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Thursday, October 27, 2022


Volume 69 | Number 8


Nunsensations! The Vegas Revue

In This Issue

Eagles Open Acrisure Arena................3 Calendar of Events...............................4 Meringue Ghost Cookies......................8 Why Do We Say Trick or Treat?..........12

Wacky nuns hit the road in this heavenly-delightful musical


he Nunsense Vegas Revue takes the sisters on a brandnew habit-forming adventure. When a parishioner volunteers to donate $10,000 to the sisters’ school if they will perform in a club in Las Vegas, Mother Superior is hesitant to accept. However, after being convinced by the other sisters that “what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas,” Reverend Mother agrees. What follows is the most featherfilled, sequin-studded, fan dancing, Nunsense show ever! Book, music, and lyrics by Dan Goggin. Nunsensations! features Amanda Burr as Reverend Mother, Eri Gold as Sr. Robert Anne, Georgia Smith as Sr. Amnesia, Denise Rooney as Sr. Leo and Kelly McDaniel as Sr. Hubert. Directed/ Choreographed and Costume Design by Derik Shopinski, Musical Direction by Jaci Davis. Set and Lighting Design by J.W. Layne. Promo Photo by Paul Hayashi.

1. MYTHOLOGY: What are the Nereids in Greek mythology? 2. LITERATURE: Which 19thcentury English novel has the subtitle, “The Parish Boy’s Progress”? 3. ACRONYMS: In printing, what does the acronym DPI stand for?

Nunsensations! The Nunsense Vegas Review runs October 28 – November 13, 2022. Show times are 7 p.m. on Thursdays, 8 p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays, and 2 p.m. on Sundays. Tickets are: $38 for adults. $34 for Seniors over 60 yrs. $17 for Students/Children. Nunsensations! The Vegas Revue is presented through special arrangement with Concord Theatricals

For tickets, sponsorship opportunities, or other information, call the PCT Box Office at 760323-5123 or order online: The Palm Canyon Theatre is located at 538 North Palm Canyon Drive, at the corner of Alejo Road and Palm Canyon Drive. Box Office hours are currently Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

• A border collie named Saul took a leaf out of another (albeit fictional) canine’s book, being praised as a “real-life Lassie” when he led two members of a search party to his owner after the man was injured on a hike. • Legend holds that when a pope dies, it’s the custom to strike him on the head three times with a silver hammer to ensure he’s really deceased.

tion of Mature American Citizens. Zack didn’t panic; he reached for his cell phone and taped the encounter. Oh yeah, as the behemoth crashed back into the water

it tapped their boat. It was a near miss but the whale did, in fact, tap their boat. No harm. But they have one heck of a fish story to tell for a long time to come.

• Nutmeg can produce a hallucinogenic effect if taken in a high enough quantity.

the recommended once per week. Singletons, there may be a lesson in there.

• It’s not just trees that help provide us humans with oxygen -- about half of that in our atmosphere is a byproduct of photosynthesis from the microscopic sea algae known as phytoplankton.

• May never begins or ends on the same day of the week as any other month in any given year.

• Rhubarb grows so fast you can actually hear it! • A survey revealed that nearly half of the unmarried gents polled washed their bedsheets a mere four times a year, instead of

5. ANIMAL KINGDOM: How does a bat find its prey? 6. HISTORY: Who is the youngest person to win a Nobel Peace Prize? 7. LANGUAGE: What does the Latin prefix “super-” mean in English? 8. LAW: What is double jeopardy?

Hit and run Zack Piller and his dad were fishing for bass and tuna off the coast of New Jersey when suddenly a massive whale breached the waters in front of them, says the Associa-

4. GEOGRAPHY: Which city lies near the largest natural harbor in the world?

• For a reasonable $19.95, you too can buy alien abduction insurance from a Florida agent. Of course, to cash it in, you’ll need to hand over a signature from an “authorized, on-board alien,” and who knows if they can even write in English? (c) 2022 King Features Synd., Inc.

9. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Who founded the American Red Cross? 10. MEDICAL: What vitamin deficiency causes night blindness? (c) 2022 King Features Synd., Inc. ANSWER TO TRIVIA ON PAGE 10

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