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Thursday, October 13, 2022


Volume 69 | Number 6


Modernism Week

October preview positions you at the epicenter of mid-century glory

In This Issue

Day of the Dead Celebration.................3 Calendar of Events...............................4 Fall Cookie Recipe...............................6 Moments in Time................................12

1. U.S. STATES: How many states border the Great Lakes? 2. MOVIES: What was Buzz Lightyear’s original name in the animated movie “Toy Story”? 3. TELEVISION: What was the name of the family dog on “The Brady Bunch”?


odernism Week-October is a four-day long “mini-Modernism Week” showcasing more than 50 events, including tours, talks, and parties in normally-private venues. It also includes the Palm Springs Modernism Fall Show, including an opening night preview party on October 14, offering attendees a cocktail reception, live music and an exclusive chance to shop at the show before it opens to the public October 15 and 16. The Fall Show features more than 45 premier national and international decorative and fine arts dealers. The preview is an ideal way to prepare for the full 11-day Modernism Week scheduled for February 16-26, 2023. Highlights this

• Romania’s Movile Cave, isolated from the outside world for more than 5 million years, contains more than 30 species not found anywhere else on Earth. • Boxing heavyweight champion Jack Johnson invented the household wrench in 1922. • Tom Hanks’ brother Jim voices “Toy Story’s” Woody when his sibling is too busy.

4. FOOD & DRINK: What is blind baking? 5. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What are the two traditional flowers associated with September?

October include a packed itinerary of architectural walking, biking and double-decker bus tours, tours of the historic Annenberg Estate at Sunnylands, and day and evening parties such as A Mod Evening at Miralon” and” The House of Tomorrow Cocktail Party.” There’s a behind-thescenes tour of the Indian Wells Tennis Garden and a peek at “Hidden Paradise-Showbiz Legends’ Hideaways.”

Don’t miss the book signings and special culinary demonstrations, as we all pay homage to Midcentury Modern architecture, design and lifestyle. Modernism Week Fall Preview is held October 13-16 throughout various locations in the Coachella Valley. Tickets varies by event, many of the events are free. For event schedule and ticket information visit

• The movie title “Death Wish III” was changed to “Death Wish 3” after a survey conducted by the Cannon Group revealed that nearly half of Americans couldn’t read Roman numerals.

its noggin and uses them to bat away predators!

• In the 1970s, Chrysler advertised its luxury cars as containing “Corinthian leather.” But spokesman Ricardo Montalban admitted on “Late Night with David Letterman” that the term really meant nothing, as said leather was actually sourced out of New Jersey.

• Those chocolate-covered caramel candies we fondly know as Milk Duds were originally intended to be perfectly round. But when machines in 1928 couldn’t produce them consistently, the misshaped goodies were called “duds,” hence their unusual name.

• A hat that doubles as a weapon? Sure, if you’re a gum-leaf skeletonizer caterpillar, which wears its old molted heads on top of

• The center of the Milky Way tastes like raspberries and smells like rum.

• In the 1700s, “bitch the pot” or “standing bitch” was English slang for hosting a tea party.

(c) 2022 King Features Synd., Inc.

6. HISTORY: Which state divided into two as a result of the U.S. Civil War? 7. PSYCHOLOGY: What kind of fear is represented by the condition called chromophobia? 8. U.S. PRESIDENTS: Who is the only president to serve in the office who was not elected as vice president or president? 9. ANIMAL KINGDOM: What is a group of tigers called? 10. MUSIC: Who was the first woman to be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame? (c) 2022 King Features Synd., Inc. ANSWER TO TRIVIA ON PAGE 10

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