Creating a Safe Environment The AIM Buddy Project is designed to provide opportunities for students to discuss and explore behaviors, emotions, choices, and how they affect others. In order to do this, they will first need to become comfortable talking about their feelings and experiences. Using the Arthur stories allows students to talk about the characters instead of themselves, which may make it easier for them to discuss issues that otherwise might be hard to articulate. However, making your classroom a safe space for students to talk openly is crucial to their comfort level, their social, emotional, and character growth, and to the success of the AIM experience. Sometimes students prefer to be observers rather than active participants in activities. At other times, they don’t participate in discussions because they worry that they will be teased, or because the topic hits too close to home. It can be tricky to tell the difference. You can help by creating an environment that encourages students to participate at the level that is comfortable for them and by modeling positive, respectful behaviors such as: • being honest and open about your own feelings, experiences, and mistakes • listening actively and patiently • being respectful of different opinions • being sensitive to students’ feelings • encouraging students to be inclusive • making a special effort to encourage and support students to participate within their comfort zones The training sessions for both Little Buddies and Big Buddies will help establish and maintain a supportive classroom culture (see Training the Buddies sections). • Little Buddies will have multiple opportunities to practice their communication skills, develop an awareness of how they contribute to the school community, and increase their confidence in expressing their opinions and feelings. Students who are less apt to share in a group setting may be more willing to share their thoughts and feelings with an empathic and caring older buddy. • Big Buddies, in their role as mentors, learn how to listen and support their Little Buddies, and may find themselves better able to articulate their own ideas about the topics. They may also gain a greater sense of self-esteem in their role as leaders. • The relationships between the buddies will help contribute to a more caring and cohesive school community.
9 Big and Little Buddies: About AIM