2020 Berwyn Development Corporation 2nd Quarter Report

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3322 S Oak Park Ave, 2nd Fl | Berwyn, IL 60402 (708) 788-8100 | info@berwyn.net | Berwyn.net f @BerwynDevelopmentCorporation i @Berwyn Development Corporation


Letter from David Hulseberg


to the Berwyn Development Corporation’s 2020 2nd Quarter Report. As the Executive Director, I’m excited to share the progress we have made over the last several months. Within this report you will find valuable information on how the BDC has contributed to economic development in the City of Berwyn. Q2 was challenging and dynamic for our community, as well as our country. The activities we undertook will be crucial as Berwyn begins to transition to the next phase of reopening. Here at the BDC we look forward to continuously supporting our business community in this endeavor, though 2020 and beyond.

The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic halted our ability to host an in-person events season. However, this did not stop our efforts to share information and resources through seminars – we simply shifted to an online platform. In Q2, we hosted or co-hosted 14 events on a broad range of topics relevant to our business community. We look forward to continuing this format to build upon the strength and resiliency of our tight-knit Berwyn business community.

Despite the slowdown, the BDC continued to market the community through our constantly evolving “Why Berwyn?” Campaign. Q2 saw the launch of our slightly altered yet revamped 2020 campaign, focusing our efforts less on transit billboards and more on digital marketing. We also saw the publication of our Community Resource Guide, expanding our reach to 7 neighboring communities.

In Q3, we will be conducting a diversity and inclusion survey to collect information from Berwyn residents. This information will address some of the questions raised at our Community Strategic Planning Session in 2019. Not only do we look forward to the information gathered, we also hope to incorporate the findings and recommendations into the final draft of the Community Strategic Plan.


The BDC continues to attract new businesses to the community, through communication and the expansion of our economic development tools. In Q2, we responded to 11 requests for information from new businesses outside of the community. While attracting new businesses continues to be important, Q2 2020 was really all about our existing business champions. In Q2, we provided information more than 1,271 times to our existing business. To put this into perspective, the BDC typically conducts about this many touches in an entire year. More than 96% of all our business retention conversations were related to the COVID-19 pandemic. While these touches are easy to track through our phone calls and emails, we also know that our reach was broader: in Q2 we sent out 37 e-blasts to our business community and specific business clusters. All of these efforts were intended to inform the community about new national, state, and local initiatives to assist during these trying times. All of our efforts were conducted in conjunction with the City of Berwyn’s outstanding COVID Pandemic Response Team.

The BDC recognizes that while these successes are worthy of celebration, we must also look ahead to the changing needs of our community. Because of information received from the community and businesses alike, we have created additional tools and resource pages on our website. In June, we launched our diversely owned page as a resource for self-identified diversely owned businesses. Combined with our mapping technology, this allows community residents and visitors alike to shop and dine and support our diverse business community. This mapping technology also allowed the BDC to create an easy to use searchable patio map so that people can find outdoor patio spaces for the warm summer months.

We are happy with all the successes of Q2 2020, and look forward to exciting opportunities for the rest of the year.


We know our outreach efforts have had significant positive impact in our community. As a result, 471 businesses in Berwyn applied for the Paycheck Protection Program. The vast majority of those were smaller dollar amounts, but we know that 40 businesses received awards of more than $150,000. This direct infusion of capital helped our business community stay afloat amidst the pandemic lockdown. Our business attraction and retention efforts are reinforced through the continued implementation of the Finish Line Grant and Pay As You Go Programs in our TIF districts. The BDC worked diligently with our taxing body partners, ultimately receiving approval to physically extend our Harlem TIF district boundaries down the entirety of the Cermak Road commercial corridor. The BDC also expanded the scope of our Finish Line Grant eligible expenses to include marketing for up to $500 per business. Finally, the City of Berwyn entered into two Pay As You Go agreements: the first with La Parra, Inc for the completion of their restaurant; the second with La Lupita Restaurant for the expansion of their restaurant. These tools ensure that the BDC will continue our ability to support the business community through 2032 and beyond. Contract continued on next page



BERWYN DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION CONTRACT WITH THE CITY OF BERWYN A. Business Attraction (New Business Prospects): a. The BDC provided information to 11 new business prospects on land, buildings, demographics, labor force, housing, education, and other relevant information. c. The BDC agreed to perform the following business attraction services to aid prospective businesses and developers: i. BDC staff reviewed existing incentive programs to make recommendations and provide feedback from the development community. The BDC continued tracking feedback by way of commercial transfer stamps, business licenses, and building permit touches. This information is provided to the City of Berwyn by way of the Vacant Properties Report and Building Permit Report on a quarterly basis. 1. The BDC also continued to market the Finish Line Grant and Pay As You Go TIF Programs. BDC staff began marketing these programs to businesses in the newly extended Harlem TIF. In Q2, the BDC expanded the Finish Line Grant to cover eligible business marketing expenses in our TIF Districts. B. Business Retention and Expansion (Existing Business Prospects): b. The BDC retention program identified the needs of existing businesses in the following ways: i. The BDC provided information 1271 times to existing businesses on economic, demographic, or commercial real estate. Some businesses were contacted with multiple touches, hence the large number of retention information shared. The primary focus in Q2 was COVID-19 pandemic related resources. ii. The BDC updated information on Berwyn’s economic profile, including the available properties map, vacancy information to aldermen, and sales tax data in our annual and quarterly reports. The BDC website was also updated to reflect change in resources and policies from national, state, and local guidance. iv. The BDC continued to maintain a database of all Berwyn businesses and work with the Permit Administrator to revamp the City business license process. 1. In Q2, the BDC received information for commercial permits awarded by the City of Berwyn. Each permit contact received between 1 and 4 “touches,” or communication attempts. C. Miscellaneous a. The BDC operates the Commercial Loan and Microloan pools to assist community businesses with financing options. The BDC issued one loan: (1) to Heritage Funeral Home in the amount of $150,000 for the acquisition of the adjacent building to be demolished and eventually built as a parking lot. b. The BDC submitted applications to the AARP Community Challenge Grant for $50,000 to improve community access to information by way of virtual town hall meetings, as well as to the 2020 Capacity Building Grant through the FHL Bank of Chicago for $30,000 to upgrade the BDC’s loan servicing software.


Social Media/Marketing Results




55K 50K 45K 40K 35K 30K 25K












14,582 3,705







2,660 2020 FOLLOWERS

14,869 2019 FOLLOWERS





3,444 2019 FOLLOWERS










Change in the City of Berwyn Zoning Code to allow for the return to commercial use of historically commercial buildings in residential zoning districts. Special use approval is required

Change in the City of Berwyn Zoning Code for off-street parking requirements for medical office use

Final authorization of the First Amendment to the Roosevelt Road TIF District, extending its life through 2032

Final authorization of the First Amendment to the South Berwyn (Depot) TIF District, extending its life through 2032

Approval of an Intergovernmental Agreement with Berwyn taxing bodies for tax revenue sharing, as related to the boundary extension of the Harlem TIF District

Approval of the second portion of a Commercial Loan to Heritage Funeral Home for the acquisition of an adjacent building, to be demolished and built as a parking lot

Approval of a Commercial Loan for La Parra, Inc. for the completion of work on a new restaurant

Approval of an amendment to existing BDC Commercial Loans

Approval of a Host Agreement between the City of Berwyn and Craft Creations, LLC, for the establishment of a cannabis grow facility

Creation of a map of Berwyn businesses currently open for curbside pickup and delivery

Seminar: Get to know the Women's Business Development Center

Recovery and Reopening Series for Phase 3 Businesses: Restaurants

Recovery and Reopening Series for Phase 3 Businesses: Hair/Nail/Beauty Salons

Recovery and Reopening Series for Phase 3 Businesses: Retail

Nonprofit Roundtable

Recovery and Reopening Series for Phase 3 Businesses: Health Care/ Clinic-Massage, Acupuncture, etc.

Recovery and Reopening Series for Phase 3 Businesses: Gyms (personal training/small group/yoga/Pilates)

Recovery and Reopening Series for Phase 3 Businesses: Offices (Insurance, legal, consulting, professional, etc.)

Women in Business Monthly Meeting

BDC Seminar: Cash is King! Cash-flow and Small Business Recovery

BDC Seminar: Basics of Social Media Marketing

City of Berwyn approves the creation of a Vacant Building and Property Registry

Approval of a Pay as You Go Redevelopment Agreement with La Parra, Inc.

Approval of a Pay as You Go Redevelopment Agreement with La Lupita Restaurant

Creation of the Temporary Land Use Application for restaurants and bars to receive approval for outside dining during Phase 3 of Reopening

Nonprofit Roundtable

Berwyn Area Community Resource Guide is distributed in 7 communities

Women in Business Monthly Meeting: Marketing for Small Businesses

Recovery and Reopening Series for Phase 4 Businesses: Small Gyms and Clinics

Creation of the Diversely Owned section of the BDC website to identify and map businesses self-identifying as diversely owned

Creation of the Patio Map on the BDC website to help residents find open outdoor seating spaces in Berwyn

Approval of a $7.5 million Tax Increment Revenue Bond for Depot District infrastructure improvements




The BDC used its various social media platforms to push out Curbside pick up and delivery offerings in the community.

The BDC developed and published an 108 Page Community Resource Guide that was delivered to a total of 7 communities. The BDC decided to expand the distribution of the Magazine to provide Berwyn businesses an opportunity to have an imprint in neighboring communities.

The BDC helped push out essential services available for the community such as Food Pantries, Mental Health Programs and Food Drives limited to seniors.

The BDC worked to include all of Berwyn's Registered Brick and Mortar businesses in the Community Guide at no additional cost to the businesses.

The BDC spotlighted vital community resources in the community resource guide at no cost. Such as the school districts, park districts, library, Township Health District and the 708 Mental Health Board.

The BDC Launched the annual WhyBerwyn Marketing campaign throughout the Chicagoland Community. The Campaign will run from June 29 to October 18.

This year, the campaign will have limited billboards in the Chicagoland Area. A total of 10 Billboards are present in the following communities: Near South Side, Pilsen, West Loop, Old Town, Bucktown, Wicker Park, Old Irving Park Neighborhood, Roscoe Village, Uptown.

"The City of Berwyn launched their Integrated Marketing Campaign in 2007 in order to differentiate the City of Berwyn from the many suburbs of Chicago. In 2014, the BDC undertook a year of research to refresh Berwyn’s look and brand to reflect our community’s rich history and forward momentum. The City of Berwyn and the Berwyn Development Corporation (BDC) launched a refreshed face for the campaign with a new tagline, “Nothing Like a Suburb. ” The “Nothing Like a Suburb ” and ""Full of Character"" campaign is now in its sixth year with two new billboard designs adorning the streets of Chicago. Berwyn is positioned as a top-choice destination for first-time homebuyers. We believe that Berwyn cannot be blended into suburbia because it is a thriving, self-made city defined by our local pride, accessible nightlife and warm, welcoming attitude. Our community diversity, growing arts movement, eclectic music scene and growing retail and dining experiences makes Berwyn a community offering city amenities with a neighborhood feel outside of Chicago. a new component of our campaign this year, will be to introduce our featured community members on each bill board campaign as our neighbors. We added the tagline, ""Meet your neighbor, ___"". As a result of COVID-19 we have shifted our efforts from heavy billboard and large events to more of a digital presence and renewed small events concepts that highlight our many amenities.

The BDC partnered with the Berwyn Fire Department to help develop a marketing and recruitment plan for candidates to take the July 2nd Firefighter/Paramedic Test. The following was created for this initiative: 1. Berwyn Area Magazine Ad had about 33,000 impressions 2. Facebook Ad a. Ran for 1 week (6/17-6/25) b. Targeted to: i. Within a 25 mi radius of Chicago ii. Ages 22-35, all genders iii. African American, Asian American, Hispanic (Bilingual) iv. Interests/Occupations that fell under: 1. Firefighter 2. Law Enforcement 3. Community and Social Services 4. Bilingual 5. EMT 6. Fire Department 7. Fire Station 8. First Responder 9. Military 10. Paramedic 11. Public Service c. 14 Placements across Facebook and Instagram (i.e. Stories, Video Ads, Newsfeeds, Marketplace). d. Deliverables: i. Impressions: 28,831 ii. Clicks on application link: 458 iii. 31 likes, 2 comments, 4 shares e. Job Post on Chamber Master site i. Hits/Views: 48 f. What's Next? i. Application date has been pushed until July 2nd and some of the pre-requisites have changed to be due at the time of offer. All copy in ads has been updated to reflect these changes ii. Joel schedules video with Chief Hayes iii. We launch a new targeted, digital Ad on LinkedIn, using content similar (or the same) as was used in the Facebook Ad.


Worked with the COVID Response Team to Develop immediate Communication to the business community regarding the Shelter in Place Order, Restore Illinois Recovery Plan, City Wide Curfew during Protests and PPE/funding programs available. A minimum of 37 e-blasts were drafted and sent to the Business Community.

BDC translated and formated documents from the Berwyn Health District for


the business community




The BDC rolled out a series of COVID-19 Prevention PSA's

431 businesses received Paycheck Protection Program grants of less than $150,000, and 40 Berwyn businesses receiving grants of more than $150,000.

The BDC conducted continuous rounds of outreach for the Business Community

Within Q2, the BDC conducted 750 outreach calls to all Berwyn businesses to provide clarity regarding the Governor's Shelter in Place order and subsequently field calls regarding the transition from each phase of the Restore Illinois Recovery Plan. Overtime the BDC circled back to call businesses and remind them about the funding opportunities available in the form of Grants and Loans.

The BDC developed a Diversely Owned Web Page focused on resources for minority owned businesses. The website also allows business to self identify as minority owned: The Berwyn Development Corporation strives to empower all businesses to achieve the highest level of success and thereby help to create the strongest possible local economy. We identify that there are many barriers that minority-owned businesses face in achieving this goal. As a result, the BDC has developed programs and partnerships with community organizations to assist minority-owned businesses. The first step that one can take in supporting this initiative is identifying one's self as a minority-owned business.

The BDC Developed a Land Use Application and Permit Process to allow Businesses the Opportunity to safely offer alternatives to customers looking to support local businesses.

3322 S OAK PARK AVE, 2ND FL | BERWYN, IL 60402 (708) 788-8100 info@berwyn.net Berwyn.net f @BerwynDevelopmentCorporation i @Berwyn Development Corporation

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