, as well as the key fully-waterproof shell jacket, and for tennis there’s the essential polo shirt and tennis shorts.


bazaar scopes what’s your sign?

CAPRICORN DEC 22 – JAN 19 There’s some lovely moments predicted that are very special and private early in the month. These will be shared with your one-and-only. The end of the month could be a time when you will be announcing longterm joint plans to the world.



JAN 20 – FEB 18

MAR 21 – APR 19

The Sun and Mercury in your sign provides you with the energy and enthusiasm to put into your longterm aims. You absolutely promise yourself this year that you will keep to your New Year Resolutions. Will this come about? – Time will tell!

At the very start of 2014 you could be mixing with someone or some people who seem aloof and haughty. You can’t help wondering how you managed to get caught up in this kind of situation. However, as the weeks wear on you will get to know these people better. You will realise you formed judgements too quickly and some even become valuable friends.



FEB 19 – MAR 20 Although catching up with work that did not get done in late December will occupy much of your time early in the year it won’t be long before normal routine can be resumed. Hang in there, as people at work are noticing and the rewards will come soon enough.


APR 20 – MAY 20

JUN 22 – JUL 22

The sun at the top of your chart at the start of this year suggests that once the New Year celebrations are over you will be working energetically toward your main goals. Venus draws your attention during the latter half of the month. You might be traveling some distance away, or planning a long journey with a loved one.

Be patient in your closest relationships. Yes, it will be quite a strain to persuade your partner or another loved-one to agree to some financial changes which you feel are necessary. Keep trying. Eventually they will understand your way of thinking.



MAY 21 – JUN 21 As a Gemini you really won’t mind giving your help to someone who needs it. Later in January you may have to rely on your innate charm, charisma and verbal skills to help someone out of a dilemma they have got themselves into. You could actually find this is both thrilling and a bit amusing.


JUL 23 – AUG 22

SEP 23 – OCT 22

As the year begins you will be sure to make the most of a pleasant few days when there are no demands expected of you and you can do what you like. Romance is in the air this January with emphasis on partnerships and one-to-one relationships.

This is a time when you’ll be putting other peoples’ needs before your own. Some plans regarding your longterm goals seem to be a long way from realisation but just think: you have a whole year ahead of you in which to see the realization of your dreams.


OCT 23 – NOV 22 Don’t worry if your work or family responsibilities fall slightly behind at the start of the year. Your main aim should be your friendships and working toward your own goals, which if you focus now, will be realized soon enough.


AUG 23 – SEP 22 An important meeting might take place at the beginning of this year which could make a lot of difference to your professional or personal life in the future. Someone close wants to discuss important matters but you feel their timing isn’t right. You aren’t ignoring the issue, but instead prefer to wait until a time when you can focus on these in private.

SAGITTARIUS NOV 22 – DEC 21 Concentrate on your social agenda as 2014 begins. Career affairs may not run as well as normal and it might take a while before everyone gets back into the swing of their normal routines. So instead of attempting to solve professional problems, wait until nearer the end of the month. Otherwise the harder you try at the start of January, the worse these difficulties might seem to get!

source: 106


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