Thursday August 13, 2020
Volume 65 | Number 50
Palm Springs Cultural Center Brings Drive-In Experience
ruise...on by and set your GPS to the 60’s and join us at the Palm Springs Culture Center Drive-In! Tickets are on sale for the following weekend-the irreverent academy nominated musical “South Park: Bigger Lounger and Uncut” showing on Friday, August 14. “Chicago” and “Cabaret” double feature showing on Saturday, August 15 and “Pitch Perfect” on Sunday, August 16. “The Blues Brothers” showing on Friday, August 21. “The Road Warrio” and Mad Max Fury Road double feature on Saturday, August 22 and “Bullet” on Sunday, August 23. Tickets have also been released for a Coyote Stageworks special presentation of the musical film classic “Funny Girl” on Thursday, August 20. You can take advantage of the coolerish nights this weekend
1. GEOGRAPHY: Which country is the only one whose name ends with the letter “Q”? 2. COMICS: What was the name of Dennis the Menace’s dog?
Photo courtesy of Palm Springs Culture Center Drive-In.
and rent one of the picnic tables. Appropriately social distanced, comfortable, and the tables come with a hassle-free FM Radio. Comfortable camp sit-back-and-relax chairs are also available for individual seating for the in-yourface up front Drive-In experience. Drive-In Lot opens at 7:30 p.m.
Come early and take advantage of the full concessions stand including popcorn and frozen treats. The Palm Springs Cultural Center Drive-In next to the Camelot Theatres at 2300 Baristo Road in Palm Springs. To reserve your drive-in tickets, visit
City of Palm Desert offers Covid-19 Testing
he City of Palm Desert, in partnership with the Desert Recreation District and Borrego Community Health Foundation, is offering convenient, drive-up COVID-19 testing by appointment. A limited number of testing appointments are available between
• A Florida waitress was promised a new Toyota after winning a sales contest at her restaurant, but was given a toy Yoda, a “Star Wars” doll, instead. She sued the company, and received more than enough to buy herself a new Toyota.
In This Issue
Senior News Line.................................2 To Your Good Health............................3 Veterans Post.......................................6 Asian Coleslaw Recipe.........................8
6:30 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. on Thursdays August 20, September 3 and September 17. Directions to the testing site and additional instructions will be provided when appointments are made. If community demand for appointments is high, additional testing dates could be scheduled.
While insurance information will be required when making an appointment, there is typically no cost to those being tested. Uninsured residents will receive free testing.
• Alchemist Hennig Brand is thought to have used upwards of 1,500 gallons of human urine in his quest to make gold. After he evaporated, boiled and distilled it multiple times, it started to glow in the dark and burst into flames. He had instead discovered the element phosphorus.
• Fear of dolls is called “pediophobia.”
• “Phantom Vibration Syndrome” is the name for when someone thinks their phone is vibrating, but it isn’t.
To schedule an appointment, please contact Borrego Community Health Foundation at 833-624-1097.
• Cats have more than 100 vocal sounds, while dogs only have about 10. • Astronaut John Young caused a small scandal in 1965 when he smuggled a corned beef sandwich aboard Gemini 3. When he took it out in zero gravity and tried to eat it, it broke up, sending crumbs flying around the cabin. No harm was done, but the inci-
3. GOVERNMENT: Which Cabinet department oversees the National Park Service? 4. ANATOMY: What is a common name for metacarpophalangeal joint? 5. SCIENCE: What is absolute zero? 6. MUSIC: Which famous musician’s nickname was Bocephus? 7. MOVIES: What was the setting for Alfred Hitchcock’s film “The Birds”? 8. ASTRONOMY: Which moon is the largest in our solar system? 9. LANGUAGE: What does the Latin word “veritas” mean? 10. U.S. PRESIDENTS: Who was the only U.S. president who also served later as chief justice of the Supreme Court? © 2020 King Features Synd., Inc. ANSWER TO TRIVIA ON PAGE 6
dent sparked a safety review by the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Appropriations and a statement from NASA assuring that steps had been taken “to prevent recurrence of corned beef sandwiches in future flights.” • Jim Carrey’s make-up routine for “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” was so intense and his costume was so uncomfortable that he underwent training from the CIA’s torture experts! © 2020 King Features Synd., Inc.