Thursday, July 29, 2021 Volume 67 | Number 47
Bazaart Nights Continue
Greater Joshua Tree’s largest summer arts fair and market features new vendor through September 3
ith nearly 50 vendors, the Hi-Desert Cultural Center launched the region’s largest summer fair and market, Bazaart Nights, bringing a massive crowd and lots of smiles to the desert this past Friday. Fine artists, crafters, boutique fooderies, jewelers, clothiers, and more came together under one air-conditioned roof in a celebratory environment as they marketed their creations, classes, and offerings to locals and world travelers alike. In an epic, indoor, festival-like space that attracted both the casual customer, the tourist, and the aficionado, fairgoers were treated to an eclectic silent film series, reasonably-priced cold spirits at the bar, a misted “relaxation station,” classic and exotic cars, and outdoor food vendors featuring mouth-watering BBQ, ice cream, and other fun treats to satisfy everyone’s on-site food cravings.
1. LITERATURE: In which novel did the character Sherlock Holmes first appear? 2. GEOGRAPHY: Where is Area 51 located in the United States? Mitch and Kathy Miller display their artworks during the Hi-Desert Cultural Center’s Bazaart Nights arts fair. Photo by Rudi Weislein.
Kix Hot Country FM, a media sponsor of the fair, will continue its LIVE remote broadcasts from the event each night, and will be having give-a-ways. These summer bazaar events are held every Friday night from 6 to 10 p.m. through September 3 at the expansive state-of-the-art
Yucca Valley Visual & Performing Arts Center located at 58325 Hwy 62, in Yucca Valley. For more information go to Interested vendors may send an email to for more information or to be placed on the waiting list.
The fingerprint proves it was Michelangelo Forensics technology has come a long way if it can prove that a 500 year old fingerprint belonged to Renaissance artist and sculptor Michelangelo. The Association of Mature American Citizens reports that experts at London’s Victoria & Albert Museum spot-
• Prior to becoming America’s 38th president, Gerald Ford had a side gig as a model. In 1942, shortly after joining the Navy, he landed an uncredited spot on the cover of Cosmopolitan in his uniform. • Scotland has 421 words for snow. • Coca-Cola can remove blood stains. Pour a whole can into
In This Issue
More Scams Aimed at Seniors.............2 Sam Hunt Coming to The Show.............4 Pork Tenderloin with Peach Glaze........5 The Classifieds.....................................7
ted what could be his thumbprint on a small, wax figurine — a prototype for what would have been a life-size marble statue, one of many to adorn the elaborate tomb of Pope Julius II. A senior curator at the museum called it “an exciting prospect that one
of Michelangelo’s prints could have survived in the wax. Such marks would suggest the physical presence of the creative process of an artist.”
your wash, along with the bloodstained clothing and your usual detergent, then run a normal cycle. The laundry will come out stain-free.
• “Prison Inside Me” is a hotel of sorts in South Korea where people pay to be locked away in solitary confinement for 24 hours. “Jail mates” wear matching uniforms, sleep on the floor in 54-square-foot cells and are forbidden to speak to each other. Meals are minimal -- a steamed sweet potato and banana shake for dinner and rice porridge for breakfast. Like any good getaway, the prison stay comes with a souvenir: a certificate of parole upon completing one’s stint in solitary confinement!
• “Albert Einstein” is an anagram for “ten elite brains.” Hmm, seems fitting to us. • Sales data gathered by the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council indicates a strong link between the number of hot dogs and sausages sold at Major League Baseball stadiums and their team’s ability to win games.
The Association of Mature American Citizens [] provides the Filler Files as a service on issues of concern to Americans over 50
(c) 2021 King Features Synd., Inc.
3. SCIENCE: How long does it take for light from the sun to reach Earth? 4. ENTERTAINERS: Which actor and comedian’s original name was Joseph Levitch? 5. GAMES: What is the sum of all numbers on a roulette wheel? 6. AD SLOGANS: What product was advertised with the slogan “Let your fingers do the walking ...”? 7. FOOD & DRINK: What grain is used to make sake? 8. U.S. STATES: Which state has used the slogan “Heart of Dixie” on its license plates? 9. MYTHOLOGY: Who was the Greek god of time? 10. GAMES: How many players are on each side in a polo game? © 2021 King Features Synd., Inc. ANSWER TO TRIVIA ON PAGE 6