And just like that, it’s been exactly one year since the damn virus reared its ugly head, and turned our lives upside down, inside out, spinning all around! To say we’ve all got virus fatigue would be an understatement, but we are choosing to focus on the good. In interviewing Kuwait’s talents, we sat down with Tareq Qaddumi (AKA @KicksTQ), the force behind the creative agency, Out The Box. His work is featured on our cover this month too. From art installations and Bball culture, we dive into the miniature, hand-drawn, and animated stop-motion world of the talented Sakina Kunwa who left the realm of finance for a career in art. Chef Talal Hamdhan shows us that art can also be made of sugar, spice, and everything nice in his cakes and his classes in this month’s edition of Up Close and Personal, and Hamad Al-Khudher is teaching us a thing or two about how to self-care the natural way with Jana Aromas. This and much more in our March issue!