Beaconhouse A ock Beaconhouse Attock Campus Newsletter Inside this issue:
Go Green
Wall Hand Prini ng
Eid Milan Party
Art and Ar sts.
Experience and Learn
Safety First
By SM Amna Waqas
This Is How We Look Like
An African proverb states, “It takes an en re village to raise a child.” Here at Beaconhouse A ock, together with staff, parents and other stakeholders, we aim to raise all students in a manner so that he or she can have the best possible start in life. We are willing to do everything it takes to ensure that all children in our care grow up in an environment suitable for his/her wellbeing. Our aim, thus, is to be a dynamic learning community that nurtures loyal ci zens with global outlook and a good character, and this is what we can and will do to the best of our abili es.
Art and Ar st page: 3
In Touch Globally Beaconhouse celebrates all the special days which are celebrated interna onally in order to remain in touch globally. On October 17, Beaconhouse A ock Campus celebrated Global Dignity Day to stress that every individual deserves respect and we should respect workers, teachers, parents and fellow beings. Children were introduced to the concept of respec ng their fellows and taught that they shouldn’t mock them or
Good To Know… The first term result is going to be an nounced on January 23 ♦ The second term will start from January 14 ♦ Parents can visit the school offices from Tuesday through Thursday, 1:30 -2:00pm with prior appointments only.
Amna Waqas
Eid Milan Party page: 3
make fun of their weaknesses. All the students, teachers and junior staff made a human chain by joining their hands together in order to show that every man is equal and no one is superior on the basis of race, colour and tribe. The students gave badges
Because We Care! Beaconhouse A ock Campus is coping with the changing weather condi ons by se ling an indoor playing area for kids so that their fitness ac vi es may not face any hurdles.
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Think Green; Act Green; Go Green
‘Go Green’ because green goes with everything. It’s fresh and calming and this is the reason that plants are the perfect addi on to tree in their school garden –they were acliven up any room. companied by their class teachers. The li le Beaconites, on their Green Day celebrated on September 10, promised to keep their environment green by plan ng a
They watered the ny plant with wishes growing in their li le hearts to foresee this plant prospering.
Wall Hand Prin ng
I CAN, I WILL, I DO! I can…be successful today! I will… overcome the challenges I face today! I do…accept responsibility for
What an impressive addi on to the Beaconhouse A ock’s art canvas! Beyond the beau ful building, the Hand Prin ng Wall showcases the colours of nature and shows the determina on of Beaconites to stay united. One Friday morning, pupils came to
school dressed in colourful clothes to spread colours on the main entrance wall Did You Know….. using hand prints. Breakfast is the most important What a great way to give the li le kids a sense meal of the day. It helps in your of ownership! memory, a en on span, concentra on and disposi on.
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Eid Milan Party We Celebrate The Laughter Together! Eid Milan Party was celebrated at Beaconhouse A ock on November 16 in order to create awareness about the importance of this event for Muslims. They were introduced to the concept of sacrifice and, most importantly, they came to know how we have to bow our heads in front of Allah’s will. With the oath of listening to their parents and to give respect to their words, they started their day and spread happiness in every inch of the school.
We conducted different ac vi es amongst the students such as dumb charade and musical chairs. Although all the kids were looking fabulous, but Artaash from Nursery dressed in Sherwani was chosen as ‘Boy of the Day.’ At the end of the ac vi es, the children were given goodie bags as they all were special guests on that day.
Parent Teacher Mee ng Parents, Teachers and Students make a triangle – the smooth running of which ensures great success. We believe in con nuous interac on with parents through formal and informal PTMs. These sessions help parents to: ♦ Get to know about their
child’s performance. Communicate their concerns to the school or teacher. ♦ Ask what they can contribute to their child’s development. Following this tradi on, we had our 1stPTM on November 29 which proved useful in en-
Respect Integrity Discipline
Art and Ar sts Our young ar sts get the chance to show their crea vity on canvas at Beacon house. They indulge in ac vies which are specifically designed to enhance their ar sc sense. They also learn new concepts like sounds, shapes, alphabets, and coun ng numerals through role plays and other interes ng hands-on
ac vi es.
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Experience and Learn!
At Beaconhouse, we believe in learning with joy i.e ac vity-based learning. Children enjoy their rou ne lessons with a variety of sensory experiences such as feeling different textures– stones, sand, leaves, dew beneath their feet, and exploring mini beasts in the playground etc. These observances provide an ideal seEng for science and language curriculum in regards to vocabulary and discussion of opposites: wet and dry, hot and cold, cloudy and sunny. These outdoor ac vi es also induce discipline and fit-
We talk to our children about emergency situa ons like fire, earthquake etc. During the roune ac vi es, we ring the emergency buzzer without informing the teachers and children, and they leave their work and make a line to come out and sit in a safe area which they have been
Spreading The Colours Beaconites are busy spreading colours through celebra on of colour days on every Friday. We have celebrated Red Day, Blue Day, Yellow Day, Green Day and Orange Day.
Reminder... •
makes your child own his/her
All these Fridays are associated with colours in order to acquaint them with different colours.
school and also inculcates a sense of discipline in them. So, you are requested to send your child in proper school uniform.
Pet Day They Also Need Love!! Pet Day was celebrated on December 21 in order to develop a caring aEtude towards animals, so that they would know that not only human beings, but animals also need care and love. Every student brought a pet animal with him and introduced his pet to other pupils.Artaash and Aleeza were wore costumes of their favourite animal and were given apprecia on cer ficates by the SM.
“Punctuality is a key to success” . School mings are to be followed strictly i.e 8:00am
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This Is How We Look Like…. The décor of the school defines you the meaning of team work prac cally. All teachers have put their best efforts to
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Rooms’ Exposi ons
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