4 minute read

Board of Trustees

2020 is a year that will go down like no other hundred and fifty bed space highly sophisticated and one in the history of the world. Humanity has been equipped facility that will add global standards to the battered by a novel but deadly Virus (Covid -19) that quality of the medical students we hope to produce. truncated economies, lives and livelihoods, and edu- The Hospital structure is at the roofing stage and it is cational aspirations of billions through enforced lock- expected to be commissioned by the end of the first down to prevent the spread of the disease. For us at quarter of 2021. The University continues to benefit Baze University, as a result of the restriction on pub- from the tireless efforts of the Board of Trustees lic gathering, the 2020 Convocation Ceremony which (BOT) led by His Excellency, Arc. Mohammed Namadi would have been the seventh in the series has been Sambo, GCON and other eminent Members. Their postponed. valued guidance has in no small measure made the takeoff of the BUTH Project hitch-free. You will recall that, Nigerian educational institutions were given only twenty-four hours to At Baze University, we pride ourselves on shut down all activities and remain in a lockdown quality staff and this has impacted positively in the mode from the 20th March 2020, in order to reduce graduates we produce. Each year our graduates get the effects of Covid-19 on the population. Baze Uni- a mark of excellence in several organs and instituversity was about to conclude the first trimester and tions national and international due to the efforts of as expected, this development threw spanners in the our highly competent and dedicated staff sourced works. Let me salute the resilience of all our staff from diverse backgrounds. This year, one of the and students who in a twinkle of an eye migrated graduates from the Faculty of Law Ms. Amina from face-to- face contacts to remote teaching and Mahmud Jega was adjudged Best Female Student in learning. Criminal Litigation in 2020 Call-to-Bar Examinations The Covid -19 Pandemic closure of education- other exhilarating news that a student in the Faculty al institutions was compounded by the upward trend of Law - Blessing Afekade Agbomhere - was elected of Forex and the seeming devaluation of the naira National President, Law Students Association of Nigewhich greatly inflated the cost of procurement of ria (LAWSAN). This is indeed a re-validation of the high-end equipment from the Original Equipment quality of staff that manage the Faculty of Law and Manufacturers abroad and the payment of salaries to indeed all other faculties in the university. A Universiour expatriate staff. Furthermore, just as we were ty is as good as the quality of its faculty; and we will heaving a sigh of relief as the lockdown restrictions leave no stone unturned in bringing on board quality were being eased, the massive end-SARS protests staff in our strive for excellence. creeped unto the arena, and our hopes of re-opening the university for a normal 20 C Trimester were once Let me appreciate all our students and their again dashed. It is pertinent for everyone to note sponsors who have had to endure a year of unprecethat despite these setbacks, the university has con- dented lockdown and assure that the University has tinued the procurement of academic equipment put in place several initiatives to ameliorate the though at exorbitant prices due to high forex rates spread of Covid - 19 Virus on campus. We are collaband has never faltered in all financial obligations. orating with the FCT health authorities so that we can re-open as soon as general normalcy is restored Since March 2020, the University has de- in the system. Our vision is to remain the first-choice ployed its robust digital learning platform consisting private university in Nigeria, and we are happy you of high-end IT software and hardware to sustain are all part of the history. teaching and learning. Today, I am proud to note that no student in this university has lost mileage in All the best! their studies and we are one of the few that have completed this academic year successfully. In spite of the unexpected setbacks of this year, Baze University has every reason to celebrate. All the programmes in the Faculty of Engineering now have full accreditation status, while the University has continued to procure additional sophisticated equipment for Engineering and Environmental Sciences. The College of Medicine has fully taken off with more than forty students already admitted into its various programmes. A particularly important development of the year is the commencement of the construction of the Baze University Teaching Hospital (BUTH); a one at the Nigerian Law School. This is followed by an-

Sen. Y.D. Baba-Ahmed, Ph.D Founder, Pro-Chancellor

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