Berwyn Magazine 2011 Issue 4

Page 1


Roosevelt Road Rising


November 2011 Issue 4

page page 13 13

Healthier Healthier More More Active Active Berwyn Berwyn page page66

I-GO Car Sharing comes to Berwyn page 7

26th 26th Annual Annual

Charles E. Piper Award Dinner page page 55

Subscribe to the BDC’s weekly e-blast for the latest information on community and business events. Scan the QR code to access the e-blast sign-up page at

President’s Column s much as I love the fall, there is a touch of sadness that comes with it. Summer ends, its lushness dies and the long winter that we know is coming begins to insinuate itself in the form of nighttime frosts. I am feeling this sadness more acutely this year. I lost a dear friend recently after a long bout with cancer and, just last month, Paul Zimmermann, Owner a local ray of sunshine, Ms. Susan Anderson, passed away 6301 W. Roosevelt LLC suddenly. If you didn’t know Susan, let me tell you that she always greeted you with a smile and was a tireless advocate for LGBT rights. She volunteered her efforts towards the betterment of Berwyn and will be greatly missed. What a great event season we had this year! The 21st annual Route 66 Car Show was well attended by car owners and enthusiasts. Berwyn’s Oktoberfest in the Depot District rocked it out with record numbers coming out in picture perfect weather. We had the grand opening celebration of the awesome Paisans Pizzeria & Restaurant, an incredible rehab of a long

Board of Directors



November 2011 / Issue 4 /

In This Issue

Regular Features


$1 MILLION GRANT OfficeMax supports the Berwyn Community School Initiative.




ANNUAL PIPER AWARD Honoring Aimée Sordelli




HEALTHIER BERWYN Model Communities & new alternative transportation options.


HOT DEALS Member promotions beginning on page 8 and continuing on pages 9 & 11.


WILD BERWYN “WILD” videos of Berwyn businesses.


Cover photograph: The new Roosevelt Road Streetscape.


vacant building on Ogden Avenue that must be seen to be believed. We also had the grand opening for the latest Berwyn gastronomical wonder, Autre Monde on Roosevelt Road, as well as the PCC Family Wellness Center grand opening. Then we closed out September with the inaugural Hispanic Heritage Celebration Dinner. What a blast! Mariachis, folk dancers, comedians, keynote speakers and salsa dancing with live music made it a debut worth remembering and will be a challenge to top next year. On the economic development front, the Berwyn Gateway Partners development is moving along nicely with Buffalo Wild Wings scheduled to open in early November. Meijer’s construction is ramping up while the Cermak Plaza façade improvements are almost complete. The Roosevelt Road redevelopment project will be wrapping up in midNovember and it is looking gorgeous. We have a couple of early stage business concepts looking on Roosevelt. Keep your ears open for news. And we’ve also had some serious interest in parcels on Odgen Avenue. Look for some action in that dynamic corridor as well. This is my last column. I’m getting wistful just thinking about it. It has been my pleasure and honor serving as BDC Board President for the last three years. Do your part to keep Berwyn Rising!


Paul Zimmermann President Scott Lennon Vice President August “Augie” Kalal Treasurer Dorothy Chiero Secretary Anthony Griffin Executive Director




John Aranza Tom Benson Esther Corpuz Jon Fey William Hlavacek, Jr. Jeff Janda Peggy Rose Kwiatek Alba Lovero Jousef Mondragon Beverly Pastorek Joseph Vallez Doug Walega

15 NEW BDC MEMBERS 15 SAVE THE DATE 16 AVAILABLE PROPERTIES a quarterly publication brought to you by

berwyn development CO R P O R AT I O N 3322 S. Oak Park Ave. Berwyn, IL 60402

Staff Tim Angell, AICP Senior Project Manager Sande Brennan Office Manager Amy M. Crowther Director of Chamber Services Marybeth Eurek Special Events Coordinator Robert Hodgetts Accountant Christina Ortega Receptionist Kurtis Pozsgay Urban Planner Judy Saraceno-Swenson Administrative Assistant Evan Summers Project Manager Gerardo Zavala Business Outreach Coordinator

The Line That Connects OfficeMax and the Berwyn Community School Initiative fter a year of planning, United Way of DuPage/West Cook, in partnership with United Way of Metropolitan Chicago, was preparing to launch LIVE UNITED 2020, a decade long vision to transform communities of greatest need throughout our region. At the same time, the OfficeMax Foundation was gearing up to make one of their largest philanthropic investments into a school sponsorship. United Way had recently identified the Berwyn region as one of its target communities. Freedom Middle School and Youth Crossroads are partnering to create the Berwyn Community School Initiative, a program that ensures families and students are provided with an array of on-site services that are essential to the building blocks of a quality life—income, education and health.

Understanding the potential of the community school model and the necessity for funding, OfficeMax Incorporated, headquartered in Naperville, stepped up to the plate to adopt a community school. Recognizing United Way’s expertise in OfficeMax Foundation presents a grant for $1 million to Freedom Middle identifying community School and Youth Crossroads to support the Berwyn Community School needs and delivering Initiative. of Youth Crossroads, Dave Terrazino, results, OfficeMax with a check addressed to the Berwyn granted $1 million over three years to Community School Initiative. This support Freedom Middle School and money will allow Freedom Middle Youth Crossroads. School and Youth Crossroads to On August 22, United Way and supply their students and families with OfficeMax surprised the Principal the resources and education needed of Freedom Middle School, Jim to achieve success. Calabrese, and the Executive Director


Local Resources to Grow Your Business Learn the advantages of marketing your business on the Berwyn Development Corporation’s LinkedIn Group page and how to do it. onsider LinkedIn as the professional older sibling of Facebook. It has over 120 million members, and it is growing rapidly. LinkedIn created the “Groups” feature, which holds many marketing opportunities for small business owners. With the right focus, LinkedIn Groups has the potential to expand your reach and create strategic networking opportunities for your business. Okay, so we get that a “Group” is a place for likeminded professionals to opt-in to discussions, but how the heck do I start using it for my business? The BDC created a “Berwyn Development Corporation”

group page, and it is open for all of our area’s business owners and residents to post content. We encourage anyone in the community to check out the page and get familiar with its use. LinkedIn Groups is a simple platform and easier than you think. So don’t get discouraged. Scan this QR code to access the Berwyn Development Corporation LinkedIn Page. Now that you been to the page, let me explain to you the type of content we have posted thus far. To date, we have included a Facebook workshop announcement, a news clip from WCIU’s website featuring Berwyn, promoted the Hispanic Heritage Celebration dinner from the BDC website, a link to the Small Business Administration’s website and much more. If you have not already, you should check out the page for yourself. Typical content could also include community alerts, new business products in the area, information on new marketing opportunities, etc. The page is only limited by its members’ imaginations. Now, you are probably Continued on page 15

ASK DR. RON I have been getting numbness, tingling, and pain into my hand while working lately. Is this a "pinched nerve" or "Carpal Tunnel Syndrome"?

Numbness, tingling, and pain into one hand or both hands can be caused by nerve irritation in the neck or wrist. A thorough evaluation is necessary to determine which body region to treat. In some cases it becomes necessary to treat both the neck and wrists. Nerve interference can be caused by a Cervical (neck) disc herniation or arthritis that squeezes a nerve and causes symptoms all the way down the arms. Nerves can also be irritated within the wrists and cause similar symptoms. A Nerve Test can be done to properly determine which nerves are affected. My office is fully capable of performing the Nerve Test and providing superb Physical Therapy to reduce and even eliminate wrist numbness, tingling, and pain, no matter where it originates.

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26th Annual Charles E. Piper Award Honoring Aimée Sordelli on November 5, 2011 he BDC membership selects an Berwyn’s popular events such as Bloom ‘N individual on an annual basis who best Zoom, Clean Sweep Garage Sale, Mini-Golf exemplifies the energy and industrious Pub Crawl, Cruise Nites, Oktoberfest, and the spirit of one of Berwyn’s original developers, “Deck the Depot” Festival of Lights. Charles E. Piper. The BDC is proud to present Aimée’s passion is for supporting the Aimée Sordelli with this distinguished community, and her strength is in cultivating award to honor her contributions towards fellowship with others. After the tragedy on the growth and development of Berwyn’s September 11, 2001, Aimée was inspired by business community. a mission to show her gratitude to Berwyn’s Aimée currently serves as a Medicare emergency first responders. She founded Specialist for the Patient Financial Services an initiative that started as a single crock of Department at Loyola University Medical chili for the Berwyn Fire Department and has Center in Maywood. Since her arrival to grown to include a coordinated city-wide Aimée Sordelli Berwyn in 1995, Aimée has dedicated herself effort to annually provide meals for Berwyn’s fire, to creating relationships between organizations police and paramedics on September 11. within the city and to advocating for a diverse cross section Aimée is involved with other local organizations, of residents, businesses and organizations. She is on the including the Democratic Citizens of Berwyn and Senior Board of Directors for Berwyn Main Street and Berwyn Advocate Health Care, and events, including the Great Township 708 Community Mental Health Board, formerly American Mutt Show, Think Green-Earth Day, Historic presided as the Chairperson of the Senior Advisory Board Route 66 Car Show, Roosevelt Road Summer Spectacular for Cook County, and is currently elected to serve as a Street Fair, Why Berwyn? marketing outreach, Earth Day Trustee for the Township of Berwyn. Aimée is a member Clean Ups, KaBOOM! playground builds, Houby Days of the BDC and serves as a voting member of the Historic Festival, and the Depot Beautification Campaign. Depot District Special Events Committee, which hosts

The Tenth Annual


Business Checking Plus Festival of Lights Saturday, December 10, 5:00 pm–9:00 pm On Windsor & Stanley Avenues from Harlem to East Avenues

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be sure to support

Our Sponsors

Healthier, More Active Berwyn

Corporate Benefactors erwyn has been rolling along with two planning grants received this year. Those grants, Model Communities and CMAP’s Local Technical Assistance, have both produced reports that will shape the face of Berwyn and are in their final stages of review.

Model Communities

Corporate Sponsors

5935 W. Cermak Rd., Cicero 6940 W. Ogden Ave., Berwyn 1921 E. 31st St., LaGrange Pk.

® Corporate Patrons

The Model Communities program has produced drafts of four documents, with one last document to come. The four drafts include: Berwyn Active Transportation Plan, Berwyn District 100 School Travel Plan, Berwyn Complete Streets Policy and Berwyn Safe Parks Zone Policy. The remaining document from this grant will be a Berwyn District 98 School Travel Plan. The Berwyn Active Transportation Plan outlines Berwyn’s active transportation network and includes suggestions on pedestrian, bicycle and public transit improvements. The map on this page illustrates this vision. Two recommendations within the plan are also part of the Model Communities program: Safe Park Zones Policy and Complete Streets Policy. Berwyn Safe Parks Zone Policy will designate lower speed limits around Berwyn’s parks when children are present and impose higher traffic fines for violators. Berwyn Complete Streets Policy will ensure that all forms of transportation are considered anytime a road project is being constructed or maintained. The School Travel Plans will outline safe walking and biking routes to Berwyn schools and recommendations for improvement through the five E’s: Education, Encouragement, Enforcement, Engineering and Evaluation. The goal of the Model Communities program is a healthier, more active Berwyn.

The meetings, held at the North Berwyn Park District and the Berwyn Public Library, focused on strengths, weaknesses and opportunities in Berwyn to create the City of Berwyn Comprehensive Plan Existing Conditions Report.

CMAP Local Technical Assistance

Dahlgren Buckley Dement



The CMAP Local Technical Assistance has also gotten underway. This is the planning process that will bring about an update to Berwyn’s comprehensive plan. The original comprehensive plan was approved in 1993. With this new planning effort, CMAP is working with the City and BDC to gather public input and extensive data to produce a document that will guide future development and land use decisions in the City. Two public meetings were held in August to gather initial data.

A third public meeting will be held on November 19 at the Berwyn Police Department Community Room. This workshop will consist of a visioning session where the Continued on next page.

Active Berwyn continued

be sure to support

public can inform the planning team how they wish to see Berwyn in the future.

Alternative Transportation Options Additional efforts related to planning and infrastructure in the City include the addition of bicycle racks around the City, an I-GO car in the Depot District and the addition of

eco-friendly self-access cars on an hourly basis across the metro area. The Berwyn car is located in the municipal lot just north of the Metra tracks on 32nd Street and Oak Park Avenue. See the coupon on page eight for details about joining the car sharing program. Finally, Berwyn has contracted with a company to provide and maintain

Our Sponsors

Corporate Patrons

School Travel Plans outline safe walking and biking routes to Berwyn schools.

electric vehicle charging stations. Bicycle racks were added throughout the Depot District and in various parks and recreation facilities in the City. These racks were funded with a Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement (CMAQ) Program grant. Also for the Depot District, the BDC worked hard to obtain an I-GO car. I-GO is a nonprofit car sharing service, providing

electric vehicle charging stations at at two locations: the Municipal Parking Facility in the Depot District at 3320 S. Grove Avenue and in front of the Berwyn Route 66 Museum at 7003 W. Ogden Avenue. Each of these efforts shows the City’s commitment to alternative forms of transportation and helps promote healthy, active lifestyles. Anyone seeking additional information or looking to comment on the draft plans or policies, please contact Kurtis Pozsgay at 708-788-8100.

world of Berwyn and all its amazing stories and treasures. The “Wild Chicago” style videos will launch before Thanksgiving on participating businesses websites, BDC’s website, BDC Facebook page, BDC YouTube channel and Ben Hollis’s various sites online.

A Note on The “Wild Chicago” Style

Stay tuned for exciting videos of several of our very own Berwyn businesses when we get WILD with Ben Hollis during the holiday season. Ben Hollis, original host of WTTW’s longrunning hit show “Wild Chicago,” will bring online viewers into the exciting and surprising

Ben’s engaging style and playful approach have been entertaining viewers since 1989. These video pieces focus on stories, on what makes the business unique. This is not a bland, cookie-cutter approach. How could it be? This is Berwyn and our business owners are passionate! Any interested businesses can call Amy Crowther at 708-788-8100 to learn about getting their own WILD Berwyn video.

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news from

partners in our COMMUNITY

South Berwyn School District 100

Park Districts

School is in session! School District 100 is enjoying the second year of full-day kindergarten. The program has proved monumental in the education process, requiring the first grade curriculum to be revamped as students are academically more advanced than past, half-day classes. We are fortunate to share the success of our schools with the surrounding communities. Most recently, Freedom Middle School was awarded a 3-year, one million dollar grant from OfficeMax. See article on page 3. Hiawatha’s 5th graders were in the news on September 8, when WLS TV, Channel 7 interviewed Ms. Bismah Sabri’s class on a segment commemorating the 10-year anniversary of the 911 terrorist attacks. It was obvious that this 1:1 computer class piqued the interest of the reporters as they witnessed our students in action. Visit us and witness the great things happening in District 100 at

Join the excitement at the Berwyn Park District! We have recently renovated Smirz Park with a new playground thanks to KaBOOM, Kool-Aid, the Berwyn Development Corporation, and the hard work of dedicated volunteers. Renovations continue at the Liberty Cultural Center and plans are in the works to develop Karban Park into Berwyn’s first dog park. We have been awarded a State of Illinois grant for capital projects and will look at many new projects in the coming months, including renovating the playgrounds at Sunshine and Hessler Parks and making huge strides towards upgrading drainage at Proksa Park. Be sure to stop by or check our website www.berwynparks. org for pictures. And while you’re on our website, sign up for a program with our online registration program. Enjoy all of this and more offered at the Berwyn Park District, where we strive to provide quality recreation opportunities and to exceed expectations.

North Berwyn School District 98 Berwyn North School District 98 has been developing a Parent-Teacher Partnership program that in the future will provide mentoring services to parents of students by a cadre of parent mentor volunteers. The purpose of the Parent Teacher Partnership Program is to support parents’ educational aspirations for their children as well as help the school district by providing support and services. The Parent-Teacher Partnership advisory board has developed an action plan based on Joyce Epstein’s research model of parent involvement which involves parents in mentoring activities. The Parent Partnership Committee’s main goal is to continue to develop a parent training program based on a mentoring model or “Parents Helping Other Parents.” Community members interested in participating contact: Home Interventionist Joseph Montanola Farre at 708-795-2442 x 118 or email:


Santa’s coming to Berwyn! Make sure you make your way to North Berwyn Park District, 1619 Wesley Ave., on Saturday, December 17 from 10 am–12 noon for Santa’s Workshop. Your child can be an elf for the day and work on crafts, building, and decorating. Don’t forget your cameras for a picture with Santa. This event is free for the whole family! Is your house all decked out in Christmas lights and decorations? If it is, make sure you register to our annual “Holiday House Decorating Contest” for a chance to win a sign to proudly display in your front lawn and a $25, $50 or $75 gift card to a local store. Don’t forget to register your child for “Santa’s Calling” to receive a call from the jolly man himself and “Letters to Santa” to receive a letter from the North Pole! For more info call 708-749-4900 or visit us at

November 11 - December 4 Our Holiday Stories Changing old traditions with holiday stories you have never heard before from three of 16th Street’s favorite female writers: Elizabeth Berg (The Pull of the Moon), Rohina Malik (Unveiled) and Tanya Saracho (Kita y Fernanda and Our Lady of the Underpass). or 708-795-6704. Morton College

Through November 12 Wait Until Dark In this classic Broadway thriller, a criminal targets a helpless, blind housewife. But when the lights go out, who will the helpless one actually be? or 708-656-1800. Berwyn Public Library Leader in Literacy & Lifelong Learning The Berwyn Public Library is committed to promoting family literacy. We offer timely materials and programming for patrons of all ages. New programs: • Berwyn Reads Join us for a community performance at FitzGerald’s on Saturday, November 5 at noon. Berwyn Reads is a community reading initiative led by the Library, Morton West High School and 16th Street Theater. • Homework Help Sundays Trained volunteers are available to help students (grades K-8) with basic skills. No registration is required; assistance is given on a first-come, first-served basis. • Kindle Users, Rejoice! You can now check out library e-books on your Kindle. Click on the Overdrive link at • Family Game Night Play family-friendly board games the 3rd Thursday of every month. This program is intended for families with school-age children.


$10 Half Hour Massage (All Medicare rules apply). One coupon per customer.

10% off any service over $100 and $25 off air conditioning recharge

Mike & Sons Auto Services 3253 S. Harlem Ave., Suite 1B, Berwyn • 708.788.3880 • coupon expires 2/20/2012

Mike & Sons Auto Services • 6333 W. Ogden Ave., Berwyn 708.484.1767 • coupon expires 2/20/2012

20% off

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Limit one coupon per customer. Not valid with any other offer. 5621 West 31st Street, Cicero • 708-222-2772 • Coupon expires 12/30/2011

$4.00 off

on your next order of $12 or more Pick-up, delivery and dine-in Limit one coupon per customer 6434 W. Ogden Ave., Berwyn • 708.484.2222 • coupon expires 10/31/2012

Trinity Community Church United Church of Christ

Coupon for Free Turkey Raffle Ticket Redeem this coupon for 1 Free Raffle Ticket at any Sunday 10 AM worship. Free ticket for new visitors only. Turkey raffle November 20, 2011, after worship.

26th Street & Riverside Drive Berwyn, IL Happy Days Child Development Center Ages 6 weeks - 7 years

Free Registration with this coupon $50 savings

Nationally Recognized for high quality care & Education

Happy Days Child Development Center • 6304 W. 26th St., Berwyn 708.795.0099 • • coupon expires 12/31/2011 11

TIF Project Updates Cabin Fever Bar & Grill 3202-08 S. Grove Avenue

The applicants were approved for use of TIF funds for façade work at their 2,500 sq. ft. commercial space. The TIF scope of work includes awning, signage and lighting. The applicants have been in business at this location since 2001, having purchased the property in 2008. Their building houses both their bar/restaurant and pest control service.

The Math Spot 3100 S. Oak Park Avenue, 2nd Floor

The applicant has received TIF funds to assist in the purchase of window signage. The applicant, formerly a teacher at Morton School District 201 for 10 years, has been tutoring for over a year. Looking to expand her business, she has chosen to locate her new office within Berwyn’s Depot District. She specializes in tutoring 6th through 12th grade students in math.

Reel Art 6727 W. Stanley Avenue

TIF funds will be utilized for the purchase and renovation of a property to expand the applicant’s existing business. The TIF scope of work includes the acquisition of property, and interior/exterior renovations which will convert the former construction office into a retail storefront. Reel Art has been in business since 1992 and specializes in retail sales of collectible paper ephemera on the internet and at exhibits around the world. The applicant is a regular at comic and collectible conventions worldwide, including having a major and prominent booth at this year’s Comic Con Las Vegas.

12th Street Rag 7023 W. Roosevelt Road

The applicant was approved for use of TIF funds for façade work at his 1,200 sq. ft. commercial space. The TIF scope of work includes installation of an awning. A longstanding staple on Roosevelt Road, 12th Street Rag is a local bar which recently relocated to this property after the City’s purchase of his former property for the new Culver’s development.

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Berwyn’s Roosevelt Rd Rising

The new Roosevelt Road streetscape will be substantially complete by mid-November, and what a sight it is! New streetlights, sidewalks, lighted cross walks, benches, trees and more! If you haven’t stopped by yet, make your way back to Berwyn’s entertainment and dining corridor for this holiday season. The new road has all of the convenience of traveling along a major highway but some of the new features make it feel like you are strolling down a main street. Grab a Buy Berwyn coupon on pages 8, 9 and 11 for Culver’s, Turano’s Mamma Susi Bakery or Horrorbles and head north!

Governor’s Home Town Award The City of Berwyn was awarded a 2011 Governor’s Home Town Award in the Services and Mentorship category for the 2010 National Night Out event. Awards are given in six project categories, based on six community population divisions. Other criteria considered are volunteer hours and impact on the community. Presented continuously since 1983, the Governor’s Home Town Awards Program gives formal recognition to projects that have contributed to their community’s quality of life. Judges select category winners and also nominate one project from each population division to receive the coveted Governor’s Cup, a traveling silver trophy which signifies the project deemed most representative of the spirit of Illinois volunteerism. Berwyn was recognized at a reception at the Governor’s Mansion on Wednesday, October 26.

Meet the BDC Staff Administrative Division

In every office, the expectation of supplies in the cabinet, a dial tone when you pick up the phone, internet access by clicking an icon, processing bills, and a smiling face to greet you is common. Some tasks are simple: accounts payable/receivable pays the bills and books the revenue; the receptionist greets customers and can answer all those last minute questions about up-coming events; the office manager makes sure there is a dial tone, internet access, supplies for the office, coffee in the cabinet, etc. These are just a few of the obvious things that go on every day by those that provide administrative support to the BDC operations. The Division also handles more of the complex tasks associated tax increment financing, juggling support to economic development and chamber services, which are tackling numerous projects concurrently; and ensuring seamless operations. Although it seems pretty simple to put some of this together, most of the work that the administrative team does is behind the scenes. With a cumulative 82 years of experience in Accounting, Administration and Office Management, the Administrative team are the go-to people that service the BDC’s internal and external customers. 13

Grand Openings • Ground Breakings • Berwyn After Hours Autre Monde Cafe & Spirits • 6727 W Roosevelt Rd Grand Opening Ceremony • 7/28/11

PCC South Family Health Center• 6201 W Roosevelt Rd Grand Opening Ceremony • 9/20/11

Paisans Pizzeria & Restaurant • 6226 W Ogden Ave Grand Opening Ceremony • 8/31/11

Aging Resource Center at MacNeal 3249 S Oak Park Ave Grand Opening Ceremony • 10/12/11

Hispanic Heritage Celebration Dinner he Latino Business Committee of the BDC helped Berwyn celebrate Hispanic Heritage month on September 30 by hosting an inaugural event with a Latin-inspired dinner, keynote speakers, and live entertainment. Guests were greeted with a catwalk of photos demonstrating the accomplishments of the committee, featuring the growing Fiesta Nuestras Raíces event. Once guests entered the main hall, they were entertained with traditional Mariachi and Folkloric dancers. The keynote speakers included Jorge Perez, Executive Director of HACIA and Martin R. Castro, Esq., President of Castro Synergies, Chair of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights and the Illinois Human Rights Commission. After-dinner entertainment included comedy 14

from Mikey O and Joey V and music from Mambo All-Stars Orchestra. Photos from the evening can be obtained from Hispanic Heritage Dinner page at

Welcome New Members August 2011–October 2011

Alpha Vein Solutions

MB Financial Bank N.A.

Artisan Electrical Services Inc.

Muñoz Medical Center

Dr. Ashish Sud 3253 S. Harlem Avenue, Ste.1B Berwyn, IL 60402 Tel: 708.788.3880 Medical Offices Bob Georges Tel: 630.675.5346 Contractors/Construction

Heritage Funeral Home

George Kopicki 3117 S. Oak Park Avenue Berwyn, IL 60402 Tel: 708.788.7775 Funeral Homes & Services

I-GO Car Sharing

Richard Kosmacher 2125 W. North Avenue Chicago, IL 60647 Tel: 773.269.4011 Auto Rentals

Leonard CreativeWorks LLC Kevin Leonard 633 Marengo Avenue Forest Park, IL 60130 Tel: 708.488.9645 Graphic Design

Paul Porter 7222 W. Cermak Road North Riverside, IL 60546 Tel: 708.442.3532 Financial Institutions Victor Muñoz, M.D. 3100 S. Oak Park Avenue Berwyn, IL 60402 Tel: 708.484.2600 Medical Offices

Revive Boutique

Marlene Arroyo Grisel Gonzalez 6444 W. Cermak Road Berwyn, IL 60402 Tel: 708.788.7550 Apparel & Accessories

Sullivan’s Plumbing & Heating James Sullivan 7018 W. 16th Street Berwyn, IL 60402 Tel: 708.795.0700 Contractors/Construction

Correction from last issue Category Change Berwyn Garage

Nancy Gay 6838 W. 16th Street Berwyn, IL 60402 Tel: 708.788.0755 Truck and Bus Repair & Rental

Local Resources

continued from page 4

saying, “How can I post something on your page?” That’s easy! You first need to get a personal profile. After you create that, you can follow the link from the QR code above or search in the upper right side of by first dropping down the search type to “groups” and type “Berwyn Development Corporation.” LinkedIn allows for a maximum of 200 characters for you to spread your message to the group. You can also attach a link and post it along with that discussion. Users will be able to click on the link and redirect them to where you want them to go. Say you own a shop, and you are having this magnificent sale plus all content for your sale is on your website. First, log on to LinkedIn, go to the BDC page and start a discussion. Something like, “Sale starts on Friday and runs until Sunday evening. Click attached link for additional information.” We suggest that you use the page to post relevant content about your business and promotions associated with it. Also think outside your business. If you found an article about a Berwyn business or about Berwyn in general please post. If you found an awesome networking event and you think other members can benefit, please share. The entire point to this is to share with a community and to be in the know.


START to SUCCESS we’re here to help grow your small business

Save The Dates! For a full calendar, visit 26th Annual Charles E. Piper Award Dinner Honoring Aimée Sordelli 11/5, 6-11 pm Pierre’s Banquets 3237 S Harlem Ave Comprehensive Plan Visioning Workshop 11/19, 10:30 am-12:30 pm Berwyn Police Department Community Room 6401 W. 31st St BDC Holiday After Hours 12/1, 6 pm Michael Anthony’s Pizzeria 6434 W Ogden Ave

Deck the Depot Festival of Lights 12/10, 5 pm-9 pm Throughout the Depot District On Windsor & Stanley Aves from Harlem to East Aves See ad on page 5 BDC Annual Membership Meeting 1/12/2012, 8:30 am Skylite West Banquets 7117 W Ogden Ave

Local Berwyn Local Berwyn Development Development Corporation Mentoring Every 4th 4th Tuesday Monday of the Month Mentoring Every month Locations 1:00-4:00pm Locations 9:00 am-NoonBy ByAppointment Appointment Bilingual (Spanish) mentoring available Bilingual (Spanish) mentoring available

MortonCollege College Morton Every Every2nd 2ndMonday TuesdayofofthetheMonth, month 1:00-4:00pm 1:00-4:00 pmByByAppointment Appointment


Berwyn Magazine

November 2011 Issue 4 3322 S. Oak Park Avenue, 2nd Floor, Berwyn Illinois 60402




@BDCorp @Berwyn Development Corporation


Estimado residente de Berwyn… nuestro boletín comunitario ya esta en Español.

Quédese en contacto con su comunidad. Si quisiera recibir este boletín (GRATIS) en su idioma, por favor de llamar al BDC y preguntar por Gerardo Zavala al 708-788-8100 o sobre e-mail a:

Properties for Lease/Sale

For more information regarding any of these properties, call Kurtis Pozsgay or Evan Summers at 708.788.8100. Cermak Road/Theater District

Ogden Avenue/Route 66



Type of Space

Sq. Ft.

6347 W. Cermak 6444 W. Cermak 6502 W. Cermak 6512 1/2 W. Cermak 6507 W. Cermak 7002 W. Cermak 7100 W. Cermak 7108 W. Cermak

For Lease For Lease For Lease For Lease For Sale For Lease Sale/Lease Call

Commercial Commercial Commercial Commercial Commercial Commercial Commercial Commercial

1,635 2,400 1,250 2,000 12,450 5,000 10,000 Call 3,400

Roosevelt Road/Northern Gateway

6237 W. Roosevelt

For Sale

Mixed Use

6841 W. Roosevelt



7001 W. Roosevelt

For Sale

Mixed Use

7005 W. Roosevelt

For Lease





Type of Space

Sq. Ft.

6236 W. Ogden 6333 W. Ogden 6500 W. Ogden 6539 W. Ogden 6550 W. Ogden

For Sale For Lease For Sale For Sale For Sale

Commercial Commercial Land Commercial Land

17,000 Call 10,000 23,600 39,000

South Berwyn/Depot District

3245 S. Grove

For Lease


3320 S. Grove

For Lease


6515 W. Stanley

For Lease


6816-18 W. Windsor

For Lease



6910 W. Windsor

For Lease



14,295 800

Other Commercial Areas Address


Type of Space

6928 W. Pershing 3243 Harlem

For Sale For Sale

Investment Commercial

Sq. Ft.

Call 4,750

Want to see your property listed here? Just call the BDC!

3,200 Divisible 375

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