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A Publication of Baze University Abuja Volume 5 October, 2021 ISSN: 2636-6770 Inset: Faculty of Environmental Sciences 2021 CONVOCATION EDITION TEN YEARS OF EXCELLENCE IN UNIVERSITY EDUCATION


-Our Mission-

To establish and maintain a most suitable academic environment, synergizing world-class human capital and best technology for creating and imparting knowledge to develop and modernize the Nigerian society.

-Our Vision-

To be a distinctive quality-based educational institution, making a difference in the nation's history through the positive impact of its services and its graduate output.


1st Stanza Baze University Right in the city of unity Raise the banner with Pride and dignity

Over the hills, the land and sea Driven by excellence, hard work and diligence And our reach is high above the skies. CHORUS

Shine on shine on Baze Varsity Ever shining as the morning sun Marching forth to glory Learn to lead and learn to live ….. shine on, shine on, shine on… …….Baze University…...

2nd Stanza We are a varsity With a unique history, Seek wisdom and honor With the power of Knowledge Technologyreality Arts and the sciences Making giants strides Blazing the trail and setting a pace. CHORUS

Shine on shine on Baze Varsity Ever shining as the morning sun Marching forth to glory Learn to lead and learn to live ….. shine on, shine on, shine on… …….Baze University……..


Baze University 2021 | 02

Scholarship Awardees -

on Academic Programmes

Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences: Practical Experiences are


Design and Implementation of an Artificial Intelligence: (AI) Virus Control System

Faculty of management and Social Sciences: Strength In Numbers

of the Arrival of the Baze Medical Degree Programme

Green Experts Eyes are Fixed on the Goal

of Law: Experiential Learning

from the Faculty of Environmental Sciences

Use of the Library in the Changing Digital Landscape

Technology, Research and Innovation: The Future is Now

Raising Teenagers

Anniversary Goodwill Messages




Insecurity 56 57

Counseling in the Post Covid 19 Era

Baze University Gold Star Parents

First Aid in

Injuries in Covid19 Era

Nigerian Delicacies Steamed Puddings


Dean, Faculty




Contents S/N ITEM PAGE About Us and Baze Anthem 2 Table of Contents 3 Editorial Desk 4 Founder’s Note 5 Nurturing Talents & Competences 6 Board of Trustees 7 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Principal Officers 8 8. Names of Deans and HODs 9 9. In the Pursuit of Excellence 10 10. Another First 11 11. Celebration of Momentous Service EGGXIT 12 14 12. Baze University High Fliers 15 13. Pro Chancellor’s
Where are they Now 16 17 14. Update
18 15. The
19 20 16. The
21 25 17
26 27 18. Announcing
28 29 20. Producing
30 32 21. Faculty
33 34 22. Innovations
35 38 23. Effective
39 40 24 Information
41 42 25. Tips for
43 26. 10th
44 27 Milestones in History 45 53 28. The
of Children 54 55 29. Survival Tips
58 31.
59 60 32. Facts You Need to Know About Nigeria 61 33. Tips for
62 63 34 Be an English Language Expert 64 35. Campus Life in Picture 65 67 36. Nutritious
68 37 Health is Wealth 69 38. Laughter is the Best Medicine 70 39. Best of Baze Panorama: Editor’s Gallery 71 79 40. Baze Alumni 80 41. Poetry & Silent Corner 81
FROM: The Pro-chancellor The Vice Chancellor Deputy Vice Chancellor (ITR&I) University Librarian Provost College of Medicine Dean, Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences Dean, Faculty of Computing & Sciences Dean, Faculty of Engineering Dean, Faculty of Environmental Sciences Dean, Faculty of Law
of Management & Social Sciences Director, Academic Planning & Strategy Dean Student
Resource Chief Security
Students Support Unit Sports Unit Alumni Baze University 2021 | 03

From the Editorial Desk


BAZE FOCUS Magazine is five years old and Baze University is Ten Years Old! Hearty Congratulations to an iconic University as it marks a DECADE of quality service; the best is yet to come. Last year was a tough year;theCORONAVIRUSyearthatchangedthecourse of social interaction in human history. Thankfully, collective global efforts have shifted the Covid-19 Pandemic pendulum backwards but humanity will continue to live with the implications of the attendant disasterforsometimetocome.

BAZE FOCUS Magazine is a platform used by the university to share major events and new innovationwithmembersofthepublic.Thisisthe2021 th thEdition and it coincides with the 7 & 8 Combined Convocation Ceremonies. Convocation could not take place last year due to the Covid-19 restrictions on public assembly; but today the University celebrates ourdeservingClassof2020and2021onanauspicious moment To our graduands: you are survivors, products of our unique brand; go out there and show your knowledge and skills as deserving Ambassadors ofourgreatUniversity.

To our dear parents, thank you for making Baze University part of the history of your family’s investment in the education of your children and wards. Quality University Education opens doors to a better life and Baze University is the destination of choice The Baze Brand keeps its promise on excellence.

Congratulations to All, (Management, Staff andStudents)aswecelebrateourTenYearsJourneyan interesting ride on the Bus of Excellence, and the commissioning of the newly built 250 Bed capacity BazeHospital.TheBestisyettocome.

ToourReaders,itisaprivilegetoinviteyouto another sumptuous Edition of our Magazine. I present to you contributions from the Faculties: the Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences – Practical Experiences are the Hallmark; the Faculty of Computing & Sciences where a final year student, designed an Artificial Intelligence Virus Control System; the Faculty of Management & Social Sciences and Strength in Numbers; Faculty of law and experiential learning; Faculty of Engineering and Green Experts; and the College of Medicine announcing the Arrival of the Medical Degree Programme.

The star article in this edition is from the Faculty of Environmental Sciences showing an array of highquality students’ innovative designs, from the Department of Architecture. We also bring to you the useoftheLibraryintheChangingDigitallandscape;IT


Research & Innovation the future is now; 10 Anniversary Goodwill Messages and Milestones in History; as well as Interviews with Baze University Gold StarParents.

In this Edition we also present to you: the newly appointed Deputy Vice Chancellor IT Research & Innovation; and other sumptuous topics: Wisdom in Leadership; EGGXIT; Baze high-fliers; Pro-chancellor’s Scholarship Awardees – where are they now; Survival Tips on Security; Discipline of Children; Tips for Raising Teenagers; Counselling in Post Covid 19 Era; Nutritious Nigerian Delicacies Steamed Pudding; Health is wealth; FactsaboutNigeria;Humility versus ArroganceQED,etc.

There are other regular features on Alumni, English Language Expert; Campus Life, Laughter - the Best Medicine; Poetry Corner, Photo Gallery, etc. All packagedforyourreadingpleasure.Enjoy!!!

To view, share or down load any of our publications; just click:

Copyrights © Baze Focus Magazine 2020 All Copyrights Reserved Baze University, Abuja Graphis & Design DS&SD Photo Credits: Japhet Yohanna Okam Ira A’aron Special Credits: Chioma Oprah Nzeh Department of Mass Communication Dr. Jamila Shu’ara, FNIM, FHEPAN Editor-in-Chief BAZE UNIVERSITY PUBLICATIONS & SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS BAZE FOCUS MAGAZINE © BAZE UNIVERSITY PANORAMA © INNAUGURAL LECTURE SERIES © Compiled and Edited by: Jamila Shu’ara (DAPS) Back Editions Connect with us: Instagram: @official_BazeUniversity Twitter: @Baze_University Facebook: @BazeUniversity Baze University 2021 | 04

The Founder’s Note

The dream that began in 1996 became a plan around 2001, started being pursued in 2008, came to life in 2011, and we now celebrate itsfirstdecade.

Having graduated over 2,000, an alumnus flew back to Abuja with me from Lagos, where he had as a Lawyer just concluded a property sale for his client - joy, to describe the feeling, could be an under statement.

Not only has Baze University obtained the National Universities Commission’s (NUC) Approvals for all Faculties, a whole new institution in the form of a Teaching Hospital hasbeenestablished.

The operating environment, as challenging as ever could be, was kind to enable easy and seamless switch-over to real e-learning at the peak of Covid19, thanks to the sustained investment in our IT infrastructure. Our banking relationships have grown stronger, and to higher levels supported by our encouragingperformance.

The second decade of Baze is a task beyond maintainingleadthatis torankanddefineusin the continent. We aspire to grow our numbers, develop our Second Campus at Bwari possibly with a School of Aviation, Bazeria Gardens, a fishery, and a series of wonderful ideas, subject to the approvalofallregulatorybodies.

May the gentle royal soul of our Late Visitor, the Emir of Zazzau Alh. (Dr) Shehu Idris CFR be ever rested in perfect peace. We lost a true irreplaceableLeaderinHisHighness.

Vision holding is a recurrent responsibility to an enterprise, and a salient duty to the community. Our sustenance is irrevocably tied to the welfareofournation.

With Focus sharpened, we consolidate our mission and set to breaknewrecords.

Sen.YDBaba-Ahmed,PhD,FSAN Founder,Pro-Chancellor BazeUniversity,Abuja Sen. Y.D. Baba-Ahmed, Ph.D Founder, Pro-Chancellor
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It is with great pleasure that I welcome on behalf of the entire Baze UniversityCommunity,thenew studentswhojustjoinedusand congratulate the returning students who are successful in examinationsandproceededto the next level of studies. Similarly, I congratulate our successful graduands who will receive their awards at the 7th& 8th Convocation Ceremoniesof2021.

Last year was an exceptionally difficult period following the outbreak of Covid-19, which challenged our normal well being as well as disrupting in-person educational services worldwide. Baze University was one of the few institutions worldwide that leveraged its robustICTinfrastructuretomaintainservicesand calendar uninterrupted. We commend staff and students who squared up to this challenge successfully. The University will continue to address the consequential effects of the Covid Pandemic and exploit the opportunities associatedwithit.

Thisyear,BazeUniversitycelebratesits10thyear inexistenceprovidingqualityeducation.Overthe last decade the University had carved a niche for itself as a center of excellence in the disciplines it offers, namely - Law, Engineering, Computing and Applied Sciences, Management & Social Sciences and Environmental Sciences. Recently, we added Medical Sciences to the programmes we offer and we are commissioning a 200 Bed Hospital to support academic activities and provide state of the art medical services in the Country Our university is acknowledged for its

qualityofserviceswitharobust platformforstudentstopursue their educational aspirations for a lifelong career of their choice. The University with a retinue of high quality staff creates an all-inclusive suitable environ ment for learning, sports, recreation and appropriate social engage ments. This ensures that the graduates we produce are competent in knowledge, skills and values thus giving them leverage for immediate employment.

To safeguard the quality and sanctity of its certificates, the University ensures that programmes due for accreditation are duly accredited by relevant regulatory bodies. Consequently, all the programmes offered in the University have been accredited by the National Universities Commission and other professional regulatory bodies.

Since the last Convocation, the University had hosted major academic events, local and international conferences, etc. We also had the unique opportunity of hosting special guests. In particular, Her Excellency Amina Ibrahim, the Deputy UN Secretary General came as a Guest Lecturer at a Faculty of Law Seminar It was a great mentoring event for the young people of ourUniversity

The University has in place robust policies, practices and procedures that guide the conduct of all activities on the campus, assure quality in academic and other supporting services. Let me assure that the University will continue to collaborate with all our stakeholders- students, the Student’s Representative Council, parents, regulatory bodies and community to ensure that ourdreamsofanexcellentcenteroflearningthat nurtures talents and competences remain our constantgoal.

Prof. Tahir Mamman, OON, SAN Vice-Chancellor
“ to safeguard the quality and sanctity of its certificates, the University ensures that all programmes due for accreditation are duly accredited by relevant regulatory bodies ’’
Baze University 2021 | 06


Arc. Mohammed Namadi Sambo, GCON Chancellor, Chairman Board of Trustees

His Excellency, Arc. Mohammed Namadi Sambo is an astute professional and well respected politician who served in various Ministries in the public service of Nigeria before he was elected Governor of Kaduna State. He was formally sworn in as the Vice-President of the Federal RepublicofNigeria,on19May2010andheldthatpositiontillthe29thofMay2015.

Professor Joy Angela Ogwu, OFR Member, Board of Trustees

Amb. Joy Ogwu was a former Minister of Foreign Affairs and a two-term Permanent Representative of Nigeria to the United Nations (2008 -2016). She unprecedentedly led Nigeria’s Delegation to the UN Security Council for two successive tenures and served as President of the Security Council four times (July 2010, October 2011, April 2014 and August 2015).Shehasextremelyrobustexperienceinforeignaffairsandinternationalrelations.

Mahmud Yayale Ahmed, CON Member, Board of Trustees

MahmudYayaleAhmedhasanextensivehistoryofpublicserviceandhasservedatthehighest levels of governance in Nigeria. During his career in the public service, he served in various capacities: a Federal Permanent Secretary; the Head of Civil Service of the Federation; a Minister(Defence)oftheFederalRepublicofNigeriaandtheSecretarytotheGovernmentofthe Federation.

Dr. (Mrs.) Jennifer Douglas-Abubakar Member, Board of Trustees

Dr. Jennifer Abubakar is a Lawyer by profession and she also holds a Doctorate Degree in InternationalRelations.SheisaManagingPartnerattheMiyettiLawChamberinNigeriaandthe Editor-in-ChiefoftheMiyettiQuarterlyLawReview.

Dr. Charles Aderemi Akitoye Member, Board of Trustees

Dr Charles Akitoye holds the Master’s and Doctorate Degrees in Agricultural Economy He servedasaCommissionerforAgricultureinLagosStatebetween1986and1991,afterwhichhe establishedanagrobusinessconsultancyoutfitthatrunssuccessfullytilldate.

Sen. Y. Datti Baba-Ahmed PhD. Pro-chancellor & Member BOT

Sen. Yusuf Datti Baba-Ahmed is an Academician, a Businessman and a Politician. He was a memberoftheNigerianLegislature;firstintheHouseofRepresentativesandlaterattheSenate representing Kaduna North. He was a Candidate in the 2019 Presidential Election. In 2011, he establishedBazeUniversityinAbuja,NigeriaandheisthePro-ChancelloroftheUniversity Heis theManagingDirector,BazeResearch&DataServiceLtd;andChairman,BazeConstructionLtd. Heemploysover1000highlyskilledprofessionalsfromNigeriaandtheDiaspora.

Baze University 2021 | 07


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Dr. Helen Jekelle

Prof. Emeka Ene


Baze University 2021 | 09 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Dean Prof.

IN THE PURSUIT OF EXCELLENCE Staff Currently on International Training


A famous adage says, Never judge a Book by its Cover.

As leaders and managers of men and materials, it is imperative that we never draw up conclusions based on hearsay. Work environment must never be allowed to go toxic.

Line Managers must act as dispassionate judges, so deploy social intelligence to determine the veracity of any claim before you take action. Apply wisdom in managing human relationships.

A leader must remain impartial in his relationship with his staff and in the execution of his duties.

Never allow yourself to be used as weapon in other people’s battle. Do not take a position on a matter, until you know the whole story. Never join the multitude to dislike someone else. “Beware of the half-truth. You may have gotten hold of the wrong half”. Do not rationalize on someone’s actions without understanding their reasons. As managers, apply wisdom in leadership

Ahmad Lawal MAHMUD, FCNA, is a Deputy Registrar and Director, Human Resource.
Baze University 2021 | 10

DrRislanAbdulazeezKanyagraduatedwithB.Sc. (Hons)inComputingandInformationSystems, MSc Business Administration from the University of Wales and PhD Computing (ICT for Development ICT4D) from the University of Portsmouth. He has diversified experience in Information Systems, Digital Transformation, Change Management, and Business Process Re-engineering.A resourceful and focused ICT specialist with considerable exposure in Enterprise Architecture, Project/Programme Management, ICT4D, Higher EducationPlanning,Administration,andEvaluation.

Dr. Rislan has practical experience with Higher Education Innovation, Data, Impact, Visibility and Funding Analytics; Design and Implementation of Campus and Large Networks; Enterprise Resource Planning(ERP),andmanymore.Hehadearlierworked asaninstructorforCTechUSAcertificationprogramsat Informatics Institute, Computer Training Centre Manager in Jigawa State, and Jigawa Savings and Loans Ltd as Information Systems Officer, Head of Accounts/Operations for some years before joining Baze University, Abuja as a pioneer staff and Head of IT Service in 2011.

Dr. Rislan was promoted Director, Head IT Services in 2017 and someofhisnotableachievementsinclude:

• Driving the University's digital transformation agenda, which enabled the University to have no single hour of disruption during the COVID-19 lockdown.

• Implementationofdigitalliteracyandcompetency programs.

• Development and operationalisation of the University's ICT policy/strategy and Enterprise Architectureintoprogrammesandprojects.

• Implementation of the University's ICT infrastructure, i.e., over 7000 data and voice outlets, access control, campus wireless hotspot, over 300 IP CCTV systems, smart multimedia teachingtools,andotherdigitalinfrastructures.

• Leading the design, development, and deployment of an in house university wide Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software that handles end to end workflow of operations, i.e., Application/Admission, Teaching/Learning, Finance, Human Resources, Staff and Student Attendance, Library, Inventory Management, Examination,GradingandTranscript,etc.

Dr. Rislan is interested in how ICTs can be used in sustainable development goals (ICT4SDGs), capability enhancement (economic empowerment, poverty reduction), Big Data Analytics in disruptive innovation. During his PhD research, he developed a hybrid frameworktoreduceprojectfailureandimproveproject championing in ICT4D He has been involved in several United Nations multi stakeholder programmes targetingtheattainmentofSDGs.

Dr. Rislan has an immense passion for change. He mentored more than 2000 young and vulnerable youth onexploitingthepowerofcomputers,theInternet,and social media to improve their capabilities, choices, and function.HeisaCharteredMemberofBritishComputer Society (CITP, MBCS), Member Computer Professional RegistrationCouncilofNigeria(MCPN),MemberNigeria Computer Society (MNCS), Senior Member Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (SMIEEE), Member Nigeria Institute of Management (NIM), Association of Information Systems,amongothers.

Dr. Rislan, has significantly increased Baze University's global visibility and ranking inwebometrics(from15,300 to 7805), Google Scholar, Scopus, Web of science; has shown exemplary work ethics and has delivered viable IT-driven solutions to boost academic performance, improve collaboration, transparency, accountability and openness. Dr Rislan Abdulazeez Kanya was appointed the pioneer Deputy ViceChancellor(ITR&I)inJune2021.

BAZE UNIVERSITY AND ANOTHER FIRSTAppointment of Deputy Vice Chancellor (ITR&I) Dr. Rislan Abdulazeez Kanya, Deputy Vice Chancellor, Information Technology, Research & Innovation (ITR&I). Baze University, Abuja 18th June 2021 BAZE FOCUS Magazine sends best wishes for a successful tenure.
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InrecognitionofexcellentservicetoBazeUniversity,wecelebratea staff who recently took a bow after years of meritorious service; enjoytheInterviewwithhim.


My name is Reyazul Haque Khan. I am an Indian national. I completed my Secondary Education in 1962 and was awarded Government of India National Scholarship I attended BIT Sindri, Dhanbad, and Bihar for B Sc. Engineering Degree in Mechanical Engineering in December 1968.IobtainedMastersinEngineeringandPhDdegreeinMechanical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) Bangalore (An institution comparable to Oxford/Harvard Universities) in 1971 and 1977 respectively. Soon after submitting my PhD Thesis in 1976, I was appointed as Scientific OfficerinMechanicalEngineeringDepartmentofIISc.

In July 1977, I joined National Institute of Foundry and Forge Technology, Ranchi, India as an Assistant Professor. I became Full Professor in July 1991. I joined the Federal University of Technology(FUT),Minna,NigeriainAugust,1993andworkedthereforabout25yearsinvarious capacities as HoD, Dean and Chairman and Member of various Committees. I have supervised morethan40M.Eng.Thesesand11PhDTheses.MostofmyPhDstudentsareProfessorsintheir respective universities. The present Dean of Postgraduate Studies at FUT Minna was my PhD student. I was Senior Associate of Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy for seven years from January 2003 to December 2009. I joined Baze University, AbujainMay,2018andretiredinAugust2021.IhadbeenaFullProfessorformorethan30years which I think is a rare achievement. My academic journey so far has been quite productive, satisfyingandenjoying.IamverymuchthankfulandgratefultoAlmightyAllahforeverythingHe hasblessedmewiththroughoutmylife.


In the year 1991, the year I became a Full Professor through open selection, I had travelled to Hyderabad,IndiatoconducttheAdmissionExaminationforstudentsandstayedattheOsmania UniversityGuestHousewheretheRegistraroftheImoStateUniversityalsolodged.Hehadcome toattendaconference.WegotintroducedtoeachotherandheinvitedmetocometoNigeria.He gavemetheaddressesofsomeuniversitiesandaskedmetosendmyCVtotheViceChancellors.

In 1992, I decided to send my CV to the Universities, and the first appointment came from Federal University of Technology (FUT) Minna. Although the salary offered was not attractive, I acceptedtheappointmentsoastouseitasanopportunitytoknowanAfricanCountry.Iapplied for Visa; it came almost after a year. I joined the FUT Minna on 6th August 1993 as Professor of Mechanical Engineering. I served the University in various capacities and enjoyed my stay at Minna. A year before completing 25 years at FUT Minna, my wife and daughter wanted us to relocate to Abuja. I thought of sharing my knowledge and experience in a private university to seethedifferenceinteachingandgovernance.AcolleaguewhohadbeenamemberoftheNUC Resource Verification Team to Baze University had very good impression about the Infrastructuralfacilities.

IdecidedtosendmyCVtotheManagementandwithinamonthIwasinvitedforinteractionwith theHumanResourceDepartment.TheinteractionwentwellandIgotanofferforappointmentin April, 2018. I joined Baze University on 17th May, 2018. I have a feeling that I was appointed because of my pedigree and Baze University needed good hands to actualize NUC and COREN

Baze University 2021 | 12


My employment at Baze was not the first in Nigeria. As I said earlier, I was first appointed to FUT Minna, Niger State, where I spent almost 25 years as a Professor of Mechanical Engineering. Baze wasmysecondandlastemploymentinNigeria.


IwasthepioneerFullTimeProfessorandHoDMechanicalEngineeringintheFaculty ofEngineering,BazeUniversity,AbujaandIalsoachievedthefollowing:

· DevelopedtheLayoutoftheMechanicalEngineeringLaboratories.

· Oversaw the installation, testing and commissioning of Machines and Equipment purchasedfromIndia.

· Supervised and guided the preparation of Laboratory Manuals and presentation of PracticalforvariousclasslevelsofMechanicalEngineering.

· ProvidedguidanceforasuccessfulNUCProgrammeAccreditation.

· Guided the Department of Mechanical Engineering to obtain COREN’s Full accreditation.

· PioneerChairmanofSenateBusinessCommitteeonExamination.

· MemberofSupervisoryTeamforaPhDstudentofAfricanUniversityofScienceand Technology,Abuja.




Yes,butnotveryintimateones.IadmiredsomeofmycolleaguesintheDepartmentandinthefaculty because of their sincerity and their commitment to duties. I would like to mention a few: Engr. Alonge,Engr Biradar,Engr YusufAbdullahi,Dr Najashi,Dr SundayandDr Rotimi.


I came to Nigeria in August 1993, and my family joined me in October of the same year I have only one child, a daughter who at that time, had just completed her senior secondary education in India. She eventually got admission to FUT Minna to study Electrical and Computer Engineering. She graduated from Minna as the first female student of Engineering to obtain a First-Class Degree. She laterproceededtotheUniversityofYork,UKandobtainedherMastersandPhDDegrees.Sheisnow based in Munich and works for APPLE Inc. She feels very proud to be a graduate from FUT Minna, Nigeria.


I had thought of this before leaving Baze. There are some offers as Director of private Colleges of EngineeringbutpresentlyIwanttorestforafewmonths.Afterthat,IwillgetinvolvedinConsultancy especially in my field of Foundry Technology, since India has more than five thousand Foundries. I hopetowritemyMemoirsonmyexperiencesatFUTMinnaandBazeUniversityAbuja.


· Management should continue to appoint well qualified and experienced expatriates as ProfessorsorasAssociateprofessors.

· Avoid employing expatriates at lower-levels because some are more concerned about their ownadvancementsthanthejobathand.

· MaintainagoodmixofNigerianacademicsandexpatriates.

· Expatriate’s salary should be paid into USD domiciliary accounts instead of paying Naira equivalent.IfsalaryispaidinNaira,aproperexchangerateshouldbeused.

· There should be free internet facilities in staff houses. In order to compete globally, UniversityshouldprovidegoodInternetfacilitiesforstudentsandstaffona24/7basis.

BAZE FOCUS MAGAZINE Sends Best Wishes for a Rewarding Rerement Baze University 2021 | 13


SEND FORTH - Prof. R. H. Khan PROF. TANKO L. NURUDEEN , Dean Faculty of Engineering presenting parting gifts to Prof. R. H. Khan at the Faculty Send Forth Party PROF. R. H. KHAN Addressing a cross section of Staff at the Faculty Send-Forth Party PROF. R. H. KHAN At the Faculty Send-Forth
Baze University 2021 | 14


aze University is synonymous with quality and excellence. The Baze Brand is reflected in the quality of

Bour graduates who maintain Magna Cum Laude status naonally and internaonally We are always proudtoshowcasethem!




Present Status: ENTREPRENEUR

Established a company: Sage Global with a workforce of 13 staff




Present Status:

Senior Legal Consultant to: Chairman, House of Representatives Committee on FCT Judiciary; *World Economic Forum Global Shaper *Partner, Public Affairs, Right angle PR.

*Member, Institute of Chartered Mediators and Conciliators (ICMC), Nigerian Institute of Public Relations, Institute of Entrepreneurs, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (UK), Institute of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Registrars.




Present Status:

Recently established a pro bono Law Chambers First of its kind in Nigeria ABBA AJI & ASSOCIATES L.L.P

NAME: Etoroobasi John Okodi-Iyah



Present Status:

Post Graduate Student

UNIVERSITY OF OSAKA, JAPAN (MEXT SCHOLARSHIP) Msc. Robotics, using machine learning to teach robots to do things without programming or telling them exactly how



Bsc ECONOMICS (2017)

Present Status:

Post Graduate Student


Master’s Program: Dual Degree (Scholarship)

Masters of Arts in Applied Economics & Masters of Public Policy


BAZE UNIVERSITY ID: BU/11B/BS/0037 STBSc. Mass Communication (1 CLASS)

Present Status:

Post Graduate Student


Master’s Program MA. Human Resource Management

Baze University 2021 | 15


InNovember2019,Sen.Y.DBaba-Ahmed,PhD,FSAN,Founder&Pro-Chancellor(PC)ofBazeUniversity,Abujaannouncedanofferof full tuition Scholarship to any five deserving junior staff, as part of Management’s efforts at capacity building and incentivizing staff in theuniversity Thereafter,theViceChancellor,Prof TahirMamman,SAN,awardedthePro-Chancellor’sScholarshiptothefollowingfive (5)juniorstaff-AlfaKadakukomeMichael,DahiruSalisuAbdullahi,IbrahimIsah,Mika’ilYahayaMakamaandVictorManasseh.BAZE FOCUSMAGAZINEfollowedupontheseAwardeesinOctober2021,withthisInterview-WhereAreTheyNow?

My name is Ibrahim Isah and I am fromKaduna State. My Baze University ID Number is BU/20A/BS/4179. I am studying Government andPublicAdministrationandamin400level.


I am studying Public Administration; it is the process of organizing, and directing both human and material resources to achieve the goals and objectives of any organization. Administration is inevitable anywhere you go, whether it is at the public or private sector; mosque, church, market place, or at the national or international levels, you need administration. I chose it because it will help me in the pursuit of two of my passions;businessandpolitics.


The first challenge I encountered was during covid-19 lockdown, we had to take classes online and this was new and strange to me. During the rainy seasons whenever we had lectures, the network will be fluctuating. Secondly, having to submit assignment and Exams through the Turnitin platform was a bit complicated for me.IhaveovercometheseandInowenjoymyprogramme.Idon’thaveissueswithmylecturers,iftheygive assignment,ImakesureIsubmitbeforetheduedateandthatIdon’tmissclasses.


Haveyoumadeanyfriends? My colleagues - Ibrahim Isah, Dahiru Abdullahi are still my friends but I made a new friend and her nameisHadizaUmar Weholdstudysessionstogetherandhelpeachotheroutwherenecessary


Future Goal: I want to become a Politician or Businessman; the entrepreneurship course has also strengthened my passion for business.

My name is Dahiru Salisu Abdullahi, with Baze University Student ID No: BU/20A/BS/4170. I am from Plateau State. I am a third year StudentofSociologyandAnthropologyandaproudbeneficiaryofthePro-Chancellor’sScholarship

WhatmotivatedyourchoiceofcourseofstudyatBazeUniversity?I like the idea of studying human behaviorindifferentsituationsandinrelationtosocialproblems.

Challenges:TheonlychallengesIhadintheearlydayswashavingtocombineworkwithschool,oftentimes my duty timetable clashes with my time of lecture but my supervisor and the IT team have been very helpful andsupportive.Now,clashesarerareoccurrence.

Best Lecturer: My best teacher is Dr Ismail Akintola, he has different skills and methods of teaching that makeshiscourseeasytounderstand.

Haveyoumadeanyfriends? Muhammed Nasir, Mimi Ogera, Habiba Sambo, Victor Menasseh and Meriam Muhammed.Weconnectwell,theyinteractwithmeasoneofthemandwegetalongverywell.

Doesanysubjectstandoutforyou? MybestsubjectisSociologyOfCrimeAndDelinquency,thissubjectpaintsaclearpictureof the mindset of criminals and what influences their decision to live a life of crime. The subject has broadened my understanding of securityandIamalreadyapplyingallthatIhavelearnedsofarinmyworkasaSecurityPersonnel.

FutureGoals:AfterIgraduate,Iintendtousemynewacademicqualificationforpromotionalpurposesandmoveupthecareerladder atmyworkplace.

Pro-Chancellor’s Scholarship Awardees receiving their letters of Award at a Ceremony in January 2020. (Pro-chancellor Sen. Y.D Baba-Ahmed and the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Tahir Mamman, SAN; both dressed in suit at the centre.)
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Where are they Now?

I am Mika’l Yahaya Makama from Kaduna State, I am a final year student of Mass Communication.MyBazeUniversityStudentIDNumberisBU/20A/BS/4203.

What motivated your choice of course of study at Baze University? I have always admired the News Anchors I see on Television and have dreamed of being one but never imagined I would one day be given the opportunity to move towards that dream. I am forever grateful to the Pro-chancellor for this opportunity

Challenges:Mygreatestchallengeisstudyingandworking.Duringmyfirstsemester,itwas verydifficulttopickupaseasilyinclassasIexpectedbutwithdedication,prayersandalotof encouragementfrommylecturersIamnowinmyfinalyear

Best Teacher: Mrs. Christiana Akpunonu and Mr Abubakar Mohammed, are my best teachers because they have gentle and patient personality which suits my ability to understand and assimilate what I am taught. They use simple words that I can easily grab, andtheyhavepatiencetokeeprepeatinganideauntilyouunderstandit.

Haveyoumadeanyfriends? IamgratefulforPhilomenahItohan,SaudatUmarDikko,andUsmanBello,fromthe first day, they relate with me without discrimination even when they know that I was on Scholarship and even from SecurityDepartment.

Doesanysubjectstandoutforyou?IenjoythecourseonInvestigativeJournalism,itismybestsubjectbecauseit discusses the importance of getting to the root of a story in the public’s interest. Using the media to expose the ills of societyandmostoftenthewrongdoingsofgovernment.

Future Goal: My goal at the end of my program is to become a renowned Presenter and a very good investigative journalistinNigeriaandbeyond.


My ID number is/2OA/BS/4178 and I am in the Department of Government and Public Administration,FacultyofManagementandSocialSciences.

What motivated your choice of course of study at Baze University? Public Administration appealed to me due to my interest in politics and organizational structure of institutions. In studying this course, I have learnt that politics exists even in the smallest sectorandthecourseteacheshowtointeractandnavigateinsuchenvironments.

Challenges:Operating theTurnitin plagiarism application was a challenge.I had no personal laptop so I had to wait for my turn in the computer laboratory to get my assignmentsdone.

Best Teacher: Mr Fidelis Moses, Dr Okaforand Mr Solomon Benjamin Adekunle, have all helped make schooling less of an ordeal than I thought it would be, they attend to all the questionsthrownatthembythestudents.

Haveyoumadeanyfriends?IandmyfellowrecipientsofthePC’sscholarshipIbrahimIsahandAbdullahideviseda plan to meet after classes to discuss and ask ourselves questions to be sure we understood what was taught. AbdulkadirAhmadandHadizaUmarnoticedthisandaskedtojoinusandfromthereweallbecamefriends.


FutureGoal:Ihavelearntsomuchaboutstructuresinanorganization,thatcanhelpmetakemybusinesstoanother levelasabusinessman.

I am Alfa Kadakokume Michael from Adamawa State, I am a final year student of Sociology andAnthropologywithBazeUniversityIDNumberBU/20A/BS/4172.

WhatmotivatedyourchoiceofcourseofstudyatBazeUniversity? Ireallycan’tsay it was one particular thing. I was overly excited at an opportunity I never thought I would havesoIaskedmysuperiorstohelpmechose.

Challenges: My main challenge came during the pandemic, all classes were conducted online, it has not been easy but with GOD, it is moving and we pray to see it to a successful end.

Best Lecturer: Dr Mrs Rakiya Yusuf Kpada, has been my best lecturer in the Sociology Department.Sheismorethanagoodteacher,sheisaMentor,Mother,andwantsthebestfor herstudentsallthetime.

Does any subject stand out for you? Sociology of Economic Life, has been my best subject because it has broadenedmyknowledgeabouteconomicissuesandalsogavememoreunderstandingaboutillegalactivitieshappen inthecountry.

Haveyoumadeanyfriends? MissRuthKington,sheisagoodfriend.Duringmyfirstsemesterin200level,Ialmost gaveupbutsheencouragedme,andwhateverareaIdidn'tunderstand,shetakestimetoexplaincalmly,untilIgrasp it.

FutureGoals:AfterIgraduate,Iwanttobecomealecturer,sothatIcancontributetothedevelopmentofinstitutions likeBazeUniversityandalsoextendthehandoffellowshiptolessasSen.Dattididforus.

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aze University has a good academic standing on all its programmes at the National Universities

BCommission (NUC) - the Agency that is statutorily empowered to regulate all university education programmes and activities in Nigeria. As of October 2021, there were forty-nine (49) approved programmes, 36 at the Undergraduate level and 13 at the Postgraduate level. They all run concurrently withfour-four(44)indifferentFacultieswhilefive(5)areattachedtoServiceDepartments.


In April 2021, and in line with practice, NUC carried out a Re-accreditation Visit to some matured programmes in the University, these are Estate Management, Human Anatomy, Mass Communication, Microbiology, Sociology and Anthropology, etc. They were all awarded Full Accreditation Status. As at October 2021, twenty seven programmes now have full accreditation status, while some are not yet maturedforaccreditation.



1. The Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN) has awarded Full Accreditation Status to the following programmes in the Faculty of Engineering: Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Mechanical EngineeringandPetroleumandGasEngineering.

2. The Quantity Surveying Registration Board of Nigeria (QSRBN) has also granted Full Accreditation Status to the Estate Surveying Programme in the Department of Estate Surveying.

3. The Architects Registration Council of Nigeria (ARCON) has granted Full Accreditation Status to the Architecture Programme of the Department of Architecture in the Faculty of EnvironmentalSciences.


TheDirectorAcademicPlanningandStrategywishestoinformthegeneralpublicthattheunderlistedcourses have been approved by the National Universities Commission and have commenced at the Baze University PostgraduateSchool.Formoreinformation,contacttheDean,PostgraduateSchool.


1. Management and Social Sciences

2. Computing and Applied Sciences


15 months N2, 300, 000 Economics, MSc 15 months N2, 300, 000

Accounting, MSc

International Relations and Diplomacy, MSc 15 months N2, 300, 000

Mass Communication, MSc 15 months N2, 300, 000 Management, MSc 15 months N2, 300, 000 MBA 24 months N2, 800, 000

Public Administration, MSc 15 months N2, 300, 000 Sociology, MSc 15 months N2, 300, 000

Security, Leadership and Society, MSc 15 months N2, 300, 000

Intelligence and Global Security, MSc 15 months N2, 300, 000

Animal & Environmental Sc, MSc 15 months N2, 300, 000

Computer Science, MSc Software Engineering Forensic & cybersecurity Information Systems Information Technology

15 months N2, 300, 000 Chemistry, MSc N2, 300, 000

Parasitology, MSc N2, 300, 000

3. Law Law, LLM 15 months N2, 500, 000

*Dr. Helen JEKELLE

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is the Dean of the School of Post-graduate Studies



he Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences which hitherto had two Departments now has a total of five; Public

THealth, Medical Laboratory Sciences, Radiography & Radiation Sciences which were approved by the NationalUniversitiesCommission(NUC)in2020havenowtakenoffinadditiontoAnatomyandPhysiology which were already on ground. In addition, the University was also given approval to commence the training of medicaldoctorsintheFacultyofMedicineandSurgery ThesearegooddevelopmentsintheUniversityandfaculty staffandstudentsareelatedtofunctionintheirnewroles.


TheBScprogrammeinPublicHealthstartedinJuly2020andthepioneerstudentsarecurrentlyintheir200Level. ThemissionoftheBazeUniversity’sBachelorofPublicHealthprogrammeistoraiseprofessionalswhowouldlead the advancement of Public Health both locally and internationally by demonstrating in-depth knowledge, competenceandprofessionalismthusensuringthesafetyandwell-beingofthepopulace.

The Bachelor of Public Health Programme equips students with the essential knowledge and skills required for activeparticipationinthediversefieldofpublichealth,sothatgraduatesthatcan:ascertainandcommunicatethe fundamental tasks of the discipline by applying basic principles in assessing and planning social and behavioural interventions; participate in disaster prevention and management while ensuring the safety of the community; accomplish community diagnosis and actively prepare and participate in community mobilisation through partnerships,tosolvethehealthneedsofthepopulation,etc.


TheBachelorofMedicalScienceAnatomywasapprovedinFebruary2017byNUCandstudentsenrolledintothe programmeinMay2017 TheprogrammeisfullyaccreditedandhasgraduatedtwosetswithB Med.Sci.(Hons.) Anatomy. Anatomy is the study of the structure of the body and the relationship of organs and tissues at a gross (wholeorgans)andmicroscopiclevel(histology).

Humananatomydealswiththewaypartsofhumanfrommoleculestobonesinteracttoformafunctionalwhole. The development of anatomy as a science extends from the earliest examination of sacrificial victims to the sophisticatedanalysisofthebodybymodernscientists.Humananatomyhasaprestigioushistoricalbackground, andisconsideredtobethemostprominentofthebiologicalscienceinthe19thandearly20thcenturies.Anatomy is the corner stone of a doctor’s education. In many universities, education in the anatomical sciences has undergoneseveralchangesoverthelasttwodecades.

At Baze University, the curriculum for the B Med. Sc. (Anatomy) programme has been enriched with creative coursesandhands-onteachingandlearningactivitiesthatwillproducewell-groundedAnatomygraduates.Some of the courses injected in the programme include: Medical genetics and Molecular Biology, Cytochemistry and Histochemistry, Introduction to Forensic Science, Comparative Anatomy and Biological Anthropology, Introduction to Histopathology, Behavioral, Developmental & Basic Reproductive Biology, History and Application/CarrierPathinAnatomy,MortuaryScienceandFuneralManagement,ResearchMethods inAnatomy, Introduction to Radiographic Anatomy, Stereology and Biological Morphometry, Sports Anatomy, Aesthetics, Cosmetology & Trichology; Basic Prosthetics, Anatomical Techniques and Laboratory Management, etc. The Department is also currently awaiting NUC’s approval to commence Post Graduate Programme in Anatomical Sciences,thiswillundoubtedlyprovidemoreopportunitiesforpostgraduatetrainingforfutureAnatomists.


The Bachelor of Medical Sciences Physiology (B Med. Sci.) is an accredited undergraduate Programme in the University and it studies how cells, tissues and organ systems function to sustain and preserve life.The study of physiologyexploresthebasicandpathogenicmechanismsthatleadstodisease,andhowthisknowledgehelpsto develop diagnosis and treatment. In the programme, a student will learn how the body works, and how organisms, organs, organ systems, cells and biomolecules carry out their chemical or physical function within a livingsystem.

Completion of the programme gives the graduand, a working knowledge of human physiology at the molecular, cellular and systems level, with the ability to apply this to health care delivery, research and related fields. Graduates of Physiology, have the opportunity to work in different life science fields such as in forensic science, exercise physiology, scientific research institutions, pharmaceuticals, physiotherapy, research institute and healthcare delivery facilities. The Department has produced two sets of graduates who are also gainfully employed.

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*Prof Ferdinand A. OM’INIABOHS is a Professor of Anatomy & Cell Biology and Dean, Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences.
Baze University 2021 | 20 Embedding Machine Automac Tissue Processor Water Bath



The Faculty of Computing and Sciences has been in the forefront of conducting research and promoting academic excellence. Recently, a student in the Department of Computer Science designedandimplementedanArtificialIntelligence(AI)VirusControlSystem.

ArtificialIntelligenceisapowerfultechnologythathastakentheworldbystorminthelastdecade.It hasawiderangeofapplicationsprovidingmuchutilitytohumanswithinthistechnologicalerawhere computerscanrunlargenumbersofsimulationswiththeaidofArtificialIntelligence,ComputerVision andBigDatasets.Oneofthebiggestchallengestothehumanraceiskeepingupandovercomingnew and potential viruses and diseases; many of which are fatal. However, we now have computer systemsthatcanreplicatetherandomevolutionaryprocessofvirusestohelpusseewhatworksand whatdoesnotandalsoconstraindiseasesbyutilizingthepowerofcomputervision.

Themainpurposeofthisresearchistodeviceamoreeffectiveandefficientwaytotrack,controland reduceeffectsoftherapidspreadofinfluenza.Thespreadofdiseaseshascausedmanycausalitiesin the past and even in the present time. The current pandemic has the brightest minds in the global healthcommunitybusydevisingcountermovestoholdthemoff.Thisresearchproposesasolutionto ameliorate such occurrences that is likely to get out of control rather quickly The research has an embeddedsystemwithanabilitytodetectpeople,objects,andanomalieswithregardstosafetyand security protocols in a given set of constraints. The system is designed to be cost effective, reliable and safe to aid in the fight against viruses now and in the future. Figure 1– provides the component BlockDiagram.

Main Features

a. Face Mask Detector

The face mask detector is an application that consists of OpenCV, Keras/TensorFlow and Deep Learning algorithms and code is broken down into two phases. This application will be able to detect COVID-19 face masks in images and in real-time video streams after combing through a data set of peoplewearingornotwearingmasks.

Figure 1: Component Block Diagram
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Figure 2: Face detector Flow chart

As shown in the image Figure - 2, the algorithm is divided into two parts. The first phase has to do with training the programme on the computer so as to tell if a person is wearing a face mask or not. Then, the second phase has to do with computer vision and using the trained model to predict to a goodaccuracyifsomeonehasafacemaskon.

b. Assisted Social Distancing

This program is very much similar to the first algorithm. The difference here is that the programme detects a human body instead of a human face. It then measures the proximity between a group of people (more than 30 at a time) by computing pairwise distances between centroids of the human body.Below,Figure3,istheflowchartdiagramforthealgorithm.

Assisted Social Distancing

Figure 3: Social Distancing Flow Chart

Input Image/ Frame Step 1: Object Detecon Step 2: Compute Pairwise Distances Between Centroids Display Result Step 3: Check Distance Matrix for people < N Pixels Apart Baze University 2021 | 22

c. Website

The website stack is an essential part of the project as it serves as the Human Machine Interface (HMI)betweentheAIalgorithmsandtheuser(Admin).Itintegratesallthetechnologiesusedinthis project into one and it can be accessed from any device that is linked to the internet, secure web browserandthathasaccountlogindetails.

Figure - 4 shows the structure of the web stack application and the API of the website which constitutes the back-end development model. Figure - 5 shows the outline of the front-end and full stackstructureofthewebapplication.

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d. Alarm System

Thisisthelastandjustasimportantcomponentofthissystem.Itisanalarmsystemdesignedtotrip offwhenaprotocolisbreached,forexample,whensomeoneisnotwearingafacemask.Figure-6is theblockdiagramforthesystem.

The design consists of LED lights, jumper wirers (for connectivity), sound system, etc., which are all integrated with the microcontroller to allow manipulation from the software. This alarm will be connected to various external electronic devices like a phone module, lock and motion sensors, and dependingonthesettings,thelightingofabuilding,asdetailedinFigure7-9.

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This research project hit many of its milestones and long terms goals. The main objective for this work was to create an integrated system that will help reduce and track the spread of contagious virusesandinfluenzaalike.ThiswasachievedbydevelopingAIandCVcodesandalgorithmsthatare trained to check that protocols such as wearing face masks and keeping social distance are met. In thiswayitcandobetterjobthanhumansdoandwithahigherrateofcertaintyandefficiency.

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he Faculty of Management and Social Sciences (FMSS) is the largest faculty at Baze

TUniversity;ithasmorethan40%ofthetotalnumberofstaffandstudentsandthere areeightDepartmentslistedasfollows:

· Accounting,BankingandFinance

· BusinessManagementandMarketing

· Economics

· InternationalRelationsandDiplomacy

· MassCommunication

· PoliticalScienceandPublicAdministration

· Psychology

· SociologyandAnthropology

The faculty imparts functional and problem-solving skills relevant to the African social and economicrealitiesandtheglobalcommunity,onstudents.Thefocusistoprovidestudents with knowledge tools in management, and socio-political economy, to make them better understandhumanbehaviourandculturalrealitiesofthepast,presentandthefuture.The facultyrunsprogrammesattheundergraduateandpostgraduateLevels.


These are semester degree programmes with courses structured into eight or four levels (Trimesters1to8or100,200,300&400levels).Majorityofstudents(about95%ormore) are admitted into the 100 level after obtaining their 'O' level entry qualifications and the JAMB Examination. Some are admitted into the 200 level through JAMB (or 'A' Level qualifications) examination. Whichever way, they are admitted, they are required to all credit requirements in order to graduate from the programmes. Degrees are awarded to successfulstudentsinlearningandcharacter.


The Faculty offers Post graduate and Masters Programmes in the following fields: M.Sc

Accounting, M.Sc Business Management, Master of Business Administration (MBA), M.Sc Economics, Masters in International Relations and Diplomacy, M.Sc Security, Leadership and Society; and M.Sc Sociology. As soon as the approval of the National Universities Commission (NUC) is received, it will commence MSc in Psychology, and PhDs in InternationalRelationsandBusinessManagement


The faculty leverages on knowledge, innovation, technology and entrepreneurship as the hallmarkofpositivedevelopmentforallstudents.Itgoestheextramiletoprovidestudents withrichexperiencesabouttheircoursesofstudy.Forexample,digitaltransformationtools have been adopted for Accounting and Finance, and Computer applications in other ManagementandSocialScienceshavebeenacquiredtoguideteachingandlearningforthe overall benefit of the students. Some of these tools include Oracle, Cisco, Cyberoam, Huawei,Petex,QuickBook,IBM,andPeachtree.Wealsoteachourstudentsanalyticaltools suchasE-Views,Stata,StructuralEquationModelling(SEM),andMilitapandMatlab.

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Furthermore, the Faculty’s efforts in establishing partnerships with industry and the private sector continue to blossom. The Centre for Peace and Anti-Conflict JournalismReportingwasestablishedintheDepartmentofMassCommunicationin collaborationwith theUniversity of Manitoba,Canada.MoUshave been signedwith many sister institutions and private organizations to provide robust hands-on experiencesforstudentsinalltheprogrammesofferedinthefaculty.

Staff of the Department of Economics at an M.Sc. Thesis Defense Staff of the Department of Accounting & Finance at the Project Defense of Undergraduate Students The ACCA team with staff and students of the Department of Accounting *Prof. Osita AGBU, FNSIA, FCIA is the Dean, Faculty of Management and Social Sciences
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- Akintade DARE*

he word "medicine" is derived from Latin, medicus, meaning "a physician". Medicine

Tcan be defined as the science or practice of establishing the diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, and prevention of disease. Medical education/training varies around the world. Medicine aims to promote and maintain health and wellbeing. It typically involves entry-level education at a university medical school, followed by a period of supervised practiceorinternship,orresidency

InNigeria,themedicaleducationiscalledMedicine&Surgery;hence,thedegreeawardedis commonly referred to as the MBBS degree (Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery). It is a 6 Year program in the Baze University College of Medicine & Health Sciences. A recent needs assessment of the Nigerian health sector by the National Manpower Board established that it operates with less than one-tenth of its required number of Physicians andDentistsanditidentifieddearthinthequality,quantityandmixofhealthcareworkers.

It is against this background, that the need for the establishment of the MBBS degree programatBazeUniversityarose;toaddresstheacuteshortageofpersonnel.TheNigerian population is underserviced by medical personnel whose distribution is grossly skewed againstruralareas,hencethecontinuedincreaseinnumberofmedicalprograms,especially MedicineandDentistrytowardsmeetingtheever-risingdemand.

Reforms in medical education are informed by emerging challenges in healthcare delivery andadministration,attunedtothehealthneedsofthepeopletobeserved.BazeUniversity College of Medicine & Health Sciences comprehends this fact, and in order for its medical education to affect optimally the national health system and health outcomes of patients and populations, the curriculum and instructional process have been structured to include competences,robustsystemsofinstructionaswellasoptimalteachingtechnologies.


The College of Medicine & Health Sciences aspires to be Africa’s premier 21 century centre of excellence for quality teaching, research, innovations, and patient care for the enhancementofhumanresourcesinhealth.Withamissiontotraincompetentdoctorswho are able to respond to contemporary health needs in a team of healthcare providers to enhance the health needs of the community as service to humanity It promises to provide students with integrated learning experience in theory and practice in a six-year curriculum foraUTMEentrymode.

TheCollegewillserveastheacademicengineforBazeUniversityHospital(BUH)whichhas a“Built-UpArea”of16,000SquareMeters.ArguablythelargestPrivateAcademicHospitalin Africawithastand-alonestructurethatsitson4.1Hectares(41,000SquareMeters)ofland, aPlotAreaof41,000SquareMeters,anda“FootPrintArea”of8,000SquareMeters.

A career in medicine in this environment will be very rewarding. It may appeal to you because you can make a real difference in people's lives by helping to alleviate pain and suffering. Medicine is a respected profession and the willingness and ability to work with patients and their families is one of the primary reasons to study medicine. Moreover, the doctor–patient relationship is a central pillar to the practice of healthcare that also assures high-qualitycare,diagnosisandtreatments.

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Medicineisavocationaldegree,thatallowsyoutodevelopboththepracticalandclinicalskillsandthe professionalandpersonalattributesnecessarytobecomeadoctor Directlyrelatedtomedicaldegree are jobs such as: Anesthetist, Cardiologist, Clinical radiologist, General practice doctor, Surgeon, Neurologist, Ophthalmologist, Pathologist, & Psychiatrist, among others. Medicine provides many options for practice, from the traditional private practice to large teaching hospital settings. While manychoosemedicineasaprofessionbecausetheywanttocareforpatients,itisnottheonlywork physicians do. Career options for doctors include Research, Teaching, Business Leadership, or AlternativeCareerssuchaspublichealth,politicaladvocacy,journalism,andbiomedicalinformatics.

Come, visit the College of Medicine & Health Sciences and the University Hospital, Abuja. Our Team willgiveyouabreadthtakingexperiencethatwillconvinceyoutojoinus.

*Prof. Akintade DARE is the Provost of the College of Medicine & Health Sciences
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reen Engineering - Environmentally conscious attitudes, values, and principles,

Gcombinedwithscience,technologyandinnovationdirectedtowardsimprovinglocal and global environmental quality. It is the design of materials, processes, systems and devices with the objective of minimizing overall environmental impact over the entire lifecyclewhilstmeetingrequiredperformance,economicandsocietalconstraints.(CXCGE Syllabus)

Overtheyears,newmodelsforgreeneconomy,greengrowth,andgreenjobprospects,as well as their relationship to sustainable development and poverty eradication, have receivedalotofattention.Theimportanceofeducationinassistinghumanitytoadoptmore sustainable initiatives has come to fore. Today, sustainability issues are being integrated intoteaching,research,andinstitutionaloperationsinmanyuniversities.Organizations,are alsoincreasinglyincorporatingsustainablepracticesintotheircorebusiness.Itistherefore therighttimetoopenconversationsonhowtherelationshipinuniversityeducationandthe private sector may be better managed so that requirements and investments can be met moreefficientlyandeffectively.

The challenges in the Nigerianand rising unemployment numbers, make the need forexperts,imperative.Greenexpertsareoftenassociatedwithenergy-relatedfieldsorthe built environment (areas where most analysis on green jobs are carried out). However, in starting our conversations, it is important that people who have environmental knowledge andabilitiesthatenablethemtorecognizeopportunitiesforthecreationofgreenproducts and services - those who promoteenvironmentally friendlybehaviors, social inclusion, and communitydevelopment-shouldbeincludedinalargerscope.Thesequalitiesareinstilled inthestudentsoftheFacultyofEngineeringofBazeUniversity.

Some of the international best practices that help produce green experts include; Bridging the gap between the Academia and Industry; Education for poverty alleviation and entrepreneurship; Knowledge on “green policies” for a greener economy and green jobs; and collaboration and long-term planning. Other aspects include; waste reduction and socialresponsibility

The Faculty of Engineering at Baze University, has ensured that key green practices are embedded in all its six programmes: Petroleum and Gas Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Computer Engineering, Telecommunications Engineering, Civil EngineeringandMechanicalEngineering.


At 200 level work, the faculty assigns to Engineering students interdisciplinaryengineering project with the purpose of identifying and contextualizing major priorities in global and local commitments for sustainable growth. The activities are carried out in close collaborationwiththeTechnologistsinthefaculty,whoarecertifiedprofessionalswithyears of industry experience. Students are allowed to offer an in-depth examination of the competenciesandabilitiesrequiredtoaddresscomplexsustainabilityissuesthatexistinthe realworld.Anexampleoftwooftheseprojectsmanifestedearlierthisyear,whenstudents worked on the production of biogas which can be used as a substitute for LPG and the designoflowpowerinverter.

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Although learning is an important tool for solving the many sustainability challenges we face today, new kinds of partnership are required to make the necessary changes in the way we do things, act, and utilize the skills that is gained. The faculty is working hard towards securing more partnerships with industries that offer sustainable solutions to global issues. One of the subsisting partnership is with Blue Camel, a renewable energy firm that provides renewable energy services; particularly lookingatgreenerwaystogenerateelectricitywith theuseofsolarphotovoltaicsystems.Anumber of our students have completed their internships in this firm and have learnt how to analyze and designsolarenergysolutionsfordomesticandindustrialuse.

The faculty understands the challenge of unemployment faced by most university graduates, so students are being given an understanding of certain engineering applications/softwares. A knowledge on these applications can help students create jobs for themselves. These applications include MATLAB, AUTOCAD, REVIT, Excel, etc. MATLAB is a programming software that helps in systemdesignandoptimization.Thesesystemscouldbepowergenerationsystemsforelectricaland electronicsengineers,automobilesystemsformechanicalengineers,processsystemsforpetroleum andgasengineers,etc.At200level,studentsareexposedtothebasicsofthisapplicationandsome carryout their final year projects using this same application. With this knowledge, students can becomeprivateconsultantsforindustrieslookingtooptimizetheirsystems.

AUTOCAD and REVIT are computer aided applications used by Architects, Engineers, and construction professionals to create exact 2D and 3D drawings. Tasks like comparing drawings, counting, adding blocks, establishing schedules, and more can be automated. Students in civil, mechanical and electrical engineering learn how to use software from 300 – 500 level. This knowledge will easily make students design engineer entrepreneurs after graduation given the continuousinfrastructuraldevelopmentsgoingonthecountry.


Students of the faculty, as part of the University’s requirement, take courses like Entrepreneurship Studies (I & II), History of Ideas, Peace and Conflict Studies, Advanced Communications Skills, ProjectManagementandEconomics,togivethemanunderstandingoftheirimmediateenvironment and ways they can connect to it. Looking at problems and ways they can address such issues. Engineers are known to be problem solvers; we see the challenges in our surroundings and proffer solutions to mitigate them. Engineering students are introduced to the principles and practices of technology entrepreneurial thinking and entrepreneurship. These courses offer life skills in entrepreneurial thought and action through lectures, case studies, business proposals, and student presentations. Students can use these abilities to create technological startups or execute R&D projectsinhugecorporations.Intoday'sengineeringenvironment,innovationandentrepreneurship are critical, and the push for sustainable products, services, and technology is more important than ever. Many people are looking for sustainable solutions to tackle serious environmental concerns, frombigcorporationstosmallbusinesses,nationalgovernmentstomunicipalgovernments.

Fig. 1: Students presenting their Low Power Inverter Project Fig. 2: Students Presenting their Biogas Production Project
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Wasteminimizationisasetofactivitiesandpracticesaimedatreducingwasteproductiontodevelopa more sustainable society by eliminating the generation of dangerous and persistent wastes. Poor hygiene and poor waste management in the country has brought about the rise in Cholera and the continuousspreadofCOVID-19,sostudentsaretaughtthekeybenefitsofwasteminimizationwhich include; saving costs, improving community relations, removing short and long-term liability, safer workingconditionsforemployees,protectionofhealthandtheenvironment,etc.BazeUniversityisa symbol of an eco-friendly environment. The students and staff all contribute to ensure that the university premises are well kept. It was very easy for everyone in the university to abide by the COVID-19protocolsandregulations.


Sustainability as a part of green engineering can be achieved through social responsibility. Adopting essential social responsibility concepts like accountability and transparency can assureanorganization'sorsystem'slong-termviabilityandsuccess.Theresponsibilityofan organizationfortheeffectsofitsdecisionsandactivitiesonsocietyandtheenvironment,is demonstratedbytransparentandethicalbehaviorintheuseofresources.


In business, the quality of the end product plays a significant role in the success of the company.AtBazeuniversity,ourstudentscarrythemarkofourexcellence.TheEngineering students are made to understand what it means to be an Engineer in a world filled with endless challenges, from global warming to global pandemic and unemployment. They are taught to provide solutions to these problems. Nwankwo Chijioke

Kamsiyo worked on “The Generation of Electricity from Water Using a Hydrogen Fuel Cell” as a final year project. Many other students like Chijioke have worked onprojectsthathavesolvedglobalissuesinlinewiththe Faculty’s commitment of producing all round green experts.

Figure 3: Hand Wash Basins and Sanitizers Placed in Front of all Buildings (Left). COVID-19 Rules Placed in front of every office (Right) *Dr. Nuradeen Labaran TANKO is an Associate Professor and Dean of the Faculty of Engineering
Figure4:(1)Base/CasingofElectrolyzer(2)AnodeCompartmentofElectrolyzer(3) CathodeCompartmentofElectrolyzer(4)BubblersofElectrolyzer(5)CoupledFuel Cell(6)DCMotor
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FACULTY OF LAW: Experiential Learning Ali AHMAD*

he Faculty of Law at Baze University is one of the fastest growing Faculties of the University

Towing to quality leadership and the outstanding commitment of staff who have fully adopted theclinicallegaleducationmethodofteachingandmentoringstudents.

ThislearningprocessadoptedbytheFaculty includessimulationlessons based on reallife cases and clinicexperienceinvolvinginteractionwithreallifeclientsthroughthesupervisionofexperiencedlaw clinicteachersandlicensedlegalpractitioners.

OurLLBDegreeprogrammehasidentifiedlearningoutcomesthathelpourstudentswithexperiential learning which is in sync with our goal to train students to become competent lawyers, conscious of socialjusticeandethicalvalues.

The following chroniclesthe numerousactivities and achievements of the Faculty as recordedbyour studentsandalumniintheyearunderreview


Onthe24 ofJune,2021undertheplatformoftheFacultyDistinguishedLectureseries,theFaculty hosted the Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations in person of Her Excellency, Amina J Mohammedwhopresentedapaperonthe“UseofCeasefireAgreementsinavoidingescalationof Armed conflicts” The Lecture was beamed live to the world on the National Television Authority (NTA) Channel.

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BazeUniversityLawClinic,inconjunctionwithNationalAgencyfortheProhibitionofTraffickingin Persons (NAPTIP), organized a road work to raise awareness/street law on the issue of Human TraffickinginawalkfromUtakomarkettoJabiparkAbujaonSaturday10thJuly,2021.

*Dr. Ali AHMAD is the Ag. Dean of the Faculty of Law

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ENature. Environmental experts including Land Surveyors, Urban and Regional Planners, Architects, Builders, Estate Managers and Quantity Surveyors synergistically work in transforming desolate spaces into habitable surroundings for residential, educational, religious, industrial,commercial,recreational,vocational,medicalandsportingpurposes.

Our vision is to always be ahead on Environmental Excellence through inculcation of world-class standardssothatourstudentsgraduatewithin-depthknowledgeandexcellentskillsintheirfieldsof study The Faculty of Environmental Sciences is indeed passionate in imparting high quality knowledge,researchthatmattersanddevelopment-orientedactivities;topromotetheimageofthe Universityaswellasenvironmentalfriendlyadvancementsinthecountryandbeyond.

The Faculty of Environmental Sciences though recently established has started manifesting its capabilities through chain of successful accreditations by both the National Universities Commission (NUC) and the Professional bodies. In addition, the students in the various Departments of the Faculty have started demonstrating proficient ‘hands-on’ environmental issues; the results of extensiveandintensivelectures,studioactivitiesandLaboratorypracticesinculcatedonthembythe wellexperiencedlecturersandtechnologistsintheFaculty.Someexcerptsaredepictedbelow.


Designsummaryofashoppingmalldesignedbya400Levelstudent.Thedesignusedadiamond grid truss system to achieve the building envelope which was covered with environmentally friendly,transparent-photovoltaic.

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· Designsummaryofaveryfunctionalfactorybya300Levelstudent.Hisdesignsolvedfunctional flowproblemsbyadoptingaflexibleandinnovativeproductionlineforasoybeanoilfactory

• Other Titles include: Design summary of an Internally Displaced Person (IDP) camp using Hydrophobic Mesh and a dome-like building form. The material adopted eases the installation andremovaloftheunits,whileallowingforrainwatercollectioninanaestheticfashion.

Design summary of a highly functional and user-friendly residential building with excellent integrationintotheenvironment.TheprinciplesoforganicArchitecturewereadopted.


The QS Departmental workshop is equipped with construction materials and tools for concreting, walling,finishes,roofing,electricalandplumbingworks.Partsoftheseitemsarepresentedbelow:

· Designsummaryofaveryfunctionalfactorybya300Levelstudent.Hisdesignsolvedfunctional flowproblemsbyadoptingaflexibleandinnovativeproductionlineforasoybeanoilfactory.

Quantity Survey Workshop
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As a way to enhance learning and to ensure that students have the experience of methods of construction, and processes, students accompanied by staff have been visiting construction companieswithinAbujametropolis.AtypicalvisitconductedbytheQSDepartmentisshowinpicture below The visit was paid to BILAAD REALITY construction site, one of the fastest growing Estate DevelopmentCompanylocatedatLifecamp,Abuja.


Several researches are on-going in the various Departments in the Faculty. Typical of these research activitiesincludearesearchontherelevanceofinformationmanagementusingaWebbaseddatabase system(WBDBS):AcasestudyofconstructionprojectsinAbuja,Nigeria.

Flow Chart showing the major characteristics of the web based database software

Staff and Students of the QS Department, on a Visit to a Construction Site in Abuja belonging to BILAAD REALITY
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The web-based database software (WBDBS) developed offers many advantages relative to standalone desktop software. These include cost savings, improved efficiency and employee productivity,bettercommunicationsandcoordinationofeffortswithintheprojectandenhanceddata security TheWBDBSrequiresnoinitialcapitalinvestmenttobuysoftwareforanumberofindividual desktops. There is no software to download or install on site. The cost is incurred as the service is used,preservingscarcecashtobeusedmoreproductivelywithintheprojectformorecriticalneeds. The browser-based approach provides greater flexibility, enabling the project to scale up or down quickly and easily as needs change. Both initial and ongoing maintenance cost savings are realized with the online approach. In fact, all the maintenance costs are avoided because maintenance is takencareofbytheprovider.

Itprovidestheopportunitytoworkatanylocationatanytime.Manyoftheapplicationscanbeused onthemostinexpensivePCs,unlikedesktopsoftwarethatrequiresharddrivecapacity.Theabilityto workanywhereatanytimeandcommunicatewithprojectmanagersandprojectengineerscanbea greatproductivityenhancer ThemostimportantfeatureofWBDBSisaccountability,beingableto monitoralltheaspectsduringconstruction.


• Accreditation by National Universities Commission and Professional Accreditation

The Departments of Architecture, Estate Management and Quantity Surveying were assessed by the National Universities Commission (NUC) and the respective professional accreditation bodies; and all have been granted FULL ACCREDITATION STATUS.

• TheArchitectsColloquium

Forthefirsttime,BAZEUniversitywasrepresentedbythestudentsandstaffintheAnnualArchitects Colloquium. This is a premier event for Architects where all cadre of the profession meet to share innovation, policy, and showcase works and achievements. The students from the Architecture Department, BAZE University presented their works and it attracted favorable comments from seasonedprofessionalsincludingtheArchitectsRegistrationCouncilofNigeria(ARCON).

*Prof. Bala MUHAMMAD is the Dean of the Faculty of Environmental Sciences
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TWhat is a Library?

he library is the cumulative repository of the human knowledge, which is as old as the society itself. It is a livingorganismwhichgrowswiththesociety Thereisa natural symbiotic relationship between the Library and Education as they are inseparable in content and in practice. Incidentally, the advent of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has changed the way we live and work as human beings. Universally, Libraries are recognized as basic andimportantsocialinstitutionsandauniversityisasgoodas its library. Ordinarily, no well-established community is consideredcompletewithoutalibrarysystem.Today,libraries are facing changes and challenges as a result of the impact of Information Communication Technology (ICT),therebychangingtheneedsofpatrons,andthewayswerespondtothem.


The fundamental concept and objectives of the library as an institution remains unchanged; existing for the benefit of a given constituency- citizens of a community, members of an educational institution, multinationalcorporationsorsomelargerormorespecializedgroups.ThosewhochosetobecomeLibrary professionals have an obligation to maintain ethical standards of behaviour in relation to the governing authority under which they work, to the library constituency, to the library as an institution, to fellow workers,tocolleaguesandtosocietyingeneral.Thecoremissionoflibraryandinformationprofessionals is to facilitate access to information for all for personal development, education, cultural enrichment, economicactivityandinformedparticipationandtheimprovementofdemocraticgovernance.


The Internet has taken over and moved lots of activities to the mobile devices, smart phones and other diverse media fora. Given these changing information environments, the web and Google are attempting toassumetheroleoftheReferenceLibrarian.Theuseofthesedisruptivetechnologieshasresultedinthe transition from print to digital, and from forms to format. Consequently, many people appear to have abandonedthelibraryasthekeytoqualityeducationforeveryone.AsaresultofICT,thereisanoticeable transformation of the library users’ needs versus the library services, resources, products and delivery system. In our quest for visibility, national and world ranking, the role of the Library has become key and thereisagreaterneedforsynergyamongstaffandstudents.


The emerging trends and technologies in library and information services includes Library Automation, Digitalization, Institutional Repository and Digital Library Services, Consortia based Services, QR Code, and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) implementation, Open Access, Outreach programmes, Reference Management, Open Science, Virtual/Digital Reference Services, Ask the Librarian, Content Management, Current Awareness Services (CAS) Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI) services, Profiling System, Discovery Services, Web 2.0 and 3.0 based Services, Use of Social Media, Green Library Concept,tohelpinRanking/Accreditation,RemoteLogin,Cloudcomputing,MobilebasedLibraryServices, UseofExpertSystemsandRobotics,InternetofThings,AugmentedRealityToolsandVirtualRealityTools, Semantics, Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning and How to be a Smart Librarian by Smart Involvementsinalloftheabove.Whilesomepeoplethinkthattheroleandprospectsofthelibraryandits professionalsaredecreasing,ironicallyitistheopposite,ashumansupportinterventionremainimportant andrelevant,withtheemergingtrendsandtechnologiesinLibraryandInformationSciences.


There are a lot of resources stored in the library for research, study, recreation, leisure and general information. Strange as it may sound, many people have forgotten how to use the Library, because collections are available online, and it is more convenient to use personal computers, iPad, mobile smart phones and other related media gadgets. While this may make some sense for those who can afford

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personal ICT devices and data accesscharges,it is importantto rememberthatthe Library is the place to birthLifeDreamsandSetGoals.


Libraries are essential to life successes and self-satisfaction and it is a passport to wonders and miracles, glimpses into other people’s lives religions, experiences, hopes and life dreams. The Library remains an invaluablebaseforaccesstoknowledgeandthefirstplacetobirthadreamandaclearvisionthatfiresup thepracticabilityofdreams.


Ifyouareenteringalibraryforthefirsttimeorafteralongtime,youwillneedtore-orientateyourselfby taking a walk around or request the Librarian for a tour of the Library facilities. Libraries are mostly arrangedinsimilarpatternandthisisthesectionwhereyoulearnaboutyourlocallibrary If,however,you are familiar with the library, you should proceed to the section of your interest. Usually, on entering the Library,youwillgotothemaincatalogueorthecomputersfortheOnlinePublicAccessCatalogue(OPAC) to search for books and journals and electronic collections of the Library to make your selections, write down the authors and call numbers. From here, you will move to the shelves to locate your selections. Remembertolookatbothsidesoftheisleforrelatedauthorsonthesameorsimilarsubject.


When you walk into a library, one of the first things you are likely to see is the new Book arrival section, where the newly acquired latest books and journals are displayed on respective stacks for readers to find them easily You will find here current nonfiction titles, journals and magazines to support your research topicandstudy.

SpecialExhibitionDisplayCasesorStandsortables: Youmayfindexhibitiontables/standsatthelobbieswithspecialdisplayssuchasresearchoutcome,during holidaysorspecialoccasionstocommemoratehistoricaleventsorfeatsinthecommunityproperlylaidout attheentranceofalibrary Thisisusuallyhighlyeducative.

ReferenceBooks: Referencebooksareusuallykeptseparatelyfromtheothernonfiction booksbecausetheycannotbeborrowedandusuallyforquickreferenceonly.

AdultNonfictionBooks: TheAdultNonfictionBooksareusuallyclassifiedbysubjectsandarrangedontheopenstacksaccordingto the Library of Congress Classification Scheme (LC) or Dewey Decimal Classification Scheme (DDC) or Elizabeth Moys Classification Scheme for Law book collections. You might also notice that there are computers-OPAC or catalogue that will allow you to find the books you need. The Open Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) will allow you to search by title, author, or subject, based on your need and search strategy.


Learned and peer reviewed Journals and Magazines are arranged separately for easy access. Usually, Libraryshelvesarelabeledaccordingtotheclassificationinuseforreaders’guidance.


Thereisneedtopayattentiontothewaythelibrarycanbeeffectivelyutilized,giventhenewterrainofthe emerging technologies in the world. The Baze University Library is highly loaded and digitally ready to serve you through its subscribed and aggregated Digital Databases. We are current in the print and electronic collections up to 2021 titles in stock. Our Library e-resources are not only rich but current. We are subscribed (2021 – 2022) to a host of electronic digital databases namely: EBSCO HOST Academic ResearchComplete,e-Granary,Z-Library,LibraryGenesis,ScienceDirect,IEEE,TailorandFrances(T&F), Bold Scholar, OECD, PDFDrive, LexisNexis, Legalpedia, Hein Online, Law Pavilion, DOAJ, AJOL, HINARI, JSTOR,etc,,etc.,Itisthereforemypleasuretoinviteyoutotakethemaximumadvantageofthecurrency, recency,andabundanceofresourcesintheBazeUniversityLibrarywithaviewtousingiteffectively.

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The Baze University Management recently created the Informaon Technology, Research, and Innovaon (ITR&A) Office and placed it under the stewardship of the newly appointed Deputy Vice Chancellor; Dr Rislan Abdulazeez Kanya. This is part of the re-organizaon of the University as it progresses into its second decade of existence. In line with this development, the DVC ITR&I is responsible for the strategic development, leadership, and management of the IT, Research, and Innovaon Agenda of Baze University This Office will leverage on the exisng compeve advantage achieved by University through its strategic investment in Digital transformaon assets. The digital assets of the University are strategically posioned to support the instuon's Mission, Vision, and quality statement. The ITR&I Office is expected to adheretoandupholdtheBazephilosophy

Since its incepon, Baze University has successfully enrolled students in various undergraduate and postgraduate Degree programs accredited by the Naonal Universies Commission (NUC) and other accreditaon or regulatory agencies. Also, over last decade, Baze has significantly invested in high-quality infrastructure (buildings, equipment, digital assets, etc.), recruited competent staff at various levels, and rolledoutdisrupveservicedelivery Thistri-combinaonofpeople,processes,andtechnologieshasenabled theUniversitytodeliversignificantexpectaonsofitsfoundingstakeholders-staff,students,parents,andthe society The recent disrupons from the fall out of the COVID-19 pandemic created the need for many organizaons to re-evaluate their existence as they adapt to the new normal of remotely conducng official acvies.

In my 2020 arcle tled: Can Digital Transformaon help migate the impact of COVID-19 on educaon systemsinNigeria?TheCaseofBazeUniversity Iopinedthat:

• "As the pandemic connues, we need to invesgate the future, adjust to the new normal and plan for any future possible threats, evaluate the efficiency and efficacy of our digital transformaon strategy, build more sustainable and resilient digital infrastructure and invest more in digital literacy and capacity development. We also need to invest more in standard digital curriculum development, content creaon, and development and evaluate the digital pedagogy and methodology to support building graduates that can compete in the future already dominated by Arficial Internet of Things (AIoT) and other computer-mediated intervenon. Lastly, we also need to look at the recent intervenons in the digital transformaon beyond the current pandemic but as part of our integral future acon plan that complementsthetradionalface-to-faceteachingandlearning."

As Baze progresses into its second decade of excellence and as part of its transformaon agenda, the ITR&I office is ready to exploit all the possibilies of digital transformaon beyond building a connected campus for teachingandlearningbutasanenablerthatcanmakeadifferenceintheresearchandinnovaonecosystem.



● Helpourstudentsandstaffcreateaposiveimpactonsocietyfromthe outputs of our teaching, learning,research,innovaon,andcommunityservice.

● Create income for the University to fund research and innovaon through grants, donaons, and endowments.

● Conduct quality research and development acvies that can lead to Academic Entrepreneurship, i.e., patenng, technology licensing, and venture spinoffs, all with the objecve of commercialising researchanddevelopmentresults.

● Transferinnovaveiniavestoacceleratesustainabledevelopmentgoals(SDGs).


To deliver on these objecves ITR&I Office will immediately focus on two key areas (not limited) - instuonal researchandgraduateemployability:

· Instuonal Research: iniate and implement valuable research that will majorly focus on ways to: improve quality undergraduate enrolments, compleon rates, operaonal efficiencies,qualityassuranceandstakeholderengagements.

· Graduates find it challenging to gain employment due to various existenal threats such as global warming and digitalizaon; hence, this office will develop a pathway to help our graduates gain a decent and future job and be an acve stakeholder of society and the environment.

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Teaching and Learning Research Innovaon Commercialisaon Community Service

Figure 1 Deliverables


Work with society to develop intervenons that could accelerate eEnterpreneurship; And reduce major global existenal threats Global Warming and Digitalisaon)

Figure 2 Key Intervenons

Administer the future of work survey Redesign curriculum based on the outcomes of the survey and ITU/ILO pathway

Work with select government organisaons to idenfy gap in the public service delivery and the future government plan Develop intervenons that can help in aainment of United Naons SDGs and Generaon Unlimited plans

Figure 3 Measurables KPIs

As we develop policies, measurable key performance indicators, operaonalize intervenons, develop and evaluatecapacies,IurgeyoutoComeonBoard;youareastakeholder.

*Dr. Rislan Abdulazeez KANYA, MBCS, CITP, MCPN, MNCS, SMIEE is the Deputy Vice Chancellor (ITR&I)

Figure 1 The Baze Quadruple Helix Innovation Model.
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Teenager is a person between the age of thirteen and nineteen years. For many teenagers, it is a

Aperiod of numerous physical, social, emotional and psychological changes. Teenagers generally become rebellious and challenge every authority. How to navigate this period is challenging not only to the teenagers themselves but also to every member of their families especially their parents and the society at large. How do you bridge barriers in adolescence? Here are few useful tips when raising teenagers.

1. Givethekidssomeleeway.

Give teens a chance to establish their own identity, giving them more independence, is essential to helping them establish their own place in the world. This should not be misconstrued as a ticket to hang out with a bad crowd.

2. Chooseyourbattleswisely.

Don’t nitpick. Dreadlocks, purple hair or a messy room don’t matter. The red flags are those that cause harmordoingsomethingthatcouldbepermanent(likeatattoo),-thosethingsmatter.

3. Invitetheirfriendsfordinner.

It helps to meet kids you have questions about. It is wise not to flat-out reject them, better make an overture,sothatyoucanovertlykeepatabonthem.Anoldadagesays‘youcatchmorebearswithhoney thanvinegar’ Ifyouflatlysay,youcan'tgooutwiththosekids,itoftencanbackfiresanditjustincreases theantagonism.”

4 Deciderulesanddisciplineinadvance.

Itisimportantforparentstoagreeondisciplinesotheydon’tgivewrongsignals.Settherulesofdiscipline inadvanceandfollowitthrough.Banfromdrivingforaperiodoftime,reductiononallowancesortheuse oftheInternet,etc-settherulesinadvance.Then,followthroughwiththeconsequences.

5. Discuss'checkingin.'

Allowyourteensomemeasureofautonomyespeciallyiftheybehaveappropriately However,makesure youknowwheretheyare,evenifitrequiresthemtocallyouduringtheevening,tocheckin.

6. TalktoTeensaboutrisks.


7. GiveTeensaGamePlan.

Help your teen figure out how to handle a potentially unsafe situation, and yet save face. Discuss scenariosandcomeupwithagameplanthatfeelscomfortableforthatchild.Onadinnerdate,makesure theyhaveacabfare.Ortellthem,‘iftheonlyoptionistogetintoacarwithadrunkendriver,callme,even ifitispastmidnight.

8. KeeptheDoorOpen.

Don't interrogate, but act interested. Share a few tidbits about your own day; ask about theirs. How was theconcert?Howwasthedate?Howwasyourday?Ifyoudon’twanttotalknow,comeanytimeyoufeel liketalking.

9. LetTeenfeelguilty.

It is good to feel good but people feel bad if they have hurt someone or done something wrong.Let your kidsfeelbadsometimesbecauseguiltisahealthyemotionthathelpscontritionandremorse.

10. BeaRoleModel.

Aparent’sactioniscriticalinhelpingteensadoptgoodmoralandethicalstandards.Iftheyhave a good role model from their early years, they will be less likely to make bad decisions in their rebellious teen years.

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embark on who you are, embrace life with passion and reach for your star. This is just the beginning you are a star in the making. Shine on.

David M GBANDE President, SRC (2021-2022)

the Covid 19 Pandemic lockdown. LAWSA identifies with Baze on the successes recorded in redefining the quality of university education in Nigeria. Congratulations and Best Wishes at 10.

David G. ENANG President LAWSA (2020/2021)

On this 10th Anniversary, I join thousands of students to congratulate and wish Baze University many fruitful years ahead.

Adamu Abbas AHMAN former SRC President, Faculty of Law (20C set)

Congratulations to Baze University, the management, staff, and students on this auspicious 10th anniversary. Baze University is a centre of excellence that is committed to teaching, learning, research, community engagement as well assisting students to achieve their goals. Accept my best wishes.

Gift ENWERE LAWSA President (2019/2020)

I congratulate Baze University, a citadel of higher learning, for grooming and still grooming destinies! I pray that the University’s hard work and commitment speak volumes, worldwide.

Philomenah Itohan OGBEWE. President Faculty of Management & Social Science Students’ Association (2021-2022).

I am delighted to celebrate with my alma mater on its 10th Anniversary. Here is wishing Baze University exponential growth, remarkable achievements and many more impactful years.


Chimdi NELIAKU LAWSA President (2018/2019)

A wise man once said “Happy are those who dream and are ready to pay the price to make them come true”. Chasing a dream requires efforts, passion and hard work. I must admit that 10 years of consistency in academic learning and prolific research is not an easy task. This exemplifies the commitment of Baze university to quality higher education in Nigeria. Up Baze University! Keep up the good work of producing global ambassadors. To the graduandsCongratulations! You’ve worked hard to achieve your goals and now you’re on your way to seek new vistas, dream new dreams,

The Law Students’ Association celebrates Baze University - a renowned academic institution and a citadel of learning on its Tenth Anniversary. Baze is synonymous with excellence and unbroken academic calendar, which was maintained even during

Hearty Congratulations to Baze University on her 10th anniversary. Over the past decade, the university has nurtured many students in different fields of academic pursuits, at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. I am proud to be associated with Baze and pray for more successes in the many decades to come.

Sa’adatu Hamza MADAKI Dept. of Computer Engineering

Congratulations and best wishes to the Management, Staff and Students of Baze University as it celebrates its 10th year Anniversary

Signed: Sen.MELAYE Faculty Law - 2020 Graduate

Baze University, is a colloquium (especially the Faculty of Law) where the ordinary mind can be transformed to a ‘doctus et potens animus’. Like the University’s motto, learn to live; I have learnt to conquer my fears, and am ready to rule my world. Cheers to Baze for conquering one decade and I wish you many more to come.

Blessing AGBOMHERE ACArb, National President, Law Students’ Association of Nigeria, Faculty of Law– 2020 Graduate.

I celebrate a prestigious and renowned University, making a difference in the Nation’s educational history. It gladdens my heart that I am a product of this University. Heartiest

Felicitations to Baze University! It is ten years of quality teaching, learning and supporting students to overcome challenges and explore opportunities created by technological advancement and globalization. Well Done Baze University


Faculty of Law - 2019 Graduate.

Baze University is outstandingly unique. Faculty are engaging, passionate and fantastic. The University administration is incredible. Keep on Keeping on at TEN, the best is yet to come!

Prof. Sir Gabriel O. C. OKENWA. (PhD, DBA, MSc, MBA, BSc, LLBFirst Class Honours, FCIB, FCIArb, MON, KSS)

Faculty of Law - 2020 Graduate

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A Prototype Auditorium - there is one in each Faculty Block TEN YEARS OF EXCELLENCE IN UNIVERSITY EDUCATION
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PICTURESCOPEMilestones in History


PICTURESCOPEMilestones in History



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PICTURESCOPEMilestones in History



UNIVERSITY ABUJA H. E. Dr. Goodluck Ebele Azikiwe Jonathan GCFR GCON Former President of Nigeria with the Prochancellor and Founder of Baze University, Senator Datti Baba- Ahmed at the 4th Convocation ceremony of the University, in Abuja 28th October, 2017.

PICTURESCOPEMilestones in History


PICTURESCOPEMilestones in History



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Discipline means to instruct a person to follow a particular code of conduct or a set of rules of behaviour. It is often misconstrued with punishment and negative control. There is a lot of controversy about ways to discipline children, and parents are often confused or become lackadaisical about how to instill good behaviour and self-control in their children. Experts in pediatrics and child developmental psychology, discourage the use of spanking and physical punishment, and parents are generally counselled on guidelines and strategies for effective discipline. However, in the African culture and in Nigeria; one or two spanksorhitsasarewardformisbehaviourisnotuncommoninmosthomes.


These are methods used by parents to instill good behaviour in a child. It uses positive attitudes to teach good morals and behaviour. Children are young and impressionable and as they grow, they need to be taught to discern right from wrong to enrich their future interaction with others and the society at large. Discipline must never be misconstrued to mean punishment.

Who disciplines a child?

Parents, Family members, Wards, Elders, Teachers, Persons in authority but who have familial relationship with children can teach them about life’s expectations, and principles of living that will make living with others meaningful.

Why do you discipline a child?

i. to assist the child to develop self-control and to encourage desirable behaviors.

ii. to inculcate and entrench desirable social(respect for authority, etc.).

iii. to imbibe sound judgement, good morals, values, attitude (honesty, diligence, respect, etc) so that as the child develops, he maintains a positive level of responsibility and self-discipline throughout his/her lifetime.

Forms of discipline

The common forms of discipline, applied on children may fall into three general categories:

• Time-out: puts a child in a boring place to correct misbehaviour especially with 2–5-year-olds. Time out teaches a child to stop and think, to calm down and take control of emotions. The child is removed from fun activities, gets no attention from parents and time spent is boring and solitary.

• Reasoning, or Away-from-the-Moment Discussions: deal with the difficult behaviour away from the heat of the moment.

• Spanking or beating: use of physical force is absolutely unnecessary. If you must use, apply discretion.

How to Discipline a Child

The Parenting styles fall into four major categories:

· Disciplinarian - too harsh

· Permissive/indulgent – too weak

· Uninvolved – cannot be bothered

· Authoritative – tries to be in control

The Authoritative parenting style is most effective (academically, socially, emotionally and

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psychologically) because such parents raise the bar of expectation on their children and set even higher standards for their own behaviour. Authoritative parents use discipline in a positive way. To be effective, discipline should be:

• dispensed by an adult who has an affective bond to the child; consistent, and applied immediately to the behaviour needing change;

• perceived as ‘fair’ by the child – do not over react;

• appropriate to the age and maturational levels of the child;

• self-enhancing and should lead to self-discipline.

Examples of Good Disciplinary Technique

· Do not replace destroyed toys - let the child feel the pinch

· Grounding or benching – let the child serve out the period

· Take away privileges - don’t reinstate, if no change in behaviour

· Avoid physical punishment - parental rage may lead to child abuse

· Do not expect perfection from the child - give room for errors

The Golden Rules

It is important to know that physical harm inflicted by a raging parent, or persons in loco parentis on a child is completely inappropriate and dangerous and can never give the desired results. However, remember these rules:

1. Stand firm.

Stick to the rules and the consequences you set up, so everyone knows the implication of their action or inaction.

2. Pick your battles.

Give the small things small attention and the big things big attention – you will be happier and calmer and your children will be happier, calmer and better behaved.

3. Praise, don’t punish.

Practice “good feeling” discipline all the time. The tone of your voice, your behaviour, the words you use, should feel good to the child 80% of the time, so that when these change, the child automatically knows that something is wrong. Do not be on over-drive all the time.

4. Set clear rules and expectations.

As a parent have a set of carefully selected age and culturally appropriate rules – these can make family life a whole lot smoother and easier. Eg, ‘Bed time for children is 8pm, Get back home time for Teens is 7pm, music from your bedroom must not disturb others; etc.’

5. Provide unconditional love.

Let your children know you love them, even when they err, use the Rod sparingly. Support them and remember that love is not presents but presence. Be there for them in every way


The society does not have all the answers to child rearing. Teachers are not magicians. The training of a child starts from home, the school and the society compliment the efforts from the home. As a Parent, you must do your part, start from the early years of your child and their adult life will be rewarding!

* Dr. Jamila SHU’ARA, FNIM, FHEPAN is the Director of Academic Planning and Strategy

HAPPY PARENTING!!! Baze University 2021 | 55


- Daniel EDIEH*

ThereisnodoubtthatthelevelofinsecurityNigeriahaswitnessedinthelastcoupleofyearshas been unprecedented since independence. Everyone and everywhere is tensed up courtesy of insecurity Alltheregions,North,South,EastandWesthavetalesofinsecuritytotell.Ifitisnot kidnapping,itisbanditry,orattacksbyunknowngunmenorfarmersandherders’clashesallwithtrails of blood and tales of woes. Nigeria; a country once said to be inhabited by the happiest people on earth, has now turned to be the habitat of miserable people, living under perpetual tension and restiveness.

Never the less, survival will be and continue to be, our watch word until security returns to the land andNigerianscanreturntotheirstatusasoneofthehappiestpeopleonearth.Butbeforethingsget back to normalcy, the following security tips will go a long way to enhance our safety in this trying period. Although safety is guaranteed only by the God Almighty, every citizen is advised to do the following:

· Bevigilant;ifyouseesomething,saysomething.

· When dealing with others, wear the garment of humility and use the magic words such as Please,Iamsorry,pardonme,etc.

· Assistthoseinproblemofinsecurityasmuchasyoucanwithoutendangeringyourlife.

· Usealternativerouteswhendrivinginoroutfromyourresidence.

· Usebothinnerandsidesmirrorwhendriving.Ifyounoticeyouarebeingtrailed,drivetothe nearestsecuritypostorPoliceStation.

· Avoidsharingyourpersonalorfamilyinformationonsocialmedia.

· Avoid unnecessary arguments with road traffic officials or security officers manning the high wayasthatwillexposeyoutomoredanger

· At nights, use the center lane when driving, and ensure your car doors are locked when drivingespeciallyatnights.

· Avoid lonely routes when driving or walking, as hoodlums most times take advantage of darknesstostrike.

· Know your neighbors and their occupation. Be your brother’s and neighbour’s keeper as muchaspossible.

· Donotunderrateanypersonaroundyouasthatmayamounttocarelessnessinthisperiodof insecurity Keepyourearstothegroundontheactivitiestakingplaceinyourneighbourhood.

· At home always ensureyour gates and doors aresecurelylocked. Enquirewho is at the gate ordoorbeforeyouopen.

· Insistthatmembersofyourhouseholdobservecommonsecurityorsafetyruleswithregards tovisitorsandstrangers.Incaseofdangerorattack,designateamusterpointandanescape routeknowntoeverymemberofyourhousehold.

· All emergency Police numbers should be memorized or boldly written in strategic places visibletoall.Whencallingthepoliceoranyothersecurityagencyduringanattackorathreat inyourhome,ensureyouareinahiddenplace.

· Know your neighbor’s phone numbers for communication and sharing of information in time ofthreat,emergenciesandattack.

· Alwaystrytoshowsomekindnesstoothers.Besensitivetothefeelingsofothersaroundyou.

· Thisisnottherighttimetoexchangewordsonthehighwayoreveninyourneighborhoodor toask“doyouknowwhoIam?”Youarewhoyouare;noneedforgrandstanding.

Whateversituationpresentsinthistryingperiodofinsecurity,becalm,andrescuesolutions foryour safetyandescape,willflow.Wemustnotbedespondentaboutthestateofinsecuritythathasbefallen us.Wewillallsurvive,Nigeriawillsurvive.GodwillsurelyreturnNigerianstothestatusofthehappiest peopleintheworld.

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Introduction I

n late 2019, when Covid 19 was first reported as a pandemic, the world greeted this development with trepidation and uncertainty The negative health implications, the attendant loss of lives, and near collapse oftheeconomyinmanycountriesasaresultofCovid-19lefttheworldwonderingwhattodonext.

During this period, mental health challenges surged and families, school systems, work force were forced to embracenewformsofinteraction.TheinitialsolutionsbytheWorldHealthOrganization(WHO)wastointensify hygiene rules and create new ones baptized as the ‘Covid-19 protocols. Today, social distance is practiced, people wash and sanitize their hands more, face mask have become part of our daily accessories even as suspicionshavealsoincreasedabouttheoriginofthevirus.


The era of Covid-19 has now become the new normal and this has also changed the domain of human support therapy forever. Whilst, most of the world was grappling with the impact of the lockdown, the Counselling and psychotherapy space moved quickly to close the gap using via various media links. Counselling sessions moved fromthepreferredphysical/actualtovirtual.

At Baze University, the Student Support Unit (SSU), also known as the counselling unit incorporated new strategies to cater for clients’ needs during counselling sessions. The conventional and traditional face to face approach of counselling where the client visits the Counsellors office to receive psychotherapy had no doubt been tremendously effective. However, the shift to the new norm of online counselling has proven to be as effective as the traditional counselling with the additional benefits of social distance to stay safe while receiving therapyinthecomfortoftheirenvironment.

SSUhasdevelopedahybridpsychotherapyapproachthatgivesclients(studentsandstaff)aflexiblechoiceofin person or virtual. In order to create awareness on the virtual approach to counselling, SSU embarked on sensitization campaigns mounted via induction and orientation programmes, Faculty online platforms, and person to person advocacy visits to create awareness. This virtual option has encouraged a relaxed attitude to therapy,allowingclientstoenjoyprivacy,safety,convenienceandcomfortduringcounsellingsessions.However, the option has also come with challenges for those who find online counselling expensive and unreliable due to costofdatabundles,andpoorinternetconnectionsduringsessions.

Ifyouareconsideringthebestoptionforcounsellingsessionsinthepostcovid-19era,herearefewtipstoguide you:


i. allows the effective use of verbal and non-verbal communication medium (facial expression, tones of voice,bodylanguageandgestures)bytheCounsellorandclient.

ii. graduallybuildstrust,continuousflowofconversationbyclientandtransparency

iii. physicalconnectiongivessomeclientsassuranceandthetherapistcredibility.


i. noneedtocommuteandtherapyisreceivedinadesiredlocation.

ii. ease of location and venue allows for increased sessions in a week (depends on the schedule of both Counsellorandclient).

iii. scientificallyproventobeeffectiveforclientswithanxietydisordersanddepression.

iv affordableiftheclientalreadyhasadevice(computer,androidphone)andconsistentdatasupply.

v can be offered in multiple ways; texting, tele-therapy, e-therapy, video counselling (Zoom, Whatsapp, Gogglemeetetc.).

It is instructive to know that whichever approach one chooses, the ethics and values of the counselling profession apply. Confidentiality, empathy, unconditional positivity and congruence are central in assisting the clientnavigatetheirwaythroughliveschallenges. Welcometothenewworldofcounselling.Embraceit.

*Mrs. V. S. TARKA is the University Counsellor and Head of the Students Support Unit.

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Sir, please briefly introduce yourself.

My name is Muhammad Usman and I am a retired public servant.

How many of your children have attended or are attending Baze University?

Four of my children have attended Baze University. The first one studied Economics, the second one studied Law, the third one studied Petroleum Chemistry and the fourth one has just graduated with B.Sc Accounting.

At the outset of scouting for a university for your children, was Baze the University of First Choice? Baze University was not the first choice for my first child.

So how did your children end up with Baze University?

I took my first child to Baze University due to the rising insecurity in the North-Eastern part of the country in 2012. As at then, Baze was the pioneer university offering a trimester system and one of the best private universities offering world class learning facilities in a conducive environment.

After seeing the positive progress and performance of my child, I was convinced Baze University was the best option for other younger ones.

Have your expectations been met? Give some vivid examples. My expectations from Baze University were mainly a high-quality and comprehensive curriculum with experienced lecturers whose expertise will prepare students for the real world outside walls of the university. I am impressed with the quality of education my children received and confident in their ability to face real world challenges based on the solid foundation they received from the University.

What are some of the challenges of private sector driven university education for multiple members of the family?

The cost factor is the main challenge faced by parents. The private sector universities do not receive funding from the government and as such, operational costs are borne by the university and the parents. It becomes challenging when multiple members of the family attend private university.

Have your sacrifices been worthwhile?

My sacrifices have been worthwhile. I am confident in the education my children received and I am certain they will positively contribute to Nigeria in their own ways. As a parent, one has made sacrifices in order to give his children good education.

Have any of the children graduated? Where are they now? All the four children have graduated. The first one is currently working in one of the prestigious organizations in Nigeria, the second one has obtained a masters degree in Energy Law and Regulation from City University of London and has completed Law School. The third one has obtained a MSc in Sustainability and Renewables from the University of Dundee while the fourth one is presently undergoing NYSC and is an ACCA student.

Would you recommend Baze University to other parents? Yes, I would and do recommend Baze University to parents. Advise management on how best to improve parents’ expectations and students’ experiences?

My advise to management is that students are the live wire of the institution. Management should look into improving students’ welfare. This is more important than advertising the university in the electronic and print media. Let the success of the students speak for the university.

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I am Comrade Ikpe Obong, retired Secretary General of the Nigeria Union of Teachers. My wife is Mrs ThelmaIkpeObongwhoworksattheTeachersRegistrationCouncilofNigeria,Abuja.



NdifrekeIkpeObonggraduatedinInternationalRelationsandDiplomacyin2019. MokutmfonIkpeObonggraduatedthisyearinMassCommunication,heisawaitingNYSCcallup UdemeIkpeObongalsograduatedinLawinAugust2021,awaitingcalluptoLawSchoolandNYSC. Abasiakan Ikpe Obong is the fourth and only one remaining in the institution, he is a 500-level student expectedtograduatewithB.Eng.CivilEngineeringin2022.

At the outset of scouting for a university for your children, was Baze the University of First Choice?

Oneofthechildrenmentionedaboveenteredthepre-degreeprogramofBazeUniversity,anotherentered asafirstchoicewhiletheremainingtwoenteredastransferredstudents.


Attheonsetweneededanearbyuniversitybecauseourfirstchildwasfragileandtender,andneededcare andprotection,andBazewastheclosesttoourresidence.Lateron,wegotattractedtotheinstitutionfrom itssite,thenumerouscoursesoffered,itstrimestersystemandfastaccreditationofcourses.

Haveyourexpectationsbeenmet?Givesomevividexamples. Our aspiration of getting them to graduate on time was met as the institution was shielded from staff strikeswhichusuallyresultindelayedgraduationinpublicUniversities.

What are some of the challenges of private sector driven university education for multiple membersofthefamily?

Themajorchallenge wefaceasparentsistheveryhighfees chargedbytheUniversity.Thissituationhad beenabigstressandnightmaretoparentswithmultiplestudentslikeus.Thereisnogainsayingthatthe exorbitant fees have scared away hundreds of parents who would have sent their children to Baze University. I strongly advocate for drastic reduction of fees to attract numerous students with its concomitanthugefinancialturnovertotheinstitution.


As earlier mentioned, Ndifreke graduated in 2019, enrolled in the compulsory NYSC Scheme and passed out in 2020 and has since gone back to his music career which is what he excelled even when he was a SecondarySchoolstudent.

WouldyourecommendBazeUniversitytootherparents? WehavebeenandwillcontinuetorecommendBazeUniversitytootherparents. Advise management on how best to improve parents’ expectations and students’ experiences?

There is recently the issue of misplacement of students’ academic records and materials which has been largely traumatic to concerned students and their parents. This was not in the character of Baze University in the past years. I advise the administration of the institution especially the Records and Information Technology (IT) section to be much more careful and painstaking in keeping and protecting all forms of submissions of students. On the whole, Baze University has been a wonderful experience to us and an institution that met ourdesires.Mayitsfuturebegreat.

L-R: Abasiakan, Udeme, Chief Obong - Father, Mrs Obong - Mother, Ndifreke, and Mokutmfon

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1. The River Niger Bridge at Onitsha was constructed between 1964 and 1965 by Dumez - a French constructioncompany–atacost£5million.

2. MKOAbiolawasnamedKashimawo(letuswaitandsee)byhisparents.Hewashisfather’stwenty-third child,butthefirsttosurviveinfancy.

3. Jaja Wachuku first Nigerian Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United Nations was reputedtohaveownedthebiggestone-manlibraryinWestAfrica.

4. EsieMuseuminKwaraStateisNigeria’sfirstmuseum,establishedin1945andwasreputedtohavethe largestcollectionofsoapstoneimagesintheworld.

5. In 1948, Aminu Kano formed the Northern Teachers’ Association (NTA), it was the first successful regionalorganizationinthehistoryoftheNorth.

6. Igbo-Ora in Oyo State, Kodinji in India and Candido Godoi in Brazil are the towns that produce the highestnumberoftwinbirthsintheworld.

7. ThediscoveryofCoalinEnuguin1909,ledtotheestablishmentofPort-Harcourttownin1912.

8. GroundnutpyramidsweretheingeniouscreationofAlhajiAlhassanDantata,asawaytostackbagsof theproducebeforeexport.

9. The ‘Naira’ was coined by Chief Obafemi Awolowo while serving as the Federal Commissioner of Finance.

10. TheAngelfootprint,knownas"OnigbaPoro"inYorubaislocatedinEruwa,IbarapaareaofOyostate. Thefootprintsareexactlytwohundredinnumber,andformedontherockasanaturalphenomenon.


QED is an abbreviation of the Latin words Quod Erat Demonstradum, most often used as a notation to prove completion using a Mathematical Formula. When used in narratives; it implies that an Author’s overall argument has just been proven. We provide our esteemed Readers with topical issues on the QED Platform. BazeFocusQEDTopicinthiseditionisHUMILITY.Enjoy!

Topic - Humility

Humility is a positive trait, a humble disposition and absence of false pride or arrogance. It refers to beinghumbleormodest.Itis,animportanttraitforgrowthandsuccess.Humilityhelpsyoutobuildtrustwith others. Trust and knowledge are two important traits for success. The greatest people ever to live on earth have not just been honest or profoundly intelligent; they have been extremely humble. Humility draws more peopletowardsyouandearnsyoumorerespect.

A humble person has a spirit that recognizes that one’s good can be better and their better can be best;thisisacrucialingredientforsuccess.Humilitygeneratesconfidence,whichmakesyouknowyourlimits with a strong feeling of self worth. Humility and passion make a person unstoppable. Pride and Arrogance takes that away. The opposite of humility is arrogance. An arrogant person thinks only of themselves, feels they are better than everyone, and can’t recognize their own flaws. An arrogant person has a fixed mindset that is unreachable, because he feels he is already on top of the world. If you are arrogant, then you can’t be honestwithyourself,andyouwillneverbeabletomaketheimpactyouwant.


· Neverdespiseanyone–youmayloseaprospectivebenefactor

· Sitawayfromthehightable,ifyoubelongthere,youwillbecalledupon.

· Ifyouloseinacompetition,congratulatethewinnerandlearnfromtheexperience.

· Acceptconstructivecriticismsandusethemtobetteryourself

· Apologizewhenyouarewrong;itisnotasignofweakness.

· Takeresponsibilityforyouractionsorinactionsandholdyourselfaccountable.

· Celebrateotherpeople’ssuccess–itshouldn’tbeaboutyouallthetime.

· Pushyourselfhard,competewithyourself;notwithanybodyelse.

· Giveothersahands-up,don’tholdthemdown.

Whichwouldyouratheracquire?HumilitythatopensdoorsorArrogancethatbanishesyoutoaworldofyour own.Thechoiceisyours!


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OVID 19 Pandemic appears to be a permanent feature in all our lives. The disease is

Cunlikely to leave humanity alone, as new variants of the virus pop up frequently. AlthoughthereareconfirmedcasesofthevariantsinAfrica,thecontinentistheleast vaccinated- less than 1% of the total population have access to the vaccine. We must thereforestayvigilanttokeepourselves,teammates,coaches,friends,andfamilysafe!


Formanysportsmenandwomen,theabsenceofphysicalactivityduringthelockdownledto reductioninspeed,technicalaccuracyandmovementflow Thereisevidencethataslittleas 2-4weeksoftraininginterruptioncancauseasignificantandmarkedlossofperformancein both active populations and elite athletes. For example, many cases of injuries were reported over the first weekend of return to action of many soccer and athletic sports federation. The initial process of assessing and addressing the needs of someone who is experiencing medical emergencies allows a “non-medical expert” to quickly determine a person’s physical condition and the application of first aid. The correct course of treatment makes a difference to a person’s recovery and life. The aim of First Aid is to preserve life, preventinjuries/conditionfromworseningandpromoterecovery.


As first aiders, helping someone in need is a priority. But you will reasonably have some concerns on how to treat someone during the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic particularly in relationtomaintainingsocialdistancingandhygienecontrol.Tobeprotectedyouneedto:

a. Beawareoftheriskstoyourselfandothers:

Whenapproachingacasualtythereisalwaysariskofcrosscontamination–sinceyoumust makeaclosecontacttothecasualtyforassessment.

b. WearPPE:

The use of personal protective equipment (PPE) like fluid-repellent surgical mask, disposable gloves and eye protection, or apron, during first aid creates a barrier between youandthecasualty.

c. Keepyourselfsafe:

In line with government advice, make sure you wash your hands or use an alcohol gel, before and after treating a casualty. Do not cough or sneeze over a casualty when treating them. Other ways you can keep yourself safe include: wearing gloves or covering of hands when dealing with open wounds; cover cuts and grazes on your hands with waterproof dressing; dispose of all waste safely; do not touch a wound with your bare hand and don’t touchanypartofadressingthatwillcomeincontactwithawound.

d. Helpthemhelpthemselves

Ifyou’reworriedaboutgettingtooclosetoacasualtysuspectedofCovid-19,thereareways you can use your first aid skills. For example, if they arebleedingheavily, ask them to apply pressuretothewoundwithwhatevertheyhaveavailablewhileyoucallEMS.

e. Keepyourselfinformedandupdated

This is a new disease that is mutating so government and health authorities are continually updatingtheiradvice.Makesureyouregularlyreviewthisadvice.

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f. Keepadistance

Place the person you are treating in a location away from others. If a separate room is not available, ask others who are not involved in providing assistance to stay at least 2 meters awayfromtheindividual.Ifbarriersorscreensareavailable,usethem.

g. SportsInjuryDuringandPostCovid-19

Sportsinjuryreferstotheinjuriesthatmostcommonlyoccurduringsportsorexercise.Asa thletesreturnbacktopeakperformance,theproverbringstrue:“Slowandsteadywinsthe race”. Rushing back into sports after a prolonged layoff without proper training or prepara tioncanleadtomoreinjuries.Taketimetobuildbackthelosttempo.


Therearemanypossibletypesofinjuriesthatcanoccurwhileplayingsports.It'sagoodidea for anyone involved in sports to be familiar with treatment for some of the more common sports injuries. These injuries may be classified as Acute injuries (injuries that occur suddenly)andChronicinjuries(happenovertimeandalsocalledoveruseinjuries).

ThescopeofthispaperwillnotpermitmetodiscussextensivelyonthetypeoftheFirstAid for Acute and Chronic Sports Injuries, however, the tips proffered above will suffice as a starting point. My advice to all sports men and woman is for them to adhere strictly to all safetyprotocolswhileengaginginsportingactivitiesduringandaftercovid-19.

*Ibechi MATHEW is the Principal Coach of Baze University

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Foreign Associates:
N0 Nigeria Head office: Abuja Office
85 Galadima Road ROFASY NIG. LTD ROFASYAG (Rofasy Studio Flats) Managing Director Zürcherstrasse 12 Box 284 Apo Dutse, Samaru Zaria Trade More Estate 8620 Wetzikon CloseA, House 6 Switzerland Handy: 0803 701 8225 Abuja Nigeria Tel. +41 77 911 87 00 080 3702 1972 Phone: 08033177365 Tel: +41 78 607 15 51 E Mail: E E Mail: Your Problem: • BUILDING • CIVIL • STRUCTURAL • ELECTRICAL/ MECHANICALSERVICES • MAINTENANCE • ARCHITECTURAL • PROJECT MANAGEMENT SERVICES - Our Business NIGERIA LIMITED


EnglishistheofficiallanguageinNigeriaanditisused for communication by many countries in Africa, Europe and the Americas. The use of English Language makes a difference when grammar, diction, and pitch are used correctly; it conveys the right meaning.TheseareafewEnglishGrammartips:

. She has put to bed.❌

She has put to birth.✔

She has given birth.✔ (x = to help someone, eg a child, go to bed.)

2. The job is TASKING.❌

The job is TAXING.✔ (x= a difficult job is taxing)

3. Ade has WHIKLOW on his hand.❌

Ade has WHITLOW on his hand.✔ (x= painful swelling on corner of your nail)

4. He is a graduate OF Accounting.❌

He is a graduate IN Accounting.✔ (x=Graduate IN, not OF….)

5. He is a doctorate degree holder ❌

He is a doctoral degree holder ✔

He is a doctorate holder.✔ (x= Doctorate' is noun; 'Doctoral' is adjective)

6. One faithful day...❌

One fateful day...✔

7. Pray without season. ❌

Pray without ceasing. ✔ (x= a time frame)

8. In as much as...❌ Inasmuch as...✔

9. Birds of the same feather ❌ Birds of a feather. ✔

10. Truth be told...❌ If truth be told...✔

11. Any time/moment from now ❌ Any time/moment now...✔

12. He is a masquerade.❌ He is a masquerader.✔ (x= a masquerade is an event where masqueraders hold a display)

13. He is student OF Unilag.❌ He is a student AT Unilag.✔ (x= student AT institution)

14. Let's share the grace:❌

Let's say grace:✔

15. It picked my interest.❌ It piqued my interest.✔ (x= heightened interest)


1. The man lay down for a few(x laid) minutes to take some rest.

2. The hens have laid no eggs today.(x lain)

3. The wounded leopard had to lie (x lay) down on the grass.

4. We laid the books on the table.(x lay)

5. He raised it up as high as he(x rose) could above his shoulders.

6. The prisoner was hanged (x hung).

7. He hung the map on the wall.(x hanged)

8. She was awakened by the sound of drums.(x awoke)

9. The river has overflowed its banks.(x overflown)

10. The peon has not yet rung the bell.(not rang)

11. Prices have risen high.(x rose)

12. My patience has been worn out.(x wore)


1. The greatest act of Leadership is Mentoring

2. When Ignorance Screams, Intelligence stays calm!

3. Never argue with a fool; passers bye will think you are the same.

4. A bad situation can always get better or worse, it depends on how you handle it.

5. Integrity is telling myself the truth. And honesty is telling the truth to other people.

Spencer Johnson

6. Nothing ever remains the same – your strength, your beauty, your wealth, your courage, your friends, etc; all will progressively diminish with time. Take life easy!

7. We are all gifted with innate talents; find yours and use it for the betterment of humanity. Remember that the talents you do not put to use now; you will lose, with time.

8. Power really is a test of character. In the hands of a person of integrity, it is of tremendous benefit; in the hands of a tyrant, it causes terrible destruction. John Maxwell

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David, fondly called Kastro by his peers, is the first of the four children of Mr.andMrsRichardGbande.HeattendedTinyTotsNurserySchool,Vaatia College and Unique Secondary School all in Makurdi, for his Nursery, PrimaryandSecondaryEducation,respectively.Heiscurrentlya500LLaw studentintheUniversityandwassworninonthe24thofJune,2021asthe 4thelectedPresidentoftheStudent’sRepresentativeCouncil.hobbiesare reading, soccer, debating and networking. David has his interest in national politics and sees himself as a proud and patriotic Nigerian from Benuestate.


ToliaisewiththeUniversityManagementtoimprovestudents’welfare andsecurity.

· To create more opportunities for students to participate in student politicswithinandoutside theuniversity.

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Name: David G. Enang

Reg No.: BU/18C/LAW/3238

State of Origin: Akwa Ibom

LGA: Ikono

Hobbies: Networking, paintballing, playing pool etc.

My Primary goals as the LAWSA President is to:

· add value to Law students' experience and skills through partnership with reputable law firms and governmental institutions.

· Provide an opportunity for Law Students to discover their areas of interest in the profession through exposure to different aspects of the legal profession.

· Improve the overall student welfare of the Law Faculty.

Achievements and projects:

1. Career Day programmes

2. Partnership with J-K Gadzama LLP

3. Revival of Moot Court Society

4. ADR Enlightening Program & Training

5. Improvement of student welfare in conjunction with the school management. Etc.

Baze Migrations and Trafficking Law Clinic in collaboration with NAPTIP, University of Abuja and Nile University Moot Court Competition between Baze University and Nile University Abuja UN Deputy Secretary General, Her Excellency, Amina J. Mohammed at a Faculty Lecture series.
Baze University 2021 | 71




Name: Philomenah Itohan Ogbewe ID Number: BU/19B/BS/3668 Department: Mass communication Email:

Bio Data

Date of Birth: 7th June 2002

Marital status: Single Nationality: Nigerian State of Origin: Rivers state LGA: Ogba/Egbema/Ndoni

I attended Ayakpo Nursery and Primary School, Belary Schools for my secondary education, all in Yenagoa, Bayelsa State. I am presently a 400 level student of the Department of Mass communication. I am also the first official President of the Faculty of Management and Social Sciences Students Association (2021).enjoy being active and helping people out in the best way I can.

Hobbies: I love reading novels, watching movies and acting. My goal for the Faculty is to bring about a sense of togetherness for all students as the Faculty is home to about 9 Departments.

Future goals:

To be a renowned Journalist/ Talk show host, a Philanthropist and a Politician. I hope to one day use my voice to instill the change I intend to see in Nigeria and the world at large. Not just by words, but also by actions. I hope to one day be an inspiration to young girls to never stop dreaming.

Prof. Osita Agbu, Dean Faculty of Management and Social Sciences, administering the Oath of Office on members of the newly elected EXCO of FAMSSA.
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Plantain is the fruit of a crop found in the tropicalregionsandthelargestproducersin the world are African countries (Rwanda, Uganda, Nigeria and Ghana). Plantain is a common plant in the southern parts of Nigeria. They are excellent sources of potassium, manganese,vitaminsA,B2,C,andB6anddietary fibre. Plantain can be roasted, boiled, fried or steamed.Plantainpudding‘OGEDENULUEN’is a popular dish of the Edo people. It is prepared with over-ripe plantain. It is sweet and very delicious. A nutritious and light meal, that has a uniquelysmoothtasteandislowincholesterol.


3 over ripe plantain (pulp should not be rotten)

Red bell pepper (tatashe)

Scotch bonnet chili (atarodo)

1 medium size onion

2 table spoon grounded crayfish

2 table spoon palm oil Smoked fish

Boiled Egg Salt and Seasoning

Method of preparation:

1. Peel the plantain and cut into small chunks;

2. Wash the pepper, onion and fish;

3. In the blender, add the chopped plantain, scotch bonnet chili, red bell pepper, onion, and blend till smooth paste.

4. Empty the puree into a bowl; and add palm oil, crayfish, smoked fish, seasoning, and salt mix till well combined.

5. Scoop the mixture into wrapping leaves (moi moi leaf) and steam in a pot with low water on medium heat for 45 minutes to 1 hour

6. Check the plantain pudding intermittently and make sure the pot has enough water to steam. Alternately you can bake the plantain in the oven.

7. Take the plantain pudding off the heat and serve with custard, oat meal, or pap. It can also be eaten as a snack served with a chilled drink.

Bambara Beans Pudding or 'Okpa' is a delicious delicacypopularintheeasternpartofNigeria.It isabreakfastmealthatcanbeenjoyedwithpap or hot drinks. Okpa is so enticing that many peoplehavetriedtoreplicatetheuniquetastein theirhomes.ThesecrettomakingthebestOkpa is to use as few ingredients as possible, because the natural delicious flavor is ruined when many ingredients are introduced; for example onion andcrayfish.


500gofokpaflour Palmoil



SliceduzizaorSliceduguleaf(Optional) Luckwarmwaterformixing Okpawraps-useplantainorbananaleaves.


1. Sieve the okpa flour into a bowl, add salt, seasoningcubeandmix.

2. Pourtheoilintothemixtureandmixwiththe hands until you achieve unity in colour, yellow.

3. Preparelukewarmwater.

4. Slowly pour the water into the mixture while you mix. The quantity of water depends on how you want the end result to be. If very soft, add a generous amount, if not, act accordingly.

5. Add the pepper, sliced uziza or ugu leaves (optional)intothemixtureanduseaturning sticktostirnothands.Setasidewhenready

6. Boil water in a pot. Ensure that the water is enough for the wrapped okpa to be completelycooked.

7. Wash the okpa Leave wraps thoroughly. Neverusecellophanetowrapfoods.

8. Wrap okpa mix into sizes of your choice and placeinthepotofsteamingwater.


Bambara Beans Pudding ‘OKPA’
Baze University 2021 | 73

HEALTHWISE - Health is Wealth!


Vernoniaamygdalina,isa small houseevergreen shrub that grows in tropical. In English it is known as Bitter leaf, it has a bitter taste and every part of the plant is very bitter. In Nigeria, it is called Onugbu in Igbo; Ewuro in Yoruba and Shiwaka in Hausa respectivelyinthelocallanguages.

Bitter leaf is associated with the following nutritional values: Protein (33.3%), fat (10.1%), crude fibre (29.2%), ash (11.7%), mineral (Na, K, Ca, Mg, Zn & Fe), phytate (1015 4mg/100g) and tannin (0 6%) content, while it contains low cyanide (1.1mg/kg).

Bitterleafisastaplevegetableusedforsoups and stews after washing to reduce the bitterness. It is also used in place of hops to brew beer. After washing the bitter leaves, thebitterjuicehasmanyhealthbenefits:

· ReducesInsomnia

· Tones up the liver and the kidney

· Detoxifies the whole body:

· Helps prevents and cures diseases:

· Controls the synthesis of female hormones:

· It helps pregnant and lactating mothers:

· Aids to protect the body against pollutants:

· It helps cure memory loss:

· Cures Stomach-ache:

· Helps in curing Prostate Cancer

Use - Source leaves from gardens free from human waste and pesticide. Wash for immediate use or sun-dry for later use. Extracted juice may be stored but for 24 hours, because it loses its bitterness but the efficacy remains.

*CAUTION - Consult a Medical Doctor before taking any herbal or orthodox medication.

Food is the most abused Anxiety Drug Walking eases stress and anxiety It is a most underutilized Anti-depressant Vernonia Amygdalina
Baze University 2021 | 74



Son: Mum, at what age can I go out and return at the time I want.

When can I have my freedom?

Mum: Even your father has not reached that age.


One day, three (3) Drunkards entered a Taxi.

The Taxi Driver knew they were all drunk and decided to play a fast one on them.

He started the engine of the Taxi and turned it off again. He then said:

Driver: We have arrived.

st1 Drunkard: Take, this is the Taxi Fare.

nd2 Drunkard: Told the Driver ‘Thank you’


3 Drunkard: Gave the Driver a dirty slap


Driver: (was shocked, thinking the 3 Drunkard got his ploy).

He then asked, why did you slap me?

rd3 Drunkard: Control your speed next time, you nearly killed me.



A beg, Una see me, see wahala oooh!

I attended the burial of my friend`s father yesterday

It is their tradition that, at every burial, an old man would announce the next person to die.

So, the old man said the first person to leave the burial ground, will be the first to die.

I tell you, since yesterday, we are all still at the burial ground o. Nobody gree leave!


A carpenter was traveling in his car to deliver a coffin in a nearby town. But his car broke down, so he decided to carry the coffin on his head.

As he got to a security barrier, some Policemen stopped him and demanded a tip

Police: Hey young man, why are you carrying a coffin at this time of the day?

Carpenter: Officer, I don’t like where I was buried, so I am relocating. Come and see how Security men tear race!


Nigerian Proverbs are on point with little effort! Render them in pidgin, and you add extra flavour!

1. Goddehcook,youwanseecookingpot.


2. Na wen race no serious, woman deh hold breast. If wahala come; woman deh leave breast run.

Meaning: When something is important to you, other things becomes irrelevant.

3. I go do am later na im make fowl no fit fly like other birds.

Meaning: Delay is dangerous.

4. My leg sabi waka pass motor, na your body go hear am.

Meaning: Apply caution to all your ambitions.

5. The signs of better market, deh start from morning.

Meaning: You can tell of someone behavior by his first action.

6. Person when God talk say he must die today, no go fit see tomorrow

Meaning: What will be will be.

7. Hen know say day don break, yet im still deh listen to announcements from Cock.

Meaning: No matter how knowledgeable a child is, he needs elders to train his mind.

8. Na d day wen a man need wife, na im market dey full with mad people.

Meaning: It is when you need something the most, that it becomes scarce.

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Best of BAZE UNIVERSITY PANORAMA: Editor’s Gallery Baze University Panorama is a Weekly Online Pictorial Magazine that brings major activities of the University to members of the community. View, share or download any Back Edition, click Baze University Panorama is that brings major activitiesa Weekly Online Pictorial Magazine of the University to members of the community. View, share or download any Back Edition, click Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences Faculty of Law Faculty of Management & Social Sciences Faculty of Engineering Faculty of Environmental Sciences Faculty of Computing & Sciences
Baze University 2021 | 76

Chemistry Lab Biology Lab

Physics Lab

Chemistry Lab

Baze University Panorama is that brings majora Weekly Online Pictorial Magazine activities of the University to members of the community. View, share or download any Back Edition, click

Best of BAZE UNIVERSITY PANORAMA: Editor’s Gallery Baze University Panorama is a Weekly Online Pictorial Magazine that brings major activities of the University to members of the community. View, share or download any Back Edition, click BAZE UNIVERSITY LABORATORIES
Baze University 2021 | 77

Baze University Panorama is that brings major activitiesa Weekly Online Pictorial Magazine of the University to members of the community. View, share or download any Back Edition, click

Best of BAZE UNIVERSITY PANORAMA: Editor’s Gallery Baze University Panorama is a Weekly Online Pictorial Magazine that brings major activities of the University to members of the community. View, share or download any Back Edition, click BAZE UNIVERSITY LABORATORIES
Baze University 2021 | 78


Best of BAZE UNIVERSITY PANORAMA: Editor’s Gallery Baze University Panorama is a Weekly Online Pictorial Magazine that brings major activities of the University to members of the community. View, share or download any Back Edition, click Baze University Panorama is that brings major activitiesa Weekly Online Pictorial Magazine of the University to members of the community. View, share or download any Back Edition, click
Baze University 2021 | 79


Best of BAZE UNIVERSITY PANORAMA: Editor’s Gallery Baze University Panorama is a Weekly Online Pictorial Magazine that brings major activities of the University to members of the community. View, share or download any Back Edition, click Baze University Panorama is that brings major activitiesa Weekly Online Pictorial Magazine of the University to members of the community. View, share or download any Back Edition, click
Baze University 2021 | 80



Baze University Panorama is that brings major activitiesa Weekly Online Pictorial Magazine of the University to members of the community. View, share or download any Back Edition, click

Best of BAZE UNIVERSITY PANORAMA: Editor’s Gallery Baze University Panorama is a Weekly Online Pictorial Magazine that brings major activities of the University to members of the community. View, share or download any Back Edition, click
Baze University 2021 | 81


Biometric Data Capture To Enter Exam Hall

Baze University Panorama is that brings major activitiesa Weekly Online Pictorial Magazine of the University to members of the community. View, share or download any Back Edition, click

Best of BAZE UNIVERSITY PANORAMA: Editor’s Gallery Baze University Panorama is a Weekly Online Pictorial Magazine that brings major activities of the University to members of the community. View, share or download any Back Edition, click
Baze University 2021 | 82


Baze University Panorama is that brings major activitiesa Weekly Online Pictorial Magazine of the University to members of the community. View, share or download any Back Edition, click

Best of BAZE UNIVERSITY PANORAMA: Editor’s Gallery Baze University Panorama is a Weekly Online Pictorial Magazine that brings major activities of the University to members of the community. View, share or download any Back Edition, click
Baze University 2021 | 83
Best of BAZE UNIVERSITY PANORAMA: Editor’s Gallery Baze University Panorama is a Weekly Online Pictorial Magazine that brings major activities of the University to members of the community. View, share or download any Back Edition, click Baze University Panorama is that brings major activities of thea Weekly Online Pictorial Magazine University to members of the community. View, share or download any Back Edition, click
Baze University 2021 | 84



Congratulations on your graduation and attainment of a Batchelor’s Degree. A Batchelor or First Degree (B.Sc, BA, BLs, etc) is the most used educational instrument for entry into the Nigerianlabourmarket.Thenextimportantdocumentisawellarticulated Curriculum Vitae (CV) or a Resume (as it is called in USA); it is your unique selling point (USP). Many qualified persons enter the labour market daily and most prospective Employers have never met any job seeker, you must market yourself by making your achievements attractive enough for an employertoyearnforyourskills.

A CV thereforegives you an attractive packaging on the shelf of the labour market. It is a document that providesa summary of your academic background, professional skills, work experience, etc. It is attached to a job application along with credentialsanditcontainsthefollowing:

a. Personal information - full name, contact address (phone number(s)andemailaddress).

b. Personal Statement - goals, values, and beliefs, that may convinceanemployertohireyou.

c. Chronology of job experience - past achievements and previousroles.IncludethoseduringNYSC.

4 Educational qualifications – from highest to the lowest level ofeducation.

5. Other Skills - 2 or 3 Language, computer application competencies – MS word, Excel, Correl draw, Auto card, etc allgiveaddedadvantage.

6. Hobbiesandinterests-shouldnotconflictwiththejobbeing sought.

7. Referees–addNamesandcontactdetailsofpersonsthatcan give more information that the prospective employer may finduseful,onyou.



BAZE ALUMNI President (Umar Dayyabu in Kaftan) and other members of the EXCO on a Courtesy Visit to DVC (Admn) David Ogbonna Esq. (in Orange Shirt).
Baze University 2021 | 86
nd rd


In the Lengthening of Years thus Far (Baze University @ 10)

In the lengthening of years thus far, A decade whiplash of toil and sweat. You have offered all of you and more, A touch of class; a taste of fashion Forging, hence, a mosaic of peopleYour striking pyrotechnics & fireworks, Soaring & scoring high in the open play of being of varsies everywhere.

Come one, come all, to the drumbeats of this happy day of grand apparels

To set up a jamboree of excellent fare

In the contours of character & learning That hammer good things into form

O, come one, come all, to this pompAnd grandeur, as that of a unicorn!


‘Educaon is not the name of any Degree or Cerficate that can be shown to others as a proof.

Educaon is the name of our atude, acons, language and behaviourwithothersinreallife.’


*Are you really educated? *Remember, Your Acons Give Others, the Answer!

Baze University 2021 | 87
Plot 352, Kado Phase2, Along Deeper Life High School Kado, FCT , Abuja. +2348033146662Keep Nigeria Green Save Our Forests & environment CMLA L TD . WELCOMES MR . PRESIDENT T O THIS LA UD ABLE OCCASION UL TRASP AN ROOF TRUSS ARCHED CABIN SHEL TERS COMPRESSED BRICK TECHNOL OG Y MECHANISED ABBA T OIR Congratulations!BAZE UNIVERSITY On the commissioning of Civil & Steel Engineering
Y aliam Press Ltd.: 08060010202, 09093232264

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Articles inside

Baze Alumni 80

page 40

Best of Baze Panorama: Editor’s Gallery 71-79

page 39

Laughter is the Best Medicine 70

page 38

Health is Wealth 69

page 37

Nutritious Nigerian Delicacies- Steamed Puddings 68

page 36

Tips for First Aid in Sports Injuries in Covid-19 Era 62-63

page 33

Campus Life in Picture 65-67

page 35

Facts You Need to Know About Nigeria 61

page 32

Counseling in the Post Covid-19 Era 58

page 30

Baze University Gold Star Parents 59-60

page 31

Survival Tips in the Era of Insecurity 56-57

page 29

The Discipline of Children 54-55

page 28

Milestones in History 45-53

page 27

Tips for Raising Teenagers 43

page 25

10th Anniversary Goodwill Messages 44

page 26

Effective Use of the Library in the Changing Digital Landscape 39-40

page 23

Innovations from the Faculty of Environmental Sciences 35-38

page 22

Information Technology, Research and Innovation: The Future is Now 41-42

page 24

Faculty of Law: Experiential Learning 33-34

page 21

Announcing of the Arrival of the Baze Medical Degree Programme 28-29

pages 18-19

Board of Trustees

page 7

10. Another First

page 11

Founder’s Note

page 5

Editorial Desk

page 4

About Us and Baze Anthem

page 2

9. In the Pursuit of Excellence

page 10

Nurturing Talents & Competences

page 6

Table of Contents

page 3
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